TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#402: Must leave your nearer (First Part) compared with anybody

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Chapter 402 must leave your nearer (First Part) compared with anybody 第402章比任何人都要离你更近(上) Just like the previous relay race, riding a horse to fight is also the men and women mixes. 与先前的接力赛一样,骑马战同样是男女混合。 According to generally speaking. 按照一般来讲。 At this time usually worked as the horse by the male student, the female student is the graceful. 这种时候通常是由男生来当马,女生当帅。 Although said that...... but is actually not absolute, sometimes will have situation in turn for some reasons. 虽然这么说……不过倒也不绝对,有时也会因为某些原因而出现反过来的情况。 The school authorities had not clearly stipulated in this aspect, how must therefore arrange to decide by the players specifically. 校方在这一方面没有明确规定,所以具体要如何安排还是由选手们自行决定。 Katou Yusuke chose the conventional opening, works as the horse. 加藤悠介选择了常规开局,也就是当马。 When he after benefit front squatting down body, the young girl then holds his head, separated the both legs to ride gently on his shoulder. 当他在惠的面前蹲下身体以后,少女便扶着他的头,轻轻分开双腿骑在了他肩上。 Katou Yusuke is protecting her calf with both hands, is silent is standing up slowly. 加藤悠介用双手护着她的小腿,沉默着慢慢站起身来。 ......... “………” ......... “………” Two people display very tranquilly, even absolutely does not have an exchange. 两人都表现得十分平静,甚至完全没有一丝交流。 Although attended the competition, in starts this intimate movement, will make the person heart produce big mighty waves. 虽说是参加比赛,不过在亲身做起这种亲密的动作时,还是会让人内心产生不小的波澜。 The body of young girl is very soft is very light, the weight should in 46 kg. 少女的身体很软很轻,重量应该在46kg。 Katou Yusuke is thinking in the heart silently. 加藤悠介在心中默默想着。 Does not know that has when the midday rest has taken a bath. 不知是不是有在午休时洗过澡。 Even if attended the morning sports game, her body does not have perspiration taste, instead brings light nice-smelling flower fragrance. 即使是参加了上午的运动比赛,她的身上也没有一点汗味,反而带着一股清淡好闻的花香。 That is he already somewhat familiar oriental cherry fragrance. 那是他已经有些熟悉的樱花香味。 Comes again is the temperature. 再来是温度。 Both people put on the movement short sleeve to add the shorts, has not had too many limbs contacts. 两个人都穿着运动短袖加短裤,并没有产生太多的肢体接触。 Even but if is away from several clothing, is unable to be cut off the body temperature that completely that transmits to come unceasingly. 可即使是隔着几层衣物,也无法完全阻隔那不断传递而来的体温。 Although in the heart has the dark fragrant fluctuation, but in the surface is actually tranquil like the water. 虽然心中微有暗香浮动,不过面上倒是平静如水。 Compares two people surface not to have the mighty waves, other situations of combination have the difference slightly. 相比起两人的面无波澜,其他组合的情况则是稍有不同。 Sees many male students and female student is blushing, not only the expression on face seems very shy, has some jerky and irritable feelings among the movements. 就见不少的男生和女生均是红着脸,不仅脸上的表情显得十分羞涩,包括动作间也带着些许生涩与别扭感。 The combinations of these character extroversions are actually fairly good, under the gaze of surrounding numerous vision, a little will not be quite somewhat natural. 那些性格外向的组合倒是稍好一点,不过在周围众多目光的注视下,多多少少也会有点不太自然。 But the students under field are the racket begin to create a disturbance restless, watches the fun does not dislike the matter big appearance. 而场下的学生们则是闹闹腾腾地拍着手起哄,一副看热闹不嫌事大的样子。 Actually according to tradition. 其实按照传统来讲。 Normal equitation fights should separate by the men and women, four people of one group is right. 正常的骑马战本该是由男女分开,四人一组才对。 After all physical strength is also good, is ethics is also good, the male student and female student are not quite really suitable to put together competes. 毕竟不论是体力方面也好,还是伦理方面也好,男生和女生着实不太适合放在一起比赛。 Why will have this change as for this games the reason, cannot withdraw the relations with the students of these two, third grades. 至于本届的运动会为何会出现这一变化的理由,则与那些二、三年级的学生们脱不开关系。 The policy of according to the school formulating. 根据学校所制定的方针。 Whenever after the games ended, will make a voting to investigate in the school, lets the students the event in decision next games. 每当有一届的运动会结束之后,都会在校内做一次投票调查,让学生们来决定下一届运动会上的比赛项目。 Such approach not only can stimulate the subjective initiative of students, increased many interests to each games. 这样的做法不仅能激发学生们的主观能动性,也给每一届的运动会增添了许多趣味。 After all regardless of again how attractive project, the number of times of once conducting are too much , easy to produce aesthetically weary, making people think chatty. 毕竟不论再怎么好看的项目,一旦举办的次数过多,也容易会产生审美疲劳,让人觉得腻歪。 Is on this basis. 就是在这样的基础上。 This time equitation fights will turn into the two person group that this men and women mix to build, the back is symbolizing on will of a students...... 本次的骑马战才会变成这种男女混搭的双人组,背后象征着上一届学生们的意志…… The Katou Yusuke heart is a little agitated, and was considering secretly matter whether must this project, delete from the survey form in next. 加藤悠介对此心头有点烦躁,并在暗暗考虑着是否要把这一种项目,从下一届上的调查表上删除的事情。 „......” “……” Looking like saw through his mood to be the same, the young girl touches his hair suddenly, called one in a soft voice: „...... Aren't you happy? Yusuke.” 就像是看穿了他内心的情绪一样,少女忽然摸了摸他的头发,轻声唤了一句:“……你不高兴吗?悠介。” Katou Yusuke stares slightly, then shakes the head slowly, returns said: „...... Does not have.” 加藤悠介微微一愣,然后缓缓摇了摇头,回道:“……没有。” This, un ~ that is good, we refuel together.” “这样啊,嗯~那就好,我们一起加油吧。” Good.” “好。” The benefit has not said anything again, is recalling Yoshiko and arundinaria japonicum brothers just now depressed, while observed white round/ball and red groups on opposite two directions. 惠没再说什么,一边回想着佳子和山竹兄弟方才的沮丧,一边观察起了对面两个方向上的白团与红团。 Calmly waits for is starting...... 静静等待着开始…… After some time. 经过一小段时间。 The tripartite group was also ready, and was ready to fight and be ready in the respective position, looks brimmed with the smell of gunpowder to each other vision. 三方的团体也纷纷做好了准备,并在各自的位置上摩拳擦掌、蓄势待发,望向彼此的目光充满了火药味。 Facing this is going to decide that the last competition of victory and defeat, the people seem especially tense. 面对这将要决定胜负的最后一场比赛,众人都显得格外紧张。 Atmosphere of ominous reactionary forces in the ascendant is covering the drill ground, making the aspect quite be somewhat ready to be set off. 一股黑云压城的气氛笼罩着操场,让局面颇有些一触即发。 The audience under field also cannot help but is peaceful, waits for that moment that is going to start. 就连场下的观众也不由自主地安静下来,等待着将要开始的那一刻。 Sees this, the teacher who is the referee also no longer delays, sounds the whistling that the representative started quickly. 见到这一幕,担任裁判的老师也不再耽搁,很快吹响了代表开始的口哨。 bi! 哔! The resonant resounding whistling sound resounds on the field, before the ancient times confronted the bugle, sounded the fight instantaneously. 嘹亮高亢的哨声在场上鸣响,宛如古代对阵前的号角,瞬间拉响了战斗。 Red group and white round/ball, blue group. 红团、白团、蓝团。 Whish all of a sudden. “哗”地一下子。 All players in field then flushed toward the hostile camp! 场上的所有选手便朝着敌对阵营冲了出去! On-!!” “上啊-—!!” Gets rid of them-!” “干掉他们-—!” Oh-!” “噢-—!” The resounding or rapid sound gathers in together, has thump thump clatter clatter the serious step, formed bubbling like a caldron with overpowering momentum. 或高亢或急促的声音汇聚在一起,带着咚咚嗒嗒的沉重步伐,形成了气势磅礴的鼎沸。 But the audience under field also refused to admit being inferior sent out the call. 而场下的观众们也不甘示弱地发出了呐喊。 Come on ~ ~ ~!!” “加油~~~!!” Senior, must win-!!” “前辈,要赢啊-!!” Red group-!!” “红团-!!” Fight-!!” “Fight-!!” In this cordial atmosphere, ran in the tripartite group forefront person also had the connection! 在这热烈的气氛之中,跑在三方团体最前面的人也产生了交汇! And the people of a pair of red group and white group take the lead to begin. 其中一对红团与白团的人率先动起手来。 Two ride the female student on male student neck to put out a hand toward the opposite party, tries to capture each other head to represent the score the head harness. 两名骑在男生脖子上的女生朝对方伸出了手,试图夺取彼此头上代表分数的头带。 In order to prevent to have the accident/surprise, as well as avoids presenting some people to seize the chance to occupy the female student cheap situation. 为了防止发生意外,以及避免出现有人趁机占女生便宜的情况。 In fighting for the process of head harness, can make a move to rob only has the female student, is responsible, when the male student of horse can only pursue the person or escaping. 在争抢头带的这一过程中,能够出手抢夺的仅有女生,负责当马的男生则只能追人或者逃跑。 According to stipulation. 按照规定。 Once there is a some side to lose head head harness, then loses immediately continued the participating qualifications, needs to leave the stage immediately. 一旦有某一方失去了头上的头带,便立刻丧失了继续参赛的资格,需要马上退场。 As for snatching the side of head harness must keep the body the head harness of opposite party, the waiting hands over by the referee finally settles accounts the score. 至于抢到头带的一方则要把对方的头带留在身上,等待最后交由裁判结算分数。 Today's competition does not have the time to limit, so long as removes the hostile camp in field completely, the remaining that sides are the winners. 今天的这场比赛没有时间限制,只要把场上的敌对阵营全部排除,剩下的那一方就是优胜者。 But saw that is conducting the red group that fights for and rolls two female students white/in vain, the female student eyes of blue group one bright, immediately is urging the male student of partner goes forward. 而看到正在进行争抢的红团和白团两名女生,蓝团的一名女生不由双眼一亮,立刻催促着搭档的男生上前。 Good opportunity! We come up a bit faster!” “好机会!我们快点上去!” Good!!” “好!!” The male students see this not to hesitate, promptly runs toward the two. 男生见此也不犹豫,当机立断地朝着那两人跑去。 Looks my-!” “看我的-!” The female students of blue group are self-confident, simultaneously because of fighting, makes both hands entangle to that two in the same place female student puts out a hand! The preparation eliminates them together! 蓝团的女生自信满满,同时对那两名因为争抢、而使双手缠在一起的女生伸出了手!准备把她们一起淘汰! However next second, situation actually outbreak change! 然而下一秒,情况却突然发生了变化! Saw two also to hit the life and death female student instantaneously to let loose a moment ago each other, and neatly looked like toward her, then simultaneously reaches out her. 就见两名刚才还打得你死我活的女生瞬间放开了彼此,并齐刷刷地朝她看来,然后同时向她伸出了手。 Three is the hostile relationship is obviously right, but they actually displayed to seem like the teammate same feeling, not only did not attack mutually, instead will direct the spearhead at her consistently. 明明三者本身都是敌对关系才对,可她们却表现出了像是队友一样的感觉,不仅不互相攻击,反而一致将矛头对准了她。 The female students of blue group beautiful face changing colors, said immediately panic-strickenly: „- Was bad! Is a trap, a bit faster out of the way!” 蓝团的女生顿时花容失色,惊骇道:“-糟了!是陷阱,快点躲开!” However has actually evaded it less with the male student who she teams up...... 然而与她搭档的男生却已避之不及…… How „„ possibly to make you run-!” ““怎么可能让你跑呢-!”” The two female students of red group and white group said with one voice, and sealed up her escape route with own the coordination of teaming up completely, tore off the head harness from her head instantaneously. 红团和白团的两名女生异口同声道,并在自己搭档的配合下完全封住了她的退路,瞬间就从她头上扯下了头带。 Went well ~!!” The female students of red group took the lead to snatch the head harness by the hand long advantage. “得手了~!!”红团的女生凭借手长的优势率先抢到了头带。 white round/ball the female student sees this is flabbergasted unwillingly, but has not gone to snatch, but said: First eliminates last, later we divide the victory and defeat again!” 白团的女生见此不甘地咂舌一声,但也没有去抢,而是说道:“先淘汰掉最后一名,之后我们再分胜负!” „, I know! You have no need to say especially!” “啊,我知道!你用不着特地讲出来!” On two female student mouths is exchanging, let eliminated blue group female student and male student instantaneously awakened. 两名女生嘴上相互交流着,瞬间就让被淘汰的蓝团女生和男生醒悟了过来。 Their two formed an alliance! 他们两家结盟了! The female students of blue group turn the head to look immediately to side, reminded loudly: Everyone was careful! The red group and rolled them to form an alliance white/in vain-!!” 蓝团的女生立刻转头看向旁边,大声提醒道:“大家小心!红团和白团他们结盟了-!!” May eventually be late...... 可终究是晚了一步…… Handles ~ ~ ~!!” “搞定~~~!!” ~ ~!” “耶~~!” Sorry ~!” “抱歉啦~!” In a confusion in wailing, the red and white two teams of players showed the astonishing uniformity, simultaneously is starting to the players of blue group, and went well! 在一片混乱与哀嚎之中,红白两队的选手展现出了惊人的一致性,同时对着蓝团的选手下手,并且纷纷得手! Unexpected , the blue group suffers a loss instantaneously! 猝不及防之下,蓝团瞬间就吃了大亏! Puts in an appearance, then more than ten pairs combined to lose oneself head harness, was eliminated! 只是一个照面,便有十几对组合失去了自己的头带,惨遭淘汰! Sees this, under the field immediately in an uproar. 见到这一幕,场下顿时一片哗然。 Also can like this!?” “还能这样的吗!?” Went too far! This cheats simply!” “太过分了!这简直是作弊!” Bad! Was eliminated so many people all of a sudden!” “糟了!一下子就被淘汰了那么多人!” Unexpectedly forms a partnership to bully one, you were too despicable! The fellows of red group and white group!” “居然合起伙来欺负一家,你们太卑鄙了!红团和白团的家伙们!” Facing the attack of blue group students, the students of red group and white group also refuse to admit being inferior counterattack. 面对蓝团学生们的抨击,红团和白团的学生们也不甘示弱地予以还击。 Was you are too stupid!” “是你们太笨了!” This is the scheme, understands?” “这是计谋,懂吗?” Must determine the final outcome in any case finally, moreover competes not the rule that permits to form an alliance!” “反正最后还是要决胜的,而且比赛又没有不准结盟的规则!” Therefore the students of blue group look to the referee, hoping the opposite party can make the fair judgement, prevents another two schemes and tricks. 于是蓝团的学生们又纷纷望向裁判,希望对方能够做出公正的裁决,阻止另外两家的阴谋诡计。 The teacher who may be the referee makes the thinking slightly, did not immediately care to continue to watch the competition. 可担任裁判的老师只是稍作思索,随即就不在意地继续看起了比赛。 Just like the students of red group and white group said, the behavior of forming an alliance does not violate the rule, can only say that the luck of blue group is not quite good, was regarded first to eliminate the goal...... 正如红团和白团的学生们所说,结盟的行为并不违反规则,只能说蓝团的运气不太好,被当成了第一个要淘汰目标…… Sees teacher response, the students of red group and white group also become even more self-satisfied, but the blue group students were the complexion ugly/difficult to look at. 见到老师这种反应,红团和白团的学生们也变得愈加得意,而蓝团学生们则是面色难看了起来。 looking at the field again. 再看场上。 The blue group after the initial surprise attack, has no longer tried to rob the head harness, but started fleeing in all directions, is completely the condition that one type did not seek to cherish only the hope of avoiding mistakes active. 蓝团在经过最初的突袭之后,已经不再试图抢夺头带,而是开始了四处逃窜,完全是一种不求有功但求无过的状态。 But how rolls and white round/ball red can such as they hope, started to launch the chase and encircling to the blue group unitedly. 可红团与白团又怎能如他们所愿,开始齐心协力地对蓝团展开了追逐和围剿。 Tacit cooperating with both sides, the blue group barely manages to maintain a feeble existence becomes incomparably difficult. 在双方的默契配合之下,蓝团就连苟延残喘都变得无比艰难。 Is much more than own enemy side facing the population, escapes the fate of resistance to have no difference, can only be nibbled unceasingly. 面对人数上远远多于自己的敌方,无论是逃跑还是反抗的下场都没有什么区别,只能被不断蚕食。 The blue group students under field look glare angrily, clenching jaws, but is also helpless, the mood sank to the valley slowly. 场下的蓝团学生们看得怒目圆睁,咬牙切齿,可又无能为力,心情慢慢沉入了谷底。 Then transferred clearly recognized that realistic dejected, opened the mouth to say in abundance: 接着又转为了认清现实般的颓然,纷纷开口道: „- We were getting bigger and bigger with another two disparities-!” “呜哇-我们跟另外两家的差距越来越大了-!” This is not good, another two were too sly!” “这根本不行啊,另外两家太狡猾了!” Situation is grim......” “形势严峻啊……” It seems like very difficult to catch up......” “看来很难追上了……” Was finished!” “完蛋了!” In the process of many complaints, on the field could not have seen the form of blue group. 怨声载道的过程中,场上已看不到蓝团的身影。 What kind of? Did the people of blue group clean up?” white round/ball some leader so shouts. “怎么样?蓝团的人都清理完了吗?”白团的某个领头者这般喊道。 „- Did not have, but also remains one pair! Cannot catch!” The red group people also responded to her loudly. “-还没有,还剩一对!抓不到!”红团人也高声回应了她。 Ha? You are rubbing gently anything, eliminates them a bit faster!” “哈?你们在磨磨蹭蹭什么,快点淘汰他们呀!” Said such dexterously! The words that can achieve yourself give a try!” “说得这么轻巧!能做到的话你自己来试试看啊!” What's the matter, who is the opposite party?” “怎么回事,对方是谁?” Is President Katou, vice-chairman.” “是加藤会长,还有副会长。” „......” “……” white round/ball the female student does not speak, but caught the eye to look toward the crowd of moving that side, reflected pleasant to make her eyelid jump crazily. 白团的女生不说话了,而是抬眼朝跑动的人群那边望去,映入眼中的一幕不由让她眼皮狂跳。 Sees that the crowded team that in comprised of the white and red, is having the nimble and resourceful elegant form to shuttle back and forth in the crowd of crowding one another together. 就见那由白色与红色所组成的密集队伍之中,正有一道灵动飘逸的身影在摩肩接踵的人群之中穿梭。 His physique is slender and tall and straight, on the shoulder also sits a young girl of bright eyes and white teeth. 他的身姿修长而挺拔,肩上还坐着一名明眸皓齿的少女。 Facing surrounding and capturing of crowd. 面对人群的围捕。 Even the body are many a weight of person, he can still easily make many to flash the movement that the revolutions organizes, among the movements filled smoothly, just like an agile clever cat. 即使是身上多着一个人的重量,他也能轻易地做出诸多闪转腾挪的动作,动作间充满了流畅,宛如一只敏捷灵巧的猫。 But the young girl is also sits in meditation neatly on his shoulder, on the snow white white arms is also several red and white ribbons, and with the rotation of body, but flutters in the wind, as if color bright flag. 而少女也是楚楚静坐在他肩上,雪白的皓腕上还系着几条红与白的丝带,并随着身体的转动而在风中飘荡,仿佛色彩鲜艳的旗帜。 Two people match in together, the body sends out silent and calm unique makings, pleasant. 两人搭配在一起,身上散发出一种静默而沉稳的独特气质,令人赏心悦目。 In the campus the most special pair combines, is since abundant Zaki Academy has been founded only two two, then held the post of the student association president important post student when the first grade. 正是校园内最为特殊的一对组合,也是自丰之崎学园建校以来唯二的两名,在一年级时便担任了正、副学生会长要职的学生。 Katou Yusuke and Kato Megumi. 加藤悠介加藤惠 Looks physique that two people in the scene move unceasingly back and forth, white round/ball the female student thinks slightly, then says: Everyone refuels! We they eliminate President Katou together!” 看着两人不断在场上来回跑动的身姿,白团的女生稍微想了一下,然后开口说道:“大家加油!我们一起把加藤会长他们淘汰!” Then joined the team of surrounding and capturing with the coordination of partner. 而后就在搭档的配合下加入了围捕的队伍。 Therefore on the field then presented strange one. 于是场上便出现了离奇的一幕。 Sees the enormous and powerful crowd comprised of the red group and white round/ball, was divided into several directions, surrounds to go toward two youngster young girls together. 就见由红团和白团所组成的浩荡人群,便分成了数个方向,一同朝着两名少年少女包围而去。 „......” “……” Katou Yusuke observed around one, knits the brows slightly. 加藤悠介观察了一下四周,不由微微皱眉。 Due to the regular limit, as he of horse is unable to intend to rob, can only escape or pursue the person. 由于规则的限制,身为马的他无法出手抢夺,只能逃跑或者追人。 But raises eyes all the aspect of enemy facing the present this , is only left over one of the escaping, this makes him feel slightly somewhat agitated, and starts to think to give up faintly. 而面对眼下这举目皆敌的局面,又只剩下逃跑的一项,这让他略微感到有些烦躁,并隐隐开始思索放弃。 Under situation that after all in the blue group is annihilated , to continue to insist that seems also not meaningful. 毕竟在蓝团全军覆没的情况之下,继续坚持下去似乎也没什么意义。 Although such is not good, but he comes does not have any too big victory and defeat desire, secondly also needs to consider on the shoulder the situation of young girl. 虽然那样也不是不行,但是他一来没有什么太大的胜负欲,二来也需要考虑肩上少女的情况。 Different from having 8 physical strength attribute him. 不同于有着八点体力属性的他。 Although the opposite party has taken a grain of vitality medicine, but that drug efficacy also has the function of improvement to the body slightly, but also distant being able to achieve enables it in the crowd to open the unparalleled situation. 虽说对方有吃过一粒气血药,不过那点药效也只是对身体稍有改善的作用,还远远达不到使其能在人群里开无双的地步。 Even opens some unparalleled fur/superficial knowledge unable to reach, but he also has no intention in advances the improvement of body to that degree. 甚至连开无双的些许皮毛也够不着,而他也无意於把身体的改善推进到那种程度。 So long as can be healthier than the average person, but exceptionally will not arrive draws others' attention, this is then enough. If are many, will turn into a weal and woe to be difficult to predict the matter. 只要身体能比普通人好一些,但又不会异常到引来别人的注意,这样便已经足够了。若是再多,就会变成一件福祸难料的事情了。 In the final analysis, this after all is just a games of high school. 况且说到底,这终归只不过是一场高中的运动会而已。 Regardless of the final result is to lose or wins, will not have any profound impact, therefore he thought that does not need to achieve in that share. 不论最后的结果是输还是赢,都不会产生什么深远的影响,所以他觉得也没必要做到那个份上。 Therefore wants to give up. 因此才想要放弃。 But at this moment, the young girl actually opened the mouth suddenly: ei, Yusuke?” 可就在这时,少女却忽然开口了:“欸,悠介?” „......?” “……嗯?” You can try to find the solution without caught, past from white group?” “你能想办法在不被抓到的情况下,从白团那边过去吗?” „...... What meaning?” “……什么意思?” Seeing him is somewhat puzzled, the benefit then spoke softly to explain. 见他有些不解,惠便轻声细语地解释了起来。 You looked that although they will be coping with us now together, but later will compete?” “你看哦,虽然他们现在会在一起对付我们,不过之后还是会争夺起来的吧?” Therefore I thought that could reduce a member of side, perhaps this can undermine their balances ahead of time, making them have other ideas also perhaps.” “所以我觉得或许可以削减其中一方的成员,这样也许就能提前打破他们的平衡,让他们产生一些别的想法也说不定。” If can succeed, we should be able, after then to wait slightly with ease, found the opportunity......” “如果能成功的话,我们应该就可以稍微轻松一点,然后等之后再找机会了……” Therefore, Yusuke can achieve as such?” “所以像这样子,悠介可以做得到吗?” Katou Yusuke silent. 加藤悠介不由沉默了下来。 Her voice as before such as usually like that indifferent, warm gracefully, even does not contain any can with the mood that hostility described. 她的嗓音依旧如平时那般淡然,也温温婉婉,甚至不包含任何可以用“敌意”来形容的情绪。 During that is indifferent, one type can let the earnestness that he can hear, probably was explaining that own words are not a joke, but after considers the later result carefully. 然而在那份淡然之中,又有一种能让他听得出来的认真,像是在说明自己的一番话并非玩笑,而是经过仔细考虑之后的结果。 Also because felt this point, will make him silent. 也正是因为感受到了这一点,才会让他变得沉默。 Katou Yusuke catches the eye to look all around, surrounds on the crowd that to sweep from an numerous, then looks to the direction that the young girl just now refers. 加藤悠介抬眼环顾四周,从一众包围过来的人群身上扫过,接着又望向少女方才所指的方向。 After crossing for two seconds, selected under one slowly. 过了两秒钟以后,才缓缓点了一下头。 „...... Good.” “……好。” ...... …… ( Owes manuscript progress 6 / 10) (欠稿进度6/10) Particularly acknowledged: 特别鸣谢: Thank my hegemon Tired heart sauce, Provided many exhaustive materials and contents for me! Thanks! 感谢我的盟主【累心酱】,为我提供了许多的详尽的资料和内容!谢谢!
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