TM :: Volume #43

#4238: Information

In Sky Martial Continent, all rights must turn over Jolina, therefore, Zi Chen then gave Jolina to say this matter. 天武大陆,所有的权利都要移交给乔丽娜,所以在回去之后,紫宸便给乔丽娜说了此事。 Because is worried about news divulging, Zi Chen has not looked for Jolina on own initiative, but is other opposite party report some news the time, Zi Chen then said this matter, in this period did not forget to isolate an independent space to come out. 因为担心消息泄露,紫宸没有主动去找乔丽娜,而是等对方来汇报一些消息的时候,紫宸这才说了这件事,期间不忘隔绝出一片独立的空间出来。 Jolina calm listens, in the Zi Chen front, she always seems like listening respectfully, will not interrupt the Zi Chen words, finished after the Zi Chen words, offers certain opinion. 乔丽娜静静的听完,在紫宸的面前,她总像是一个聆听者,不会打断紫宸的话,直到紫宸话语结束后,给出一定的意见。 „Do you feel?” “你觉得呢?” Speaking of finally, Zi Chen or these words. 说到最后,紫宸还是这句话。 The Jolina smile said: Handles the matter that you want to handle, this world has me, there is Jono they, cannot make the mistake.” 乔丽娜微笑道:“去做你想做的事情吧,这个世界有我,也有乔诺他们,出不了差错。” Jolina knows that Zi Chen must go, because there has him to care is also caring about his partners. 乔丽娜知道紫宸非去不可,因为那里有很多他在意同时也在意着他的伙伴们。 Perhaps these people have the right that cannot choose, but considering Zi Chen possibly in inside, therefore went. 或许那些人都有选择不去的权利,但考虑到紫宸可能在里面,于是一个个都进去了。 I will go they to explain that with Jono this matter, when necessary, you can take over control of entire Saint Thunder Clan all battle strength jurisdictions.” “我会去跟乔诺他们说明这件事,在必要的时候,你可以接管整个圣雷族所有的战力权限。” Zi Chen thinks saying: Ta Sha there I did not plan saying that did not believe her actually not, but was the person who this matter knew the fewer the better. In addition, I will also leave behind together/one path Clone, often appears 1-2 times, prevents to be guessed correctly my whereabouts by the person with high aspirations.” 紫宸想了想说道:“塔莎那里我不打算去说,倒不是不相信她,而是此事知道的人越少越好。除此之外,我还会留下一道分身,时常出现1-2,防止被有心人猜到我的去向。” Thoroughness that very Zi Chen considers, each detail thought that Qi Lina only needs checking up slightly. 紫宸考虑的很周到,各个细节都想到了,齐丽娜只需要稍稍的查补。 After confessing all, Jolina such as left in the past generally, Zi Chen soul strength direct communication Heaven and Earth Rule, connects ground three big King, informed their matters. 交代完一切之后,乔丽娜如往常一般离开,紫宸的魂力直接沟通天地规则,连通地底的三大王者,告知了他们这件事。 Naturally, has not forgotten to give the little elf in Thunder Soul World to say. 当然,还不忘给雷魂界里的小精灵说一说。 It is not curious to the different world, at present is making utmost efforts to develop Thunder Soul World, regarded own family/home there completely. 它对异世并不好奇,眼下正在全力发展的雷魂界,完全把那里当成了自己的家。 After explaining these, Zi Chen branches out together/one path Clone, left the Sky Martial world, directly region that went to Demon Clan to be. 交待完这些之后,紫宸又分出一道分身,离开了天武世界,直接去了魔族所在的区域。 At present to he threatens in a big way is the Mo Yichan team, so long as these Demon Clan do not act to his world, how that future Lei Zheng will want to aim at Saint Thunder Clan again, unmanned available, will be always impossible to bring Spirit Clan to attack personally. 眼下对他威胁最大的就是魔忆颤的队伍,只要这些魔族不对他的世界出手,那今后的雷正再如何想要针对圣雷族,也无人可用,总不可能亲自带着灵族来攻打。 Zi Chen transferred along the way, but has not inquired him the news that wants to know, after all present he only has a person, without the influence can transfer. 紫宸沿途转了一圈,只是并没有打探到他想要知道的消息,毕竟眼下的他只有一个人,没有势力可以调用。 With him of eye, has not seen including the surface of three leaders. 只是用眼睛的他,连三个首领的面都没有看到。 Therefore, Zi Chen Clone went back once again, this time was Zi Chen left the Sky Martial world. 于是,紫宸分身又一次回去了,这一次是紫宸离开了天武世界。 He just arrived at original Sky Martial Starfield, caused the enormous stir, after all is famous Zi Chen, is usually very difficult to see. 他刚刚到达原先的天武星域,就引起了极大的轰动,毕竟是大名鼎鼎的紫宸,平常可是很难见到的。 After this piece of Starfield head hears this matter, appears immediately, prepares to greet personally, but Zi Chen has left. 这片星域的负责人听闻此事之后,也是立刻出现,准备亲自迎接,只是紫宸已经离开。 That piece by Demon Clan control region, but unlike beforehand Clone obvious, arrived here Zi Chen, the ten points was paid attention. 还是那片被魔族控制的区域,但跟之前的分身明显不同,来到这里的紫宸,十分的受关注。 Mo Yichan, this time really many thanks.” 魔忆颤,这一次真是多谢了。” Mo Yan Shan Zuo holds up the wine glass, drinks cheeks red him, hit a liquor belch. 魔严单佐举起酒杯,喝得脸颊通红的他,打了一个酒嗝。 Nearby Mo Di also stood hastily, holds up the liquor bowl saying: You, our brothers two will not have such chance. Many thanks.” 一旁的魔迪也是连忙站了起来,举起酒碗说道:“要不是你,我们兄弟两个也不会有如此机缘。多谢了。” Polite.” Mo Yichan strikes an attitude to set out. “客气。”魔忆颤作势就要起身。 Does not use, you sit, our two are standing.” “不用,你坐着,我们两个站着。” Mo Di lowered the liquor bowl, said: This is you earns! We first do for the respect!” 魔迪放低了酒碗,道:“这是你应得的!我们先干为敬!” Two people stood are raising one's wine cup to drink. 二人站着把酒喝了。 Mo Yichan is smiling tossing down. 魔忆颤微笑着一饮而尽。 In region that this three people control, presented passage, this was Heaven and Earth approved their influences, because of this, above gave them three some quotas, their three , not only can go to seek for the chance, but can also lead the efficient subordinate. 这一次三人控制的区域里,出现了一个通道,这算是天地认可了他们这个势力,也正因为如此,上面才多给了他们三个一些名额,以至于他们三个不仅能够进去寻找机缘,还能带着自己得力的属下。 Leader who same comes to open up wasteland with them, has not to have this opportunity, Mo Yichan to estimate the matter that then has, will decide however will have many leaders to come cable/search to seek the quota by various style. 跟他们一样前来开荒的首领,有着很多都没有这个机会,魔忆颤已经可以预想到接下来发生的事情,定然会有许许多多的首领前来索以各种方式求名额。 After Mo Yan Shan Zuo sits down, said: You said that if we left, that Saint Thunder Clan can seize the chance to lash out at us?” 魔严单佐坐下后说道:“你说,我们要是离开了,那圣雷族会不会趁机对我们发难?” Relax, they do not have so many actions, goes to war wants the deceased person, now whose person is not willing dead. Moreover, this Saint Thunder Clan main force will fully enter during the different world surely, should be worried is not we, but is they.” Mo Yichan self-confident saying. “放心吧,他们没那么多的行动力,打仗就要死人,现在谁的人也不愿意死。而且,这一次圣雷族的主力必定会全部进入异世之中,应该担心的可不是我们,而是他们。”魔忆颤自信的说道。 Mo Di said: That Zi Chen? That fellow pries, perhaps will seize the chance to act to us.” 魔迪说道:“那紫宸呢?那个家伙可是爱管闲事的,说不定会趁机对我们出手。” Speaking of Zi Chen time, the smile on Mo Yichan face disappeared, this indeed is an issue, moreover he has known that Saint Thunder Clan has not recruited Zi Chen, when they leave, Zi Chen really may launch the offensive to them actually. 说到紫宸的时候,魔忆颤脸上的笑容消失了,这的确是个问题,而且他已经知道圣雷族没有征召紫宸,等他们一离开,紫宸倒是真的有可能对他们发起攻势。 The Zi Chen method they have asked for advice, without Holy Venerable plunders, Demon Clan will have many dead many. 紫宸的手段他们早已领教过,在没有圣尊掠阵的情况下,魔族有多少就会死多少。 Mo Yichan was silent, the lively atmosphere on previous liquor table did not have, Mo Yan Shan Zuo pounded a table layer on layer/heavily, „will this world have this meddlesome fellow to exist? Real his mother was weird!” 魔忆颤沉默了,先前酒桌上的热闹气氛也没有了,魔严单佐重重的砸了一下桌子,“这世上怎么会有这种好管闲事的家伙存在?真他娘的邪门了!” At this moment, out of the door resounds the together/one path sound, Sir Reporting to, Zi Chen arrived at our domain suddenly, is strolling in the city blindly.” 就在这时,门外响起一道声音,“启禀大人,紫宸忽然来到了我们的地盘,正在城中瞎逛。” Zi Chen?” Three people of hearts are startled. 紫宸?”三人心头都是一惊。 Did that fellow come? 那个家伙怎么来了? Three people look at each other, has doubts very much. 三人相视,都很疑惑。 He alone?” Mo Di asked. “就他一个人吗?”魔迪问道。 Yes!” “是的!” In the eye of Mo Di, suddenly had wiped killing intent, this to us, perhaps was an opportunity.” 魔迪的眼中,忽然有了一抹杀意,“这对我们来说,或许就是一个机会。” Mo Yan Shan Zuo nods, a Zi Chen person ran, was exactly was simply chatty, really thinks that they did not have the ability to massacre him. 魔严单佐点头,紫宸一个人跑了出来,简直是活腻歪了,真以为他们没有能力杀掉他。 Mo Yichan shakes the head, said: This matter cannot impulse, first had a look to say again.” 魔忆颤摇了摇头,说道:“此事不可冲动,先去看看再说。” When goes out of the room, on the face of Mo Yichan also had the self-confident smile again, does not know that thought of anything. 在走出房间的时候,魔忆颤的脸上重新又有了自信的笑容,不知是不是想到了什么。 Zi Chen walks on the avenue, all around gathered many people, in short distance looks at this present age First Human. 紫宸就走在大街上,四周汇聚了不少人,都在近距离的看着这个当世第一人 In their eyes full is curious, but also has the awe. 他们的眼中满是好奇,不过也有敬畏。 The front presented some unrests, the crowd disperses immediately, under a opening of numerous Demon Clan, three leaders arrived at the near. 前方出现了一些骚乱,人群立刻散开,在一众魔族的开路下,三位首领来到了近前。 Zi Chen stopped, calm looks at three people. 紫宸停了下来,静静的看着三人。 When three people approach, Zi Chen said: Dares to keep off my road, do you court death inadequately?” 待三人临近,紫宸说道:“敢挡我的路,你们找死不成?” Zi Chen, you little here wild, but here our domains.” Mo Yan Shan Zuo shouted: Believes us to make you dead now!” 紫宸,你少在这里猖狂,这里可是我们的地盘。”魔严单佐喝道:“信不信我们现在就弄你死!” Mo Yichan beckons with the hand, hints Mo Yan Shan Zuo not to use the struggle of spirit, he looks at Zi Chen saying: Zi Chen, you treating not well in your Sky Martial world, coming here to do?” 魔忆颤摆了摆手,示意魔严单佐不用意气之争,他看着紫宸说道:“紫宸,你不好好的待在你的天武世界,来我们这里干什么?” How I come to see, in broad daylight on liquor air/Qi that you cross, seems like your days to be very natural.” “我来看看你们过的怎么样,大白天的就一身酒气,看起来你们的日子很潇洒啊。” Zi Chen smiles lightly, in our Spirit Clan domain, but also is so natural, does not know after my person came, can you also be natural.” 紫宸淡淡一笑,“在我们灵族的地盘,还这么潇洒,不知道我的人来了之后,你们还会不会一直潇洒下去。” Three people of complexions all change. 三人的脸色皆是一变。 The eyes of all around many shone, was Zi Chen this plan acts to Demon Clan? 四周不少人的眼睛都亮了起来,紫宸这是打算对魔族出手了吗? You crack a joke, but did not have the meaning......” “你这么开玩笑,可就没意思了……” Mo Yichan said: I also want to ask you to drink the liquor to come. As for your purpose in coming, I have guessed correctly.” 魔忆颤说道:“原先我还想请你喝顿酒来着。至于你的来意,我已经猜到了。” „? Mentioned listens?” Zi Chen looks at past Liu Chan. “哦?说来听听?”紫宸看着当年的刘颤 „The news of different world, you had heard, there has a lot of resources to exist, even if becomes Holy Venerable, is not impossible, then everyone's attention should in the different world. Not is only we, your Spirit Clan will have the God Clan future attention, now also in that place.” “异世的消息,想必你已经听说了,那里有很多的资源存在,就算是成为圣尊,也不是本不可能的,接下来大家的注意力应该都在异世。不仅仅是我们,你们灵族还有神族未来的注意力,现在也都在那个地方。” Mo Yichan said with a smile: This is the excellent matter, what a pity, because you had withdrawn from Saint Thunder Clan, therefore you did not have this opportunity to treasure hunt to result in the chance.” 魔忆颤笑着说道:“这本身就是极好的事情,可惜呀,因为你已经退出了圣雷族,所以你是没有这个机会去寻宝得机缘了。” All around sound in an uproar gets up, this matter is always the rumor, although many people know, but that eventually is not the fact. 四周哗然声起,这件事一直以来都是传言,虽然很多人都知道,可那终究不是事实。 Present Mo Yichan, puts the fact at present. 眼下的魔忆颤,把事实摆在了眼前。 Zi Chen said: Actually you should not be sorry, you should feel to rejoice, if I in Saint Thunder Clan, you could not have arrived here. To drink in this place, is more impossible.” 紫宸说道:“其实你不应该感到惋惜,你应该感到庆幸,如果我还在圣雷族里,你们也就到不了这里了。想在这个地方喝酒,也就更不可能了。” These words are Zi Chen acknowledged without doubt personally had not been recruited, many people were muttering Saint Thunder Clan also is really petty. 这句话无疑是紫宸亲口承认没有受到征召,不少人都在咕哝着圣雷族还真是小家子气。 Mo Yichan pats the palm saying: Right, I am also this meaning, therefore I planned that asked you to drink the liquor, then gave you a quota, you looked that this can be good?” 魔忆颤一拍手掌说道:“对呀,我也是这个意思,所以我打算请你喝顿酒,然后再给你一个名额,你看这样可好?” „Will you be so good?” The Zi Chen ridicule smiles. “你会这么好?”紫宸讥讽一笑。 Naturally conditional.” “当然是有条件的啊。” Mo Yichan said: Heard that your there has many Lei Ye/thunder leaf, you in Saint Thunder Clan, do not want Lei Ye/thunder leaf not to use in any case, puts out 200 pieces of Lei Ye/thunder leaf, I gave you a quota to be good.” 魔忆颤说道:“听说你那里有很多的雷叶,反正你已经不在圣雷族,要雷叶也没有用了,拿出两百片雷叶,我给你一个名额好了。” Zi Chen looks at Mo Yichan, that vision seems like looking at the idiot, „do you know the Lei Ye/thunder leaf value?” 紫宸看着魔忆颤,那目光就像是在看白痴,“你知道雷叶的价值吗?” Look also oddly of others, this Mo Yichan also really dares to have a lion's share, the Lei Ye/thunder leaf auction may, each piece is the sky-high price, as soon as you open the mouth 200 pieces, perhaps even Saint Thunder Clan cannot take. 其他人的眼神也很古怪,这个魔忆颤还真敢狮子大开口,雷叶拍卖可都是一片一片的,每一片都是天价,你一开口就二百片,就算是圣雷族或许也都拿不出来。 Naturally knows, endures compared with the most precious object, expensive, but is that also useful? You could not have gone back, that thing in your hands is the scrap.” “当然知道,堪比至宝啊,价格不菲,可那又有什么用?你已经回不去了,那东西在你手里就是废品。” Mo Yichan said: Trades the opportunity of the useless scrap becoming Holy Venerable, this is very cost-effective.” 魔忆颤说道:“拿无用的废品来换一个成为圣尊的机会,这可是很划算的。” Zi Chen said: Let alone trades with the thing, even if you offer my quota free of charge, I will not go. I mainly remind your today, but other front leg just walked, back leg Demon Clan was expelled.” 紫宸说道:“别说拿东西来换,就算是你们免费赠送我一个名额,我也不会去的。我今天来主要是提醒你们一下,可别前脚刚走,后脚魔族就被赶走了。” The Mo Yichan look is cold gradually, are you threatening me? ” 魔忆颤的眼神渐冷,你这是在威胁我?” Naturally.” “当然。” Zi Chen said: „Can't this you listen?” 紫宸说道:“这你都听不出来吗?” Then, Zi Chen turns around to walk. 说完,紫宸转身就走。 In the eye of Mo Yichan, there is wiped the murderous intention, you thought that you can get away?” 魔忆颤的眼中,有了一抹杀机,“你觉得你能走得了?” Zi Chen then looked at Mo Yichan, „, or do you deliver me?” 紫宸回头看了一眼魔忆颤,“要不你送送我?” The Mo Yichan short of breath, I want you to kill your, do I also deliver you? 魔忆颤气急,我是要你弄死你的,我还送你? Eye of Mo Di and in Mo Yan Shan Zuo, is flooding infinite killing intent. 魔迪魔严单佐的眼中,也是充斥着无限杀意 What a pity, until Zi Chen leaves, they do not dare to begin, that Holy Venerable that or hidden does not dare to begin. 可惜,直到紫宸离开,他们也没敢动手,或者说隐藏的那位圣尊没敢动手。 Zi Chen went back, the short several dialogues, he has known information that oneself want, then relieved many. 紫宸回去了,短短的几句对话,他已经知道了自己想要的情报,接下来安心不少。
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