TRSFPUS :: Volume #4

#400: New strip fragrant schoolwork counselling

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Chapter 400 new strip fragrant schoolwork counselling 第400章新条香的课业辅导 Activity building three, before student association room gate . 活动楼三层,学生会室门前。 Ka and click. 咔嗒、咔嗒。 Metal door sent out incorrigibly obstinate resounding the hand, then belongs to peacefully. 金属门的把手发出了顽固不化的鸣响,然后归于安静。 Katou Yusuke routinely puts out a hand to touch the pocket, however touches is loaded with the trunks of sports warehouse key, but his trousers stayed in the classroom with the key of student association room together. 加藤悠介习惯性地伸手去摸口袋,然而摸到的却是装有体育仓库钥匙的运动短裤,而他的长裤则是与学生会室的钥匙一同留在了教室。 Sees his movement stop, 见他的动作停顿, The new strip fragrance finds out the head from side, is looking at him by below from on the surface, blinks saying: Forgot the belt/bring key? Association president.” 新条香不由从旁探出脑袋,由下自上地望着他,眨了眨眼睛说:“忘记带钥匙了吗?会长。” Un.” “嗯。” This ~, then can go the cheering team section with me? Because also has to lend assistance the activity in the afternoon, therefore there gate has been opening.” “这样呀~那么要跟我去啦啦队部吗?因为下午还有应援活动,所以那里的门一直开着。” The Katou Yusuke profile thinks, nods the compliance subsequently, guides.” 加藤悠介侧脸想了一下,继而颔首应允,“带路。” Good ~, although said...... the cheering team section in another side of this corridor?” The new strip fragrance explained one, and before bringing he is arriving at the reversed direction some activity room, puts out a hand to grasp the door knob, then rotated. “好的喔~虽然这么说……不过啦啦队部就在这层走廊的另一边哦?”新条香解释一句,并带着他来到反方向的某间活动室前,伸手握上门把手,然后转动。 Ka. 咔嗒。 With the light sound of door knob, the door also opens accordingly. 随着门把手的轻响,房门也应声而开。 Come in ~ Association president.” “请进~会长。” The new strip fragrance is smiling the making way body, made a movement of invitation. 新条香笑着让开身体,做了一个请的动作。 Katou Yusuke then takes a step to enter. 加藤悠介便迈步而入。 Does not calculate that in the big activity room the nobody left, in the air is filling or the elegantly simple or strong compound perfume flavor, forms belongs to girl's world in the true sense. 不算大的活动室里空无一人,空气里弥漫着或淡雅或浓烈的复合香水味道,形成真正意义上的属于女孩子的世界。 In the room places the long table, several chair and a couch that a conference is using, as well as a blank slate that is used to formulate the subject or the explanation movement. 房间里摆放着一张会议用的长桌、几把椅子、一张长沙发,以及一张用来制定主题或是讲解动作的白板。 Works as. 啪当。 Hears heavily not the heavy closing sound. 身后传来既不轻也不重的关门声。 You can sit casually, Association president ~ “你可以随便坐,会长~” Katou Yusuke looks all around, finally sat on the seemingly comfortable point sofa. 加藤悠介环顾一圈,最后在看上去舒服一点的沙发上坐了下来。 The new strip fragrance also steps the footsteps to walk, sits down by him, while yo kicks the indoor shoes on foot, crosses the both legs of knee sock to curl up to place on that pair of wear white the sofa. 新条香也迈着啪哒啪哒的脚步走来,一边挨着他坐下,一边“呦咻”一声踢掉脚上的室内鞋,将那双穿着白色过膝袜的双腿蜷起放在沙发上。 Squeak giggle...... 吱咯咯…… The faint yellow leather sofa sends out the weak moan, the small body that the carrying/sustaining the young girl is moving about. 淡黄色的皮质沙发发出无力的呻吟,承载着少女动来动去的小小身子。 Rips. 撕拉。 Katou Yusuke begins to rip open the roast flour bread the packing, delivers to the mouth, is preparing to open eats, the right body actually transmitted some weights suddenly. 加藤悠介动手撕开炒面面包的包装,送到嘴边,正准备开吃,右边身体却忽然传来了些许重量。 His movement, then turns away to look to the one side, faint say/way: Sits.” 他的动作不由一顿,接着转脸看向一旁,淡漠道:“坐好。” Depends on his new strip fragrance actually not to obey the body, but draws the major tone saying: ~ ~ ~ some present this time people will not come, excuse me ~ 将身体靠着他的新条香却不听从,只是拉着长音说道:“诶~~~现在这个时候是不会有人来的啦,拜托~” „......” “……” The Katou Yusuke brow slightly wrinkle, after crossing for two seconds, returns to the face, ate the bread. 加藤悠介眉头微皱,过了两秒以后又回正脸,吃起了面包。 The new strip fragrance beams with joy, puts out a hand to tear down a scrap from own red bean bread, but has not actually eaten. 新条香眉开眼笑,伸手从自己的红豆面包上撕下一小块,但却没吃。 „......” “……” She probes the bread that will be ripping to reach somebody slowly, is extending to half actually stops, then received calmly, admits the mouth, the small mouth chewed. 她试探着将撕下来的面包慢慢伸向某人,不过在伸到一半却又停止,然后又若无其事地收了回来,放进自己嘴巴,小口嘴嚼了起来。 Said that...... why the association president can buy the bread? I can take the liberty ask, hasn't the family member of association president come today?” “说起来啊……为什么会长会来买面包呢?我可以冒昧的问一下,会长的家人今天没有来吗?” No.” “没有。” Uh-huh ~ we are the same ~ heard his words the new strip fragrance to find probably similar is the same, said on own initiative. “嗯哼~那我们一样呢~”听到他话的新条香像是找到同类一样,主动说了起来。 My words have not told mother, although it is so, but goes out from me in the morning she has been drunk to be unconscious, even if that appearance said cannot come ~ “我的话是没有告诉妈妈,话虽这么说,不过从我早上出门的时候她就已经醉到不省人事了,那种样子就算说了也来不了吧~” „Are you very repugnant she?” Katou Yusuke spoke thoughtlessly to ask, in the words did not contain what mood. “你很讨厌她?”加藤悠介随口问了一句,话语中不包含什么情绪。 Un ~ repugnant, therefore she comes still only to make me puzzle even, therefore now this on the contrary fortunately ~ “嗯~讨厌,所以就算她来也只会让我困扰啦,因此现在这样反倒还好一点~” Un.” “嗯。” In brief, when I contribute money to move, that woman along with her good ~ saying of new strip fragrant summary, to own words in gloomy very confident. “总之,等我攒够钱就搬出去了,那个女人就随她好了~”新条香总结似的说道,对自己话语中的阴暗十分坦然。 „......” “……” Katou Yusuke makes the thinking slightly, then took up the thing in hand, this gives you.” 加藤悠介稍作思索,然后拿起了手中的东西,“这个给你吧。” „...... Coffee pudding? Why?” “……咖啡布丁?为什么?” Buys the bread to deliver.” “买面包送的。” Well? I also bought, how no?” “咦咦?我也买了,怎么没有?” Does not know.” “不知道。” „, That aunt good bias, not to feel the association president you very attractive, therefore treats specially!” “唔哇,那个大婶好偏心啊,根本就是觉得会长你很好看所以才特别对待的吧!” The new strip fragrance knelt straight the body, is facing him, the look somewhat indignanted disturbed. 新条香跪直了身体,面向着他,神色有些忿忿不平。 You want.” “你要不要。” Wants! Thanks the association president ~ ~ “要!谢谢会长~~” She received the pudding with a smile, to his desolate expression and tone cares about nothing, then continues to eat the bread. 她笑着接过布丁,对他的冷淡表情和语气毫不在乎,然后继续吃起面包。 Katou Yusuke is chatting with her with pauses, the expression on face seems like killing the time idly. 加藤悠介有一搭没一搭地与她聊着,脸上的表情像是在无所事事地消磨时间。 The new strip fragrance watches, an eye is transferring turning round, did not speak...... 新条香看在眼里,一双眼睛滴溜溜转着,却不说话…… 15 after minutes, 十五分钟以后, Katou Yusuke finished eating the lunch. 加藤悠介吃完了午餐。 Looked at time on cell phone, this time time also just 12:10. 看了一眼手机上的时间,此时的时间也才刚刚12点10分。 Ended from the midday rest also has 50 minutes. 距离午休结束还有50分钟。 The plastic packing and beverage bottle that he will finish eating receive in the same place, then stands up, planned that ahead of time prepares afternoon work. 他将吃完的塑料包装与饮料瓶收在一起,然后站起身来,打算提前去准备下午的工作。 The new strip fragrance sees this then to ask: Where do you want to go to? Association president.” 新条香见此便是问道:“你要去哪里?会长。” Prepares the item.” “去准备道具。” „? Isn't that the work of apparatus group?” “诶?那不是用具小组的工作吗?” Katou Yusuke un, had not explained much, subsequently takes the trash preparation to leave. 加藤悠介嗯了一声,没有多做解释,继而拿着垃圾准备离开。 „, Waits for my ~ ~ I also help.” “啊、等我一下~~那我也去帮忙。” Has no need.” “用不着。” He was saying then lifts the foot to walk outward. 他说着便抬脚向外走去。 The new strip fragrance quickly eats up the last pudding, on the tread the shoes, takes up own movement backpack, slightly ran to pursue. 新条香急忙吃下最后一口布丁,蹬上鞋子,一把拿起自己的运动背包,小跑着追了上来。 Association president, I help you take the trash ~?” “会长,我来帮你拿垃圾吧~?” Does not use.” “不用。” Oh ~......” “喔~……” Katou Yusuke leads the way without consulting anybody, arrives by stadium warehouse here, the key insertion door lock, opened the door. 加藤悠介径自前行,一路来到体育馆旁边的仓库这里,将钥匙插入门锁,开门走了进去。 In the dim room is filling some humidity. 昏暗的房间里弥漫着些许潮气。 As the gate was pulled open, a stuffy wet flavor greets the nostrils immediately. 随着门被拉开,一股闷湿的味道顿时扑鼻而来。 , quite smelly ~ before” new strip fragrant instinct lifts the hand places the nose, waving fan air fan. “唔哇,好臭~”新条香本能地抬手放在鼻子前,挥手扇了扇风。 The Katou Yusuke look is actually usual, and lifts the foot to arrive by wall rack here, starts to begin to turn looks for the goods that afternoon needs. 加藤悠介倒是神色如常,并抬脚走到靠墙的架子这里,开始动手翻找起下午所需的物品。 Before long then discovered the target. 不一会儿便发现了目标。 That is one bunch has the small arm thick or thin hemp rope, will use at afternoon tug-of-war contest. 那是一捆有小臂粗细的麻绳,将会用在下午的拔河比赛上。 He hangs the hemp rope on the arm, will be about to leave. 他将麻绳挂在胳膊上,正要准备离开。 Hey ~ “嘿咻~” squeak squeak. 嘎吱吱。 Suddenly resounded the metal door to rub the unwieldy sound of rail track, then thump bumped into. 身后突然响起了金属门摩擦滑轨的笨重声,接着又“咚”地一声碰上。 The warehouse therefore becomes dimmer. 仓库因此变得更加昏暗。 „......” “……” He is silent to look back to look, in the eye dispatches for several points to inquire. 他沉默着回首看去,眼中递出几分询问。 Sees the new strip fragrance to join hands behind the back to depend on the gate, and winks is looking at him. A pitch-black bright eye shines, is pasting secretly the eyes. 就见新条香正背手靠着门,并一眨不眨地望着他。一双乌黑水亮的眼睛忽闪忽闪,暗暗流转着秋波。 I want the schoolwork guide, Association president ~ “我想要课业指导,会长~” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke first is the brow slightly wrinkle, then lowered the head to observe time, said impartially: „...... The time is not enough.” 加藤悠介先是眉头微皱,接着又低头察看了一眼时间,不置可否地说道:“……时间不够。” Hears his words the new strip fragrance not to refute, but is blushing to nod, and responded by the charming voice: Un ~ ~, therefore I will try hard ~ 听到他话的新条香也不反驳,只是红着脸点了点头,并以娇媚的嗓音回应道:“嗯~~所以我会更加努力的~” In he contains under the look of question. 在他微含疑问的眼神下。 The new strip fragrance stood the body, the left hand is holding the doorframe behind, the deep breath the one breath, the upper part leaned toward slightly approximately 15 degrees the left, simultaneously lifted the right leg to stretch out toward the right side straightly, then slowly upward movement. 新条香站直了身体,左手在身后扶着门框,深呼吸了一口气,上半身微微向左边倾斜约15度,同时抬起右腿往右侧笔直伸出,然后慢慢向上移动。 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees. 45度,90度,180度。 The nong fine proper thigh showed the astonishing flexibility, was so dexterous horizontal crosses the top of the head, built one slightly to have the curve to delay the line in the high and low two points. 秾纤合度的大腿展现出了惊人的柔韧性,就这么轻巧地平越过头顶,在上下两点之间搭建一条略有弧度延展线。 The loose trunks are sticking to the body, because stretches even more to outline the enchanting figure fiercely, serves as contrast the exquisite curve of buttocks. 宽松的运动短裤紧贴着身体,并因为剧烈拉伸而愈发勾勒出妖娆的身段,衬托出臀部的优美弧度。 Association president you ~ should know I am the cheering team section ~ ~?” “会长你~应该知道我是啦啦队部的吧~~?” The new strip fragrance made wink to him mischievously, the left hand supported the rear doorframe as before, the right hand holds the ankle area of right foot, is maintaining balanced. 新条香淘气地对他做了一个wink,左手依旧撑着后方门框,右手则是抓住了右脚的脚踝,维持着平衡。 „......” “……” The Katou Yusuke vision shoots a look at lowly, has swept her slender calf, the slender waist, the clear powder lip, the clear appearance, as well as contains the spring eye pupil...... 加藤悠介目光低瞥,扫过她苗条的小腿,纤细的腰身,晶莹的粉唇,清纯的容貌,以及含春的眼眸…… Finally is gazing at her, seems an inspection. 最后又重新注视着她,好似一种检查。 It looks like feels the mood of his eyeground to be the same, the new strip fragrance somewhat is slightly self-satisfied, and smiled not to speak changed a position the left and right hands. 就像是感受到他眼底的情绪一样,新条香微微有些得意,并笑而不语地将左右手调换了一下位置。 She by the left hand board the ankle, is pasting the head the right leg , to continue downward under the waist. 她以左手板着脚腕,将右腿贴着脑袋,继续往下下腰。 From 225 degrees, 270 degrees, 315 degrees, to put down again completely. 从225度,270度,315度,再到完全放下。 The soft right leg completed a circulation, happen to drew a complete circle around the body...... 柔软的右腿完成了一个循环,正好在身体周围画了一个完整的圆…… ...... 呼…… The new strip fragrance implored the one breath gently, the facial features curved smiled, asked in a soft voice: Now ~ did you change the mind? Association president ~ ~ ~ 新条香轻轻吁出一口气,眉眼弯弯地笑了起来,轻声问道:“现在~你改变主意了吗?会长~~~” Katou Yusuke is carefully examining her, the pupil light of eyeground is profound, asks: „Are you ordering me?” 加藤悠介审视着她,眼底的眸光幽深,问道:“你在命令我?” As the ice-cold faint voice spreads in the warehouse. 随着冰冷淡漠的嗓音在仓库里扩散开来。 The new strip fragrance immediately becomes submissive, small sound said: „...... Not ~ please instruct my sociology the schoolwork, Association president.” 新条香顿时变得低眉顺眼起来,小声道:“……不是哦~请你指导我社会学的功课,会长。” „......” “……” „......” “……” Has the period of time, in the room no one spoke. 有好一阵子,房间里都没人讲话。 Katou Yusuke makes the thinking slightly, returned on the manila rope on arm the rack, subsequently before arriving around vaulting horse, said lightly: Comes to here.” 加藤悠介稍作思索,将胳膊上的粗麻绳放回了架子上,继而走到一旁的跳马前,淡淡道:“来这里。” „...... Is.” “……是。” The new strip fragrance walked, lowers the head the appearance that joins hands behind the back to seem like a making mistakes child. 新条香啪哒啪哒地走了过来,低头背手的样子像是一个犯错的孩子。 What issue?” “什么问题?” „...... Classical Chinese literature in the Chinese class, the agricultural class in sociology.” “……国语课上的古文,还有社会学里的农业课。” Katou Yusuke selected, said: We, start.” 加藤悠介点了下头,说:“那我们,开始。” His sound is tranquil, the tone is not the inquiry, is not requirement, only probably an announcement. 他的声音平静,语气既不是询问,也不是要求,只像是一番预告。 Is welcoming his profound vision, the new strip fragrance looked all around around one, finally supported by two elbows in the school desk with the high vaulting horse on, regarded the school desk it. 迎着他深邃的目光,新条香环顾了一下四周,最终以两肘撑在了与课桌同高的跳马上,将其当成了课桌。 Strikes an attitude to spread out the books, while told own two issues. 一边作势摊开书本,一边讲述起自己的两个问题。 First is first asked that Tao Yuanming's «Arcadia Recording». 首先是第一问,陶渊明的《桃花源记》。 " Forest completely water source, then a mountain, the mountain has the small mouth, if as if has up. " 「林尽水源,便得一山,山有小口,仿佛若有光。」 " Then abandons the ship, enters from the mouth. Initially extremely slender, learned person. The duplicate/restores number of lines ten steps, suddenly see the light. " 「便舍船,从口入。初极狭,才通人。复行数十步,豁然开朗。」 The new strip fragrance recited by the somewhat incoherent sound makes noise, the complex pronunciation made her read is rough and off and on, often and stopped, to be able to continue to read good long while. 新条香以有些拗口的声音吟诵出声,复杂的发音令她读得磕磕绊绊、断断续续,并不时停顿下来,要想好半天才能继续念下去。 For all that pours does not have the strong point. 虽然如此,倒也不是全无长处。 At least her sound is very of pleasant to hear, feeling that a Susu flatters. 至少她的声音很好听,有一种苏苏媚媚的感觉。 Katou Yusuke is listening when the one side peacefully, and non- point in time has her to pronounce wrongly. 加藤悠介在一旁安静地听着,并时不时点出她错误的发音。 …… 恍惚间, He thought that oneself seems like playing a piano music, by a pair of slender and powerful hand, is playing the sentimental persuasive song on the key spiritedly. 他觉得自己像是在弹奏着一曲钢琴曲,以一双修长而有力的手,激昂地在琴键上弹奏着多情婉转的歌。 But tweedle leisurely Yang-yang. 琴声悠悠而扬扬。 Like beautiful music lingering in the air, three days lingering on faintly. 有如余音绕梁,三日不绝于耳。 The text read to finishing, the new strip fragrant aura was insufficient, has to bend over one's desk takes a rest slightly. 课文念至结束,新条香气息不够,不得不伏案稍作休息。 Katou Yusuke by a foot place, both hands supports, is beating time in the heart, silent number/count the opposite party is reading aloud the mistake, conducts the induction reorganization. 加藤悠介以脚点地,双手撑腰,在心中啪啪打着拍子,默数着对方在念诵中的错误,进行归纳整理。 Then is second asked that in agricultural class about sociology. 然后是第二问,关于社会学里的农业课。 The new strip fragrance did not understand to the ancient cultivation flow that in the classroom spoke. 新条香对课堂上所讲的古代耕种流程不甚理解。 Katou Yusuke makes the ponder slightly, then unifies the previous classical Chinese literature example to explain. 加藤悠介稍作沉思,然后结合着先前的古文举例讲解。 ...... …… In the melodious persuasive tweedle, that fisherman has not left the paradise, but chose took root in this place, started the life of cultivation. 悠扬婉转的琴声之中,那名渔夫并未离开世外桃源,而是选择了在此地扎根,开始了耕种的生活。 He found land of without owner, and begins to open up the paddies. 他找到了一块无主的土地,并着手开垦田地。 Then buys farm cattle, gives on it to put on the rake, brings its loose earth. 接着又买来一只耕牛,给它身上套上犁耙,带着它松土。 These step is important, because must guarantee that the soil is not one after another, therefore needs repeatedly back and forth, making the rake penetrate into every inchs the soil, scatters them completely, makes its soft. 这一步非常重要,因为要确保泥土不是一块一块的,所以需要反复来回,让犁耙深入到每一寸泥土里,将它们完全打散,使其松软。 Until the soil in field becomes the soft person, is being reclaimed to expose docile side, can conduct next step sowing seeds. 直至田里的泥土变得松软可人,在开垦中展露出服帖的一面,才得以进行下一步的播种。 The fishermen bought the improved variety of crops, started to spread on own land, and paid attention not to make the seed spread extremely crowded. 渔夫买来了作物的良种,开始在自己的土地上播撒,并注意着不让种子铺得太过密集。 Then after sprinkling to use the small rake to turn an earth, buried in the seed depth the soil, to guard birds pecking food. 然后又在洒完之后用小耙翻了一下土,将种子深深浅浅地埋入泥土中,以防鸟类啄食。 Comes again is applies fertilizer and waters. 再来是施肥和浇水。 Because of not too specialized reason, his movement seems somewhat crude, but finally success completed this step. 因为不太专业的缘故,他的动作显得有些粗暴,但最后还是成功的完成了这一步。 However bad weather, this time sky is raining suddenly. 然而天公不作美,此时的天空忽然下起了雨。 Rainfall intensity from the beginning thin like ox hair, arrives middle lightly, again to final continuous to become string. 雨势从一开始的细如牛毛,到中间的淅淅沥沥,再到最后的连珠成线。 The initial light rain turned into the moderate rain, the moderate rain turned into the heavy rain. 起初的小雨变成了中雨,中雨又变成了大雨。 The heavy downpour is sweeping across the land, devastated recklessly was just opening up the good paddies, and was quick and must sprinkle the rapid rainwater anxiously. 滂沱大雨席卷着大地,肆意蹂躏着才刚刚开垦好的田地,并又快又急得洒下湍急的雨水。 The fishermen watch, at heart, actually the strength falls short anxiously, can only the disciple shout does. 渔夫看在眼里,急在心里,却又力有不逮,只能徒呼奈何。 Facing scene that this heavenly prestige measures not, Xintien also can only implore to take pity on and treasure unceasingly, sent out the moan of choking with sobs. 面对这天威莫测的场面,就连新田也只能不断地祈求垂怜与爱惜,发出了泣不成声的呻吟。 How long until after has not known,...... 直到不知过了多久之后…… In the sky crack a stuffy thunder, this violent storm eventually finished suddenly. 天空中突然炸响一声闷雷,这场狂风暴雨才终于结束。 The sky duplicate/restores clears, above the paddies also presented a rainbow, results in beautifully may not the local products...... 天空复又放晴,田地上方也出现了一道彩虹,美丽得不可方物…… The Katou Yusuke lecture the climate regarding the importance of cultivation, answered the new strip fragrant question all, then opens the mouth to ask: „...... Good?” 加藤悠介讲完了气候对于耕种的重要性,尽数解答了新条香的疑问,然后开口问道:“……好了吗?” The new strip fragrance ignites the head slowly, returned to one softly, then puts out a hand to fish out a band-aid from the pocket. 新条香缓缓点着脑袋,软软地回了一声嗯,接着又伸手从口袋里摸出一个创可贴。 I was also injured at the games, helping me paste? Association president......” “我也在运动会上受伤了,帮我贴一下吧?会长……” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke has not said anything, put out a hand to receive the band-aid, helping her paste in the wound. 加藤悠介没说什么,伸手接过创可贴,帮她贴在了伤口上。 ~ Association president?” “呐~会长?” The new strip fragrance stands up to ask: What issue if I later have, you can also counsel me?” 新条香站起身问道:“如果我之后还有什么问题,你还可以辅导我吗?” Katou Yusuke knits the brows, thought deeply about her the dull-wittedness in schoolwork, hesitates saying: Next time, brings the disciplinary ruler.” 加藤悠介皱了皱眉,思索了一下她在课业上的愚钝,沉吟道:“下次,带着戒尺。” Well?” “咦咦?” Did not answer right, had the disciplinary punishment.” “答不对,有惩戒。” The new strip fragrance first stares, subsequently smiles. 新条香先是一愣,继而嫣然一笑。 Un ~ ~ ~ I knew.” “嗯~~~我知道了。” ...... ……
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