Chapter 394dineror not
The black catis crying outgently, the doubtfullooknon-stopamongenteringtwo people in roompaces back and forth.
黑猫轻轻叫唤着,充满疑惑的眼神不停在走进房间的两人之间徘徊。Whyresemblesto have doubts the diner of home.
似是在疑惑为什么这个家的食客会多出一个。Thendoes not carerises with a springfrom the ground, andfollowssomebody'spantsto crawlupwardly, then after by a handgrabs the nape of the neck, placedon the broadshoulder.
The after baseballtraining of midday restended, passedafternoontwoclassesuneventfully, does not have the mighty wavesto solve the work of student association.
午休的棒球训练结束之后,风平浪静地度过下午的两节课,又毫无波澜地解决完学生会的工作。In this periodgave the existingmemberwhile convenient, introduced a newpropagandacommittee member.
期间顺带给现有的成员,介绍了一下新任的宣传委员。Regardingthematter that the newstripfragrancejoins, the young girlshave not displayedwhatspecialresponse.
对于新条香加入的这件事,少女们并未表现出什么特别的反应。In particular.
更具体一点来说。Eririisacts with constraint, Utahais not saltyis not pale, the benefitisindifferent to fame or gainfree.英梨梨是矜持有加,诗羽是不咸不淡,惠是恬淡自若。As forbeing unsolicitedsecureYilunalso......
至于不请自来的安艺伦也……Becausetemporaryplacement of gamebusiness planning, thenrestoredthatto depend onworks, maintains the dwellingwas the activityate the soil seriesdwellingmale.
因为游戏企划的暂时搁置,便又恢复成了那个靠着打工,来维持宅系活动的吃土系宅男。Ended the activity of student association, marks the periodtotoday'scampustime.
结束了学生会的活动,给今日的校园时光画上句点。Katou Yusuke and benefitreturned to the apartmenttogether, thereforeandtriggeredabovethat.加藤悠介与惠一起回到了公寓,并因此而引发了上面的那一幕。„Meow?”
The black catstandson the shoulder of Katou Yusuke, is peeping at the benefit of calmtrendkitchen, sent outyelling of inquiryto the former.
黑猫站在加藤悠介的肩膀上,窥视着从容走向厨房的惠,对前者发出了似询问的叫喊。However the opposite partyactuallypays no attention toit, butmoved toward the catsandbasinwithout consulting anybody, startsto tidy up.
然而对方却不理它,只是径自走向了猫砂盆,开始收拾。Sand, sand.
The plasticspudderis rubbing the catsandbasin, sends outslightlyhas a gratingsound.
The black catlooked into the distance the eyeto look ata while, feltsomewhatbored, thenjumpedfrom the shoulder of Yusuke, took a stroll.
黑猫眺着眼睛看了一会儿,又觉得有些无聊,遂从悠介的肩上跳了下去,自顾自地溜达了起来。Itstrollsto the kitchen.
它漫步至厨房。Wears the whiteshirtwith the young girl of pleated skirt, thislittle whileis beginningbut actually the drink.
身着白色衬衣配百褶裙的少女,这会儿正动手倒着饮料。Seesitto arrive at the foot.
The benefitthenstopped the movement in hand, and headwas thinkingslightly, takes out a bamboowheelfrom the pocket, rips open the packing, thensquattedslowly.
惠便停下了手中的动作,并偏着脑袋稍稍思索了一下,又从口袋里取出一个竹轮,撕开包装,然后慢慢蹲了下来。„...... Caneat?”
The black catis flinging the tail, the bamboowheels on visionbetweenherfaceandhandpaces back and forth, actuallydoes not go forward.
黑猫甩着尾巴,目光在她的脸和手上的竹轮之间徘徊,却不上前。Seeing that.
见状。HuiZhishiselectedunderonegently, took a paper plate that fromnearbysupermarketplastic bagis used to make the cupcake, andthinks of the bamboowheelto place the groundwithit.
惠只是轻轻点了一下头,从一旁的超市塑料袋里、取了一个用来做杯子蛋糕的纸碟,并用它装着竹轮放在地上。Thenstands up, the booingtwocups of drinkwill placeon the tray, carries the trayto walktoward the living room.
而后又站起身,将倒好的两杯饮料放在托盘上,端着托盘向起居室走去。„Yusuke, the drinkIplacedon the table.”
“悠介,饮料我放在桌上了喔。”„Un, good.”
The black catlooks atherto depart, andsign that for a whilehas not plannedto come back, thiswalksto go forwardslowly, tothatbamboowheel that sends out the nice-smellingsmellheardtwo.
黑猫看着她离去,且一时没有打算回来的迹象,这才慢慢走上前,对着那个散发出好闻气味的竹轮闻了两下。Doessimilarlywith the small fish, actually not the sameflavorentered the smallnose.
一股与小鱼干类似,却又不相同的味道就窜进了小鼻子。Itturned the headto look at a living room, saw onlyownshovelexcrementofficer„diner”to sitwiththatat the shorttable, seemed likecoped withnamedsome„work” the thing.
它转头看了一眼起居室,只见自己的铲屎官正与那个“食客”坐在矮桌旁,似乎是在对付某个叫做“作业”的东西。Althoughdoes not understandthatthingisanything, whenevershovelexcrementofficerwhenhandlesthatmatter, does not permititto passto disturb.
虽然不懂那个东西是什么,不过每当铲屎官在做那件事情的时候,都不准它过去捣乱。Gradually, itthenknows that wasonecanspendsome timematter.
The black catdoes not care, thentakes back the vision, lowered the headto eat the bamboowheel in paper plate.
The inexplicablestimulatedcryattracted the attention of Katou Yusuke, lookedtowardkitchenthere.
莫名亢奋的叫声吸引了加藤悠介的注意,不由朝厨房那里看了过去。Sees the catto eat to the heart's contentto some thing of ground, a shiny blacksofttailflingsbehind the buttocks, a moodjoyfulappearance.
“……”Turns the headto lookagainto the side.
The young girlcorrect useautomatic pencilis arriving at the lip, the line of sightfocuseson the exercisebook that on the tablespreads out, was ponderingofsometopic.
“?”Resemblingisperceived that hisvision, the benefit is the profilelooks liketowardhim, in a glossy blackbrighteyedispatches for severalpointsto inquire.
似是觉察到他的目光,惠便是侧脸朝他看来,一双乌亮明澈的眼睛里递出几分询问。„...... That does, whatthingonmyfacehave?”
“……那个,我的脸上有什么东西吗?”Katou Yusukeshakes the headto express the denial, thenasked: „Whatissuehas?”加藤悠介摇头表示否定,然后问道:“有什么问题吗?”„Wú?”
“作业。”„~like this said that howthenhereformulashouldsolve?”
The young girlswere saying the inclinedbody, approachedslightly.
The oriental cherrygentlefragranceis scatteringwithhermovementweakly.
樱花轻柔的香味随着她的动作微弱地飘散着。Katou Yusukealsolooks down, recentlygraduallybecametothistype of fragrancefamiliar.加藤悠介也低头看去,最近渐渐对这种香气变得熟悉。„......”
“……”Helooks at the topic that an opposite partyreferred, thatistogether the topic of triangular functionfusionderivative.
题目:SupposestriangleABCto satisfyB = 2 A , BC = 1. When the triangleABCareais biggest, sought the cosBsize.
设三角形ABC满足B=2A,BC=1。当三角形ABC的面积最大时,求cosB的大小。Istogether the fairtopic, buthad the smallrepertoire of domesticcollege entrance examination.
算是一道中规中矩的题,只是带了一点国内高考的小套路。Katou Yusukenods, opens the mouthto explain: „HerefirstextractsABwith the sine law, thensought the areato be OKagain.”加藤悠介点了点头,开口解释:“这里先用正弦定理求出AB,接着再求面积就可以了。”„Howcando?”
The benefitthenlooks that hetakes up the pento write the formulaon the scratch paper, whileis making the explanation.
惠便看着他一边动笔在草稿纸上写式子,一边做着讲解。„...... FirstextractsAB = 3-4 sinA, thensupposes the cosB = tsimplificationformula, thenderives.”
“……先是求出AB=3-4sinA,然后设cosB=t化简式子,再求导。”( 1 + 2 t ) ( 1-t )
(1+2t)(1-t)Katou Yusukewrites abouthereto stop the pen, said: „Followingyoutryto doto look,has the issueto askmeagain.”加藤悠介写到这里停笔,说道:“下面的你试着做做看,有问题再问我。”„Un, good.”HuiQingqingis nodding, firstpondereda while, thenbeginsto startto derive.
“嗯,好的。”惠轻轻点着头,先是思考了一会儿,接着着手开始求导。Young girlspresents the topicwhileponders, the middlehas the stopoccasionally, situation that butdoes not have the cardto conducting.
少女一边做题一边思考,中间偶有停顿,但也没有卡到进行不下去的地步。Katou Yusukethinks soherproblem solvingsilently, has not disturbedhermentality.加藤悠介就这么默默看着她解题,没有打扰她的思路。Spentsome time, the topicobtained the explanation.
花了一段时间,题目获得了解答。t = cosB = ( 33-1 ) / 8
t=cosB=(33-1)/8„...... Isthis? Yusuke.”
“……是这样吗?悠介。”„Un, right.”
“嗯,对。”„This.” The benefitsaidby the leisurelyintonation: „Un~thank you, Yusuke.”
“不会。”„Good, alwaysthought that yousaywill be clearcompared withMatsumoto-sensei.”
“太好了,总觉得你讲得会比松本老师清楚耶。”„Is onlybecause the teacherhas not goneto saythoroughly, laterhas somethingto askme.”
“只是因为老师没去深入讲,之后有什么可以问我。”„Well~ ~Ok? Won't suchtroubleyou?”
“咦~~可以吗?那样子不会麻烦你吗?”Katou Yusukeshakes the head, saidonein a low voice: „Shouldsaywhatthis saying to be I.”加藤悠介摇摇头,低声说了一句:“该说这话的是我。”Two peoplecontinueto do one's assignment.
两人继续做着作业。In this period the young girlwent to a washroom.
期间少女去了一趟洗手间。Hethenwhilethisopportunity, put a grain of millto becomepink/powdervitalitymedicineto go in the drink of opposite party, andswayedtwocupsto causeitsdissolution.
他便趁着这一机会,在对方的饮料里放了一粒碾磨成粉的气血药进去,并摇晃了两下杯子使其溶解。HuiDuiciknows nothing, drankafterdoes not have anyvigilance.
惠对此一无所知,在回来之后没有任何戒心地喝了下去。Katou Yusuketook the leadto finish the homework, startedto shifttodeskthere, continued the picture«Power sawPerson»2ndvolume of original manuscript.加藤悠介率先做完了作业,开始转移到办公桌那里,继续画《电锯人》第二集的原稿。
Not the deadSichuancartooneditorial departmentalso the 1stvolume of payment for published piece, sent to hisaccount.
It is not the home page and tailpage, 54pages of original manuscriptsaltogetherare648000yuan.
不算首页和尾页在内,54页的原稿一共是648000円。Thisone-offincomeare seemingly many, actuallysellsfar inferiorwith the profit that the personremembersto bring, only ifbehindcandistribute the pamphlet, will haveaccording to the royalty income of sales volumecomputation.
这种一次性的收入看似很多,却远不及贩售同人志所带来的利润,除非后面能够发行单行本,才会有按照销量计算的版税收入。Howeverthat was still not the matter that the presentcanconsider.
然而那还尚不是现在能去考虑的事情。Presenthecando the picturegets downroutinely, andwaits forthisworkto accept the examinationfrommarket.
现在的他能做的只是按部就班地画下去,并等待这一作品接受来自市场的检验。As forsucceeding in obtainingthesum of money.
至于到手的这笔钱。Katou Yusukedecidesfirstto put out500,000to go toalso the Eririhome, remainingkeeps the dailylifeexpenses.加藤悠介决定先拿出50万去还英梨梨家,剩下的则是留作日常的生活开销。At this time, a catcalledto attracthisattention.
这时,一声猫叫吸引了他的注意。Looks backto look.
回首看去。Sees the young girlto bend the leg by the bedside, in the handalsoholds a native languagetextbook, the peacefulreadingexpressionis very gentle, actuallyarrived at the foot the black catto harass, thenprobesis extending a handto touch.
就见少女正屈腿靠在床边,手中还捧着一本国语课本,安静看书表情十分文静,却被走到脚边黑猫所扰,遂试探着伸出一只手去摸。Perhapslookedina moment ago a bambooround of share, the black catthistimehas not shunted, was being tracedbyher.
或许是看在刚才竹轮份上,黑猫这次也并未躲开,由着她摸了起来。On the benefitfaceblooms the clearsmile, the movement of to rubcatis very gentle.
惠的脸上绽放出清清浅浅的笑容,撸猫的动作十分轻柔。Twotunes the calfis straightandslender, the fairfleshis exuding the rougeslightly, a pair of blackcalfsockdecoratesquiteexquisitely the line of thigh, from thishowevershows the slendergentlebodycurve, makingpeopleit seems likethinkverycomfortably.
It looks like fromKatou Yusukethisangle, cansee the white and tenderthighflesh that the skirtarrangesfaintly, holdscertaindaydreamspace and blank.
从加藤悠介这个角度看来,隐隐可以看到裙摆下的白嫩大腿肌肤,又保有一定的遐想空间和留白。Onefine gauzeobstructs the surfacedimfeeling.
The black cattransferred the headsensitively, is yellingtohimgently, making the young girlalsofollowto look.
黑猫敏感地将脑袋转了过来,冲他轻轻叫喊着,使得少女也跟着看了过来。Twopairs of similaranddifferentblackeyepupils to line of sight.
两双相似而又不同的黑色眼眸对上了视线。Just likeembellishing the curtain of night of coldstar, just likereflecting the lake of bright moonlight.
一个宛如点缀着寒星的夜幕,一个宛如倒映着明月的湖泊。Does not have the origin, roomprobablysuddenlypeaceful.
The benefitlooks athim, the visionslightlycannotobservevacillated.
惠看着他,目光微不可察地动摇了一下。Thenlikelyshyascollects the books in handto the mouth, blocked the eyefollowingpart, askedin a soft voice: „...... That, was yourbellyhungry? Yusuke.”
“……”Katou Yusukesilentshook the head, puts out a handto incur the black cat, did not makeitdisturb the opposite partyto read.加藤悠介无声地摇摇头,伸手将黑猫招了过来,不让它打扰对方看书。
The black catthenruns up tohisjoyfully, andjumpedtohislegonextendsoneto stretch, startedto step on the milklazily.
黑猫便是欣然地跑到他脚下,并跳到他腿上伸了一个懒腰,懒洋洋地开始踩奶。„Sorry, youcontinueto read.”
他说。However the benefitdid not answer, firstturned the headto look atclock on a wall, thensaid: „Almost should also prepare food, oh~”
然而惠却并不作答,先转头看了一眼墙上的时钟,然后说道:“差不多也该做饭了呢,唷咻~”Shewas sayingthenputs down the books in hand, stands upfrom the rug, walkstoward the kitchennaturally.
她说着便放下手中的书本,从地毯上站起身来,自然而然地向着厨房走去。„In briefIprepare food, todayeatsto fry fishwith the creammacaroni?”
“总之我去做饭吧,今天吃煎鱼和奶油通心粉可以吗?”„...... Canhelp?”
“……要帮忙么?”„~ ~, thenyouboil the macaroni, Imake the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce.”
“啊~~那么你来煮通心粉,我来做酱汁。”Katou Yusukenods, saidin a low voice a goodcharacter, thento set outto keepon the swivel chair the cat, the walkingwashroomwashes the hands.加藤悠介点点头,低声说了一个好字,然后起身将猫留在转椅上,走去洗手间洗手。
After hewashes the expertcomes out, the young girlwith the card issuingone sidehairafter the ear, thislittle whileis wearing the apron.
等他洗好手出来以后,少女也用发卡把一侧的头发别在了耳后,这会儿正在穿着围裙。„Helpsmebe a followingdepartmentbelt/bring, Yusuke.”
“来帮我系一下后面的系带,悠介。”Huiis sayingturning around, is turning away fromhim, revealstogether the slim and gracefullovelyback.
" Are yourself not good? "
「你自己系不好吗?」In the brainflashes throughthisthoughtin the flash, howeverin the words of opposite partysimplydoes not haveto inquirehismeaning.
“……”Katou Yusukesilent, does not havetomentioning those words not tactful, thenlifts the footto walkto go forward, puts out a handto pull upto hangin the waistsidetworoot systembelts, startsto beginto tie a knot.加藤悠介沉默了一下,也没有不识趣到讲出那句话,遂抬脚走上前,伸手拉起垂在腰侧的两根系带,开始动手打结。Is sentby the temple that the pinkcard issuingdo not get upbefore the facefluttersslightly, scatteringsomeherbsis the shampooflavor.
The slenderneckskin coloris fair, transmits the lightmilkgel the fragrance.
窸窸窣窣。Katou Yusukeremains silent, tied a knotin the opposite partyfastbehind, thendraws backbackwardtwosteps.加藤悠介保持沉默,快速地在对方身后打了一个结,然后向后退开两步。„Ok?” The young girlscross the faceto askslightly, on the cheeksis exudingslightsuch asthick fogsunriseblushing.
“嗯。”Henodssaidaccordingly, the visionwas restrainedby a roughbutterfly knotfrom that on the waist that graspsgracefullyhas swept.
他点头应声道,目光从那被一个粗糙蝴蝶结约束起来的,盈盈一握的腰肢上扫过。„This.”HuiQingqingis nodding, puts out a hand to pull upnear the earhairsubconsciously, liftstohalfrealized that the hairhave not gotten up, thenturnedpinched the movement of chinlightly.
“这样啊。”惠轻轻点着头,下意识地伸手想要去撩耳边的头发,抬至一半又意识到头发已经被别起来了,遂变成了轻捏下巴的动作。„, Do westartto begin......?”
“嗯。”Katou Yusuketakes a pot off the fireboils water, the packed in bagsmacaroniwill place the one side, the preparationunderbroughtto boil.加藤悠介起锅烧水,将袋装的通心粉放在一旁,准备等下拿来煮。
The benefitcleans the food that processedto needto usein the one side.
The onioncuts to pieces, calocybe gambosaslice, Baconflake.
洋葱切碎,口蘑切片,培根切小片。Takes out a large capacitymetalbowl, buys the unsalted butter that to pour into the supermarket, addsfreshegg-yolkagain, thenstartsto stir.
取出一个大容量的金属碗,将超市买来的淡奶油倒入其中,再加入一个生蛋黄,接着开始搅拌。Ka kaka ka, ka kaka ka.
咔咔咔咔,咔咔咔咔。Gurglegurgle, gurglegurgle,
咕嘟咕嘟,咕嘟咕嘟,With the rhythm of stirringcream, the water in sauce panalsojustburnsto the ebullition.
伴随着搅拌奶油的节奏,煮锅里的水也刚好烧至沸腾。Katou Yusukemacaronibut actually.加藤悠介将通心粉倒了进去。„, Remembers that stirswith the chopsticks, do not make the macaronistickin the same place.” The young girlssaid,andinstructshimto add the littletable saltto blend flavors.
“啊,记得用筷子搅一下,不要让通心粉黏在一起。”少女这么说道,并指导着他加入一点点食盐调味。Two peoplestatusjustandpreviouslylearned/studiedtimeexchanged.
After seeinghisherehas no issue, the benefitcontinues the followingwork.
见他这里没什么问题以后,惠又继续起了下面的工作。Puts intogether the butterin the wok, opens the flame, makingitmeltslowly.
在炒锅里放入一块黄油,打开小火,使其慢慢融化。Thenunder the additionalfireenters the onionendto stir-fry before stewing the fragrance, underentersBacon and calocybe gambosaagainin turn.
滋啦滋啦。When the calocybe gambosabecomesboth sidesgolden yellow.
The benefitadded the table saltto blend flavorsininside, thenpoured intostirs the goodunsalted butter, added the littlelukewarm water.
惠在里面加入了食盐调味,然后倒入搅拌好的淡奶油,又添了少许温水。Transfers the flameto startto cookslowly.
After severalminutes .
几分钟以后。„Hereboiled.”Katou Yusukewas sayingswitches off the fire, dries the moisturewith the colander, fished the macaroni.
“这边煮好了。”加藤悠介说着关掉火,用漏勺沥干水份,将通心粉捞了出来。Young girlslightun , indicating to understand,subsequentlybeganto scoop upmeat juices cooked in soy bean saucein the tastesmall dish, blewgentlytwo.
少女轻嗯一声,表示了解,继而动手在味碟里面舀了一点酱汁,轻轻吹了两下。„Cantry the flavor?”
“要试一下味道吗?”Thought of the creamy-whitemeat juices cooked in soy bean sauce the tastesmall dishto be handed the mouth, resemblingwassomewhatstrong.
“……”Katou Yusukeknits the browsslightly, lowered the headto taste.加藤悠介微微皱眉,还是低头尝了一下。Liftsside of tastesmall dishto the conveniencecoordination, letting the meat juices cooked in soy bean saucecanbetterslips into hismouth.
...... Cīto slide.
……呲溜。„What kind of?” The young girlsaskedlightly.
“怎么样?”少女淡淡地问道。„Un, Ok.”
“嗯,可以。”Yusukeis respondingsimply, neglects the lightscented soapdelicate fragrance on opposite partyfingertipas far as possible.悠介简单回应着,尽量忽略对方指尖上的淡淡香皂清香。„Un~ ~thatis good.”HuiQingqingis nodding, receivesto taste the small dishcalm, said: „Thengivesme the macaroni.”
“好。”Will boil the goodmacaronito pour into the pot, mixes the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauceto stirtogether, until the cooking liquorbecomes thick.
将煮好的通心粉倒入锅中,混合着酱汁一起搅拌,直至汤汁变得浓稠。„Was almost OK.” The young girlswere thinking aloudswitches off the fire, thenleaps from the pot the macaroni the cleanmetalbasin, andscattersParmadense/woodscheesepowder above.
“差不多可以了吧。”少女自言自语着关掉火,然后将通心粉从锅里腾到干净的金属盆内,并在上面撒一层帕玛森奶酪粉。LetsKatou Yusuke the macaronitaking awaytable, whilecontinuesto startto fry fish.
一边让加藤悠介将通心粉拿去餐桌,一边继续开始煎鱼。Whatbecausebuyscuts the goodfish steakahead of time, thereforethesestepalsoquick.
因为买来的是提前切好的鱼块,所以这一步也很快。Crossed for almost about tenminutes, fried fishthencompletes.
过了差不多十分钟左右,煎鱼便做好了。Twopeopleare coordinatinggoing to the kitchen, tidies up the desktop, places the foodon the table.
The black catwas also attractedimperceptibly, sitsin the one sidepeacefullyis waiting and seeingthem.
黑猫也在不知不觉中被吸引了过来,安静地坐在一旁观望着他们。Sees that the benefitthenoperated a bamboowheelto placein the previouspaper plate, andtook the paper plateto arrive by the shorttable, placed the groundit, oneselftook advantage of opportunityin the tablesits down.
见状,惠便又开了一个竹轮放在先前的纸碟里,并拿着纸碟走到矮桌旁,将其放在地上,自己则是顺势在桌边坐下。„Sorry~ ~forgotto preparea moment agoyour.”
The young girls and catsare togetherharmoniously.
少女与猫相处融洽。Katou Yusukeis gazing atthissilent, callsto startto eat mealinlight of young girl.加藤悠介沉默地注视着这一幕,又在少女的轻唤下开始吃饭。Twopeople, a cat.
两个人,一只猫。Serenetimeas ifelongatedmalt sugar, does not know how longwill continue......
Being late proofreading......
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