Chapter 403mustleaveyournearer(Last Part)compared withanybody
第403章比任何人都要离你更近(下)„Sits firmly.”
“坐稳。”AfterKatou Yusuke said that the benefitthenobeyedenclaspedhishead, simultaneously the leans forwardbody, lowered the center of gravityslightly.
当加藤悠介这么说了以后,惠便听从地抱紧了他的脑袋,同时微微前倾身体,将重心放低。Youngsterfurryshort of postsbefore the abdomen, the indistinctfeeling , is a little warm.
少年毛茸茸的短发贴在腹前,隐约有一点扎扎的感觉,却也十分温暖。„Will Yusuke, be uncomfortable?”
“不会。”Katou Yusukeuppers shiftboth hands, graspshersemicirclesmoothknee, is observing the situationencirclement ringgetting smaller, finallystoppedinsomedirection.加藤悠介将双手上移,抱住她半圆光滑的膝盖,环视着越来越小的包围圈,最后停在了某个方向上。„Walked.”
“走了。”„Un~come on.”
The young girlsrespondby the livelyvoice.
少女以轻快的嗓音做出回应。Ashervoicefallsdecides, hethenlifts the footto forward, ranin the direction of whitegroupteam.
看到他的行动。whiteround/ball the playerlooks the happy expressionin abundance, probablythought that heis walking into a trap, slowed down the footsteps, is ready in full battle array.
白团的选手纷纷面露喜色,像是觉得他在自投罗网,不由放慢了脚步,严阵以待。„Holds the association presidentthey-!”
“抓住会长他们-!”„Oh! Givesus-!”
“……”Withbeing close of distance, severalfemale studentsalsoliftedboth hands, is stoppingtheirway, whilewaits for an opportunitydue-outto prepareto rob the head harness.
The Katou Yusukecomplexionis usual, the pitch-blackpupilreflectsfrontthreepeople of positions, the under footis not drawing backinsteadenters, stepmixture of truth and deceit.加藤悠介面色如常,乌黑的眸子倒映着面前三人的方位,脚下不退反进,步伐虚虚实实。„Looksmy!”
“看我的!”Threefemale studentsput out a handtoward the benefitsimultaneously, butalsocoordinatestotwo peopleto approachwith the male student who theyteam up.
Before Yusuke, momentum that to/clashes, a footstepstread, the bodywill removesuddenlygentlyin the future.悠介前冲的势头忽而一顿,紧接着脚步一蹬,身子轻轻往后一撤。Thenhas just letthreepeople of attackscopes, andcausesthem the bodyleans forwardimbalanceunder the inertiafunction, „”randomly callsalsohas a belowpartnercenter of gravity is not steady.
便是刚好让过三人的攻击范围,并使她们在惯性的作用下身体前倾失衡,“哇哇”乱叫的同时也带着下方的搭档一阵重心不稳。Threefemaleshave no timeto take into considerationto robfor a whileagain, onlyhopes that canretrievein advancebalanced.
三女一时再无暇顾及抢夺,只盼能先行找回平衡。Looks the neutral gear that threepeopleexpose, a Katou Yusukefootstepsrevolutioncirclestothembehind, the young girlthenseizes the timeto act.
窸窸窣窣。Threewhitehead harnessfell into the benefithand, eliminatedwhiteround/ballthreepairsto combinesmoothly.
三条白色的头带就落入了惠手中,顺利淘汰了白团的三对组合。Butthis timethreefemale studentsjuststood firmbalanced, thenrealized that hadanything.
而这时的三名女生才刚刚稳住平衡,接着才意识到发生了什么。„! Myhead harnessdid not have-!”
“哇啊啊啊啊啊!”„Was finished!”
“完蛋了!”„Youare quite fierce~ ~Yusuke.” The benefitis sayingby the surprisedtonein a soft voice, and head harness that preparesto snatchisin the wrist/skill, was actually broken.
“你好厉害~~悠介。”惠以惊讶的口吻轻声说着,并准备将抢来的头带系在手腕,却被人打断。„- Hateful! Holdsthema bit faster!!”Somewhiteround/ballfemale studentsoshouts.
踢踏踢踏,踢踏踢踏。Withdisorderlysound of footsteps, there aremorepeopleto catch up.
伴随着杂乱的脚步声,又有更多的人赶了过来。Katou Yusukeseesthisbrowslightlywrinkle, saidtoHuisits, leftto runagain.加藤悠介见此眉头微皱,对惠说了一声坐好,再次动身跑了起来。Hisfootstepsare lively, goes throughbetweennumerousred and white, this solitary oneclearformjust likeinsignificant.
他的脚步轻快,在一众红色与白色之间穿行,孤清的身影宛如沧海一粟。Welcomescrowd that is pursuingto come.
The Katou Yusukefootstepsspintwists, about the bodyswayshas letseveralpeopleone after another, such that andsuch as the young girlhopesbullies the bodyto enterin the whitegroupon own initiative, creates the opportunityforher.加藤悠介脚步旋拧,身子左右摆荡接连让过几人,并如少女所愿的那样主动欺身进入白团之中,为她制造机会。
The slenderformflashes the revolutionsto organizefrom time to time, from time to time the slidingstepsidemoves, makesvariousmovementsbeyond comprehension, walks randomlyin the crevices of whitegroupplayer.
修长的身影时而闪转腾挪,时而滑步侧移,做出各种令人费解的动作,在白团选手的空隙之间游走。Several, thenseveralpeoplewere eliminated.
A playerlooksdumbfounded, calls out in alarmin abundancemakes noise.
一众选手看得傻眼,纷纷惊呼出声。„Deceived people! Actuallycanhowbe ableto makethatmovement??”
“骗人!究竟要怎样才能做出那种动作啊??”„PresidentKatouthismonster! Weranto use energyobviouslyvery much!”
“加藤会长这个怪物!明明我们连跑起来都很费劲了!”„Thisis certainly cracking a joke!!”
“这一定是在开玩笑的吧!!”„Wordssaid that alsowants...... to workagain? Ido not have the strength......”somemale studentto sayquicklypantingly,andharvestedechoing of others instantaneously.
“话说难道还要……再进行下去吗?我已经快没有力气了啊……”某个男生气喘吁吁地说道,并瞬间就收获了其他人的附和。„They have a personin any case, has no alternative butto managethem?”
“反正他们也只有一个人,就不能不管他们吗?”„In other words!”
The male studentscomplained.
男生们不由抱怨了起来。After allrunson the drill groundat the back of a personcontinuously, is really onetests the physical strengthvery much the matter.
If there is harvestedfortunately, buthas not harvestedfacinglong time , the buckle the situations of manycompanions, made one lose the patienceon the contraryunavoidably.
若是有所收获还好,但面对长时间没有收获,反倒还折损了许多同伴的情况,难免就让人失去耐心了。Although the whitegroupfemale student of leadin the heartis also anxious, butcannotcontinueto look on the moraleto drop, thereforespoketo encourageimmediately.
领头的白团女生虽然心中同样焦急,但又不能继续坐视士气下降,于是立即出言鼓励了起来。„Everyone-! So long asinsistedagainwas good, even the physical strength of PresidentKatouis not infinite!”
“大家-!只要再坚持一下就好了,就算是加藤会长的体力也不是无限的!”Shesaid that andturns the headto looktoredgroupfemale student , to continue saying: „Youalsosaidanything! Have not looked there.”
她说完又转头看向身旁的红团女生,继续道:“你也说点什么啊!别在那里一直看着。”However the leadfemale students of redgrouphave not respondedimmediately, butlooking pensivesilent, thenhad no moodun, was ledherto approachtoward the female students of whitegroupbyownpartner.
然而红团的领头女生却并未马上回应,而是若有所思地沉默了一下,然后才没什么情绪地嗯了一声,让自己的搭档带着她朝白团的女生靠近一些。„In this case, Ihave an idea.”
“这样的话,我有一个想法。”„Whatidea?”whiteround/ball the female studentis frowningto ask.
“什么想法?”白团的女生皱着眉头问道。„WasPresidentKatou who yousaida moment agodoes not have the physical strength, in additionhad the matter that weformed an alliance, couldfinish~”
“就是你刚才说的加藤会长也没有体力了,啊,另外还有我们结盟的事情,或许可以结束了~”„-?”whiteround/ball the female studentwas donebythissuddentransitionis startled, buthas not waited forherto respond......
嗖~With the fricative of cloth.
A pure whitehead harnessthenfallsfromherhead.
一条纯白的头带便是从她头上滑落。„Thereforeisthis~sorry, was laboriousyou~!” The female students of redgroupsalutegrinningly, in the handalsograspsthatto beherhead harness.
“所以就是这样啦~抱歉,辛苦你们了~!”红团的女生笑嘻嘻地敬了一个礼,手中还握着那条属于她的头带。whiteround/ball the female studentstared the circleinstantaneously the eye, buthas not waited forherto sayanything, toconvenientshoutedloudly.
白团的女生瞬间瞪圆了眼睛,只是还不等她说些什么,对方便是大声喊了起来。„- Everyone of redgroup! Firstdid not needto managePresidentKatouthey, nowtogetherperson who startedto clean upwhiteround/ball!!”
The scenepresented the shortsilencebecause ofthese words.
紧接着-„Yourthisstupidwoman! Laterwill regretabsolutely!”
“你这个蠢女人!之后绝对会后悔的!”„Do youdoexcitedly? Thatmatterhas not been one's turnyouto worry~? Howeveroffersthank you~ ~”
“你这么激动干什么?那种事情已经轮不到你操心了吧~?不过还是谢谢你们的奉献~~”Twoleadfemale students'dialoguesreverberateon the drill ground, spread to the ear every people clearly.
The friendshipboatsaid that turnsturns.
友谊的小船说翻就翻。Receivesthemto break off the broughtinfluence.
受到她们决裂所带来的影响。On the field the red and whitetwoteams of playerslooked at each other in blank dismay.
The atmospheresuddenlybecomessomewhatstrange.
气氛忽然变得有些诡异。Althoughsomepeoplehesitate, butalsosomepeoplepromptlyacted.
虽然有的人还在犹豫,但也有人当机立断地出手了。Takes this opportunity, initiatedmorepeopleto startto attack each other.
原本的团结一心顿时变得骂声一片。Revoltsstemming from the self-preservation, orinitiativeorpassive, everyone was swept across.
无论是出于自保还是反抗,或主动或被动的,每个人都被席卷进了其中。Shortly, the players of redgroupandwhitegroupthenfoughtrandomlyinone.
顷刻之间,红团与白团的选手便乱战在了一起。Katou Yusukestandsin the corner of drill ground, stands bytotheirinternal strifes, thenaskedone: „Youare good, benefit.”加藤悠介站在操场的角落,对他们的内讧作壁上观,然后开口问了一句:“你还好吗,惠。”„Wú......, fortunately, butis a little dizzy.” The young girlspant for breathgentlyare returningsaid,is waiting and seeing the situation in field, whileis returning to normal the aura.
“唔……嗯,还好,只是有点头晕。”少女轻轻喘息着回道,一边观望着场上的局势,一边平复着气息。„ThenYusukeyou? Is tired, putsto restme?”
“那么悠介你呢?累不累,也把我放下来休息一下吧?”„All right.”
“没事。”„Real? Younotinreluctantlyoneself......?”
“真的吗?你没有在勉强自己吧……?”Katou Yusukeshakes the headslowly , indicating to deny.加藤悠介缓缓摇了摇头,表示否认。HuiZhecaifelt relieved,subsequentlyanalyzes saying: „Wefirstresthere, whenwhiteround/ballsooncannot supporthelpsagain.”
惠这才放下心来,继而分析道:“那我们先在这里休息一下,等白团快要支撑不住的时候再去帮忙吧。”Said that thencontinuesto observe the situation.
说完便继续观察起情况。HearsthissayingYusukedeeplyto knit the brows, feelsforthat in hertoneearnestlyexhausted.
“……”Heraised the headslightly, wantsto observe the expression of young girl, becauseactually the relations of angleare unable to see clearly, thereforegives up.
他微微抬起头,想要观察一下少女的表情,却因为角度的关系无法看清,于是又放弃。For all that pours can also learnopposite partythis timeconditionfromotheraspects.
虽然如此,倒也能从其他的方面得知对方此时的状态。For examplebody that the disorderrespite, the risenbody temperature, shiversslightly, as well asslightlyfingertip of blanch......
比如紊乱的喘息,升高的体温,轻微颤抖的身体,以及微微发白的指尖……Allpresents the indication that the physical strengthsoonexhausts.
所有的一切均呈现出体力快要耗尽的征兆。However the young girlis actually analyzing the situationas before, the plan that completelydo not give up, shows and ordinary dayliving simplyattitudeincompatiblefocus.
然而少女却依旧在分析着局势,完全没有要放弃的打算,展现出与平日的淡泊作风不符的执着。Heis silentasking: „Do youalsowantto continue? Benefit.”
The young girlssent out an acoustic imagearepuzzledaslight, thenlowers the headslowly, looks athimto ask: „...... Yusuke don't you, wantto continueagain?”
“……”Katou Yusukehas not spoken, toreplace the replysilent.加藤悠介没有说话,以沉默代替了回答。
The benefitthinks,firstwaslooks up a direction of anxiousgroup, subsequentlylowers the head, saidby the intonation that temperatehad no interest in: „IfYusukehopes, Ilistenyour.”
惠想了想,先是抬头望了一眼蓝团的方向,继而又重新低下头,以温和又无心的语调说道:“如果悠介这么希望的话,我听你的。”„Yougasp for breathquickly.”
“你喘气很快。”„Un, withoutmeans.”
“嗯,没办法呢。”„Armis also shivering.”
“手臂也在颤抖。”„Becausehas been using the hand.”
短暂的沉默。„Do youwantto continue?”
“你想要继续下去吗?”„This~, so long asYusukeis willingnot to have the issue.”
“这个嘛~只要悠介愿意就没问题。”„Ido not have the meansto act.”
“我没办法出手。”„Hadyouto lead the waydoes not have the issue.”
“有你开路就没问题了。”„Byyour one person, the arm will be very only laborious.”
The young girlsmake the thinkingslightly, thenplaceshisface an ownhand before slowly, repliedin a soft voice: „......, so long asyouare willingto get hold of the hand, did not have the issue.”
少女稍作思索,然后慢慢将自己的一只手放在他脸前,轻声答道:“……只要你肯把手握紧,就没问题了喔。”Katou Yusukelooks that hangs is only lushelementin the present that had the goodsilence.加藤悠介看着垂在眼前的那只芊芊素手,有了好一番沉默。Therefore the opposite partyreceivesto reach behind the back, caresseshistop of the headlightly, andfeelshishairgently, insertsamong the finger the softsendingsilk.
The slenderfingertipis stroking gently the hairgently, makes the gentlesound.
After being separated12to pat .
The benefitsays: „Has not related, Yusuke, youalreadyverydiligently, even to give upnot relating, no onewill accuseyou.”
惠才开口说道:“没关系的,悠介,你已经很努力了喔,所以就算是想要放弃也没关系,没有人会指责你。”Shestoppedat this point, thenmovesboth handsdownward, pastes onhischeeks, picks uphischingently, makingeach othervisionhave the connection.
The young girlslower the headto look athim, the red lipsopenlightly, saidby the extremelyraregentlevoicein a soft voice:
少女垂首望着他,朱唇轻启,以极其罕见的柔和嗓音轻声说道:„- Whatever, Iintreatscompared withanybodynearerpositionsideyou.”
“-无论怎么样,我都会在比任何人更近的位置待在你身边。”Herfingertipis soft, abovehas a faint tracecool feeling, looks likein the morning the rose after rain, pastessuddenlyon the face, the dew between flower petalsthenfollows the skinclass/flowto get down, passing the heartis cool, immediatelycannot bearrecalledfor a very long time.
The Katou Yusukepursing the lipslip, looks into the sky of distant placeslightly.加藤悠介微微抿起嘴唇,眺望起远方的天空。
The gloomyprofoundsky, Sunis hiddengentlyafter the dinosaurshapeheavy/thickcloud layer, seemssomewhatlonely.
When sun setalternately, peoplealwayseasilybecomesad.
日暮交替时,人们总容易变得感伤。This momenthethinksmanypeople, thenthought of the recentmatter.
惠、诗羽学姐。Bothpeopleare making contributioninoneselfwayare supportinghim.
两个人都在尽力以自己的方式支撑着他。Hedoes not wantto be supportedby the gentlegirl.
他也不想被温柔的女孩子一直支撑。Healsowantsto go forward, stands the place that no onecantouch.
The standdoes not need the gentlegirlsupport, place that can also standalone......
站到不需要温柔的女孩子扶持,也能独自站立的地方……Katou Yusukecalmlyis looking into the sky, cannot bearall around the hopebe ableto become a darkness, is darkblurs the expression that onhisfaceloses face.加藤悠介就这么静静地眺望着天空,忍不住希望四周能变得一片漆黑,暗得模糊他脸上丢脸的表情。How longhas not known......
不知过了多久……„...... Do youwantto win? Benefit.”
“……你想赢吗?惠。”„Words that this, mustspeak, inseeingSchoolmateYamaguchi, SchoolmateTakei, after Yoshikotheythatappearancediligently, words that...... loses, possiblymanya littlewill be unwilling.”
“这样么。”Katou Yusukeis muttering, looks at the visiontobluegroupteamthere under field, infillto be unwillingwith the dejectedfaceonto sweep.加藤悠介喃喃着,将目光望向场下的蓝团队伍那里,在一张张充满不甘与颓然的脸孔上扫过。Afterwardtakes back the line of sight.
随后又收回视线。Deep breathone breath.
深呼吸了一口气。Hiss...... shouted......
嘶……呼……As ifhasbeing able to seeis practicedby the mouth and noseplacewhite/in vainentersandputs out.
仿佛有着看不见的白练由口鼻处进入又吐出。„Did yourest? Benefit.”Heis askingto the young girlin a low voice, gave the affirmativeanswerto the convenience.
“那你休息好了吗?惠。”他低声对着少女问道,对方便给予了肯定的答复。„Un~ ~ ~has rested.”
“嗯~~~已经休息好了。”„, Iwill makeyouwin.”Katou Yusuke announced that in the soundhas a not being able to sayfeeling, containedandstrengthensdeeplyself-confidently, as ifcontainedsomefaith.
“那么,我会让你赢的。”加藤悠介如此宣布道,声音里带着一股说不出来的感觉,深沉含蓄而又坚定自信,仿佛蕴藏了某种信念。„Un~ ~ ~Ibelieveyou.”
The benefitnods, was sayingtohimby the clearbrightvoice: „Because ofYusukeyou, changedme, foreverwill be gettingmyheroforward~”
惠点了点头,以澄澈明净的嗓音对着他说:“因为悠介你,是改变了我的,永远都会领着我向前的英雄啊~”„So long asthere areyouin the side, Iwill think that youboostIto lead the wayin the back, thereforewhat kind ofcrisiscomes across, IalsobelieveYusuke, certainlycansmoothlysolve.”
“只要有你在身边,我就会觉得你在背后推着我前行,所以不论是遇到怎样的危机,我也相信悠介,一定能够顺利解决的。”Katou Yusukenodsspeechless, the nerve of lookandwholeheartedlyis completely centralizedat1 : 00, stops the waterlike the bright mirror.加藤悠介无言地点了点头,眼神与全身心的神经完全集中于一点,有如明镜止水。This momenthetakes undivided attention, butwantsto give back to a young girlvictory on shoulder, does not loseheranticipation.
这一刻的他心无旁骛,只是想还给肩上的少女一场胜利,以不负她的期待。Hezeroes is innot far awaytangled warfareon the crowd.
他将目光聚焦于正在不远处混战着的人群身上。With the lapse of time, the fights between red and whitetwogroupshave also come to an end.
随着时间的推移,红白两个团体间的战斗也已接近尾声。Becausetheirpreviousaiming, caused the deflation of whitegrouppopulation.
由于他们先前的针对,导致了白团人数的缩减。Occupies the superiorredgroupfacing the population.
面对人数占优的红团。whiteround/ballafterpersisting inresisting the period of timeto be finally difficultto cover the declining tendency, started the unceasingrout, thislittle whileonlyhas basically hadfewpeople, actually was also in imminent danger, could the destructionmomentarily.
白团在坚持抗争了一阵子以后终于难掩颓势,开始不断溃败,这会儿基本已经只剩下寥寥几人,却也是岌岌可危,随时都会覆灭。Katou Yusukeputs out a handpulledto tie uptightly the collar, saidcalmly: „Wantedon, benefit.”加藤悠介伸手扯了扯紧缚着的衣领,平静地说道:“要上了,惠。”
The neckband that opens wideslightlyreveals the linedistinctneckoutline, andturns toward the chestto extend.
微微敞开的领口露出线条分明的颈部轮廓,并向着胸口延伸。Had no intentionto seethisbenefitcheeksslightlyred, then the nod, the responsesaidgently: „Un, wewalk, Yusuke.”
无意看到这一幕的惠脸颊微微红了红,然后轻轻点头,回应说:“嗯,我们走吧,悠介。”Two peoplerun forwardslowly.
两人开始缓缓向前。„You, so long asputs out a handto take the head harnessto be good, otherallhaveme.”
“你只要伸手拿头带就好,其他的一切有我。”„Un~ ~ ~Iknew.”
The clearsound of footstepssends outfrom the under foot, is ordinarylike the leisurely strollingidlecourtyard.
The players of severalredgroupsheard the sound of footsteps, cannot help butturns the headlooks like, happen towithhim to line of sight.
几名红团的选手听到了脚步声,不由得转头看来,正好与他对上视线。In the Katou Yusukeeye the cold lightflashes, the sharpvisionjust like the essence, probablyattachesmurderous aurageneralhas an oppression, thentreadsfiercelyforwardonestep.加藤悠介眼中冷光一闪,锐利的目光犹如实质,像是附着着杀气一般的带着一股压迫,然后猛地向前踏出一步。Clatter!
The contact faces of shoe soleandbetweengroundswings the dust that a small circleflies upwards.
鞋底与地面的接触面之间荡开一小圈飞扬的粉尘。Like the wind, Xu Rulin, invadeslike the firevigorously, immovability!
疾如风,徐如林,侵掠如火,不动如山!Fromextremelyslowtois extremely quick, as if is just oneblinks!
从极慢到极快,仿佛只不过是一个眨眼!Inseveralpeople of blankvision.
在几人愣怔的目光之中。Katou Yusukehas then bulliedinstantaneouslyto the front, bringssharpfresh breeze.加藤悠介瞬间便已欺身至面前,带起一股犀利的劲风。Hū~shouted~
The slendertall and straightphysiquelinelike the ghosts and demons, just like the lightning that leapstogether, suddenlythendrewsnake-shapedinfivepeople.
The sound of footstepsreverberatesslowly, sifted the peopleearclearly.
脚步声缓缓回荡开来,清晰地飘入了众人耳朵。Whenhestops the bodyagain, has shiftedfromfivepeople of frontbehind.
当他再次停下身体时,已是从五人的前方转移到了身后。Butin the hand of young girl, had/leftthreeredhead harness......
The brighthead harnessflutters in the breeze, just likein the flag that in the windflies upwards!
鲜艳的头带迎风招展,宛如在风中飞扬的旗帜!Timeas ifsuddenlystatic!
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