Chapter 396twopeople of threefeet
第396章二人三脚„- Thenis the seventhcompetition, 100metersrace.”
The female studentvoice that is responsible formanagingringing, the soundbyoutdoorspeaker, spreadsclearlyon the drill ground.
负责主持的女生嗓音朗朗,声音透过室外的扬声器,清晰地在操场上扩散开来。Is going the participatingathletesto take placeon the respectiverunway, the facial expression on faceties tightslightly, inclines the head and listens attentively.
将要参赛的运动员们纷纷在各自的跑道上就位,脸上的神情微微紧绷,侧耳倾听。Grasps the sportsteacher of flare gunto standoutside the runway, lifts up highsingle-handed, is ready.
砰-!Withflare gunsound.
随着信号枪响。Athleteseachspiritshakes, immediatelychanges torunning awaywild horses, the direct impactfrom the starting linegoes outfast.
运动员们各个精神一震,立刻化作一匹匹脱缰的野马,飞快地从起跑线上直冲出去。Has not waited forthemto runtwosteps, the formthenas ifflying arrowis together same, dasheson the byejectionstartstanceinstantaneously, andspreads outfiercely.
The peopleseethisfirstto stare, startsto take to one's heelsforwards, rising spiritedlyhot pursuit.
众人见此先是一愣,紧接着也开始拔脚向前,奋起猛追。Howeveractually can only look that say/wayvigorousheroic bearingis increasingly estranged, will rideto be above mundane thoughtsbyonetypeeveryoneto leave behindcertainly, makingonefollow.
然而却只能看着那道矫健的英姿渐行渐远,以一种一骑绝尘之势将所有人都甩在后面,令人望其项背。Buteven ifwhole bodyis revolvinghigh-speed, tomanner that in the square featuresrevealsactuallyas beforeuneventful, ancient well without ripples.
而纵使全身上下都在高速运转,对方脸上所显露出的神态却依旧风平浪静,古井不波。Severalblink, Katou Yusukecrossed the goal line.
The tall and straightphysiquehits the line, just likegust of wind.
The refereesare surprisedare in a daze, after a whileawakens, wieldsstarts the flag.
裁判员惊讶得发呆,过了一会儿才醒悟过来,挥下了手中的旗子。„Thisfellow, runningwas also quick!?”secureskillis also dumbfounded.
“这家伙,跑得也太快了吧!?”安艺伦也目瞪口呆。„Snort~whocalledothersis the national champion, youthink that thiswaswhocanachieve?”Eriritauntedoneput on a high and mighty act, did intentionallycalm.
“哼~谁叫人家是全国冠军,你以为这是谁都能做到的吗?”英梨梨趾高气昂地挖苦一句,故作淡定。„Un?? Was notyourselfwon the championship, what were youinself-satisfied?”
“嗯??又不是你自己夺冠了,你在得意什么啊?”„...... Quarrelledyou, do not talkwithmein the school.”
“……吵死了你,在学校不要跟我搭话。”„Arbitrarilywithis notyou who the persontalked!?”secureskillalsomakes an effortto complain.
“擅自跟人搭话的不就是你吗!?”安艺伦也使劲吐槽。„Snort......!”Eririactuallypays no attention tohim, is only the faceone, looksagainto the runway.
“哼……!”英梨梨却不理他,只是把脸一偏,再次看向跑道。In the goal line, others alsoarrived here in turn.
The peopleorboth handssupport the knee, ortwohand-heldwaists.
众人或是双手撑膝,或是两手扶腰。Pantsat the same time, whilecannot bearlook uptosomebody.
一边气喘吁吁的同时,一边又忍不住抬头看向某人。Katou Yusukestands and waits for a long timepeacefullyin the one side, in the potable waterstagetherethenwater, the look on face is still silently tranquil, evencannot see the sweat, is the auraslightly is a little only rapid.加藤悠介安静伫立在一旁,默默在饮水台那里接着水,脸上的神色依旧平静,甚至看不到汗水,仅是气息略有一点急促。Justdid not pass through the person of strenuous exerciselikeonecompletely.
完全不像一个刚刚经过剧烈运动的人。At this moment......
这一刻……Regarding the gold content of national championstitle.
The peoplehad the incomparablyclearcognitionfinally, thenchanges intodeepsubduing.
……„- Thenis the eighthcompetition, twopeople of threefeet.”
“-接下来是第八项比赛,二人三脚。”As the sound of broadcastfalls, anotherlazyvoicemade a sound.
随着广播的声音落下,另一道慵懒的嗓音又响了起来。„GoodYu-chan, can youaccording tolikingto tie upme?”Utahawas sayinghands over a satin ribbon, Katou Yusukewassilentwas then receivingit.
“好了~悠酱,你可以按照喜好把我绑起来喔?”诗羽说着递来一条缎带,加藤悠介便是沉默着将其接过。„Needsmeto sit down? Standing? Youlikemebeginning~?”
“需要我坐下?还是站着?或者你更喜欢我来动手~?”„Is standingwell.”
咔哒……Twofeet by one.
The Katou Yusukestoopingbody, with the satin ribbontwo peopleanklesbinds together, thenstands up.加藤悠介弯下身体,用缎带将两人的脚腕绑在一起,然后站起身来。Witheach otherfleshinterlocking.
A warmtouchthenfrom the calfplaceraises, andextendsto the kneeaboveseveralcuns (2.5 cm)thighpositions, just nowstops.
The Utahabodyshiveredslightly, the spiritsomewhatis quickly absent-minded, as ifhas a dryness and heatto well up the whole bodyquietly, the whole bodyprobablyis itchyhas the antto crawl.诗羽身子微微颤动了一下,精神倏地有些恍惚,仿佛有着一种燥热悄悄涌遍全身,浑身痒痒得像是有蚂蚁在爬。„- Preparation! Bang!”
“-预备!砰!”With the instruction of flare gun, the frontseveralgroups of studentsalsoranfrom the starting line.
随着信号枪的指示,前面的几组学生也从起跑线上跑了出去。Beforebeing one's turn their group, approximatelytworounds.
距离轮到两人这一组之前,大约还有两轮。On the drill groundis brimming with the vitalsound of voices and noise.
The schoolmate, friendandguardian, allinprovide encouragementfortheseforms on runway.
同学、友人、家长,皆在为跑道上的那些身影加油打气。To these unhappynoisyperson, thesesoundssomewhatwill be even grating.
对那些不喜吵闹的人来说,这些声音甚至会有些刺耳。HoweverUtahaissomehears is not clear, as ifhas a mutual lack of understanding of isolatewithperipheryher, onlyclearonlyremains the body temperature and aura of person of side.
“……”Shedoes not have the originto becomesomewhatpeaceful, facetoomanythoughts that evensidethatmostlikeshad not looked, butis hanging down the showpupil, staringtread.
她没由来变得有些安静,甚至连身旁那张最喜欢的脸都没有太多心思去看,只是低垂着秀眸,凝视着地面。Untilyoungsterchillylow and deepthroatsound.
“……嗯?”„Is buildingme.”
“该我们了。”„......, ThenIam impolite.”
“……喔,那么我不客气了。”Shecoughsgently, put out a handto hold in the arms the arm of Katou Yusuke.
The solidpowerfularmis pasting the softplaceslightly, was surroundedby a pair of slenderlotus rootarm.
短暂的沉默。Katou Yusuketriesto extract the arm, is actually thrown into jail, includingwill moveto touch the chestslightly, andbut will therefore be indistinctin the heartappears the outline of markchest.加藤悠介试图抽出手臂,却是身陷囹圄,连稍微动一下都会触碰到胸口,并因此而隐约在心头浮现出纹胸的轮廓。„Un......”young girllightsnort/hum, the sound is very smallalsoverySu, containsseveralpointsto be gentleandmoving.
“嗯……”少女轻哼一声,声音很小也很苏,又蕴藏着几分柔媚与动人。Katou Yusukestopped the movementinstantaneously,加藤悠介瞬间停下了动作,But the opposite partyalsoseemed likemistakenlyintent, huggedhimsilentlytightly.
呣扭~During the extrusion, the semicircleEcovercupoutlinegraduallybecomesin the mindclear.
“……”Alsois a silence.
又是一阵沉默。Katou Yusukesaid: „Utaha-senpai, this/shouldwe, for the action, pleaselet us make contact withmyshoulderor the waist.”加藤悠介顿了顿说道:“诗羽学姐,该我们了,为了方便行动,请你搭上我的肩膀或者腰。”„...... Wú?”
“……唔呃?”Utahawinkedfasttwoeyes, thisresponded.诗羽快速眨了两下眼睛,这才反应过来。Although the lookblusheshoweverinstallscalmly.
神色虽然赧然又强装镇定。Loosensis hugginghisarm, whilemakes contact withhiswaist the left hand.
一边松开搂着他的手臂,一边将左手搭上他的腰身。ButYusukealsonaturallyholdsby the right handinherright shoulder, the five fingersplaces the short sleeveon the sleeve, avoidstouching the flesh of opposite party.
The fricative of fleshandclothsifts the earspookily.
肌肤与布帛的摩擦声幽幽飘入耳朵。Evenis away fromtwocotton materials, actually can still feel the contacted areaclearlyincreases......
即使是隔着两件布料,却仍旧能清楚地感受到接触面积的增加……Plop plop.
扑通扑通。Utahais tying tight the bodyslightly, onlythought that the bosomresemblesholds a smallrabbit, thump thumpkeeps jumping.诗羽微微紧绷着身体,只觉得怀里像揣着一只小兔,怦怦地跳个不停。„Walks.”
“走吧。”„...... ”
“……嗷。”Underhisdrive, two peopleare building the shoulder, walkstowardstarting linethere.
在他的带动下,两人搭着肩膀,向着起跑线那里走去。Seesthemto come.
The sportsteachercasts the visiononthem, sized up.
体育老师不由将目光投在他们身上,打量了一番。Katou Yusukehad nothing saying that but actually, nearbyUtahamadehimfeelstrange.加藤悠介倒没什么可说的,不过一旁的诗羽却让他觉得奇怪。Sees the young girllookto be loose, the footstepsare impractical, walkare approximateinonetypebysomebodyare supported by the arm, butgoodcondition...... feeling of quiteheat-stroke.
就见少女眼神松散,脚步虚浮,行走之间近似于一种被某人搀扶而行的状态……颇有一种中暑的感觉。Howeverraised headto look atheavycloudRugaisky, is really hardto imaginesomepeopleto suffer heat-strokeunderthisweather.
The sportsteacherwas secret the nameto be strange, after pondering overonenext, has not goneto askeventually.
体育老师不由暗暗称怪,琢磨了一下以后终究没有去问。After allnearnearbychairman's podiumis the medical treatment and nursingemergency party, ifwere really uncomfortabledefinitely can also say.
毕竟一旁的主席台边上就是医护应急小组,如果真不舒服的话肯定也会说的吧。Readreaches tothis, healsono longerthinks.
念及于此,他也不再多想。Held up the flare gun in handsafely.
安心地举起了手中的信号枪。„- Preparation!”
“-预备!”Variousstudentstake placeon the starting line.
A footwas bound together the studentsslightlyrunimmediatelyare flushing awayforward.
一只脚被绑在一起的学生们立刻小跑着向前冲去。Finallyjust nowrunstwo......
“呜哇哇……!”Becausesomepeoplecoordinatedto have the problem, butunder footstaggered, henceandproducedresponded,causingbothpeopleto throw downon the ground.
有人就因为配合出现了问题而脚下一个趔趄,并由此产生了连带反应,导致两个人都摔倒在了地上。YusukeandUtahado not have but actually actually.悠介和诗羽倒是没倒。Hashissupporting by the arm, shewantsnot to havethateasily.
有着他的搀扶,她就是想倒也没那么轻易。Relative, two peoplespeedsare notquick......
只是相对的,两人的速度也不是很快……Is basically approximatein the ordinaryrunning speed.
基本近似于普通的行走速度。AlthoughKatou Yusukeis notcannotspeed upforcefully, fordoes not injuretoher, has not chosensuchdoes.
虽然加藤悠介不是不能强行加快,不过为了不伤到她,也并未选择那样去做。Butis coordinatingherstepon own initiative, andholdsshesoftfragrancebody, in order to avoidthrows down.
而是主动配合着她的步调,并扶着她绵软馨香的身体,以免摔倒。„Come on~ ~! PresidentKatou-!”
“加油~~!加藤会长-!”„Come on~! Verset~ ~ ~ ~!”
“加油~!小诗~~~~!”„Do not worryto take your time~ ~ ~”
“别着急慢慢来~~~”„Kasumigaokastudyelder sister, Katou, come on!”
The familiarsoundnon-stopconveyingfrom the auditorium, bringsto encourageandsupport.
许多熟悉的声音不停从观众席那边传来,带着鼓励与支持。Utahafeltoneselfoverestimated himself.诗羽觉得自己高估了自己。Obviouslytodayis the weather that dark cloudscover, shethought that the brainsomewhatfeels dizzy.
明明今天是个阴云笼罩的天气,她却觉得大脑有些发昏。Presentfield of visionas ifinfuzzy, revolving.
眼前的视野仿佛在模糊、旋转。Passes tonear the earwordsdim is not unclear, when looks likeplaces oneselfin the water of swimming pool, somepeopleononshore are like thatfeeling that shespoke.
A neatpeppermintis doping the male studentlightperspirationtaste of fresh, coils aroundweaklyin the tip of the nose, does not makepeoplethinkrepugnant.
一股清爽的薄荷清新掺杂着男生淡淡的汗味,微弱地盘绕在鼻尖,却并不让人觉得讨厌。Insteadonenot being able to saythings, are rousingwithin the bodyhormonegently, makingonebe drunkdrunkenandstaggers along.
The youngsterauraexistsineach, clearlytounprecedented.
少年气息存在于每一处,清晰到前所未有。Arm, waistborderandcalf.
手臂、腰际、小腿。During the fleshinterlocking, shecanfeelhimto existprofoundly.
肌肤相接之间,她能深刻地感受到他存在。Hū...... shouts......
The chestis uncertainwithbreathfluctuating.
胸口随着呼吸起伏不定。Utahais lightly pressed the beautiful woman, in the beautifulfacial featuresholds the anxiety.诗羽淡淡蹙着娥眉,美丽的面容上含着浅浅的焦急。That is troubledregardingthematter that oneselfbecomeimplicates.
A presentherpointdoes not have the ordinary daydomineering, only thenIseestillpitiesgentle and charming.
“………嗯?”Katou Yusukelooked that tosheis hanging downprofile.加藤悠介看向她低垂着的侧脸。Eventwo peopleat this timeare, except fora moment agothattothrowing down outside combinationfirst from the bottom, actuallywithgentlelow and deepthroatsound said:
即使两人此时已经是,除了刚才那对摔倒的组合以外的倒数第一,却还是以平和的低沉嗓音道:„Thisis only the game, has no needto care.”
“这只是游戏而已,用不着在意。”In the wordshas a strangestablewill of the peopleflavor.
话语中带着一股奇异的安定人心的味道。Hisvoiceis not loud, can actually coversurroundingallnoisy.
The Utahaanythingwordshad not said that butselectedunderonegently.诗羽什么话也没说,只是轻轻点了一下头。„Walks, takes your time.”
“走吧,慢慢来。”Herdeep breath the one breath, thennoddedagain.
她深呼吸了一口气,然后再次点头。„...... ”
“……嗯。”„According to the rhythmcomes, Icoordinateyou.”
“按节奏来,我配合你。”„...... Good.”
踢踏踢踏,踢踏踢踏。Two peoplemarch in step, forwardswith steady steps.
两人步调一致,稳步向前。Thenstartsto accelerateslowly.
接着开始慢慢加速。Runstosmallfromwalk, since childhoodruns up toruns.
从行走到小跑,从小跑到快跑。Regardless ofshewantsquickly, heis always coordinatingher.
Might reverse the declining tendencyto be the same in one vigorous effort.
像是要一鼓作气逆转颓势一样的。Twopeoplestartto surpass.
二人开始赶超。Falls behindonemeterfrom the beginningobviously, actuallykeptrunningthesein the frontpersonsurpasses the past.
明明一开始落后一米,却不停地把那些跑在前面的人一个个超过去。Cool breezeslowlycomes, is movingyoung girlpitch-blackthickbeautiful hair, waterfall that probablyflies upwards.
徐徐的清风迎面而来,吹动着少女乌黑浓密的秀发,像是飞扬的瀑布。Inheartwas sweptby the gentlegaleanxiously, flew the remotesky.
The vision of young girlis looking straight ahead the front, incleareyenatural, at onceunfolds the faceto smile.
少女的目光直视着前方,清清亮亮的眼睛里大大方方,旋即展颜一笑。„It is not Like that butisLovethat.”
“……”Katou Yusukeis completely quiet, does not knowhas nothing to say in reply, the answer in heartwas not suitablesaid.加藤悠介默然无声,不知是无言以对,还是心中的答案不宜说。Utahadoes not care.诗羽对此也不在意。Sheis smiling, the eyegroundhid the light.
她笑着,眼底藏了光。Twopersonshouldersandshoulder, heelfoot.
两个人肩并着肩,脚跟着脚。As ifcango into the ends of the earthlike this......
……Two peoplecrossed the finish linetogether.
两人一同冲过了终点。Althoughbehindsurpassedtwopairsto combinediligently, but was really bigin the earlierdeclining tendency, in addition the coordination of others were also good.
The Blue team that theyrepresentonlyattainedthird.
他们所代表的蓝队只拿到了第三名。HoweverKatou YusukegoodUtahaalso is also good, regarding thisdoes not care.
然而不论是加藤悠介也好还是诗羽也好,对此都不在意。Theyarrived by in the drill groundlawnpitchto sit down.
他们来到了操场旁边的草坪斜坡上坐下。„Ibuy the pointto drink, whatstudying the elder sisterwantsto drink?”
“好。”Katou Yusukethenarrived atvending machinehere, boughttwobottles of valuableorestrengthfrominside.加藤悠介便是来到了自动贩卖机这里,从里面买了两瓶宝矿力。Becauseis away from the followingcompetitionto returnsometime, thereforehedoes not worry.
因为距离下面一项比赛还有一段时间,所以他也不着急回去。Butbeganto twist offonebottle of drink, put in a grain of vitalitymedicinetowardin the powder, thencovered the cover.
而是动手拧开了其中的一瓶饮料,往里面放入一粒气血药的粉末,然后再盖上盖子。High and lowshooktwobottlebodies, causes the medicinal powderfulldissolutionin the drink, untilnot being able to seetrace.
上下摇动了两下瓶身,使药粉充分溶解于饮料中,直至看不出痕迹。Thenleavesto return.
The young girlsstillsatinpreviouspositionsuperiorhim, thislittle whilewatches the competition on runway, whileis cleaningthinHan who seepsfrom the frontal eminencewith the handkerchief.
少女仍坐在先前的位置上等他,这会儿正一边看着跑道上的比赛,一边用手帕擦拭着从额角沁出的薄汗。Katou Yusukearrives atsideher, is working ashersurfacethatbottle of valuableorestrengthtwist-off closures, handed over.加藤悠介走到她身边,当着她的面将那瓶宝矿力拧开瓶盖,递了过去。„Studies the elder sister, gives you water.”
“学姐,给你水。”„Un, thanks.”
“嗯,谢谢。”Utahaput out a handto receive the drink, smiledtohim.诗羽伸手接过饮料,对他嫣然一笑。„Went to such longtime, wasgivesmydrinkto prescribe medicine~?”
“……”Katou Yusukehas not said that butbeganto openownthatbottle, drank.加藤悠介没有接话,只是动手打开了自己的那瓶,喝了起来。Utahanarrows the eyeto smileto look athim, takes upthatbottle of valuableorestrengthsmallmouthsmallmouthplacesto drink.诗羽眯眼笑望着他,也拿起那瓶宝矿力小口小口地喝着。Such as the pitch-blacklong hair of brocadethrows overto hangsoft, asswaying of freebreezedragsgently.
一头如锦缎似的乌黑长发柔软地披垂下来,随着自由微风的吹拂而轻轻摇曳。On the fairtranslucentfleshis exuding a laminar flow motionfrom now onruddiness, severalwispsare pastedby the sendingsilk that the sweatmoistensslantinglyon the face, slightlyobviouslychaotic.
A pair of straightslenderbeautifulleggathersin the same place, skin colormildfairactuallyalsocharmingmoving, is ideallike the world.
一双笔挺修长的美腿并拢在一起,肤色温润白皙却也妩媚动人,恰如人间理想。Katou Yusukelevelledlandwith the right foot.加藤悠介用右脚平整了一下土地。Until now, in the mind is also as if retainingvaguelyto the deep impression of thatboth legs.
直到现在,脑海中似乎依稀还保留着对那双腿的深刻印象。Tenderexquisite, smoothincomparable, andhas a touch and temperature that made the personmindvacillate.
柔嫩细腻,光滑无比,并带着一种令人心神动摇的触感与温度。Herestrainsraises the line of sight.
他克制地将视线抬高。Actuallyseesslightly the chest of fluctuating.
却又看到微微起伏的胸口。Absorbed the whiteshort sleeve of sweatslightlybecametransparent, served as contrast the outline of blackunderwearunknowingly.
The perfectly roundfullcurvemakeshimlook atonethento deflect the line of sightimmediately, the visionlooked attostillin conducting the competitions of twopeople of threefeet.
浑圆饱满的曲线令他看了一眼便立刻偏转开视线,将目光望向仍在进行的二人三脚的比赛上。Probablyfeltthat in hisvisionto blaspheme.
The eyelash of Utahashiveredslightlytwo, at oncedoes intentionally the smile that hangs upto pondercalmly, put the valuableorestrength in hand.诗羽的睫毛微微颤动了两下,旋即又故作从容地挂起玩味的笑容,将手中的宝矿力放了下来。„If you, canmanipulatemeat will?”
The charmingvoicehas caressedboth ears, makingKatou Yusukesilentto look.
娇媚的嗓音抚过双耳,令加藤悠介沉默着望来。Utahahas not avoidedhisvision, butis gazing athimspookily, does the wine redeyepupilflickeralsoslightlyhas the profound meaning.诗羽并未回避他的目光,只是幽幽注视着他,酒红色的眼眸一瞬不瞬又略有深意。„......?”
“……”Silent , the timeas ifhad the stagnation of twinkling.
沉默之中,时间仿佛有了瞬息的停滞。Resoundsto the sound of broadcast, will breaksilent.
一直到广播的声音响起,才将沉默打破。„- Thenis the ninthcompetition, taking advantage ofrace.”
随着主持人轻快活泼的话语。Katou Yusuke is says: „ThenIfirstwalked, studies the elder sister.”加藤悠介便是开口说道:“那么我先走了,学姐。”„......, Goes.”
The Utahanodis complying, gazes afterhimto take a stepto move toward the drill ground, enters the crowd.诗羽点头答应着,目送他迈步走向操场,走进人群。„...... Hū.”
“……呼。”Shedeeplyexhales the one breath, supportsin the courage of chestalsowithaspiratingto passrapidly.
“唔……”Utahacovers the cheeks that feels hotwithboth hands, the headgets buried into the tuneknee, muttered: „Isaidanything......”诗羽用双手捂住发烫的脸颊,将头埋进曲起的膝盖里,喃喃自语道:“我都说了什么啊……”
The young girlslower the headdo not see the tip of the toe, is the worldis then outstandingly beautiful.
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