TRSFPUS :: Volume #4

#398: Applying medicine

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Chapter 398 applies medicine 第398章上药 Disturbed.” “打扰了。” Katou Yusuke searches the foot to open the door of clinic, bringing Eriri to walk. 加藤悠介探脚推开保健室的门,带着英梨梨走了进去。 He looked in one, discovered that in has many people. 他看了一眼室内,才发现里面已经有了不少人。 Two students are encircling before the west desk, looks that wears the healthcare teacher of white long unlined gown to inspect the arm to the companion. 两名学生正围在西侧的办公桌前,看着身穿白色大褂的保健老师给同伴检查胳膊。 From the movement and serious expression of female teacher, the sat that male student roughly encountered the muscle pulling injury, exposes to present the unnatural inflammation outside right arm. 从女老师的动作以及严肃的表情来看,坐着的那名男生约莫是遭遇了肌肉拉伤,裸露在外面的右膀呈现出不自然的红肿。 Hears the Yusuke sound, the teacher was looks up his one eyes, and recognized through that golden hair all of a sudden Eriri that shrank in his arms. 听到悠介的动静,老师便是抬头看了他一眼,并一下子就通过那头金发认出了缩在他怀里的英梨梨 Sawamura-san how?” On the teacher mouth is so inquiring, continues to lower the head to the male student is checking. 泽村同学怎么了?”老师嘴上这般询问着,又继续低下头给男生做着检查。 Simultaneously also to because of her words, but re-focused on Eriri male student warning one: This schoolmate, the present is to care about the girl time?” 同时还对因为她的话,而把注意力转移到英梨梨身上的男生告诫了一句:“还有这位同学,现在是关心女孩的时候吗?” Hiss!” “嘶!” At the scene exposed male student blushes immediately, because later being swollen and painful of arm looks fierce, has no free time to look again. 被当场点破的男生顿时红了脸,随后又因为胳膊的肿痛龇牙咧嘴,没空再看。 Katou Yusuke has not gone to manage them, opened the mouth to respond to the words of female teacher directly. 加藤悠介没去管他们,直接开口回应了女老师的话。 She not careful fell from the single-plank bridge.” “她不小心从独木桥上摔下来了。” Where did wound arrive at?” Teacher does not lift continues to ask. “伤到哪里了?”老师头也不抬地继续问道。 Control and knee.” “手心和膝盖。” Serious?” “严重吗?” In hand has the slight abrasion, the knee does not know.” “手上有轻微擦伤,膝盖不知道。” Makes me have a look close to a point.” “靠近一点让我看看。” Good.” “好。” Katou Yusuke then arrives to an opposite party far distance, making exceptionally silent Eriri extend a hand. 加藤悠介遂走到离对方一步远的距离,让异常沉默的英梨梨伸出了一只手。 „......” “……” The female teacher found time to shoot a look at one, then lowers the head. 女老师抽空瞥了一眼,然后又低下头去。 In hand is only the abrasion, is not serious. The wound on leg how? Sawamura-san.” “手上只是擦伤,不严重。腿上的伤怎么样?泽村同学。” And......” Eriri nan had not said low voice, sound compared with mosquito at the worst many. “没、没怎么……”英梨梨小声地喃道,声音比蚊子都大不了多少。 Will process the wound? Schoolmate Katou.” “会处理伤口吗?加藤同学。” Un.” “嗯。” In nearby cabinet has the foundation medicine box, takes to give her to disinfect from inside, the words that will not wrap up I processed here on.” “旁边的柜子里有基础医药箱,从里面拿出来给她消毒,不会包扎的话就等我处理完这里。” Good.” “好。” Katou Yusuke nods the response, finished with the one asked questions and other answered of opposite party, then holds Eriri to arrive at the east side bedside, places above her. 加藤悠介颔首回应,结束了与对方的一问一答,然后抱着英梨梨来到东侧的床边,将她放在上面。 Then defers to the instruction of teacher, takes out the medicine box and tray from the desk cabinet, returns Eriri here again. 而后又按照老师的指示,从办公桌旁的柜子里取出医药箱和托盘,再重新回到英梨梨这里。 The young girls are lowering the head to sit in the bedside, the motionless appearance seems incomparably stiff. 少女正低着脑袋坐在床边,一动不动的样子显得无比僵硬。 „......” “……” Katou Yusuke thinks, drew the bed surrounding curtain screen completely, to be cut off outside line of sight. 加藤悠介想了一下,将床周围的帘子完全拉了起来,以阻隔外面的视线。 Then moves in two slightly to be lower than round stool the bed. 接着又搬来两张比床稍低一些的圆凳。 Used to sit, is used to put the thing. 一张用来坐,一张用来放东西。 Then starts to seek for the thing of needing in the medicine box. 然后开始在医药箱里寻找起所需之物。 „......” “……” Eriri relaxes quietly, about this airtight environment felt slightly relaxed a point, at once tucks up the view, observes the expression of present person secretly. 英梨梨悄悄松了一口气,对这密闭的环境略微感到放松了一点,旋即又撩开眼帘,偷偷观察起眼前之人的表情。 The complexion of youngster is tranquil, probably to her peeps at not to perceive in secret, but is taking the thing from the medicine box methodically in turn. 少年的脸色平静,像是对她的暗中窥视无所觉察,只是有条不紊地依次从医药箱里取着东西。 The cotton swabs and iodine bend down, alcohol, gauze, bandage and band-aid. 棉签、碘伏、酒精、纱布、绷带、创可贴。 Katou Yusuke looked for these things, and lays aside them on the tray of another chair, but the medicine box put on the bed vacancy. 加藤悠介将这些东西找了出来,并把它们放置在另一张椅子的托盘上,而医药箱则是搁在了床上的空处。 Took several cotton swabs to dip the iodine to bend down respectively with the alcohol. 取了几根棉签分别蘸上碘伏与酒精。 Was OK, extends the hand.” “可以了,把手伸出来。” He said simply transparent. 他简单明了地说道。 „......” “……” Eriri was extended both hands silently. 英梨梨便是默默把双手伸了出来。 Although is a little strange, but Katou Yusuke also has no response, but said one lightly: Perhaps will hurt, is enduring.” 虽然有点怪,不过加藤悠介也没什么反应,只是淡淡说了一句:“也许会疼,忍着点。” I and I are not the child......!” “我、我又不是小孩子……!” Therefore he also no longer talks too much, starts to give a front pair of white and tender small hand to disinfect. 于是他也不再多言,开始着手给面前的一双白嫩小手消毒。 Will dip the cotton swabs of alcohol to search the bottom of palm gently, above because of abrading, but in the flood red position rolls slightly back and forth lightly. 将蘸着酒精的棉签轻轻探上手掌的底部,在上面因为擦伤而微微泛红的位置上来回轻滚。 „......” “……” The Eriri small hand trembled, is nipping the lower lip slightly, has not actually made noise. 英梨梨小手哆嗦了一下,微微咬着下唇,却未出声。 Not being able to bear be able to call.” “忍不住可以叫。” Thump. 咚。 And Will not call......” “才、才不会叫……” The calf of Katou Yusuke was kicked a foot gently, the under effort of opposite party is not big, is more like unbearably angry ashamed and resentful. 加藤悠介的小腿被轻轻踢了一脚,对方的力度不大,更像是气不过之下的羞愤。 He nods, has not cared this petty action, continues to dip the cotton swabs that the iodine bends down in her hand to clean. 他点了点头,未把这一小动作放在心上,又继续以蘸有碘伏的棉签在她手上擦拭。 „......” “……” „......” “……” Somewhat pours down to sob in Eriri, but in the expression of strong brace, the disinfection work of hand completes quickly. 英梨梨有些泫然欲泣,但又在强撑的表情中,手部的消毒工作很快完成。 Katou Yusuke pastes on the large size in the wound position to her the band-aid, will focus in knees that is covering the knee sock, twisted the eyebrow to think deeply about a while. 加藤悠介在伤口的位置给她贴上大号的创可贴,将目光放在了覆盖着过膝袜的双膝上,不由拧眉思索了一会儿。 Eriri.” 英梨梨。” „...... Wha, what?” “……什,什么?” You can take off the sock to the knee under.” “你能把袜子脱到膝盖下面吗。” „-?” “-诶?” The eye of Eriri winked fast several, the vision paces back and forth between him and own both legs, did not speak. 英梨梨的眼睛飞快地眨动了几下,目光在他与自己的双腿之间徘徊,不吭声。 Coy a while. 扭捏了一会儿。 I and I try......” “我、我试试……” She is whispering, reaches own thigh a pair of small hand gently, pushes in two thumbs an edge that crosses the knee sock, does not have the next movement. 她喃喃细语着,将一双小手轻轻伸向自己的大腿,把两个大拇指挤入一只过膝袜的边缘,却迟迟没有下一步动作。 You, you transfer the face......” “你,你把脸转过去……” Katou Yusuke looked at her one eyes wooden, according to the word complies. 加藤悠介木然看了她一眼,依言照做。 After 2-3 seconds . 2-3秒钟以后。 The ear sifted the xi xi su su weak sound. 耳边飘入了窸窸窣窣的微弱动静。 Also crossed ten to 15 seconds. 又过了十到十五秒钟。 Good...... good......” “好……好了……” Katou Yusuke returns to the face, at present is a pair of tender and delicate jade sleek/moist delicate thigh, sends out the full of vigor and vitality lithe feeling. 加藤悠介回正脸,眼前是一双娇嫩玉润的纤弱大腿,散发出朝气蓬勃的轻盈感。 Wrapped the black of thigh to cross the knee sock, at this time had whirled around under the knee, exposes the big piece of white to be greasy in the air. 原本包裹着大腿的黑色过膝袜,此时已被翻卷到了膝盖下方,在空气中曝露出大片白腻。 You and you are looking at anything! Abnormal......” is squinting he to nearby young girl by the split vision the face deflection, the low voice whisper said. “你、你在看什么啊!变态……”将脸偏转向一旁的少女以余光觑着他,小声嘀咕道。 Katou Yusuke was observing to the knee. 加藤悠介对着膝盖观察了一下。 The left wound is actually unimportant, but the skin somewhat blushes. 左边的伤倒是不要紧,只是皮肤有些发红。 The right situation must be slightly more serious, should continue the main impact when throwing down, causing on the knee to damage by abrasion a skin, revealed the slight powder meat. 右边的情况要稍微严重一些,应该是在摔倒时承接了主要冲击,导致膝盖上擦破了一块皮,露出些微的粉肉。 Such that however just like also the healthcare teacher said that this small wound compared with previously the male student of that muscle pulling injury, is really not worth mentioning. 然而也正如保健老师说的那样,这种小伤与先前那个肌肉拉伤的男生比起来,实在不值得一提。 From this will make Yusuke help process, oneself concentrate on the injury of that male student. 由此才会让悠介来帮忙处理,自己则是专注于那名男生的伤势。 After ending the observation . 结束了观察以后。 Katou Yusuke brings the cotton swabs from side again, and dips the alcohol and iodine bends down, cleaned on the left knee of young girl. 加藤悠介再次从旁取来棉签,并蘸好酒精和碘伏,在少女的左膝上擦拭了起来。 The tiny cotton swabs walk randomly on the smooth flesh. 细小的棉签在光滑的肌肤上游走。 Her skin color is fair, not only good semi-transparent jade, and likely high-quality velvet. 她的肤色白皙,既似上好的羊脂玉,又像高级的天鹅绒。 Katou Yusuke takes the cotton swabs, probably is like the paint brush, unceasingly such as on milk common snow white flesh a picture next picture in that. 加藤悠介拿着棉签,却像是拿着画笔一样,不断在那如牛奶一般的雪白肌肤上画下一笔一画。 Subsequently pastes on the band-aid after the disinfection. 继而又在消毒以后贴上创可贴。 Perhaps is because the left injury is not serious, Eriri also has no too big response. 也许是因为左边的伤势并不严重,英梨梨也没什么太大的反应。 When being one's turn right, the situation is completely different. 只是在轮到右边时,情况就完全不同了。 When dips the cotton swabs of alcohol to touch that wound...... 当蘸过酒精的棉签触碰到那处伤口时…… „......” “啊……” The young girls become the tearful eyes to be tearful immediately, the under foot was also the conditioned reflex kicked his foot. 少女顿时就变得泪眼汪汪起来,脚下亦是条件反射地踢了他一脚。 Katou Yusuke stops the movement on hand, looked up in a pupil to hold the young girl of tears, put down the cotton swabs in hand., Then lowered the head slightly, was blowing to the wound gently. 加藤悠介停下手上的动作,抬头看了一眼眸中噙着泪花的少女,放下手中的棉签。顿了顿,接着微微低下头,对着伤口轻轻吹了起来。 „......!” “……!” As gentle , and slightly cool aura has caressed the knee. 随着一股轻柔且微凉的气息抚过膝盖。 Eriri stopped sobbing immediately, then starts to stare at him to look. 英梨梨顿时止住了抽噎,转而开始盯着他瞧。 A pair of clear deep blue eye pupil first was absent-minded, subsequently became bright sparkling, under seemed Sun to shine the sea common wave light to be clear. 一双澄澈的湛蓝眼眸先是恍惚了一下,继而又变得亮亮晶晶,好似太阳照耀下的大海一般波光粼粼。 On the knee stings the pain of person, seems not intense, even somewhat is faintly itchy...... 就连膝盖上蜇人的痛感,似乎也没那么强烈了,甚至隐隐有些痒…… Katou Yusuke blew two, sees her slowly to restore steadily, just now stops, immediately raised the head saying: Is waiting in this, I take a thing.” 加藤悠介吹了两下,见她慢慢恢复平稳,方才停止,随即抬起头说道:“在这等着,我去拿点东西。” „...... Eriri squeezes out one from the nasal cavity thin response that if the mosquito recited, looked down the floor. “……嗯。”英梨梨从鼻腔里挤出一声细若蚊吟的回应,低头看着地板。 . 恍惚间。 When Katou Yusuke tilts again the curtain screen returns, in the hand are many metal tweezers and medical scissors. 加藤悠介再次掀动帘子返回的时候,手上已多了一把金属镊子与医用剪刀。 I trim off that damaging by abrasion skin, do not move heedlessly.” He answered, and sat down on the round stool. “我把那块擦破的皮剪掉,别乱动。”他如此解释道,并在圆凳上坐下。 Cuts and trims off......?” “剪、剪掉……?” Eriri gurgle swallowed saliva, looked that the look of tool to his hand cannot suppress the region timid. 英梨梨咕嘟咽了一口口水,看向他手中工具的眼神不可抑制地带着畏怯。 Katou Yusuke nods tranquilly, and disappeared to the tweezers and scissors intoxicated. 加藤悠介平静地点点头,并给镊子和剪刀消了一下毒。 „The fear words can not look.” “害怕的话可以不看。” He is saying bending down, then like thinking of anything knit the brows slightly, is straight the body also stretched out the left leg forward. 他说着俯下身,接着又像想到了什么一样微微皱眉,直起身体的同时也向前伸出了左腿。 You step on, do not kick randomly.” “你踩上来,别乱踢。” „...... Well?” “……咦咦?” Eriri is coy was saying: But...... but, I...... am also putting on shoes, the meeting, will smear your clothes.” 英梨梨扭捏着说道:“可……可是,我还……穿着鞋,会、会把你的衣服弄脏。” It doesn't matter, hurry up.” “无所谓,快点。” Wha, anything...... your tone......” “什、什么嘛……你的语气……” Eriri is digging the mouth disgruntledly, and after hesitant one next was controlling the left leg, the white sneakers on right foot kicks, then places on a that only approximately 35 yards small feet his leg gently. 英梨梨不悦地撅着嘴巴,并在犹豫了一下以后控制着左脚,把右脚上的白色运动鞋“啪哒”一声踢掉,然后才将那只约35码的小脚轻轻放在他腿上。 Rustle...... 沙沙…… The silk lining is rubbing the trunks, makes the weak sound. 丝质面料摩擦着运动短裤,发出微弱声响。 Easily will usually not expose the spot to step in the opposite sex leg, as if squandered the courage of young girl innermost feelings, hangs including usually proud double ponytail at this moment docile by the shoulder, clever person who cannot say. 将平时不会轻易暴露部位踩在异性腿上,似乎花光了少女内心的勇气,连平时骄傲的双马尾此刻都服帖地垂在肩膀两侧,说不出的乖巧可人。 Katou Yusuke as if perceived young girl's change, no longer said, was only slightly the bending down body, collected the tool in hand to the wound position, started to process. 加藤悠介似乎觉察到了少女的变化,也不再多说,只是略微俯下身体,将手中的工具凑向伤口的位置,开始处理。 Gentle milk gel fragrance then sifted the nasal cavity spookily, and brings some, if gossamer body temperature, mild and exquisite...... 一股柔和的牛奶沐浴露香味便是幽幽飘入了鼻腔,并还带着些许若游丝般的体温,温润且细腻…… Like lily that blooms quietly, seeps weakly lightly fragrant. 有如一朵悄然绽放的百合花,微弱地沁出淡淡芳香。 But to Eriri, the sense of body seems turning toward right leg there accumulation, even is sensitive to feel the steady breath that exhales from his nose. 而对英梨梨来说,身体的感官仿佛都在向着右腿那里聚集,敏感得甚至能感受到从他鼻子里呼出的平稳呼吸。 As if an invisible hand, is profaning to play the thigh gently. 仿佛一只无形的手,在轻轻亵玩着大腿。 „...... Meets...... will be very smelly......?” Her voice moves fast asks, the tone is somewhat anxious. “……会……会很臭吗……?”她声音飘忽地问道,语气有些不安。 „?” “?” Katou Yusuke has not talked, but the sinking sound returns to un the character that an intonation rose. 加藤悠介没有搭话,只是沉声回了一个语调上扬的嗯字。 On...... was...... just the movement all of a sudden......, met...... can have the perspiration taste......?” “就……就是……刚刚运动了一下子……,会……会不会有汗味……?” Worries randomly.” “乱操什么心。” Well?” “咦?” Ka. 咔哒。 The linking sound of metal resounds in the ear quickly. 金属的咬合声倏地在耳边响起。 Is welcoming the Eriri ignorant vision however. 迎着英梨梨懵然的目光。 Katou Yusuke places on the tool nearby tray agily, took the last stretch/open big band-aid from inside, its post on the knee of young girl. 加藤悠介利落地将工具放在一旁的托盘上,又从里面取了最后一张大号的创可贴,将其贴在少女的膝盖上。 Was OK.” “可以了。” He raised the head to ask: Where hurts.” 他抬起头问道:“还有哪里疼么。” Eriri is holding one side arm single-handed, shakes the head, takes back the small feet silently. 英梨梨单手抱着一边的胳膊,摇了摇头,默默收回小脚。 „...... Said that I was not a child, this matter...... had no need for you managing......” “……都说我不是小孩子了,这种事……用不着你管嘛……” Katou Yusuke sees this to nod, subsequently carries nearby tray to set out from the round stool, pondered said: Morning project should end, you stay here to rest.” 加藤悠介见此点点头,继而端着一旁的托盘从圆凳上起身,思考了一下说:“上午的项目应该已经结束了,你就留在这里休息吧。” The language finishes, he then turns around to walk outward. 语毕,他便转身朝外走去。 ......? ……诶? Heard this saying Eriri quickly to raise the head, opens mouth to say anything, however the opposite party has actually lifted the curtain screen to walk, was only left over the curtain screen still to lag behind flutters. 听到这话的英梨梨急忙抬起头,张了张嘴想要说些什么,然而对方却已经掀开帘子走了出去,只剩下帘子还在后知后觉地飘荡。 At this moment, Eriri does not have the origin to feel deserted suddenly. 此时此刻,英梨梨突然没由来得觉得心里空落落的。 She stayed a while in the bedside, two curved thin eyebrows are pressed to hang down from time to time from time to time. 她在床边呆坐了一会儿,两弯细眉时而蹙起时而低垂。 Then honk draws out the mouth slightly, was muttering also tread the shoes of left leg, lay down on the bed. 而后又微微嘟起嘴巴,咕哝着将左脚的鞋子也蹬了下去,在床上躺了下来。 Is looking above the top of the head ceiling. 望着头顶上方的天花板。 In the brain appears was actually the picture. 脑中浮现出来的却是刚才的画面。 Hugs the clinic her from somebody, to applies medicine to her, received the heart takes care of her...... 从某人把她抱来保健室,到给她上药,又悉心地照顾她…… Especially thinks in until now life, but also never has the person excluding father such to hold this matter, she cannot bear feel that cheeks burns down. 特别是一想到在迄今为止的人生中,还从未有除父亲以外的人那样子抱她这件事,她就忍不住感到脸颊一阵火烧。 „......” “……” Eriri lifts the hand gently, first is sizing up to hand in band-aid one, and hmph hmph was sending out a whisper. 英梨梨轻轻抬起手,先是对着手上的创可贴一阵打量,并哼哼着发出了一声嘀咕。 Has not pasted neatly...... that fool......” “根本都没有贴整齐嘛……那个笨蛋……” Then before the right arm places the excellent Yao nose, gently smelled. 而后又将右臂放在秀挺的瑶鼻前,轻轻嗅了一下。 Probably smelled a faint trace is not her peppermint flavor. 好像闻到了一丝丝不属于她身上的薄荷味道。 ......” “唔……” She voiced small sobbing, in the eye covered dense mist probably, then put out a hand to pull out nearby blanket, hugged in the bosom, rolled. 她发出了一声小小的呜咽,眼睛里像是蒙上了一层氤氲的雾气,接着伸手抽起一旁的毯子,抱在怀里,滚来滚去。 Fool...... the idiot...... the simpleton...... did this matter to me, must not marry............” “笨蛋……白痴……呆子……对我做了这种事,要嫁不出去了……呜……” On the Eriri mouth cursed non-stop, the sound was actually the wadding is soft, brings a coyness, has sulks. 英梨梨嘴上咒骂不停,声音却是绵绵软软,带着点扭捏,也带着点闷气。 Finally is to make an effort to stretch the legs. 最后更是用力地一蹬腿。 Enhanced the volume to say slightly: That only others work as the child- idiot!” 略微提高了音量说道:“那个只把别人当小孩的-大笨蛋!” Her finishing speaking, another sound then made a sound suddenly. 她的话音刚落,另一道声音便冷不防地响了起来。 Bought the lemon black tea for you, put here.” “给你买了柠檬红茶,放这里了。” „-!?” “-—诶!?” Eriri impressively one startled, subsequently opens eyes to look fiercely. 英梨梨赫然一惊,继而猛地睁眼看去。 Saw should left Katou Yusuke, does not know unexpectedly when returned to here, and a face placed side the drink her indifferently. 就见本该早已离开的加藤悠介,竟不知道什么时候又回到了这里,并一脸淡然地将饮料放在了她身边。 She is opening the mouth helplessly, the chaotic vision keeps on vacillating, where knowing nothing about should toward to place. 她不知所措地张着嘴巴,混乱目光游移不定,浑然不知该往哪里安放。 „Did you and you, you...... hear......?” “你、你,你……听到了……?” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke looked at her one eyes, the profound pupil light is profound, actually does not chime. 加藤悠介看了她一眼,深邃的眸光幽深,却不搭声。 Eriri regarded the default this performance, the look immediately becomes lax, then leaping the fever blushes all of a sudden. 英梨梨将这一表现当成了默认,眼神顿时变得涣散,然后“腾”地一下子烧红了脸。 She first wants to get angry subconsciously, but realized anything's stopping thread of conversation immediately. 她先是下意识地想要发怒,但又马上意识到了什么的止住话头。 Afterward shifts to another side the body artificially, is turning away from him, is indignant: „...... Do not look toward here, fool.” 随后不自然地把身体转向另一边,背对着他,忿忿道:“……别往这边看,笨蛋。” Katou Yusuke has not said anything, crosses the face to say lightly: You rest, I walked.” 加藤悠介没说什么,偏过脸淡淡道:“你休息吧,我走了。” „, I said......” “呐、我说……” „?” “?” „The topic of your morning that time...... attaining, was what?” “你上午的那个时候……拿到的题目,是什么?” What topic.” “什么题目。” Eriri enclasped the blanket silently, „...... borrows the race.” 英梨梨默默抱紧了毯子,“……借物赛跑的。” Short silence. 短暂的沉默。 Beautiful thing.” “美丽的事物。” „?” “诶?” Topic.” “题目。” Beautiful...... thing......? 美丽的……事物……? The young girls meditate in the heart, an eye not consciousness is rippling quietly. 少女在心中默念,一双眼睛不知觉地在悄悄荡漾。 In other words......” “也就是说……” She shrinks one group the body, asked again: You...... have thought at that time looks for me...... the help?” 她将身体缩成一团,再次问道:“你那个时候……有想过找我……帮忙吗?” The sound becomes smaller, behind is almost lighter must dissipate in the air. 声音越变越小,后面更是轻得几乎要消散在空气里。 Rustle and rustle...... 簌簌、沙沙…… „......” “……” „......” “……” In long silence. 漫长的沉默之中。 For a very long time does not have Eriri that when replied said again: „...... I ask casually, how you replied unable, why like this......” 久久没有等到回答的英梨梨不由再次说道:“……我只是随便问问而已,你回答一下又不会怎么样,干吗这样子……” Next second- 下一秒- The voice that ponders together made a sound. 一道玩味的嗓音就响了起来。 ~ ~ ~ ~ you look very energetic, Eriri ~?” “啊啦~~~~你看起来很精神呢,英梨梨~?” Has not waited for her to respond...... 还不等她反应过来…… Another female voice also follows. 另一道女性的嗓音也随之而起。 Seemed like does not need me? Sawamura-san.” “看起来是不需要我了吧?泽村同学。” „-!?” “-—!?” Eriri turns away immediately looks like, and to appear in present one, but opened the eye instantaneously. 英梨梨立刻转脸看来,并为出现在眼前的一幕而瞬间张大了眼睛。 Sees own mother and healthcare teacher is standing there, and a face , if there is profound meaning to look at her. 就见自己的母亲和保健老师正站在那里,且一脸若有深意地望着她。 As for Katou Yusuke...... 至于加藤悠介…… „- He...... that fellow person?” “-他……那、那家伙人呢?” Fellow?” Sawamura Sayuri asked with a smile, in the eye teased completely. “那家伙?”泽村小百合笑着反问道,眼中满是戏谑。 If you refer to Katou-kun, he has walked?” “如果你指的是加藤君的话,他已经走了哦?” ......... “………” Eriri looked at two people one eyes, covers the blanket silently on the body, deceived half head. 英梨梨看了两人一眼,默默将毯子盖在身上,蒙住了半个脑袋。 ...... ……
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