TM :: Volume #3

#281: Family Legacy

Su Long is very strong, the strength is strong in a complete mess, in Cangli City, dares to threaten to cut to kill Cang and Li two expert. 苏龙很强势,实力更是强的一塌糊涂,在苍黎城中,就敢扬言斩杀苍黎两家的强者 „.” “唰。” Everywhere is golden light, dazzling eye-catching, probably sharp blade falls, is sharp and fearful, Void was punctured large cave/hole. 漫天都是金光,刺眼夺目,像是一柄柄利刃落下,犀利而可怕,虚空都被刺出一个个大洞。 „.” “蓬。” The domineering that Cang Family expert makes strikes, was destroyed directly, his heart such as was hit hard, flew upside down directly, the big mouth coughs up blood. 苍家强者打出的强势一击,直接被摧毁,他心田如遭受重击,直接倒飞了出去,大口咳血。 „.” “啊。” Li Family expert loudly shouted, around the body is sending out the dazzling red light, the boundless flame appears, floods Heaven and Earth, has the fearful high temperature, curls toward Su Long, although is not Li Fire, but also is a fearful flame. 黎家强者大喝,周身散发着刺目的红光,无边的火焰出现,充斥天地,带着可怕高温,向着苏龙卷去,虽不是离火,但也是一种可怕的火焰。 Su Long acts, simple direct, golden Palm Seal falls, has the aura of pinnacle energy, hits to the flame. 苏龙出手,简单直接,金色掌印落下,带着极致能量的气息,打向火焰。 Bang.” “轰。” The giant flame, was patted into a small spark by Palm Seal directly, instantaneous disruption, as the healing of space dissipates, but Li Family expert, was shaken flies, coughs up blood again and again. 巨大的火焰,直接被掌印拍成了朵朵小火花,瞬间碎裂,随着空间的愈合而消散,而黎家强者,也是被震飞,连连咳血。 Old thing, dies.” The Su Long flying high steps, the Heaven and Earth giant, every step falls probably, can drive shivering of Heaven and Earth. “老东西,死來。”苏龙凌空踏步,像是天地巨人,每一步落下,都能带动天地的颤抖。 Looks at having hair dishevelled, Wu Ruoshan of whole body blood, in the Su Long eye is revealing dense killing intent. 望着披头散发,满身鲜血的吴若山,苏龙眼中流露森然杀意 Annihilation.” 破灭。” Wu Ruoshan bellows, the crazy condition reveals completely, the terrifying energy sends out from around the body, like black ink, in this moment, could not have seen the Wu Ruoshan form jet black, can only see a jet black large cave/hole, lends the fearful aura, huge mouth that probably Nether opens. 吴若山大吼,狂态毕露,恐怖的能量从周身散发,漆黑如墨,在这一刻,已经看不到吴若山的身影,只能看到一个漆黑大洞,散发可怕气息,像是幽冥张开的巨口。 The Nether black hole, filled Destruction Aura. 幽冥黑洞,充满了毁灭气息 Fearful Su Long, has to make Wu Ruoshan resort to the strongest method. 可怕的苏龙,不得不让吴若山动用最强手段。 Bang.” “轰。” Void is vibrating fiercely, in all directions, the space such as the lens disrupt generally piece by piece, the jet black piece, fuses together with Wu Ruoshan. 虚空都在剧烈抖动,四面八方,空间如镜片一般片片碎裂,漆黑一片,跟吴若山融为一体。 Dies.” “去死。” Wu Ruoshan roared, making the Annihilation technique was strongest strikes. 吴若山咆哮一声,打出破灭技最强一击。 Strokes, unexpectedly is black hole, like the deep pool, probably Nether passage is profoundly ordinary, is lending the strange and fearful aura, must Su Long swallowing. 一击打出,竟然是一个黑洞,深邃如渊,像是幽冥通道一般,散发着诡异而可怕的气息,要把苏龙给吞噬。 Some actually meanings.” On the Su Long face had some accidents/surprises, the expression is slightly dignified, later, radiant golden light, floods the horizon. “倒是有些意思。”苏龙脸上有了些许意外,表情略微凝重,之后,璀璨的金光,充斥天际。 It looks like a round golden Sun, overhangs the sky, but in not far away, is giant black hole, wants to swallow Sun forcefully. 就像是一轮金色的太阳,高挂天空,而在不远处,是一个巨大黑洞,想要强行吞噬太阳。 rumble.” 隆隆。” The black hole goes forward, such as myriad thunder and lightning crack, the thunderous sound resounds unceasingly, deafening, quick arrived in front of Su Long, wants to swallow him forcefully. 黑洞前进,如万千雷电炸响,雷鸣声不断响起,震耳欲聋,很快就到了苏龙面前,想要将他强行吞噬。 But Su Long does not dodge does not evade, flies high to stand, as if decided there, golden light was radiant, black hole swallowed the strength powerful, is unable to shake him unexpectedly slightly. 苏龙不闪不避,凌空而立,仿佛定在了那里,金光璀璨,黑洞的强大吞噬力,竟然无法撼动他丝毫。 Everyone feared, the Su Long strength, is really fearful. 所有人都惊住了,苏龙的实力,果然可怕。 „.” Wu Ruoshan loudly shouted, on the hair of hanging loose, had the bloodstain again, at this moment his seven orifices overflow the blood, all -out effort last physical strength, controls the black hole, swallows Su Long, seems very crazy. “啊。”吴若山再次大喝,披散的头发上,都有了血迹,此刻他七窍都溢出鲜血,拼劲最后一丝气力,操控黑洞,吞噬苏龙,显得很疯狂。 Trivial black hole nothing more, makes you have a look today, light how broken dark.” Su Long sneers, the right hand searches forward, the golden radiance flashes, the next quarter, huge Palm Seal appears, sends out radiant golden light. “区区黑洞而已,今日就让你看看,光如何破暗。”苏龙冷笑,右手向前一探,金色光华闪动,下一刻,一个巨大的掌印出现,散发璀璨的金光 Dozens meters big Palm Seal, fell in the sky, grasps to the black hole, the golden black two energies was colliding unceasingly, eruption say/way Destruction Aura. 数十米大的掌印,当空落下,抓向了黑洞,金色黑色两种能量在不断碰撞,爆发道道毁灭气息 Broken.” “破。” Su Long loudly shouted, the five fingers make an effort to grasp, the next quarter, golden Palm Seal also grasps, the release the fearful energy aura, the giant black hole, by the twist deformation that Palm Seal grasps, loudly sonic boom is finally broken. 苏龙大喝,五指用力一握,下一刻,金色掌印同样一握,释放出可怕的能量气息,巨大的黑洞,被掌印抓的扭曲变形,最终轰然一声爆碎。 .” “噗。” The black hole was shattered, the Wu Ruoshan big mouth coughs up blood, the complexion is the pale point, in the eye had desperately. 黑洞破碎,吴若山大口咳血,脸色更是惨白一分,眼中有了绝望。 Although both sides situated in rank, but the strength differs too in a big way. 双方虽然处于同等级,但是实力相差太大。 Everyone with amazement, Su Long battle strength was really powerful, the forcing with rank, worthily was Wushuang/peerless battle strength. 所有人骇然,苏龙战力实在是太强大了,力压同等级,不愧是无双战力 Oh, even existence of Sovereign level, can by an enemy three, this really be inconceivable.” “天哪,连宗主级的存在,都能以一敌三,这真是不可思议。” Everyone is shocked, some people thought of Zi Chen, has two pinnacle energies, how his future can. 所有人震惊,有些人想到了紫宸,拥有两种极致能量,他的未來会怎样。 „.” “唰。” In the meantime, the together/one path sword light lasing comes, just like the together/one path lightning, brings dense killing intent, flushes away toward the Su Long forehead. 就在此时,一道剑光激射而來,犹如一道闪电,带着森然杀意,向着苏龙的眉心冲去。 Clang.” “锵。” Among the Su Long fingers, golden light is shining, each finger seemed like the pure gold to cast, blocked sword light fearful struck. 苏龙指间,金光灿灿,每根手指都像是纯金铸就,挡住了剑光的可怕一击。 This is a palm of the hand big small sword, the body surface is pasting the fearful aura, but was actually grasped by Su Long at this moment in the hand. 这是一柄巴掌大的小剑,体表流转着可怕的气息,但此刻却被苏龙抓在手中。 Spirit Armament.” 灵兵。” Looks at the small sword, Su Long curls the lip, in the eye disdains to be thicker, is looking at Wu Ruoshan, said: You also use Spirit Armament unexpectedly.” 看到手中的小剑,苏龙撇撇嘴,眼中不屑更浓,望着吴若山,道:“你竟然还用灵兵。” A language falls, Wu Ruoshan pale face, immediately chirp red, awkward, wishes one could to look for a tunnel to worm one's way into. 一语落下,吴若山惨白的脸,立刻就噪的通红,尴尬不已,恨不得找个地洞钻进去。 Southern Region, is resource-deficient, wants casting Core Armament, easier said than done, this also from the fight from the beginning, the reason that he has not used the weapon. 南部地域,资源匮乏,想要铸造一件丹兵,谈何容易,这也是从战斗一开始,他沒有使用兵器的原因。 „.” “蓬。” But who knows, is this Spirit Armament, in the next quarter, was pinched-off with two fingers by Su Long, middle Spiritual Power completely loses, drops in the place. 可谁知,就是这一件灵兵,也在下一刻,被苏龙用两指夹断,当中的灵力尽失,跌落在地。 Heart that Wu Ruoshan looks in drop blood. 吴若山看的心都在滴血。 Even Spirit Armament, still consumed he very big painstaking care, moreover soon became Core Armament. 就算是一件灵兵,也耗费了他很大的心血,而且快要成为丹兵了。 Here resources are deficient, go out of person of easier said than done, presents Sky Martial with great difficulty, you actually must suppress, cut to kill, today delivers you this waste to start off, is Southern Region keeps some resources, is used to train the later generation.” “这里资源匮乏,走出一人谈何容易,好不容易出现一个天武,你们却要打压,斩杀,也罢今日就送你这个废物上路,也为南部地域留些资源,用來培养后人。” In the eye killing intent explodes flashes, the around the body golden light twinkle, the together/one path dozen meter huge sword edge appearance, is sending out radiant golden light, cuts toward Wu Ruoshan. 眼中杀意爆闪,周身金光闪烁,一道十几米长的巨大剑刃出现,散发着璀璨金光,向着吴若山斩去。 sword edge is strong and fearful, the speed is faster than the electric light. 剑刃强势而可怕,速度比电光还快。 .” “噗。” The red light twinkle, the blood sways, an arm falls baseless, Wu Ruoshan blocked must kill strikes, was actually cut an arm. 红光闪烁,鲜血挥洒,一条手臂凭空掉落,吴若山挡住了必杀一击,却被斩了一臂。 „.” Wu Ruoshan called out pitifully, the blood from breaking the arm left spurts crazily, this was too quick, he simply has not responded, all dodging, were under consciousness movement(s). “啊。”吴若山惨叫,鲜血从断臂出狂喷,这一幕发生的太快了,他根本沒有反应过來,一切的闪避,都是下意识动作 Su Long, here is Cangli City.” 苏龙,这里是苍黎城。” Two Sovereign level expert are angry, flushed again, they really feared that the next quarter, Wu Ruoshan was cut, by that time, Cangli City may not really be able to gain ground. 两位宗主级强者大怒,再次冲了上來,他们真怕下一刻,吴若山就被斩了,到那个时候,苍黎城可真就抬不起头了。 dragon head does not return, around the body golden light ripples, as the big sleeve wields, fearful aura is flowing, probably the rough seas of surging forward, twinkle golden light. 龙头也不回,周身金光荡漾,随着大袖一挥,一股可怕的气息在流动,像是汹涌澎湃的大浪,闪烁金光 .” .” “噗。”“噗。” But under everywhere golden light, two people quick backed up, bumps into has Wushuang/peerless battle strength Su Long, who can do, two population spit the blood, depression. 但在漫天的金光下,二人很快就倒退了出去,碰上拥有无双战力苏龙,谁能奈何,二人口吐鲜血,精神萎靡。 The strength differs not in a big way, but battle strength, two Sovereign level are very helpless. 实力相差不大,但是战力,却两位宗主级很是无奈。 .” “噗。” bloody light flashes again, Wu Ruoshan shouts one, the around the body ray flashes, dodges crazily, but cut off an arm as before, existence of Sovereign level, reduces to this situation unexpectedly, the both arms were cut, is really makes people speechless. 血光再次一闪,吴若山大喊一声,周身光芒闪动,疯狂闪避,但依旧被斩断一臂,一位宗主级的存在,竟然沦落到这个地步,双臂都被斩,实在是让人无言。 However no one sympathizes, many people wished one could Su Long to strike to cut Wu Ruoshan, the opposite party beforehand attitude , some people had a vivid memory. 不过沒有人同情,有不少人恨不得苏龙一击斩了吴若山,对方之前的态度,一干人还是记忆犹新。 It looks like the gods who keeps aloof general, the random unseemly behavior, controls others life and death. 就像是高高在上的神明一般,任意妄为,操控他人生死。 But during this period, Cang and Li two expert, were repelled once again, the big mouth coughs up blood, the injury gradually aggravates. 而在这期间,苍黎两家的强者,又一次被打退,大口咳血,伤势逐渐加重。 Invited family Legacy.” “有请家族底蕴。” Times were repelled, the Cang and Li two Sovereign level complexions, these was time is really used to sweep the floor, Cang Family expert turned around, drank in family's direction, please do not have Legacy, Wu Ruoshan is really cut. 一次次被打退,苍黎两家宗主级的脸色,这一次真的是用來扫地了,苍家强者转身,向着家族的方向喝去,再不请出底蕴,吴若山就真的被斩了。 The billowing sound, spread over entire Cangli City, brings in the huge vibration. 滚滚的声音,传遍了整个苍黎城,引來巨大震动。 Invited family Legacy.” “有请家族底蕴。” A language falls to trigger the strenuous vibration, the appearance of Su Long, made Cang Family use Legacy unexpectedly. 一语落下引发剧烈震动,苏龙的出现,竟然让苍家底蕴了。 In the crowd hears to call out in alarm, Southern Region, Great Influence Legacy, does not know that many years had not appeared, least have the millenniums, even several thousand years. 人群中传來一声声惊呼,南部地域,大势力底蕴,不知道多少年沒有出现了,最少也有千年,甚至于数千年。 When Misty / Piao Miao loose practitioner went to Martial Sect in the past, has not made Martial Sect set out Legacy, but this time, Su Long, drew out family Legacy unexpectedly. 就连当年飘渺散人武宗之时,也沒让武宗出动底蕴,但是这一次,一个苏龙,竟然引出了家族底蕴 Bang.” “轰。” A language falls, in the Cang Family position, is spreads wild aura, the together/one path radiant ray, since Cang Family appears, at the speed like lightning, covered entire Cangli City. 一语落下,在苍家的方位,便是传出一股狂暴的气息,一道璀璨的光芒,从苍家出现,紧接着以闪电般的速度,覆盖了整个苍黎城 The radiant ray forms a light cover, protected Cangli City. 璀璨的光芒形成一个光罩,把苍黎城保护了起來。 Family Legacy, the power and influence nature is fearful, if not make the defense, entire Cangli City will vanish. 家族底蕴一出,威势自然可怕,如果不做出防御,整个苍黎城将会消失。 Only covered just appeared, had the wild aura to surge, as if extremely terrible things will soon appear, at this moment is fermenting. 光罩刚刚出现,就有狂暴的气息涌动,似乎有一个极为可怕的东西即将出现,此刻是在酝酿。 Heaven and Earth changes colors, the wind woolpack moves, Cangli City starts to shiver fiercely, the probably true earth-shattering, the day of destruction arrived general, suffocating aura appeared. 天地失色,风卷云动,苍黎城开始剧烈颤动,像是真正的天崩地裂,毁灭之日到來一般,一股让人窒息的气息出现。 Boundless killing intent surges, floods this side Heaven and Earth, nearly materialization, in the sky one birds passed over gently and swiftly from the upper air, but in an instant, was then pierced by killing intent, changes into the blood fog, the skeleton not saves. 无边的杀意涌动,充斥这方天地,近乎实质化,天空中一群飞鸟从高空掠过,但在刹那间,便是被杀意洞穿,化为血雾,尸骨无存。 Big Cangli City, has to hold fully counts the million person, but at this moment, is actually silent, the sound that gasps for breath continually cannot hear, everyone's vision, stubbornly is looking at Cang Family. 偌大的苍黎城,足有容纳数百万人,但此刻,却是寂静无声,连喘气的声音都听不到,所有人的目光,都是死死的望着苍家 Cang Family Legacy, is what. 苍家底蕴,到底是何。 On the face of Zi Chen, some worried, this is family Legacy, shocked ten thousand years of thing, in he looks to Su Long, the latter is only a face is indifferent, the corners of the mouth bring to smile pale, on the face is only some curious nothing more. 紫宸的脸上,有了担忧,这可是家族底蕴,震慑了万年的东西,但是在他看向苏龙时,后者只是一脸淡然,嘴角带着淡笑,脸上只是有些好奇而已 Family Legacy, I am very curious, is anything.” In the meantime, the Su Long sound resounds, is still tranquil, obviously is confident. “家族底蕴吗,我很好奇,到底是什么东西。”就在此时,苏龙的声音响起,依旧平静,显然信心十足。 Snort, you will see that hopes when the time comes, you can also live are smiling to make noise.” Cang Family expert cold snort, in eye cold light twinkle. “哼,你会见到的,希望到时候,你还能活着笑出声。”苍家强者冷哼,眼中寒光闪烁。 Bang.” “轰。” Wild for a long time Heaven and Earth, at this moment triggered the vibration, as if terrifying Legacy is going to appear, the terrifying murderous intention, transmits from the Cang Family position. 狂暴了许久的天地,此刻引发了震动,似乎恐怖的底蕴将要出现,恐怖的杀机,从苍家的方位传來。 Harasses my Cang Family, cuts.” “扰我苍家者,斩。” The indifferent and ice-cold sound resounds, no feeling ** the color, spread over entire Cangli City. 冷漠而冰冷的声音响起,沒有任何的感**彩,传遍了整个苍黎城 Interesting.” Su Long is smiling as before pale. “有意思。”苏龙依旧在淡笑。 Fearful killing intent fills the air, even Sovereign level is still the calf trembles at this moment, felt that the heart lives coldly, but Su Long is still calm. 可怕的杀意弥漫,就算是宗主级此刻也是腿肚子打颤,感觉心底生寒,但是苏龙依旧镇定。 Invited family Legacy.” “有请家族底蕴。” In the meantime, is the together/one path sound resounds, Li Family Sovereign level also opened the mouth, why does not know, after he sees the calm smile on Su Long face, in heart lacks self-confidence, felt that Legacy cannot extinguish the opposite party. 就在此时,又是一道声音响起,黎家宗主级也是开口了,不知道为何,他看到苏龙脸上的淡定的笑容之后,心中沒了底,感觉一件底蕴灭不了对方。 Whish, „ “哗,“ The people in an uproar, Legacy that several thousand years have not presented appeared, had been enough shockingly, but at this moment, Li Family expert no longer was also calm, actually also summoned family Legacy. 众人哗然,数千年不曾出现的底蕴出现了,已经足以让人震惊,但是此刻,黎家强者也不再淡定,竟然也召唤出一件家族底蕴 Harasses my Li Family, the death.” “扰我黎家者,死。”
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