TM :: Volume #43

#4243: Similar

White egg that three present the oval-shape, lying down of calm in weed. 三颗呈现椭圆形的白色蛋,静静的躺在杂草之中。 Is exhausted, hungry Zi Chen, saw this secretly, eye one bright. 早已精疲力尽,饥肠辘辘的紫宸,看到这一幕后,眼睛不禁一亮。 Obviously, he bumps into arrived in the den of big bird, looks at these three eggs, Zi Chen can conclude that the big bird is not sleepy here, but continuously in this place survival. 显然,他误打误撞的来到了大鸟的老巢之中,看着这三颗蛋,紫宸可以断定大鸟并非困在这里,而是一直在此地生存。 Previously at that moment, the opposite party used the flame directly, was not violent anger that because for a long time could not capture, but was worried that he entered here. 先前那一刻,对方直接动用火焰,不是因为久攻不下的暴怒,而是担心他进入这里。 Zi Chen without delay, goes immediately forward. 紫宸二话不说,立刻向前而去。 Each egg like watermelon big, without the condition heating up, fresh can also eat. 每一颗蛋都像西瓜一样大,在没有条件加热的情况下,生的也是可以吃的。 Arrives at the near, Zi Chen gets hold of the fist, ruthlessly goes toward white Danza. 来到近前,紫宸握紧拳头,狠狠的向着白蛋砸去。 Bang, Zi Chen was shaken the palm flood to hurt. 嘭的一声,紫宸被震得手掌泛疼。 At present this should be his only food, Zi Chen cannot attend to other, next two next three...... 眼下这应该是他唯一的食物了,紫宸也就顾不上其他,一下两下三下…… In using full power situation, fifth Zi Chen broke open the great egg. 在动用全力的情况下,第五下紫宸砸开了巨蛋。 The together/one path shining ray, appeared in the field of vision, that glittering and translucent carving egg white, will soon overflow, Zi Chen holds up immediately, put the mouth. 一道灿灿的光芒,出现在了视野之中,那晶莹剔透的蛋清,即将溢出来,紫宸立刻举起,放到了嘴边。 As the egg white enters the abdomen, a cool feeling spread over the whole body, Zi Chen previous exhausted swept away, as if took the Spirit World panacea. 随着蛋清入腹,一股清凉的感觉传遍了全身,紫宸先前的疲惫一扫而空,仿佛吃了灵界的灵丹妙药。 Zi Chen in heart shakes, starts the big mouth to swallow. 紫宸心中一震,开始大口吞噬。 Gurgle gurgle...... 咕嘟咕嘟…… The egg white enters within the body unceasingly, Zi Chen gradually had full belly the feeling, body among as if also had to the sensation of strength. 蛋清不断进入体内,渐渐的紫宸有了饱腹的感觉,同时身体当中似乎也有了对力量的感知。 white egg the slit is getting bigger and bigger, and finally, entire shining egg-yolk, was swallowed by Zi Chen one. 白蛋的缝隙越来越大,到了最后,整个金灿灿的蛋黄,也被紫宸一口吞下。 Then, in the abdomen of Zi Chen had the flame to burn probably generally, in the body transmitted the severe pain. 接着,紫宸的腹中像是有火焰一般燃烧了起来,身体里传来了久违的剧痛。 Cannot allow Zi Chen to take care here, sees only him to hold an egg again, then runs toward the distant place. 容不得紫宸在这里调理身体,只见他再次抱起一颗蛋,便是向着远处跑去。 He ran this space, at this moment also less than the time of quarter of an hour, therefore Zi Chen saw that only in the big bird of dashing. 他跑出了这片空间,此刻前后还不到一刻钟的时间,所以紫宸又看到了那只在冲撞的大鸟。 This time, he is full of the energy, in addition the side also had spare food, therefore no longer is worried about anything actually. 只是这一次,他充满精力,再加上身边又有了备用的食物,所以倒是不再担心什么。 In the vanguard, Zi Chen discovered speed that oneself run, seemed quicker than before, this makes him be pleasantly surprised. 在前行时,紫宸发现自己奔跑的速度,似乎比以前快了很多,这让他又惊又喜。 The scalding hot feeling in abdomen remains, probably when one group of raging fire are burning, spreads the fierce aching feeling, as if also in calcine Zi Chen physique. 腹中的灼热感依然存在着,像是一团烈火在燃烧,传出剧烈的疼痛感时,仿佛也在煅烧着紫宸体魄 The Zi Chen straight line proceeds to clash, striving to leave that big bird to be farther, but with escaping, Zi Chen discovered oneself actually have not heard that bang the sound. 紫宸直线往前冲,争取离那只大鸟远些,只是随着逃跑,紫宸发现自己竟然没有听到那声嘭的声音。 Hasn't the Thunder Tree protection, why vanished? 雷树守护,为何还没有消失? When Zi Chen then examines, the unexpected discovery, the big bird in field of vision disappears unexpectedly, what replaces it is the woods, are not the cover, has the tall tree to exist. 就在紫宸回头查看的时候,意外的发现,视野之中的大鸟竟然不见了,取而代之的是树林,不算茂密,却有高大的树存在着。 The Zi Chen expression changes. 紫宸的表情不禁一变。 Was own this walks from the space of that blockade? 自己这是从那片封锁的空间里走出来了? That big bird? 那只大鸟呢? Careful in order, Zi Chen hid behind a big tree, is observing cautiously. 小心起见,紫宸躲在了一棵大树后面,小心翼翼的观察着。 That big bird has not appeared, but the scalding hot feeling in Zi Chen abdomen, remains, but might as well be so previously intense. 那只大鸟并未出现,而紫宸腹中的灼热之感,依然存在着,只是不如先前那么强烈。 No. 没有。 Still has not appeared. 依然没有出现。 That is only silly bird or silly chicken general existence, really silly, does not know that own egg did lose? 难道那只傻鸟或者说傻鸡一般的存在,是真的傻,根本不知道自己的蛋都丢失了? Also waited for the moment, still after not being able to see the opposite party, Zi Chen then felt relieved. 又等待了片刻,依然看不到对方之后,紫宸这才放下心来。 ! 呼! He exhales the one breath secretly, then under depends on the big tree to be implicated. 他暗自呼出一口气,然后重新靠着大树旁坐下。 The next quarter, his breath turned very quiet, in his front, has with previously the almost big big bird, is searching the head to visit him, in the eye has curiously. 下一刻,他的呼吸屏住了,就在他的前方,有着跟先前差不多大的大鸟,正探着脑袋看着他,眼中有着好奇。 The Zi Chen complexion immediately changed, where do these are appear? 紫宸的脸色立刻变了,这些是从哪里出现的? The eye rotates fast, has six here, is all staring at him. 眼睛快速转动,足足有着六只在这里,全都盯着他。 Looks at the build, with previously that almost, should also play with fire. 看体型,跟先前那个差不多,应该也都是会玩火的。 Zi Chen then understood, why that only had not previously come out, because here also has. 紫宸这才明白了,为何先前那只没有出来,因为这里还有更多。 What to do? 怎么办? In the Zi Chen mind, the train of thought is pasting fast, is thinking the say/way of escaping reincarnation. 紫宸的脑海之中,思绪在飞快流转,想着逃跑脱生之道。 However the front six big birds, have blocked his all escape routes, his only escaping route retrocedes, rushes to the place that escaped at risk of life. 但是前方的六只大鸟,已经把他所有的退路挡住,他唯一的逃跑路线就是后退,拼死跑到原先逃出来的地方。 Although he himself does not know how oneself is escapes. 尽管他自己不知道,自己是如何逃出来的。 Six big birds are still crooked the head, visits him curiously, in eye curious, not other mood. 六只大鸟依然歪着脑袋,好奇的看着他,眼中只有好奇,并没有其他的情绪。 Zi Chen does not know how long they stared at to look, if according to former that temperament, should close. 紫宸不知道它们盯着自己看多久了,如果按照之前那位的脾气,应该早就一拥而上了。 Or...... 要不…… A thought appears from the Zi Chen mind, sees only his eye to stare, sits there body, straight dropping down. 一个念头从紫宸的脑海中出现,只见他眼睛一瞪,坐在那里的身体,直挺挺的倒下。 Egg that previously stole, but also in tight is hugging, but other hand, was searching with no trace into the bosom, touched the types of that three biggest thunderbolt. 先前偷出来的蛋,还在紧紧的搂着,而另外的一只手,则是不着痕迹的探入了怀中,触摸到了那三颗最大的雷霆之种。 This is three that Thunder Tree gave initially, the volume is also biggest, Zi Chen had not hated to use, previously used was Thunder Tree gave at the request of Han Nu afterward, but has used up completely. 这是当初雷树给的三颗,体积也是最大,紫宸一直没舍得用,先前使用的都是雷树后来在寒女的要求下给的,不过已经全部用完了。 Looks at Zi Chen to drop down, these big birds seem accidental/surprised, walks toward the front, stares Zi Chen of big eye, even more anxious. 看着紫宸倒下,这几只大鸟似乎都很意外,向着前方走了走,瞪大眼睛的紫宸,愈发的紧张。 So long as these big birds go forward to attempt to peck his slightly, it is estimated that the body will present several holes, therefore he must prevent the eventuality. 这些大鸟只要稍稍上前尝试着啄他一下,估计身上就会出现几个窟窿,所以他要防止万一。 Once they continue to approach, Zi Chen will use the final three cards in hand without hesitation. 一旦它们继续靠近,紫宸会毫不犹豫的动用最后的三个底牌。 The accident/surprise in imagination has not appeared, several big birds depended forward, then left. 想象中的意外并没有出现,几只大鸟只是向前靠了靠,然后便是离开了。 Zi Chen relaxing of quietly, he does not dare to be negligent , to continue to lie down there. 紫宸悄悄的松了一口气,他没敢大意,继续躺在那里。 This Spirit World first Saint Spirit did not think that this is the behavior of humiliation, the vision little rotation, is observing all around. 这位灵界的第一圣灵丝毫不觉得这是丢脸的行为,目光一点点的转动,观察着四周。 He noticed that a big bird is seizing anything in the ground in distant place, a moment later -and-a-half meter insects fled, as to fight this big bird, it fled to nip the neck of big bird, the body as if spirit snake general winding on. As if must strangle the opposite party. 他看到一只大鸟在远处的地面上捉着什么,片刻之后一只半米长的虫子窜了出来,似乎想要与这只大鸟搏斗,它窜出来咬中了大鸟的脖子,身体仿佛灵蛇一般缠绕而上。似乎要勒死对方。 But is useless, after one group of flame spout, this insect becomes stiff, fell on the ground, was swallowed by big bird one. 可根本没用,在一团火焰喷出之后,这只虫子就变得僵硬起来,落在了地面,被大鸟一口吞下。 Obviously is the chicken eats the picture of insect, actually so strange. 明显是鸡吃虫的画面,却是如此的诡异。 Zi Chen shocks very much, feels is very ashamed, in this world, his Spirit World first Saint Spirit, a here insect was even inferior. 紫宸很震撼,又感觉很惭愧,在这个世界里,他这个灵界第一圣灵,连这里的一只虫子都不如。 Previous that cool with scalding hot feeling, still in body among, but starts to turn toward all the limbs and bones to spread at present, looks like in Spirit World, swallowing some type can change the anomalous form qualitative big chance to be the same. 先前的那种清凉与灼热之感,依然在身体当中,只是眼下开始向着四肢百骸蔓延,就像是在灵界的时候,吞服了某种可以改变体质的大机缘一样。 Once Cultivation Technique is unable to transfer, therefore can only the waiting of calm this change. 只是曾经的功法无法调动,所以只能静静的等待着这种变化。 movement(s) treated for a long time, unavoidably was somewhat ill, Zi Chen that therefore continued to feign death transferred the body, continued to observe all around. 一个动作待久了,难免有些不适,于是继续装死的紫宸又调转了身体,继续观察着四周。 Here ground, as if hid many insects, but is not eaten passively, but launches the attack on own initiative, then died. 这里的地底,似乎隐藏了不少的虫子,但都不是被动被吃掉的,而是主动发起攻击,然后死掉。 Zi Chen sees clearly, each big bird can spout the flame, but this is also the key that they win, without these flame, they hits with the insect, should be only 55 opens, or is also in an inferior position. 紫宸看得清楚,每一只大鸟都能喷出火焰,而这也是它们致胜的关键,如果没有这些火焰,它们与虫子打起来,应该只是五五开,或者说还处于劣势。 Was inferior including an insect where this does reason things out?” “连一只虫子都不如,这去哪说理去?” Zi Chen continues to transfer the direction, saw that a big bird disappeared in the field of vision suddenly. 紫宸继续调转方向,看到一只大鸟突然就消失在了视野之中。 Is that a space? 那是一片空间? The Zi Chen expression changed, then looks at a big bird, the opposite party after linking was eating three insects, then walks toward the distant place, is walking, then vanished. 紫宸的表情发生了变化,然后又看着一只大鸟,对方在连着吃了三条虫子之后,便是向着远处走去,走着走着,便是消失了。 Also is a different place. 又是一个不同的地方。 Without the bird pays attention to Zi Chen, therefore Zi Chen is also sizing up them, it discovered that these birds have oneself space dwelling, after eating to the full will vanish. 没有鸟注意紫宸,所以紫宸也就在打量着它们,它发现这些鸟都有自己的空间住处,在吃饱了以后就会消失。 At this moment, Zi Chen felt that anger transmitted from the rear area, was actually previously that only consumed the big birds of his many cards in hand to appear, after it came out, the ground trembled, the sharp mouth pecked to the tread, brings the sound of vibration. 就在这时,紫宸感觉到了一股怒意从后方传来,却是先前那只消耗了他许多底牌的大鸟出现了,它出来之后,地面微颤,尖嘴向着地面啄去,带着震动之声。 Immediately two insects fly, killed toward it. 立刻就有两条虫子飞去,向着它杀了过去。 The flame spout, the insect falls to the ground, was eaten by it. 火焰喷涌,虫子落地,被它吃掉。 Originally you were also hungry.” “原来你也饿了。” Zi Chen happen to sees this, but in this time, the opposite party also saw Zi Chen exactly, that look had some changes, seems somewhat curious, but has not come. 紫宸正好看到这一幕,而恰在此时,对方也看到了紫宸,那眼神发生了一些变化,似乎有些好奇,但并没有过来。 Saw me, has not actually come to revenge, what's all this about?” “看到了我,却没有过来报仇,这是怎么回事?” Zi Chen in heart is puzzled, the opposite party has not pursued unexpectedly like the personal enemy, this lets Zi Chen in heart, had a bold idea, there is a bold speculation. 紫宸心中不解,对方竟然没有像仇人一样追上来,这让紫宸心中,生出了一个大胆的想法,也有了一个大胆的推测。 The big bird in this moment field of vision are not many, Zi Chen decided that stands to attempt, if guessed contains errors, that can only escape, perhaps if to become true, oneself had found the method of survival. 此刻视野之中的大鸟已经不多,紫宸决定站起来尝试一下,如果猜测有误,那就只能逃跑,如果成真,或许自己已经找到了生存的方法。 Saw only Zi Chen to stand suddenly, then walked toward the front big bird, was that only has the enmity with him. 只见紫宸忽然站了起来,然后向着前方的大鸟走去,就是那只与他有仇怨的。 The opposite party see Zi Chen to arrive, in the eye brings curiously, has several points of vigilance, but not once violent anger. 对方看到紫宸到来,眼中带着好奇,也有着几分警惕,但并没有曾经的暴怒。 To opposite party also one zhang (3.33 m) times, Zi Chen stopped, pretends calmly walks toward side. 相距对方还有一丈的时候,紫宸停了下来,装作若无其事的向着旁边走去。 Missing that a person of big bird lives in peace with each other. 一人一大鸟就这么相安无事的错过。 Then, Zi Chen moves toward other big birds, what are more is curious, does not have the hostility. 接着,紫宸又走向其他的大鸟,但是更多的还是好奇,并没有敌意。 Definitely is it! 肯定是它! Zi Chen looks at his arms were hugging the white big egg, oneself previously ate uncooked one, will turn into this. 紫宸看了看他怀里搂着的白色大蛋,自己先前就是生吃了一颗,才会变成这样。 Perhaps, under oneself bump into, the body were many unique aura, makes itself them be mistaken as similar, this enabled them not to have the hostility. 或许,自己误打误撞之下,身上多了一股独特的气息,才使得它们把自己误认为是同类,这才使得它们没有了敌意。 Thinks that this possibility, Zi Chen does not know oneself should cry to smile, these chickens also treated as themselves a chicken. 想到这个可能,紫宸不知道自己该哭还是该笑,这些鸡把自己也当做了一只鸡。 Luckily here only then hadn't oneself, been ridiculed otherwise dies? 幸好这里只有自己一个人,要不然还不被嘲笑死? Previous exhausted does not have, Zi Chen felt that own strength grew much, the footsteps were also more flexible. 先前的疲惫早就没了,紫宸感觉自己的力量增长了不少,脚步也灵活了许多。 At this moment, an insect jumps out from ground suddenly, bites toward Zi Chen. 就在这时,一只虫子忽然从地底窜出,向着紫宸咬来。 ! 啪的一声! Zi Chen gives to waste the opposite party directly, in the wrist/skill were also many four pinholes, the blood flowed out, he felt that the arm somewhat tingled with numbness, probably is poisoned. 紫宸直接把对方给打飞,手腕上也多了四个小洞,鲜血从中流出,他感觉手臂有些发麻,像是中了毒。 Mother, if really the same as these chickens, can play with fire is good.” “娘的,要是真跟那些鸡一样,能玩火就好了。” In this moment, Zi Chen cursed one secretly, facing so the living environment, he did not mind that has an ability of chicken. 在这一刻,紫宸暗自咒骂了一句,面对如此生存环境,他不介意拥有一只鸡的能力。 In another place of different world, a benign countenance monk, holds their palms together, a face mercy, Amitabha, Buddha is not willing to kill you, you actually die because of Buddha, the heaven has care for all living things, wishing you to have the infinite reward for good works next life, fine.” 在异世的另外一处地方,一个慈眉善目的和尚,双手合十,一脸慈悲,“阿弥陀佛,佛不愿杀你,你却因佛而死,上天有好生之德,愿你来生有无穷善报,善哉善哉。” This young monk gathers ten again, read aloud buddhist chant. 这个年轻的和尚再次合十,诵了一声佛号 Then, he grasps a golden yellow rabbit meat, eats to the heart's content. 接着,他抓起一只金黄兔肉,大快朵颐。
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