TM :: Volume #43

#4247: Hu Cui

Zi Chen looks at the person, he determined that oneself does not know the opposite party, has not had the positive/direct conflict, but the opposite party was actually full of the hostility to him. 紫宸看着来人,他确定自己不认识对方,也没有过正面的冲突,但对方却对他充满了敌意。 Lei Wei stands in that person of side, is somewhat awkward, the meaning of actually not having stopped. 雷伟站在那人的旁边,有些尴尬,却也没有制止的意思。 " Is Hu Cui, you? " "胡棰,是你?" Zi Chen does not know the person, did not know on behalf of Pei Wenyao, he looks at the youth, gets angry: " Your courage is actually big, you may know that is speaking to whom? " 紫宸不认识来人,不代表裴文耀也不认识,他看着走来的青年,怒道:"你的胆子倒是不小,你可知道正在跟谁说话?" Zi Chen understands immediately, coming the person is the person of Saint Thunder Clan Hu, he in one of the Saint Thunder Clan hostile forces, he may make Hu suffer loss in the past a lot. 紫宸立刻明了,来人是圣雷族胡家之人,他在圣雷族的敌对势力之一,当年他可没少让胡家吃苦头。 The opposite party noticed that he had the hostility is very normal. 对方看到他带着敌意也就很正常了。 Regarding this Hu Cui, Zi Chen actually and has no impression, when did Hu present such a to exist? 只是对于这个胡棰,紫宸其实并没有什么印象,胡家何时出现了这么一个存在? The Hu Cui ridicule smiles, " naturally knows, he is our Saint Thunder Clan rebel! " 胡棰讥讽一笑,"当然知道,他就是我们圣雷族的叛徒啊!" Others stand there, very awkward, making Zi Chen be this leader, they naturally do not have the opinion, does not know where Lei Wei looked for Hu Cui, looks at the present aspect, among two people the contradiction was unable to reduce and solve, even if placed oneself during the different world. 其他人站在那里,也是十分的尴尬,让紫宸当这个首领,他们当然没有意见,就是不知道雷伟从哪里把胡棰找来了,看眼下的局面,两人之间的矛盾已经无法化解,哪怕置身于异世之中。 Hu Cui looks at Zi Chen, saying of coldly: " Looked, in your rebel also once in Saint Thunder Clan has treated in share, I give you two choices, one is the present rolls, my meaning is rolling rolling of departure. Second dies! " 胡棰看着紫宸,冷冷的说道:"看在你这个叛徒也曾在圣雷族待过的份上,我给你两个选择,一个是现在就滚,我的意思是滚着离开的滚。第二个就是死!" " Did you determine? " "你确定?" Zi Chen looks at the opposite party, the eye narrows the eyes slightly, the infinite chill in the air emerges from his eye. 紫宸看着对方,眼睛微微一眯,无限的寒意自他眼中涌现。 " Did you say? " "你说呢?" The Hu Cui ridicule smiles, did not fear, sees only him to count on the fingers a ball, the fingertip presented one group of flame, that group of flame started to revolve his body revolving. 胡棰讥讽一笑,丝毫不惧,只见他屈指一弹,指尖出现了一团火焰,那团火焰开始围绕他的身体旋转。 This is the ability! 这是能力! All around people see this, the complexion completely all changes, Pei Wenyao facial expression also changed. 四周众人见到这一幕,脸色尽皆一变,就连裴文耀的神情也变了。 In the eye of Zi Chen also had wiped to be astonished however. 紫宸的眼中也有了一抹讶然。 No wonder this fellow is so brave, originally awakened the ability. 怪不得这个家伙如此胆大,原来是觉醒了能力。 Hu Cui happily smiles, " , very excuse me, does not know how to awaken the soul strength, in the future will become Holy Venerable to be settled. " 胡棰得意一笑,"嘿嘿,很不好意思,不知怎么就觉醒了魂力,未来成为圣尊已是板上钉钉。" His vision has taken a fast look around the crowd, finally fell on the body of Zi Chen, said proudly: " Now, can you know my benevolence? Can know outside Daoist to have the person, one should always strive for better? Depending on your my gratitude and grudges, making you roll now, is the magnanimous performance of my achievement Holy Venerable? " 他的目光扫视过人群,最终落在了紫宸的身上,傲然说道:"现在,你可知道了我的仁慈?可知道人外有人,天外有天?凭你我的恩怨,让你现在就滚,是不是我这个作为圣尊的大度表现?" " Holy Venerable? Do you also match? " "圣尊?你也配?" Zi Chen shot a look at a that small fireball, ridiculed: " If can become Holy Venerable by it, Spirit World Holy Venerable has walked everywhere. " 紫宸瞥了一眼那小火球,讥讽道:"如果凭借它就能成为圣尊,灵界圣尊早就遍地走了。" The Hu Cui complexion had some changes suddenly, collected proudly, " then, did you also awaken the strength of flame? " 胡棰的脸色忽然发生了一些变化,傲然敛去了,"这么说来,你也觉醒了火焰之力?" The facial expressions of others also changed, yes, can Hu Cui the awakening strength, solemn First Human Zi Chen, be able not to awaken? 其他人的神情也发生了变化,是呀,就连胡棰都能觉醒力量,堂堂的第一人紫宸,难道会没有觉醒? Many people smiled, it seems like that this Hu Cui was kicks on the sheet iron, brought upon oneself the suffering to eat. 不少人都笑了起来,看来这一次胡棰是踢到了铁板上,自找苦头吃了。 However this is also good, compares Hu Cui, the Zi Chen moral behavior they felt relieved. 不过这样也好,相比胡棰来说,紫宸的人品他们更加的放心。 " No. " "没有。" Under the anticipation expression of people, Zi Chen gave the real answer. 在众人的期待表情之下,紫宸给出了真实的答案。 Hu Cui got angry, the previous that moment, he also really somewhat feared, hears Zi Chen to acknowledge . Moreover the appearance that does not lie, secure he gives scolding, " are you an idiot? Does not have the awakening strength not to kneel down to beg for mercy, but also dares before me conceited, I thought that you court death! Also wants to have a look at the distressed picture that you roll, since you strove for wholeheartedly, that do not blame me not being impolite. " 胡棰怒了,先前的那一刻,他还真有些怕了,听到紫宸承认,而且也不似说谎的样子,有恃无恐的他不禁痛骂起来,"你是白痴吗?没有觉醒力量还不跪下求饶,还敢在我面前狂妄自大,我看你是找死!原先还想看看你滚走的狼狈画面,既然你一心求死,那就别怪我不客气了。" Originally regarding Hu Cui is hanging the hot group, at this moment suddenly the change direction, comes toward Zi Chen, the hot group, the air wave has tumbled, all around temperature enhanced much. 原先围绕着胡棰悬着的火团,此刻忽然改变方向,向着紫宸而来,火团所过,气浪翻滚,四周的温度都提高了不少。 Is this ability? 这就是能力? The people on the scene, almost the first time are saw the ability, hearts had the color of envying. 在场的众人,几乎都是第一次看到能力,一个个的心头都是有了羡慕之色。 Had such ability, lived in this region may be more relaxed, at least kills the rabbit to facilitate many. 有了这样的能力,在这片地域活着可就轻松多了,最起码杀兔子会方便很多。 Zi Chen has seen the ability, but actually sees the human(ity) use ability for the first time, seeming like the power and influence is big, but compared with the initial big bird, missing is not the One Star least bit. 紫宸见过能力,但却是首次见到有人类使用能力,看起来似乎威势不小,只是跟当初的大鸟比起来,差了不是一星半点。 Moreover, under his sensation, these strengths was really weak. 而且,在他的感知之下,这些力量实在是太弱了。 He one step steps forward, before the flame approaches fended. 他一步跨出,在火焰来临之前闪避了开来。 The flame falls to the ground, sonic boom of bang, in the ground were many a big hole, all around weeds burnt. 火焰落地,轰的一声爆开,地面上多了一个大坑,四周的野草燃烧了起来。 Looked that you can evade several times!” “看你能躲过几次!” Hu Cui sound still ice-cold, the finger, another group of flame appear, directly soar Zi Chen to go. 胡棰的声音依然冰冷,手指一点,又一团火焰出现,直奔紫宸而去。 Zi Chen continues to dodge. 紫宸继续闪避。 Rumbling the sound resounds unceasingly, these flame all fail. 轰轰的声音不断响起,那些火焰全都落了空。 Also called anxious incomparable Pei Wenyao, then at this moment smiled, Hu Cui, your accurate aim is not good.” 原先还叫紧张无比的裴文耀,此刻则是笑了起来,“胡棰,你这准头可是不行啊。” Shut up! Had not seen that I am teasing the dog?” “闭嘴!没看到我在逗狗吗?” Hu Cui shouted angrily, the speed that the hot group presented was faster, but the Zi Chen speed was also raised. 胡棰怒喝一声,火团出现的速度更快,可是紫宸的速度也提升了许多。 All hot groups, fail completely. 所有的火团,全部落了空。 How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” Hu Cui more hits the heart startled, will the speed of that fellow be so fast? 胡棰越打越心惊,那个家伙的速度怎么会这么快? Others are also the surface have the unusual look, thinks after mastering the ability, had the method of self-preservation in this world, even is the method that the absolute pressure wins, but the present scene, making them become doubtful. 其他人也是面有异色,原以为掌握了能力之后,在这个世界就有了自保的手段,甚至是绝对压胜的手段,可眼下的场面,让他们又犯起了嘀咕。 Did Zi Chen awaken the speed? 难道紫宸觉醒了速度? This thought emergence, was eliminated by the people, the speed is also one of the ability, but obviously is not this appearance. 这个念头一出现,就被众人打消,速度也是能力的一种,但显然不是这个样子的。 I do not believe!” “我就不信!” Hu Cui shouts one, probably during fell into was crazy, the dozen group flame appeared, howled to go toward Zi Chen. 胡棰大喊一声,像是陷入了疯狂之中,足足十几团火焰出现,向着紫宸呼啸而去。 „The person of your solemn Thunder Clan, awakened the strength of flame, did not think that loses face is very instead proud, I really am feel ashamed for you.” “你堂堂一个雷族之人,觉醒了火焰之力,不觉得丢脸反而很自豪,我真是替你感到惭愧。” Zi Chen stopped suddenly, calm looks that the dozen group flame looks like him to fly, you glory as Thunder Clan?” 紫宸忽然停了下来,静静的看着十几团火焰像他飞来,“你身为雷族的荣耀呢?” The voice falls, before Zi Chen to/clashes, turns toward Hu Cui to go directly. 话音落下,紫宸前冲,直接向着胡棰而去。 His body of leading the way starts to transform the direction, in a short time, then evaded all flame attacks. 前行的他身体开始变换方向,在极短的时间里,便是躲过了所有的火焰攻击。 Suddenly, he had arrived at Hu Cui at present. 眨眼间,他已经到了胡棰的眼前。 At this moment, Hu Cui smiles cold, already in you.” 就在这时,胡棰冷然一笑,“早就在等你了。” Originally previous flustered and exasperated, but sets the example, true killing strike here. 原来先前的气急败坏,只是做做样子罢了,真正的杀招在这里。 Sees only bigger flame light ball to appear, turns toward close Zi Chen to howl to go directly. 只见一个更大的火焰光团出现,直接向着近在咫尺的紫宸呼啸而去。 He had waited there for some time. 他已等候多时。 When Hu Cui confidently, is actually saw that front Zi Chen vanished suddenly, looks like Instant Shift. 就在胡棰信心满满之时,却是看到前方的紫宸忽然消失了,就像是瞬移 Then, he felt that oneself body is uncontrolled, then flies toward the distant place. 接着,他感觉自己的身体不受控制,然后向着远处飞去。 Bang! 嘭的一声! Body numerous pounding of Hu Cui on a big tree. 胡棰的身体重重的砸在了一棵大树上。 When his distressed setting out, is actually saw that Zi Chen has stood in his front, is staring at him with the bad vision, „do you...... you want to do?” 等他狼狈的起身之时,却是看到紫宸已经站在了他的面前,用不善的目光盯着他,“你……你想干什么?” In this moment, in the eye of Hu Cui, had finally wiped alarmed and afraid. 在这一刻,胡棰的眼中,终于有了一抹惊惧。 Others shock very much, from beginning to end Zi Chen has not used any ability, but having Hu Cui of ability defeating. 其他人则是很震撼,从头到尾紫宸都没有动用任何的能力,但却把拥有能力的胡棰给击败了。 „Did you say?” “你说呢?” In the eye of Zi Chen, is surging infinite killing intent. 紫宸的眼中,涌动着无限杀意 You cannot kill me! All Saint Thunder Clan people, formed an alliance, this I am time lead them to go to the alliance.” “你不能杀我!所有的圣雷族人,都形成了一个联盟,这一次我是来带他们去联盟里。” Hu Cui panic-stricken saying: You killed me, was equivalent offended the entire alliance!” 胡棰惊恐的说道:“你杀了我,就相当于得罪了整个联盟!” I did not fear Saint Thunder Clan, but also fears your only alliance?” “我连圣雷族都不怕,还怕你区区一个联盟?” Different, in the alliance has expert of many awakening ability, will kill my them to look!” “不一样,联盟里有很多觉醒能力的强者,杀了我他们会找上来的!” That should kill you, the strength of such alliance can also be weaker.” “那就更应该杀你了,这样联盟的力量也就能弱一些。” Do not kill me, do not kill me, asked you, this I was time lead them to pass, if you killed me, they are unable to live are returning to the alliance. Lets off me, I come for everyone.” “不要杀我,不要杀我,求你了,这一次我是来带他们过去的,如果你杀了我,他们就无法活着回到联盟中了。放过我,我是为了大家来的。” Hu Cui panic-stricken yelling, Lei Wei, you hurried to say the specific situation.” 胡棰惊恐的喊叫,“雷伟,你赶紧说说具体的情况。” Zi Chen turns around, looks at Lei Wei. 紫宸转过身来,看着雷伟 Lei Wei goes forward to hold the Fist Dao: Returns to the Sir, indeed is this, this we are to meet with the alliance time.” 雷伟上前抱拳道:“回大人,的确是这样,这一次我们就是要与联盟会合的。” Who are the leaders of alliance?” Zi Chen asked. “联盟的首领是谁?”紫宸问道。 After Lei Wei hesitates slightly, said: Is Lei Zheng Hongtian.” 雷伟微微犹豫后说道:“是雷正弘天。” Zi Chen nods, is that fellow, he turns toward others to look, the expression of people somewhat is disturbed. 紫宸点了点头,又是那个家伙,他又向着其他人望去,众人的表情都有些忐忑。 The Hu Cui words make them ten divert attention, after coalizing, can be sheltered inevitably, the probability of that survival was also bigger. 胡棰的话让他们十分心动,加入联盟之后,必然能够受到庇护,那生存的几率也就更大了。 Pei Wenyao was also silent. 就连裴文耀也沉默了。 Zi Chen said: Or, I killed him, then delivers you to pass personally?” 紫宸说道:“要不,我杀了他,然后亲自送你们过去?” Saying that Lei Wei looks reluctant: If so, we should not be popular. Moreover, this place danger numerous, Demon Clan collected killing intent, therefore...... also looks at the Sir to spare and not punish too severely.” 雷伟面有难色的说道:“如果是这样,我们应该是不会受欢迎的。而且,此地危险重重,就连魔族都敛了杀意,所以……还望大人能够高抬贵手。” Also looks at the Sir to spare and not punish too severely!” “还望大人高抬贵手!” Others hold the fist in the other hand to salute. 其他人纷纷抱拳行礼。 Zi Chen turned head to look at Hu Cui, said: So many people asked favor for you, it seems like your luck was good, but also only limited this time, if will meet next time again, but blamed I am impolite.” 紫宸扭头看了一眼胡棰,说道:“这么多人为你求情,看来你的运气还不错,但也仅限这一次了,如果下次再遇到,可就被怪我不客气了。” Then, Zi Chen turns around to walk. 说完,紫宸转身就走。 These people must look for Lei Zheng Hongtian, Zi Chen will certainly not follow . Moreover the Hu Cui words are not groundless, he indeed possibly is not the Saint Thunder Clan person. 这些人是要去找雷正弘天的,紫宸当然不会跟着过去,而且胡棰的话也不无道理,他的确已经不可能算是圣雷族的人了。 Zi Chen, waits for wait for me.” 紫宸,等等我。” Pei Wenyao follows Zi Chen to leave without hesitation. 裴文耀毫不犹豫的跟着紫宸离开。 Looks at two people of departing backs, standing up Hu Cui, saying of coldly: Zi Chen, today's matter I remembered, we have another chance to meet, the hope meets next time, you have good luck so!” 看着二人离去的背影,站起身来的胡棰,冷冷的说道:“紫宸,今天的事情我记下了,我们后会有期,希望下一次遇到,你还有这般好运!” Zi Chen looks at with Pei Wenyao, is surprised the different way: How don't you look for the alliance?” 紫宸看着跟上来的裴文耀,诧异道:“你怎么不去找联盟?” I am untrustworthy they, follows these fellows with it, might as well follows you.” “我信不过他们,与其跟着那些家伙,还不如跟着你。” Pei Wenyao said with a smile: Moreover, both of us together , can take care, at least you when supplement the sleep, I can also help stand night watch am not.” 裴文耀笑着说道:“而且,我们两个人一起,相互间也能有个照应,最起码你在补充睡眠的时候,我也能帮忙守夜不是。” Zi Chen said with a smile lightly: You had a mind actually.” 紫宸轻笑道:“你倒是有心了。” What then do you have to plan?” Pei Wenyao asked. “接下来你有什么打算?”裴文耀问道。 First looks for the friends of mine.” “先去找我的朋友们。” Friends?” “朋友们?” What's wrong, can't I have the friend?” “怎么,我就不能有朋友?” Zi Chen said with a smile: I not only has the friend, many friends, but also is a good friend. Their natural talents are not weak in me, this time should come, therefore I must first find them. As for chance ability anything, after waiting to find them, said.” 紫宸笑着说道:“我不仅有朋友,还有很多朋友,而且都是好朋友。他们的天资丝毫不弱于我,这一次应该都进来了,所以我要先去找到他们。至于机缘能力什么的,等找到他们之后再说。” Pei Wenyao has the attitude of suspicion obviously, Zi Chen has lived in Saint Thunder Clan, the friend is also the Saint Thunder Clan person, at present he does not go to the alliance, where will have the friend? 裴文耀显然对此持有怀疑的态度,紫宸一直生活在圣雷族里,朋友也都是圣雷族的人,眼下他不去联盟,又哪里会有朋友? Even if really has, but Pei Wenyao does not believe that in the world will have the natural talent to endure compared with Zi Chen, if some words, why are unknown? 就算真的有,可裴文耀也不相信,世上会有天资堪比紫宸的,要是有的话,为何名不见经传?
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