TM :: Volume #43

#4240: Free

In Saint Thunder Clan, everyone was ready, including all core pinnacles. 圣雷族之中,所有人都做好了准备,其中包括所有的核心极致。 Others when worry for the quota, the order that the core pinnacle is under must participate, all the core pinnacles of going out came back, Realm regardless of the height, needs to enter among. 其他人在为了名额而发愁的时候,核心极致得到的命令是必须参加,所有外出的核心极致都回来了,境界无论高低,都需要进入当中 This regarding these core pinnacles, without doubt is good deed one, because does not need to be worried that the quota is insufficient. 这对于那些核心极致来说,无疑是好事一件,因为不用担心名额不够。 All Holy Venerable were also ready, once Lei De/thunder earth Holy Venerable did not plan to go, but does not know finally why changed the mind. 所有的圣尊也都做好了准备,曾经的雷地圣尊是不打算进去的,可最后不知为何改变了主意。 The spirit and lineage/vein two ancestors also in the frontline, these two Saint Thunder Clan most active Old Ancestor, these must go in time. 灵、脉二祖也在最前方,这两个圣雷族最为活跃的老祖,这一次也要进去。 Before going, Lei Zhenke went to tree of there Thunder Ancestor, looks at tree of somewhat anxious saying Thunder Ancestor: This time goes, feared that is the danger numerous.” 在进去之前,雷震客去了一趟雷祖之树那里,看着雷祖之树有些忧虑的说道:“此次进去,怕是危险重重。” The tree of Thunder Ancestor drags gently, has three ray of light glow to depart from the above, falls toward Lei Zhenke. 雷祖之树轻轻摇曳,有着三道光芒从上方飞出,向着雷震客落去。 This is the type of thunderbolt, roughly the cherry size, innumerable thunder snake walk randomly in the surface. 这是雷霆之种,约莫樱桃大小,无数雷蛇在表面游走。 Lei Zhenke nods to express gratitude gently, the figure flashes vanishes does not see. 雷震客轻轻点头道谢,身形一闪消失不见。 After Lei Zhenke reappears, the spirit and lineage/vein two ancestors looked at opposite party one eyes, as if guessed correctly that he did do. 雷震客重新出现之后,灵、脉二祖都是看了对方一眼,似乎猜到他干什么去了。 Ancestor Mai snort/hum, the facial expression quite disdained, First Human also fears death.” 脉祖哼了一声,神情颇为不屑,“第一人还怕死。” Lei Zhenke did not seem to detected that expression change of Ancestor Mai, he looked at a dense crowd, said: This different world one line, no one knows that will have what danger to happen, everyone is certainly careful.” 雷震客仿佛没有察觉到脉祖的表情变化,他看了一眼黑压压的人群,道:“此次异世一行,谁也不知将会有何种危险发生,大家一定要小心。” Lei Zhenke beckons with the hand, now, goes in!” 雷震客摆手,“现在,进去!” The team enters among in turn. 队伍依次进入当中 Has the passage place in other, this moment this is also performing, the outstanding person entered among one after another. 在其他拥有通道的地方,此刻这一幕也在上演着,一位又一位佼佼者进入了当中 In the Saint moon/month clan, Shangguan Yue'er and Ming Yue/Bright Moon stand shoulder to shoulder, is the Nine Stars Saint Spirit two people, the aura is somewhat similar, such as the strength of dim common moonlight is covering the tender body. 圣月族里,上官月儿明月并肩而立,已是九星圣灵的二人,气息有些相似,如朦胧一般的月光之力笼罩着娇躯。 In that frontline is the lord of Saint moon/month, as well as many Holy Venerable in clan, this they also set out the main force time. 在那最前方是圣月之主,以及族中的诸多圣尊,这一次他们也是出动了主力。 The strength of sparkle moonlight, the people start gradually to enter among. 月光之力闪耀,众人开始陆续进入当中 Saint Star Clan takes Great Influence, naturally cannot be weak, all expert completely all arrive, prepares to enter. 星族作为大势力,自然不会弱,所有强者尽皆到达,准备进入其中。 When all Holy Venerable can stabilize the sensation to passage, the time that therefore various Great Influence go, almost differs not in a big way. 所有的圣尊们都能感知到通道何时会稳定下来,所以各大势力进去的时间,几乎都相差不大。 A Saint shining clan, the Five Elements aristocratic family, the Saint demon territory, the Buddha territory wait/etc. these colossi, start to go into action. 圣耀一族,五行世家,圣魔域,佛域等等这些庞然大物,都开始行动起来。 Demon Clan and God Clan are also acting, that side Demon Clan, countless black robe people arrived at Spirit World quietly, then arrives at the region that passage is at quietly. 魔族神族也在行动,在魔族那边,无数的黑袍人悄悄来到了灵界,然后又悄悄来到通道所在的区域。 They are the strengths of Demon Clan most core, is the most powerful strength, has never appeared in this world. 他们是魔族最为核心的力量,也是最强大的力量,从未在这个世界出现过。 Once their among had part in relic/inheritance that presented in Demon God, but had not met with Zi Chen at that time. 曾经他们当中有一部分出现在魔神遗迹之中,但当时并没有与紫宸相遇。 Half Holy Venerable that several have the Demon God strength also came, they have not broken through, this time enters the different world, to break through Holy Venerable goes. 那几位拥有魔神力量的半步圣尊们也来了,他们也还不曾突破,此次进入异世,就是为了突破圣尊而去。 Mo Yichan treats in the final side, his side besides original two leaders, but also were many Mo Yiyan, because has Mo Yiyan, Mo Yichan can obtain the demon surname, the future road can walk so smooth. 魔忆颤待在最后方,他的身旁除了原先的两位首领之外,还多了一个魔忆烟,正是因为有魔忆烟在,魔忆颤才能得到魔姓,未来的路才能走的如此顺畅。 This moment two people shake hand, Mo Yiyan is very obviously anxious. 此刻二人拉着手,魔忆烟明显很紧张。 This time, a Mo Yichan trusted aide does not have the belt/bring, oneself all quotas, exchanged the resources and contribution completely. 这一次,魔忆颤一个心腹都没有带,把自己所有的名额,全部都兑换成了资源以及贡献。 If this time can live, even if has achieved nothing, oneself will not suffer a loss. 如果这一次能够活着回来,哪怕是一无所获,自己也不会吃亏。 The original plan brings Mo Yan Shan Zuo and Mo Di of two people trusted aide, changes the mind temporarily, each one brought two -and-a-half Holy Venerable to go, was the role of guard. 原先打算带着心腹的魔严单佐以及魔迪二人,也是临时改变了主意,各自都带了两位半步圣尊进去,算是护卫的角色。 In their not far away, has others to stand one after another, purchases the quota the commander level to exist from three people of here. 在他们的不远处,陆续有其他人站着,都是从三人这里购买到名额的统领级存在。 Mo Yichan looked at an numerous everyone, nods to them, this transaction, not only made him gain one, made him result in a good personal connection, in these people, even if only then 1-2 can succeed to break through to become Holy Venerable, to him was the unexpected big harvests. 魔忆颤看了一眼众大家,冲着他们点了点头,这一次的交易,不仅仅让他赚了一笔,更让他得了一个好人缘,这些人之中,哪怕只有1-2能够成功突破成为圣尊,对他来说都是意外的大收获。 „Is this world unimportant?” “这个世界不要紧吧?” Mo Yiyan low voice asking. 魔忆烟小声的问道。 Relax, I have made enough arrangement, will not have the issue.” Mo Yichan also deliberately lowered the sound. “放心,我已经做了足够的安排,不会有问题的。”魔忆颤也是刻意的放低了声音。 Zi Chen there......?” 紫宸那里……?” I believe that he does not have that courage.” “我相信他没有那个胆子。” Mo Yichan appears is very confident, but this confidence also inspired two people, only listens to Mo Di saying: Younger sister, you felt relieved that Zi Chen , if there is guts to act to us, we will not attack Saint Thunder Clan. Mo Yichan other did not say, by planning the ability, ten Zi Chen cannot compare his one.” 魔忆颤显得很有信心,而这种信心也是鼓舞了身旁的二人,只听魔迪说道:“妹子,你放心吧,紫宸要是有胆量对我们出手的话,我们也不会进攻圣雷族了。魔忆颤别的不说,论算计能力,十个紫宸都比不上他一个。” Mo Yiyan nods, the facial expression relaxed several points. 魔忆烟点了点头,神情放松了几分。 This moment front Demon Clan, has started to enter passage, enters by part of Holy Venerable advances the opening, is-and-a-half parts of Holy Venerable, others will go in the third stage, to is half Holy Venerable as well as Holy Venerable concludes finally. 此刻前方的魔族,已经开始进入通道,由一部分圣尊进入先行开路,接着是一部分半步圣尊,其他人会在第三个阶段进去,到了最后又是半步圣尊以及圣尊收尾。 When the influence of the whole world starts to enter, Zi Chen also stands up, prepares to go. 就在整个世界的势力都开始进入的时候,紫宸也是站起身来,准备进去。 Holy Venerable of these look at Zi Chen, to look that he encourages. 这些古之圣尊都看着紫宸,给他鼓励的眼神。 Zi Chen some are not clear, the place that Spirit World everyone wants to go, why these don't Holy Venerable go in? 紫宸有些不明白,灵界人人都想去的地方,这些圣尊为何不进去? After all the quota has, moreover this world does not need them to look after at present. 毕竟名额有很多,而且这个世界眼下也不需要他们照拂。 Han Nu seems like big Elder Sister to be the same, was Zi Chen put in order the clothing, over and over urged some to say many need careful things. 寒女像是一个大姐姐一样,为紫宸整了整衣衫,再三叮嘱着一些早就说了好些遍需要小心的事情。 With person different lives.” “同人不同命啊。” Nearby Liu Shanyao looked at Zhong Hao, the corners of the mouth had wiped to tease the happy expression. 一旁的刘山耀看了一眼重昊,嘴角有了一抹戏谑笑意。 Zhong Hao discontented snort/hum. 重昊不满的哼了一声。 At this moment, all around temperature reduces suddenly, the Zhong Hao complexion changes, gets down consciousness to retrocede two steps. 就在这时,四周的温度忽然降低,重昊的脸色一变,下意识就要后退两步。 On this snort/hum did nothing more, have problems? 就这一声哼而已,难道还出问题了? Next quarter he discovered, the Han Nu vision fell above Thunder Tree, originally was not oneself. 下一刻他发现,寒女的目光落在了雷树之上,原来不是自己。 After the Zhong Hao mood restores, discovered that everyone is looking at himself, expressions teased. 重昊情绪恢复之后,发现所有人都在看着自己,一个个表情戏谑。 But this time, he actually did not dare snort/hum, because did not think the angry shift of Han Nu to oneself on. 但这一次,他却不敢哼了,因为不想寒女的愤怒转移到自己身上。 Doesn't have an eyesight?” “就没一点眼力?” The Han Nu sound is very cold, the look is also very cold. 寒女的声音很冷,眼神也很冷。 Others look at Thunder Tree, sympathizes very much. 其他人看着雷树,都很同情。 This fellow has the enormous hostility to Zi Chen, no matter that this, wish makes it let blood in the past now voluntarily, that is impossible. 这个家伙对紫宸抱有极大的敌意,不管是当年那个还是现在这位,想要让它自愿放血,那是不可能的。 As if no one can bear the Han Nu vision pressure, Thunder Tree starts to drag, in the air dropped a ray of light group. 似乎没有人能够承受寒女的目光压力,雷树开始摇曳起来,空中落下了一道光团。 This light ball seems like a thunderbolt seed, has the walnut size fully, flies toward Zi Chen. 这个光团像是一颗雷霆种子,足有核桃般大小,向着紫宸飞去。 Zi Chen is very accidental/surprised, has not thought that can also obtain the good thing, does not need to want also to know that this is to maintain life. 紫宸很意外,没想到还能得到好东西,不用想也知道这是保命的。 After Zi Chen catches, Han Nu also said: Un?” 就在紫宸接住之后,寒女又说:“嗯?” Is this meaning one? 这意思是就一个? Thunder Tree can only drag again, second light ball fell. 雷树只能再次摇曳,第二个光团落了下来。 As if regarding the parsimony of Thunder Tree, Han Nu was discontented, the surrounding chill in the air is richer, then Thunder Tree continues to drag, third light ball falls. 似乎对于雷树的吝啬,寒女不满了,周围的寒意更加浓郁,接着雷树继续摇曳,第三个光团落下。 Three light ball are exactly the same, thunder light four shoot, the size is the same. 三个光团一模一样,雷光四射,大小相同。 Han Nu seems to be unsatisfied, sees only her to lift the hand gently, in the palms has the cold current to emerge, all around temperature reduces suddenly, the boundless chill in the air attacked all around, the air is congealing frost. 寒女似乎还不满意,只见她轻轻抬手,掌间有寒流涌现,四周的温度骤然降低,无边的寒意侵袭着四周,空气凝结成了冰霜。 ! 唰! Thunder Tree starts dragging of wide scope, selects point spiritual light to appear, light ball appear, these has 15 time. 雷树开始大范围的摇曳,点点灵光出现,一个又一个光团显现而出,这一次足足有着十五道。 Compared with light ball of previous walnut size, this time ten five ray of light groups obviously was small, like cherry size. 只是比起先前核桃般大小的光团,这一次的十五道光团明显小了很多,如同樱桃大小。 But Zi Chen was also content, received to receive completely. 紫宸也知足了,全部接过收了起来。 All around chill in the air disappears, Han Nu turns around to look at Zi Chen, told again: „Those words, must be careful again carefully.” 四周的寒意消失,寒女转过身来看着紫宸,再次吩咐道:“还是那句话,一定要小心再小心。” Zi Chen serious nod. 紫宸郑重的点头。 Ok, you can leave.” “好了,你可以动身了。” Zi Chen holds the fist in the other hand to the people, then holds the fist in the other hand to Thunder Tree, then Zi Chen turned around to enter in passage. 紫宸冲着众人抱拳,接着又冲着雷树抱拳,接着紫宸转身进入了通道之中。 The corners of the mouth of Zhong Hao appear to wipe the happy expression, what this fellow displays is very good, is in front of mean-spirited Thunder Tree, this behavior possibly shows off, therefore his following day, will definitely not feel better. 重昊的嘴角浮现出一抹笑意,这个家伙表现的是很好,可是在小气的雷树面前,这个行为可能就是炫耀,所以他接下来的日子,肯定不会好过。 Because Zhong Hao noticed, in Zi Chen before, Thunder Tree glittered. 因为重昊注意到了,在紫宸进入之前,雷树闪烁了一下。 Regarding this ancient existence, Zhong Hao to its cognition is only the temperament, in addition did not understand. 对于这个古老的存在,重昊对它的认知只是脾气,除此之外并不了解。 But he also knows, Zi Chen the place, should very be interesting. 但他也知道一点,紫宸所去的地方,应该会很有意思。 What do you smile?” “你笑什么?” At this moment, the Han Nu sound resounds suddenly, „haven't you hurried?” 就在这时,寒女的声音忽然响起,“你还不赶紧进去?” „?” Zhong Hao is startled, the smile on face also solidified. “啊?”重昊一怔,脸上的笑容也凝固了。 „Did Zi Chen go in you unable to see? Also does the silly station do here? Hasn't hurried?” Han Nu said again. 紫宸都进去了你看不到?还傻傻的站在这里干什么?还不赶紧进去?”寒女再次说道。 Why is I?” “为什么是我?” Zhong Hao looked at side, here several people. 重昊看了看旁边,这里好几个人。 Nearby Liu Shanyao said with a smile: This is not simple, your hard skin and strong flesh, even if there is a danger still anti- to punch very much, in our these people, you were most suitable.” 一旁的刘山耀笑道:“这还不简单,你皮糙肉厚,就算有危险也很抗揍,我们这些人里面,也就你最适合了。” Your this is wants me to go, when Zi Chen goon?” “你们这是要我去当紫宸的打手吗?” Zhong Hao protested: No, I do not go!” 重昊抗议道:“不,我不去!” Nearby Han Nu said: „Don't you go?” 一旁的寒女说道:“你不去?” Zhong Hao rare stubborn one time, I do not go to work as the goon, I am Holy Venerable, works as the goon to only Saint Spirit, is rare I not to want the face? Does not go, I die do not go!” 重昊难得倔强一次,“我不去当打手,我可是一位圣尊,给区区一个圣灵当打手,难得我不要脸面?不去,我死也不去!” Han Nu sighed one, said with the rare gentle tone: You made a mistake, we have not wanted you to work as the meaning of goon......” 寒女叹了一声,用难得温柔的语气说道:“你错了,我们并没有要你去当打手的意思……” Zhong Hao in heart one happy, thought that so long as Han Nu said several again gently, oneself also gave this face. 重昊心中一乐,心想只要寒女再说几句温柔的话,自己也就给这个面子了。 Who knows Han Nu to continue saying: Is makes you give Zi Chen to work as the meat shield.” 谁知寒女继续说道:“是让你给紫宸当肉盾的。” Other Holy Venerable could not bear again, laughed. 其他的圣尊再也忍不住,哈哈大笑了起来。 Zhong Hao there, wanted to cry but have no tears once again, the meat shield, this was the goons is even inferior. 重昊又一次愣在了那里,欲哭无泪,肉盾,这可是连打手都不如了。 „Can't you go?” Han Nu is staring at Zhong Hao. Goes! ” “你去不去?”寒女盯着重昊。去就去!” Zhong Hao felt the Han Nu forthcoming anger, said: How worked as the meat shield, that also compared with working as goon! To make me work as the goon, dying is impossible!” 重昊感受到了寒女即将爆发的怒意,道:“当肉盾怎么了,那也比当打手强!想让我当打手,死都不可能!” Then, Zhong Hao runs immediately, is faint as if felt that behind dragon of the cold ice flushed. 说完,重昊立刻跑了进去,隐隐间似乎感觉身后有一条寒冰之龙冲了上来。 After Zi Chen enters the different world, the Sky Martial world, as well as other by the region that Demon Clan occupies, all Clone that Zi Chen train and condense comes out are startled suddenly. 就在紫宸进入异世之后,天武世界,以及其他被魔族占据的区域,紫宸凝练出来的所有分身都是忽然一怔。 Then at the same time looks up the sky. 然后同时抬头望着天空。 In that moment, they lost completely to the sensation of main body. 就在那一刻,他们全部失去了对本体的感知。 Described with another word, was everyone was free, turned into real existence, no longer received the control of any strength. 用另外一个词形容,就是所有人都自由了,变成了真实的存在,不再受到任何力量的控制。 They had the independent thought that had the power of arbitrary conduct. 他们有了独立思维,有了独断行事的权力。 Does not have the main body to divert again. 再无本体可以牵制。
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