TM :: Volume #43

#4245: Leopard cat

Zi Chen stopped, standing is motionless there, the eye looks at that bird. 紫宸停了下来,站在那里一动不动,眼睛看着那只小鸟。 Comes compared with other big birds, that indeed is the bird, but why does not know, in the eye of this bird has the obvious mood to change, this made Zi Chen in heart have not the wonderful feeling, was this one is more powerful? 比起其他的大鸟来,那的确是小鸟,但不知为何,这只小鸟的眼睛里有着明显的情绪变化,这让紫宸心中有了不妙的感觉,难道这是一只更强大的? The opposite party look at Zi Chen, the ridicule in eye collects gradually, what replaces it is endless indifference. 对方看着紫宸,眼中的讥讽渐敛,取而代之的是无尽的冷漠。 human(ity), you can halt!” 人类,你可以止步了!” Zi Chen has a scare, let alone Monster Beast will speak, even if will turn into the human form, Zi Chen is not accidental/surprised, but that is in Holy Spirit World. 紫宸吓了一跳,别说妖兽会说话,就算是会变成人形,紫宸都不意外,可那是在圣灵界的时候。 But here different world! 这里可是异世! Moreover, the opposite party laid bare own status, will obviously not take for is in itself similar. 而且,对方一语道破自己的身份,显然不会误认为自己是同类。 It and other big birds are different. 它与其他的大鸟不同。 What do you mean?” “你这是什么意思?” Under Zi Chen asking of consciousness. 紫宸意识的问道。 You can walk.” “你可以走了。” That bird indifferent saying: Leaves this place!” 那只小鸟漠然的说道:“离开这个地方!” Through the brief dialogue, the opposite party should have long known own whereabouts, knows oneself these days did anything, Zi Chen somewhat rejoiced, oneself has not handled the matter luckily certainly, left behind one to each big bird or two eggs, otherwise possibly on danger. 通过简短的对话,对方应该早就知道了自己的行踪,也知道了自己这段时间干了一些什么,紫宸不禁有些庆幸,幸好自己没有把事情做绝,给每一只大鸟都留下了一颗或者两颗的蛋,不然可能就危险了。 Zi Chen looked at all around, how should I leave?” 紫宸看了看四周,“我该怎么离开?” Has walked from your background round trip, will leave here!” The words of opposite party are still indifferent, even in the eye also has killing intent of hidden, does not know why bore. “从你的来路一直往回走,就会离开这里!”对方的话语依然冷漠,甚至眼中还有隐藏的杀意,不知为何忍住了。 Zi Chen nods, said many thanks shows the way, then turns around to walk. 紫宸点了点头,说了一声多谢指路,然后转身就走。 He was also thinking, stockpiles some eggs to leave again, after all food is most important, but after then saw that bird remains, Zi Chen then cancelled this thought thoroughly. 原先他还想着,是不是再储备一些蛋再离开,毕竟食物是重中之重,但在回头看到那只小鸟依然存在后,紫宸便是彻底打消了这个念头。 Does not know that is what reason, the opposite party has been restraining to own killing intent, if he makes the overdone matter again, could not do well the opposite party to act. 不知是什么原因,对方一直克制着对自己的杀意,万一他再做出过火的事情,搞不好对方就出手了。 In this moment, Zi Chen does not doubt the opposite party to have can kill own ability. 在这一刻,紫宸毫不怀疑对方拥有着可以杀死自己的能力。 When he walks toward the background, many big birds come out to look for food, they also looked at Zi Chen one, does not have any mood changes, as if still regarded him similar. 在他向着来路走的时候,不少的大鸟出来觅食,它们也只是看了紫宸一眼,没有任何情绪变化,似乎依然把他当成了同类。 Perhaps......? 或许……? They also incite, doesn't have the hostility to oneself? 它们也只是授意,才不对自己产生敌意的? Zi Chen in heart, had such a thought suddenly. 紫宸心中,忽然出现了这么一个念头。 From reversed direction Zi Chen forward, left this place finally. 从反方向一路向前的紫宸,终于离开了这个地方。 Why can help him?” “为什么要帮他?” That bird never turns away, has looked at Zi Chen until vanishing, it is still indignant. 那只小鸟从未移开视线,一直看着紫宸直到消失,它依然愤愤不平。 He can appear here, perhaps is the fate.” “他能出现在这里,或许就是缘分。” A colorful bird flew, said with the gentle tone: Treats the person who is predestined friends, we should be more tolerant.” 一只五彩斑斓的鸟飞了过来,用轻柔的语气说道:“对待有缘的人,我们应该宽容一些。” How does this saying sound strange?” “这话怎么听起来怪怪的?” „It is not strange, was the past master said that even if for many years the master had not come back, but his words I still record clearly.” “不怪,是当年的主人说的,哪怕多年来主人一直没有回来过,但他的话我依然清楚记着。” Goes out from that special space, Zi Chen is somewhat regrettable, because cannot carry over some food eventually. 从那片特殊的空间里走出,紫宸有些遗憾,因为终究没能带出一些食物来。 If outside lifeform is like these big birds, that Zi Chen is almost impossible to survive, only if grazes daily. 如果外面的生物跟那些大鸟一样,那紫宸几乎无法生存下去,除非天天吃草。 This is place of mountain forest, Zi Chen walks toward the front, when he will soon leave, the together/one path sound from resounds suddenly behind. 这是一片山林之地,紫宸向着前方走去,就在他即将离开的时候,一道声音忽然从身后响起。 If encounters the danger that is unable to reduce, you can also come back again!” “如果遇到无法化解的危险,你还可以再回来!” Was previously that sound, Zi Chen then looked, has not actually seen a person, the sound passes from that space. 是先前那道声音,紫宸回头一看,却不曾看到一个人,声音是从那片空间传出来的。 Zi Chen is somewhat surprised, the opposite party is very indifferent about oneself, even holds killing intent, at present actually says such words to come out. 紫宸有些意外,对方对自己很冷漠,甚至抱有着杀意,眼下竟然说出了这样的话出来。 He to holds the fist in the other hand behind, retaliated this gratitude. 他冲着身后抱拳,算是回敬了这份谢意。 Broad and level that later Zi Chen walks, that inside has many big birds, moreover there is a that bird, once really has the danger, can come to here to seek asylum actually. 之后紫宸走的坦坦荡荡,那里面有着不少的大鸟,而且还有那只小鸟,一旦真的有危险,倒是可以来这里避难。 This is without doubt excellent regarding Zi Chen, therefore he looked at all around specially, trying hard remembers any can treat as the mark the place, completes these Zi Chen still to think that did not feel relieved, therefore left behind the artificial mark here. 这对于紫宸来说无疑是极好的,所以他特意的看了看四周,努力的记住任何可以当做标记的地点,做完这些紫宸依然觉得不太放心,于是又在这里留下了人为的标记。 Completes these, he relieved departure. 做完这些,他才安心的离开。 On the way of the vanguard, the Zi Chen sensation all around, is striving to discover some unusual places, or place about chance. 前行途中,紫宸感知着四周,争取发现一些异常的地方,或者说关于机缘的地方。 Naturally, first food must get so far as, this is most important of survival. 当然,首先食物是必须要弄到的,这是生存的重中之重。 Some best fruits, although the mouth must fade out a bird to come, but the meat considers as finished.” “最好有些果子,虽然嘴里要淡出一只鸟来,但肉还是算了。” Zi Chen in heart is whispering, after having seen these big birds, his in heart eating meat thought was short much, although indeed wants to eat. 紫宸心中嘀咕着,见过了那些大鸟之后,他心中的吃肉念头就少了不少,尽管的确很想吃。 After all now does not have two with a mortal, without the meat maintains, the feeling whole body is insipid. 毕竟现在跟一个凡人无二,没有肉来维持,就感觉浑身没劲。 Suddenly, the Zi Chen expression changed, in his sensation, presented a rabbit, even if in rabbit compared with his cognition big many, but Zi Chen still recognized. 忽然,紫宸的表情变了变,在他的感知里,出现了一只兔子,哪怕比他认知里的兔子大了不少,但紫宸依然一眼认了出来。 This is the meat! 这可是肉! After exists the sensation to the opposite party, Zi Chen has not felt excited, but filled the vigilant, previous big bird can spout the flame, does not know that what ability this rabbit did have? 在感知到对方存在之后,紫宸并未感到兴奋,而是充满了警惕,先前的大鸟可以喷出火焰,不知道这只兔子有什么能力? Is the blowout frost? 喷出冰霜? Zi Chen does not dare to approach, but stands in the distant place is waiting. 紫宸没敢靠近,而是站在远处等待着。 Perhaps has any special capability also perhaps. 或许有什么特殊能力也说不定。 The rabbit is grazing, the grass is the ordinary green grass, in this period without meeting what natural enemy, naturally would have no ability to show. 兔子在吃草,草是普通的青草,期间并没有遇到什么天敌,自然也就没有能力展现出来。 Zi Chen hesitant, the relative these big birds, the build of this rabbit is not very big, perhaps encounters is not own opponent. 紫宸犹豫了起来,相对那些大鸟,这只兔子的体型并不算很大,说不定交锋起来不是自己的对手。 Moreover all around does not have the chicken, the egg was very more difficult to find, under this situation, this rabbit should be the only food. 而且四周也没有鸡,鸡蛋更是很难找到,在这种情况之下,这只兔子应该就是唯一的食物了。 Hesitant over and over Zi Chen, the decision begins in advance. 犹豫再三的紫宸,还是决定先行动手。 By the potential of thunderbolt, attacking is the full power! 雷霆之势,出击便是全力! Stands there he, the right leg is slightly curving, his eye stubbornly stares at the rabbit to be at the direction that. 站在那里的他,右腿微微弯曲,他的眼睛死死的盯着兔子所在的方向。 He starts to adjust the breath, is seeking for the time of making a move. 他开始调整呼吸,寻找着出手的时机。 The rabbit is still grazing, had not detected that the danger approaches, this time it is turning away from Zi Chen appropriate. 兔子依然在吃草,没有察觉到危险临近,此时的它恰切背对着紫宸 Is now! 就是现在! The soil splash, the Zi Chen figure from has vanished same place, bang comes the sound late, Zi Chen had arrived at side of rabbit. 泥土飞溅而起,紫宸的身形已从原地消失,一声嘭的迟来之声响起,紫宸已经到了兔子的旁边。 Rabbit suddenly one startled, gets down consciousness must escape, at this moment, a powerful big hand falls, firmly held the neck of opposite party. 兔子猛然一惊,下意识的就要逃跑,就在这时,一只有力的大手落下,牢牢地抓住了对方的脖子。 Meanwhile, a fist came, falls on the head of rabbit. 同时,一个拳头呼啸而来,落在了兔子的脑袋上。 Bang! 嘭! Bang! 嘭! Bang! 嘭! The strength size of being sure opposite party, the Zi Chen first even/including three fists fall, imitate, if lightning, until seeing the head of rabbit blossoms. 吃不准对方的力量大小,紫宸一连三拳落下,仿若闪电,直到看到兔子的脑袋开了花。 Compared with taking egg, the head of rabbit is not so as if firm. 比起拿鸡蛋来,兔子的脑袋似乎也不那么坚固。 The rabbit tread several legs dead. 兔子蹬了几下腿就死了。 Zi Chen stands there, is somewhat in a daze. 紫宸站在那里,有些发愣。 He cannot believe completely, this rabbit died. 他完全不敢相信,这只兔子就这么死掉了。 Ability? 能力呢? Flame or frost? 火焰或者冰霜呢? However quick Zi Chen then responded, he somewhat said excitedly: Right, this was right, this is normal, previously these were not normal!” 不过很快紫宸便是反应了过来,他有些激动地说道:“对了,这就对了,这才是正常的,先前那些都是不正常的!” Arrives at this world, if everyone must turn into the average person, that survival is the biggest problem. 来到这个世界,如果所有人都要变成普通人,那生存就是最大的问题。 But if everyone meets the big bird, cannot live. 可要是人人都遇到大鸟,根本活不下来。 It is not everyone has the maintaining life method, after all Thunder Tree such two. 不是所有人都有保命手段,毕竟雷树就那么两棵。 Now Zi Chen understood, originally here is the normal existence place, previously that place was not normal. 现在紫宸明白了,原来这里才是正常生存的地方,先前那个地方是不正常的。 Like Ka Ta World, there was not normal initially, outside Ka Ta World is the normal world. 就像当初在卡塔界一样,那里就不正常,卡塔界外才是正常的世界。 But he entered Ka Ta World initially, is the Qing Yi master is intentional. 可他当初进入卡塔界,是青依的师父有意为之。 This time? 这一次呢? Zi Chen thought of Thunder Tree, is opposite party intentionally pit? 紫宸想到了雷树,难道是对方故意坑自己? May think to be unlikely, how many Thunder Tree ability can have, how can know the matter in this world? 可想想又不太可能,雷树的能力能有多少,如何能够知晓这个世界里的事情? Its ability is big, but can also extend to inadequately here the hand? 它能耐再大,还能把手伸到这里不成? However no matter what reason, present Zi Chen were parts the fog to see the blue sky, at least had the meat to eat. 不过不管是什么原因,眼下的紫宸算是拨开云雾见了青天,最起码有肉吃了。 Start processing neatly and quickly, Zi Chen starts to clean, later looked for some dead tree, starts the lighting a fire barbecue...... 三下五除二的开始处理,紫宸开始清洗,之后找了一些枯树枝,开始生火烤肉…… The meat fragrance gradually spreads, without other spice, but compared to eat dozen day egg Zi Chen, this rabbit also absolutely was the mountain delicacies. 肉香逐渐传出,哪怕没有其他的作料,可是相比吃了十几天鸡蛋的紫宸,这只兔子也绝对算是山珍。 „To come others to survive, but also is really good to live.” “想来其他人就是这么生存下来的,还真是好生活啊。” Zi Chen sighed. 紫宸感叹起来。 Suddenly, the Zi Chen facial expression changes, in his sensation among, presented inexplicable existence, is approaching cautiously. 忽然,紫宸的神情微变,在他的感知当中,出现了一个莫名的存在,正在小心翼翼的靠近。 Its build greatly is only little than the rabbit, crawls in the lawn, walks silent. 它的体型只比兔子大一点点,匍匐在草地之中,行走无声。 Is a leopard cat. 是一只狸猫。 Zi Chen in heart had the conclusion, but still pretends the careless barbecue. 紫宸心中有了定论,但依然装作漫不经心的烤肉。 The opposite party are still approaching, if did not have the strength of sensation, Zi Chen is impossible to discover existence of opposite party. 对方依然在靠近,如果不是拥有了感知之力,紫宸根本不可能发现对方的存在。 When being distanced Zi Chen also three zhang (3.33 m), the opposite party stopped, is crawling motionlessly. 在相距紫宸还有三丈之时,对方停了下来,然后匍匐着一动不动。 Actually does not have the active offense, Zi Chen is somewhat surprised, the opposite party imagines among also to be more vigilant than him. 竟然没有主动攻击,紫宸有些意外,对方比他想象当中还要警惕一些。 The meat roasted, Zi Chen already greedy was not good. 肉烤好了,紫宸早就馋的不行。 Saw only him to take up the barbecue to blow, then bit. 只见他拿起烤肉吹了起来,然后一口咬下。 The fat entered the mouth, entered the throat, greasy transmission. 油脂进入了嘴里,又进入了喉咙,久违的油腻之感传来。 At this moment, Zi Chen felt that the throat place has the chill in the air to raid, was that leopard cat started the sneak attack. 就在这时,紫宸感觉咽喉处有寒意袭来,是那只狸猫发动了偷袭。 He smiles cold, under foot ray one wrong, as if had foresight, avoids this struck. 他冷然一笑,脚下光芒一错,仿佛未卜先知,躲开了这一击。 Saw that the attack of leopard cat must fail, sees only the body of opposite party to have the ray circulation suddenly, the next quarter, its body changed the direction in nowhere taking advantage of the situation of strength in unexpectedly, is still the throat of Zi Chen. 眼看着狸猫的攻击就要落空,只见对方的身上忽然有着光芒流转而出,下一刻,它的身体竟然在无处借力的情况下改变了方向,依然是紫宸的咽喉。 Moreover the speed is faster! 而且速度更快! The Zi Chen complexion changes, the sensation remains, this he cannot avoid time. 紫宸的脸色一变,要不是感知依然存在,这一次他根本就躲不开。 Ability! 能力! These two characters appeared in the Zi Chen mind, with these big bird same abilities, but was not a flame, should be the speed. 这两个字出现在了紫宸的脑海中,跟那些大鸟一样的能力,但并不是火焰,应该是速度。 Zi Chen under foot again one wrong, then catches up suddenly, a fist howls under. 紫宸脚下再次一错,然后猛然发力,一拳呼啸而下。 Bang! 嘭的一声! His fist hit the head of leopard cat, the powerful strength pounded into above it the ground directly. 他的拳头击中了狸猫的脑袋,强大的力量直接把它砸入了地面之上。 The leopard cat calls out in alarm one, after tumbling several, then flees toward the distant place. 狸猫惊叫一声,翻滚了数圈之后,便是向着远处窜去。 Zi Chen figure sways, he traces the neck, in the hand had the blood, even if there is sensation, he is still injured. 紫宸的身形一个摇晃,他摸了摸脖子,手上有了鲜血,哪怕拥有着感知,他依然受了伤。 The previous rabbit let his general idea/careless, thinks that here almost did not have the danger, present he was vigilant. 先前的兔子让他大意了,以为这里几乎没有危险,现在的他又重新警惕了起来。 But at this time, he heard not far away to transmit the sound, after turning head, saw that some people appeared in the field of vision. 而在这时,他听到了不远处传来动静,扭头之后,看到有人出现在了视野之中。
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