TM :: Volume #43

#4239: Preparation

Two people as if have the enormous tacit understanding, after Zi Chen leaves, Mo Yichan also feels relieved. 两人仿佛有着极大的默契,就在紫宸离开之后,魔忆颤也放下了心来。 He guessed correctly that Zi Chen must go. 他猜到紫宸也是要进去的。 Does not know, which passage he must from walk. 只是不知道,他要从哪个通道走。 This may be somewhat troublesome.” “这可有些麻烦了。” Mo Di sad saying: Zi Chen this must divert us, does not want to make us also seek for the chance, his thoughts were too bad.” 魔迪忧愁的说道:“紫宸这明显是要牵制住我们,不想让我们也去寻找机缘,他的心思实在太坏了。” Mo Yan Shan Zuo nods, actually we should bet, perhaps got rid of him at the scene, the threat naturally did not have.” 魔严单佐点了点头,“其实我们应该赌一把,或许就把他当场干掉了,威胁自然也就没了。” Mo Yichan is silent, does not know that is thinking deeply about anything. 魔忆颤沉默着,不知在思索着什么。 A moment later, Mo Di asked: Mo Yichan, we now what to do?” 片刻之后,魔迪问道:“魔忆颤,我们现在怎么办?” Mo Yichan recovers, first waits to look, now passage is in any case unstable, does not worry.” 魔忆颤回过神来,“先等等看,反正现在通道还不稳定,不着急走。” That side that Zi Chen?” “那紫宸那边?” Indeed is a trouble, but may also search the actual situation, not really intends to attack, after all previous Saint Thunder Clan makes him dispatch troops to him not to move, attacks our probabilities on own initiative , was very small.” “的确是个麻烦,但也有可能只是探探虚实,并非真的有意攻打,毕竟上一次圣雷族让他出兵他都没动,主动攻打我们的几率,也就很小了。” Mo Yichan smiles cold, said: Also has such that the possibility really such as I guessed, his time came to demand a quota to us, what a pity both sides had not discussed that gathered together.” 魔忆颤冷然一笑,道:“也有可能真的如我猜测的那样,他此次前来只是向我们索要一个名额,可惜双方没有谈拢。” This is only the guess of Mo Yichan, is not naturally able to take seriously, but also made two people relieved much. 这只是魔忆颤的猜测,自然无法当真,不过也让二人放心了不少。 In any event, the different world must go. 无论如何,异世是必须要去的。 Because this opportunity is very rare, even if their these territory development people not necessarily have that qualifications. 因为这个机会很难得,即便是他们这些疆土开拓人都未必有那个资格。 Going in can be the Demon Clan true main forces, that has not come this piece of Spirit World main force, is the strength of Demon Clan true core. 进去的会是魔族真正的主力们,那是从来没有来过这片灵界的主力,属于魔族真正核心的力量。 Before coming, Mo Yichan does not know that also has the different world, even many Holy Venerable do not know, but appears with the different world at present, Mo Yichan understands why he requested these to obtain Demon God inheritance half Holy Venerable to come initially, actually no one agreed. 在来之前,魔忆颤并不知道还有异世,甚至就连许多圣尊都不知道,可眼下随着异世出现,魔忆颤明白了为何当初他要求那些得到魔神传承的半步圣尊过来,却没有人同意。 These people, must use in the truly useful place. 这些人,都是要用在真正有用的地方。 Returned to the dwelling, the liquor bureau to disperse, underwent the arrival of Zi Chen, three people were not in no mood to continue to drink. 回到住处,酒局已经散了,经过了紫宸的到来,三人也没有心情继续喝酒了。 Then, the major problems need to decide and consider. 接下来,有一个大问题需要商定与考虑。 Three of us add to have 100 quotas, how then we must think to arrange these quotas.” Mo Yichan said, the Zi Chen matter he no longer worried, nature on the matter of this/should consideration quota. “我们三人加起来有一百个名额,接下来我们得想想如何安排这些名额了。”魔忆颤说道,紫宸的事情他不再担心,自然就该考虑名额的事情了。 Our two person of 30, other 40 give you, if you do not feel, we discussed again.” Mo Yan Shan Zuo said, he and Mo Di had discussed long before. “我们两个一人三十个,另外的四十个给你,如果你觉得不可以,我们再商量。”魔严单佐说道,他与魔迪很早以前就商量过了。 Once two people disagreed, was only because of Mo Yichan, because of the common interest, making two people walk in one, at present is together also good. 曾经的二人不和,只是因为魔忆颤,因为共同的利益,使得二人走在了一起,眼下相处的也不错。 Mo Yichan shakes the head saying: You had not understood that my meaning, I meant, these quota you really can lead your trusted aide to go in?” 魔忆颤摇头道:“你们没有理解我的意思,我的意思是说,这些名额难道你们真的要带自己的心腹进去?” Otherwise?” “不然呢?” Two people look at Mo Yichan puzzled, the quota is own, whom doesn't lead own trusted aide to lead? 二人不解的看着魔忆颤,名额是自己的,不带自己的心腹带谁? That place is very mystical, actually still also no one can talk clearly there is where, what person but who do you have a look is a our clan goes in?” “那个地方很是神秘,至今也没有人能够说清那里究竟是一个什么地方,但你看看我们一族进去的都是一些什么人?” Mo Yichan said: „It is not Royal Clan is Royal Clan, again badly is also of a clan nobility. Depending on dozens individuals who we lead, goes in can definitely have the harvest?” 魔忆颤说道:“不是王族就是皇族,再不济也是爵之一族。就凭我们带的几十个人,进去就能肯定有收获?” Mo Di said: But our probabilities greatly.” 魔迪说道:“但是我们的概率会大一点。” You also said that is only the probability issue, if after going, has achieved nothing?” Mo Yichan asked back. “你也说了,只是概率问题,如果进去之后,一无所获呢?”魔忆颤反问。 Can't?” Two people of face look changes changed. “不会吧?”二人的脸色变了变。 In this world does not have the specially absolute matter.” “这世上就没有特别绝对的事情。” Mo Yichan said: At present, we with its fight for an uncertain opportunity, might as well before, own maximum benefit.” 魔忆颤说道:“眼下,我们与其去争抢一个渺茫的机会,还不如在进去之前,就把自身的利益最大化。” Your meaning is, these quota sells?” Mo Yan Shan Zuo understands the meaning of Mo Yichan immediately. “你的意思是,把那些名额出售?”魔严单佐立刻就明白了魔忆颤的意思。 Then should have many people to hit our quota the idea, with its offends them, might as well is open the quota, has ability to obtain then, as for us, leads several trusted aides on the line.” “接下来应该有不少人都会打我们名额的主意,与其得罪他们,还不如把名额开放,有能力者得到即可,至于我们,带几个心腹就行。” Mo Yichan shows a faint smile, said: As the matter stands, even after we go in has achieved nothing, but has made up for this loss outside harvest sufficiently.” 魔忆颤微微一笑,道:“这样一来,就算我们进去之后一无所获,但在外面的收获已经足以弥补此次的损失。” Two people are thinking deeply about nod, indeed is this meaning. 二人思索着点了点头,的确是这个意思。 Person who this time has not obtained the quota are many, even has much is the Holy Venerable heir, therefore the quotas in this Mo Yichan three people of hand, seem especially precious. 这一次没有得到名额的人很多,甚至有着不少都是圣尊的子嗣,所以此次魔忆颤三人手中的名额,就显得格外珍贵。 The ownership of quota, is the issue that needs to give careful consideration. 名额的归属,也是一个需要慎重考虑的问题。 Demon Clan is this, Spirit World various Great Influence so, whom should make go in similarly, whom should not make go, is under discussion. 魔族是这样,灵界的各大势力同样如此,该让谁进去,不该让谁进去,都在讨论之中。 Just like Mo Yichan said, Spirit World welcomed the peace again, each influence is fighting for the quota, has had no time to have the fight again. 正如魔忆颤所说,灵界再次迎来了和平,各个势力都在争抢着名额,已经无暇再发生战斗。 Zi Chen has been ready, then went on various waiting Great Influence. 紫宸已经做好了准备,接下来就等待各大势力进去了。 However before then, he needs train and condense well to have together/one path Clone, at least cannot be weak on battle strength, preventing any accident/surprise to happen. 不过在这之前,他需要好好的凝练一道分身,最起码在战力上不能弱了,防止有任何的意外发生。 thunderbolt surges in Zi Chen around the body, gathers before the body like the real water current, gradually turns into a Daoist shadow. 雷霆紫宸周身涌动,如同真实的水流在身前汇聚,逐渐变成一道人影。 The person's shadow appearance is gradually clear, around the body is blooming innumerable dazzling thunder light. 人影的容貌逐渐清晰,周身绽放着无数耀眼的雷光 Finally, Clone formation. 最终,分身成型。 This is most Clone that Zi Chen train and condense comes out, consumes big regarding oneself, the complexion is somewhat pale. 这是紫宸凝练出来的最分身,对于自身消耗不小,脸色有些苍白。 You first are familiar with your strength, then this world depended on you.” “你先熟悉自身的力量,接下来这个世界就靠你了。” Zi Chen looks at Clone to say. 紫宸看着分身说道。 Clone nods, then sits cross-legged to sit, is sensing own strength. 分身点了点头,然后盘膝而坐,感悟着自身的力量。 This is together/one path pure thunderbolt Clone, its strength is also most powerful, in the future must assume the Sky Martial world. 这是一道纯粹的雷霆分身,其力量也是最强大的,将来要坐镇天武世界。 After leaving behind together/one path Clone, Zi Chen then arrived at Supressing Demon Gate, then calm waits for passage to be stable, then enters among. 留下一道分身之后,紫宸便是来到了镇魔门,接下来静静等待通道稳定,然后进入当中 Since previous Han Nu lets passage appears, the meaning that other Holy Venerable again have not hidden, Zi Chen comes time, Zhong Hao is drinking with two Holy Venerable, sees Zi Chen to appear, he curls the lip, said: You were also too positive.” 自从上次寒女通道显现之后,其他的圣尊们也就没有再隐藏起来的意思,紫宸过来的时候,重昊正在跟两位圣尊喝酒,看到紫宸出现,他撇了撇嘴,道:“你也太积极了吧。” Zi Chen arrives by Zhong Hao, actually I ask in the different world am what situation.” 紫宸来到重昊旁边,“我来问问异世里究竟是什么情况。” „!” “切!” When Zhong Hao all has not heard, clinks glasses with the opposite two people. 重昊全当没有听到,与对面的二人碰杯。 Zi Chen put out several altar/jar liquor to place side, ahead of time knew, no fault not?” 紫宸拿出几坛酒放在了旁边,“提前知道一些,也没什么坏处不是吗?” Zhong Hao still has not paid attention to Zi Chen. 重昊依然没有理会紫宸 Nearby Holy Venerable seemed to be unable to continue watching, after having taken the liquor, smiles saying: Actually, different world and incessantly.” 旁边的圣尊似乎看不下去了,拿过酒后微笑说道:“其实,异世并不止一处。” What?” The Zi Chen expression changes. “什么?”紫宸的表情微变。 Different world is not a place, but is one is said.” “异世并不是一个地方,而是一个统称。” This Holy Venerable said: Is same like Spirit World and Demon World, you can specifically say that what these two places do have? It can be said that anything has, but can also say that anything does not have. For example you arrive at Spirit World ruined star sphere/planet, all are alone, anything does not have. But if you transmitted to the Sky Martial world were different, there was the place of very good cultivation, there is cultivation resources, many people.” 这位圣尊说道:“就如同灵界魔界一样,你能具体说说这两个地方有什么吗?可以说什么都有,但也可以说什么都没有。比如你来到灵界的一个破败星球,一切都是孤寂的,什么都没有。可如果你传送到天武世界就不同了,那里是很好的修行之地,也有修行资源,更有许多人。” Then, you do not know that what passage behind does have?” Zi Chen surprised asking. “这么说来,你们也不知道通道的后面有什么?”紫宸惊奇的问道。 No one true awareness, if really knows, the secret of different world was also decoded.” “没有人真正的知道,要是真正知道的话,异世的秘密也就被破解了。” That Holy Venerable continues saying: That different world was too mystical, only has the years of upheaval to open, after entering to inside, will come across many issues. Perhaps is Heaven and Earth suppress, perhaps is strength suppress, or the rule repel, waits for various strange things.” 那位圣尊继续说道:“那异世太神秘了,唯有动乱年代才会开启,进入到里面之后,也会遇到很多问题。或许是天地压制,或许是力量压制,或者规则排斥,等等各种奇怪的事情。” Zi Chen nods, then looked up Zhong Hao, taunted to Fangzheng visits him. 紫宸点了点头,接着抬头看了一眼重昊,对方正嘲讽的看着他。 Zi Chen discontented say/way: Your what does not know, what deepness here installs?” 紫宸不满道:“你什么都不知道,在这里装什么深沉?” Zhong Hao ridiculed: I do not need to know in different to have anything, so long as goes in later trying hard to adapt, biggest possible lives, then after coming out, has the enormous probability to break through Holy Venerable.” 重昊讥讽道:“我不需要知道异界之中有什么,只要进去之后努力去适应,最大可能的活下来,那么出来之后就有极大的概率突破到圣尊。” Knows that this point enough, as for other, talked nonsense.” “知道这一点就够了,至于其他的,都是扯淡。” Zhong Hao looks at Zi Chen, your Brat was too tender, always wants to make clear anything, if can make clear, the different world has not been the secret. Let alone different world, your previous time place that discovers the light of Spiritual Power, did you find there secret?” 重昊看着紫宸,“你小子还是太嫩了,总想把什么事情都搞清楚,如果能搞清楚,异世早就不是秘密了。别说异世,就你上次发现灵力之光的地方,你找到那里的秘密了没有?” Ahead of time knows some potential dangers, are forearmed.” Saying that Zi Chen is not convinced. “提前知道一些潜在的危险,有备无患。”紫宸不服气的说道。 Your that called to eat the radish to worry salty pale.” “你那叫咸吃萝卜淡操心。” Zhong Hao waves, urges to go faster, at the same time plays, do not affect us to drink.” 重昊挥了挥手,“去去去,一边玩去,别影响我们喝酒。” All around temperature reduces suddenly, has the chill in the air never the distant place to fill the air. 四周的温度忽然降低,有寒意从不远处弥漫而来。 Saying that Zhong Hao maintains composure: Your Brat said somewhat doesn't the truth, what have a slang to call to come? Knowing oneself and other side to be undefeated in many battles is right, refuels I to favor you very much.” 重昊不动声色的说道:“不过你小子说的也有几分道理,不是有句俗话叫什么来着?知己知彼百战不殆对不对,加油我很看好你。” Han Nu came from the distance, swept three people of one, three people keep silent immediately. 寒女从远处走了过来,扫了三人一眼,三人立刻噤若寒蝉。 Goes in the later anything to happen, will make you turn into an average person.” Han Nu said. “进去之后什么都有可能发生,甚至会让你变成一个普通人。”寒女说道。 Average person?” The Zi Chen complexion changed, he thinks previous Holy Rune World one line, he fell into Ka Ta World, oneself on bewildered lost all strengths, afterward Zi Chen had asked others, everyone has not had this situation. “普通人?”紫宸的脸色发生了变化,他想到了上次圣符界一行,他落入了卡塔界里,自己就莫名其妙的失去了所有的力量,事后紫宸问过其他人,大家并未出现过这种情况。 Has this possibility, but is not absolute.” “只是有这个可能,但并不绝对。” Han Nu seems to be disinclined to see three people, drew to say Zi Chen at the same time: „If there is this situation, not necessarily is not a good deed. In the past that person has said that during the different world had the big secret, according to the specification of the world calculates, as if also wanted on high compared with Spirit World first-grade. If obtained the strength approval there, coming out the later advantage nature is enormous.” 寒女似乎懒得看见三人,把紫宸拉到了一边说道:“如果出现这种情况,未必不是一件好事。当年那个人说过,异世之中有大秘密,按照世界的规格来算,似乎比灵界还要高上一等。如果在那里得到了力量认可,出来之后好处自然极大。” Once that person also called Zi Chen. 曾经那个人也叫紫宸 This point Zi Chen has the enormous feelings, once he obtained the strength in Ka Ta World, the soul strength promotion in Holy Rune World, after returning to Sky Martial Continent, almost does not have the bottleneck arrived at present this Realm. 这一点紫宸是有着极大感触的,曾经的他在卡塔界里得到了力量,在圣符界里魂力提升,回到天武大陆之后,几乎没有瓶颈的走到了眼下这个境界 Zi Chen battle strength was too strong, covered the strength of powerful soul, otherwise Zi Chen should be the present age only one Nine Stars Holy Rune master, should cause the enormous stir. 只是紫宸战力太强,掩盖了强大的灵魂之力,要不然紫宸应该是当世唯一一个九星圣符师,应该会引起极大的轰动。 Han Nu almost told Zi Chen that she knew, for example had the peculiar circumstance of certain possibly having, but aimed at powerful finally. 寒女把她知道的几乎都告诉了紫宸,比如出现某些可能存在的特殊情况,但最终都以强大自身为目的。 The time passes, passage gradually takes shape, stable, various Great Influence personnel have also arranged, was ready. 时间流逝,通道逐渐成型,稳定,各大势力的人员也已经安排完毕,做好了准备。 Zi Chen similarly so. 紫宸同样如此。 Finally, to should go. 终于,到了该进去的时候了。
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