Chapter 404unparalleled
“什么-!?”With astonishmentextremely the bigcryspreadson the drill ground, dreweveryone'sattentioninstantaneouslycompletely.
惊愕万分的大叫声在操场上扩散开来,瞬间就把所有人的注意力全部拉了过来。„Iandmyhead harness!!”
The redgroup that overwhelms with numerical strengthis also good, whiteround/ball who barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, thislittle whileisin the hand the movementstops, the doubtslookedandat a loss. centralthattojadeperson
不论是人多势众的红团也好,还是苟延残喘的白团也罢,这会儿均是手上动作一停,疑惑且茫然地望向了场中央的那对璧人。„- Youfor a long timeoh! Bighero~”Takeiplaces the mouthto make the amplifyingshape the hand.
“-等你好久了噢!大英雄~”竹井将手放在嘴边做扩音状。„Come on~ ~ ~! Megumi-chan!!”JiSichuanYoshikoboth handsoverlappingto becomefist, places the chest front.
“加油~~~!小惠!!”姬川佳子双手交叉成拳,放在胸前。„Can complete-! Katou! Youwere too graceful!!!”Yamaguchisends out the excitedresoundingcall, looksis burning the lighttotheireyesprobably.
“做得好-!加藤!你们太帅了!!!”山口发出激动不已的高亢呐喊,望向他们的眼睛里像是燃着光。Inplayers, becauseYusuketwopeople of thatsuddenshockingarrivals, butfalls into the shortblank of train of thoughtshutdown.
The head harness that the benefitwill also snatcha moment agowasinone, said: „Sorry, Yusuke, yourfast......, youdid not runquickly, Icannotattaincompletely.”
惠也将刚才抢来的头带系在了一起,说道:“对不起喔,悠介,你的速……唔,你跑得太快了,我没能全部拿到。”„All right.”Katou Yusukethinksasked: „Sorry, wantsmeslowly?”
“没事。”加藤悠介想了一下问道:“抱歉,要我慢一点吗?”„Wú~ ~ ~Yusukeyouhave no needto take care ofmeespecially, thiswas good, Iwill be familiar withslowly.”
“嗯。”Exchangedtwobriefly, others alsorespondedatthis time.
简短交流了两句,其他人也在这时反应了过来。„Whatdoes?? Unexpectedlywas initiative?” The leaders of redgroupmutteredsurprisedly, at oncemakes noiseto shout.
“搞什么??居然主动出来了?”红团的领头者不由惊奇地喃喃道,旋即出声喊了起来。„Useless, PresidentKatou, yougive up! Goes tosomepeopleto blockthem! Moreover, eliminatesa bit faster the whitegroupremainingpeople-!”
“没用的,加藤会长,你们还是放弃吧!去一些人拦着他们!另外,快点把白团剩下的人也淘汰掉-!”Underherdirection, the players of redgroupfan out in two groups. On the one handcontinues the remnants of dialoggroupto suppress, thenat the same timeisbranches outsomemanpowertowardthem.
在她的指挥之下,红团的选手兵分两路。一方面继续对白团的残兵败将进行压制,一方面则是分出一部分人手朝他们而来。Thump thumpclatterclatter, treadtreadtreadtread.
咚咚嗒嗒、蹬蹬蹬蹬。Wore the students of redkerchiefto composelike the paradelivelyteam, inboiling the chaoticsound of footstepsapproachedtotwo peopleunceasingly, quickarrived in front ofthem.
The playerfacial expression of redgroupis prudent, probablyquitesomewhatdreadedtohim,actuallycloses, submergesthem.
The Katou Yusukecomplexionquietly, moves forward to meet somebodyslowly.加藤悠介面色沉静,慢悠悠地迎了上去。Severalpeopledid not run the choice that does not run awayto do the surprisebyhim, but the movement on hand is actually not slow.
几人被他不跑不逃的选择搞得诧异,但手上的动作倒是不慢。„Sorry~Vice-chairmanKatou.” A female studentintonationsaidsprightly,simultaneouslyopens the right handto gotowardHuiTan. Actuallydiscovered that the opposite partylooks atherpeacefully, in the delicatepupilcannot seeslightlyflurriedly,
“对不起啦~加藤副会长。”一名女生语调明快地说道,同时张开右手朝惠探去。却发现对方只是安静地看着她,清秀的眸子里看不到丝毫慌乱,Well, soto be how calm?
The female studentscannot bearsomedoubts want to say that thentransfersjoyfully, thinks that the opposite partyhas given up.
女生忍不住有些疑惑地想道,接着又转为喜悦,认为对方是已经放弃。Not is only she, several other pairssaw that thispartner is so also thinking.
不仅仅是她,就连其他几对看到这一幕的搭档也是如此想着。However the situationhad the changein the nextquarter.
然而情况却在下一刻出现了变化。Facinghand that the female studentextends, although the young girlhas not moved, belowYusukeactuallymoved.
面对女生伸来的手,虽然少女未动,不过下方的悠介却是动了。In【Dodges】in addition of skillholds, he is just the footstepsturns, two peoplethenresemble the loachhappen to letthemgenerally, enabling the benefitto use the neutral gear of opposite partywithout enough timechange, tears off first head harness of female student.
在【闪避】技能的加持下,他只不过是脚步一扭,两人便似泥鳅一般地正好让过他们,使惠可以利用对方这段来不及变化的空档,扯下第一个女生的头带。Thenis the footstepsmoves, the sideemigratestwodistances, avoidscombination that anotherpairruns, moves sidewaystotheirflankfield of visiondead angle, makingit unable to adaptandreturn to basefor a while, the benefitthensearched the handto take down the secondhead harnessagain.
接着又是脚步一挪,侧移出两步的距离,躲开另一对跑上来的组合,闪身至他们侧方的视野死角,令其一时无法适应和回防,惠便再次探手取下第二根头带。At this moment, the thirdpaircombinedalsoto jump overfromthembehind, andactedin the field of visiondead angle.
就在这时,第三对组合也从他们身后越了上来,并同样在视野的死角出手了。Facingtheirattacks, the youngsteractually conducted the backsteadilyeyeprobably, the under foothad foresightsameslidesonesectiontoside.
面对他们的攻击,少年却像是背上长了眼睛似的,脚下未卜先知一样地向旁边滑出一截。Stilltook the thirdhead harnesswithout enough time, twogroups of peoplecompelled the bodyto arrive at the near.
The Katou Yusukefiguremoves fast, the movementis clever, non-stopdodgingtheirattack. The appearance that aboutorganizesas if the leaf that dropsfrom the branch, as the breezewavesgently, nimble and resourceful that could not say.加藤悠介的身形飘忽,动作灵巧,不停闪避着他们的进攻。左右腾挪的样子仿佛从枝头上落下的树叶,随着微风而轻轻舞动,说不出的灵动。Includinga moment ago that sneak attackedfrom the rear areatocombining, the player of threegroups of redwas pulled the success and failurepositionin the chasesbyhim, andis completely muddledis captured the head harnessby the benefit.
包括刚才从后方偷袭的那对组合在内,三组红方的选手在追逐间被他拉扯得失位,并在晕头转向中被惠夺取了头带。Thisa series ofmovementseyes cannot take it all , the movementas well ascoordinationexquisiteness, not onlycauses the audience under fieldto exclaim in surpriseagain and again, the female student who the redgroupleadsalsolooks the startledcolor.
这一连串的动作让人目不暇接,身法以及配合之精妙,不仅引得场下的观众连连惊叹,就连红团领头的女生也是面露惊色。„This is nothing!? Has cheated-!?!?”Shecalled the shoutingto shout, actuallyno onecananswerherissue.
“这算什么啊!?已经是作弊了吧-!?!?”她叫叫嚷嚷道,却没有人能回答她的问题。When the female studentalsoimmersesin the unbelievablemood.
在女生还沉浸于难以置信的情绪中时。Katou Yusuke is the stridetreadsforward, to/clashesrapidly.加藤悠介便是大步向前踏出,飞速冲来。
The people in fieldare shockedinhe justperformance, for a whiledeals, was in severalbreathbyhimclose to the captain.
场上的众人震惊于他方才的表现,一时应对不及,被他在几个呼吸间就接近了指挥者。„A bit fasterout of the way-!”
“快点躲开-!”Female student of leadterrifiedonestartled, quicklywas urging the partnerleaves, howevereventuallylateonestep.
The depressedstepping ongroundsoundresoundsin the ear, actuallysteps onprobablyinherheart is the same.
The female studentsopen the eyespanic-stricken, tried the opens the mouthto sayanything, innextsecond to that„combative”ice-coldlook, inheartimmediatelyonetimid, the train of thoughtstopped suddenly.
The young girl of delightfulvoice of youngsterlow and deepvoiceandresounded.
A hand of fairasjadeextendsgentlytowardher.
A fetterfeelingloosen before withvolume, the brightredhead harnessalsopulled outfromherheadquicklyleaves.
The female studentslift the handto press the foreheadat a loss, is staring atfrontthatsteadilyto the form.
女生茫然地抬起手按着额头,目不转睛地盯着面前的那对身影。Sees the vice-chairman of student association, at this timeherhead harnesswithotherdepartmentsin the same place, butthatexpressioncalmassociation presidentcalmlyis waiting forher.
就见学生会的副会长,此时正把她的头带与其他的系在一起,而那位表情沉稳的会长则是静静等待着她。„Yo~good, Yusuke.”Ties up the benefit of head harnessto sayin a soft voice.
“呦咻~好了喔,悠介。”绑好头带的惠轻声说道。„Good.”Katou Yusukethennods, returned toonetranquilly: „We, continue.”
“嗯~”Two peopleturn toward the surroundingcrowdto goon own initiative, onlyleaves behind a pair of valiantback.
The female studentcomplexion of leadbecomescomplex, in the brainremembers the words that previouslywhitegroupthatfemale studentspoke, dejectedlylownangets up: „...... Canregretabsolutely?”
领头的女生面色变得复杂,脑中不由想起了先前白团那名女生所说的话,沮丧地低喃起来:“……绝对会后悔的吗?”At this momentsilence reigns, the observeralsocannot help butsyllabic final under fieldholds the breath, pursuesthattwoformssubconsciously.
The youngsteryoung girlshuttles back and forthin the crowd.
少年少女在人群里穿梭。Yusukeis responsible forpursuing the person, the benefitis responsible fortaking the head harness.悠介负责追人,惠负责取头带。Bothact in harmony.
两者配合默契。Although the sideonlyhaseach other, has an irresistiblesharpstrength, powerful.
虽然身边仅有彼此,却有一种势不可挡的锋锐劲头,气势如虹。Facingraising eyesall the situation of enemy.
面对举目皆敌的处境。Two peopleactuallystillenter the uninhabited area, the footstepsflexibleare ordinaryjust like the ghosts and demons, passed over gently and swiftlyeach time, definitelysomepeoplewill be eliminated.
两人却犹入无人之境,脚步灵活宛如鬼魅一般,每次从人身边掠过,都必然会有人惨遭淘汰。Redgroupplayer'sinitiativechase from the beginningfield, arrives at the middlearduous struggles, againtoafterwardshrinking back at the sight.
The obviouschange between expression and movement, allunder the audiencebyfieldwas lookedclear.
表情与动作间的明显变化,皆被场下的观众看得一清二楚。Calling out in alarm of audiencecontinuously.
观众们的惊呼此起彼伏。„Good, is quite fierce!!”
“哇啊啊啊啊啊!”„Thattwopeople were also too fierce!!”
“那两个人也太厉害了吧!!”„Has eliminatedtenpeoplecontinuously, was too strong!?”
“已经十五人了!!”„Aren't theytired??”
“他们都不累吗??”„Onlywas left over itselfobviously, not onlyhad not actually been eliminated, insteadis eliminatingothersunceasingly!?”
“明明只剩下自己了,却不仅没有被淘汰,反而在不断淘汰别人!?”Surprised, wroteon the face every people.
惊讶,写在了每一人的脸上。In the team of bluegroup, previouslyalsodispiritedstudentsthis timewas the spiritinspiredgreatly, and a faceis gazing at the change in fieldstimulated, shoutedexcitedly.
“今天的小惠也太飒了吧!”姬川佳子双眼放光。„Come on-! SchoolmateHui, Yusuke!”Takeilifts up highexcitedly.
“加油-!惠同学,悠介!”竹井兴奋地高举着手。„Clash/To! Katou-! Like thiseliminatescompletelythem!!”Yamaguchishouted loudlyhoarsely, on the darkskinpresented the stimulatedflushed, the facetwo sidesmusclesare shiveringslightly, the grindingis clenching teeth.
“冲啊!加藤-!就这样把他们全部淘汰掉!!”山口声嘶力竭地高喊,黝黑的皮肤上呈现出亢奋的红潮,脸部两边的肌肉在微微颤动着,磨咬着牙。Comparesfeeling proud and elated of bluegroupstudents, anothertwogroupsstudentare not high-spirited.
相比起蓝团学生们的扬眉吐气,另外两个团体的学生情绪就没那么高了。Has the students of redgroupthen unable to bearsay: „AlthoughPresidentKatouisveryfierce, buttheyeventuallyonly thentwopeople, do not have the meansto attainfirstagain?”
闻言。whiteround/balldisplaysexceptionallysilent, butwatches the competitionsilently, the hearthas the intimacy.
白团对此表现得异常沉默,只是默默看着比赛,心有戚戚。Butwas the bluegroup of wife's relativeshas not been being used tohim, glowered, firepowerfull.
而身为娘家人的蓝团就没那么惯着他了,纷纷怒目而视,火力全开。„What's wrong? Youare despisingPresidentKatou!”
“怎么?你是在小看加藤会长吗!”„Youdid not have the qualificationsto speakthese words, onegroup of despicablevillains!”
“你们才没有资格说这句话咧,一群卑鄙小人!”„In other words! Youplay the words that cheats, PresidentKatoutheyalsohas no need forthisnow!”
The redgroup is also straightens one's neckto respond, „thatisbecauseyouwere too weak!”
“你说什么!?”both sideslaunched the intensebickeringfrom this, quarrelledheatedly.
双方由此展开了激烈的口水战,面红耳赤地吵了起来。Intheyquarrelled the continuousperiod, the contest in fieldis continuingas before.
在他们争吵不休的期间,场上的争夺战则依旧在继续。With the lapse of time, has more and more redgroupplayersto be eliminated the arena, the population in fieldis also reducingunceasingly.
随着时间的推移,有越来越多的红团选手被淘汰出赛场,场上的人数也在不断缩减。Incrediblestrangeatmosphereis covering the drill ground.
The peoplethink sothatto the shockingbluecombinationgallopingarena.
众人就这么看着那对惊艳的蓝色组合驰骋赛场。Innermost feelingsregardingtwo people the view of whetherto being able to winalsofromstarting the suspicion, turnshalfly believing and half doubting, laterchanges into the strangesilence.
内心对于两人能否取胜的看法也从开始的怀疑,变成将信将疑,随后又化为诡异的沉默。On the fieldcould not see a player of redgroupagain.
不知不觉间,场上就再也见不到一个红团的选手了。Katou Yusukelifts the footto arrive at the drill groundcenter, therealsohasthreegroups of whiteround/ballfish slip through.加藤悠介抬脚走到操场中央,那里还有着三组白团的漏网之鱼。Three male and three femalelittle whileis sitting cross-leggedto siton the groundrests, evenhas not adopted the fightstance, butis looking athimdumbfoundedly, and benefit on hisshoulder.
Before comparing, in the young girltwowrists/skills of thislittle whileis not only entangling the head harness, in the pocketisto also installto be full, as ifinsilentis tellingtwo peoplescore.
相比起之前,这会儿的少女不仅两只手腕上都缠着头带,就连口袋里也是装得满满得,仿佛在无声地诉说着两人的战绩。both sideslook at each other.
The famouswhiteround/ballfemale studenttakes the leadto recover, solvedownhead harnesson own initiative, „do not begin, Isurrendered.”
有名白团的女生率先回过神来,主动把自己的头带解了下来,“别动手,我投降。”Said that thenstands up, handed overin the head harness the benefithand.
于是乎……„, I am also.”
“啊,还有我也是。”„We are also the same.”
“我们也一样。”Anothertwofemale studentsalsoawakenone after another, took along to give toownhead, andsaidheartfeltly„youwere too fierce, twoassociation presidents.”
另外两名女生也相继醒悟过来,把自己的头带交了出来,并由衷地说了一句“你们太厉害了,两位会长。”Katou Yusukehad no response, the benefitsaidin a soft voicethanked.加藤悠介对此没什么反应,惠则是轻声道了一声谢。As the students of whitegroupgo downfrom the field, two peoplethenbecame. ononlyfocus
随着白团的学生从场上走下,两人便成了场上的唯一焦点。„- bi!” The teacher who is the refereesoundedwhistle that represented the conclusion, the whistling soundwas resonant.
The voice of hostalsomade a soundfrom the speaker: „First-! The student association......, is not the bluegroup!!”
现场蓦地一静。Everyoneis a faceshockslooks at the two people in field, andas if by prior agreementcentralizedonKatou Yusuke.
The vision of youngsteris calm, the bearingis tall and straight, the makings that the bodysends outjust like the mistdensefreshmountain mist, onetypeare hardto state clearlyis orphaned clearandprofound.
少年的目光沉稳,站姿挺拔,身上散发出来的气质宛如雾气氤氲的清新山岚,有一种难以言明的孤清与深刻。Ifmustdescribethiswitha few words......
若是要用一句话来形容这一幕的话……InMopersonlikejade, young masterworldunparalleled.
陌上人如玉,公子世无双。Mustbe appropriate.
咕嘟……Indistincthasswallows the saliva the sound from resoundsomewhere.
After crossing for twoandthreeseconds .
, And......
啪、啪啪、啪啪啪……Lightly the applausegets upgradually, andgrowsin several secondsdoubled and re-doubled, startswarmly, then„bang”all of a sudden, transfersthunderously.
淅淅沥沥的掌声渐起,并在数秒以内成倍增长,开始热烈,接着又“轰”地一下子,转为雷鸣。On the drill ground, bursts into thunderous applause.
操场上,掌声雷动。Teacher, studentandguardian.
Everyone forthisat the splendidcompetition that in the hopeless situationreverses, offered the applauseheartfeltly.
The newstripfragrancevividlyis patting the palm, looks a wonderfuleye of circulationtosomebody'seyes, looks about the freshsplendor, in the brainnon-stoptastinghismagnificentperformance, onlythought that the bodywas crisp.
啪啪,新条香轻快地拍着掌,望向某人的眼中一阵妙目流转、顾盼生辉,脑中不停回味着他华丽的表现,只觉得身子骨都酥了。Score on the scoreboardwas announcedquickly.
记分板上的分数被很快地公布了出来。【Bluegroup】: 545points
【蓝团】:545分【Redgroup】: 505points
【红团】:505分【whiteround/ball】: 500points
【白团】:500分Seesthis, the students of bluegroupcannot bearstartto cheer.
见到这一幕,蓝团的学生们忍不住开始欢呼。„Waah, reallywonunexpectedlyandunexpectedly-!!”
“哇啊啊啊,竟然、竟然真的赢了-!!”„Reallywastoosplendid, Iam still shivering!”
“不愧是加藤会长和加藤副会长!”whiteround/ball the studentscomplexionis complex, butalsogot over an emotionoffered the applause.
白团的学生们面色复杂,但也释怀地献上了掌声。Previouslyquarrelled the redgroupstudent of getting flushed in the face with angerfor the result of the competitionas forthese, the expression on facelooked likeeats the mute of Chinese goldthread rhizometo be equally bitter and astringent......
至于那些先前为比赛结果吵到脸红脖子粗的红团学生,脸上的表情就像是吃了黄连的哑巴一样苦涩了……Incheers, Katou YusukeHuirelease/place.
欢呼声中,加藤悠介把惠放了下来。„...... ”
“……啊。”Just nowfalls to the ground, young girlis not then steady, the bodyis swayingforwarding, was drawnbyhimpromptlybackward, thissecured the position, butactuallyhithisarms.
The headis arriving at the chestgently, brings the gentleshampoofragrance.
脑袋轻轻抵着胸口,带起柔和的洗发水香味。„All right.”Katou Yusukeasked.
“没事吧。”加藤悠介问道。„...... Was not sorry,wassitsprobablywas too long, the legwas a little sour.”
“唔……抱歉,大概是坐太久了,腿有一点酸。”HuiHuanhuannods, the right handsupportsinheleft halfsidechest, asked: „ThenYusuke, youare happy?”
“嗯。”Was separated for sevenandeightseconds.
间隔了七、八秒钟。„...... It was good.” The young girlsbegingentlysupinely, on the facerevealsfeltprobablyrelievedas the smile, „IthinkYusuke, meetsnofeeling.”
“……太好了。”少女轻轻仰起头,脸上露出像是感到安心似的浅浅微笑,“我以为悠介,会没什么感觉呢。”Said that thenstood the body, takes backfromhischest the hand.
说完便站直了身体,将手从他胸口收回。Katou Yusukebreathedslowly a point, subsequentlyreturned tonormal.加藤悠介呼吸慢了一点,继而又恢复正常。Feeling......?
什么感觉?Tocompetition? Tovictory??
对比赛?对胜利?还是对人?Heis not quite clear, butdoes not wantto ask the exit|to speaksimilarly.
The presentyoung girlas ifspellsto try.
眼前的少女似乎拼尽了全力。On the snow whitedoublecheekpresentsmovementfrom now onruddiness, the foreheadis seepingclearthinHan, severalwisps of moistenedleadblack colorssend the silkto pastein the temple, seeming likesomewhatis slightly chaotic.
雪白的双颊上呈现出运动过后的红润,额头沁着一层清亮的薄汗,几缕被打湿的铅墨色发丝贴在鬓角,看上去稍稍有些纷乱。Katou Yusukenarrowed an eyeslightly, the visionfallsonherdisorderlysendingtree topplace, hangs the fingerbyrightshortstrouser legs coveringsto move, hasto think the helpto straighten out, butpressedthisideaimmediately......加藤悠介微微眯了一下眼睛,目光落在她凌乱的发梢处,垂在右边短裤裤腿旁的手指不由动了动,有心想帮忙理顺,但又马上将这一想法压了下去……Wasfeelshisline of sightprobably, the young girlalsolooked.
“……”Stared athimto look ata while.
The benefitextends the right handtohimsuddenly, moveshimgentlyclose to the sendingsilk of temple, straightens outitgently, thensaid: „Yusuke, yourhairwas chaotic.”
The headhumming sound, will revisetomorrow.
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