TM :: Volume #43

#4244: Sensation

That only by the insect that Zi Chen wastes, fell on side, that only had the enmity big bird with it, immediately runs over. 那只被紫宸打飞的虫子,落在了旁边,那只跟它有仇怨的大鸟,立刻跑了过来。 This time, the land has not vibrated. 这一次,大地没有震动。 While its unprepared, swallows. 趁其不备,一口吞下。 Zi Chen wishes one could to have an ability of chicken at this moment, at least here can guarantee that the life is worry-free. 紫宸恨不得此时此刻可以拥有一只鸡的能力,最起码在这里可以保证生命无忧。 The feeling paralysis is getting more and more intense, Zi Chen knows that this was poisoned, therefore decided first to find a safe place. 麻痹感越来越强烈,紫宸知道这是中毒了,于是决定先找一个安全的地方。 Naturally before is, that big bird the hiding place. 自然是之前那只大鸟的藏身之地了。 Zi Chen without hesitation walks toward the front, how long without walking then arrived in this space, saw this familiar environment, Zi Chen really had some warm feelings. 紫宸毫不犹豫的向着前方走去,没走多久便是重新来到了这片空间之中,看到这熟悉的环境,紫宸竟然有了一些亲切感。 At least here not poisonous insect. 最起码这里没有有毒的虫子。 Breaks the insect, actually also brings the poison, but also there is a natural justice?” “一只破虫子,竟然还带毒,还有没有天理?” Zi Chen looks also in the swelling arm, the heart is somewhat indignant. 紫宸看着还在肿胀的手臂,心头有些气愤。 At this moment, that big bird ate to the full, walked. 就在这时,那只大鸟吃饱了,又走了进来。 After seeing Zi Chen, in its eye had vigilantly, is bending down the head lowly, walks slowly toward Zi Chen. 看到紫宸之后,它的眼中有了警惕,然后低伏着脑袋,向着紫宸慢慢走来。 Looks at like this, as if possibly launches the attack momentarily. 看这样子,似乎随时可能发起攻击。 Zi Chen is hugging that egg, the retreat, is alerting the opposite party slowly simultaneously. 紫宸搂着那颗蛋,缓缓后退,同时戒备着对方。 This situation than previously was better much, at least does not have to clash all of a sudden, many confirmed the beforehand speculation. 这种情况比先前要好不少,最起码没有一下子就冲上来,多少还是验证了自己之前的猜测。 Perhaps, they distinguish similar do not depend on the appearance, but depends on the aura. 也许,它们分辨同类并非靠长相,而是靠气息。 Zi Chen draws back draws back again, withdrew from this space, looks like a side domain, Zi Chen withdrew from the territory of opposite party, that big bird not with, therefore after Zi Chen hesitates, once again walked. 紫宸一退再退,又退出了这片空间,就像是一方领域,紫宸退出了对方的领地,那只大鸟没有跟出来,于是紫宸犹豫之后,又一次走了进去。 The big bird discovered him, makes the condition of action of driving away again. 大鸟发现了他,再次做出驱赶的状态。 This Zi Chen along the edge retreat of domain space, never leaves this place, he now is very full, has the time to consume with the opposite party. 这一次紫宸沿着领域空间的边缘后退,始终不离开这个地方,他现在很饱,有时间跟对方消耗下去。 What is worth mentioning is, he felt over time oneself step was getting more and more relaxed. 值得一提的是随着时间的流逝,他感觉自己的步伐越来越轻松了。 If not the condition of arm is not good, all almost on perfect. 如果不是手臂的状态不好,一切几乎就完美了。 Has drawn back, that big bird lost the patience finally, starts to accelerate, Zi Chen turns around to run. 就这么一直退,那只大鸟终于失去了耐心,开始加速,紫宸转身就跑。 Another fight as if must erupt. 又一场战斗似乎就要爆发。 The big bird pursued more than ten zhang (3.33 m) to give up, could not catch up with Zi Chen, to frighten purely. 大鸟追了十余丈放弃,不是追不上紫宸,纯粹只是为了吓唬。 After this so repeatedly several times, as if saw that this similar has not threatened, the big bird gives up finally, walks toward the distant place. 就这样如此反复数次后,似乎看出这个同类没有威胁,大鸟终于放弃,向着远处走去。 Zi Chen stands there, calm looks at the big bird to leave, it should go place that has the egg. 紫宸站在那里,静静的看着大鸟离开,它应该去了藏有蛋的地方。 ! 呼! Zi Chen relaxes, then looked down the arm, still the swelling, original palm almost must turn into the bear's paws, the wound place has the black blood stream to leave. 紫宸松了一口气,然后低头看了看手臂,依然肿胀,原先的手掌几乎要变成熊掌,伤口处有黑血流出。 The big bird no longer pays attention to him, Zi Chen only has first processes the wound, first difficult squeezes out the black blood, but the role is not big, therefore Zi Chen broke open the second egg, is smudging toward the wound in the egg white. 大鸟不再理会他,紫宸唯有先处理伤口,先是艰难的挤出黑血,不过作用不大,于是紫宸又破开了第二颗蛋,把蛋清往伤口上涂抹着。 The cool feeling transmits again, the swelling later ache, seems to have slowed down. 清凉之感再次传来,肿胀之后的疼痛,似乎有所减缓。 Eye of Zi Chen one bright, this method really can detoxify. 紫宸的眼睛一亮,这个方法果然可以解毒。 Zi Chen sees the big bird to vanish, he fell back on a distance opposite party enough far place, then time and time again is smudging the wound with the egg white, so long as does smudges again. 紫宸看到大鸟消失,他退到了一个距离对方足够远的地方,然后一次又一次的用蛋清涂抹着伤口,只要一干就再次涂抹。 First even/including dozen time, after the egg white almost consumes, the arm of Zi Chen finally returned to normal. 一连十几次,在蛋清几乎消耗一空之后,紫宸的手臂终于恢复了正常。 The remaining egg-yolk are sending out golden light, seems like a small fireball, felt that somewhat hungry Zi Chen, swallows down the egg-yolk. 剩下的蛋黄散发着金光,又像是一颗小火球,感觉到有些饥饿的紫宸,一口把蛋黄吞了下去。 The condition does not permit, does not heat up. 条件不允许,也就不加热了。 May enter the egg-yolk of abdomen, probably the flame is firing his body generally. 可入腹的蛋黄,像是火焰一般在灼烧着他的身体。 Bustled about to the present, Zi Chen feels finally exhaustedly, therefore heavy going off. 忙碌到现在,紫宸终于感觉到了疲惫,于是沉沉的睡去。 Has not known how long, Zi Chen woke, Heaven and Earth still such as previously like that without the daytime and at night, Zi Chen looked at a palm, previous poison complete solution. 不知过了多久,紫宸醒了过来,天地依然如先前那般,没有白昼与黑夜,紫宸看了一眼手掌,先前的毒完全解掉了。 The Zi Chen station, moved physique, the body as if also had some progress. 紫宸站了起来,活动了一下筋骨,身体似乎又有了一些进步。 That big bird not, when he falls asleep looks for trouble, Zi Chen rejoiced very much, this also explained the opposite party approved himself to treat here. 那只大鸟没有在他睡着的时候来找麻烦,紫宸很庆幸,这也说明对方认可了自己待在这里。 Now outside the big bird there also egg, in line with weeding out the wool cannot catch a truth, Zi Chen decides first to go to transfer, seeks for the second starting target. 现在大鸟那里还有一颗蛋,本着薅羊毛也不能逮一只的道理,紫宸决定先去外面转一圈,寻找第二个下手的目标。 Left this space, Zi Chen walked toward the front, before there had a space is him, favored, he walked directly. 离开了这片空间,紫宸向着前方走去,那里有一处空间是他之前就看好的,他直接走了进去。 After going, Zi Chen starts to seek for here uniqueness, is only this place is very big, wants to discover the hiding place to require the time with some luck, therefore Zi Chen made the big noise intentionally here, quick is saw that a big bird appears. 进去之后,紫宸开始寻找这里的奇特之处,只是这个地方很大,想要找出藏身之地需要时间跟一些运气,于是紫宸故意在这里闹出了大动静,很快便是看到一只大鸟出现。 Zi Chen looks at the direction that a big bird was, therefore the retreat, the big bird pursued backward, but has not launched the attack directly, withdraws from this space until Zi Chen totally. 紫宸看了一眼大鸟所在的方向,于是向后退去,大鸟追了上来,但没有直接发动攻击,直到紫宸从这片空间完全退出。 After withdrawing from Zi Chen, returned to the original that space, then stands in the space entrance, he must wait for the opposite party to come out to look for food, then in he goes to look for food again. 退出之后的紫宸,回到了原先的那片空间里,然后站在空间入口,他要等着对方出来觅食,然后他再去里面觅食。 During this period, he must be careful the insect, without him of flame approaching body, the side also does not have the unnecessary big egg, was nipped again may die. 在这期间,他必须要小心虫子,没有火焰傍身的他,身边又没有多余的大蛋,再次被咬中或许会死的。 Does not know is previous one pursued consumed many physical strengths, this big bird came out quickly, Zi Chen touched quietly, while the opposite party and insect short fight time, moved sideways to enter among. 不知是不是先前的一番追赶消耗了不少体力,这只大鸟很快就出来了,紫宸悄悄的摸了上去,趁着对方与虫子短暂搏斗的时候,闪身进入了当中 He directly soars has the egg place to dash to go, quick then entered in that space, inside only has two eggs. 他直奔藏有鸡蛋的地方飞奔而去,很快便是进入了那个空间里,里面只有两颗鸡蛋。 Zi Chen without hesitation takes away one, does not dare to swallow at the scene, but hugs to flee this place. 紫宸毫不犹豫的拿走一颗,没敢当场吞掉,而是抱起来逃离此地。 Continues to return to originally that space entrance, Zi Chen is eating the egg, while looks at other big birds, is seeking for the next target. 继续回到原先那片空间的入口,紫宸一边吃着鸡蛋,一边看着其他的大鸟,寻找着下一个目标。 Because has not stockpiled the good grain, therefore Zi Chen needs early prepares for the next food. 因为没有储备好的粮食,所以紫宸需要早早的为了下一顿饭而做准备。 Next time time, the Zi Chen luck may not be good, was not only caught up by the big bird, but also was under the attack of insect, received many pain. 只是下一次的时候,紫宸的运气可就没那么好了,不仅被大鸟赶了出来,还遭遇到了虫子的攻击,受了不少苦。 Does not know that was the body adapted to the previous toxin, was other reasons, this time situation previous time was better, finally in being big and hungry, Zi Chen found the new egg. 不知是身体适应了先前的毒素,还是其他的原因,这一次的情况比上次好了一些,终于在饥肠辘辘的时候,紫宸找到了新的鸡蛋。 Then he uses the wisdom experience that takes to bring in only, starts to display their wisdom and bravery with these big birds, probably a petty thief who drops around in the village, arrives at another from one, the place visited, is the chicken flies to get angry jumps, some are because angry, spouts the flame attack. 接下来他动用唯一带进来的智慧经验,开始跟那些大鸟们斗智斗勇,像是一个在村里串门的毛贼,从一家走到另外一家,所过之处,皆是鸡飞怒跳,有的更是因为愤怒,喷出火焰攻击。 Every so often can see that the Zi Chen belt/bring fire snake is running away. 很多时候都能看到紫宸带着火蛇在逃窜。 The time passes, the egg that Zi Chen eats are getting more and more, the position is also unceasing is shifting, in this period his strength and speed, had the obvious change, compared with first arrived here time, has promoted incessantly a gradation. 时间流逝,紫宸吃掉的蛋越来越多,阵地也是不断的在转移着,期间他的力量以及速度,都有了明显的变化,比起初次来到这里的时候,已经提升了不止一个等次。 In this period although annoyed many angers, but these big birds did not bear a grudge, but Zi Chen also always gives the opposite party to leave behind one or two, was never ruthless. 期间虽然惹来不少的愤怒,但是那些大鸟们都不记仇,而紫宸也总是给对方留下一颗或者两颗,从不赶尽杀绝。 Ate for a long time the egg, although he thought that the chicken was more delicious, but also thinks, both sides really met the tough head-on with toughness, who ate who was uncertain. 吃久了鸡蛋,虽然他觉得鸡肉更好吃,但也只是想想,双方真的硬碰硬,谁吃谁还不一定。 On this day Zi Chen chose a goal, therefore after the opposite party ate to the full, entered the space that moment, Zi Chen also walked, the speed was slightly slow. 这一天紫宸又挑选好了一个目标,于是就在对方吃饱之后,进入空间的那一刻,紫宸也是走了进去,速度稍稍慢了一些。 Enters that side space, cannot see Zi Chen of big bird, starts to shout loudly, the alarmed big bird ran, started a chase with Zi Chen. 进入那边空间,看不到大鸟的紫宸,开始大喊大叫起来,受到惊动的大鸟跑了出来,跟紫宸开始了一场追逐。 Come, come!” “来呀,来呀!” Zi Chen in the front is running, self-satisfied smiling, his speed can be consistent with the big bird, therefore in the situation of ahead of time running, the big bird cannot hold his, why this will be his in heart will also sprout to eat the chicken the idea. 紫宸在前方奔跑着,得意的笑着,他的速度能跟大鸟保持一致,所以在提前跑起来的情况下,大鸟是抓不住他的,这也是为什么他的心中会萌生出吃鸡肉的想法。 Because wants to eat the egg at present, to him the difficulty is not big. 因为眼下想要吃鸡蛋,对他来说难度已经不大。 He brings that big bird to run, arrives place that the big bird hid, inside has four big eggs, Zi Chen without hesitation holds one, breaks open with the fist directly. 他带着那只大鸟奔跑着,来到了大鸟藏身的地方,里面有着四颗大蛋,紫宸毫不犹豫的抱起一颗,直接用拳头砸开。 Merely one fist then pounds the crack, he held up white egg, ran while eats, the rear big bird was panting in indignation, from time to time spouted the flame, actually could not do to Zi Chen. 仅仅一拳便是砸出了裂缝,他举起白蛋,一边跑一边吃,后方的大鸟气呼呼,时而喷出火焰,却也奈何不了紫宸 After eating to the full, Zi Chen ran, the big bird must return. 待吃饱之后,紫宸就跑了出去,大鸟只得回返。 Hungry Zi Chen, will come in once again. 饿了的紫宸,会又一次进来。 After this repeatedly three times, but also is left over the last egg, Zi Chen decides to seek for the next target. 就这样反复三次之后,还剩下最后一颗蛋,紫宸决定寻找下一个目标。 At this moment, he felt that the head had some unusual circumstances, looking like had the egg shell to disrupt was the same, then the Zi Chen sensation became clear. 就在这时,他感觉脑袋出现了一些异常情况,就像是有蛋壳碎裂了一样,接着紫宸的感知变得清晰了起来。 This situation Zi Chen is not strange, that had the real sensation strength, looking like the soul strength was ordinary, but can appear in this world, was not very ordinary. 这种情况紫宸并不陌生,那是拥有了真实的感知力,就像是魂力一般,但能够在这个世界出现,还是很不一般的。 In his sensation, the rear big bird approaches, also has the flame blowout. 在他的感知里,后方的大鸟临近,同时又有火焰喷出。 The Zi Chen figure flashes, fast dodges, the flame is almost scratching his body. 紫宸身形一闪,快速的闪避开来,火焰几乎擦着他的身体而过。 „Is this soul strength of this world?” “这是这个世界的魂力?” Zi Chen is startled, in this period big bird second strikes the arrival, Zi Chen dodges again, these time relaxed. 紫宸微怔,期间大鸟的第二击到来,紫宸再次闪避而过,这一次更加的轻松。 Soul strength, definitely is the soul strength!” “魂力,肯定是魂力!” In the eye of Zi Chen had wiped the happy expression, my strength is recovering! The strength does not vanish, but was hidden, now is stimulated again!” 紫宸的眼中有了一抹喜色,“我的力量正在复苏!力量并不是消失了,而是隐藏起来了,现在重新被激发了出来!” This was equivalent without doubt saw the light. 这无疑相当于看到了光明。 Ran from that space, Zi Chen walks on the ground, he regarding all around sensation, very clear. 从那片空间里跑了出来,紫宸走在地上,他对于四周的感知,非常的清晰。 His sensation to the ground creeping motion, saw an insect will soon jump out, like having foresight, in the opposite party initiated that moment of attack gently, Zi Chen puts out a hand a ball, the insect flew. 他感知到了地面的蠕动,看到了一条虫子即将窜出,就像未卜先知一样,就在对方发起攻击的那一刻,紫宸轻轻的伸手一弹,虫子飞了出去。 Should be the soul strength, but did not have materialization, at present also can only be called the sensation strength. Zi Chen in heart had such conclusion. “应该是魂力,但还没有实质化,目前还只能叫做感知力。紫宸心中有了这样的结论。 Then continues to seek for food time, then wants to be simpler, because of depending on taking advantage of own sensation, where he can find these egg conceals. 接下来继续寻找食物的时候,则是要简单许多,因为凭借着自身的感知,他就能找到那些鸡蛋藏在什么地方。 Makes him feel that what is only regrettable, big bird that these all he sees, has the strength of flame, therefore Zi Chen has wanted to eat the chicken the thought that has not realized. 唯一让他感到遗憾的是,那些所有他看到的大鸟,都是拥有火焰之力的,所以紫宸一直想吃鸡肉的念头,从来也没有实现过。 The unceasing advance, Zi Chen has been depending upon the egg to live, does not know many days later, Zi Chen saw a normal bird or normal chicken finally. 不断的前进,紫宸一直都在依靠鸡蛋为生,在不知道多少天之后,紫宸终于看到了一只正常的鸟或者说正常的鸡。 It stands on the branch, the scarlet red long plume lets fall, is using the sharp mouth to comb the feather. 它站在树枝上,赤红色的长翎垂落而下,正在用尖嘴梳理着羽毛。 Eye of Zi Chen one bright, these big guy he cannot be victorious, cannot eat, this small isn't good? 紫宸的眼睛一亮,那些大家伙他打不过,也吃不上,这只小的还不行? His benting stand forth, does not make any sound as far as possible. 他猫着腰向前走去,尽量不发出任何声音。 At this moment, Zi Chen discovered that bird turned head to look at his one eyes, in that look completely ridiculed. 就在这时,紫宸发现那只小鸟扭头看了他一眼,那眼神之中尽是讥讽。
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