Chapter 399midday rest
第399章午休Processes the wound is also good, gets the water is also goodtoEriri.
The Katou Yusukebehavioralwaysdoes not have anyto overstepwithillegally, butis taking care ofherpurely.加藤悠介的行为始终没有什么逾越和不轨,只是单纯地照顾着她。Andtorepay the favor of Sawamura, is relatedwithEriricharacter.
其中既是为了偿还泽村家的人情,同时也与英梨梨本身的性格有关。Clumsyandtalented, weaklyanddoes not have the flawpurely.
笨拙而又才华横溢,幼稚而又纯粹无瑕。Thereforewill make one envy, will therefore annoy the personto love tenderly.
因此才会引人嫉妒,因此才会惹人怜爱。Temper that in additionthatlikesshowing off powerhypocritically, therefore makes one somewhat unable to put down, and instinctis willingto look afterher.
再加上那份口是心非、又喜欢逞强的性子,所以才让人有些放不下,并本能地愿意照料她。As forEririafterwardshyas well aspents up anger, hehas not cared, after allthatis a young girlpersonalitypart.
It looks like the matureabdomen of Utahato be black, the benefitcurewill of the people are same.
就像是诗羽的成熟腹黑,惠的治愈人心一样。So long asin view of everyone character, thensomebehaviorsalsofairly.
只要从每个人的性格角度出发,那么一些行为也就合情合理了。Butmentionedsomestudyelder sister, in the brainalsoremembered the opposite party'sappraisaltoEriri.
" Textbookrankarroganttender " .
「教科书级别的傲娇」。Katou Yusukedeep is so , totwo peoplenot onlyapprovesmutually, and as incompatible as fire and waterrelationalhearthas a knowledge......加藤悠介对此深以为然,同时也对两人既相互认同、又水火不容的关系心有所知……Leavesafter the clinic, the planreturned to the drill ground.
When is goingto go out of the activitybuilding, actuallyjustmetReynard Spencer who wears the suspenderssuit.
将要走出活动楼时,却刚好遇到了身穿背带西装的雷纳德・斯宾塞。In the opposite partyhandraisesto packconvenientsilkdye printingwindLüFu, indoor will enter.
对方手中提有装满便当的丝质印花风吕敷,正要进入室内。Bigadds on the conspicuousforeignerappearanceto be very noticeable.
高大的个头加上显眼的外国人容貌十分令人瞩目。Seeshisform, Reynard Spencerthengreetson own initiative.
见到他的身影,雷纳德・斯宾塞便主动打起了招呼。„Oh! Isn't thisBrotherKatou?”
“噢!这不是加藤小弟吗?”„Good afternoon, Mr.Reynard.”
“中午好,雷纳德先生。”Katou Yusukestops the footsteps, firstisreturns to send regards,thenopens the mouthto ask: „Do youwantto go to the clinic?”加藤悠介停下脚步,先是回以问候,接着又开口问道:“您是要去保健室吗?”„Rightright, Eririsheseemed likedoes not have the meansto continueto competeafter allagain, thereforeSayuriaskedmeto bring the lunchfrom the vehicle, the preparationmadehereatin the clinic, can youcometogether?”
“没错没错,毕竟英梨梨她看起来也没办法再继续比赛了,所以小百合叫我从车上拿来了便当,准备让她在保健室吃,你要一起来吗?”„Thank you, butsorry, Ihave madewith the friend, thereforedid not disturbyou.”
“这样么。”Reynard Spencernods, was sayingtohim: „ThenInotwithyoursmalltalk, thank youto the attendance of Eriri, BrotherKatou.”
雷纳德・斯宾塞点了点头,然后对着他说道:“那么我也不跟你客套了,谢谢你对英梨梨的照顾,加藤小弟。”„Youwere polite.”Yusukeshakes the head, thenstartsto show the way, „clinicinfirst of onebuildingcorridor, youcanseein the past.”
“您客气了。”悠介对此摇了摇头,转而开始指路,“保健室在一楼走廊的第一间,您过去就可以看到了。”„Good, Iknew.”
The opposite partyput out a handto pathisshoulder, made an encouragementlook.
对方伸手拍了拍他的肩膀,做了一个勉励的眼神。„Gamesrefuels! So long asyoudo not maketo let the Eririsadmatter, wewill also treat as the family memberto regardyouforever.”
“运动会加油吧!只要你不做出让英梨梨伤心的事情,我们也会永远把你当作家人来看待的。”Said that thenliftsfootstand forth.
The straightphysiqueadds on the naturalmanner, exposesside of diplomatunknowingly.
笔挺的身姿加上大方的举止,在不经意间展露出外交官的一面。Katou Yusukegazes afterhimto depart, thenturns aroundto go out of the activitybuilding, returns to the drill ground.加藤悠介目送着他离去,然后才转身走出活动楼,回到操场。Helped the apparatusgrouptidy up a itemtogether, the thing that will not useadmitted the sportswarehouse.
帮着用具组一起收拾了一下道具,将不用的东西放进体育仓库。Thenis the 1-hour 20-minutemidday rest.
The studentsmeetenjoy the lunchwith the guardianthese daystogether, conserves strengthforafternoonteam competition.
学生们会在这段时间与家长一起享用午餐,为下午的团体比赛养精蓄锐。Katou Yusuketakes the key of sportswarehouse, goes throughalonein the campus, preparesto go to the sales storeto buy a breadto make the lunch.加藤悠介拿着体育仓库的钥匙,独自穿行在校园中,准备去小卖部买点面包来做午餐。Strollsto arrive at the quadrangle.
漫步来到中庭。Today'shereseemsespeciallylively, is very crowded.
今日的这里显得格外热闹,也十分拥挤。Alsocalculates the spaciousspaceis paving the picnicarrange/clotheverywhere, abovewas filled with the form of students and guardians.
原本还算宽敞的空间到处都铺就着野餐布,上面挤满了学生与家长们的身影。Somepeopleare talkingwith the family member, the video recording in somepeople'sinwatchingcamera, somepeopleare eating to the heart's content to lunch boxsumptuousfood.
The trimspacewas full of the happy talks and laughters, is brimming withmulti-coloredluminous.
The jokegracefulappearancelooks likein the ornamentaloriental cherryseason- picnic is the same.
笑语盈盈的样子就像是观赏樱花时节里的-野餐活动一样。Yamaguchi, TakeiandYoshiko,山口、竹井、佳子,Utaha-senpai, wildstudyelder sister,诗羽学姐、中野学姐,secureskill , the threepeople of groups of baseballsection......
安艺伦也、棒球部的三人组……Whatis familiaris not familiar, at this momentis having the lunchwith the family membertogether, appears the harmony happiness.
不论是熟悉的还是不熟悉的,此刻都在与家人一起吃着午餐,显得其乐融融。Katou Yusukestops the footstepsunexpectedly, has transferred the bodyquietly, preparesto enter the classroom buildingfromanother side.加藤悠介蓦地停下脚步,悄无声息地转过身体,准备从另一边进入教学楼。At this time......
The benefitformappears at present.
惠的身影就出现在了眼前。„Weren't youdeliverEriri? Has been all right?” The young girls the headare looking athim, the bodyputs onwithhiscolorsameshort sleevegym suit.
“你不是去送英梨梨了吗?已经没事了吗?”少女偏着脑袋望着他,身上穿着与他颜色相同的短袖运动服。Fromis scratching the movement of handwith the handkerchief, shouldjustwash the hands.
从正在用手帕擦手的动作来看,应该是刚刚去洗过手回来。„Un.”Katou Yusukenods, returnssaid: „Her parentsaccompanyherin the clinic.”
“嗯。”加藤悠介点点头,回道:“她父母在保健室陪她。”„This~what, thenyouare makingnow?”
“这样哦~那么你现在在做什么?”„Prepares a sales store.”
“准备去一趟小卖部。”„Well, sales store?”
“嗯。”„Wú......, althoughpossiblywasImisunderstoodalsoperhaps.”
“唔……虽然可能是我误会了也说不定。”Was saying the benefitreceives the handkerchief, lifts the footto arrive in front ofhimto stop, in the straightbeautifulappearancehasseveralpointsto think.
这么说着的惠收起手帕,抬脚走到他面前停下,端正秀丽的容貌上带着几分思索。„......, Yusuke do youplanto eat the breadat noon?”
“……难道说,悠介你中午打算吃面包吗?”„Today the personare not many, the roast flourbread and currybreadshouldremain.”
“今天人不多,炒面面包和咖喱面包应该有剩。”„...... Isn'tthatissue?” The young girlsare blinking, in the gentlevoicehasseveralpointsto rebuke.
“……才不是那种问题吧?”少女眨着眼睛,平和的嗓音中带着几分嗔怪。Was at this time-
正在这时-„Megumi-chan~ ~ ~ ~”
“-小惠~~~~”Transmitted the maturefemalemelodiousvoice.
身后传来了成熟女性的悠扬嗓音。Katou Yusuketurn headlooked atone, sees onlyoneto seem like about 20 -year-old long hairfemale, is wavingtohere.加藤悠介回头看了一眼,只见一名看上去约20岁左右的长发女性,正在对着这里挥手。
The appearance of opposite partyseems liketo the benefit of long hairis somewhat similar, butmustmaturely.
对方的模样看上去与长发的惠有几分相似,但要更成熟一点。Thentakes back the vision.
而后又收回目光。„Yourfamily memberis callingyou.”
“你家人在叫你了。”„......, Isthis.”
The benefithad no moodto wieldtowardtherestarted, at onceis also sayingtohim: „...... That, becauseinsidehas very troublesomeperson, thereforethistimeIdidn't inviteyouto pass? Yusuke.”
惠没什么情绪地朝那里挥了一下手,旋即又对着他说道:“……那个呢,因为里面有很麻烦的人在,所以这次我就不邀请你过去了哦?悠介。”Katou Yusukelooks ather, tohears„troublesomeperson”thisto describe that fromHuiKou for the first time has the mighty waves, has not actually gone into seriously, butnodded a goodcharacter.加藤悠介看着她,对第一次从惠口中听到“麻烦的人”这一形容微有波澜,却也没有深究,只是点头回了一个好字。Thisthinks that the young girlwill leavelike this, finally the opposite partyactuallyopened the mouthagain.
本以为少女会就这样离开,结果对方却再次开口了。„, Yusuke, did Iaskyou?”
“?”„Althoughhas very troublesomepersonin......”
“虽然是有很麻烦的人在……”Is welcominghisvision, HuiJiangshuang the back of the hand after behind, thinks, askedin a soft voice: „Said...... eventhis, youare still willingto come?”
The languagefinishes, shewas then peaceful.
The showpupil that a pairlives simplybrightlyis draggingslightly, the backinsteadgrasps after behindsprout/slender white handin the same place, white and tenderfingergentlynecked-.
“……”Two peoplelook in the eyes.
The time of blankcoveredthem.
短暂的沉默。Katou Yusuketook the leadto turn away, repliedin a low voice: „...... Thanks.”加藤悠介率先移开了视线,低声答道:“……谢谢,不了。”„......, This, is good.”HuiDiantouis complying, „do thatIfirstpass? Weseein the afternoon, Yusuke.”
“好。”Two peoplewrongbody of greeting.
打过招呼的两人错身而过。Katou Yusukegoestoward the main entrance of classroom building, the benefitarrived under the tree of quadrangle, with the family membersits together.加藤悠介向着教学楼的正门而去,惠则是来到了中庭的树下,与家人坐在一起。Seesherto come back, the female who previouslythathas the long hairthensays the hello.
见到她回来,先前那名留着长发的女性便打起招呼。„Welcometo come back~”
“欢迎回来~”„......, Icame back, greatbeautifulelder sister.”
“……嗯,我回来了,宏美姐姐。”„Yourmovementreallyslow, benefit~”
“你的动作真慢耶,惠~”„......, becausehitto callwith the friend.”
“……因为和朋友打了一下招呼。”„Un~Isaw, isthatmale student who has the whiteshort hair?”
“嗯~我看到了,是那个留着白色短发的男生吧?”„...... Didn't yousee?”
“……你不是都看到了吗?”„~ ~ your paramorphdislikes the troublesomeresponse? RareIcometo refueltoyouespecially.”
“啊~~你怎么一副像是嫌麻烦的反应?难得我特地来给你加油的。”„~this. Thenwecaneat mealnow?”Was saying the benefitlookstofood in the lunch box, did not have the connectionbyownvisionwithsomebodyas far as possible.
When thisabnormal behaviorfalls intoherbiologicalelder sister...... is also in the Kato Junichibeautifuleyes, matteris unable easilyto pass.
然而当这种反常行为落入她亲姐姐……也就是加藤宏美眼中时,事情就无法轻易过去了。„How...... is your typeobviouslyin the rejection reaction? Does not hopeIdo come?”
“……你那种明显在排斥反应是怎样?难道是不希望我来吗?”„Howcan, withoutthatmatter~”Huiwas sayingturns awayto looktoownparents, shifted the topiccalmly.
“怎么会呢,才没有那种事呢~”惠说着转脸看向自己的父母,若无其事地转移了话题。„Alwaysthought that...... today'sfoodisverysumptuous? Mom.”
“总觉得……今天的菜肴是不是很丰盛耶?妈妈。”Mrs.Katou is gentlesmiles, responds: „After alltodayisonMegumi-chan the firstgames of high school, mother, eatsslightlydiligentlymuch~”
加藤太太便是温柔一笑,回应道:“毕竟今天是小惠上高中的第一次运动会,妈妈就稍微努力一下,多吃点吧~”„Un~ ~thanks, Mom.”
The young girlsalsono longerwere polite, put out a handto take one toothpickput on, to be cultivated the root volumesaintessfruitfrom the gift boxin the same place, ateone.
“啊~这个好好吃~”NearbyKato Junichibeautifullooks atthis, said.
“……?”„Did thatmale studentnamea moment ago? Toldme~”
短暂的沉默。„...... Thatright and wrongmusttell the elder sisterto be ablematter?”
“……那是非得告诉姐姐才可以的事情吗?”„Aren't the words that mustspeak...... worthto letyouspitefullyto the information that did not disclose?”
“…………”„~Iremember that male studentis the person who the morningjumpsto hold? What's wrong~ is the opposite party the type that Megumi-chanlikes?”
“啊~还有我记得那个男生就是早上跳操的人吧?怎么~对方是小惠喜欢的类型吗?”„Wú~ the elder sister, youare quite bothersome, can askingbe peaceful?”
“唔~姐,你好烦喔,拜托能不能安静?”Facingthissix -year-old biologicalelder sister, the benefitwantsto maintain the distancegreatlyvery muchsubtly, was actually also exposingownweakness.
面对这个比自己大六岁的亲姐姐,惠很微妙地想要保持距离,却也在无意间暴露了自己的弱点。Kato Junichibeautifulthenhas the smile that a faceis teasing , to continue to teaseownyounger sister.
加藤宏美便是带着一脸戏谑的笑容,继续逗弄着自己的妹妹。„Therefore, thatcommandyouintent does the male studentname?”
“所以喽,那个令・你・中・意・的男生叫什么名字?”„Youtold that basicallyyounot onlyput the stressin the unnecessaryplace, but also has very bigmisunderstandingyeah.”
The benefittodisliketroublesomealsohas the tone that is arguing saying: „Whycan, inweonlysaidin the situation of a few words, makes such strangesuspicion?”
惠以嫌麻烦中又带着一丝辩解的语气说道:“为什么可以在我们只说了一句话的情况下,就做出这么奇怪的猜想呢?”„Snort~ ~ ~probablyisbecauseyoukeepcovering up, insteadmakespeoplethinksuspicious? Is......”
“哼嗯~~~大概是因为你不停在遮遮掩掩,反而让人觉得可疑吧?还有就是……”Kato Junichibeautifuladdedwith a smile: „That in yourwords " onlysaida few words " do not absolutely needto add, a littleadded something superfluous and ruined the effect~”
加藤宏美笑着补充道:“你话里的那句「只说了一句话」根本没必要加,有点画蛇添足了~”„...... Wú.”
The benefitsomewhathad nothing to say in replyfor a while.
惠一时有些无言以对。To her, presentpersonnot onlycompared with a parentalmore troublesomefamily member, wasonehad once made the innumerableout of the ordinaryactions, letshesomewhatdumbfoundedgreatpioneer.
对她来说,眼前之人不仅是比父母更麻烦的亲人,也是一个曾做出过无数出格举动的,让她有些傻眼的伟大先驱。After allalsolivesat hometogether the timefromthem, only thensheknew the opposite partytotreatwith the boyfriendin the same place, butwhen the nightgoes outactuallyto findmanyexcuses.
毕竟从她们还在家里一起生活的时候起,只有她晓得对方为了跟男朋友待在一起,而在夜晚出门时究竟找了多少理由。Probably " studiesto prepare fortestto the friendfamily/home " and " writesgraduation thesisand " to gatherto the friendfamily/homewith the femaleincrease in population and wealth " to the friendfamily/home " and so on...... to mention just a few.
" In90%truth, mixes10%rumorsto go ineasilywill not give it away. " - Inbrainremembered the opposite partyoncetoownguidance.
「在90%的真话里,混10%的谎言进去就不会轻易穿帮。」-脑中不由想起了对方曾对自己的教导。Shemakes the thinkingslightly, thenexchangedoneindifferentlyalsoto have a impatienttone, said.
她稍作思索,然后换上了一副淡然中又带点不耐烦的口吻,说了起来。„...... HisnamewasKatou Yusuke, was the studentassociation president in ourschool, withmewas a classmate, wasthis.”
“嘿诶~原来是这样啊。”Kato Junichibeautifullooked atheroneeyes, is nodding saying: „Yeah, ifyouconfessedearlierwill not havethismatter.”
加藤宏美看了她一眼,点着头说道:“哎,如果你早点坦白就根本不会有这种事了嘛。”At this time, two peoplefathersinserted the dialogue.
这时,两人的父亲插入了对话。„Goodgreatbeautiful, do not bullyMegumi-chanagain, eats meala bit faster.”
“好了宏美,你也别再欺负小惠了,快点吃饭吧。”„Yes~ ~”
The appearancegentleKatoufatherlookstooneselfyoungest daughter, „you have the team competitionin the afternoon, Megumi-chan? The fatherIbrought the camera, will patclearlytoyou.”
面目慈祥的加藤父亲又望向自己的小女儿,“你下午还有团体赛吧,小惠?爸爸我带来了摄影机,会清清楚楚地给你拍下来的。”„Yeah~ ~ ~does not want, quiteloses face.”Huisomewhatsaidreluctant.
“哎~~~不要啦,好丢人。”惠有些不情不愿地说道。Seeing that Mrs.Katou is speaksto lend a hand.
见状,加藤太太便是出言帮衬起来。„Really is, the kid's dadyoudo not bring the strangepressure, Megumi-chanwill be anxious.”
The benefithas not made noise the rebuttal, buthad the foodsilently......
……Another side.
另一边。Katou Yusukealsoarrived at the sales store in classroom building, andbought a roast flourbreadto add the currybreadsmoothly.加藤悠介也来到了教学楼的小卖部,并顺利买到了一个炒面面包加咖喱面包。Just likeit is expected that today'ssales storebusinessis very lonely, absolutelydoes not haveusually in extraordinaryscene, will be openingalsoforsomestudents.
正如预想中的一样,今天的小卖部生意十分冷清,完全没有平日里的火爆场面,会开着也只是为了方便一些学生。Saw that hebuys the bread, the idleauntalsodeliveredhim a coffeepudding, is very warm.
见到他来买面包,无所事事的阿姨还送了他一个咖啡布丁,十分热情。Under the difficult to turn down an offer make with such warmth, Katou Yusukethenalsoaccepted.
盛情难却之下,加藤悠介便也收下了。Afterwardarrives at a building, boughtonebottle of Oolong teabeforecafeteriavending machinehere.
Different from the sales store, the cafeteriadoes not do businesstoday.
不同于小卖部,食堂今天是不营业的。Katou Yusuketakes the bread and drink, preparesto find a peacefulplaceto have the lunch.加藤悠介拿着面包与饮料,准备找个安静的地方吃午饭。Hispreferredgoalis the student associationroom.
他的首选目标是学生会室。Howeverdoes not wantto pass the extremely busyquadranglecorridor.
不过又不想通过热闹非凡的中庭走廊。even/includingLang who therefore the decisionwalkstwobuildingsgoes to the activitybuilding.
于是决定走二楼的连廊前往活动楼。By the northstaircasealongcafeteriagoes upstairs, actuallyin a buildingwith the platforms in twobuildings, ran into an unexpectedperson.
A staturepetiteyoung girlis sittingon the stairalone, in the handtakesonebag of red beanbread and milk, hereis eatingsilently.
一名个子娇小的少女正独自坐在台阶上面,手中拿着一袋红豆面包与牛奶,在这里默默吃着。Looks in the eyes, the opposite partyalsosaw the thing in hishand.
A nimble and resourcefuleyefirstwinkedtwo, at onceunfolds the faceto smile.
一双灵动的眼睛先是眨了两下,旋即展颜一笑。„Quiteskillful~canhave the lunchtogether? Association president~”
“……”Katou Yusukelooked atheroneeyes, said: „Goes to the student associationroom.”加藤悠介看了她一眼,说道:“去学生会室。”
Then continuesto go upstairsalong the staircase.
然后便继续沿着楼梯上楼。„Good~”newstripfragrancenodsjoyfully, stood upfrom the staircasesimply, puts out a handto pat the trunksfollowingdustgently, subsequentlyjumped for joyto join hands behind the backsidehim.
“好~”新条香欣然点头,干脆地从楼梯上站起身,伸手轻轻拍了拍运动短裤后面的灰尘,继而雀跃地背着手走在他身旁。„Has not thought that will meetassociation presidenteihere~ ~Ialsothink that the association presidenttheywill have the lunchwithSawamura-santogether, quitelucky~”
“没想到会在这里遇到会长欸~~我还以为会长会跟泽村同学她们一起吃午饭,好幸运~”„...... The idle talklittleraises.”
“……闲话少提。”„Yes~ ~Isaw the association presidentis a little excited, sorry.”
“……”Two peoplemount the staircasetogether, walkstoward the activitybuildingin the even/includingporch of nobody left.
两人一同登上楼梯,在空无一人的连廊上向活动楼走去。Even if away fromglass, is unable to be cut offoutdoornoise.
即使是隔着一层玻璃,也丝毫无法阻隔室外的喧闹。„Outside is really lively.”
“外面还真是热闹呢。”Looked atnewstripfragrance outside eye piece saying that thenturns headto askgrinningly: „Can Iholdyourhand? Association president~”
望了一眼窗外的新条香如是说,接着又笑嘻嘻地回过头来问道:“我可以牵你的手吗?会长~”Shewas sayingextends a hand, actuallykept offbyKatou Yusuke.
她说着伸出一只手,却被加藤悠介挡了回来。„...... Takesyourroad, orgoes back.”
“……走你的路,或者回去。”„Does not go back~ ~after allexcept forassociation presidenthere, Ido not have the place to go~”
“才不回去呢~~毕竟除了会长这里,我也没有地方可去诶~”„Thatis peaceful.”
“那就安静一点。”„Good~ ~”
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