TM :: Volume #43

#4241: Initially enters the different world

Zi Chen entered space passage, arrived in the different world, the conscientious feeling appeared, stands in the ground. 紫宸进入了空间通道,来到了异世之中,脚踏实地的感觉出现,站在了地面上。 He filled was vigilant and curious, is sizing up all around. 他充满了警惕与好奇,打量着四周。 Here was green grass place, the green grass just overflowed the foot highly bare, his eyes can see the end, no danger. 这里是一片青草地,青草高度刚刚没过脚裸,他一眼可以看到尽头,没什么危险。 Is feeling itself, without other unusual, but also is good, Zi Chen in heart is thinking secretly. 感受着自身,没有其他异常,还不错,紫宸心中暗自想着。 At this moment, among Heaven and Earth presented a pressure suddenly, this pressure raids instantaneously, looks like storm, fell on the body of Zi Chen. 就在这时,天地间忽然出现了一股压力,这股压力瞬间袭来,就像是一股风暴,落在了紫宸的身上。 The breath of Zi Chen presses, to get down consciousness to knee down, this pressure comes quickly, gone also quick, in an instant vanishes does not see. 紫宸的呼吸一促,下意识单膝跪地,这股压力来得快,去的也快,转眼间消失不见。 In the Zi Chen suspicion has the danger arrives, suddenly the discovery the powerful strength vanishes to disappear. 就在紫宸怀疑是不是有危险降临之时,突然发现身上强大的力量消失不见了。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” The Zi Chen complexion changes, he of standing up looks to all around, anything does not have. 紫宸的脸色不禁一变,站起身来的他看向四周,什么都没有。 But his strength actually really disappears. 但他的力量却真的不见了。 Who can win the strength by wind? 试问,谁能凭借一股风把力量夺走? No one can achieve. 没有人能够做到。 Only bright! 唯有神! World only has this ability brightly. 世间唯有神才有这种能力。 Here god is not God Clan, but is the meaning of control. 这里的神不是神族,而是主宰的意思。 Zi Chen is the Sky Martial world's control, in his Sky Martial world, he can use a thought that eliminates all strengths of person, making him the average person. 紫宸天武世界的主宰,在他的天武世界中,他可以动用一个念头,剥夺一个人的所有力量,让他成为普通人。 But this also limited, will not eliminate permanently. 但这也是有限度的,不会永久剥夺。 Once leaves his world, that existing strength will recover. 一旦离开他的世界,那个存在的力量就会恢复。 In addition, Zi Chen can eliminate is also only the strength that low rank has, since he can eliminate the strength of opposite party, is capable of killing him in being moved. 除此之外,紫宸能够剥夺的也只是低等级存在的力量,他既然能够剥夺对方的力量,就有能力在动念之间杀死他。 Therefore this ability is seemingly powerful, actually no use. 所以这个能力看似强大,实则没什么用处。 But now, his strength did not have. 可是现在,他的力量没了。 Zi Chen self-examines even Holy Venerable, in own world, impossible relaxed to eliminate own strength. 紫宸自问就算是一位圣尊,待在自己的世界里,也不可能轻松之间剥夺自己的力量。 Who is that? 那是谁? A thought that kept him from believing appears. 一个让他无法相信的念头出现了。 Is this world's control? Moreover his can Realm go far beyond powerful Holy Venerable? 难道是这个世界的主宰?而且他的境界要远远超过强大的圣尊 When the Zi Chen heart exudes the whisper, all Saint Spirit that arrives at this world, all had the similar situation immediately. 就在紫宸心头泛起嘀咕的时候,所有来到这个世界的圣灵们,全都在第一时间出现了同样的情况。 After an inexplicable pressure, everyone lost to the sensation of strength, turned into an average person. 在一股莫名的压力之后,所有人都失去了对力量的感知,变成了一个普通人。 This also includes these to come here Holy Venerable. 这也包括那些来到这里的圣尊们。 Comes compared with these flurried average people, these Holy Venerable expressions are calm. 只是比起那些慌乱的普通人来,这些圣尊们的表情还算镇定。 These Saint Spirit were scared, they once have the powerful strength, each can flying through the skies or escaping through the ground expert, actually turn into the average person at present, this huge dropping variance, making them very startled. 那些圣灵们都傻眼了,他们曾经拥有着强大的力量,各个都是可以飞天遁地强者,眼下却是变成了普通人,这种巨大的落差,让他们很是惊慌。 Because their among has exists has not felt the life of average person, has existence of strength since birth. 因为他们当中有着许多存在都没有感受过普通人的生活,生来就是拥有力量的存在。 Mo Yiyan and Mo Yichan go, is the hand shakes hand, therefore two people appeared in one, Mo Di as well as Mo Yan Shan Zuo and the others, where did not know. 魔忆烟魔忆颤进去的时候,是手拉着手的,所以二人出现在了一起,魔迪以及魔严单佐等人,不知去了哪里。 At present suddenly does not have the strength, Mo Yiyan to feel no use immediately, she is that inborn proud child, a birth was the talent, from infancy to maturity the side often was accompanied by the expert protection, never like today. 眼下突然没了力量,魔忆烟立刻感到无助起来,她是那种天生的骄子,一出生就是天才,从小到大身边时常伴有强者守护,从来没有像今天这样。 Now became the average person, she feared that is the basic life is unable to achieve continually. 现在成了普通人,她怕是连基本的生活都无法做到。 It looks like a normal person, suddenly became the blind person to be the same. 就像是一个正常人,突然就成了瞎子一样。 Mo Yichan comforts to say with a smile: All right, does not use anxiously, even if became the average person, we are still capable of surviving. If nothing else, at least the survival skill I understood.” 魔忆颤笑着安慰道:“没事,不用紧张,即便成了普通人,我们也有能力生存下去。别的不说,最起码生存技巧我还是懂得。” Speech at the same time, the Mo Yichan vision is taking a fast look around all around, obviously has not relaxed vigilantly. 说话的同时,魔忆颤目光扫视着四周,显然不曾放松警惕。 Turned into the average person, comes one to exist casually powerful, can the destruction their two. 变成了普通人,随随便便来一个强大存在,都能覆灭他们两个。 „Doesn't Spirit World have a proverb to be called the man work and women weave cloth? Perhaps following we, but also has met on a period of such life.” 灵界不是有句俗语叫做男耕女织吗?或许接下来的我们,还会过上一段这样的生活。” Mo Yichan still relaxed saying: This life is extremely rare, perhaps the life only has one time.” 魔忆颤依然轻松的说道:“这种生活可是极其难得的,或许此生只有一次。” Similar situation unceasing is performing, after is flurriedly no use, everyone acted, first condition actually not for the chance of this place, but how to survive as mortal. 类似的情况不断的在上演,在慌乱无助之后,所有人都行动了起来,首要条件倒不是为了此地的机缘,而是如何以凡人的身份生存下去。 Zi Chen should be rare the person who can adapt to this aspect, experiences him to have like this, moreover before arriving here, Zhong Hao and the others have also said that therefore had the preparation. 紫宸应该是少有的可以适应这种局面的人,这样的经历他有过,而且来到这里之前,重昊等人也说过,所以算是有了心理准备。 Actually no matter in the different world is anything, so long as can live the adaptation, will have the harvest. 不管异世里究竟是什么,只要能够活着适应,就会有收获。 Zi Chen at this moment, thought how to adapt, in Ka Ta World, gradually adapts to him in that world, then had the soul strength. 此刻的紫宸,想的就是如何适应,在卡塔界的时候,逐渐适应那个世界的他,便是拥有了魂力。 Before the adaptation, Zi Chen must understand itself. 在适应之前,紫宸必须要了解一下自己。 He put out a hand to search into the bosom, discovered the thing that Thunder Tree gave remains, in addition once weapon and storage space vanished completely does not see. 他伸手探入了怀中,发现了雷树给的东西依然存在,除此之外曾经的兵器以及储物空间全部都消失不见。 Luckily. 幸好。 Zi Chen somewhat rejoiced, comes compared with others, oneself have the thing of maintaining life at least. 紫宸有些庆幸,比起其他人来,自己最起码还有保命的东西。 While rejoicing, Zi Chen also in curious, actually Thunder Tree is existence of what rank, maintaining life thing that it gives, in different world unexpectedly also useful. 在庆幸的同时,紫宸也在好奇,雷树究竟是什么级别的存在,它给的保命东西,在异世竟然也有用。 It is not able to fly, Zi Chen stands on tiptoes the tip of the toe to look to all around, here is vast green grass place, still anything had not discovered, this to him is also a good deed, at least does not need to be worried to survive, as for the Holy Venerable chance of this place, does not need to worry actually. 无法飞行,紫宸踮起脚尖看向四周,这里是一片一望无际的青草地,依然什么都没有发现,这对他来说也是一件好事,最起码不用担心生存,至于此地的圣尊机缘,倒是不用太着急。 Presently the Zi Chen decision first looks eats, actually is not quite at present hungry, but how the life of his very clear mortal is. 当前紫宸决定先找些吃的,目前倒是不太饿,可他很清楚一个凡人的生活是怎么样的。 Eating is the most important important matter, looking like same in Ka Ta World initially, assigning/life the soul fruit is all, if this world is also like Ka Ta World, Zi Chen also had the confidence. 吃是首要的大事,就像是当初在卡塔界一样,命魂果就是一切,如果这个世界也跟卡塔界一样,紫宸也就更有信心了。 Zi Chen walks toward the front, is examining all around some situations, can look while convenient eats. 紫宸向着前方走去,查看着四周的一些情况,顺便也能找些吃的。 Suddenly, Zi Chen thinks an issue, smiled, „, if here has the chicken, can stress one to come actually, the rabbit is also good.” 忽然,紫宸想到了一个问题,不禁笑了起来,“如果这里有鸡的话,倒是可以抓一只来,兔子也行。” He remembered once years, that remote almost forgotten years. 他想起了曾经的岁月,那个遥远的几乎被遗忘的岁月。 How did not know everyone, but facing this aspect, the survival should no issue.” “也不知道大家都怎么样了,不过面对这种局面,生存应该没什么问题。” Zi Chen thinks these friends, the mood has not become worse, everyone almost from walks at first, the basic life general knowledge has. 紫宸想到了那些朋友们,心情并没有变差,大家几乎都是从最初走过来的,基本的生活常识都还是有的。 Suddenly, Zi Chen hears the sound that the land vibrated, in that moment that he raised the head, a big bird appeared in the Zi Chen field of vision. 忽然,紫宸听到了大地震动的声音,就在他抬头的那一刻,一只大鸟出现在了紫宸的视野之中。 It has person of high fully, treads the line, the ground is vibrating. 它足有一人高,踏地而行,地面都在震动。 „Is this...... a chicken?” “这是……一只鸡?” The eye of Zi Chen stares suddenly perfectly round, unbelievable is looking at the front. 紫宸的眼睛忽然瞪得滚圆,难以置信的望着前方。 At this moment, on a dangerous feeling seat Zi Chen heart, although has become the average person, but remains to the sensation of danger. 就在这时,一股危险的感觉席上了紫宸的心头,虽然已经成为了普通人,但是对危险的感知还存在着。 Under him the tumbling of consciousness, the big bird like big stone that howls together, from the Zi Chen side. 他下意识的翻滚,大鸟如同一块呼啸的大石,从紫宸身边而过。 The body tumbled one side, Zi Chen had a lingering fear then looks at that big bird or is the lifeform of chicken, at that moment, he nearly was previously knocked down, looks at that power and influence, perhaps he will be killed instantaneously. 身体翻滚到了一侧,紫宸心有余悸的回头看着那只大鸟或者说是鸡的生物,先前那一刻,他险些被撞倒,看那威势,他恐怕会在瞬间被撞死。 How to have such lifeform?” “怎么会有这样的生物?” Zi Chen is tumbling immediately setting out, then rapid retreat. 紫宸立刻翻滚着起身,然后迅速的后退。 Front that big bird turns around, an eye stubbornly is staring at Zi Chen, Zi Chen this time was looks, this indeed was a chicken. 前方那只大鸟转过身来,一双眼睛死死的盯着紫宸,紫宸这一次算是看出来了,这的确是一只鸡。 But this build was too rather big, enough one person of high, this is only most common poultry nothing more. 但这个体型未免太大了些,足足一人高,这只是最为普通的家禽而已 Actually is this what world? 这究竟是一个什么样的世界? The big bird is crooked the head to look at Zi Chen, in the eye has curiously, as if this inexplicable intruder, regarded the toys. 大鸟歪着脑袋看着紫宸,眼中有着好奇,似乎把这个莫名的闯入者,当成了玩物。 Sees only it to approach again, the speed is extremely fast, was almost suddenly, arrived in front of Zi Chen. 只见它再次临近,速度极快,几乎是眨眼间,就到了紫宸面前。 Zi Chen tumbles again is evading strikes. 紫宸再次翻滚着躲过一击。 So back and forth several times, although evaded several attacks of big bird, but he is also more and more heart startled, the strength of this big bird was too strong, even if has him of Nine Stars strength, is still not necessarily able to resist. 如此来来回回数次,虽然堪堪的躲过了大鸟的几次攻击,但他也是越来越心惊,这只大鸟的力量太强了,就算是拥有九星力量的他,也未必能够对抗。 Moreover to the present, the opposite party still displayed the appearance that plays. 而且到了现在,对方依然表现出玩耍的样子来。 Repeatedly several times, the opposite party seemed so greasy, this sudden acceleration, the speed may quickly. 如此反复数次,对方似乎腻了,这一次突然加速,速度更快可。 Bang! 嘭的一声! Zi Chen these moves aside time, the powerful strength shakes, raised directly flies Zi Chen, the Zi Chen feeling body of landing must break. 紫宸这一次躲闪不及,强大的力量震荡,直接掀飞了紫宸,落地的紫宸感觉身体都要散架。 This was is only scratched a shoulder, how to hit the chest directly, the consequence does not dare to conceive. 这只是被擦了一个肩膀,如何直接击中胸膛,后果不敢设想。 He suppresses the ache that the body is transmitting, immediately tumbles several, just turned over/stood up, big bird then. 他强忍着身体传来的疼痛,立刻翻滚了几圈,刚刚翻身而起,大鸟便是到了。 Evades not to be possible to evade. 避无可避。 Must run upon shortly, under Zi Chen consciousness puts out type of one thunderbolt. 眼看着就要被撞上,紫宸意识的拿出一个雷霆之种来。 In an instant, a Thunder Tree light shadow appears from the front, protected Zi Chen in among. 转眼之间,一棵雷树的光影从前方出现,把紫宸护在了当中 Of bang shakes greatly! 轰的一声巨震! The big bird hit above Thunder Tree, as Thunder Tree swayed, the big bird was shaken draws back. 大鸟撞在了雷树之上,随着雷树摇晃,大鸟被震退。 Zi Chen was being protected by Thunder Tree, fearful looks at the front, initially this place, met so dangerous existence unexpectedly, if no maintaining life method, previously at that moment he perhaps died. 紫宸雷树守护着,心有余悸的看着前方,初来此地,竟然就遇上了这般危险的存在,如果不是有保命手段,先前那一刻他说不定就死了。 Before had not been worried that Zi Chen of partners, was sad. 之前还不怎么担心伙伴们的紫宸,不禁忧愁起来。 Without thunderbolt they, how can also evade such attack? 没有雷霆之种的他们,又如何能够躲过这样的攻击? The big bird has not given up, is still hitting Thunder Tree, moreover this Thunder Tree as if only then the defense function, does not have the method of active offense. 大鸟还未放弃,依然在撞击着雷树,而且这株雷树似乎只有防御作用,没有主动攻击的手段。 Continues, is not the means that Zi Chen looked at a big bird, the expression started to hesitate. 这么持续下去,也不是办法,紫宸看了一眼大鸟,表情开始犹豫着。 A moment later, looks at Thunder Tree in imminent danger, Zi Chen clenches teeth fiercely, after the big bird was shaken once again draws back, sees only Zi Chen immediately to jump, turns from the big bird top of the head forcefully leaps, fell on conducting the back of opposite party. 片刻之后,看着岌岌可危的雷树,紫宸猛一咬牙,就在大鸟又一次被震退之后,只见紫宸立刻纵身而起,强行从大鸟头顶翻跃而过,落在了对方的背上。 Could tame. 或许可以驯服。 This is the idea of Zi Chen. 这就是紫宸的想法。 The big bird starts to struggle, but Zi Chen stubbornly holds its pair of wings, was not fallen by oneself. 大鸟开始挣扎起来,但紫宸死死的抓住它的双翼,不让自己掉下来。 The next quarter, the big bird stopped. 下一刻,大鸟停顿了。 Was this successful? 这是成功了? Zi Chen in heart moves. 紫宸心中一动。 Then, an expression with amazement appears from the Zi Chen eye, sees only the body of big bird, suddenly since combustion flame. 接着,一股骇然的表情从紫宸眼中显现而出,只见大鸟的身上,忽然燃烧起了火焰。 The flaming roaring flame, has the intense high temperature, gushes out from big bird within the body, toward Zi Chen. 熊熊的烈焰,带着强烈的高温,从大鸟体内涌出,向着紫宸而来。 The flame ascends, the intermittent meat spreads fragrant, Mo Yichan is putting up the fire to roast one to be close to one meter rabbit. 火焰升腾,阵阵的肉香传出,魔忆颤正在架火烤着一只接近一米的兔子。 Mo Yichan looks at scar on his body and arm, in the eye has wipes to be fond. 魔忆颤看着他身上以及手臂上的伤痕,眼中不禁有着一抹疼惜。 Previously two people looked to eat, met such a saw only the white rabbit that the person did not run, Mo Yichan said that had food. 先前二人去找吃的,遇见了这么一只见人都不跑的白兔,魔忆颤说有食物了。 At that time Mo Yiyan looked that it was very clever, some were not cruel enough to eat, its strength was never expected that enormous, Mo Yichan person of basic suppress continuously, finally she used the stone to pound ruthlessly to the head of opposite party, under first even/including dozen fainted deadly in the past. 那时魔忆烟看它很乖巧,有些不忍心吃掉,没想到它的力量极大,魔忆颤一人根本压制不住,最后还是她用石块狠狠砸向对方的脑袋,一连十几下才晕死过去。 Un, ok, can eat.” “嗯,好了,可以吃了。” Mo Yichan smells the meat to be fragrant, is very satisfied. 魔忆颤闻了闻肉香,很是满意。 He does not know that in another place, one is the fellow of friend, was roasted quickly ripe. 他不知道在另外一个地方,有一个算是朋友的家伙,快被烤熟了。
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