TRSFPUS :: Volume #4

#397: Taking advantage of race

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Chapter 397 borrows the race 第397章借物赛跑 After two people of three feet finished, behind taking advantage of race. 二人三脚结束之后,后面是借物赛跑。 Sets out a table from starting line position about 100 meters away, on the table is putting is similar to drawing with not the transparent cardboard box, inside is many writes to complete the topic the paper. 距离起跑线约100米之外的位置摆着一张桌子,桌上放着一个类似于抽奖用的不透明纸箱,里面是许多写有完成题目的纸条。 Katou Yusuke arrives on the starting line to take place again. 加藤悠介再次来到起跑线上就位。 The sports teacher lifts up high the flare gun, deducted the trigger. 体育老师高举起信号枪,扣下了板机。 Bang! 砰! With the gunshot, the students of three groups then rush over quickly, 随着枪响,三个团体的学生们便快步冲了过去, Before Katou Yusuke first runs up to the table hundred meters away, puts in the cardboard box the hand, extracted a paper from inside. 加藤悠介第一个跑到百米外的桌子前,将手伸进纸箱,从里面抽出了一张纸条。 „......” “……” After having looked at the above content, he starts to look all around all around, then left to run. 看过上面的内容以后,他开始环顾着四周,然后动身跑了起来。 The region of red group. 红团的区域。 Saw that this secure Yilun is also supporting the chin, muttered: Does not know that Katou he pulled out anything, really made one care.” 看到这一幕的安艺伦也撑着下巴,喃喃自语道:“不知道加藤他抽到了什么,真让人在意。” Nearby Eriri then complained, had free time to consider others' words, was worried about itself, under and others do not participate?” 一旁的英梨梨便是吐起槽来,“有空去考虑别人的话,还是担心一下自己吧,你等下不也要去参加了吗?” „...... I said you, had not said does not make me talk with you?” “……我说你啊,不是说过不让我跟你搭话的吗?” Snort ~ in any case is your words, if the luck is not good, could not find including the people who are willing to help probably.” “哼~反正是你的话,如果运气不好,大概连愿意帮忙的人都找不到吧。” Do not say is like the role of that gloomy department! This matter I can achieve!” “别把人说得跟那种阴沉系的角色一样啊!这种事情我还是能做到的!” Hey.” “嘿诶。” Actually in the final analysis your is to my prejudice a matter? Also previous Ikebukuro show/unfolds time I also helped you!” “说到底你那份对我的偏见究竟是怎么一回事?再说上次池袋展的时候我还帮你忙了吧!” What! That is because Yusuke he in...... did not say that again yourself do not enjoy the convenience that first entered the stadium, snatches big pile of commodities?” “什么嘛!那还是因为悠介他不在才……再说你自己不是也享受到了先入场的便利,抢到一大堆商品吗?” „, This, that does not have the matter of means......” “唔、这个嘛,那也是没办法的事情……” You are really disappointing ei, the look have not known where fluttered to went, your with person speculator.” “你还真是差劲欸,眼神都不知道飘到哪里去了,你这同人投机客。” Throws, the speculator!?” “投、投机客!?” In process that two people blamed each other, the surrounding person was in a tumult suddenly. 两人相互攻讦的过程中,周围的人忽然骚动了起来。 Association president ~!” “会长~!” President Katou ~!” “加藤会长~!” What did you attain? Schoolmate Katou.” “你拿到了什么?加藤同学。” Needs to help? Like this I am glad very much......” “请问是需要帮忙吗?这样的话我很乐意……” „......” “……” hears word, Eriri stops talking does not immediately say, and turns the head to look. 闻言,英梨梨顿时住口不言,并转头看去。 Sees by the center that the crowd surrounds to crowd around, Katou Yusuke is visited her looking pensive. 就见被人群所包围拥簇的中央,加藤悠介正若有所思地看着她。 Well? 咦? Does not have the origin, Eriri raises suddenly a feeling. 没由来的,英梨梨忽地升起一种感觉。 The opposite party is looks her. 对方是来找她的。 She coughed gently two, then exchanges one to act with constraint a belt/bring indifferent expression, when somebody sends out the invitation. 她轻轻咳嗽了两下,接着又换上一副矜持中带点淡然的表情,等某人自行发出邀请。 At this time...... 这时…… Association president ~ ~! What you attain is " likes person who " ? That is I writes!” Some female student said suddenly excitedly. “会长~~!请问你拿到的是「喜欢的人」吗?那个是我写的!”某个女生忽然这么兴奋地说道。 ......? 诶……? Hears this saying Eriri to be startled impressively. 听到这话的英梨梨赫然一惊。 But facing female student's inquiry, Katou Yusuke not definitely not negative, seems like tacitly approving? 而面对女生的询问,加藤悠介既不肯定也不否定,似乎是在默认? Seeing that...... 见状…… In a twinkling, one type blushed the incomparable feeling to well up the Eriri heart bashfully, let her instantaneous blushing cheek. 霎时间,一种羞赧无比的感受就涌上了英梨梨心头,让她瞬间红了脸颊。 Person who happy, likes!? 喜、喜欢的人!? How this and this can......! 这、这怎么可以……! She is somewhat sipping the lip helplessly, actually still cannot cover up bashfully, first do not arrive at another side, then returns to stare shamefully and angrily. 她有些不知所措地抿着嘴唇,却依然掩不住害臊,先是把头别到另一边,接着又恼羞成怒地回瞪过来。 On the white enamel flesh is exuding like sunset glow equally magnificent blushing, seems quite moving. 白瓷般的肌肤上泛着如晚霞一样瑰丽的红晕,显得颇为动人。 Eriri puts on a serious face pretentiously, deep blue such as the pure eye pupil of sea is rippling gently the vortex, looked that could not say to the Yusuke look is resists or obeys. 英梨梨装腔作势地板起脸,湛蓝如大海的纯净眼眸轻轻荡漾着漩涡,看向悠介的眼神说不出是抗拒还是顺从。 Is welcoming her look, Katou Yusuke makes the thinking slightly, at once looks around secure Yilun. 迎着她的眼神,加藤悠介稍作思索,旋即又看了一眼旁边的安艺伦也。 Finally, in the gaze of Eriri. 最后,在英梨梨的注视中。 The opposite party first were selected under one to her gently, then turned around to run to elsewhere, quick was far away from here. 对方先是对她轻轻点了一下头,然后又转身跑向了别处,很快就远离了这里。 „......” “……” The Eriri opening mouth lip, then closely sips. 英梨梨张了张嘴唇,接着又紧紧抿起。 One type could not say is discontented or puts in great inconvenience, the mood that also or both had at the same time gradually spread in the chest. 一种说不出是不满还是委屈,亦或两者兼有的情绪逐渐在胸口蔓延开来。 What......” “什么嘛……” She is whispering low voice lowering the head, kicks out of the way near the foot pebble gently, falls into peacefully. 她小声嘀咕着低下头,轻轻踢开脚边的小石子,陷入安静。 All these have not escaped secure Yilun eyes. 这一切并未逃过安艺伦也的眼睛。 He first shot a look at penting up anger Eriri, then looked at a that say/way to run the far form, in the heart some were not quite slightly comfortable. 他先是瞥了一眼生着闷气的英梨梨,接着又看了一眼那道跑远的身影,心中微微有些不太舒服。 ...... …… Katou Yusuke rushed to teacher seat here. 加藤悠介跑到了教师席这里。 Lotus sees the teacher ?” “莲见老师,有空吗?” „?” Is seeing good with the lotus that Nakamura Masaru is chatting is child cannot help but stares, subsequently opens the mouth to ask: What's wrong?” “诶?”正在与中村胜聊着天的莲见佳乃子不由得一愣,继而开口问道:“怎么了吗?” Katou Yusuke looked at around one. 加藤悠介看了一眼周围。 Because delayed some time reason, before these, by student who he spreads out, some had found topic, is preparing to run toward the end point. 因为耽搁了一段时间的缘故,那些之前被他拉开距离的学生,已经有一些找到了“题目”,正准备朝终点跑去。 He sees this also no longer to hesitate, put out a hand to hold on the lotus to see the hand of teacher directly. 他见此也不再犹豫,直接伸手拉住了莲见老师的手。 Helps my.” “帮我一下。” Well?” “咦?” Has not waited for the lotus to see good is child responds, led her slightly to run to the convenience. 还不等莲见佳乃子反应过来,对方便带着她小跑了起来。 Oh! Come on, the lotus sees the teacher ~!” Keeps same place Nakamura Masaru to inflate to them with a smile, gazes after two people to depart. “噢!加油,莲见老师~!”留在原地的中村胜笑着给他们打气,目送两人离去。 What's wrong? What is the topic?” The lotus sees good is child cannot bear asks curiously, pours also coordinates him to quicken pace amenable. “怎么了?题目是什么?”莲见佳乃子忍不住好奇地问道,倒也顺从地配合着他加快步伐。 With pretty brown sends the gentle domain that the hairpin grips after the brain, and two bunches of hair dangle from the cheeks soft. 一头用簪子扎起的靓丽棕发温婉地盘在脑后,并有两束头发柔软地从脸颊两侧垂下。 The terminal that curls up slightly has burnt the trace, this little while with running, but flutters in the shoulder. 略微卷起的末端有烫过的痕迹,这会儿正随着奔跑而在肩头飘荡。 Facing her inquiry. 面对她的询问。 „......” “……” The Katou Yusuke anything words did not say, but leads her to run constantly forward. 加藤悠介却什么话也不说,只是一味带着她向前跑去。 The desolate attitude made the lotus see good is child slightly has discontented, then pinched his hand gently , indicating to protest. 冷淡的态度令莲见佳乃子略有不满,遂轻轻捏了捏他的手,表示抗议。 However the opposite party remains unmoved as before. 然而对方依旧不为所动。 The straight appearance forward seems like in the eye, only then front goal line. 笔直向前的样子像是眼中只有前面的终点线。 She did not have the means that the under foot to speed up several points again, was actually done by long sleeve gym suit somewhat timid and hesitant. 她对此没了办法,脚下再次加快几分,却被身上的长袖运动服搞得有些束手束脚。 This was good, does not use reluctantly.” Yusuke did not return said one. “这样就行了,不用勉强。”悠介头也不回地说了一句。 Oh......” “喔……” The lotus sees good is child is complying, while observed around one. 莲见佳乃子一边答应着,一边观察了一下四周。 When discovered that two people were still for a while, no longer demanded. Then focused on the hand, is feeling the trace and temperature of his palm silently. 待发现两人仍旧是第一时,才不再强求。转而将注意力放在了手上,默默感受着他掌心的纹路与温度。 For a while the heart has read...... 一时心有所念…… Under the gaze of crowd, two people fought steadily arrived in end point here. 在人群的注视之下,两人稳扎稳打地抵达了终点这里。 Katou Yusuke loosens her hand, gave Matsumoto-sensei that the paper in hand is responsible for determining. 加藤悠介松开她的手,将手中的纸条交给了负责判定的松本老师 „......” “……” The opposite party opened the paper to look at a topic, in the lotus saw on the teacher to stay, this said: 对方打开纸条看了一眼题目,又在莲见老师身上停留了一下,这才开口说道: Good, passes.” “好,通过。” Katou Yusuke nods, has said goodbye with two people, then turns around the region that moved toward the blue group to be. 加藤悠介点了点头,与两人告过别,然后转身走向了蓝团所在的区域。 The lotus sees good is child asks curiously: Matsumoto-sensei, what Schoolmate Katou is the topic on paper?” 莲见佳乃子不由好奇地问道:“松本老师,加藤同学纸条上的题目是什么?” Matsumoto-sensei has not kept guessing, gives her the paper naturally, oneself are the student who continued to receive following to arrive. 松本老师也没有卖关子,大方地将纸条交给她,自己则是继续接待起了后续抵达的学生。 Takes the lotus of paper to see the teacher to draw back to the one side, opens it. 拿着纸条的莲见老师退至一旁,将其打开。 The content that is written by the black symbol pen then mapped in the eye. 由黑色记号笔所写的内容便映入了眼中。 " Beautiful thing. " 「美丽的事物。」 ...... …… The morning last competition is the obstacle race. 上午的最后一项比赛是障碍赛跑。 Katou Yusuke has not participated in this again, but begins to help the apparatus group set the roadblock together, suspended many vaulting horses and single-plank bridges on the runway, as well as crawling area and so on item. 加藤悠介没再参加这一项,而是动手帮着用具组一起设置路障,在跑道上摆了许多跳马、独木桥,以及爬行区之类的道具。 Because the school stipulated that everyone at least must attend a competition. 由于学校规定每个人至少都要参加一项比赛。 Therefore Eriri also welcomed her first challenge. 于是英梨梨也迎来了她的第一个挑战。 Come on ~! Sawamura-san!” “加油~!泽村同学!” Fighting ~ ~ Eriri ~ ~!” “Fighting~~英梨梨~~!” We will lend assistance for you, Sawamura senior!” “我们会为你应援的,泽村前辈!” „......” “……” The friends of schoolmate, family member and mass organization...... 同学、家人、社团的朋友…… Understanding did not know, offered the blessing for her. 不论是认识的还是不认识的,都纷纷为她献上了祝福。 But Eriri was also acting with constraint gave the people politely the response, from this caused warmer cheers. 英梨梨亦是矜持礼貌地给予了众人回应,由此引起了更加热烈的欢呼声。 The welcome degree is not inferior some in student association president, even goes beyond, shows the euphoria of abundant Zaki Academy's first beautiful young girl. 受人欢迎的程度毫不逊色于某个学生会长,甚至有过之无不及,展现出丰之崎学园第一美少女的旺盛人气。 The meaning of quite a little being a focus of public attention. 颇有一点万众瞩目的意思。 Then under this situation, the young girl follows other to want the participating students together, arrived on the starting line. 便是在这种情况之下,少女跟随着其他要参赛的学生们一起,来到了起跑线上。 In process that the preparation takes place, Eriri also observes on the runway the barrier. 准备就位的过程中,英梨梨也观察起跑道上障碍。 The entire competition schedule was divided into four parts. 整个赛程被分成四个部分。 Respectively is first circles the roadblock to run, the second vaulting horse, the third alone wood walks, as well as last part of crawling crawling. 分别是第一段的绕路障跑,第二段的跳马,第三段的独木行走,以及最后一部分的匍匐爬行。 So long as all passes, later is ringing a bell on end point. 只要全部通过,之后便是终点上的摇铃。 The position will decide by the order of ringing a handbell. 名次会以摇铃铛的顺序来决定。 In many cheers, the Eriri deep breath the one breath, then separated the both feet, prepares for that started running. 在众多欢呼声之中,英梨梨深呼吸了一口气,然后前后分开双脚,做好起跑的准备。 Bang! 砰! Flare gun sound. 信号枪响。 Everyone flushes away from the starting line together forward. 所有人一同从起跑线上向前冲去。 Eriri makes an effort to step the both legs, the petite body goes forward with the lively footsteps fast. 英梨梨用力迈动双腿,娇小的身躯随着轻快的脚步快速前进。 Golden double ponytail is flying upwards behind, and under shining of sunlight splendid. 金色的双马尾在身后飞扬,并在阳光的照耀下熠熠生辉。 Oh, comes up to run is so quick, is the child really unimportant?” Sawamura Sayuri worried that said one. “唉呀,一上来就跑这么快,那孩子真的不要紧吗?”泽村小百合不无担忧地说了一句。 Our daughters should know in heart, therefore you do not need to worry so much, dear.” Nearby Reynard Spencer comforts was saying. “我们女儿应该心里有数,所以你不用这么担心,亲爱的。”旁边的雷纳德・斯宾塞安慰着说道。 Why can you such heart be big? Dear, you forgot that Eriri childhood not has been healthy?” “为什么你可以这么心大呢?亲爱的,你忘记英梨梨小时候的身体一直不太好了吗?” This may forget, when was that the elementary school matter? Are our daughters now the high-school student? Dear.” “这怎么可能会忘记,不过那是小学时的事情了吧?我们女儿现在已经是高中生了哦?亲爱的。” „......” “……” Sawamura Sayuri shot a look at her husband, has discontented to his sloppy, immediately took back the vision impartially, looks to the arena. 泽村小百合瞥了一眼自己的丈夫,对他的粗枝大叶微有不满,随即又不置可否地收回了目光,重新望向赛场。 On the runway, Eriri has adopted the first roadblock to run, starts to run to the second vaulting horse. 跑道上,英梨梨已经通过了第一段的路障跑,开始向第二段的跳马跑去。 Her speed does not calculate that is not quickly slow, the position basically maintains in the third position. 她的速度既不算快也不算慢,名次基本保持在第三名的位置上。 Arrives in front of the vaulting horse quickly. 很快来到跳马面前。 The Eriri look is earnest, is recalling the teacher in the main point that in the physical education spoke, while accelerated to step on the ground the footboard. 英梨梨眼神认真,一边回忆着老师在体育课上所讲的要领,一边加速踩上地上的踏板。 A pair of tender white small hand makes an effort a brace on the vaulting horse, simultaneously will wrap the black to cross the slender both legs of knee sock to separate to the two sides. 一双嫩白的小手在跳马上用力一撑,同时将套着黑色过膝袜的纤细双腿向两边分开。 Leapt lithely. 轻盈地跃了过去。 . 啪嗒。 Success! 成功了! In the young girl eyes that falls to the ground calmly and steadily appears to wipe the color of jumping for joy, then the footsteps keep flushing away toward the next project. 安稳落地的少女眼中浮现出一抹雀跃之色,接着又脚步不停地朝下一个项目冲去。 The female student ranked the second delayed time on the vaulting horse, making two people distances pull closer, this little while just must start the single-plank bridge. 原本排在第二名的女生在跳马上耽搁了一点时间,使得两人的距离被拉近了一些,这会儿才刚要开始过独木桥。 Eriri secret thinking that slow one step catches up with, decided that realizes in this stage counter- ultra, then the hands and feet and land climb up to the ground have one meter high single-plank bridge, and stands up slowly. 慢一步赶来的英梨梨暗暗思索,决定在这一阶段实现反超,进而手脚并用地爬上离地面有一米高的独木桥,并缓缓站起身来。 Cautious horizontal lifts the both arms, while carefully looks at the road of under foot. 一边小心翼翼地平举双臂,一边仔细看着脚下的路。 The feelings of some dizziness floated the heart. 些许眩晕的感觉就浮上了心头。 Although the single-plank bridge leaves the ground is not high, but this flying high feeling still made her subconsciously somewhat timid. 虽然独木桥离得地面并不算高,但这种凌空的感觉仍让她下意识地有些畏怯。 The young girls make an effort to sip the lip, scatters the fear in heart, making the attention centralized in the front, starts the starting to walk footsteps to cross a bridge. 少女用力抿着唇,将心中的恐惧驱散,使注意力集中在前方,开始迈开脚步过桥。 The small body sways above gently, looks at the person to worry. 小小的身子在上面轻轻摇晃,看得人担忧不已。 Arrives at half of when her, the front female student also only had several steps distances, but some people have also started to cross a bridge. 在她走到一半时,前面的女生也只剩下了几步的距离,而身后也已经有人开始过桥了。 Eriri watches, in heart cannot help but one anxious, therefore also sped up the footsteps forcefully. 英梨梨看在眼里,心中不由得一急,于是也强行加快了脚步。 Finally walked two slightly...... 结果才稍微走了两步…… ...... 哒…… The under foot then, an unbalanced feeling raids suddenly rapidly. 脚下便是忽地一空,一种失衡的感觉迅速袭来。 She tries to save, actually does not help matters. 她试图挽救,却无济于事。 thump. 扑咚。 „!” “呀!” The depressed sound and young girl's scream also resounds. 沉闷的声响与少女的尖叫同时响起。 Good pain......” “好痛……” Eriri kneels on the ground, the intense aching feeling raises from the palm and knee, the tears flow copiously from the eye uncontrolled. 英梨梨跪在地上,强烈的疼痛感从掌心与膝盖上升起,泪水不受控制地从眼中夺眶而出。 Saw that this crowd sends out to call out in alarm. 见到这一幕的人群不由发出惊呼。 She lifts the arm to wipe tears, tries to stand up, on the ache by leg was actually scattered the strength of great difficulty raising. 她抬起胳膊抹着眼泪,试图站起身来,却又被腿上的疼痛打散了好不容易提起来的力气。 Eriri lowers the head, does not dare to look at the surrounding response, only thought that this moment lose face, in the heart puts in great inconvenience. 英梨梨低着头,不敢去看周围的反应,只觉得这一刻的自己无比丢人,心中委屈不已。 The tears fall on the ground, forms grains of black dot. 眼泪啪哒啪哒地落在地上,形成一粒粒黑色小点。 The grievance of innermost feelings seems like the tide same washout. 内心的委屈像是潮水一样的冲刷而来。 She first thinks somebody previously to own disregarding, then thinks loses of competition because of the impatience...... 她先是想到了某人先前对自己的无视,接着又想到了因为心急而输掉比赛的自己…… The troubled train of thought turns to well up, making her unable to bear want to cry aloud, in the self-respect by heart was actually being restrained, but closely is nipping the lip. 纷纷扰扰的思绪翻涌上来,令她忍不住想要哭出声,却又被心中的自尊所约束着,只是紧紧咬着下嘴唇。 After Sawamura Eriri is never glad to the person, will not easily expose own weakness before others. 泽村英梨梨从不甘于人后,也不会轻易在他人面前展露自己的软弱。 She is strong forever, forever is dazzling. 她永远强硬,永远耀眼。 Therefore not in public situation disgraceful. 所以不会在公开的场合下有失体面。 If had not shown off power on...... Eriri a moment ago well is not possible to suppress so thinks. 如果刚才没有逞强就好了……英梨梨不可抑制地如此想到。 At this time, the chilly low and deep voice then made a sound together suddenly. 这时,一道清冷低沉的嗓音便忽地响了起来。 Do not move.” “别动。” „......?” “……诶?” With rapid imminent aura. 伴随着迅速迫近的气息。 A pair of arm bypassed her back and leg respectively is curved, and starts to make an effort. 一双手臂就分别绕过了她的后背与腿弯,并开始用力。 Weightlessness feeling suddenly. 失重感骤然而起。 „-!” “-!” After waiting for Eriri to respond, oneself have fallen has sent out the fresh flavor- during warm bosom. 英梨梨反应过来以后,自己已经落入了一个散发出清新味道的-温暖怀抱之中。 You and are your your your you doing!?” “你、你你你你你你在干什么啊!?” Even under this situation, she still shouted panic-stricken. 即便是在此种情况之下,她仍不禁惊慌失措地喊了起来。 Katou Yusuke looked down her one eyes, tranquil say/way: I send you to the medical office.” 加藤悠介低头看了她一眼,平静道:“我送你去医务室。” Said no matter also her response, is hugging her by the posture that the princess holds, the half step walks toward the medical office. 说完也不管她的反应,就这么以公主抱的姿势抱着她,快步朝医务室走去。 „-!” “-!” Young girl at this moment is blushing bashfully, only thought that the heart in thump thump jumps crazily. 此刻的少女羞红着脸,只觉得心脏在怦怦狂跳。 Not only does not dare to look up him, does not dare to look at the surrounding response, buries the head like the kitten in his chest, evades the line of sight of people by this. 既不敢抬头看他,又不敢去看周围的反应,像个小猫一样地把脑袋埋在他胸口,以此来逃避人们的视线。 Under the gazes of innumerable inexplicable vision, two people depart. 在无数莫名目光的注视下,两人就这么离去。 After their forms disappear just now takes back the line of sight. 一直到他们的身影消失以后方才收回视线。 The people you have a look at me, I have a look at you. 众人你看看我,我看看你。 Suddenly suddenly does not know which side should envy. 一时间忽然不知该去羡慕哪一方。 ............ ………… ( Rested excessively, many caught up renewed......) (睡过头了,多少还是赶上更新了……) Thank Tired heart Hitting enjoys. 感谢【累心】的打赏。
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