TRSFPUS :: Volume #5

#427: You are really lovable

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Chapter 427 you are really lovable 第427章你真可爱 Has long time, no one well to start talking. 足足有好半晌,都没有人开口讲话。 Long time, Katou Yusuke the pursing the lips lip of said: I am not worth such doing, Utaha-senpai.” 良久,加藤悠介才抿了抿嘴唇说道:“我不值得你那样做,诗羽学姐。” You also led the going to school elder sister.” “你又带上学姐了。” Is only the high-school student, said what love does not love...... did not feel too heavy.” “只是高中生而已,说什么爱不爱的……不觉得太沉重了吗。” hears word, Utaha first stares, then does intentionally coughs calmly, plays the flavor: What, I make a demonstration to you, was difficult to be inadequate Yu-chan you to take seriously?” 闻言,诗羽先是一愣,接着又故作镇定地咳嗽一声,玩味道:“什么,我只是给你做个示范而已,难不成悠酱伱当真了吗?” Katou Yusuke looked at her one eyes, without answering. 加藤悠介看了她一眼,没回话。 „...... On the other hand, how did you call the new strip fragrance?” “……话说回来,你是怎么叫新条香的?” What...... do you refer to?” “……你指什么?” What are you to her name?” Utaha said depressed, depends on the head again on his shoulder, and grasped his arm. “你对她的称呼是什么?”诗羽闷闷不乐地说道,把脑袋再次靠在他肩上,并且抱住了他的手臂。 Katou Yusuke thinks, returns said: Did not call anything.” 加藤悠介想了一下,回道:“不叫什么。” „...... What meaning? You will not call her the name or small fragrant and so on?” “……什么意思?你不会叫她名字或者小香之类的吗?” I do not have deliberately to pay attention to these, but we generally or you " exchange with the surname " .” “我没有刻意注意这些,不过我们一般是用姓氏或者「你」来交流的。” Utaha stopped for one second, then asked low voice: Is you are you? Did she also call you?” 诗羽停了一秒,然后小声问道:“是你还是你们?她也这么叫你吗?” Small wallet, master and association president...... 小钱包、主人、会长…… Several names relayed in the mind. 几个称呼在脑海中转了一圈。 Katou Yusuke opens mouth, chose most frequently used that generally is the association president.” 加藤悠介张了张嘴,选择了使用频率最高的那一个,“一般是会长。” „......” “……” Utaha recalled slightly usually, in the foreheads loathes, subsequently somewhat takes to heart to mutter: Generally......” 诗羽稍微回想了一下平时,眉宇间都是厌恶,继而有些耿耿于怀地喃喃道:“一般……” Clearly, that young whore does not know in the situation in her, certainly has also used a more intimate name. 很明显,那个小婊子在她所不知道情况下,一定还用过更加亲密的称呼。 But this matter makes her feel very unhappy, unusual is unwilling. 而这种事情让她觉得十分不快,也非常的不甘心。 The appearance and position, doesn't the ability, which her compare that plans female? 不论是外貌、地位、还是能力,她哪一点不比那个心机女强? But is such a was inferior everywhere her person, actually goes a step further compared with her and his distance. 可偏偏就是这么一个处处不如她的人,却是比她与他的距离更进一步。 Even if clear(ly) knows that among two people does not have the sentiment, still makes people especially uncomfortable. 即便明知道两人之间没有感情,却也让人尤其不爽。 Thinks, the body of Utaha collapsed tightly, the breath also became rapid. 想着想着,诗羽的身体就崩紧了一些,呼吸也变得急促。 Katou Yusuke felt this point, therefore said: In brief this, you rest well.” 加藤悠介感受到了这一点,于是开口说道:“总之就这样吧,你好好休息。” Body of Utaha slightly one stiff, rushes saying: „...... Our also anything has not finished talking.” 诗羽的身体微微一僵,赶忙道:“……我们还什么都没有谈完呢。” What do you want to discuss?” “你想谈什么?” „The matter of that woman, I also had the words to say.” “那个女人的事情,我还有话要说。” Katou Yusuke turns the head to look to her, asked lightly: „Is this topic that must discuss? Basically, you already, because this did not come the student association.” 加藤悠介转头看向她,淡淡问道:“这是非谈不可的话题吗?基本上,你已经因为这个不来学生会了吧。” I not student association, does not have to avoid her, moreover she has not been worth me doing this, because just has the work to be busy at asking for leave temporarily, this matter I should say in contact group.” “我没有不来学生会,也没有在回避她,况且她还不值得我这样做,只是因为刚好有工作要忙才暂时请假,这件事我应该在联络群里说过了。” A Utaha face aloof said: In brief, if not because above decided suddenly must to «Love Metronome» animation, I will not ask for leave.” 诗羽一脸高冷地解释说:“总之,如果不是因为上面突然决定要对《恋爱节拍器》动画化的话,我是不会请假的。” Animation?” “动画化?” Yes, although at present is only the inside information, this plan might also cut in two at the waist also perhaps, but Machida young lady will be actually sporty, was shouting must go all out, will therefore also harm me to follow to bustle about.” “是啊,虽然目前还只是内部消息,这个计划也有可能会腰斩也说不定,不过町田小姐倒是劲头十足,喊着要大干一场,所以才害得我也要跟着东奔西走。” After she said superficially, Katou Yusuke then selected under one slowly, heartfelt typical: Congratulates you, Utaha.” 当她这么轻描淡写地说了以后,加藤悠介便是缓缓点了一下头,由衷地道了一句:“恭喜你,诗羽。” Hears his words, originally also the indifferent free Utaha pursing the lips lip, on the face appears the shy expression that gently quietly is from the heart, responds low voice. 听到他的话,本来还淡然自若的诗羽不由轻轻抿了抿嘴唇,脸上悄悄浮现出发自内心的害羞表情,小声做出回应。 Thanked...... thanks you.” “谢……谢你。” However in the next instance, this shy transferred tyrannically has the playing a dirty trick expression. 不过在下一个瞬间,这点羞涩就转为了残虐中带着一点使坏的表情。 Therefore, Yu-chan until now did think my? Thought that I am that type as frail as the incorrect woman? Saw that...... sees...... sees......” “所以,原来悠酱一直以来都是这么想我的吗?觉得我是那种脆弱到不行的女人?只是看到……看到……看到……” Utaha at this point, the voice suddenly became low and cold, „- really killed! That type steals the fishy smell cat!” 诗羽说到这里顿了顿,嗓音忽然变得又低又冷,“-果然还是杀了吧!那种偷腥猫!” The dense/woods cold tone just like coming from nine quiet deep places, making the temperature of room drop several degrees again. 森寒的语气宛如来自九幽深处,让房间的温度再次下降了几度。 „......” “……” The Katou Yusuke eye jumped jumping, the sound moved fast said one: You calmly.” 加藤悠介眼睛跳了跳,声音飘忽地说了一句:“你冷静一点。” I have not cared.” Utaha coldly like the stubborn mouth said: That woman has not matched, what I care three times is only you rejects I things continuously.” “我没有在意。”诗羽有如犟嘴般地冷冷说道:“那个女人还不配,我在意的只是你连续拒绝我三次的事情。” Mentioned in this, her innermost feelings as if were gripped by the needle, cannot help but the silver tooth bit tightly, in the hand enclasped at the same time body of somebody arm to make an effort toward behind but actually. 言及于此,她的内心仿佛被针扎了一下,不由得银牙紧咬,手上抱紧某人胳膊的同时身体用力往后面倒。 „-!” “-!” Relaxes Katou Yusuke under condition not to guard, was entrained by her is going backward but actually. 放松状态下的加藤悠介没有防备,也被她拽着向后倒去。 Plop. 扑通。 Two people lie down under the inertia function together in the bed, is facing the surface, looked at each other for one second. 两个人在惯性的作用下一同躺倒在床,面对着面,对视了一秒钟。 squeak, the snow white lotus root arm according to the soft bed, Utaha will support in the next second, then cross sits on him, is overlooking him from the above. 噗吱,雪白的藕臂按在松软的床铺上,诗羽在下一秒将自己撑了起来,然后跨坐在他身上,就这么从上方俯视着他。 Puts on changes the loosen in bathrobe because of the large scale movement slightly, reveals to bully the frost match snow flesh. 穿在身上的浴袍因为大幅度的动作而微微变松,露出欺霜赛雪般的肌肤。 The smooth sending silk throws over to hang, as the breath rhythm has slid the neck, making Katou Yusuke feel somewhat itchy. 柔滑的发丝披垂下来,随着呼吸的节奏滑过脖子,让加藤悠介觉得有些痒。 After bathing the fragrance to scatter gently, brings inexplicable palpitation , makes one have the heart itchy feeling. 沐浴后的香气轻柔地飘散着,带来莫名的悸动,也让人有种心痒的感觉。 Under the dim light, all were covered an ambiguous filtering mirror. 昏暗的灯光下,一切都被蒙上了一层暧昧的滤镜。 Usually the imposing beautiful young girl reveals at this moment does not have protection side, really makes people be somewhat inconceivable. 平时凛然美丽的少女此刻露出如此毫无防备的一面,实在让人有些难以想象。 The throat of Katou Yusuke rolled, present makes him unable to speak for a while, finally is only the sound asks secretly mutely: „...... You must make anything.” 加藤悠介的喉头滚动了一下,眼前的一幕令他一时说不出话来,最后只是声音暗哑地问道:“……你这是要做什么。” I am, will not lose to the new strip fragrant......!” Utaha arouses the courage to say probably, the look is not also tranquil. “我是,不会输给新条香的……!”诗羽像是鼓足勇气地说道,神色同样不平静。 I do not have to think, you are different, does not meet the mutual comparison requirement.” “我没有那么想过,你们是不同的,不具备相互比较的条件。” Then...... are you this/should must make up for me?” “然后呢……你是不是该要弥补我?” How you want.” “你想要怎么样。” I want you to do to me with the new strip fragrance same matter.” “我要你对我做和新条香一样的事情。” You think that is to make up?” Katou Yusuke asked slowly, the brow tip place brings indifferently. “你认为那是弥补?”加藤悠介缓缓问道,眉梢处带着冷漠。 Even so, I want to determine your idea.” In the eye pupil that Utaha drags shows strongly, moves the face slowly little downward. “即使如此,我还是想确定你的想法。”诗羽摇曳的眼眸中透出强硬,缓慢地把脸一点点地向下挪动。 Sparkles the beautiful ray lips to put out the faint aura, has caressed his lip lightly. 闪耀着妖艳光芒的双唇吐出幽微的气息,轻抚过他的嘴唇。 The eyes that the wave light ripples shut gently, from taking the centimeter is gradually reducing for the unit. 波光荡漾的双眼轻轻闭了起来,距离以公分为单位在逐渐缩短。 The body that approaches downward is charming, under the bathrobe, even the outline of body also appears attractively. 向下靠近的身体娇媚甜美,浴袍底下,连身体的轮廓也诱人地浮现出来。 Stopped.’ ‘到此为止了。’ A Katou Yusuke pupil color depth, lifts the hand to hold her shoulders slightly immediately, pushes gently to side her, overthrows on the bed. 加藤悠介眸色微微一深,随即抬手抓住她的双肩,将她轻轻地向旁边推去,推倒在床上。 Then goes through the body to sit up, disregards the raised lower hem, the whole person turns over/stands up empty cross sits on her, let each other exchange. 接着又辗转着身体坐起,无视被掀起的衣摆,整个人翻身虚虚跨坐在她身上,让彼此对调了一个个儿。 . 啪。 „- Talks clearly.” “-说清楚。” Katou Yusuke supports both hands in her cheeks two sides positions, narrows the eye to look at her, asked confidently: This is you wants? Kasumigaoka Utaha.” 加藤悠介将双手撑在她脸颊两边的位置,眯着眼睛看她,坦然地问道:“这就是你想要的吗?霞之丘诗羽。” „!” “呀!” Because sudden, Utaha sent out completely not like her cry, but Yusuke actually does not care, but the tone ice-cold interrogated: 因为事发突然,诗羽发出了完全不像她的叫声,可悠介却不放在心上,只是语气冰冷地质问道: „A crisis awareness does not have, has tested my patience, you want like this right?” “一点危机意识也没有,一直考验我的耐性,你想要这样对吧?” „......!” “……!” Utaha had heart palpitations the pair of eyes instinct of god fan to flash through a fear, starts to be afraid sways from side to side the both legs to try to resist, but was used the thigh to grip by him firmly, cannot move. 诗羽原本心荡神迷的双眼本能地闪过一丝恐惧,开始害怕地扭动着双腿试图抵抗,但被他用大腿牢牢夹住,动弹不得。 Katou Yusuke places the cell phone of bedside by her not careful tread to the ground, made the clear sound, actually no one cares. 啪嗒,加藤悠介放在床边的手机被她不小心蹬到地上,发出了清脆的声响,却无人在意。 Responded Utaha that reddens all over the face, mouth stretch/open He: „...... Wait! Yusuke!” 反应过来的诗羽满脸通红,嘴巴张阖:“等……等等!悠介!” What's wrong, this is not just you hopes? With taking the baggage deceives me to go upstairs , the seduction I, say that now does not want you not to think is too late?” “怎么,这不正是你所希望的吗?用拿行李骗我上楼,又不停的诱惑我,现在才说不要你不觉得已经太迟了吗?” That and that are......!” “那、那是……!” Can? Utaha.” Katou Yusuke puts out a hand to caress her cheeks, strokes gently gently. “可以的吧?诗羽。”加藤悠介伸手抚上她的脸颊,轻轻摩挲。 „-!” “-!” Probably an electric current has leapt up. 像是一阵电流蹿过。 In the hearts of Utaha trembles suddenly, then starts plop plop to jump, being at a loss of face, mind/square inch chaos. 诗羽的心间忽地一颤,接着开始扑通扑通直跳,一脸的六神无主,方寸大乱。 In Katou Yusuke purposely under builds, the present atmosphere somewhat is obviously ready to be set off, suspenseful. 加藤悠介的刻意营造下,现在的气氛明显有些一触即发,令人紧张不已。 „...... This...... I, that...... you......” “啊……这个……我,那个……你……” After made excuses some little time . 就这么支支吾吾了好一会儿以后。 Utaha is determined to be the same probably, the lip speaks haltingly was saying: Yamagimachi and Machida young lady reminded me......, at least, must take blocks the elf............” 诗羽才像是下定了决心一样,嘴唇嗫嚅着说道:“町、町田小姐提醒我……至、至少,要带上拦精灵……呜……” Resembling is shameful general, said that Utaha of this saying will shift to the one side, does not dare to look at his one eyes again. 似是无地自容一般的,说完这话的诗羽将头转向一旁,不敢再多看他一眼。 A thick pitch-black black hair shop sprinkles on the pure white bed sheet, is moist and beautiful, just like the black waterfall. 一头浓厚乌黑的青丝铺洒在素白的床单上,湿润而美丽,犹如黑色的瀑布。 White snow congealing fine jade appearance, pearl deep red lip. 白雪凝琼貌,明珠点绛唇。 The young girls are much more beautiful. 少女美丽得动人心魄。 „......” “……” Katou Yusuke looks at her deeply, did not swallow a throat voluntarily, subsequently shouted the one breath long, said in the tone of order: 加藤悠介深沉地看着她,不自觉地吞咽了一下嗓子,继而长呼了一口气,以命令的语气说道: Visits me.” “看着我。” „......?” “……?” Utaha hesitant, transferred the face cautiously, two curved attractive delicate eyebrows gather together in the same place, sets off even more pretty her. 诗羽犹豫了一下,还是小心翼翼地把脸转了过来,两弯好看的秀眉拢在一起,将她衬得愈加楚楚动人。 Silent. 沉默之中。 Katou Yusuke lifts the right hand slowly, collects to her face, then blew on the excellent tip of the nose moderately, in the mouth put out three characters. 加藤悠介慢慢抬起右手,凑向她的脸,然后在秀挺的鼻尖上不轻不重地刮了一下,口中吐出了三个字。 „- Paper tiger.” “-纸老虎。” Said that then set out from the bed, got down. 说完便从床上起身,下了地。 „?” “诶?” On the Utaha face reveals at a loss, somewhat sits up from the bed dumbstruck, the anxious sound asked: Waits for, what meaning is this......?” 诗羽脸上露出茫然,有些发懵地从床上坐起,急声问道:“等一下,这是……什么意思?” What?” “什么?” Why must stop......!” “为什么要停下……!” Katou Yusuke looked up her one eyes, then the squatting down body, sought not to know that under the bed where cell phone went , the mouth first tone geostationary responds. 加藤悠介抬头看了她一眼,然后蹲下身体,在床下寻找起不知掉去哪里的手机,嘴上平静地做出回应。 This matter too early, now this is quite to you good.” “这种事对你来说还太早了,现在这样比较好。” Looking like perfunctory Sayu to be the same at first, Katou Yusuke is perfunctory Utaha. 就像是最初敷衍沙优一样的,加藤悠介敷衍着诗羽 Considering that after Utaha , the situation that possibly can leave, he does not plan to push two people relations to that step, the behavior were also more is to its actions raised and warning. 考虑到诗羽之后可能会离开的情况,他并不打算将两人的关系推进到那一步,刚才的行为也更多是对其所作所为的提点和警告。 However he actually estimated a matter wrongly. 然而他却错误地估计了一件事。 That is Utaha is Utaha, she is aloof from worldly affairs and beautiful, the body has Yang corner/horn pretty with talent, has the eccentricity and cruelty of Yin corner/horn. 那便是诗羽就是诗羽,她清高而美丽,身上既有着阳角的貌美与才华,也有着阴角的孤僻与残暴。 She is not anybody's substitute commodity, is only she, cannot place on a par with anybody. 她不是任何人的代替品,只是她自己,不能与任何人相提并论。 By after the initial confusedness, Utaha calms down rapidly, the mood shifted to another extreme from an extreme. 是以在经过最初的迷茫以后,诗羽迅速就冷静下来,情绪从一个极端转向了另一个极端。 Looks that lies seeks for the cell phone on the ground, a face is perfunctory her Katou Yusuke indifferently, a played jokes upon anger on straight sufficient forehead. 看着趴在地上寻找手机的,一脸淡然地敷衍着她的加藤悠介,一股被戏耍的怒气就直充脑门。 Wants not to think that she then stretches out a foot breathless, was stepping on to the Yusuke top of the head! Made his head sink to below! 想也没想的,她便气急败坏地伸出一只脚,就这么对着悠介的头顶踩了下去!令他的脑袋向下一沉! „- Is it possible that a moment ago that misleading the public speech was intentional!?” Utaha is clenching teeth saying that the soft slender jade foot is grinding on his furry head back and forth. “-刚才那番混淆视听的发言莫非是故意的吗!?”诗羽咬着牙说道,柔软的纤纤玉足在他毛茸茸的脑袋上来回碾着。 xi xi su su. 窸窸窣窣。 The snow white jade is rubbing the hair fully, steps on chaotically youngster that white short hair, does not drop the wind in the color actually. 雪白的玉足摩擦着头发,将少年那头白色短发踩得乱糟糟的,在颜色上倒是丝毫不落下风。 Katou Yusuke is first startled at first, train of thought shutdown such. Then raised the head subconsciously, the instinct held that only in the foot of head unseemly behavior. 加藤悠介起初先是一怔,思绪停摆了那么一下。接着才下意识地抬起头,本能地抓住了那只在头上作怪的脚。 „- !” “-呼呀!” The fingers/tiger mouth covered the soft slight fever sole, making his master cannot help but snort/hum call one. 虎口扣住了柔软微热的脚掌,令其主人不由自主地哼叫了一声。 Even if were seized a foot, Utaha still refuses to admit being inferior completely, is inwardly angry with the beautiful big eye is staring him, while also tread toward him another foot. 而即使被捉住了一只脚,诗羽也完全不甘示弱,一边用美丽的大眼睛愠怒地瞪着他,一边又将另一只脚也朝他蹬了过来。 Goal: Area forehead and top of the head. 目标:额头与头顶一带。 After Katou Yusuke had the protection, how can such attack be effective? 然而当加藤悠介有了防备之后,这样的攻击又怎能奏效? Thereupon, another foot of Utaha also fell into his palm. 于是乎,诗羽的另一只脚也落入了他的掌中。 Katou Yusuke grabs her both feet by both hands, subsequently lifts the line of sight to look toward on. 加藤悠介以双手抓着她的双脚,继而抬起视线朝上看去。 Before the snow foot upward movement of vision following face, has slid slenderly the fair thigh that and sex appeal rushes, falls in tender dimple that finally, in the young girl got angry, silent. 目光顺着脸前的雪足向上移动,滑过修长且肉感澎湃的白皙大腿,最后落在了少女嗔怒的娇靥上,沉默不语。 Katou Yusuke, your indecisive bastard!” The willow eyebrows of Utaha are but actually vertical, the tone scolded, poured more like the made fun of mood divulges. 加藤悠介,你这个优柔寡断的混蛋!”诗羽的柳眉倒竖,语气与其说是责骂,倒更像是被捉弄后的情绪宣泄。 Such expression not only does not have the deterrent force, reveals one side cute of girl on the contrary. 这样的表情不仅一点也没有威慑力,反倒流露出女孩子的可爱一面。 The Katou Yusuke vision became profound, sigh with emotion low nan: You really cute......” 加藤悠介的目光变得幽深,感慨般地低喃了一句:“你真可爱……” That moment when the words blurt, under the bed went to bed two people shocked simultaneously. 当话语脱口的那一刻,床上床下的两个人同时都愣住了。 The eye of Utaha enlarges quickly, the eyes wink extremely quickly, she is opening the mouth surprisedly, has probably not thought completely will hear such appraisal from his there. 诗羽的眼睛倏地放大,双眼极快地眨动起来,她惊讶地张着嘴巴,像是完全没有想过会从他那里听到这样的评价。 But Katou Yusuke actually does not have the psychology to prepare, that moment he does not want is too many, but the atmosphere made it so mentioned that a few words, was the commendation of sincerity. 加藤悠介其实也没有心理准备,那一刻的他并没有想太多,只是气氛使然地讲出了那一句话,算是真心的称赞。 But following is an awkward silence. 可随之而来的就是一阵尴尬的沉默。 Two people look at each other speechless. 两人相顾无言。 The Katou Yusuke opening and closing the lip, is trying saying that anything break awkwardly, thinking it over thought that anything is inappropriate, finally exhales foul air disappointed. 加藤悠介翕动着嘴唇,试图说些什么打破尴尬,思来想去却又觉得什么都不合适,最终只是怅然地呼出一口浊气。 The scalding hot aura boils up from the nasal cavity, swats in the tip of the toe of Utaha, making her feel somewhat unusual itchy, and conditioned reflex swayed from side to side two feet. 灼热的气息从鼻腔里迸出,扑打在诗羽的脚尖,让她觉得有些异样的痒痒,并条件反射地扭动了两下脚丫。 The clear toe has slid gently somebody's pars labialis, moved a lip. 无意之间,圆润的脚趾就轻轻滑过了某人的唇部,拨动了一下下嘴唇。 Katou Yusuke will put aside the head subconsciously in the future, pursing the lips lip, while looks down downward. 加藤悠介下意识地往后移开脑袋,一边抿了抿嘴唇,一边低头向下看去。 Jio in hand is soft and white and tender, the fair and clear tip of toe shape is exquisite, has the slight fever temperature and fragrance is scattering weakly. 手中的jio柔软而白嫩,白净的足趾形状优美,有微热的温度与香味在微弱地飘散着。 The Adam's apple of Katou Yusuke rolled slightly, suddenly realizes somewhat differently, therefore let loose jio of young girl, then stands up, said: „...... I wash to start.” 加藤悠介的喉结微微滚动了一下,忽然意识到有些不同,于是放开了少女的jio,然后站起身来,说道:“……我去洗下手。” Utaha stared at his form looking pensive, the eye is winking two, subsequently held a knee on the bed, both hands grabs the ankle area, if there is a profound meaning to smile. 诗羽若有所思地盯着他的身影,眼睛眨动了两下,继而在床上抱起一条膝盖,双手抓着脚踝,若有深意地笑了。 Only washes the hands does not wash the face, you actually very like being stepped on by me? Yu-chan.” “只洗手不洗脸,难道你其实挺喜欢被我踩的吗?悠酱。” This joke does not need to open, I take a bath.” Katou Yusuke to make one unable to listen to the mood tone saying that then stepped the step to enter the washroom. “这种玩笑就不必开了,我洗个澡。”加藤悠介以令人听不出情绪的语气说道,然后迈着步子走进洗手间。 As the gate of washroom worked as a closure, inside broadcasts the sound that showers quickly. 随着洗手间的门被“啪当”一声关闭,里面很快传来淋浴的声音。 Sits climbs up the bed in Utaha of bedside slowly, takes up a soft pillow, holds it tightly in the bosom, buries the face in inside. 坐在床边的诗羽慢慢爬上床,拿起一只松软的枕头,将其紧抱在怀里,把脸埋在里面。 Then is gathering the knees, one of the two foot heels one deep on the bed sheet rub shallowly. 然后并拢着双膝,两只脚后跟在床单上一深一浅地蹭动起来。 ...... ……
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