TM :: Volume #43

#4246: Team

What appears in the Zi Chen field of vision is Demon Clan, they come in Zi Chen this direction, that moment that soon the military and political leaders meet, in their eyes had wiped the unusual look. 出现在紫宸视野之中的是魔族,他们向着紫宸这个方向而来,在即将相遇的那一刻,他们的眼中都有了一抹异色。 Zi Chen looks at these Demon Clan, naturally is one did not know. 紫宸看着那些魔族,自然是一个都不认识。 both sides presented the short stop, Zi Chen looked that the expressions of these people are fluctuating, the look gradually became bad. 双方出现了短暂的停顿,紫宸看那些人的表情在变幻,眼神逐渐变得不善起来。 The expression too big change of Zi Chen, he had not nipped a rabbit meat, ate. 紫宸的表情没有太大的变化,他咬了一口兔肉,就这么吃了起来。 These is injured time, he needs food to maintain. 这一次受了伤,他更需要食物来维持。 Saw that front Spirit Clan is so unexpectedly confident, these look bad Demon Clan, actually hesitant. 看到前方的灵族竟然如此坦然,那些眼神不善的魔族,倒是犹豫了起来。 At this moment, together/one path yells resounds, Zi Chen, saves me!” 就在这时,一道喊叫响起,“紫宸,救我!” Hears this sound, everyone's complexion changed, including Zi Chen. 听闻这道声音,所有人的脸色都变了变,包括紫宸在内。 He looks toward the crowd behind, saw that a person was being towed to entrain the hair vanguard, that person is Pei Wenyao, few friends of Zi Chen in Saint Thunder Clan. 他向着人群后方望去,看到一人正被拖拽着头发前行,那人是裴文耀,紫宸圣雷族之中为数不多的朋友。 He is Saint Thunder Clan Core Disciple, is actually not the core pinnacle, at present actually becomes the captive. 他是圣雷族核心弟子,却不是核心极致,眼下却成了阶下囚。 Initially the matter of Roche water, is Pei Wenyao manages, has not thought that ran into him unexpectedly here. 当初罗奇水的事情,就是裴文耀去办的,没想到竟然在这里遇到了他。 These Demon Clan complexions change, then because of Zi Chen this name, they have never seen Zi Chen, but after arriving at Spirit World, actually often hears this name, even in Demon World, often listens to the person to raise this person. 那些魔族的脸色发生变化,则是因为紫宸这个名字,他们从未见过紫宸,但在来到灵界之后,却是经常听到这个名字,甚至在魔界的时候,也经常听人提起这个人。 Did not say that this opposite party hasn't obtained the quota? 不是说这一次对方没有得到名额吗? How to come here? 怎么会来到这里? Said, Spirit Clan yells intentionally, is not Zi Chen oneself. 还是说,身后的灵族故意喊叫,并不是紫宸本人。 Zi Chen takes the rabbit meat, walks toward the front, in this period he was staring at these Demon Clan, „is this several meanings?” 紫宸拿着兔肉,向着前方走去,期间他盯着那些魔族,“这是几个意思?” The Demon Clan expression becomes vigilant, the opposite party dares a person to walk, courage big thus and such and such, should be that Zi Chen. 魔族们的表情都变得警惕起来,对方敢一个人走过来,胆子如此这般之大,应该就是那个紫宸了。 After several people look at each other, immediately has two Demon Clan to walk, harboring evil intentions approaches toward Zi Chen. 几人相视一眼之后,立刻有着两位魔族走了出来,不怀好意的向着紫宸靠近。 Zi Chen ate a meat, is chewing, while looks at close to two people. 紫宸又吃了一口肉,一边嘴嚼着,一边看着临近的二人。 Without the light of strength, without the imposing manner surges, seems like two strong average people. 没有力量之光,没有气势涌动,看起来就像是两个强壮一些的普通人。 Two people approaching in an instant, then accelerates to forward immediately, they also make a fist, about attacks. 二人在临近的刹那间,便是立刻加速向前,他们同时握拳,左右出击。 Under the Zi Chen sensation, two people of speeds are not fast . Moreover the strength is not big, came compared with the initial big bird, missing is not the One Star least bit. 紫宸的感知下,二人的速度并不快,而且力量也不大,比起当初的大鸟来,差了不是一星半点。 The rabbit meat still in the hand, the Zi Chen figure in a flash, evades two people of attacks with ease, the next quarter, Zi Chen knocks out the fist. 兔肉依然在手,紫宸身形一晃,轻松躲过二人的攻击,下一刻,紫宸出拳。 Bang! 嘭! Bang! 嘭! Two people were struck to fly by Zi Chen with ease, after the figure falls to the ground, the corners of the mouth have the hematorrhea to leave, in the eye has the color of shock. 二人被紫宸轻松击飞,身形落地之后,嘴角有血溢出,眼中都有着震撼之色。 Move of two people are defeated! 一招二人落败! The rear people, the complexion changes, sees only the have several person to go forward to come, they have not actually acted to Zi Chen, but draws two people of falling to the ground to retrocede, to Huppe shining, still also in their hands. 后方的众人,脸色都是一变,只见又有数人上前而来,他们却没有对紫宸出手,而是拉着倒地的二人后退,至于裴文耀,依然还在他们的手中。 „Are you Zi Chen?” “你就是紫宸?” Is youth Demon Clan of head looks at Zi Chen, really some methods!” 为首的青年魔族看着紫宸,“果然有些手段!” Zi Chen looks at the opposite party. 紫宸看着对方。 The Demon Clan youth continues saying: Remembers my name, Mo Zhengtian, I can look your!” 魔族青年继续说道:“记住我的名字,魔正天,我会来找你的!” Then, the opposite party retreats toward the rear area, to Huppe shining, was regarded the cargo losing. 说完,对方向着后方退去,至于裴文耀,则是被当成了货物给丢了过来。 Retreating of Demon Clan makes Zi Chen very accidental/surprised, previously probed nothing more, side the opposite party also many people, walked? 魔族的撤退让紫宸很意外,先前只是试探而已,对方身边还有不少人,就这么走了? Moreover Demon Clan actually only holds Pei Wenyao, has not actually killed him, this as if not conform to the Demon Clan consistent attitude. 而且魔族竟然只把裴文耀抓住,却没有杀他,这似乎也不太符合魔族的一贯作风。 „Are you all right?” Zi Chen looks at Pei Wenyao who crawls. “你没事吧?”紫宸看着爬起来的裴文耀。 All right, you here? Before I cannot believe, looking at several determination are you, therefore shouted loudly.” “没事,你怎么在这里?之前我都不敢相信,看了好几遍才确定是你,所以就大声的喊了起来。” Pei Wenyao asked: How do you come in?” 裴文耀问道:“你怎么进来的?” Zi Chen tears down a rabbit leg, gave Pei Wenyao, first ate a thing to say.” 紫宸撕下一个兔腿,递给了裴文耀,“先吃点东西在说。” Pei Wenyao was impolite, received the rabbit leg then to start to wolf down, looked at that table manners, was uglier than Zi Chen. 裴文耀也不客气,接过兔腿便开始狼吞虎咽起来,看那个吃相,比紫宸还要难看。 Zi Chen looked at Pei Wenyao table manners, slow, here also has, entire.” 紫宸看了一眼裴文耀的吃相,“慢点,这里还有,一整只呢。” Two people shared the entire only rabbit, eaten eating to the heart's content. 二人分享了整只兔子,吃的大快朵颐。 Pei Wenyao hit a belch, for a long time has not eaten was so full, really with you in the same place, I can feel at ease. This meat eats real crisp! Crisp!” 裴文耀打了一个饱嗝,“好久没有吃这么饱了,果然跟你在一起,我才能安心。这肉吃的真爽啊!爽!” Without is so miserable?” “没这么惨吧?” Miserable? Also is more miserable , arrived here many people who you imagine dead, did not die in the enemy hand, but died under the cat and dog.” “惨?比你想象的还要惨很多,来到这里的许多人都死了,不是死在了敌人手中,而是死在了猫、狗之下。” Saying that Pei Wenyao disdains: Here Demon Clan even! Everyone to survive to worry, my brain was also kicked by the donkey, life well does not want, to dredge the relations to come to here to suffer hardships.” 裴文耀不屑的说道:“在这里魔族就算个屁!大家都都在为了生存而发愁,我的脑子也是被驴踢了,好好的生活不要,非得疏通关系来这里受苦。” Later Pei Wenyao looks at Zi Chen, luckily ran into you, I could be saved, otherwise I possibly died. I decided that where no matter from now on you go, where I follow, only then follows you, I can be popular drinks spicily.” 之后裴文耀又看着紫宸,“幸亏遇到了你,我有救了,要不然我可能就死翘翘了。我决定了,今后不管你去哪里,我都跟着去哪里,只有跟着你,我才能吃香的喝辣的。” I thought that they do not kill your meaning.” Zi Chen said. “我看他们并没有要杀你的意思。”紫宸说道。 That is because they want to trade some food with me, but if Lei Wei does not comply to exchange, I will definitely be treated as food to eat by Demon Clan.” “那是因为他们想要用我来换一些食物,可如果雷伟不答应交换的话,我肯定会被魔族当做食物吃掉。” Pei Wenyao excited saying: Luckily, day I, met Zi Chen unceasingly you!” 裴文耀激动的说道:“幸亏啊,天不绝我,遇到了紫宸你!” After Zi Chen Pei Wenyao mood gradually restores, said: Said the situation in this world, here outcome what's the matter.” 紫宸等到裴文耀的情绪逐渐恢复之后,说道:“说说这个世界的情况,这里究竟是怎么回事。” Arrives here, all of us lost the strength, just started everyone to fluster, slowly recovers consciousness, later everyone then thinks means trying hard is living.” “来到这里,我们所有人都失去了力量,刚开始所有人都慌了,慢慢的才缓过来,之后大家便是想办法努力的活着。” Since Pei Wenyao said these days everyone's situation, everyone starts to stick together to warm up, formed groups, but group among that they are , a person named Lei Wei is the boss. 裴文耀说了这段时间以来大家的处境,所有人都开始抱团取暖,相互间组成了一个又一个团体,而他们所在的团体当中,一个叫做雷伟的人是头儿。 These Demon Clan have not killed him, is to take him to exchange food. 那些魔族之所以没有杀他,是想要拿他来交换食物。 Here, the biggest enemy no longer is Demon Clan, but is these cats and dogs and so on animal, in Spirit World common existence, but during this different world, is actually want life. 在这里,最大的敌人已经不再是魔族,而是那些猫、狗之类的动物,在灵界不起眼的存在,但在这异世之中,却是要命的。 „Is everyone this? Without other means?” “难道所有人都是这样?没有其他办法了吗?” Zi Chen asked one after another: Holy Venerable that these come in? Did you meet?” 紫宸接连问道:“那些进来的圣尊呢?你们遇到了没有?” Temporarily has not discovered Holy Venerable, but everyone can only first survive at present, only has to live can extravagant demands more abilities.” “暂时还没有发现圣尊,不过眼下大家只能先生存,唯有活着才能奢求更多的能力。” Pei Wenyao helpless sighed one, like me is the former, lives difficultly, the ability does not dare to expect.” 裴文耀无奈的叹了一声,“像我这样的就是前者,活下来都难,能力根本不敢奢望。” What ability?” Zi Chen in heart moves. “什么能力?”紫宸心中一动。 This Pei Wenyao does not have the direct reaction time, but then looked at Zi Chen one, in the eye has the question, asked back, you don't know?” 这一次裴文耀没有直接回答,而是回头看了紫宸一眼,眼中有着质疑,反问起来,“你不知道?” Zi Chen said: If I know, you thought also with asked you in turn?” 紫宸说道:“如果我知道,你觉得还用反过来问你吗?” Looks that Zi Chen does not seem like the appearance that cracks a joke, Pei Wenyao said: It is said that after killing these cat dogs, in their bodies, will have some ability crystallization to remain, so long as refine to melt these energies to crystallize, can have the ability of this world......” 看着紫宸不像是开玩笑的样子,裴文耀说道:“据说,杀死那些猫狗之后,它们的身体之中,会有一些能力结晶留下来,只要炼化了那些能量结晶,就能拥有这个世界的能力……” At this point, Pei Wenyao expression suddenly becomes very serious, his sinking sound said: „A view, so long as obtains the ability of this world , the had ability will help everyone become Holy Venerable.” 说到这里,裴文耀的表情忽然变得十分的严肃,他沉声说道:“还有一种说法,只要得到这个世界的能力,那么在回去之后,拥有的能力就会帮助大家成为圣尊。” Zi Chen thinks previous that leopard cat, opposite party after launching attack, suddenly displayed the ability, this by own ate one to owe. 紫宸想到了先前的那只狸猫,对方就是在发起攻击之后,突然又展现出了能力,这才让自己的吃了一个亏。 If were not he has awakened the ability about soul strength, perhaps was killed, nowadays his wound has stopped bleeding, only has the together/one path trace. 如果不是他早就觉醒了关于魂力的能力,说不定就被杀了,现如今他的伤口已经止血,只有一道痕迹。 Meanwhile, Zi Chen also thinks these big birds, each can show the flame, casual killing, can make him obtain the ability of flame, thus suddenly becomes Holy Venerable? 同时,紫宸也想到了那些大鸟,它们每一只都能展现出火焰来,难道说随随便便的杀上一只,就能让他得到火焰的能力,从而一举成为圣尊 Walks, I lead you to go back.” “走吧,我带你回去。” Ate the thing, rested a meeting, Pei Wenyao stood, patted the buttocks to say. 吃了东西,又休息了一会,裴文耀站了起来,拍了拍屁股说道。 Returns?” Zi Chen asked. “回哪?”紫宸问道。 Goes to Lei Wei there, that fellow is our interim leaders, we currently have 13 people, but you, since came, naturally is our new leaders.” “去雷伟那里,那个家伙是我们的临时首领,我们目前有十三个人,不过你既然来了,自然就是我们的新任首领。” Pei Wenyao self-satisfied smiles, I looked that who dares to prevent.” 裴文耀得意的一笑,“我看谁敢阻止。” Zi Chen shakes the head, I am not what leader.” 紫宸摇了摇头,“我不当什么首领。” Pei Wenyao then said: During this different world your one person are very difficult to survive, joins the team, at least can also have to take care, did not say other, some do time people of sleeping stand night watch at least are not? Walks, has a look, to you, only then the advantage does not have the fault. Here survives is the issues, the risk of acting alone is bigger.” 裴文耀回头说道:“在这异世之中你一个人很难生存下去,加入队伍,最起码相互间也能有个照应,不说其他,睡觉的时候最起码有人守夜不是?走吧,去看看,对你只有好处没有坏处。在这里生存都是问题,独行的危险性更大。” Zi Chen obeyed Pei Wenyao advice, walks in the direction of team, he has not thought where the situations of others are not better than to go him. 紫宸听从了裴文耀的建议,向着队伍的方向走去,他没想到其他人的处境也没有比他好到哪里去。 However Zi Chen does not think that everyone is like Pei Wenyao, the opposite party clearly is that type not the survival experience, has the powerful strength since birth, after becoming the average person, instead is unable to survive. 不过紫宸并不认为所有人都跟裴文耀一样,对方明显就是属于那种没有过生存经验的,生来就有强大的力量,成了普通人之后,反而无法生存下去。 If traded general has the survival experience, should be better. 要是换了一般的拥有生存经验的,应该就会好很多。 Goes back, Pei Wenyao also said the matter about team. 回去的时候,裴文耀又说了一些关于队伍的事情。 I came back, whom having a look at me to bring.” “我回来了,看看我把谁带来了。” From the team also distance, Pei Wenyao voice then resounds, seems very self-satisfied. 距离队伍还有一段距离,裴文耀的声音便是响起,显得很得意。 Some people walked, after seeing Pei Wenyao Zi Chen, the complexion changes, then on faces then had wiped the happy expression. 有人走了出来,看到了裴文耀身旁的紫宸之后,脸色不禁一变,接着一个个的脸上便是有了一抹喜色。 Is Zi Chen!” “是紫宸!” Sir Zi Chen!” 紫宸大人!” Sir Zi Chen also came the different world!” 紫宸大人也来异世了!” Takes a broad view at Holy Spirit World, in expert, must say that does not know Zi Chen, is almost very difficult to look. 放眼圣灵界,在强者之中,要说不认识紫宸的,几乎很难找出来。 Some Zi Chen, their confidence were also much full. 紫宸在,他们的信心也是足了不少。 Lei Wei?” 雷伟呢?” Pei Wenyao self-satisfied saying: Zi Chen came, hasn't he hurried to greet?” 裴文耀得意的说道:“紫宸来了,他还不赶紧出来迎接?” Captain Lei Wei went out, has not come back.” 雷伟首领出去了,还没有回来。” Person of the Thunder Clan goes forward to say. 一位雷族之人上前说道。 Pei Wenyao nods saying: „After that he came back, told him, Zi Chen came, the future leader was Zi Chen.” 裴文耀点了点头说道:“那等他回来之后告诉他,紫宸来了,今后的首领就是紫宸了。” The people of that several Thunder Clan nod immediately, no one will have the opinion. 那几位雷族之人立刻点头,没有人会有意见。 This is natural! 这是理所当然的! If Zi Chen does not have the qualifications to be the leader, asked that who also has this qualifications? 如果紫宸都没有资格当首领,试问谁还有这个资格? Suddenly, the together/one path faint sound resounds, what qualifications his Zi Chen has, when our Saint Thunder Clan leader?” 忽然,一道淡漠的声音响起,“他紫宸有什么资格当我们圣雷族的首领?” Some two people walk toward here, one is leader Lei Wei, another Zi Chen did not know. 有两人向着这边走来,其中一个是首领雷伟,另外一个紫宸并不认识。 But the opposite party seemed full of the hostility to him, his did by the Saint Thunder Clan expel fellow, what qualifications have to lead our Saint Thunder Clan again?” 但对方似乎对他充满了敌意,“他一个被圣雷族驱逐的家伙,有什么资格再来领导我们圣雷族?”
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