TM :: Volume #43

#4248: Guess

Pei Wenyao follows Zi Chen, does not worry about food does not worry to drink, the key has not used the practical training, he is delicious. 裴文耀跟着紫宸一路,不愁吃不愁喝,关键还不用劳作,他心里美滋滋的。 Besides with Zi Chen is the friend, what he rejoices is own choice. 除了跟紫宸是朋友之外,他更加庆幸的是自己的选择。 Is sitting in riverside clean rabbit meat Pei Wenyao, suddenly asked: Your really not awakening ability?” 正坐在河边清洗兔肉的裴文耀,忽然问道:“你真的没有觉醒能力?” This is the work that he embraces on own initiative, Zi Chen is responsible for hunting and killing, he is responsible for processing, final work or Zi Chen. 这是他主动揽下的工作,紫宸负责猎杀,他则是负责处理,最后的工作还是紫宸的。 Pei Wenyao does not want actually not, but roasted twice meat to be black, gave up. 倒不是裴文耀不愿意,而是烤了两次肉都黑了,也就放弃了。 Your really not awakening ability?” “你真的没有觉醒能力?” Opening up the stomach time, Pei Wenyao asking again. 开膛破肚的时候,裴文耀再一次的问道。 Zi Chen sits in side, shakes the head. 紫宸坐在旁边,摇了摇头。 Your speed and strength are extremely strong, hasn't the far ultra normal person, how possibly awakened?” “你的速度与力量都是极强,远超正常人,怎么可能还没有觉醒?” Pei Wenyao then looked at Zi Chen one. 裴文耀回头看了紫宸一眼。 I am not clear.” “我也不清楚。” All of this world unknown, happening in oneself matter, Zi Chen not clear reason. 这个世界的一切都是未知的,发生在自己身上的事情,紫宸也不清楚原因。 How do you come these days?” Pei Wenyao digging the internal organs, threw into the river conveniently, splashed the water splash. “你这段时间是怎么过来的?”裴文耀把挖出来的内脏,顺手丢进了河里,溅起了水花。 Eats the egg, moreover lives, that pain is unable to imagine simply.” Zi Chen is not willing to taste beforehand the matter. “吃鸡蛋,而且还是生的,那种痛苦简直无法想象。”紫宸不太愿意回味之前发生的事情。 Eating the egg is painful? Must know that we most difficult time even grass eats.” “吃鸡蛋还痛苦?要知道我们最难的时候连草都吃。” Pei Wenyao some saying of envying: „Did you eat several eggs?” 裴文耀有些羡慕的说道:“你吃了几个鸡蛋?” „.” “很多。” Why doesn't that eat the chicken?” “那为什么不吃鸡肉?” That chicken each can torch, who eats who is uncertain.” “那鸡各个都能喷火,谁吃谁还不一定。” Zi Chen said in detail the strengths and flame of these big birds, hearing Pei Wenyao to be very surprised, „, no wonder, but you ate so many eggs, doesn't have the awakening flame strength?” 紫宸详细的说了那些大鸟的力量以及火焰,听得裴文耀十分惊奇,“怪不得,可你吃了那么多鸡蛋,难道就没有觉醒火焰力量?” Zi Chen said: No, perhaps the increase of my strength, has the relations with these eggs.” 紫宸说道:“没有,或许我力量的提升,跟那些鸡蛋有关系。” Pei Wenyao somewhat excited saying: „Is that also staring doing? Walks, we continue to eat the egg, till eating ability.” 裴文耀有些激动的说道:“那还愣着干什么?走呀,我们继续去吃鸡蛋,直到吃出能力为止。” Suddenly, the Zi Chen facial expression changes, immediately goes forward to draw Pei Wenyao to retrocede, sees only the front river surface to tumble suddenly, seeming to be the thing must run out. 忽然,紫宸的神情一变,立刻上前拉着裴文耀后退,只见前方河面忽然翻滚起来,似有东西要冲出。 Two people of rapid retreat, a piece of white cold current extends toward the shore, with the cold current, in the ground has had the One Layer level to be incorruptible, all around flowers and plants completely all frozen. 二人迅速后退,一片白色的寒流向着岸边延伸,随着寒流所过,地面上结出了一层层冰霜,四周的花草尽皆被冰封。 Looks frozen that the spread comes, Pei Wenyao complexion big change, in the eye had wiped flurriedly, in grasped tightly begins the rabbit meat not to put. 看着蔓延而来的冰封,裴文耀的脸色大变,眼中有了一抹慌乱,紧抓着手里的兔肉不放。 Walks!” “走!” Zi Chen wanted calmly, saw only his point, the strength of powerful counter- shaking made two people leave the ground, is retroceding rapidly. 紫宸则是要冷静了许多,只见他脚下一点,强大的反震之力使得二人离开地面,急速的后退着。 After falling to the ground again, had arrived at beyond several feet. 再次落地之后,已经到了几丈之外。 The frozen cold air came ashore to extend ten zhang (3.33 m), then no longer forwarded. 冰封的寒气上岸延伸了十丈,便是不再向前。 Zi Chen looks at the water surface, there as if presented the together/one path shadow, paces back and forth vanishes a moment later. 紫宸看着水面,那里似乎出现了一道黑影,徘徊片刻之后消失。 As the shadow vanishes, all around frost also disappears. 随着黑影消失,四周的冰霜也不见了。 Close call, what monster is that?” A Pei Wenyao face startled palpitates, if not Zi Chen responds promptly, he feared that has been in danger. “好险,那是什么怪物?”裴文耀一脸的惊悸,如果不是紫宸反应及时,他怕是已经遇险了。 Should be one of the water monster, from now on we wanted more careful.” “应该是水怪的一种,今后我们要小心一些了。” Zi Chen retroceded again, then starts the lighting a fire barbecue, at that moment, Pei Wenyao grabbing rabbit stubbornly, it seems like had previously known the importance of food...... 紫宸再次后退了一段,然后开始生火烤肉,先前那一刻,裴文耀死死的抓着兔子,看来已经知道食物的重要性…… As the intermittent meat spreads fragrant, Zi Chen felt that on the river surface presented exceptionally, existence that previously departed came. 随着阵阵的肉香传出,紫宸感觉河面上又出现了异常,先前离去的存在又来了。 However Zi Chen has not cared, that obviously is the lifeform in water, is unable to come to here, perhaps the frozen ten zhang (3.33 m) are it leave the river surface extreme limit from. 不过紫宸没有在意,那显然是水里的生物,无法到这里来,或许冰封十丈就是它离开河面的极限距离。 Won't have to change the danger?” “不会有变危险吧?” Pei Wenyao also discovered the water spray tumbling, asking of worry. 裴文耀也发现了水浪翻滚,担心的问道。 Might as well, eats the thing we to walk.” “无妨,吃过东西我们就走。” Saw that Zi Chen is so relaxed, Pei Wenyao also relaxed, goes forward saying: „The technology of your barbecue, but also is really one certainly.” 看到紫宸如此轻松,裴文耀也是放松了下来,上前说道:“你这烤肉的技术,还真是一绝啊。” Zi Chen smiles lightly, pitifully was short of some spice, otherwise the taste will be better, then we led the way, could find some to work as the spice the thing.” 紫宸淡淡一笑,“可惜少了一些作料,要不然滋味会更好,接下来我们一路前行,或许能找到一些可以当作料的东西。” Finished eating the thing, Zi Chen grasps a nearby stone conveniently, a fist pounded, bang, stone disruption. 吃完东西,紫宸顺手抓起旁边的一块石头,一拳砸了下去,嘭的一声,石头碎裂了。 Zi Chen is somewhat regrettable. 紫宸有些遗憾。 Pei Wenyao asked: „Is this practices acquiring a skill daily?” 裴文耀问道:“这是日常练手吗?” He has seen more than once. 他已经看到不止一次了。 Here does not have the weapon, must look for something self-defense is, what a pity these stones did not have my fist to be hard.” “这里没有兵器,总得找些东西防身才是,可惜这些石头还没有我的拳头硬。” Zi Chen said: If can find some animal bones, should be able to treat as the weapon.” 紫宸说道:“如果能找到一些兽骨的话,应该能当做兵器。” If there is animal bones, we also had the ability.” “要是有兽骨,我们也就有能力了。” Pei Wenyao said: Hu Cui that fellow walked dog deng transporting, suddenly awakened the ability.” 裴文耀说道:“胡棰那个家伙真是走了狗屎运,竟然觉醒了能力。” Such ability does not want.” “那样的能力不要也罢。” Saying that Zi Chen disdains: „Does the person of solemn Thunder Clan, awaken such ability also to have what using?” 紫宸不屑的说道:“堂堂雷族之人,觉醒那样的能力又有何用?” Always can be promoted to become Holy Venerable is not?” “总是能够晋级成为圣尊不是?” Pei Wenyao said: Once becomes Holy Venerable, at the appointed time who dares to provoke?” 裴文耀说道:“一旦成为了圣尊,到时谁敢招惹?” Holy Venerable also divides the strong and weak, with Spirit Clan Holy Venerable, comes compared with Holy Venerable of ancient, wants weakly many.” 圣尊也分强弱,就拿灵族圣尊来说,比起古之圣尊来,还是要弱不少的。” How many does Holy Venerable of present age have? At present becomes Holy Venerable is very difficult, who will also care about other?” “古之圣尊当世还有几个?眼下成为圣尊都很难,谁还会在意其他的?” Pei Wenyao looked at Zi Chen one, also on people like you, without the ability can actually beat savagely to have existence of ability, therefore does not care to these abilities.” 裴文耀看了紫宸一眼,“也就你这样的人,没有能力却能暴打拥有能力的存在,所以才对那些能力不在意。” I have been suspecting an issue before, how Holy Venerable of comes, these arrives at this world time, perhaps I guessed correctly.” “我之前一直在怀疑一个问题,古之圣尊是如何来的,这一次来到这个世界,我或许猜到了一些。” Pei Wenyao expression changes, asked: How to come?” 裴文耀神色一变,问道:“怎么来的?” From this different world.” “从这异世之中来的。” Pei Wenyao does not know Holy Venerable, but Zi Chen actually knows that Zhong Hao they are not strange regarding the different world, obviously has come to here, but in the past the years of upheaval, dead Holy Venerable had, how these were Holy Venerable promoted? 裴文耀不知道古之圣尊,但紫宸却是知道的,重昊他们对于异世并不陌生,显然是来过这里,而当年动乱年代,死去的圣尊有很多,那些圣尊又是如何晋级的? Zi Chen guessed that at the chance that the different world obtains, just like rumor like that after obtaining the ability goes out, can become Holy Venerable. 紫宸猜测就是在异世得到的机缘,正如传言的那般,得到能力出去后就能成为圣尊 But so can become Holy Venerable simply, should not be Holy Venerable, but is general Holy Venerable. 可如此简单就能成为圣尊的,应该不是古之圣尊,而是一般的圣尊 True ancient Holy Venerable, such as Zhong Hao and the others, these battle strength extremely powerful exist, perhaps depends upon the ability that own strength awakens. 真正的古之圣尊,如重昊等人,那些战力极其强大的存在们,或许是依靠自身的力量觉醒的能力。 Only has in that case, can produce matches own strongest strength. 唯有在那种情况下,才能产生匹配自身的最强力量。 As Zi Chen that from walks small and weakly, regarding this has deep feeling, strength that on the cultivation road only then cultivation comes out, is most suitable oneself, is most powerful, if others gives forcefully, that has a limit eventually. 作为从弱小走来的紫宸,对此深有感触,修行路上只有自己修行出来的力量,才是最适合自己,也是最为强大的,如果是别人强行给予的,那终究有个限度。 After Zi Chen said own guess, Pei Wenyao complexion ugly, when this must arrive, can the nature awakening strength? Perhaps the strength has not awakened, oneself have died.” 就在紫宸说出自己的猜测之后,裴文耀的脸色不禁难看了起来,“这要到什么时候,才能自然觉醒力量?或许力量还没有觉醒,自己就已经死了吧。” Naturally also has this possibility. 当然也有这个可能。 Un? 嗯? Finally moved! 终于动了! The corners of the mouth of Zi Chen, exude to wipe to sneer suddenly, see only together/one path black light rapid approaching, directly soars Zi Chen like the together/one path lightning. 紫宸的嘴角,忽然泛起一抹冷笑,只见一道黑光迅速的临近,如同一道闪电直奔紫宸而来。 That is a hyena, has hidden quietly, has the quarter of an hour. 那是一只鬣狗,一直悄悄的隐藏着,已经有一刻钟了。 Although its concealment method is extremely wise, but still escapes difficultly the Zi Chen sensation. 虽然它的隐匿手段极其高明,但依然难逃紫宸的感知。 In the instance that the hyena approaches, cold light then appears, its claw changed, like blade edge. 就在鬣狗临近的瞬间,寒光便是出现,它的爪子发生了变化,如同刀锋 At this moment, has the Zi Chen figure of preparation to vanish early, to the opposite party one side, in his hand was grasping together the sharp stone, pounds ruthlessly toward the head of opposite party. 就在这时,早有准备的紫宸身形消失,到了对方一侧,他的手里握着一块尖锐的石头,向着对方的脑袋狠狠砸去。 ! 噗的一声! The tip of stone submerges in the head of hyena directly. 石头的尖端直接没入鬣狗的脑袋里。 Strikes to be killed violently! 一击毙命! Ability, this is the ability! We had the ability!” “能力,这是能力!我们有能力了!” Pei Wenyao yelled excitedly. 裴文耀激动的喊叫了起来。
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