TRSFPUS :: Volume #4

#394: Diners or not

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Chapter 394 diner or not 第394章食客与否 Meow meow?” “喵喵?” The black cat is crying out gently, the doubtful look non-stop among entering two people in room paces back and forth. 黑猫轻轻叫唤着,充满疑惑的眼神不停在走进房间的两人之间徘徊。 Why resembles to have doubts the diner of home. 似是在疑惑为什么这个家的食客会多出一个。 Then does not care rises with a spring from the ground, and follows somebody's pants to crawl upwardly, then after by a hand grabs the nape of the neck, placed on the broad shoulder. 接下来又不在意地从地上一跃而起,并顺着某人的裤子向上爬,而后又被一只手抓着后脖颈,放在了宽广的肩膀上。 Meow.” “喵呜。” ...... …… The after baseball training of midday rest ended, passed afternoon two classes uneventfully, does not have the mighty waves to solve the work of student association. 午休的棒球训练结束之后,风平浪静地度过下午的两节课,又毫无波澜地解决完学生会的工作。 In this period gave the existing member while convenient, introduced a new propaganda committee member. 期间顺带给现有的成员,介绍了一下新任的宣传委员。 Regarding the matter that the new strip fragrance joins, the young girls have not displayed what special response. 对于新条香加入的这件事,少女们并未表现出什么特别的反应。 In particular. 更具体一点来说。 Eriri is acts with constraint, Utaha is not salty is not pale, the benefit is indifferent to fame or gain free. 英梨梨是矜持有加,诗羽是不咸不淡,惠是恬淡自若。 As for being unsolicited secure Yilun also...... 至于不请自来的安艺伦也…… Because temporary placement of game business planning, then restored that to depend on works, maintains the dwelling was the activity ate the soil series dwelling male. 因为游戏企划的暂时搁置,便又恢复成了那个靠着打工,来维持宅系活动的吃土系宅男。 Ended the activity of student association, marks the period to today's campus time. 结束了学生会的活动,给今日的校园时光画上句点。 Katou Yusuke and benefit returned to the apartment together, therefore and triggered above that. 加藤悠介与惠一起回到了公寓,并因此而引发了上面的那一幕。 Meow?” “喵呜?” The black cat stands on the shoulder of Katou Yusuke, is peeping at the benefit of calm trend kitchen, sent out yelling of inquiry to the former. 黑猫站在加藤悠介的肩膀上,窥视着从容走向厨房的惠,对前者发出了似询问的叫喊。 However the opposite party actually pays no attention to it, but moved toward the cat sand basin without consulting anybody, starts to tidy up. 然而对方却不理它,只是径自走向了猫砂盆,开始收拾。 Sand, sand. 沙啦、沙啦。 The plastic spudder is rubbing the cat sand basin, sends out slightly has a grating sound. 塑料小铲摩擦着猫砂盆,发出略有一丝刺耳的动静。 The black cat looked into the distance the eye to look at a while, felt somewhat bored, then jumped from the shoulder of Yusuke, took a stroll. 黑猫眺着眼睛看了一会儿,又觉得有些无聊,遂从悠介的肩上跳了下去,自顾自地溜达了起来。 It strolls to the kitchen. 它漫步至厨房。 Wears the white shirt with the young girl of pleated skirt, this little while is beginning but actually the drink. 身着白色衬衣配百褶裙的少女,这会儿正动手倒着饮料。 Sees it to arrive at the foot. 见它来到脚边。 The benefit then stopped the movement in hand, and head was thinking slightly, takes out a bamboo wheel from the pocket, rips open the packing, then squatted slowly. 惠便停下了手中的动作,并偏着脑袋稍稍思索了一下,又从口袋里取出一个竹轮,撕开包装,然后慢慢蹲了下来。 „...... Can eat?” “……要吃吗?” „......” “……” The black cat is flinging the tail, the bamboo wheels on vision between her face and hand paces back and forth, actually does not go forward. 黑猫甩着尾巴,目光在她的脸和手上的竹轮之间徘徊,却不上前。 Seeing that. 见状。 Hui Zhishi selected under one gently , took a paper plate that from nearby supermarket plastic bag is used to make the cup cake, and thinks of the bamboo wheel to place the ground with it. 惠只是轻轻点了一下头,从一旁的超市塑料袋里、取了一个用来做杯子蛋糕的纸碟,并用它装着竹轮放在地上。 Then stands up, the booing two cups of drink will place on the tray, carries the tray to walk toward the living room. 而后又站起身,将倒好的两杯饮料放在托盘上,端着托盘向起居室走去。 Yusuke, the drink I placed on the table.” 悠介,饮料我放在桌上了喔。” Un, good.” “嗯,好。” The black cat looks at her to depart, and sign that for a while has not planned to come back, this walks to go forward slowly, to that bamboo wheel that sends out the nice-smelling smell heard two. 黑猫看着她离去,且一时没有打算回来的迹象,这才慢慢走上前,对着那个散发出好闻气味的竹轮闻了两下。 Does similarly with the small fish, actually not the same flavor entered the small nose. 一股与小鱼干类似,却又不相同的味道就窜进了小鼻子。 It turned the head to look at a living room, saw only own shovel excrement officer diner to sit with that at the short table, seemed like coped with named some work the thing. 它转头看了一眼起居室,只见自己的铲屎官正与那个“食客”坐在矮桌旁,似乎是在对付某个叫做“作业”的东西。 Although does not understand that thing is anything, whenever shovel excrement officer when handles that matter, does not permit it to pass to disturb. 虽然不懂那个东西是什么,不过每当铲屎官在做那件事情的时候,都不准它过去捣乱。 Gradually, it then knows that was one can spend some time matter. 久而久之,它便知道那是一件会花一段时间的事情了。 The black cat does not care, then takes back the vision, lowered the head to eat the bamboo wheel in paper plate. 黑猫对此也不在意,遂收回目光,低头吃起了纸碟里的竹轮。 ...... …… Meow meow meow ~ “喵喵喵~” The inexplicable stimulated cry attracted the attention of Katou Yusuke, looked toward kitchen there. 莫名亢奋的叫声吸引了加藤悠介的注意,不由朝厨房那里看了过去。 Sees the cat to eat to the heart's content to some thing of ground, a shiny black soft tail flings behind the buttocks, a mood joyful appearance. 就见猫正对着地上的某个东西大快朵颐,一根黑亮柔软的尾巴在屁股后面甩来甩去,一副心情愉悦的样子。 „......” “……” Turns the head to look again to the side. 再转头看向身旁。 The young girl correct use automatic pencil is arriving at the lip, the line of sight focuses on the exercise book that on the table spreads out, was pondering of some topic. 少女正用自动铅笔抵着嘴唇,视线聚焦于桌子上摊开来的习题册上面,对着某个题目思考。 „?” “?” Resembling is perceived that his vision, the benefit is the profile looks like toward him, in a glossy black bright eye dispatches for several points to inquire. 似是觉察到他的目光,惠便是侧脸朝他看来,一双乌亮明澈的眼睛里递出几分询问。 „...... That does, what thing on my face have?” “……那个,我的脸上有什么东西吗?” Katou Yusuke shakes the head to express the denial, then asked: What issue has?” 加藤悠介摇头表示否定,然后问道:“有什么问题吗?” ?” “唔?” Work.” “作业。” ~ like this said that how then here formula should solve?” “啊~这样说起来,那么这里的式子该怎么解?” The young girls were saying the inclined body, approached slightly. 少女说着倾斜身体,稍微靠近了一些。 The oriental cherry gentle fragrance is scattering with her movement weakly. 樱花轻柔的香味随着她的动作微弱地飘散着。 Katou Yusuke also looks down, recently gradually became to this type of fragrance familiar. 加藤悠介也低头看去,最近渐渐对这种香气变得熟悉。 „......” “……” He looks at the topic that an opposite party referred, that is together the topic of triangular function fusion derivative. 他看了一眼对方所指的题目,那是一道三角形函数融合导数的题。 Topic: 题目: Supposes triangle ABC to satisfy B = 2 A , BC = 1. When the triangle ABC area is biggest, sought the cosB size. 设三角形ABC满足B=2A,BC=1。当三角形ABC的面积最大时,求cosB的大小。 Is together the fair topic, but had the small repertoire of domestic college entrance examination. 算是一道中规中矩的题,只是带了一点国内高考的小套路。 Katou Yusuke nods, opens the mouth to explain: Here first extracts AB with the sine law, then sought the area to be OK again.” 加藤悠介点了点头,开口解释:“这里先用正弦定理求出AB,接着再求面积就可以了。” How can do?” “要怎么做?” Like......” “像这样子……” The benefit then looks that he takes up the pen to write the formula on the scratch paper, while is making the explanation. 惠便看着他一边动笔在草稿纸上写式子,一边做着讲解。 „...... First extracts AB = 3-4 sinA, then supposes the cosB = t simplification formula, then derives.” “……先是求出AB=3-4sinA,然后设cosB=t化简式子,再求导。” ( 1 + 2 t ) ( 1-t ) (1+2t)(1-t) Katou Yusuke writes about here to stop the pen, said: Following you try to do to look, has the issue to ask me again.” 加藤悠介写到这里停笔,说道:“下面的你试着做做看,有问题再问我。” Un, good.” Hui Qingqing is nodding, first pondered a while, then begins to start to derive. “嗯,好的。”惠轻轻点着头,先是思考了一会儿,接着着手开始求导。 Young girls presents the topic while ponders, the middle has the stop occasionally, situation that but does not have the card to conducting. 少女一边做题一边思考,中间偶有停顿,但也没有卡到进行不下去的地步。 Katou Yusuke thinks so her problem solving silently, has not disturbed her mentality. 加藤悠介就这么默默看着她解题,没有打扰她的思路。 Spent some time, the topic obtained the explanation. 花了一段时间,题目获得了解答。 t = cosB = ( 33-1 ) / 8 t=cosB=(33-1)/8 „...... Is this? Yusuke.” “……是这样吗?悠介。” Un, right.” “嗯,对。” This.” The benefit said by the leisurely intonation: Un ~ thank you, Yusuke.” “这样呀。”惠以轻缓的语调说:“嗯~谢谢你啰,悠介。” Cannot.” “不会。” Good, always thought that you say will be clear compared with Matsumoto-sensei.” “太好了,总觉得你讲得会比松本老师清楚耶。” Is only because the teacher has not gone to say thoroughly, later has something to ask me.” “只是因为老师没去深入讲,之后有什么可以问我。” Well ~ ~ Ok? Won't such trouble you?” “咦~~可以吗?那样子不会麻烦你吗?” Katou Yusuke shakes the head, said one in a low voice: Should say what this saying to be I.” 加藤悠介摇摇头,低声说了一句:“该说这话的是我。” Two people continue to do one's assignment. 两人继续做着作业。 In this period the young girl went to a washroom. 期间少女去了一趟洗手间。 He then while this opportunity, put a grain of mill to become pink/powder vitality medicine to go in the drink of opposite party, and swayed two cups to cause its dissolution. 他便趁着这一机会,在对方的饮料里放了一粒碾磨成粉的气血药进去,并摇晃了两下杯子使其溶解。 Hui Duici knows nothing, drank after does not have any vigilance. 惠对此一无所知,在回来之后没有任何戒心地喝了下去。 Katou Yusuke took the lead to finish the homework, started to shift to desk there, continued the picture «Power saw Person» 2nd volume of original manuscript. 加藤悠介率先做完了作业,开始转移到办公桌那里,继续画《电锯人》第二集的原稿。 Not the dead Sichuan cartoon editorial department also the 1st volume of payment for published piece, sent to his account. 不死川漫画编辑部也把第一集的稿费,汇到了他账户上。 It is not the home page and tail page, 54 pages of original manuscripts altogether are 648000 yuan. 不算首页和尾页在内,54页的原稿一共是648000円。 This one-off income are seemingly many, actually sells far inferior with the profit that the person remembers to bring, only if behind can distribute the pamphlet, will have according to the royalty income of sales volume computation. 这种一次性的收入看似很多,却远不及贩售同人志所带来的利润,除非后面能够发行单行本,才会有按照销量计算的版税收入。 However that was still not the matter that the present can consider. 然而那还尚不是现在能去考虑的事情。 Present he can do the picture gets down routinely, and waits for this work to accept the examination from market. 现在的他能做的只是按部就班地画下去,并等待这一作品接受来自市场的检验。 As for succeeding in obtaining the sum of money. 至于到手的这笔钱。 Katou Yusuke decides first to put out 500,000 to go to also the Eriri home, remaining keeps the daily life expenses. 加藤悠介决定先拿出50万去还英梨梨家,剩下的则是留作日常的生活开销。 At this time, a cat called to attract his attention. 这时,一声猫叫吸引了他的注意。 Looks back to look. 回首看去。 Sees the young girl to bend the leg by the bedside, in the hand also holds a native language textbook, the peaceful reading expression is very gentle, actually arrived at the foot the black cat to harass, then probes is extending a hand to touch. 就见少女正屈腿靠在床边,手中还捧着一本国语课本,安静看书表情十分文静,却被走到脚边黑猫所扰,遂试探着伸出一只手去摸。 Perhaps looked in a moment ago a bamboo round of share, the black cat this time has not shunted, was being traced by her. 或许是看在刚才竹轮份上,黑猫这次也并未躲开,由着她摸了起来。 On the benefit face blooms the clear smile, the movement of to rub cat is very gentle. 惠的脸上绽放出清清浅浅的笑容,撸猫的动作十分轻柔。 Two tunes the calf is straight and slender, the fair flesh is exuding the rouge slightly, a pair of black calf sock decorates quite exquisitely the line of thigh, from this however shows the slender gentle body curve, making people it seems like think very comfortably. 两条曲起的小腿笔直而修长,白皙的肌肤微微泛着红粉,一双黑色的小腿袜将腿部的线条修饰得颇为优美,由此而展现出纤细柔和的身体曲线,让人看来觉得十分舒服。 It looks like from Katou Yusuke this angle, can see the white and tender thigh flesh that the skirt arranges faintly, holds certain daydream space and blank. 加藤悠介这个角度看来,隐隐可以看到裙摆下的白嫩大腿肌肤,又保有一定的遐想空间和留白。 One fine gauze obstructs the surface dim feeling. 有一种轻纱遮面的朦胧感。 Meow ~ “喵呜~” The black cat transferred the head sensitively, is yelling to him gently, making the young girl also follow to look. 黑猫敏感地将脑袋转了过来,冲他轻轻叫喊着,使得少女也跟着看了过来。 Two pairs of similar and different black eye pupils to line of sight. 两双相似而又不同的黑色眼眸对上了视线。 Just like embellishing the curtain of night of cold star, just like reflecting the lake of bright moonlight. 一个宛如点缀着寒星的夜幕,一个宛如倒映着明月的湖泊。 Does not have the origin, room probably suddenly peaceful. 没由来的,房间好像忽然安静了下来。 „......” “……” „......” “……” The benefit looks at him, the vision slightly cannot observe vacillated. 惠看着他,目光微不可察地动摇了一下。 Then likely shy as collects the books in hand to the mouth, blocked the eye following part, asked in a soft voice: „...... That, was your belly hungry? Yusuke.” 接着又像害羞似的将手中的书籍凑向嘴边,挡住了眼睛以下的部分,轻声问道:“……那个,你肚子饿了吗?悠介。” „......” “……” Katou Yusuke silent shook the head, puts out a hand to incur the black cat, did not make it disturb the opposite party to read. 加藤悠介无声地摇摇头,伸手将黑猫招了过来,不让它打扰对方看书。 The black cat then runs up to his joyfully, and jumped to his leg on extends one to stretch, started to step on the milk lazily. 黑猫便是欣然地跑到他脚下,并跳到他腿上伸了一个懒腰,懒洋洋地开始踩奶。 Sorry, you continue to read.” “抱歉,你继续看书吧。” He said. 他说。 However the benefit did not answer, first turned the head to look at clock on a wall, then said: Almost should also prepare food, oh ~ 然而惠却并不作答,先转头看了一眼墙上的时钟,然后说道:“差不多也该做饭了呢,唷咻~” She was saying then puts down the books in hand, stands up from the rug, walks toward the kitchen naturally. 她说着便放下手中的书本,从地毯上站起身来,自然而然地向着厨房走去。 In brief I prepare food, today eats to fry fish with the cream macaroni?” “总之我去做饭吧,今天吃煎鱼和奶油通心粉可以吗?” „...... Can help?” “……要帮忙么?” ~ ~, then you boil the macaroni, I make the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce.” “啊~~那么你来煮通心粉,我来做酱汁。” Katou Yusuke nods, said in a low voice a good character, then to set out to keep on the swivel chair the cat, the walking washroom washes the hands. 加藤悠介点点头,低声说了一个好字,然后起身将猫留在转椅上,走去洗手间洗手。 After he washes the expert comes out, the young girl with the card issuing one side hair after the ear, this little while is wearing the apron. 等他洗好手出来以后,少女也用发卡把一侧的头发别在了耳后,这会儿正在穿着围裙。 Helps me be a following department belt/bring, Yusuke.” “来帮我系一下后面的系带,悠介。” Hui is saying turning around, is turning away from him, reveals together the slim and graceful lovely back. 惠说着转过身,背对着他,露出一道亭亭玉立的娇好背影。 " Are yourself not good? " 「你自己系不好吗?」 In the brain flashes through this thought in the flash, however in the words of opposite party simply does not have to inquire his meaning. 脑中在一瞬间闪过这个念头,然而对方的话里却根本没有在询问他的意思。 „......” “……” Katou Yusuke silent, does not have to mentioning those words not tactful, then lifts the foot to walk to go forward, puts out a hand to pull up to hang in the waist side two root system belts, starts to begin to tie a knot. 加藤悠介沉默了一下,也没有不识趣到讲出那句话,遂抬脚走上前,伸手拉起垂在腰侧的两根系带,开始动手打结。 Is sent by the temple that the pink card issuing do not get up before the face flutters slightly, scattering some herbs is the shampoo flavor. 被粉色发卡别起来的鬓发在脸前微微飘荡,飘散出些许草本系洗发水的味道。 The slender neck skin color is fair, transmits the light milk gel the fragrance. 纤细的颈项肤色白皙,传来淡淡牛奶沐浴露的香味。 xi xi su su. 窸窸窣窣。 Katou Yusuke remains silent, tied a knot in the opposite party fast behind, then draws back backward two steps. 加藤悠介保持沉默,快速地在对方身后打了一个结,然后向后退开两步。 Ok?” The young girls cross the face to ask slightly, on the cheeks is exuding slight such as thick fog sunrise blushing. “好了吗?”少女微微偏过脸问道,脸颊上泛着些微如浓雾日出般的红晕。 Un.” “嗯。” He nods said accordingly, the vision was restrained by a rough butterfly knot from that on the waist that grasps gracefully has swept. 他点头应声道,目光从那被一个粗糙蝴蝶结约束起来的,盈盈一握的腰肢上扫过。 This.” Hui Qingqing is nodding, puts out a hand to pull up near the ear hair subconsciously, lifts to half realized that the hair have not gotten up, then turned pinched the movement of chin lightly. “这样啊。”惠轻轻点着头,下意识地伸手想要去撩耳边的头发,抬至一半又意识到头发已经被别起来了,遂变成了轻捏下巴的动作。 „, Do we start to begin......?” “那么,我们开始动手吧……?” Un.” “嗯。” Katou Yusuke takes a pot off the fire boils water, the packed in bags macaroni will place the one side, the preparation under brought to boil. 加藤悠介起锅烧水,将袋装的通心粉放在一旁,准备等下拿来煮。 The benefit cleans the food that processed to need to use in the one side. 惠则是在一旁清洗处理起了需要用到的食材。 The onion cuts to pieces, calocybe gambosa slice, Bacon flake. 洋葱切碎,口蘑切片,培根切小片。 Takes out a large capacity metal bowl, buys the unsalted butter that to pour into the supermarket, adds fresh egg-yolk again, then starts to stir. 取出一个大容量的金属碗,将超市买来的淡奶油倒入其中,再加入一个生蛋黄,接着开始搅拌。 Ka ka ka ka, ka ka ka ka. 咔咔咔咔,咔咔咔咔。 Gurgle gurgle, gurgle gurgle, 咕嘟咕嘟,咕嘟咕嘟, With the rhythm of stirring cream, the water in sauce pan also just burns to the ebullition. 伴随着搅拌奶油的节奏,煮锅里的水也刚好烧至沸腾。 Katou Yusuke macaroni but actually. 加藤悠介将通心粉倒了进去。 „, Remembers that stirs with the chopsticks, do not make the macaroni stick in the same place.” The young girls said, and instructs him to add the little table salt to blend flavors. “啊,记得用筷子搅一下,不要让通心粉黏在一起。”少女这么说道,并指导着他加入一点点食盐调味。 Two people status just and previously learned/studied time exchanged. 两人的身份刚好与先前学习的时候调换了一番。 After seeing his here has no issue, the benefit continues the following work. 见他这里没什么问题以后,惠又继续起了下面的工作。 Puts in together the butter in the wok, opens the flame, making it melt slowly. 在炒锅里放入一块黄油,打开小火,使其慢慢融化。 Then under the additional fire enters the onion end to stir-fry before stewing the fragrance, under enters Bacon and calocybe gambosa again in turn. 接着加大火下入洋葱末煸出香味,再依次下入培根与口蘑。 incites. 滋啦滋啦。 When the calocybe gambosa becomes both sides golden yellow. 等到口蘑变得两面金黄。 The benefit added the table salt to blend flavors in inside, then poured into stirs the good unsalted butter, added the little lukewarm water. 惠在里面加入了食盐调味,然后倒入搅拌好的淡奶油,又添了少许温水。 Transfers the flame to start to cook slowly. 转小火开始慢慢烹煮。 After several minutes . 几分钟以后。 Here boiled.” Katou Yusuke was saying switches off the fire, dries the moisture with the colander, fished the macaroni. “这边煮好了。”加藤悠介说着关掉火,用漏勺沥干水份,将通心粉捞了出来。 Young girls light un , indicating to understand, subsequently began to scoop up meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce in the taste small dish, blew gently two. 少女轻嗯一声,表示了解,继而动手在味碟里面舀了一点酱汁,轻轻吹了两下。 Can try the flavor?” “要试一下味道吗?” Thought of the creamy-white meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce the taste small dish to be handed the mouth, resembling was somewhat strong. 装着奶白色酱汁的味碟被递到了嘴边,似是有些强硬。 „......” “……” Katou Yusuke knits the brows slightly, lowered the head to taste. 加藤悠介微微皱眉,还是低头尝了一下。 Lifts side of taste small dish to the convenience coordination, letting the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce can better slips into his mouth. 对方便配合地抬起味碟的一边,让酱汁能更好的滑进他的嘴中。 ...... to slide. ……呲溜。 What kind of?” The young girls asked lightly. “怎么样?”少女淡淡地问道。 Un, Ok.” “嗯,可以。” Yusuke is responding simply, neglects the light scented soap delicate fragrance on opposite party fingertip as far as possible. 悠介简单回应着,尽量忽略对方指尖上的淡淡香皂清香。 Un ~ ~ that is good.” Hui Qingqing is nodding, receives to taste the small dish calm, said: Then gives me the macaroni.” “嗯~~那就好。”惠轻轻点着头,淡定地收回味碟,说道:“那么把通心粉给我吧。” Good.” “好。” Will boil the good macaroni to pour into the pot, mixes the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce to stir together, until the cooking liquor becomes thick. 将煮好的通心粉倒入锅中,混合着酱汁一起搅拌,直至汤汁变得浓稠。 Was almost OK.” The young girls were thinking aloud switches off the fire, then leaps from the pot the macaroni the clean metal basin, and scatters Parma dense/woods cheese powder above. “差不多可以了吧。”少女自言自语着关掉火,然后将通心粉从锅里腾到干净的金属盆内,并在上面撒一层帕玛森奶酪粉。 Lets Katou Yusuke the macaroni taking away table, while continues to start to fry fish. 一边让加藤悠介将通心粉拿去餐桌,一边继续开始煎鱼。 What because buys cuts the good fish steak ahead of time, therefore these step also quick. 因为买来的是提前切好的鱼块,所以这一步也很快。 Crossed for almost about ten minutes, fried fish then completes. 过了差不多十分钟左右,煎鱼便做好了。 Two people are coordinating going to the kitchen, tidies up the desktop, places the food on the table. 两个人配合着下厨,收拾桌面,将菜肴摆放在桌上。 The black cat was also attracted imperceptibly, sits in the one side peacefully is waiting and seeing them. 黑猫也在不知不觉中被吸引了过来,安静地坐在一旁观望着他们。 Sees that the benefit then operated a bamboo wheel to place in the previous paper plate, and took the paper plate to arrive by the short table, placed the ground it, oneself took advantage of opportunity in the table sits down. 见状,惠便又开了一个竹轮放在先前的纸碟里,并拿着纸碟走到矮桌旁,将其放在地上,自己则是顺势在桌边坐下。 Sorry ~ ~ forgot to prepare a moment ago your.” “抱歉~~刚才忘记准备你的了。” Meow meow ~ “喵喵~” The young girls and cats are together harmoniously. 少女与猫相处融洽。 Katou Yusuke is gazing at this silent, calls to start to eat meal in light of young girl. 加藤悠介沉默地注视着这一幕,又在少女的轻唤下开始吃饭。 Two people, a cat. 两个人,一只猫。 Serene time as if elongated malt sugar, does not know how long will continue...... 安详的时间仿佛是被拉长的麦芽糖,也不知会持续多久…… ...... …… Being late proofreading...... 晚点校对……
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