Drifting with the current of Chapter 401god
第401章神的随波逐流From the bodyslips off the gym suit that the perspirationstreaming.
将汗涔涔的运动服从身上褪下。Changes a pure whitesleevelessvestto add the pleated skirt, thenloads into the movementbackpack the gym suit.
The newstripfragrancereorganized a short skirt, closed the eyeto feel, feeling the band-aidshouldhaveto pastewell, thenfelt relieved.
新条香整理了一下短裙,闭上眼睛感受了一下,觉得创可贴应该有好好贴好,遂放下心来。„ThenIwent to the set, met......”
“那么我去集合了,会……”„- Withgood.”
“……咦?”Katou Yusuketakes outfiveFukuzawa Yukichifrom the wallet, admitsinherhand, laterwalksstoragethingto put upthereto take the string that the tug-of-waruses.加藤悠介从钱包内取出五张福泽谕吉,放进她手中,随后走去储物架那里拿取拔河用的绳子。„......”
The newstripfragrancehas a look athisback, has a look at the thing in hand, blinks, in the eyeappears for severalpointsto jump for joy, admittedinitownpackagepackage.
新条香看看他的背影,又看看手中的事物,不由眨了眨眼睛,眼中浮现出几分雀跃,将其放进了自己的包包里。„Thanks the association president~, thenIdid go to the set?”
“……”Katou Yusukeselectedunderone, hangs the manila ropeon the arm, thenturns aroundto move toward the entrance of warehouse, thereactuallystillshuts tightly.加藤悠介点了一下头,将粗麻绳挂在胳膊上,然后转身走向仓库的入口,那里却依然紧闭。
In a dazetoitas for the newstripfragrance.
至于新条香则是在对着它发呆。„Sorry, Icould not openit.”
“我来吧。”„Un~ ~ ~”
The front doorwas shoved opencrosswise, the sunlightshines.
大门被横向推开,阳光照射进来。Two peoplego outfrom the dimwarehouse, bathesunder the sunlight, on the senseindistinctis a little uncoordinated.
两人从昏暗的仓库里走出,重新沐浴在阳光下,感官上隐约有点不协调。Katou Yusukehangs the hemp ropeon the shoulder, closes the warehousedoorfromoutside, andbeganto lockit.加藤悠介将麻绳挂在肩上,从外面关上仓库门,并动手将它锁了起来。
The newstripfragrancelooks athim, suddenlyshoutedlightlymakes noise.
新条香看着他,突然轻喊出声。„Association president~”
啾-Shefronts the tip of the toewith every effort, actuallyalso can only kiss the lower jaw.
The tender and delicateliptouches the chin, had the slightlycoolslipperyfeelingto pass over gently and swiftlyfromabove.
娇嫩的唇瓣触碰下巴,有微凉湿滑的感觉从上面掠过。„Icanbring the disciplinary rulernext time~master~”smiling of newstripfragrantpractical joke, wavesto say goodbyesubsequently, turns aroundto turn toward the direction of drill groundto walk.
“我下次会带戒尺的~主人~”新条香恶作剧似的笑着,继而挥手道别,转身向着操场的方向走去。Just nowwalkstwosteps, suddenlyandstopped.
只是才刚走两步,忽地又停了下来。Sees the slenderformto standinseveralfarplacestogether, and surfaceis taking a look atherincluding the smile...... as well asherbehindsomebody, peacefuldid not speak.
就见一道窈窕的身影正站在几步远的地方,并面含微笑地打量着她……以及她身后的某人,安静不语。Sees clearly the newstripfragrance of personto be first startled, immediatelyalsosends regardsimmediatelywith a smile: „...... Afternoongood~lotussees the teacher.”
看清来人的新条香先是一怔,随即又立刻笑着问候起来:“……下午好~莲见老师。”„Un...... afternoonis good, newstripschoolmate.” The lotusseesgoodischildnodsslightly, the visionsweepsherslightlychaotictempleto send, the flushedcheeks, in the eye the lookis inexplicable.
“嗯……下午好,新条同学。”莲见佳乃子微微颔首,目光扫过她微乱的鬓发,潮红的脸颊,眼中神色莫名。„...... The performance of cheering teammuststart, yourcompanion and palacegardenteachersare looking foryou, goesquickly.”
“……啦啦队的表演要开始了,你的同伴和宫园老师都在找你,快去吧。”„Un~Iknow that thanks the teacher~ ~ ~”
The newstripfragrantsweetsmiles, slightlyrunsis goingforward, afterrunningseveralstopped the foot, turned awaytowardlooked atonebehind, saw the beautifulnaturalnational languageteacherto be closetoward the warehouse.
新条香甜甜一笑,小跑着向前而去,又在跑了几步之后停下脚,转脸往身后看了一眼,就见美丽大方的国语老师正朝着仓库接近。Sheseesthisto spit the tongueafraid, thenleavesquickly......
她见此不由心虚地吐了吐舌头,然后快步离开……ButtoKatou Yusuke, he is actually not anxious.
而对加藤悠介来说,他倒是没那么紧张。Althoughsees the teachersuddenlyto presentthismatterregarding the lotusto be somewhat accidental, butquickis then tranquil.
虽然对于莲见老师突然出现这件事有些意外,不过很快便平静下来。Be that as it may, actuallydid not passon behalf of the matter......
话虽如此,却也不代表事情就这么过去了……Is welcominghisvision, the lotusseesgoodischildthenwalks upgradually, standsinhisfronttwofarplaces, the visionis looking athimspookily, did not speak.
迎着他的目光,莲见佳乃子便是缓步走上前来,站在他面前两步远的地方,目光幽幽地望着他,不说话。„Lotussees the teacher.”Katou Yusukeselected, said a helloon own initiative.
The opposite partyalsonodto respondgently, in the eyehasseveralpointsto think, asks: „Youandnewstripschoolmate......?”
对方亦是轻轻点头回应,眼中带着几分思索,问道:“你和新条同学……?”„It‘s nothing.”
The lotusseesgoodis the childpupillightmoves slightly, falls intosilent.
莲见佳乃子眸光微动,陷入沉默。„ThenIfirstwalked, the lotussees the teacher.”
The Katou Yusukepolitenessinformsone, thenlifts the footto forwarddirectly.加藤悠介礼貌告知一句,然后直接抬脚向前。Two peoplescrape past.
The lotussawgoodischildextendsputting out a handsubconsciously, the facial expression on facesomewhatstarted to speak but hesitated, thenreceivedto reach behind the back.
莲见佳乃子下意识地伸了伸手,脸上的神情有些欲言又止,接着又收回手。Shetreats in same place, hesitateda while.
她待在原地,踌躇了一会儿。Finallyalsoshouted the one breathlightly, leavesto turn toward the drill groundto walk......
……„- Thenis the performance of cheering teamsection, pleasebe ready.”
“-接下来是啦啦队部的表演,请做好准备。”Sevenwear the pure whitedye printingsleevelessvestwith the short skirt, in the handalsotakes the female students of cheering teamballto gather, composes the formation, andmaintainscertaindistanceto dispelaccording to the personfontmutually.
七名身穿纯白印花无袖背心配短裙,手中还拿着啦啦队球的女生们聚集在一起,组成队形,并互相保持一定距离按照人字型排开。Ontheirfacesorbringscute, orhas the livelysmile, to the audience, exposes the youth the vigor.
The elegantsmallskirtdragswithswaying of breezegently, the fair and cleartranslucentthighshow outside, will bringcoolto the scene, peopleafter the midday restendedsweeps clearsleepily.
飘逸的小裙子随着微风的吹拂而轻轻摇曳,将白净透亮的大腿秀在外面,给现场带来一股清凉,把人们在午休结束之后的困倦清扫一空。Staturepetitenewstripfragrancestandingis then one of them, andislead dancer of being the first.
个子娇小的新条香便站在其中,并且是排在首位的领舞者。Compares several other female students, shenot onlywore the powderpurplewig and redbeautifulpupil, but alsoputs ononepairwhitekneesock.
相比起其他几名女生,她不仅戴了粉紫色的假发和红色的美瞳,而且还穿着一双白色的过膝袜。Approximatelypassed throughoneto tidy up, herfacial expressioncompared withusuallylookbetter. On the faceas ifdrewthatplansmakeup that cannot see the trace, butespeciallymatchesheractually.
大约是经过了一番收拾,她的气色要比平时看上去更好。脸上似乎画了那种看不出痕迹的心机妆,不过倒是尤为配她。Althoughheris not high, buthas the feeling is very intense.
虽然她的个头不高,不过存在感却十分强烈。Stature that clearcutefacial featuresaggravateagainin addition.
The perfectly roundfullchestwas fetteredby the vest, insteadreceivedspecialstressing, is very noticeable.
This murmur that oftenexudesfrom the crowd can also prove......
这一点从人群中不时发出的赞叹声也得以证明……By1:05time, the performance of cheering teamsectionstartson time.
到了1点05分的时候,啦啦队部的表演准时开始。As the drumbeats of lively rhythmresoundfrom the speaker.
The students in drill groundcannot help butstare, actuallydid not haveto listen tothisiswhichmusic.
操场上的学生们不由得一愣,均还没太听出这究竟是哪一首音乐。Howeverwhentheywhen the thinking, somepeoplethenfirstplace still have shoutedto make noise.
不过当他们还在思索时,有人便已经先一步地大喊出声。„- Thisrhythm! Will not be wrong! Is«GodDrifting with the current»-!?!?”secureYilun in redgroupalsoyelledsuddenly.
“-这个节奏!不会错!是《神的随波逐流》啊啊啊啊-!?!?”红团里的安艺伦也忽然嗷嗷大叫起来。„Well!? Waits-! Thisisreal!? Can Iseetwodimensionsin the schoolunexpectedly the dwellingdances?? Thisis not having a dream! Hey! Yoshihiko! Makes an effortto pincha bit fastermyface-!!”
“咦咦!?等下-!这是真的吗!?我居然能在学校里看到二次元的宅舞??这不是在做梦吧!喂!喜彦!快点用力掐一下我的脸-!!”„...... Good! Reallyis not sore, thisis having a dreamabsolutely!”
“…………”Receiveshimto affectraucously, peoplecomplexionlookedstrangely, was donedumbfoundedbyhissuddennervewind, buton the changebyfieldwas attracted the mindimmediately.
受到他大喊大叫的影响,人们不由面色古怪地看了过来,被他突然的神经风搞得一愣一愣,但又马上被场上的变化吸引了心神。With the prelude of rackdrumin the past......
The young girlsopenboth handsto slidesimultaneouslyin the future a half step, andhas leaned the body.
The openeddoublehandwritten seal the drumbeats of gentle breezesmall drumare pattingtwobefore the face.
The nextsecond, the brightpipasoundgets up.
The young girlsright handcircles first to proceedslightlyto jump, subsequentlytakes back the footto jumpagainbackward, thenclaps.
The cheering teamballmakes noisegently.
The sprightlyactivemusicreverberateson the drill ground.
明快活跃的音乐在操场上回荡。On the young girlsfacehas the delightfullivelysmile, is following the rhymerhythm, dancesin the happymusical sound, exposedgirlcutesidecompletely.
The bodyoscillatesin the process of dance, andshows the snow whitesoftwaistunknowingly.
着实吸引人眼球……„~ ~ ~ ~ ~”
“~~~~~”„Godis supine.”
“谁地球爱。”„ServantsmilesMonarchto smile.”
The cheering teamball in handswingswith the musicneatly, among the movementswas full of the vitality.
手中的啦啦队球随着音乐齐刷刷地摆动,动作间充满了元气。„Wúohohohohohohohohohoh-! Moe! Sprouted!” The secureskillalsodoublefistgrips tightly, on the faceis mixing withsimultaneouslytodwellingdancehot bloodedandaffected, is with flowing tears.
“唔噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢-!萌啊!萌起来了!”安艺伦也双拳紧握,脸上同时夹杂着对宅舞的热血与感动,不禁潸然泪下。Doespeoplea whileto have a look at the drill ground, a whiledumbfoundedto take a look athim.
搞得人们一会儿看看操场,一会儿又傻眼地瞅瞅他。Does not knowwhichsideat onceunexpectedlyshouldlook, quitesomewhatdazzlingfeeling......
一时之间竟不知该看哪一方,颇有些眼花缭乱的感觉……Thesetumults under fieldhave not affected the young girls of cheering team.
The newstripfragrance of leading a dancestandsin the frontline, jumps.
领舞的新条香站在最前方,蹦蹦跳跳。Butherhands and feetvaluables the waistis slender, in the clevermovementalsobringsfullcute.
The under skirt of smallskirtdisplaysto flutter, showsshort skirtto wipemovingwhitesoft/greasywithkneesocksamong of.
The Hcovercup of hemispheroidrocksin the chest frontunceasingly.
半球形的H罩杯不断在胸前晃动。Is joined tothatimmatureclearappearanceagain.
再配上那张稚嫩清纯的容颜。Not onlycleardelightful, and sex appealis charming.
The twolink, is very attractive.
二者结合在一起,确实很有魅力。Makesmanymale studentslookis enthralled, the sinceresmile on facehas not stopped.
使得不少男生都看得入神,脸上的倾心笑容就没停下过。In the team of bluegroup, Yamaguchi Takashivoiced the feeling.
蓝团的队伍中,山口孝不禁发出了感慨。„, After waitingto finishtoday, will the newstripschoolmaterankin the male studentwill riseabsolutely? At the appointed timemusthavemanypeopleto fall into the loveworryprobably, did yousay? Katou.”
“啧啧,等今天结束以后,新条同学在男生里排名绝对会上升吧?到时大概又要有不少人陷入爱情烦恼喽,你说呢?加藤。”Heputs out a handto make contact with the shoulder of Yusuke, teased: „Under finally your guilty of the most heinous crimeharemking, inallbeautiful young girlsincome the schoolgoes tounexpectedly, did youpreparecarrying/sustainingeveryonecomplaint?”
“……”Katou Yusukehas not talked, in the eyemakes every effort to keep secret.加藤悠介没有搭话,眼中讳莫如深。Hisvisionhas sweptfrom the flying upwardsskirtfront, thought ofthatband-aid.
他的目光从飞扬裙裾上面扫过,不由想到了那张创可贴。At oncesays: „...... Ibuy the waterto drink, youunderand otherscompetedto refuel.”
旋即开口说道:“……我去买水喝,你等下比赛加油。”„Well? Didn't youwatch the performance??”Yamaguchi Takashiis surprised the different way.
“不了。”„Right? Thatconsiders as finished, remembers that goesmorningto returnearly, waitsto appreciatethisSir'sheroic bearingwell~!”
“是吗?那算了,记得早去早回,等下就好好欣赏本大爷的英姿吧~!”Katou Yusukenods, thenwalkstowardpotable waterstagethere......加藤悠介点点头,然后向饮水台那里走去……
A danceendedquickly.
一首舞蹈很快结束。„- AbundantZaki~ ~ ~come on~ ~ ~!!”
The young girlsare shoutingloudly, swings the cheering teamball in handmakes noise, andis driving the students under fieldalso„oh-!”Gives the response.
少女们高声喊着,将手中的啦啦队球摇得哗哗作响,并带动着场下的学生们也“噢-—!”地给予回应。And the slogan of male studentsis sporty, probablyis morer energetic than the morning.
其中男生们的呐喊声劲头十足,像是比上午还要精神百倍。Insuchatmosphere, the audiencedid not offer the warm applauseforthemparsimoniously.
在这样的气氛之下,观众们也不吝啬地为她们献上了热烈的掌声。From thisis not then difficultto understand why the performance of cheering teamwas placedin the afternoon......
由此便不难理解,为什么啦啦队的表演会被放在下午了……Katou Yusukelooked atscoringboard in the chairman's podium.加藤悠介看了一眼主席台上的计分板。
The currentsituationis the bluegrouptemporarilyis in the lead, there are495points.
The redgroupranked the secondhas475points, thirdwhiteround/ballis465points.
排在第二名的红团有475分,第三名的白团则是465分。Scores between threegroupsbitedeadly, basicallybelongvery muchhave the mistaketo have the counter-ultrasituationslightly, is very difficult saying that whichside the finalwinnercanbe.
三个团体之间的比分都咬得很死,基本属于稍有失误就会出现反超的情况,很难说最后的优胜者会是哪一方。Due to the regularlimit, the project that Katou Yusuke can also join is only left overequitationwarone.
由于规则的限制,加藤悠介还能参加的项目仅剩下骑马战一项。Conditionsomeare not quite optimistic.
状况有些不太乐观。Howeverheregarding thisalsoindifferent, after all the team competitionis differentfrom the individual race, verysuspiciousone's effortchangegeneral situation.
不过他对此也无所谓,毕竟团体赛不同于个人赛,很难凭一己之力改变大局。As for the Nakamura Masarurequestobtainsvictory, hehas achievedat the individual race, as forare more, was not in hisconsiderationrange......
至于中村胜要求的取得优胜,他已在个人赛上做到,至于更多的,就不在他的考虑范围之内了……Afternoonskybecamewere more than gloomy the morning.
The heavy/thickirregularcloudsfloatin the sky, probablyroams through the whalegroupinprofoundsea, is heavysoondownwardcrashes.
厚重的不规则云朵漂浮在天空,像是遨游在深邃大海里的鲸群,沉重得快要往下坠落。In such a case, the groupresistance of tug-of-war contestlaunchesquickly.
在这样的情况下,拔河比赛的团体对抗很快展开。Firstwhatgoes on stageis the bluegroup and redgroup.
首先上场的是蓝团和红团。Katou Yusukehas not participated, butYamaguchiandTakeiparticipatedactually.加藤悠介并未参加,不过山口和竹井倒是参加了。
The opponentshusky fellow the redgroupfocusing onJudosection, the tallfigurelookhave the constriction.
对手是以柔道部的彪形大汉为主的红团,魁梧的身材看上去十分有压迫感。Asteacher„bi-”sounds the whistling, students of both sidesthenput forth the nursingvigorimmediately, is shouting the worker's chantwhilemakes an effortto entrain the ropebackward.
The expression on faceseemsespeciallyfierce.
The companion and guardian of respectivegroupcheer the call below, the atmosphereis very lively.
各自团体的同伴和家长则是在下面助威呐喊,气氛好不热闹。With the joint effort of bluegroupstudents, the situation was very once deeply worried.
在蓝团学生们的共同努力之下,局势一度十分焦灼。What a pityafter these people of Judosectionstartto catch up, the bluegroupis the strengthhaseventually, finallylost the competitionreluctantly.
可惜在柔道部的那些人开始发力以后,蓝团终究是力有不及,最后无奈地输掉了比赛。After that whiteround/ballalsohad no suspenselost to the redgroup.
在那之后,白团也没什么悬念的输给了红团。Yamaguchi is very unwilling, butalsocomplainedwithout enough timeare too many, the nextcompetitionthensoonstarted.山口对此十分不甘,不过也来不及抱怨太多,下一项比赛便很快开始。„- The player who attended the male and femaleMedley relaymatch, pleasestartto gather.”
“-参加男女混合接力赛的选手,请开始集合。”Under the instruction of host, the playerswalktoward the respectivepositionin abundance.
在主持人的指示下,选手们纷纷向各自的位置走去。„Good! Thistimewill not lose!”Was sayingYamaguchibound tightly the head harness before volume, has high morale, „applauded, Takei, Yoshiko.”
“好!这次绝不会输!”这么说着的山口绑紧了额前的头带,斗志昂扬,“来击掌了,竹井,佳子。”„Ok! mybrother!”
“喔~一起加油吧!”TakeiandYoshikoalsocoordinateto applaudwithhimvery much.竹井和佳子也很配合地与他击掌。„You, Katou.”Yamaguchihas turned away, refers to the palm that oneselfliftedtoYusuke, „don't youinflatetome?”
“还有你,加藤。”山口又转过脸来,对悠介指了指自己抬起的手掌,“你不给我打气吗?”Katou Yusukegawked, butput out a handto strikewithhimunderheld.加藤悠介愣了一下,但还是伸出手与他击了下掌。„Good!”
“好!”Yamaguchicracks into a smile, strikesby the fistlayer on layer/heavilyinhisleft shoulder, „underrememberedlookswell, whenwebringto winto giveyou!”山口对此咧嘴一笑,以拳头重重击在他左肩,“等下记得好好看着,等我们带胜利回来给你!”Has not waited forYusuketo open the mouthto respond, hethenturns aroundto departnatural.
还不等悠介开口回应,他便潇洒地转身离去。„Ok, walked! Takei, Yoshiko.”
“好了,走吧!竹井,佳子。”„„ Good~!” ”
““好~!””Threepeoplemove toward the assembly pointtogether, left behind the competitiveback, seeminglyinexplicablysomewhatcharming.
三人一同走向集合点,留下了干劲十足的背影,看上去莫名有些帅气。Geostationarywalksto go forwardinHui'an of sideobservationsilently, said: „Alwaysthought that theirstrengthsare very full~reallygood.”
“……”Katou Yusukepondered, thenselectedunderoneslowly.加藤悠介思考了一下,然后缓缓点了一下头。
……After an intensecontention.
经过一番激烈的角逐。Haswhiteround/ball who the track and fieldsectionmain forceis, finallyfinishedfirst of relay race.
The round that althoughYamaguchiis in oneselfobtainedbeing in the lead, butdoes not help matters.
虽然山口在自己所在的回合取得了领先,但也无济于事。Overall, the bluegrouponlyattainedthirdafter all.
The impact that from thishasis, the scores of threegroupsinvertedall of a sudden.
由此所带来的影响就是,三个团体的比分一下子就颠倒了过来。Turned into the redgroupto be in the leadby505points, whiteround/ballwas listedsecondby500points, bluegroupby495points of platooninthird.
变成了红团以505分领先,白团以500分暂居第二,蓝团则是以495分排在第三。Under the minimumdisparity, anysidewinsnot to sound queerfinally.
极小的差距之下,最后无论是哪一方胜出都不会让人奇怪。„- That, is today'slastcompetition, the player who attended the equitationwarinvitedset~!” The hostannounced.
“-那么,接下来是今天的最后一项比赛,参加骑马战的选手请集合~!”主持人如此宣布道。Returns toJiSichuanYoshiko in teamto be somewhat listless, degenerates into the firstmatter from the bottom is very depressedto the bluegroupall of a sudden, andis complaining tearfullyto the good friend.
回到队伍里的姬川佳子有些无精打采,对蓝团一下子沦为倒数第一的事情无比沮丧,并对着好友哭诉起来。„Sorry~ ~ ~Megumi-chan! Cannotwin very goodposition, thendepended onyou, wū wū......”
The benefitis then comfortingherin a kindly manner.
惠便是好声好气地安慰着她。But the arundinaria japonicumbrothersalsoencirclesideYusuke, toseem like entrusting the generaltone saying: „Come onKatou, givesthem a colorto have a look!”
而山竹兄弟亦是围在悠介身边,以像是在托付一般的口吻说道:“加油啊加藤,给他们一点颜色看看!”Looks on twofaces the unwillingexpression, Katou Yusukeselectedunderoneslightly, returned tooneto knowin a low voice.
Then with the benefittogether, goes to the place that the bluegroupplayersgathered.
……Thank【Half one's lifecrazilyabsurdly】Hittingenjoys.
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