TM :: Volume #43

#4249: Bright Great Dao

Pei Wenyao is very excited, because this is the first time that the contact ability of his so short distance. 裴文耀很激动,因为这是他第一次如此近距离的接触能力。 Hyena, called the front blade dog, the had ability was blade edge, Pei Wenyao has listened, has actually never seen. 鬣狗,又叫锋刀狗,拥有的能力是刀锋,裴文耀只是听过,却从未见过。 Because by his present strength, saw that can only die. 因为以他眼下的实力,见到只能是死。 But today, he saw with one's own eyes a front blade dog to be killed, Zi Chen was really powerful, without the ability, can still strike to be killed violently. 可就在今天,他亲眼看到了一只锋刀狗被杀,紫宸果然是强大的,哪怕没有能力,依然能够一击毙命。 Zi Chen loosened the palm, the stone of palm had crushed, the palm also had some own bloodstains, it seems like did not have the appropriate weapon, but also was not really good. 紫宸松开了手掌,掌心的石头已经粉碎,手心也出现了一些自己的血迹,看来没有合适的兵器,还真是不行。 Is good because, this hyena died. 好在,这只鬣狗死了。 Ability that you said where?” Zi Chen asked. “你说的能力在哪里?”紫宸问道。 I come, I come, not work you take the trouble.” “我来,我来,不劳您费心。” Pei Wenyao excited going forward, in his hand were many flake bone blade, before came the intestines rabbit with it, these was one's turn the front blade dog time. 裴文耀激动的上前,他手中多了一小片骨刀,之前用它来开肠兔子,这一次轮到锋刀狗了。 Zi Chen looks that Pei Wenyao cut the belly of hyena, then a fumble in its abdomen, discovered a bead. 紫宸看着裴文耀划开了鬣狗的肚子,然后在它的腹中一阵摸索,找出了一颗珠子。 This is a light shining crystallization, is sparkling the eye-catching ray, after Pei Wenyao takes, is excited shouting: Is it, is it! Ability bead!” 这是一颗光灿灿的结晶,闪耀着夺目的光芒,在裴文耀拿出来后,便是激动的喊道:“是它,就是它!能力珠!” Zi Chen also looks at that crystal, he can the sensation to that great power of among implication. 紫宸也是看着那颗结晶,他能够感知到当中蕴含的那份强大力量。 This should be this world rule, the previous hyena can have such strength obviously, because of its existence. 这应该就是这个世界规则的显化,先前的鬣狗能有如此力量,就是因为它的存在。 It is the core of strength, as if Spirit Clan dantian. 它是力量的核心,仿佛灵族的丹田。 Also is gawking doing, hurries to refine!” Pei Wenyao hands over forward the crystallization. “还愣着干什么,赶紧炼化呀!”裴文耀把结晶向前递去。 Zi Chen shakes the head, he still insists his idea. 紫宸摇了摇头,他依然坚持他的想法。 This is the opportunity of awakening strength, why can miss?” Pei Wenyao said: Has the strength, you know that what will have?” “这可是觉醒力量的机会,为何要错过?”裴文耀说道:“拥有力量,你知道将拥有什么吗?” Wants you to take away to refine.” Zi Chen light saying, obviously and does not care. “想要你拿去炼化吧。”紫宸淡淡的说道,显然并不在意。 You, when I don't think? If cannot be victorious you, I have the sneak attack to get rid of your idea. However this strength on you, affects to be bigger than here.” “你当我不想?如果不是打不过你,我都有偷袭干掉你的想法。但是这力量在你身上,比在我这里作用要大很多。” Zi Chen has no strength at present, but actually first defeated Hu Cui, now another annihilated to kill the front blade dog. 紫宸眼下没有任何力量,但却先击败了胡棰,现在又一击灭杀了锋刀狗。 This does not have the strength, if had the strength? 这是没有力量,如果拥有了力量呢? To be stronger? 岂不是更强? Looks Zi Chen that rejects again, Pei Wenyao said: Your view I also approve, but you did not think that your idea was naive? Who can go on living, when the strength naturally does awaken? Moreover, how long needs to be able the awakening strength, one year and are ten years hundred years? But since this world has such crystallization, has the truth that it has inevitably.” 看着再次拒绝的紫宸,裴文耀说道:“你的说法我也认可,但你不觉得你的想法过于天真了吗?谁能一直活下去等到力量自然觉醒?而且,需要多久才能觉醒力量,一年、十年还是百年?而这个世界既然有如此结晶,必然有它存在的道理。” „Don't you remember those words? Saving is soon reasonable?” “你不记得那句话?存在即合理?” Pei Wenyao deeply inspires saying: Even you do not want the strength, will still understand that actually this is a matter is not? But it most is close to the rule thing, could through its you to rule of this world, has a deeper step understanding.” 裴文耀深吸一口气说道:“就算你不要力量,也该明白这究竟是怎么一回事不是?而它是最为接近规则的东西,通过它你或许能对这个世界的规则,有着更深一步的了解。” Zi Chen somewhat moves, will not attempt never to know that rule of this world will be anything. 紫宸有些动心,不去尝试就永远不会知道这个世界的规则是什么。 The previous big bird has the egg, after Zi Chen ate the egg, had the strength of sensation, this crystal must approach rule compared with the egg, why doesn't attempt? 先前的大鸟有鸡蛋,紫宸是吃了鸡蛋之后,才拥有了感知之力,这个结晶显然比鸡蛋更要靠近规则,为何不尝试一下? Good.” “好吧。” Zi Chen receives the crystallization, he first looked at carefully carefully, in his sensation, in this great power is not difficult to extract, moreover as if no wild hostility, the sensation gets up to be very docile. 紫宸把结晶接了过来,他先是仔细端详了一番,在他的感知中,这里面的强大力量并不难抽取,而且似乎也没有狂暴的敌意,感知起来很是温顺。 As the thought moves, the together/one path strength appears, then entered Zi Chen body among. 随着念头一动,一道力量自行出现,便是进入了紫宸的身体当中 After this strength enters the body, then goes toward the palm gathering. 这道力量进入身体之后,便是向着手掌汇聚而去。 Pei Wenyao smiles, starts to process the meat of front blade dog, previously he was only reckless Lielie, the meaning was to make Zi Chen stronger, only had Zi Chen to be powerful, he can have the meat to eat daily, can live merrily. 裴文耀嘿嘿一笑,开始处理锋刀狗的肉,先前他只是胡咧咧罢了,意思就是让紫宸变得更强,唯有紫宸强大了,他才能天天有肉吃,才能快活的活着。 Moreover, so long as has followed powerful Zi Chen, behind wants the ability naturally is not the difficult matter. 而且,只要一直跟着强大的紫宸,后面想要能力自然不是什么难事。 Therefore the present words, he does not need two people reluctantly, needs person enough. 所以眼下的话,他不需要二人都勉勉强强,需要一个人足够强。 The internal organs of this front blade dog, he does not dare to throw toward the river, was worried that terrifying existence appears. 这一次锋刀狗的内脏,他没敢往河里扔,担心那个恐怖的存在出现。 Zi Chen sits cross-legged there refining up. 紫宸盘坐在那里炼化。 After a double-hour, Zi Chen opened the eye probably. 大概在一个时辰之后,紫宸睁开了眼睛。 Pei Wenyao asks immediately: What kind of?” 裴文耀立刻问道:“怎么样?” Zi Chen grasped the fist, said: Strength grown stronger, once refining up completely, should present the ability.” 紫宸握了握拳头,说道:“力量变强了,一旦全部炼化,应该会出现能力。” That was too good, hurries to refine, strives to present the ability sooner. Aren't you present lack a weapon? When the ability of front blade dog happen to weapon.” “那就太好了,赶紧炼化,争取早些出现能力。你不是现在就缺少一件兵器吗?锋刀狗的能力正好当兵器了。” Zi Chen nods, said: Also requires three days of time to refine probably.” 紫宸点了点头,说道:“大概还需要三天时间才能炼化完毕。” Pei Wenyao referred to the meat of front blade dog saying: Three days, are not anxious, we have eating.” 裴文耀指了指锋刀狗的肉说道:“三天,不急,我们有吃的了。” Zi Chen does not know, initially beginning Lei De/thunder earth this place, hunted and killed a front blade dog, he from building up to having the ability, only used the time of several breaths. 紫宸不知道,当初雷地初来此地,也猎杀了一只锋刀狗,他从炼化到拥有能力,只用了几息的时间。 Moreover used several breath time, understood rule of this world, transformed own strength the ability of front blade dog. 而且又用了几息时间,就了解了这个世界的规则,把锋刀狗的能力转化成了自身的力量。 Three days later, Zi Chen refine to melt that crystal completely, under a Pei Wenyao face exciting gaze, he used this ability. 三天之后,紫宸完全炼化了那颗结晶,就在裴文耀一脸激动的注视下,他动用了这个能力。 The nail lengthens immediately, as if blade edge is ordinary, is glittering cold light. 指甲立刻变长,仿佛刀锋一般坚韧,闪烁着寒光 Has delimited from nearby big tree, pierced instantaneously. 从旁边的大树上划过,瞬间就刺穿了过去。 Fierce, is really the strength of front blade dog!” The Pei Wenyao two eyes shine. “厉害,果然是锋刀狗的力量!”裴文耀两眼放光。 Zi Chen somewhat unexpected saying this strength indeed is also good, but pitifully this is not the strength that I want.” 紫宸也有些意外的说道“这力量的确不错,但可惜这并不是我想要的力量。” At this moment, in the Zi Chen mind, then had a thought that this thought is called the transformation, does not know from where, but actually real existence. 此时此刻,在紫宸的脑海之中,则是出现了一个念头,这个念头叫做转化,不知来自何处,但却真实的存在着。 The next quarter, Zi Chen meditated the transformation. 下一刻,紫宸默念了转化。 Sees only this such as the blade edge common nail to vanish immediately, originally toward great power of arm gathering, then dispersed, entered in Zi Chen all the limbs and bones. 只见这如刀锋一般的指甲立刻消失,原先向着手臂汇聚的强大力量,则是分散了开来,进入了紫宸的四肢百骸之中。 Aii, are you what intent?” “哎哎,你这是何意?” Pei Wenyao was anxious, he obviously saw the Zi Chen ability did not have. 裴文耀急了,他明显看出紫宸的能力没有了。 Zi Chen calm is standing, a moment later said: This crystallization not only can evolve the ability, but can also transform own strength, but needs to consume part, this share probably is about half.” 紫宸静静的站着,片刻之后说道:“这结晶不仅可以演变成能力,还能转化成自身的力量,只是需要消耗一部分,这个份额大概是一半左右。” If transforms the strength, is only then half of ability, therefore this consumption is very big. 如果转化成力量,则是只有能力的一半,所以这个消耗还是很大的。 But Zi Chen obviously felt own change, the mortal body grown stronger once again. 紫宸明显感觉到自身的变化,肉身又一次变强了。 His eye looks at the front, in the eye sparkles brightly, I know that then should do.” 他的眼睛看着前方,眼中光明闪闪,“我知道接下来该干什么了。” He saw bright Great Dao, can lead to Holy Venerable of Great Dao directly. 他看到了一条光明大道,可以直接通往古之圣尊大道 Pei Wenyao kept the bone of front blade dog, ground to the weapon, apportioned a Zi Chen biggest leg bone. 裴文耀把锋刀狗的骨头留了下来,磨成了兵器,分给了紫宸一个最大的腿骨。 The following two people continue to set out. 接下来二人继续进发。 Four days later, two people met Demon Clan. 四天之后,二人遇到了魔族 That is Demon Clan woman, is cleaning vegetables in the riverside, after hearing the sound turns around, saw Zi Chen and Pei Wenyao. 那是一个魔族女子,正在河边洗菜,听闻动静之后转过身来,看到了紫宸与裴文耀。 She stood, vigilant looks at two people. 她站了起来,警惕的看着二人。 Is Demon Clan!” “是魔族!” Pei Wenyao complexion changes, said: Perhaps here has Demon Clan to be stationed!” 裴文耀的脸色微变,道:“或许这里有魔族驻扎!” Recalled the smoke, the vegetable/dish washes?” “忆烟,菜洗好了吗?” The together/one path sound conveys from another side, Pei Wenyao hears sound turned head, saw second Demon Clan, immediately loses one's voice to call out in alarm, Mo Yichan!” 一道声音从另外一侧传来,裴文耀闻声扭头,看到了第二个魔族,立刻失声惊呼起来,“魔忆颤!”
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