TM :: Volume #43

#4237: Decision

Han Nu meaning Zi Chen understood what is heard, wants to make him go to the different world to look, perhaps has possibility break through. 寒女的意思紫宸听明白了,就是想让他去异世之中看一看,或许有可能破境 Naturally, the Han Nu expression still hesitates, this explained even went to that place, is still not necessarily able to break through. 当然,寒女的表情依然犹豫,这就说明即便去了那个地方,也未必会突破。 But why can still mention this matter? 但为何依然要说起此事? In goes to the break through probability is very big? 难道去里面破境的概率会很大? Present Zi Chen, has not obviously received recruiting of Saint Thunder Clan, Saint Thunder Clan should not allow him to go. 只是眼下的紫宸,明显没有收到圣雷族的征召,圣雷族应该是不允许他进去。 Enters the different world the matter, in the mounting phase, Zi Chen is actually not at present anxious at present, first eavesdropped on that the news about this aspect said again. 进入异世的事情,目前还在筹备阶段,紫宸眼下倒是也不急,先探听一些关于这方面的消息再说。 At present in Saint Thunder Clan, he can inquire that only the news place is the Gela family, wants to relate Gera Ruisi, can only depend upon this family. 目前在圣雷族里,他唯一能打听消息的地方就是格拉家族,想要联系到格拉瑞丝,更是只能依靠这个家族。 With news about different world more spreads, many people know Zi Chen had not been recruited, suddenly many people feel regrettable. 随着关于异世的消息更多的流传出来,不少人都知道了紫宸没有被征召,一时间很多人都感到遗憾。 Once because Zi Chen becomes Holy Venerable, believes that in most Holy Venerable compared with this world wants useful many. 因为一旦紫宸成为圣尊,相信比这世上的大多数圣尊都要有用的多。 Some people regretted and regretted, naturally some people take pleasure in others' misfortunes, especially these have some contradictory influences with Zi Chen, did not hesitate to push the wave to help the class/flow at this time. 有人遗憾与惋惜,自然有些人幸灾乐祸,特别是那些跟紫宸有着一些矛盾的势力,更是不惜在这个时候推波助流。 Saw, this called unable to withstand uses greatly, if will really hand over in Saint Thunder Clan the hand of this person in the future, Saint Thunder Clan also ended.” “看到了吧,这就叫不堪大用,如果未来真把圣雷族交到这种人的手里,圣雷族也就完了。” „The previous time event itself is a test, is Zi Chen has not completed the test.” “上次的事件本就是一次考验,是紫宸没有完成考验罢了。” Ascends imperial throne, must accept the test, withstands its tribulation, or what can endure in the future uses greatly?” “登大位者,必然要接受考验,承受其磨难,要不未来何能堪大用?” Zi Chen do, because of a small tribulation, will give up in the future the Saint Thunder Clan control on own initiative, inspects the failure.” 紫宸自己作死,因为一个小小的磨难,就主动放弃未来圣雷族的控制权,算是考核失败。” Hehe, not only did not have the control, these time the qualifications of going to the different treasure hunt did not have, preserved the sesame seed to discard a world simply.” “嘿嘿,不仅没了控制权,这一次去异界寻宝的资格也没了,简直是保住了芝麻丢掉了一个世界。” For quite some time, many baseless rumors passed from Saint Thunder Clan, and gets stronger and stronger. 不知从什么时候开始,不少的风言风语从圣雷族里传了出来,而且越演越烈。 This makes many people not understand, Zi Chen was Spirit World indeed handled something, but under his big reputation, more things were done for Saint Thunder Clan, Saint Thunder Clan that for example once immortal territory, Zi Chen represented, is completely one-party rule, even also occupies a Soul Crystal mineral lode, during the future years, the Holy Rune master quantity in Saint Thunder Clan is clearly increasing. 这让很多人都不理解,紫宸灵界的确做了一些事情,但他的大名声之下,更多的事情还是为了圣雷族做出来的,比如曾经的仙域,紫宸所代表的圣雷族,完全是一家独大,甚至还占据着一座魂晶矿脉,以至于在未来的年月之中,圣雷族里的圣符师数量明显增加着。 When loses the world is also so, Saint Thunder Clan one-party rule that Zi Chen represents, but this, in Saint Thunder Clan to the censure of Zi Chen, has not broken even. 在失落世界的时候也是如此,紫宸所代表的圣雷族一家独大,可即便是这样,圣雷族里对紫宸的非议,从来就没有断过。 Such Saint Thunder Clan, the idiot the meeting is willing to take over control.” “这样的圣雷族,白痴才会愿意接管。” Was bold, but also ridiculed Sir Zi Chen, was really laughable.” “一个个都没脸没皮了,还嘲笑紫宸大人,真是可笑。” Several Great Influence among, Saint Thunder Clan fellow, but only one to kill the good sign, first is expel Zi Chen, then emits these laughable spoken languages.” “几大势力当中,圣雷族可是唯一一个把好牌打死的家伙,先是驱逐紫宸,接着又放出这些可笑言语。” Luckily Sir Zi Chen walked, if the Sir also keeps Saint Thunder Clan, these cleaned up for them time, even if perhaps own team polishing, these idiots will not appreciate kindness rendered.” “幸亏紫宸大人走了,如果大人还留在圣雷族,这一次又得为他们擦屁股了,说不定就算把自己的队伍给打光了,那些白痴们也不会领情。” „It is not, by having the resources battle comes, damn one by one ruthless, murders decisively, was to Demon Clan here, instigated, these fought for Spiritual Power the instigation goods light/only, now does not come out is the best proof.” “可不就是,论起资源争斗来,他妈的一个比一个狠,杀伐果断,可是到了魔族这里,一个个就都怂了,那些争抢灵力之光的怂货们,现在都不出来就是最好的证明。” These got sense of injustice that for Zi Chen the Spirit Clan sound of rebuttal, is not slightly weak the sound in Saint Thunder Clan. 这些都是为紫宸而感到不平的灵族们的反驳之声,丝毫都不弱于圣雷族里的声音。 Even in the Demon Clan attacked and occupied region , many people are Zi Chen speak. 甚至在魔族被攻占的区域里,也有许多人在为紫宸说话。 Took a broad view at entire Holy Spirit World, Saint Thunder Clan had lost the will of the people. 放眼整个圣灵界,圣雷族早就失了人心。 Now discredits Zi Chen, will only add the laughingstock. 现在抹黑紫宸,只会平添笑柄。 A transmission ray shines, Lei Wushuang appeared in the Sky Martial world, after seeing this experience disaster, wanted the lively world compared with before, she was somewhat accidental, what were more was gratified. 传送阵的光芒亮起,雷无双出现在了天武世界,看到这座经历灾难之后,比以前还要繁华的世界,她有些意外,不过更多的还是欣慰。 She went to the Zi Chen dwelling, the midway no one stopped, but the vision of many are moving with Lei Wushuang. 她去了紫宸的住处,中途没有人阻拦,只是不少人的目光在随着雷无双移动。 Even if deliberately covered up the appearance, but her uncommon makings, still have the unique attraction. 哪怕刻意的遮掩了容貌,可她那不凡的气质,依然有着独特的吸引力。 The door opens, the Zi Chen sound conveys from the room, how did you come?” 房门自行打开,紫宸的声音从房间里传来,“你怎么来了?” Told you some information.” “来告诉你一些情报。” Lei Wushuang walked, sat in the Zi Chen opposite, took away one cup of tea on own initiative. 雷无双走了进来,坐在了紫宸的对面,主动拿走一杯茶。 What information?” “什么情报?” Zi Chen looks up to Lei Wushuang. 紫宸抬头看向雷无双 About the different world, you isn't has wanted to know?” “关于异世的,你不是一直都想知道吗?” Lei Wushuang puts down the teacup, this Saint Thunder Clan main force will go, including many core pinnacles, you can treat as to turn out in full strength this behavior time.” 雷无双放下茶杯,“这一次圣雷族的主力都会进去,包括诸多的核心极致,你可以把这一次的行为当做倾巢而出。” The Zi Chen expression changes, core walked, that here what to do?” 紫宸的表情不禁一变,“核心都走了,那这里怎么办?” It is said that the Demon Clan core must walk.” “据说,魔族的核心也是要走的。” If by some chance doesn't walk? That didn't Saint Thunder Clan trouble?” “万一不走呢?那圣雷族不就麻烦了?” Lei Wushuang looked at Zi Chen one, „, even if not walk, still has nothing to do with us, that is the matter that the high level should consider, our responsibility observe to order nothing more.” 雷无双看了紫宸一眼,“就算不走,也跟我们无关,那是高层应该考虑的事情,我们的职责只是遵守命令而已。” Zi Chen sat, somewhat dispirited saying: Then, has the high level never cared about the lives of these people?” 紫宸坐了下来,有些颓废的说道:“这么说来,高层从未在乎过这些人的死活?” You not also? Otherwise will not look on. Although you have not made the any mistake, but you actually witnessed their death.” “你不也是吗?要不然也不会旁观了。虽然你没有做错什么,但你却目睹了他们的死亡。” Lei Wushuang said lightly: Do not care, I have not blamed your meaning, at this matter, no one can blame you, no one has the qualifications to blame you. The life in this world, our personal abilities is eventually limited, therefore handled our things in one's power to be OK, why can have groundless fears?” 雷无双淡淡说道:“不要在意,我没有责怪你的意思,在这件事情上,没有人能够责怪你,也没有人有资格去怪你。生活在这个世界,我们的个人能力终究是有限的,所以做我们力所能及的事情就可以了,何必要杞人忧天?” Zi Chen nods, no longer said anything, Lei Wushuang words reasonable. 紫宸点了点头,不再多说什么,雷无双的话还是有道理的。 It is said that world is very different from here, even strength also by certainly suppress, but concrete is what scene, is no one was clear.” “据说那个世界跟我们这里很不一样,甚至力量方面也会受到一定的压制,但是具体里面是什么场景,则是无人清楚。” Near Lei Wushuang body leans forward and table close contact, magnificent mighty waves before body, because the extrusion has distorted, her tone rare serious, these enters inside time, is very dangerous, but also follows the big chance, this is the affirmation, even if these insiders deliberately block off the flow of news, but still many people saw the hope of rise.” 雷无双身体前倾与桌边亲密接触,身前的壮观波澜因为挤压已经变形,她的语气少有的严肃,“这一次进入里面,很危险,但也伴随着大机缘,这是肯定的,哪怕那些知情人刻意的封锁消息,但依然有不少人看到了崛起的希望。” The line of sight of Zi Chen displaces slightly, trying hard does not make the opposite party misunderstand. 紫宸的视线稍稍偏移,努力不让对方误会。 Everyone's meaning is to hope you can also go, perhaps because of the pattern of next this world, will therefore change. Your present battle strength is good, but eventually is also not Holy Venerable.” “大家的意思是希望你也能进去,因为下一次这个世界的格局,或许就会因此而改变。你眼下的战力是不错,但终究还不是圣尊。” Moreover, according to some news, in that place, even Holy Venerable still not necessarily is strongest, may appear very much surpasses existence of Holy Venerable battle strength.” “而且,根据一些消息,在那个地方,就算是圣尊也未必是最强的,很有可能出现超出圣尊战力的存在。” The body of Lei Wushuang left near the table, depends to go toward the rear area, the line of sight of Zi Chen also returned to normal. 雷无双的身体离开了桌边,向着后方靠去,紫宸的视线也恢复了正常。 Sees only her to stretch out the slender finger, referred to the sky, some people said, there has to the above road.” 只见她伸出纤细的手指,指了指天空,“有人说,那里有通往上面的路。” The Zi Chen expression is on the other hand calm, because he had known the information of part about different world from Han Nu there, about the above road, is only one in legend. 紫宸的表情相对来说还算平静,因为他从寒女那里就已经知道了一部分关于异世的情报,关于上面的路,也只是传说中的一种。 Saint Thunder Clan these will not recruit you time, therefore you, if must go, finds the way to go from other entrance ahead of time. People like you, besides Saint Thunder Clan, I believe that other places will welcome.” 圣雷族这一次是不会征召你了,所以你如果要进去的话,还是提前想办法从别的入口进去。你这样的人,除了圣雷族之外,我相信其他地方都会欢迎的。” Then, Lei Wushuang then stood, walks toward outside. 说完,雷无双便是站了起来,向着外面走去。 „Can this walk? Doesn't eat meal?” Zi Chen is startled slightly. “这就要走?不吃顿饭?”紫宸微微一怔。 Has meal with the person of this puzzled character and style, is no interesting.” Lei Wushuang went back. “跟你这种不解风情的人吃饭,没什么意思。”雷无双回去了。 Zi Chen pondered, first is Han Nu is Lei Wushuang, hopes oneself go to the different world. 紫宸则是沉思了起来,先是寒女接着又是雷无双,都希望自己去异世之中。 Palace Spirit Zi Chen has also asked the opposite party, her attitude is very clear, wants to go to go, does not want to go not to go. 殿灵紫宸也问过对方,她的态度很明朗,想去就去,不想去就别去。 At present has no Zi Chen of idea to that place, at this time has to give careful consideration. 眼下对那个地方没有什么想法的紫宸,此时不得不慎重考虑。 Suddenly, in the Zi Chen mind flashes through a thought that all main forces in clan all leaves, Saint Thunder Clan made the plan of turning out in full strength, that other Great Influence? 忽然,紫宸的脑海中闪过一个念头,族中的所有主力全部离开,圣雷族做出了倾巢而出的打算,那其他的大势力呢? If all main forces went to the different world, that will also go on behalf of Zi Chen these friends? 如果所有的主力都去了异世之中,那是不是代表紫宸的那些朋友们也会进去? Monk, Demonic Ape, Su Mengyao and the others will, pass? 和尚,魔猿,苏梦瑶等人,都会过去? The Zi Chen expression changed, there clearly has the big crisis, indecisive Zi Chen, then set firm resolve immediately. 紫宸的表情变了变,那里显然是有大危机的,原先还犹豫不决的紫宸,当即便是下定了决心。 A new issue emerged, where should Zi Chen enter? 只是一个新的问题出现了,紫宸又该从哪里进入? He does not want to expose itself to leave this matter, is prevents Demon Clan to seize the chance to invade. 他不想暴露自己离开这件事,就是防止有魔族趁机入侵。 If with the aid of these Great Influence passage, the Zi Chen status definitely will expose, perhaps the person with high aspirations will use this matter to come the Sky Martial world to lash out. 如果借助那些大势力通道,紫宸的身份必然会暴露,说不定有心人就会利用此事来对天武世界发难。 Looks for Mo Yichan, with the aid of Demon Clan passage? 去找魔忆颤,借助魔族通道 This actually also accepted, who can guarantee Demon Clan these Holy Venerable, can suddenly under the killer to oneself. 这个倒是也行得通,但是谁敢保证魔族的那些圣尊们,会不会突然对自己下杀手。 Looks for Lei De/thunder earth is not good, the Saint Thunder Clan informer are too really many, is unable to achieve the true security. 去找雷地也不行,圣雷族的眼线实在太多,无法做到真正保密。 When Zi Chen worries this matter , the latest news spread, this time besides Lei Zheng, other Holy Venerable in Saint Thunder Clan, will enter during the different world. 就在紫宸发愁此事的时候,又有一则最新的消息传出,此次除了雷正之外,圣雷族里的其他圣尊,都会进入异世之中。 Following Saint Thunder Clan, gave Lei Zheng to manage temporarily. 接下来的圣雷族,暂时交给了雷正去管理。 This news to Zi Chen is very disadvantageous, Lei Zheng has the gratitude and grudges that is almost impossible to rest with him, many disgusting matter in the back, is almost Leizheng family does. 这个消息对紫宸是很不利的,雷正与他有着几乎无法化解的恩怨,许多背地里的恶心事情,几乎都是雷正家族搞出来的。 If this Lei Zheng stays behind, perhaps will suppress the Zi Chen Sky Martial world full power. 如果这一次雷正留下,说不定会全力打压紫宸天武世界。 This also is really an enormous trouble. 这还真是一个极大的麻烦。 The different world is to go, is more careful, that letting the person is unable to detect. 异世是要去的,更要小心谨慎,让人无从查觉的那种。 Therefore, Zi Chen went to Supressing Demon Gate, has what difficulty in any case, Zi Chen will look for Zhong Hao they. 于是,紫宸又去了一趟镇魔门,反正有什么困难,紫宸都会去找重昊他们。 Compared to itself to come, these Holy Venerable naturally want supernatural powers more general. 比起自己来,这些圣尊们当然要神通广大很多。 Zi Chen explained the purpose in coming directly, is careful, is safe, but must make everyone not know. 紫宸直接说明了来意,要小心,要安全,还要让所有人不知道。 Zhong Hao ridiculed: You think actually dexterous, do you have this place, come, you look for one to me, I also want to take a look.” 重昊讥讽道:“你想的倒是轻巧,你有没有这种地方,来,你给我找一个,我也想去看看。” Nearby Han Nu said: You went from here.” 一旁的寒女说道:“那你就从我们这里进去好了。” Un?” The Zi Chen expression changes, looks to Han Nu. “嗯?”紫宸表情一变,看向寒女 Although here only has several of us, but also was a side influence, therefore Heaven and Earth approved us.” “虽然这里只有我们几个,但也算是一方势力了,所以天地认可了我们。” Han Nu referred to behind, sees only rear Thunder Tree to drag, as a ray falls, hidden passage appears. 寒女指了指身后,只见后方的雷树摇曳,随着点点光芒落下,一个被隐藏的通道显现而出。 Zhong Hao does not know that muttered anything, no one can hear. 重昊不知道咕哝了一句什么,无人能够听到。 The eye of Zi Chen is one bright, the most troublesome matter was solved. 紫宸的眼睛则是一亮,最麻烦的事情解决了。 Goes from here, definitely no one can detect. 从这里进去,肯定无人能够察觉到。 Returns to the Sky Martial world, Zi Chen to start to arrange this matter, is only before departure, must settle the entire Sky Martial world. 回到天武世界,紫宸开始筹备此事,只是在离开之前,必须要把整个天武世界安顿好。 In order to prevent the accident happened, all rights need to turn over ahead of time. 为了防止变故发生,所有的权利都需要提前移交出去。
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