TRSFPUS :: Volume #4

#396: Two people of three feet

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Chapter 396 two people of three feet 第396章二人三脚 „- Then is the seventh competition, 100 meters race.” “-接下来是第七项比赛,一百米赛跑。” The female student voice that is responsible for managing ringing, the sound by outdoor speaker, spreads clearly on the drill ground. 负责主持的女生嗓音朗朗,声音透过室外的扬声器,清晰地在操场上扩散开来。 Is going the participating athletes to take place on the respective runway, the facial expression on face ties tight slightly, inclines the head and listens attentively. 将要参赛的运动员们纷纷在各自的跑道上就位,脸上的神情微微紧绷,侧耳倾听。 Grasps the sports teacher of flare gun to stand outside the runway, lifts up high single-handed, is ready. 手持信号枪的体育老师站在跑道外侧,单手高举,蓄势待发。 Bang-! 砰-! With flare gun sound. 随着信号枪响。 Athletes each spirit shakes, immediately changes to running away wild horses, the direct impact from the starting line goes out fast. 运动员们各个精神一震,立刻化作一匹匹脱缰的野马,飞快地从起跑线上直冲出去。 Has not waited for them to run two steps, the form then as if flying arrow is together same, dashes on the by ejection start stance instantaneously, and spreads out fiercely. 只是还不等他们多跑两步,一道身影便仿佛离弦之箭一样,瞬间就以弹射起步般的架势飞奔而出,并猛地拉开距离。 The people see this first to stare, starts to take to one's heels forwards, rising spiritedly hot pursuit. 众人见此先是一愣,紧接着也开始拔脚向前,奋起猛追。 However actually can only look that say/way vigorous heroic bearing is increasingly estranged, will ride to be above mundane thoughts by one type everyone to leave behind certainly, making one follow. 然而却只能看着那道矫健的英姿渐行渐远,以一种一骑绝尘之势将所有人都甩在后面,令人望其项背。 But even if whole body is revolving high-speed, to manner that in the square features reveals actually as before uneventful, ancient well without ripples. 而纵使全身上下都在高速运转,对方脸上所显露出的神态却依旧风平浪静,古井不波。 Several blink, Katou Yusuke crossed the goal line. 几个眨眼之间,加藤悠介就冲过了终点线。 The tall and straight physique hits the line, just like gust of wind. 挺拔的身姿唰地撞线,宛如一阵疾风。 The referees are surprised are in a daze, after a while awakens, wields starts the flag. 裁判员惊讶得发呆,过了一会儿才醒悟过来,挥下了手中的旗子。 This fellow, running was also quick!?” secure skill is also dumbfounded. “这家伙,跑得也太快了吧!?”安艺伦也目瞪口呆。 Snort ~ who called others is the national champion, you think that this was who can achieve?” Eriri taunted one put on a high and mighty act, did intentionally calm. “哼~谁叫人家是全国冠军,你以为这是谁都能做到的吗?”英梨梨趾高气昂地挖苦一句,故作淡定。 Un?? Was not yourself won the championship, what were you in self-satisfied?” “嗯??又不是你自己夺冠了,你在得意什么啊?” „...... Quarrelled you, do not talk with me in the school.” “……吵死了你,在学校不要跟我搭话。” Arbitrarily with is not you who the person talked!?” secure skill also makes an effort to complain. “擅自跟人搭话的不就是你吗!?”安艺伦也使劲吐槽。 Snort......!” Eriri actually pays no attention to him, is only the face one, looks again to the runway. “哼……!”英梨梨却不理他,只是把脸一偏,再次看向跑道。 In the goal line, others also arrived here in turn. 终点线上,其他人也依次抵达了这里。 The people or both hands support the knee, or two hand-held waists. 众人或是双手撑膝,或是两手扶腰。 Pants at the same time, while cannot bear look up to somebody. 一边气喘吁吁的同时,一边又忍不住抬头看向某人。 Katou Yusuke stands and waits for a long time peacefully in the one side, in the potable water stage there then water, the look on face is still silently tranquil, even cannot see the sweat, is the aura slightly is a little only rapid. 加藤悠介安静伫立在一旁,默默在饮水台那里接着水,脸上的神色依旧平静,甚至看不到汗水,仅是气息略有一点急促。 Just did not pass through the person of strenuous exercise like one completely. 完全不像一个刚刚经过剧烈运动的人。 At this moment...... 这一刻…… Regarding the gold content of national champions title. 对于全国冠军这一头衔的含金量。 The people had the incomparably clear cognition finally, then changes into deep subduing. 众人终于有了无比清晰的认知,进而又化为深深的折服。 ...... …… „- Then is the eighth competition, two people of three feet.” “-接下来是第八项比赛,二人三脚。” As the sound of broadcast falls, another lazy voice made a sound. 随着广播的声音落下,另一道慵懒的嗓音又响了起来。 Good Yu-chan, can you according to liking to tie up me?” Utaha was saying hands over a satin ribbon, Katou Yusuke was silent was then receiving it. “好了~悠酱,你可以按照喜好把我绑起来喔?”诗羽说着递来一条缎带,加藤悠介便是沉默着将其接过。 Needs me to sit down? Standing? You like me beginning ~?” “需要我坐下?还是站着?或者你更喜欢我来动手~?” Is standing well.” “站着就好。” Uh-huh ~ “嗯哼~” Ka...... 咔哒…… Two feet by one. 两只脚靠在了一起。 „......” “……” „......” “……” The Katou Yusuke stooping body, with the satin ribbon two people ankles binds together, then stands up. 加藤悠介弯下身体,用缎带将两人的脚腕绑在一起,然后站起身来。 With each other flesh interlocking. 随着彼此的肌肤相接。 A warm touch then from the calf place raises, and extends to the knee above several cuns (2.5 cm) thigh positions, just now stops. 一股温热的触感便是从小腿处升起,并一路延伸至膝盖上方几寸的大腿位置,方才停止。 „......” “……” The Utaha body shivered slightly, the spirit somewhat is quickly absent-minded, as if has a dryness and heat to well up the whole body quietly, the whole body probably is itchy has the ant to crawl. 诗羽身子微微颤动了一下,精神倏地有些恍惚,仿佛有着一种燥热悄悄涌遍全身,浑身痒痒得像是有蚂蚁在爬。 „- Preparation! Bang!” “-预备!砰!” With the instruction of flare gun, the front several groups of students also ran from the starting line. 随着信号枪的指示,前面的几组学生也从起跑线上跑了出去。 Before being one's turn their group, approximately two rounds. 距离轮到两人这一组之前,大约还有两轮。 On the drill ground is brimming with the vital sound of voices and noise. 操场上洋溢着充满活力的吆喝声。 The schoolmate, friend and guardian, all in provide encouragement for these forms on runway. 同学、友人、家长,皆在为跑道上的那些身影加油打气。 To these unhappy noisy person, these sounds somewhat will be even grating. 对那些不喜吵闹的人来说,这些声音甚至会有些刺耳。 However Utaha is some hears is not clear, as if has a mutual lack of understanding of isolate with periphery her, only clear only remains the body temperature and aura of person of side. 然而诗羽却是有些听不大真切,仿佛有着一层隔膜将她与周围隔绝,唯一清晰的就只剩身旁之人的体温与气息。 „......” “……” She does not have the origin to become somewhat peaceful, face too many thoughts that even side that most likes had not looked, but is hanging down the show pupil, staring tread. 她没由来变得有些安静,甚至连身旁那张最喜欢的脸都没有太多心思去看,只是低垂着秀眸,凝视着地面。 Until youngster chilly low and deep throat sound. 直到少年清冷低沉的嗓音响了起来。 Utaha-senpai.” 诗羽学姐。” „......?” “……嗯?” Is building me.” “搭着我。” „......?” “……诶?” This we.” “该我们了。” „......, Then I am impolite.” “……喔,那么我不客气了。” She coughs gently, put out a hand to hold in the arms the arm of Katou Yusuke. 她轻轻咳嗽一声,伸手搂住了加藤悠介的手臂。 mu turns ~ 呣扭~ The solid powerful arm is pasting the soft place slightly, was surrounded by a pair of slender lotus root arm. 结实有力的手臂微微贴着柔软之处,又被一双修长的藕臂所环绕。 „......” “……” „......” “……” Short silence. 短暂的沉默。 Katou Yusuke tries to extract the arm, is actually thrown into jail, including will move to touch the chest slightly, and but will therefore be indistinct in the heart appears the outline of mark chest. 加藤悠介试图抽出手臂,却是身陷囹圄,连稍微动一下都会触碰到胸口,并因此而隐约在心头浮现出纹胸的轮廓。 Un......” young girl light snort/hum, the sound is very small also very Su, contains several points to be gentle and moving. “嗯……”少女轻哼一声,声音很小也很苏,又蕴藏着几分柔媚与动人。 Katou Yusuke stopped the movement instantaneously, 加藤悠介瞬间停下了动作, But the opposite party also seemed like mistakenly intent, hugged him silently tightly. 而对方也像是会错了意,默默将他抱得更紧。 mu turns ~ 呣扭~ During the extrusion, the semicircle E cover cup outline gradually becomes in the mind clear. 挤压之中,半圆型的E罩杯轮廓渐渐在脑海变得清晰。 „......” “……” „......” “……” Also is a silence. 又是一阵沉默。 Katou Yusuke said: Utaha-senpai, this/should we, for the action, please let us make contact with my shoulder or the waist.” 加藤悠介顿了顿说道:“诗羽学姐,该我们了,为了方便行动,请你搭上我的肩膀或者腰。” „...... ?” “……唔呃?” Utaha winked fast two eyes, this responded. 诗羽快速眨了两下眼睛,这才反应过来。 Although the look blushes however installs calmly. 神色虽然赧然又强装镇定。 Loosens is hugging his arm, while makes contact with his waist the left hand. 一边松开搂着他的手臂,一边将左手搭上他的腰身。 But Yusuke also naturally holds by the right hand in her right shoulder, the five fingers places the short sleeve on the sleeve, avoids touching the flesh of opposite party. 悠介也是自然地以右手扶在她的右肩,五指放在短袖的袖子上,避免触碰对方的肌肤。 xi xi su su...... 窸窸窣窣…… The fricative of flesh and cloth sifts the ear spookily. 肌肤与布帛的摩擦声幽幽飘入耳朵。 Even is away from two cotton materials, actually can still feel the contacted area clearly increases...... 即使是隔着两件布料,却仍旧能清楚地感受到接触面积的增加…… Plop plop. 扑通扑通。 Utaha is tying tight the body slightly, only thought that the bosom resembles holds a small rabbit, thump thump keeps jumping. 诗羽微微紧绷着身体,只觉得怀里像揣着一只小兔,怦怦地跳个不停。 Walks.” “走吧。” „...... “……嗷。” Under his drive, two people are building the shoulder, walks toward starting line there. 在他的带动下,两人搭着肩膀,向着起跑线那里走去。 Sees them to come. 见到他们过来。 The sports teacher casts the vision on them, sized up. 体育老师不由将目光投在他们身上,打量了一番。 Katou Yusuke had nothing saying that but actually, nearby Utaha made him feel strange. 加藤悠介倒没什么可说的,不过一旁的诗羽却让他觉得奇怪。 Sees the young girl look to be loose, the footsteps are impractical, walk are approximate in one type by somebody are supported by the arm, but good condition...... feeling of quite heat-stroke. 就见少女眼神松散,脚步虚浮,行走之间近似于一种被某人搀扶而行的状态……颇有一种中暑的感觉。 However raised head to look at heavy cloud Rugai sky, is really hard to imagine some people to suffer heat-stroke under this weather. 然而仰头看了一眼重云如盖的天空,实在难以想象有人会在这种天气下中暑。 The sports teacher was secret the name to be strange, after pondering over one next, has not gone to ask eventually. 体育老师不由暗暗称怪,琢磨了一下以后终究没有去问。 After all near nearby chairman's podium is the medical treatment and nursing emergency party, if were really uncomfortable definitely can also say. 毕竟一旁的主席台边上就是医护应急小组,如果真不舒服的话肯定也会说的吧。 Read reaches to this, he also no longer thinks. 念及于此,他也不再多想。 Held up the flare gun in hand safely. 安心地举起了手中的信号枪。 „- Preparation!” “-预备!” Various students take place on the starting line. 各学生在起跑线上就位。 Bang! 砰! A foot was bound together the students slightly run immediately are flushing away forward. 一只脚被绑在一起的学生们立刻小跑着向前冲去。 Finally just now runs two...... 结果才刚跑了两步…… „......!” “呜哇哇……!” Because some people coordinated to have the problem, but under foot staggered, hence and produced responded, causing both people to throw down on the ground. 有人就因为配合出现了问题而脚下一个趔趄,并由此产生了连带反应,导致两个人都摔倒在了地上。 Yusuke and Utaha do not have but actually actually. 悠介诗羽倒是没倒。 Has his supporting by the arm, she wants not to have that easily. 有着他的搀扶,她就是想倒也没那么轻易。 Relative, two people speeds are not quick...... 只是相对的,两人的速度也不是很快…… Is basically approximate in the ordinary running speed. 基本近似于普通的行走速度。 Although Katou Yusuke is not cannot speed up forcefully, for does not injure to her, has not chosen such does. 虽然加藤悠介不是不能强行加快,不过为了不伤到她,也并未选择那样去做。 But is coordinating her step on own initiative, and holds she soft fragrance body, in order to avoid throws down. 而是主动配合着她的步调,并扶着她绵软馨香的身体,以免摔倒。 Come on ~ ~! President Katou-!” “加油~~!加藤会长-!” Come on ~! Verset ~ ~ ~ ~!” “加油~!小诗~~~~!” Do not worry to take your time ~ ~ ~ “别着急慢慢来~~~” Kasumigaoka study elder sister, Katou, come on!” 霞之丘学姐,加藤,加油!” „......” “……” The familiar sound non-stop conveying from the auditorium, brings to encourage and support. 许多熟悉的声音不停从观众席那边传来,带着鼓励与支持。 Utaha felt oneself overestimated himself. 诗羽觉得自己高估了自己。 Obviously today is the weather that dark clouds cover, she thought that the brain somewhat feels dizzy. 明明今天是个阴云笼罩的天气,她却觉得大脑有些发昏。 Present field of vision as if in fuzzy, revolving. 眼前的视野仿佛在模糊、旋转。 Passes to near the ear words dim is not unclear, when looks like places oneself in the water of swimming pool, some people on onshore are like that feeling that she spoke. 传到耳边的话也朦胧不清,就像是置身在游泳池的水中时,有人在岸上对她讲话的那种感觉一样。 A neat peppermint is doping the male student light perspiration taste of fresh, coils around weakly in the tip of the nose, does not make people think repugnant. 一股清爽的薄荷清新掺杂着男生淡淡的汗味,微弱地盘绕在鼻尖,却并不让人觉得讨厌。 Instead one not being able to say things, are rousing within the body hormone gently, making one be drunk drunken and staggers along. 反而有一种说不出来的东西,在轻轻勾动着体内荷尔蒙,令人醉醉熏熏而又跌跌撞撞。 The youngster aura exists in each, clearly to unprecedented. 少年气息存在于每一处,清晰到前所未有。 Arm, waist border and calf. 手臂、腰际、小腿。 During the flesh interlocking, she can feel him to exist profoundly. 肌肤相接之间,她能深刻地感受到他存在。 ...... shouts...... 呼……呼…… The chest is uncertain with breath fluctuating. 胸口随着呼吸起伏不定。 Utaha is lightly pressed the beautiful woman, in the beautiful facial features holds the anxiety. 诗羽淡淡蹙着娥眉,美丽的面容上含着浅浅的焦急。 That is troubled regarding the matter that oneself become implicates. 那是对于自己成为拖累的这件事而感到不安。 A present her point does not have the ordinary day domineering, only then I see still pities gentle and charming. 现在的她一点也没有平日的强势,只有一份我见犹怜般的娇柔。 Utaha-senpai.” 诗羽学姐。” .........?” “………嗯?” Katou Yusuke looked that to she is hanging down profile. 加藤悠介看向她低垂着的侧脸。 Even two people at this time are, except for a moment ago that to throwing down outside combination first from the bottom, actually with gentle low and deep throat sound said: 即使两人此时已经是,除了刚才那对摔倒的组合以外的倒数第一,却还是以平和的低沉嗓音道: This is only the game, has no need to care.” “这只是游戏而已,用不着在意。” In the words has a strange stable will of the people flavor. 话语中带着一股奇异的安定人心的味道。 His voice is not loud, can actually cover surrounding all noisy. 他的声音不大,却是能盖过周围的所有嘈杂。 ............ “…………” The Utaha anything words had not said that but selected under one gently. 诗羽什么话也没说,只是轻轻点了一下头。 Walks, takes your time.” “走吧,慢慢来。” Her deep breath the one breath, then nodded again. 她深呼吸了一口气,然后再次点头。 „...... “……嗯。” According to the rhythm comes, I coordinate you.” “按节奏来,我配合你。” „...... Good.” “……好。” . 踢踏踢踏,踢踏踢踏。 Two people march in step, forwards with steady steps. 两人步调一致,稳步向前。 Then starts to accelerate slowly. 接着开始慢慢加速。 Runs to small from walk, since childhood runs up to runs. 从行走到小跑,从小跑到快跑。 Regardless of she wants quickly, he is always coordinating her. 无论她想要多快,他都始终配合着她。 Might reverse the declining tendency to be the same in one vigorous effort. 像是要一鼓作气逆转颓势一样的。 Two people start to surpass. 二人开始赶超。 Falls behind one meter from the beginning obviously, actually kept running these in the front person surpasses the past. 明明一开始落后一米,却不停地把那些跑在前面的人一个个超过去。 Cool breeze slowly comes, is moving young girl pitch-black thick beautiful hair, waterfall that probably flies upwards. 徐徐的清风迎面而来,吹动着少女乌黑浓密的秀发,像是飞扬的瀑布。 In heart was swept by the gentle gale anxiously, flew the remote sky. 心中的不安被温柔的强风吹走,飞到了遥远的天空。 Schoolmate Katou.” “加藤同学。” Un.” “嗯。” I like you.” “我喜欢你。” „......” “……” The vision of young girl is looking straight ahead the front, in clear eye natural, at once unfolds the face to smile. 少女的目光直视着前方,清清亮亮的眼睛里大大方方,旋即展颜一笑。 „It is not Like that but is Love that.” “不是Like的那种,而是Love的那种。” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke is completely quiet, does not know has nothing to say in reply, the answer in heart was not suitable said. 加藤悠介默然无声,不知是无言以对,还是心中的答案不宜说。 Utaha does not care. 诗羽对此也不在意。 She is smiling, the eyeground hid the light. 她笑着,眼底藏了光。 Two person shoulders and shoulder, heel foot. 两个人肩并着肩,脚跟着脚。 As if can go into the ends of the earth like this...... 仿佛能就这样跑到天涯海角…… ...... …… Two people crossed the finish line together. 两人一同冲过了终点。 Although behind surpassed two pairs to combine diligently, but was really big in the earlier declining tendency, in addition the coordination of others were also good. 虽然后面努力赶超了两对组合,但无奈于前期的颓势着实不小,再加上其他人的配合也非常不错。 Finally- 最终- The Blue team that they represent only attained third. 他们所代表的蓝队只拿到了第三名。 However Katou Yusuke good Utaha also is also good, regarding this does not care. 然而不论是加藤悠介也好还是诗羽也好,对此都不在意。 They arrived by in the drill ground lawn pitch to sit down. 他们来到了操场旁边的草坪斜坡上坐下。 I buy the point to drink, what studying the elder sister wants to drink?” “我去买点喝的,学姐想喝什么?” What.” “什么都可以。” Good.” “好。” Katou Yusuke then arrived at vending machine here, bought two bottles of valuable ore strength from inside. 加藤悠介便是来到了自动贩卖机这里,从里面买了两瓶宝矿力。 Because is away from the following competition to return sometime, therefore he does not worry. 因为距离下面一项比赛还有一段时间,所以他也不着急回去。 But began to twist off one bottle of drink, put in a grain of vitality medicine toward in the powder, then covered the cover. 而是动手拧开了其中的一瓶饮料,往里面放入一粒气血药的粉末,然后再盖上盖子。 High and low shook two bottle bodies, causes the medicinal powder full dissolution in the drink, until not being able to see trace. 上下摇动了两下瓶身,使药粉充分溶解于饮料中,直至看不出痕迹。 Then leaves to return. 而后才动身返回。 The young girls still sat in previous position superior him, this little while watches the competition on runway, while is cleaning thin Han who seeps from the frontal eminence with the handkerchief. 少女仍坐在先前的位置上等他,这会儿正一边看着跑道上的比赛,一边用手帕擦拭着从额角沁出的薄汗。 Katou Yusuke arrives at side her, is working as her surface that bottle of valuable ore strength twist-off closures, handed over. 加藤悠介走到她身边,当着她的面将那瓶宝矿力拧开瓶盖,递了过去。 Studies the elder sister, gives you water.” “学姐,给你水。” Un, thanks.” “嗯,谢谢。” Utaha put out a hand to receive the drink, smiled to him. 诗羽伸手接过饮料,对他嫣然一笑。 Went to such long time, was gives my drink to prescribe medicine ~?” “去了这么久的时间,难道是给我的饮料下药了吗~?” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke has not said that but began to open own that bottle, drank. 加藤悠介没有接话,只是动手打开了自己的那瓶,喝了起来。 Utaha narrows the eye to smile to look at him, takes up that bottle of valuable ore strength small mouth small mouth places to drink. 诗羽眯眼笑望着他,也拿起那瓶宝矿力小口小口地喝着。 Such as the pitch-black long hair of brocade throws over to hang soft, as swaying of free breeze drags gently. 一头如锦缎似的乌黑长发柔软地披垂下来,随着自由微风的吹拂而轻轻摇曳。 On the fair translucent flesh is exuding a laminar flow motion from now on ruddiness, several wisps are pasted by the sending silk that the sweat moistens slantingly on the face, slightly obviously chaotic. 白皙透亮的肌肤上泛着一层运动过后的红润,几缕被汗水打湿的发丝斜斜地贴在脸上,稍显纷乱。 A pair of straight slender beautiful leg gathers in the same place, skin color mild fair actually also charming moving, is ideal like the world. 一双笔挺修长的美腿并拢在一起,肤色温润白皙却也妩媚动人,恰如人间理想。 Katou Yusuke levelled land with the right foot. 加藤悠介用右脚平整了一下土地。 Until now, in the mind is also as if retaining vaguely to the deep impression of that both legs. 直到现在,脑海中似乎依稀还保留着对那双腿的深刻印象。 Tender exquisite, smooth incomparable, and has a touch and temperature that made the person mind vacillate. 柔嫩细腻,光滑无比,并带着一种令人心神动摇的触感与温度。 He restrains raises the line of sight. 他克制地将视线抬高。 Actually sees slightly the chest of fluctuating. 却又看到微微起伏的胸口。 Absorbed the white short sleeve of sweat slightly became transparent, served as contrast the outline of black underwear unknowingly. 吸收了汗水的白色短袖略微变得透明,在不经意间衬托了黑色内衣的轮廓。 The perfectly round full curve makes him look at one then to deflect the line of sight immediately, the vision looked at to still in conducting the competitions of two people of three feet. 浑圆饱满的曲线令他看了一眼便立刻偏转开视线,将目光望向仍在进行的二人三脚的比赛上。 Probably felt that in his vision to blaspheme. 像是感受到了他目光中的那份亵渎。 The eyelash of Utaha shivered slightly two, at once does intentionally the smile that hangs up to ponder calmly, put the valuable ore strength in hand. 诗羽的睫毛微微颤动了两下,旋即又故作从容地挂起玩味的笑容,将手中的宝矿力放了下来。 „If you, can manipulate me at will?” “如果是你的话,可以随意摆弄我哦?” The charming voice has caressed both ears, making Katou Yusuke silent to look. 娇媚的嗓音抚过双耳,令加藤悠介沉默着望来。 Utaha has not avoided his vision, but is gazing at him spookily, does the wine red eye pupil flicker also slightly has the profound meaning. 诗羽并未回避他的目光,只是幽幽注视着他,酒红色的眼眸一瞬不瞬又略有深意。 „......?” “……?” „......” “……” Silent , the time as if had the stagnation of twinkling. 沉默之中,时间仿佛有了瞬息的停滞。 Resounds to the sound of broadcast, will break silent. 一直到广播的声音响起,才将沉默打破。 „- Then is the ninth competition, taking advantage of race.” “-接下来是第九项比赛,借物赛跑。” With host lively lively words. 随着主持人轻快活泼的话语。 Katou Yusuke is says: Then I first walked, studies the elder sister.” 加藤悠介便是开口说道:“那么我先走了,学姐。” „......, Goes.” “……嗯,去吧。” The Utaha nod is complying, gazes after him to take a step to move toward the drill ground, enters the crowd. 诗羽点头答应着,目送他迈步走向操场,走进人群。 „...... .” “……呼。” She deeply exhales the one breath, supports in the courage of chest also with aspirating to pass rapidly. 她深深呼出一口气,强撑在胸口的勇气也随着吐气而迅速流逝。 ......” “唔……” Utaha covers the cheeks that feels hot with both hands, the head gets buried into the tune knee, muttered: I said anything......” 诗羽用双手捂住发烫的脸颊,将头埋进曲起的膝盖里,喃喃自语道:“我都说了什么啊……” The young girls lower the head do not see the tip of the toe, is the world is then outstandingly beautiful. 少女低头不见脚尖,便是人间绝色。 ...... …… ( Owes manuscript progress 5 / 10) (欠稿进度5/10) Thank Tired heart Hitting enjoys. 感谢【累心】的打赏。
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