TM :: Volume #48

#4762: The bone stick vanishes

When Zi Chen shakes flies Olive, from behind acts. 就在紫宸震飞奥利弗的时候,加文从后面出手了。 In his hand takes a long sword, a sword cuts. 他的手中拿着一把长剑,一剑斩下。 This sword is extremely sharp, is glittering cold and gloomy cold light. 这剑极其锋利,闪烁着森冷寒光 Zi Chen holds the bone stick standard to keep off! 紫宸持骨棍格挡! Bang!” “轰!” The powerful energy shakes, Zi Chen retroceded several steps, his arm somewhat tingles with numbness, the opponent does not feel better, is staggering the retreat. 强大的能量震荡,紫宸后退了数步,他的手臂有些发麻,对手也不好过,踉跄着后退。 Looked at the skeleton of opposite party, looked at the sword in hand, the additional civilization somewhat is obviously surprised, can't an own sword, cut off his broken bone stick unexpectedly? 看了看对方的骨骼,又看了看手中的剑,加文明显有些吃惊,自己的一剑,竟然没能斩断他的一杆破骨棍? „!” “唰!” Olive's attack arrived. 奥利弗的攻击又到了。 In this moment, two seven strength boundaries, cope with Zi Chen jointly. 在这一刻,两位七力境,联手对付紫宸 Others stand in very far place look, looks this encircles kills, expressions, filled with the anticipation. 其他人都站在很远的地方看着,看着这场围杀,一个个的表情,都是充满了期待。 So long as Zi Chen dies, then his all things, will become their. 只要紫宸一死,那么他的所有东西,都将会成为他们的。 Mineral lode, spirit law palace, as well as other resources. 矿脉,灵法殿,以及其他资源。 Even was yesterday that woman! 甚至是昨天那个女人! Olive cannot have a liking for that woman, but they can actually be have a liking, so the beautiful woman is almost the entire life only sees. 奥利弗看不上那个女人,可他们却能看得上,如此美人几乎是生平仅见。 The energy is still thundering, forms together/one path together/one path powerful fluctuation dispersing, Zi Chen by an enemy two, does not drop the wind. 能量还在轰鸣,形成一道一道强大波动散开,紫宸以一敌二,丝毫不落下风。 However cannot sweep away two people. 但是也没能横扫二人。 You are also mediocre!” “你也不过如此!” Look ice-cold, the corners of the mouth exude to wipe to disdain, did not say that extinguishes shadow to be invincible? Your invincibility where?” 加文眼神冰冷,嘴角泛起一抹不屑,“不是都说灭影者无敌吗?你的无敌在什么地方?” Then, a sword falls again, sword light is sharp and powerful. 说完,一剑再落,剑光锋利而强大。 Zi Chen has not responded, is only the domineering attack, the long sword and bone stick, collides unceasingly in together, surges the fearful aura. 紫宸没有回应,只是强势攻击,长剑与骨棍,不断碰撞在一起,激荡出可怕的气息。 The person in distant place, retrocedes again, was worried that was affected. 远处的人,再次后退,担心被波及到。 Is only the energy complementary waves, is not they can resist. 仅仅只是能量余波,都不是他们能够抵挡的。 With the multiple collision, Zi Chen discovered bone stick that goes smoothly everywhere, the might seems to be dropping. 随着多次碰撞,紫宸发现无往不利的骨棍,威力似乎正在下降。 This change, making his complexion change, must know until now, the bone stick never disappointed him, how at present can so? 这种变化,令他脸色一变,要知道一直以来,骨棍都从未让他失望过,眼下怎会如此? After a confrontation retreat, Zi Chen carefully looks at a bone stick, the complexion changes immediately. 待一次交锋后退之后,紫宸仔细看了一眼骨棍,脸色立刻大变。 Sees only above the bone stick, were many some cracks, dense and numerous. 只见骨棍之上,多了一些裂纹,密密麻麻的。 Was this must break? 这是要破了? He seems unbelievable, must know that this soldier came from powerful mutated beast, for many years killing intent was not loose, the whole body was decayed, left behind the bone stick. 他显得难以置信,要知道此兵来自一只强大的异兽,多年来杀意不散,全身都腐朽了,就留下了骨棍。 Until now, the bone stick goes smoothly everywhere. 一直以来,骨棍都是无往不利的。 Bang! 嘭! Attack comes, Zi Chen only resists, although is very careful, but the bone stick still dispersed. 加文的攻击又来,紫宸唯有抵挡,尽管很是小心,但骨棍依然散开了。 The bone stick discards thoroughly! 骨棍彻底报废! This does not know that had many years skeletons, finally came to the end. 这个不知道存在了多少年的骨骼,终于走到了尽头。 All around hears the sound of cheering, will not have the bone stick, Zi Chen battle strength to drop very much obviously enormously, then must die without doubt. 四周传来欢呼之声,很明显没有了骨棍,紫宸战力将会极大的下降,接下来必死无疑。 Dies!” “去死!” When the Zi Chen god, forwards fast, a sword pricked the chest of Zi Chen. 加文趁着紫宸愣神之际,飞快向前,一剑刺入了紫宸的胸膛。 !” “噗!” Submerges the body completely, passed through the chest. 完全没入身体,贯穿了胸膛。 Facing this sword, Zi Chen was suddenly cold smiles, extended both hands, firmly held the arm of opposite party. 面对这一剑,紫宸忽然冷然一笑,伸出了双手,牢牢的抓住了对方的手臂。 To work loose, but has not succeeded. 加文想要挣脱,但是没有成功。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The next quarter, ray of light glow appears, directly soars close to go. 下一刻,一道光芒出现,直奔近在咫尺的加文而去。 both sides were distanced were too near, he responded radically without enough time. 双方相距太近了,以至于他根本来不及反应。 !” “噗!” The ray pierces forehead directly. 光芒直接洞穿加文的眉心。 Boundless killing intent then emerges, everyone felt a cold and gloomy chill in the air, been able to bear hit one to tremble. 无边杀意这才涌现而出,所有人都感觉到了一股森冷的寒意,忍不住的打了一个哆嗦。 Waits to respond the time, has dropped down. 等反应过来的时候,加文已经倒下。 The vitality does not have! 生机全无! He died! 他死了! The transformation of war, was too quick. 战局的转变,实在太快了。 The moment, the people are still first cheering Zi Chen not to have the weapon, battle strength to reduce greatly. 先一刻,众人还在欢呼紫宸没了兵器,战力大减。 The next quarter, was actually killed. 下一刻,加文却被杀了。 Rear Olive sees this, not only has not died while the additional tattoo, when Zi Chen is injured kills to come, but was panic-stricken turning around escapes. 后方的奥利弗见到这一幕,不仅没有趁着加文身死,紫宸受伤之际杀上前来,而是惊恐的转身逃了。 „!” “咻!” The cold light twinkle, Spirit of Slaughtering kills directly to Olive. 寒光闪烁,杀戮之灵直接杀向奥利弗。 killing intent of that terrifying, making his in heart scared. 那恐怖的杀意,令他心中胆寒。 His body changes in midair one, only listens to one, 他的身体在半空一个变向,只听噗的一声, An arm soars high, the blood spurts. Zi Chen, you dare to kill people in the city, you ended!” 一条手臂高高飞起,鲜血飞洒。“紫宸,你敢在城中杀人,你完了!” Ignores the pain of arm, Olive screams one, makes the sound spread intentionally by far. 不顾断臂之痛,奥利弗尖叫一声,故意让声音远远传开。 This moment long sword, still inserts in the chest of Zi Chen, he has not drawn out the sword, forwards directly. 此刻加文的长剑,依然插在紫宸的胸膛,他没有拔出剑来,直接向前。 His extinguishing shadow aura stimulates, to tag along after Olive comprehensively. 他的灭影者气息全面激发,尾随着奥利弗。 !” “噗!” bloody light flashes again, a Olive leg did not have, his center of gravity is not steady, falls to the ground directly. 血光再次一闪,奥利弗一条腿没了,他重心不稳,直接栽倒在地。 Spirit of Slaughtering after the Yuan kills there swallowed killing intent, the might is without doubt stronger. 杀戮之灵在元杀那里吞噬了杀意之后,威力无疑更强了。 „...... Do not come!” “你……不要过来!” Falls on he turns around in Olive of ground, alarmed and afraid looks at Zi Chen, murder is to violate the law, don't you want to live? This breaks the law city, has own custom!” 倒在地上的奥利弗他转过身来,惊惧的看着紫宸,“杀人是犯法的,你不想活了?这是破法城,有自己的规矩!” Zi Chen look ice-cold, killed you, I can live!” 紫宸眼神冰冷,“杀了你,我才能活下来!” Then, Zi Chen drew out sword from the chest directly, his hand grasps the long sword, cuts toward front Olive. 说完,紫宸直接从胸膛拔出了加文的剑,他手握长剑,向着前方的奥利弗斩去。 Looks that will not keep Zi Chen of hand, Olive exhibits a fight in which both sides perish the expression, Zi Chen, this is you brings upon oneself! Must die, together death!” 看着不会留手的紫宸,奥利弗摆出一副鱼死网破的表情,“紫宸,这是你自找的!要死,一起死!” Broad considers, Mew mew read app The sincerity is good, is worth installing, the Android apple cell phone supports unexpectedly! 广个告,【咪咪阅读app】真心不错,值得装个,竟然安卓苹果手机都支持! Before he is crazy to/clashes, the aura of seven strength boundaries, comprehensive reassignment. 他疯狂前冲,七力境的气息,全面调动。 !” “噗!” At this moment, Spirit of Slaughtering reappears, attacks like the ghosts and demons, passes through from Olive's temples. 就在这时,杀戮之灵再现,攻击如鬼魅,从奥利弗的太阳穴穿过。 Meanwhile, in the Zi Chen hand the long sword cuts, Olive cut off around the middle. 同时,紫宸手中长剑一斩,奥利弗又被拦腰斩断。 His body divides into two, after falling to the ground, then did not have living. 他的身体一分为二,落地之后,便是没了生息。 Others is a shock of face, obviously has not thought, Zi Chen by enemy two situations , can also instead kill two people unexpectedly. 其他人都是一脸的震惊,显然没有想到,紫宸在以一敌二的情况下,竟然还能反杀二人。 !” “噗!” When their god, Spirit of Slaughtering appeared again, passed over gently and swiftly Michael's body. 就在他们愣神之际,杀戮之灵再次出现,掠过了迈克尔的身体。 This......” “这……” Others were scared, turns around to run. 其他人都吓傻了,转身就跑。 Obviously Zi Chen this did not have consideration, must under the killer to everyone. 显然紫宸这是没有了顾及,要对所有人下杀手了。 !” “噗!” The ray passed over gently and swiftly again, the full beard dropped down. 光芒再度掠过,大胡子倒下了。 His also less than six strength boundaries, the body when falling to the ground, vanished. 他还不到六力境,身体在倒地之时,就消失了。 At the point of death before, in his eye full was the regret. 临死之前,他的眼中满是悔意。 Because had heard, Miki became the head of Black Stone mineral lode. 因为早就听说,米奇成了黑石矿脉的负责人。 If were not he acted smart initially, it is estimated that the present head, is oneself. 如果当初不是他耍小聪明,估计现在的负责人,得是自己。 Zi Chen at this moment, seems like has not had scruples, starts to kill people at will. These person who follows Olive to come, ran away in fear. 此刻的紫宸,看起来已经毫无顾忌,开始随意杀人。那些跟着奥利弗来的人,都被吓跑了。 After the last person also runs away, Zi Chen figure staggers, appears to fall down. 在最后一个人也逃走之后,紫宸身形一个踉跄,显现栽倒。 He uses the long sword to lean on, can make the body stand. 他用长剑拄地,才能让身体站立。 Seven strength boundaries fatal strikes, is very terrifying, if Olive had with the courage that he dies to fight, who lives who dies is uncertain. 一位七力境的致命一击,是非常恐怖的,如果奥利弗不是没了与他死战的胆魄,谁生谁死还不一定。 Zi Chen!” 紫宸!” At this moment, Su Mengyao appeared. 就在这时,苏梦瑶出现了。 She arrives in front of Zi Chen fast, supports Zi Chen that stood reluctantly. 她快速来到紫宸面前,扶住了勉强站立的紫宸 The Zi Chen smile, the blood overflows following the corners of the mouth, I am all right, take away their things, we hurry to leave here.” 紫宸微笑,鲜血顺着嘴角溢出,“我没事,收走他们的东西,我们赶紧离开这里。” At this time, but also cares about these external objects?” “都这个时候了,还在意那些外物?” This is not external objects, they come from inside, the body has the good thing!” “这可不是外物,他们来自里面,身上都有好东西!” Looks at insistence of Zi Chen, Su Mengyao only has to go forward to take away two people rings, as for Michael, Zi Chen has not made Su Mengyao take. 看着紫宸的坚持,苏梦瑶唯有上前收走两人的戒指,至于迈克尔的,紫宸没让苏梦瑶去拿。 The opposite party were been miserable by his pit, it is estimated that inside does not have many resources. 对方被他坑惨了,估计里面也没多少资源。 Su Mengyao holds Zi Chen, walks toward mansion among, the place visited, existed one after another, silently looks at two people. 苏梦瑶扶着紫宸,向着府邸当中走去,所过之处,一位又一位存在走了出来,默默的看着二人。 Even if at present the Zi Chen severe wound, seeming like the life is in imminent danger, no one dares to act. 哪怕眼下紫宸重伤,看起来生命岌岌可危,也没有人胆敢出手。 Waits for two people to return to the mansion, after these maidservants see such Zi Chen, the complexion changed, they do not know that had anything. 等二人回到府邸,那些丫鬟看到这样的紫宸之后,脸色都变了变,她们不知道发生了什么。 Returns to the room, Zi Chen to start therapy. 回到房间,紫宸开始疗伤。 But about his news, quick is breaking the law city to pass on. 而关于他的消息,很快就在破法城传了出来。 When the maidservants go out to purchase, after hearing this to vanish, was feared. 等丫鬟们外出采购,听到这则消失之后,一个个都被惊住了。 Did Zi Chen of six strength boundaries, jump the ranks to kill two seven strength boundaries unexpectedly? 六力境的紫宸,竟然越级杀了两位七力境? In this moment, besides the shock, their in heart also has deep envying. 在这一刻,除了震惊之外,她们的心中还有深深的羡慕。 Zi Chen bets the life to kill people, naturally the mistress for mansion revenges! 紫宸之所以赌上性命去杀人,自然是为府邸的女主人报仇!
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