TM :: Volume #43

#4242: Ability

Retreat that Zi Chen has a lingering fear, but in his front, illusory Thunder Tree appears, is stranded the big bird in among. 紫宸心有余悸的后退,而在他的前方,一株虚幻雷树显现,把大鸟困在当中 This is the Zi Chen beforehand protection, at present becomes the shackles of big bird. 这是紫宸之前的守护,眼下成为了大鸟的牢笼。 The body of big bird is still releasing the flame, the high temperature of that terrifying has the light of impediment Thunder Tree even, Zi Chen can still feel intensely. 大鸟的身体还在释放着火焰,那恐怖的高温即便有着雷树之光阻隔,紫宸依然能够强烈的感受到。 But Zi Chen at this moment, in the hand with the face on is black black, the clothes are also braving the black smoke, if previously did not respond promptly, perhaps he has died. 而此刻的紫宸,手上与脸上都是黢黑,衣服也在冒着黑烟,如果不是先前反应及时,说不定他已经死了。 Is away from Thunder Tree, he looks at Fire Bird, guessed secretly the opposite party this was compelled anxiously. 隔着雷树,他看着火鸟,暗自猜测对方这是不是被逼急。 Simultaneous development another use of thunderbolt seed, makes Zi Chen very accidental/surprised. 同时开发出了雷霆种子的另外一个用途,也让紫宸很意外。 No. 没有。 The opposite party can also act freely , to continue to dash Thunder Tree, is not the suicide. 对方还能自如的行动,继续冲撞着雷树,不是自杀。 Damn, actually this is what monster!” “该死,这究竟是什么怪物!” Zi Chen cursed one, turned around to run. 紫宸咒骂一声,转身就跑。 According to the previous estimate, this illusory Thunder Tree should be able to maintain the quarter of an hour the time, in this moment bell, he has the confidence to run away from here. 按照先前的估算,这株虚幻雷树应该能够维持一刻钟的时间,在这一刻钟里,他有信心从这里跑掉。 Is so dangerous, how then should survive?” “这么危险,接下来该如何生存?” Zi Chen in heart had worried, now let alone looks to eat, nearly eaten killing. 紫宸心中有了担忧,现在别说找吃的,险些被吃的给干掉。 Moreover is a chicken. 而且还是一只鸡。 Where does this reason things out? 这去哪里说理去? Luckily...... 幸好…… Zi Chen thinks the type of thunderbolt, had rescued his life twice. 紫宸想到了雷霆之种,已经两次救了他的命。 He is also thinking the maintaining life method are many, has not thought just arrived here to consume two. 原先他还想着保命手段很多,可没想到刚到这里就消耗了两个。 Zi Chen dashes about wildly, the ear bank is the howling wind sound/rumor, he only wants to flee this place. 紫宸一路狂奔,耳畔是呼啸的风声,他只想逃离此地。 The big bird hits the Thunder Tree sound gradually to go far away, this makes Zi Chen feel relieved, had the time cushion of quarter of an hour, believes oneself can definitely get rid of this big bird. 大鸟撞击雷树的声音逐渐远去,这让紫宸放下心来,有了一刻钟的时间缓冲,相信自己肯定能够摆脱这只大鸟。 Quick, Zi Chen discovered that collision sound was also near. 只是很快,紫宸发现那碰撞声又近了。 When he thinks that is misunderstand, suddenly is on the rise, discovered that Thunder Tree in front not far away, the big bird has collected flame, is dashing time and time again Thunder Tree. 就在他以为是不是自己听错的时候,猛然一个抬头,发现雷树就在前方不远处,大鸟已经敛去了身上的火焰,一次又一次的冲撞着雷树 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Zi Chen was scared, oneself are running in a direction obviously, now comes back? 紫宸傻眼了,自己明明是在朝着一个方向跑的,现在怎么又回来了? Does not manage!” “不管了!” He continues to run forward, but overflowed a meeting, once again ran up to same place. 他继续向前跑去,只是没过一会,又一次跑到了原地。 Bang! 嘭的一声! At this moment, the big bird broke through the protection of Thunder Tree, a ray diverges, the big bird went forward self-effacingly a section of road. 恰在这时,大鸟冲破了雷树的守护,点点光芒散去,大鸟摇头晃脑的前进了一段路。 Zi Chen turns around, runs in another direction. 紫宸转身,向着另外一个方向跑去。 The big bird pursued tirelessly . Moreover the speed does not reduce, because actually Zi Chen consumes big, the speed might as well previously. 大鸟不知疲倦的追了上来,而且速度一点都不减,倒是紫宸因为消耗不小,速度不如先前。 Running time, Zi Chen intends to examine in all around, wants to look for certain frames of reference. 奔跑的时候,紫宸有意在四周查看,想要找一找某些参照物。 After resorting to the third maintaining life method, Zi Chen determined finally a fact, he was stranded in a space, but this space only then he with this big bird. 在动用第三个保命手段之后,紫宸终于确定了一件事实,他被困在了一片空间里,而这片空间只有他跟这只大鸟。 In this period he tried many methods, is unable to walk from this space, where bonded as for the space wall, Zi Chen is unable the sensation. 期间他尝试了很多方法,都无法从这片空间走出去,至于空间壁障在什么地方,紫宸也无法感知到。 I must be stranded here, until death?” “难道我要困在这里,直到死亡?” Exhausted Zi Chen, somewhat helpless is thinking, „, moreover by a chicken killing?” 已经筋疲力尽的紫宸,有些无奈的想着,“而且还是被一只鸡给杀死的?” Here died, Zi Chen does not know that can come back to life in Sky Martial Continent, it is estimated that this possibility is not big. 在这里死去,紫宸不知道能不能在天武大陆复生,估计这种可能性并不大。 But was killed by a chicken, this was also too aggrieved. 但被一只鸡杀死,这也太憋屈了。 The good and evil he is also Holy Spirit World first Saint Spirit, existence of battle strength Wushuang/peerless. 好歹他也是圣灵界第一圣灵,战力无双的存在。 If he does not even go on living, asked that who can also survive during the different world? 而且如果连他都活不下去,试问谁还能在异世之中存活下来? This chicken was too fearful, even if this is not a close space, both meet Zi Chen has not possibly lived absolutely. 这只鸡太可怕了,哪怕这不是一个封闭的空间,两者相遇紫宸也绝对没可能活下来。 Others are more impossible, without maintaining life method, has died. 其他人更不可能,在没有保命手段的情况下,早就死了。 This where is the different world, clearly is destroy world! 这哪里是异世,分明是灭世 Here we go again!” “又来了!” Looks at the front to break through the Thunder Tree big bird, Zi Chen sighs woefully, can only continue to travel. 看着前方冲破雷树的大鸟,紫宸哀叹一声,只能继续跑路。 Although does not have any seasoning, but rabbit meat flavor firmly also good, at two people of capacity for food, ate half, the other half can also eat again. 虽然没有任何的佐料,但兔肉的味道确也不错,以二人的饭量,也只是吃掉了一半,余下的一半还能再吃一顿。 Mo Yichan stood up, extends one to stretch, he looked the wound on own arm, has scarred, he showed a faint smile, said: Seemed like the wound well many.” 魔忆颤站起身来,伸了一个懒腰,他看了看自己手臂上的伤口,已经结疤,他微微一笑,道:“看起来伤口好了不少。” He grasped the fist, strength was also raised probably.” 他又握了握拳头,“力量好像也提升了一些。” Mo Yiyan nods, after eating the rabbit meat, he also has this feeling. 魔忆烟点了点头,吃过兔肉之后他也有这种感觉。 Walks, we go to the next place, could find others, in this place, the obvious person can survive.” “走,我们去下一个地方,或许能够找到其他人,在这种地方,明显人多才能生存下去。” Mo Yichan took up the remaining half of rabbit meat, two people walk in some direction. 魔忆颤拿起了剩下的一半兔肉,二人向着某个方向走去。 The Saint Thunder Clan person comes in large numbers, but these people have not gathered in together, is mostly at ease. 圣雷族的人大批的进来,但那些人并没有汇聚在一起,大多都是闲散的。 Lei De/thunder earth Holy Venerable at present is a person, the people but who he arrives at this place with other are different, arrived here Holy Venerable including these. 雷地圣尊眼下就是一个人,但他跟其他来到此地的人都不一样,包括那些来到这里的圣尊 He who arrives at this world, although received intense suppress, but does not have the strength to transfer. 来到这个世界的他,虽然受到了强烈的压制,但是也并非没有力量可以调动。 Moreover with his advance, among Heaven and Earth is to then have an inexplicable strength, entered his within the body, is improving his body. 而且随着他的前进,天地间便是有着一股莫名的力量,进入了他的体内,改善着他的身体。 Detected that this change Lei De/thunder earth, smiled, some actually meanings.” 察觉到这种变化的雷地,微笑了起来,“倒是有些意思。” He stretches out the palm, careful looks, had the invisible strength to enter in the palms, then entered within the body. 他伸出手掌,仔细的看着,有无形的力量进入到了手掌间,然后进入了体内。 His strength is growing stronger, although this growth is very pale, still by the Lei De/thunder earth clear sensation. 他的力量在增强着,尽管这种增长很淡,依然被雷地清晰的感知到。 The together/one path black shadow, is pasting the line, it seems very careful, an eye withstand/top is standing there motionless Lei De/thunder earth. 一道黑色的影子,正贴地而行,它显得十分小心,一双眼睛则是顶着站在那里一动不动的雷地 both sides are getting more and more near, Lei De/thunder earth still has not detected unusuality in secret. 双方越来越近,雷地依然没有察觉到暗中的异常。 Gradual was nearer, to can initiate the distance of attack. 逐渐的更近了,到了可以发起攻击的距离了。 In the eye of shadow flashes through wipes cruelly, catches up suddenly, directly soars Lei De/thunder earth to go like the together/one path black lightning. 黑影的眼中闪过一抹残忍,猛然发力,如同一道黑色闪电直奔雷地而去。 This is a black hyena, the tooth is sharp and cold and gloomy, the goal is the neck of Lei De/thunder earth. 这是一只黑色的鬣狗,牙齿锋利而森冷,目标是雷地的脖子。 Also does not see Lei De/thunder earth to have any movement(s), the together/one path extremely pale ray appears from him, then the hyena felt oneself as if hit on a wall. 也不见雷地有任何动作,一道极淡的光芒从他身上出现,接着鬣狗感觉自己仿佛撞在了一堵墙上。 Is receiving that moment of preventing, the hyena stretched out the claw, its claw like the real weapon, rules out toward the front. 在受到阻挡的那一刻,鬣狗又伸出了爪子,它的爪子如同真实的兵器,向着前方划去。 In the air brings the organing that is cutting, falls, in the front erupts to make a debut sparks. 空气中带着切割开来的啸音,落在前方爆发出道道的火星 At this moment, the ground trembles, a seat earth yellow pointed cone ascends from the ground, pricked the body of hyena, passes through from its abdomen completely. 就在这时,地面震颤,一根土黄色的尖锥从地面升腾而出,刺入了鬣狗的身体,完全从它的腹部贯穿。 Lei De/thunder earth then turns head, looked at hyena one, this place, some actually meanings.” 雷地这才回过头来,看了鬣狗一眼,“这个地方,倒是有些意思。” The pointed cone vanishes, the hyena falls to the ground, Lei De/thunder earth stand forth. 尖锥消失,鬣狗落地,雷地向前走去。 Walked roughly ten steps, Lei De/thunder earth suddenly walked, his squatting down body in hyena fumble, found a crystal in its abdomen a moment later. 走了约莫有十步,雷地忽然又走了过来,他蹲下身体在鬣狗身上一阵摸索,片刻之后在其腹部找到了一块结晶。 The crystallization is releasing the shining ray, extremely dazzling. 结晶释放着灿灿的光芒,极其的耀眼。 „Is this rule of this world?” “这就是这个世界的规则?” Lei De/thunder earth looks at the crystallization, low mumble said: Can strengthen the strength the thing?” 雷地看着结晶,低喃道:“是能增强力量的东西?” His Mind Power moves, sees only the crystallization disruption, ray of light glow entered his body among. 意念一动,只见结晶碎裂,一道光芒进入了他的身体当中 The next quarter, Lei De/thunder earth puts out a hand, sees only his nail to grow immediately, firmly like weapon. 下一刻,雷地伸手,只见他的指甲立刻生长出来,坚固如兵器。 Mind Power moves again, the nail vanishes does not see. 意念再动,指甲消失不见。 In this moment, Lei De/thunder earth obviously felt he were many a ability. 在这一刻,雷地明显感觉到自身多了一种能力。 The nail can turn into the weapon, looks like the previous hyena to be the same. 指甲可以变成兵器,就像是先前的鬣狗一样。 Carves the insect small technique.” “雕虫小技。” He snort/hum, in the eye disdained, the nail that grows completely, immediately changes to the ray to vanish, the previous ability became the pure strength, by his body absorption. 他哼了一声,眼中满是不屑,成长出来的指甲,立刻化作光芒消失,先前的能力变成了纯粹的力量,被他的身体吸收。 Xue Wu, you, do not use slowly such quickly.” 雪无,你慢点,不用这么快。” A small beast before, a middle-aged person , a beast person goes forward, opening access, is very natural during this different world. 一只小兽在前,一个中年人在后,一兽一人向前而去,畅通无阻,在这异世之中很潇洒。 Met some lives along the way, looks at both, actually can only look to sigh. 沿途遇到了一些生灵,看着两者,却只能望而兴叹。 Because this person of beast, was separated from the attraction of land completely, flies high the line, imitating, if the Celestial is common. 因为这一人一兽,完全脱离了大地的引力,凌空而行,仿若天人一般。 This place also is really good, does not know that they can obtain what advantage since then.” “这个地方还真是不错啊,就是不知道他们能从此地得到什么好处。” The middle-aged people smile lightly, in his field of vision, has many people to survive, but trying hard. 中年人淡淡一笑,在他视野之中,有着不少人都在为了生存而努力 If he so has the strength of flying since birth, almost no. 如他这般生来就有飞空之力的,几乎没有。 Looks at walked away Xue Wu, the middle-aged person continues saying: Although no one can exist the sensation to us here, but also is more careful, made the mistake not by any means.” 看着已经走远的雪无,中年人继续说道:“虽说在这里无人能够感知到我们存在,但是也要小心一些,切莫出了差错。” Xue Wu speed slow, then looks at the middle-aged person, seems like requesting anything, that small look seems somewhat pitiful. 雪无的速度慢了下来,回头看着中年人,似乎是在请求什么,那小眼神显得有些可怜。 The middle-aged people shake the head saying: Seeing is impossible, does not even think about it, this time can come to here to step onto, your I should also be content.” 中年人摇头说道:“见是不可能的,想都不要想,此次能来这里走上一趟,你我也该知足了。” Ended, ended, these really must die time here.” “完了,完了,这一次真要死在这里了。” Zi Chen is exhausted, but that big bird as if there is strength of not being able to be consuming, types of the thunderbolt consume, should distressed Zi Chen actually unable to attend. 紫宸早已筋疲力尽,但是那只大鸟却仿佛拥有着消耗不完的力量,一个又一个雷霆之种消耗掉,本该痛心的紫宸却早已顾不上。 The big bird pursued once again. 大鸟又一次追来了。 Zi Chen helpless is escaping, must be caught up shortly, uses the type of thunderbolt again, this he has not gone to the trapped/sleepy opposite party time, but protected oneself. 紫宸无奈的逃跑着,眼看着就要被追上,再次动用雷霆之种,这一次他没有去困对方,而是把自己守护了起来。 Then Zi Chen sat, the big mouth respite, strives to restore some strengths as soon as possible. 接着紫宸坐了下来,大口喘息,争取尽快恢复一些力量。 Is away from the protection, he looks at that big bird, my can Zi Chen die here?” 隔着守护,他看着那只大鸟,“难道我紫宸就要死在这里了?” Why won't it feel exhausted? Isn't hungry?” “它为什么不会感到疲惫?不饿吗?” It is like me, was stranded in this place, our two can die?” “难道它跟我一样,也被困在了此地,我们两个必须要死上一个?” If so, that death definitely was I.” “如果是这样,那死的肯定是我了。” Has the strength of not being able to be consuming, the flame that the body can emit the terrifying, Zi Chen does not want to give up like this, but had not found the method of instead killing the opposite party. 拥有着消耗不完的力量,身上又能冒出恐怖的火焰,紫宸不想就这样放弃,但是也没有找到反杀对方的方法。 Let alone the weapon, a stone did not have. 别说兵器了,就连一块石头都没有。 In an instant, to the quarter of an hour, defended shortly in imminent danger, Zi Chen turns around to run from another direction. Bang, Zi Chen behind protection was shattered, the big bird flushed once again. 转眼间,又到了一刻钟,眼看着防御岌岌可危,紫宸转身从另外一个方向跑去。嘭的一声,紫宸身后的守护破碎,大鸟又一次冲了过来。 Zi Chen can only continue to run, his maintaining life method unceasing was being consumed, but ran here back and forth was very long, had not found the exit|to speak. 紫宸只能继续跑下去,他的保命手段不断的被消耗着,但在这里来来回回的跑了很久,都没有找到出口。 Zi Chen puts out a hand to turn toward in the bosom to touch, shouted one is not wonderful secretly, actually only remained the last protection. 紫宸伸手向着怀中一摸,暗呼一声不妙,竟然只剩最后一个守护。 Other three, before are Thunder Tree, gives. 其余的三个,是雷树之前给的。 Zi Chen turns head suddenly, saw that the big bird has approached, as if arrived at angry extreme limit, it that approaches used the flame directly. 紫宸猛然间一个回头,看到大鸟已经临近,似乎到达了愤怒的极限,临近的它直接动用了火焰。 Zi Chen putting out finally together/one path protection without hesitation, after the use, Thunder Tree appears, protected both completely. 紫宸毫不犹豫的拿出最后一道守护,动用之后,雷树出现,把两者全部守护了起来。 Then, Zi Chen retrocedes immediately, withdrew from the range of protection smoothly. 接着,紫宸立刻后退,顺利的退出了守护的范围。 At this moment, Zi Chen discovered that the front big bird disappears, oneself arrived in another space, here has no vegetation, only one group of weeds, but above weed, calm is placing three white eggs. 就在这时,紫宸发现前方的大鸟不见了,自己到了另外一个空间里,这里没有任何植被,唯有一团杂草,而在杂草之上,静静的摆放着三颗白色的蛋。
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