TRSFPUS :: Volume #4

#395: Games

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Chapter 395 games 第395章运动会 Friday on this day, the games convenes as scheduled. 周五这天,运动会如期召开。 " 9 th, Private Toyogasaki Academy games. " 「第九回,私立丰之崎学园运动会。」 Before the school gate, is placing by the carton and hard slip of paper, arched entrance that and colored paper makes. 校门前摆放着由牛奶盒、硬纸片,以及彩纸所制成的拱门。 The arched entrance two sides fix by three wire ropes on the ground respectively firmly, making him easily not drop down. 拱门的两边分别由三根铁索牢牢固定在地上,使其不会轻易倒下。 The flank of classroom building is hanging the giant curtain that exaggerates the atmosphere, is drawn up by the students personally. 教学楼的外侧挂着渲染气氛的巨大帷幕,均是由学生们亲手绘制而成。 In addition hangs the garland flag that many congratulations use. 另外还挂有许多庆贺用的彩条旗。 Although the atmosphere cannot compare the culture to offer a sacrifice to such warmly, but also time is every year scarce scene. 气氛虽比不上文化祭那样热烈,但也是每年一次的稀少光景。 But expenses including these manufacture materials, is responsible for counting by the executives of various classes. 而包括这些制作材料在内的费用,则是由各班的执行委员负责统计。 Finally hands over to student association there, is responsible for examining and approving by some vice-chairman and accountant. 最后再交至学生会那里,由某个副会长和会计负责审批。 Basically is been completely independent by the students, the teacher will only play the role that guides from side, will not intervene on own initiative. 基本上完全由学生们自主,老师只会起到从旁指导的作用,并不会主动干预其中。 Then in such atmosphere. 便是在这样的气氛下。 The guardians or wear the suit, or wears the civilian clothes. 家长们或是身着西装,或是身穿便服。 Steps into the campus in abundance. 纷纷踏入校园。 Afterward defers to the school to guide to arrive at the drill ground, takes a seat in runway outside guardian seat within/inner. 随后又按照着校内引导来到操场,在跑道外侧的家长席内入座。 Here has the tall gingko tree to cover up, even if meets the colorful Yanggao photo the weather not to feel uncomfortable. 这里有着高大的银杏树所遮掩,即便是遇到艳阳高照的天气也不会觉得难受。 Today's weather also slightly has gloomy not to mention. 更别提今天的天气还略有一丝阴沉。 The heavy/thick cloud layer float in the sky, Sun also hides in appear and disappear from time to time. 厚重的云层漂浮在天空,太阳亦躲在其中时隐时现。 Although the weather is not beautiful, sign that but do not rain. 虽然天气并不明媚,但也没有要下雨的迹象。 At least to the students on the scene, like this cool weather was quite good. 至少对在场的学生们来说,这样的凉爽天气算是相当不错了。 AF, BC and DE. AF、BC、DE。 From high one to high three, disregards the grade. 从高一到高三,无视年级。 All classes and grades deferred to the above ballot way to be divided into three groups, and they are: 所有的班级都按照上面的抽签方式被分成了三个团,分别是: Red group ( AF ), white group ( BC ), blue group ( DE ). 红团(AF),白团(BC),蓝团(DE)。 Must say , in country, the school will also divide the group according to the same grade. 要说在国中的时候,学校还会按照同年级来划分团体。 However as a result of the recent years youngest son issue, this assignment has no longer been suitable. 不过由于近年来的少子化问题,这种分配情况已经不再适用了。 By the high school period according to group 6 classes, disrupts the grade minute/share to go in the students. 是以在高中时期均是按一个团体六个班,将学生们打乱年级分进去。 Otherwise perhaps if, some grades are unable to keep balanced the population. 如若不然,有的年级或许连人数都无法保持均衡。 Actually as for such type of distribution is good is bad, was the matter that different people had different views to different people have different views. 至于这样的分配方式究竟是好是坏,则是一件仁者见仁智者见智的事情了。 After all from the perspective of school, has certainly to let the student of the lower grade and higher grades promotes the friendship the goal.” “毕竟从学校的角度来说,一定也有着让低年级和高年级的学生增进友谊的目的。” Regarding these eccentric dwelling male, this condition perhaps is also only another type form presently moves sufficiently?” “不过对于那些性格孤僻的宅男来讲,这种状况或许也只是另一种形式的现充活动吧?” Today's Katou Yusuke puts on the white cotton short sleeve, the lower part of the body matching blue trunks, before the volume, is tying up a head harness that symbolizes the Blue team. 今天的加藤悠介穿着白色的棉质短袖,下身搭配蓝色的运动短裤,额前还绑着一条象征蓝队的头带。 This little while is standing and waiting for a long time peacefully in the drill ground corner, is waiting for later opening admission. 这会儿正安静地伫立在操场一角,等候着稍后的开幕入场。 I said.” “我说。” A slender jade refers to is poking his cheeks gently. 一根纤纤玉指轻轻戳着他的脸颊。 Since the school intends to make us improve the relationship, then you should also obey a point? Gaku Katou younger brother.” “既然学校都有意让我们增进感情,那么你是不是也该顺从一点了呢?加藤学弟。” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke has nothing to indicate that but lifts the hand to fend off that jade refers to stroking the stamp to strike slightly. 加藤悠介对此没什么表示,只是稍微抬手挡开那一根玉指抚弄似的戳击。 Utaha-senpai.” 诗羽学姐。” Un ~ what matter? Yu-chan.” “嗯~什么事?悠酱。” „Is your position here?” “你的位置是在这里吗?” What's wrong ~? Because assigns with me to a group, but was excited?” “怎么~?因为和我分配到一个团体而兴奋了吗?” „......” “……” The Katou Yusuke vision sweeps from the young girl face lightly, the position that although has not stood to it at present another person of this matter went into seriously a moment ago, has not actually continued to develop the topic again. 加藤悠介的目光从少女脸上轻扫,虽没对其目前所站的位置刚才还是另一人这件事深究,却也没再继续拓展话题。 Before the opposite party changes this position, the one who stood by him is a male student of second grade. 在对方换到这一位置之前,原本站在他旁边的是一名二年级的男生。 Also does not know that is about him felt curious anything, the male student chatted the school with him on own initiative regarding the issue that the games group assigned. 也不知是对他这个人感到好奇还是什么的,男生主动跟他聊起了学校对于运动会团体分配的问题。 Facing talking of opposite party, Katou Yusuke is also responding simply. 面对对方的搭话,加藤悠介也是简单地回应着。 Finally the words told only half, a side that talked actually changed. 结果话才说到一半,其中对话的一方却是摇身一变。 Suddenly from a somewhat stereotypical eyeglasses male student, turned into the whole body to scatter the fragrance beautiful study elder sister. 忽然从一个有些呆板的眼镜男生,变成了浑身飘散着馨香的美丽学姐。 As for original male student now to nearby side. 至于原本的男生现在则是到了旁边的旁边。 Today's young girl puts on one with his color same short sleeve gym suit, the stature has to gracefully, but the physique is exquisite. 今天的少女穿着一身与他颜色相同的短袖运动服,身材曼妙有致而体态优美。 Since the leg did not have that pair of consistent black continually pantyhose, actually therefore highlighted the white and tender smooth flesh. 只是腿上没了那双一贯以来的黑色连裤袜,却因此突显出了白嫩光滑的肌肤。 A pair of mild fair slender jade leg is exposing, exposes the sexy charming curve. 一双温润白皙的修长玉腿裸露着,展露出性感妩媚的曲线。 Even if clear(ly) knows that the young girl is in the school the well-known snow female, actually many male students cast the vision that peeps at openly or covertly, finally will be frozen under her ice-cold line of sight. 即便明知道少女是校内闻名的雪女,却还是有不少男生或明或暗地投来窥视的目光,最后又会在她冰冷的视线下被冻结。 Then in a terrified way has turned away, does not dare to look again. 遂惶恐不已地转过脸去,不敢再看。 Solved these vision in secret. 解决了这些暗中的目光。 „......” “呼啊……” Utaha just now tired-looking covered the mouth to have a yawn, muttered: „, Was inferior that we look for no one's place, how chatted the point the stimulated matter? Yu-chan.” 诗羽方才一脸倦容地掩口打了一个哈欠,喃喃道:“呐,不如我们去找个没有人的地方,聊点更加让人亢奋的事情怎么样?悠酱。” Katou Yusuke pondered, tranquil say/way: Studies the words that the elder sister thinks to go to the clinic to rest, I will ask the teacher to help explain the situation.” 加藤悠介沉思了一下,平静道:“学姐想的话可以去保健室休息,我会去找老师帮忙说明情况的。” You?” “那你呢?” I must participate.” “我要参加的。” I guess am also, after all is the male high-school student in full vigour ~ “我猜也是,毕竟是精力旺盛的男子高中生呢~” A Utaha face is smiling ridiculing slightly, „, are you that willing to me the supplementary energy, or infuse the vigor?” 诗羽一脸戏谑地微微笑着,“那么,你愿意给我补充能量,或者注入活力吗?” ............ “…………” When Katou Yusuke had nothing to say in reply, the time also arrived 8:50. 加藤悠介无言以对的时候,时间也来到了8点50分。 The host lively bright voice broadcast to pass from the school. 主持人轻快明朗的嗓音从校内广播传了出来。 „-, The 9 th Private Toyogasaki Academy games formally starts now!” “-那么,第九届私立丰之崎学园运动会现在正式开始!” „The first link, lines up in formation the admission.” “第一个环节,列队入场。” He therefore just does not need to deal with some dark saintess again, but Utaha slightly has discontentedly, and complained one " was not an elementary student, but also did this set. " Words. 他也因此刚好不必再应对某个黑暗圣女,而诗羽则是略有不满的啧了一声,并抱怨了一句「又不是小学生了,还搞这套。」的话。 Said that said that but stands after all reluctant, prepares to enter the stadium with the formation. 说是这么说,但终归还是不情不愿地站好,跟着队列准备入场。 ! The march tune of lively rhythm broadcasts on the drill ground. 节奏明快的行进曲在操场上播放。 According to red, white and blue order. 按照红、白、蓝的顺序。 Square formation that wearing the students of different color clothes comprised, starts in turn through in the admission gate that on the runway builds, this similarly also in related head manufacture by executive. 由身穿不同颜色衣服的学生们组成的方阵,开始依次通过在跑道上搭建起来的入场门,这同样也是由执行委员内的相关负责人制作的。 Now wants to come, including making examination as well as calculation funds, his student association president basic anything matter has not done, the young girls then he processed the work from the trade association. 现在想来,包括做出审批以及核算经费在内,他这个学生会长基本什么事也没做,少女们便自行帮他处理好了工作。 Did the student association president lose the standard? 学生会长失格了哦? In the mind remembered new strip fragrant these words unexpectedly, but disappears. 脑海中蓦地想起了新条香的这句话,但又转瞬即逝。 The Katou Yusuke following formation marches forward. 加藤悠介跟着队列行进。 When the team from this of chairman's podium, arrives at that one side of auditorium. 当队伍从主席台的这一侧,走到观众席的那一侧时。 The guardians of being all smiles started to call spontaneously. 笑容满面的家长们开始自发地吆喝了起来。 Gives me to display well, shows the male spirit to come, filial piety-!” “给我好好表现,展现出男子气概来,孝-!” ~ ~ come on!” “伦也~~加油!” Verset ~!” “小诗~!” Heard here Katou Yusuke to look at one toward that side. 听到这里的加藤悠介不由朝那边看了一眼。 What is greeting to Utaha is a semblance gentle middle age woman, side also sits one to wear the blue shirt, seemingly gentle middle-aged male. 诗羽打着招呼的是一名外表温柔的中年妇人,旁边还坐着一名身穿蓝色衬衫,看上去文质彬彬的中年男性。 Then takes back the vision. 遂又收回目光。 ~ do you care about my parents very much? Yu-chan.” Walks is graceful in nearby Utaha joke. “啊啦~你很在意我的父母吗?悠酱。”走在旁边的诗羽笑语盈盈。 Is only a little curious.” “只是有点好奇。” Uh-huh ~ curious? Wants me to introduce you to them?” “嗯哼~好奇是吧?要我把你介绍给他们吗?” No need.” “不必。” Then you, the family member did come?” “那么你呢,家人来了吗?” Katou Yusuke is wanting negative, sounded the female voice that very fluttered then to pass on together. 加藤悠介正欲否定,一道听上去十分轻扬的女性嗓音便是传了过来。 Katou-kun Eriri ~ ~, come on! We will declare support for you ~ 加藤君~英梨梨~~,加油!我们会为你们声援~” He stops talking not to say and turn the head to look instantaneously. 他瞬间住口不言并转头看去。 Sees Auditorium Sawamura Sayuri to smile to wave to him, the one side also sits a blonde Reynard Spencer, similarly is smiling to nod to him. 就见观众席里泽村小百合正对他微笑挥手,一旁还坐着一头金发雷纳德・斯宾塞,同样在对他微笑点头。 Therefore Katou Yusuke also respects to nod to respond. 于是加藤悠介也尊重地以点头作出回应。 ~ is that the Sawamura parents?” Utaha makes noise to ask. “呐~那就是泽村的父母吧?”诗羽出声问道。 Un.” “嗯。” Then why the Sawamura parents must refuel for you ~?” “那么为什么泽村的父母要为你加油呢~?” Katou Yusuke has not responded again, in certain mood to young girl words ignores. 加藤悠介没再回应,对少女话语中的某些情绪置若罔闻。 ...... …… After the admission marched forward to end . 等到入场行进结束之后。 Then what launches is the opening ceremony and preparatory movements, this process continued for probably 30 minutes. 接着展开的是开幕式以及准备运动,这一过程持续了大概30分钟。 Afterward conducted one was called Jade enters Approximately 15 minutes of throwing a ball of warms up to perform the small game. 随后又进行了一场被称为【玉入】的,约15分钟的投球热身表演小游戏。 Takes the respective group as the unit. 以各自的团体为单位。 Some students of three groups performed one set of activity gymnastics respectively. To fry hot atmosphere, to enhance cohesive force. 三个团的部分学生们分别表演了一套活动体操。既是为了炒热气氛,也是为了提高凝聚力。 It is said some schools will also perform such as Sorlin festival dance at the games, or carp flag dance traditional program adds to the fun. 据说有的学校还会在运动会上表演如索兰节舞,或是鲤鱼旗舞这种传统的节目助兴。 However abundant Zaki does not have this tradition actually, or said that this student no one proposed must develop that program. 不过丰之崎倒是没有这一传统,抑或者说本届的学生没有人提出要演那种节目。 Finally decides was one set of relatively simple activity gymnastics. 最后定下来的就是一套相对简单的活动体操了。 The red, white and blue three groups perform in turn, finally by the teacher was decided that which side does well, and gives the score reward. 红、白、蓝三个团体依次表演,最后由老师来决定哪一方做得更好,并给予分数奖励。 The gymnastics movement is actually not difficult. 体操的动作倒是不难。 Even motor cell ordinary person, so long as practices for two days still to jump decent. 即使是运动细胞一般的人,只要练习上两天也能跳得有模有样。 Therefore the standard of judgment lies in the standard degree of movement, as well as neat or not. 于是评判的标准就在于动作的标准程度,以及整齐与否了。 Be that as it may, but to fight for score, the people will also find out the unconventional idea to come eye-catching. 话虽如此,但为了争抢分数,众人也会想出一点别出心裁的点子来吸人眼球。 In these circumstances...... 就是在这样的情况下…… Katou Yusuke also followed to jump, even was rubbed to arrange very conspicuous position secretly. 加藤悠介也跟着跳了,甚至被暗搓搓地安排到了十分显眼的位置。 His figure is elegant, the movement is neat. 他的身形飘逸灵动,动作干脆利落。 Even if starts some to have the movement of difficulty is still very smooth slightly, among the graces also has martial-looking firm makings, showy. 即使是做起一些稍有难点的动作也无比流畅,举手投足之间还带着一种英武阳刚的气质,令人耳目一新。 After all has Proficient Level Wrestle The skill approaching body, makes a move naturally unable to have that four limbs weak feeling, the effect nature that brings is also different. 毕竟有着精通级的【格斗】技能傍身,出手间自然不会出现那种四肢无力的感觉,所带来的效果也自然不同。 In addition originally the good semblance and conspicuous hair color, enabling him then to capture numerous attention naturally. 再加上本就不俗的外表和显眼的发色,使得他自然而然地便吸引了众多目光。 Because performs in the gymnastics also to contain some large scale opening and closing movements, when doing also to pull the clothes. 由于表演体操中还包含着一些大幅度的开合动作,在做起来时也会拉扯到衣服。 Caused somebody also at the show to the stature. 导致某人也在无意间秀到了身材。 The sharp-featured eight abdominal muscles contain the reserved strength feeling, perfectly conforms to the human dynamics the healthy feeling, even if also has no time to let compared with the model of occupation. 轮廓分明的八块腹肌蕴藏着内敛的力量感,非常符合人体力学的健美感,纵使比起职业的模特也不遑多让。 Looked in many eyes the extraordinary splendor again and again, in abundance or the exchange or inquires his situation. 看得不少人眼中异彩连连,纷纷或交流或打听起了他的情况。 Sawamura Sayuri single Shouqing who in the auditorium, wears the magnificent kimono the cheeks, the expression on face is somewhat pondering. 观众席上,身着华丽和服的泽村小百合单手轻托着脸颊,脸上的表情有些玩味。 ~ ~ ~ the Katou-kun stature had such well? Hehe ~ “啊啦啦~~~加藤君的身材原来有这么好的吗?呵呵~” Un, this I did not deny actually. However what meaning is your final smiling? Dear.” Nearby Reynard Spencer asked. “嗯,这个我倒是不否认。不过你最后的笑是什么意思呢?亲爱的。”一旁的雷纳德・斯宾塞如此问道。 Aiya ~ was stimulated an inspiration by Katou-kun slightly, the role of child very suitable storm, little brother is receives weakly ~ ~ “哎呀~只是稍微被加藤君激发了一点灵感,那孩子很适合强攻的角色呢,伦也小弟则是弱受~~” Originally is only this? Aha, heard you saying that I felt relieved, dear.” “原来只是这样吗?啊哈哈,听到你这么说我就放心多了,亲爱的。” Un ~? Perhaps you feel relieved too early also perhaps?” Sayuri of turning away slightly has the profound meaning to smile, must know mother jing this theme, but is unfailing?” “嗯~?也许你放心的太早了也说不定呢?”转过脸的小百合略有深意地笑着,“要知道母丼这种题材可是经久不衰哦?” „-!” “-!” Pays no attention to a husband face dumbfounded expression, she quite worried that said. 不理丈夫一脸目瞪口呆的表情,她又颇为担心地说了起来。 However, does Eriri of our family/home have to discover own intention?” “不过话说回来,我们家的英梨梨到底有没有发现自己的心意呢?” Reynard Spencer is then probing asking: You said, has stood in the day clearly falls is that school? Dear.” 雷纳德・斯宾塞便是试探着问道:“你这么说,是已经旗帜鲜明地站在天降系那一派了吗?亲爱的。” But Sawamura Sayuri also responded with a smile: ~ what are you saying dear? You forget me have also won your in friends from childhood of Britain, becomes the leading lady?” 泽村小百合亦是笑着回应说:“啊啦~你在说什么呢亲爱的?你忘记就连我也是赢过你那个远在英国的青梅竹马,才成为女主角的吗?” Then a words revolution. 接着又话语一转。 Narrows the eye to smile, while is asking slightly: „...... Said, you are still worrying about that to the present azure bamboo ~ dear?” 一边眯眼笑着,一边略微偏着头问道:“……还是说,你到现在依然记挂着那・个・青・梅・竹・马・吗~亲爱?” Un??” “嗯??” Reynard Spencer complexion immediately one austere, the righteousness was saying with stern words. 雷纳德・斯宾塞脸色顿时一肃,义正严辞地说了起来。 Absolutely without this matter-! Who is also little brother? The person who that type has injured my family Eriri is not really familiar!” “绝对没有这种事-!伦也小弟是谁?那种伤害过我家英梨梨的人真不熟悉!” Well ~ ~ ~? I am saying friends from childhood matter, had not mentioned that also little brother...... said again, that isn't your first biography believer?” “咦~~~?我只是在说青梅竹马这件事而已,又没提到伦也小弟……再说,那不是你的第一个传教徒吗?” This and this are because of......” “这、这是因为……” I remember that you at that time also because of also little brother, resolving later to be the game producer to be moved is not good ~ ~ “我记得你当时还因为伦也小弟,立志以后要当游戏制作人而感动到不行呢~~” „......? But you looked, our daughters did not say must work as original painter words?” “呃……?可是你看,我们女儿不也说了要当原画家这种话的吗?” Good ~ had no need saying that you were really friends from childhood that school, to balance, Katou-kun turned over to me well ~ “好~用不着说了,你果然是青梅竹马那一派的,那么为了平衡,加藤君就归我好了~” Did not turn over to you well, but was supported by you were right! Dear??” “不是归你好了而是由你支持才对吧!亲爱的??” Aiya ~ ~ ~ “哎呀哎呀~~~” The couple are maintaining certain volume conversation, pours not to affect others. 夫妻两人维持着一定的音量交谈,倒也没有影响到旁人。 But in process that they talked, three groups also ended the gymnastic exhibition. 而在她们交谈的过程中,三个团体也结束了体操表演。 In many help drink with the sound of voices and noise , the blue group had no accident/surprise to top, takes the lead to attain 5 points. 在诸多助喝与吆喝声中,蓝团没什么意外地拔得头筹,率先拿到了五分。 On teacher seat. 教师席上。 Puts on a lotus of gym suit to see the teacher also to applaud gently, is extending the congratulation to the blue group, looks to the vision eyeball of that say/way tall form, if eyes, full is the applause. 穿着一身运动服的莲见老师亦在轻轻鼓掌,对蓝团表示着祝贺,看向那道颀长身影的目光睛若秋波,满是赞许。 Nearby Nakamura-sensei does not know that she contains the rose in heart, but is shouting to blue group in Yusuke in the playful tone greatly: 一旁的中村老师不知她蕴藏在心中的蔷薇花,只是以玩笑般的语气对着蓝团里的悠介大喊道: „- Katou, before good the agreement in class meeting, puts out the working zeal! Abundant Zaki's student association president!” “-加藤,记好之前班会上的约定,拿出干劲来!丰之崎的学生会长!” Katou Yusuke that is facing forward to walk stops the footsteps unexpectedly, looks back to look, in the profound eye pupil flashes through wipes the gloominess that is not easy to perceive. 正在朝前走去的加藤悠介蓦地停下脚步,回首望来,深邃的眼眸之中闪过一抹不易觉察的晦暗。 Then lifts foot stand forth, leaves behind knew the hand signal to Nakamura Masaru. 遂又抬脚向前走去,给中村胜留下一个知道了的手势。 The games altogether is divided into the morning and afternoon two parts. 运动会总共分为上午和下午两个部分。 The morning is the individual race, is Nakamura Masaru places the great expectations part. 上午是个人赛,也就是中村胜寄予厚望的部分。 In the afternoon is the team competition, the conducted project will also turn consists mainly of the team. 下午则是团体赛,进行的项目也会变成以团队为主。 Troubled , the youngster leads the way alone. 纷纷扰扰之中,少年独自前行。 ...... …… ( Being late proofreading) (晚点校对)
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