TM :: Volume #3

#282: Sky Martial Artist «Asked Subscription Support»

Cang Family Legacy will soon appear, be at the wild condition, Li Family was also wild, the fearful aura is surging. 苍家底蕴即将出现,处于狂暴状态,紧接着黎家又狂暴了,可怕的气息在涌动。 Harasses my Li Family, the death.” “扰我黎家者,死。” The similar tone, nearly same words, ice-cold penetrate to the bone, killing intent is boundless, probably gods. 同样的语气,近乎相同的话语,冰冷透骨,杀意无边,像是一尊神明。 Buzz.” “嗡。” together/one path eye-catching ray, since Li Family appears, this is also a light cover, first protected Cangli City. 紧接着,一道夺目的光芒,从黎家出现,这也是一个光罩,先护住了苍黎城 Two Legacy appear, a light cover, is unable to resist two Legacy aura. 两家的底蕴出现,一个光罩,根本无法抵御两件底蕴的气息。 Legacy, both Legacy must come.” 底蕴,两家的底蕴都要现身了。” Two light covers appear, the dim piece, protects the Cangli City person completely in the middle, later, two Legacy are thorough. 两个光罩出现,朦胧一片,把苍黎城的人全部护在中间,之后,两件底蕴彻底狂暴。 Two Legacy appear, even if you arrived at the peak, today must die without doubt.” The Wu Ruoshan both arms completely lose, look deathly pale, the look hatred, cold sound said, is the rapid retreat. “两件底蕴出现,就算你到达了巅峰,今日也必死无疑。”吴若山双臂尽失,脸色惨白,眼神怨毒,冷声说完,便是迅速退去。 Without the means that Legacy killing intent is extremely fearful, even Sovereign level is unable to withstand. 沒办法,底蕴杀意太过可怕,就算是宗主级也无法承受。 Misty / Piao Miao loose practitioner like that was initially powerful, does not dare to attack Martial Sect, is conceivable, Legacy fearful place. 要知道,当初飘渺散人那般强大,都沒敢冲击武宗,就可以想象,底蕴的可怕之处。 Snort, Legacy, must die without doubt.” “哼,底蕴一出,必死无疑。” Cang Family expert also draws back rapidly, Legacy, who with fighting, this combat general must drop the curtain. 苍家强者也是飞速远退,底蕴一出,谁与争锋,这一战将要落下帷幕。 battle strength Wushuang/peerless, actually acted recklessly, coming Li Family to act unruly, died getting what one deserves.” Li Family expert is also flies to draw back. 战力无双,却不知死活,來黎家撒野,死了活该。”黎家强者也是飞退。 At this moment, in the sky, is only left over Su Long, facing nearly materialization penetrating to the bone killing intent, his complexion is actually invariable, in the eye brings to tease curiously with. 此刻,天空中,只剩下一个苏龙,面对近乎实质化的透骨杀意,他的脸色却是不变,眼中带着戏谑与好奇。 „, I have a look today, so-called Great Influence Legacy, actually how.” “也罢,今日我就看看,所谓大势力底蕴,究竟如何。” Su Long smiles as before pale, is very self-confident. 苏龙依旧淡笑,很是自信。 Senior, my great mace, is next to Legacy, uses taking advantage of the senior.” Suddenly together/one path loudly shouted resounds, is Liu Family Liu Mingyong, held up great mace in hand. “前辈,我这杆狼牙大棒,仅次于底蕴,借前辈一用。”忽然一道大喝响起,是刘家刘明永,举起了手中的狼牙大棒 On great mace, winds around black light, the terrifying aura is dissipating. 狼牙大棒上,黑光缭绕,恐怖的气息在逸散。 Un, good weapon, no wonder others will be greedy, but I do not need, only two Legacy nothing more, how have not dared me.” Su Long smiles pale, is self-confident. “嗯,不错的武器,怪不得别人会眼馋,只是我不需要,区区两个底蕴而已,还不敢把我怎么样。”苏龙淡笑,非常自信。 However his this saying opens the mouth, Cang and Li two expert, the feeling is very grating, in heart is only sneering constantly, has not refuted. 但是他这话一开口,苍黎两家的强者,就感觉很是刺耳,心中只是一味的冷笑,也沒有反驳。 How Legacy does not dare you, only to meet to cut you. 底蕴不敢把你怎么样,只会一下斩了你。 Snort, acts recklessly.” Wu Ruoshan sneers. “哼,不知死活。”吴若山则是冷笑。 Cang and Li two directions, aura finally wild to the extreme, two fearful aura appear. 苍黎两家的方向,气息终于狂暴到了极点,紧接着两股可怕的气息出现。 In the Cang Family direction, is together/one path sword light, probably holds up a day of sword general, a appearance, was surges crazy killing intent, vault of heaven presented a large cave/hole, radiant sword light, foot have several kilometer, cut toward Su Long. 苍家方向,是一道剑光,像是擎天之剑一般,一出现,便是涌动一股疯狂的杀意,天穹出现了一个大洞,璀璨的剑光,足有数千米长,向着苏龙斩來。 „, „ “哧,“ Meanwhile, together/one path fiery red blade light appears from the Li Family direction, imposing manner not weak sword light, cuts Void instantaneously, brings the aura that destroys Heaven and Earth, cut to Su Long. 与此同时,一道火红的刀光黎家方向出现,气势丝毫不弱剑光,瞬间斩开虚空,带着毁灭天地的气息,斩向了苏龙 A sword light blade light appearance, crazy killing intent surges, three Sovereign level expert, draw back to draw back again, is afraid to be affected. 剑光刀光一出现,疯狂的杀意涌动,三位宗主级强者,一退再退,害怕被波及到。 The space as if solidifies, among Heaven and Earth only then this sword light and blade light elegant demeanor, even suppress Su Long. 空间仿佛凝固,天地间只有这剑光刀光的风采,甚至于都压制苏龙 Good attack, but is used to treat as Legacy, is really is unqualified, it seems like Limitless Sect extinguishes, here numerous innate quality did not have, the overall strength was weaker, was called the barbarian, is feels emotion to be possible original.” “不错的攻击,但是用來当做底蕴,实在是太不够格了,看來无极宗一灭,连带这里的众多资质也沒了,整体实力弱了很多,被人称呼蛮夷,也是有情可原。” blade light and sword light simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform appears, sending out crazy killing intent, fell to the Su Long top of the head, the fresh breeze moved, the white clothing flap flap made noise, Su Long could not bear close the eye, so struck, once fell, Su Long was cut inevitably. 刀光剑光齐齐出现,散发疯狂杀意,落向了苏龙的头顶,劲风吹动,白色衣衫猎猎作响,苏龙忍不住闭上了眼睛,如此一击,一旦落下,苏龙必然被斩。 In the meantime, the Su Long around the body golden light twinkle, in the hand presented a thing. 就在此时,苏龙周身金光闪烁,手中出现了一物。 He only then the palm of the hand is big, golden light is radiant, the appearing instance, cannot open the eye on the exciting person. 他只有巴掌大,却金光璀璨,在出现的瞬间,就刺激的人睁不开眼睛。 That is anything.” “那是什么。” Probably a token.” “好像是一个令牌。” At this kind of time, he put out a token to be useful.” “在这种时候,他拿出一个令牌有什么用。” Legacy arrives, the might is peerless, he thinks that puts out a small token to resist.” 底蕴降临,威力绝伦,难道他以为拿出一个小小的令牌就能抵挡。” Su Long put out a golden token, annoys one to call out in alarm intermittently, but also insufficiently rude. 苏龙拿出了一个金色令牌,惹來一阵阵惊呼,但还不至于失态。 That is, gold essence.” “那是,金精。” Oh, palm of the hand big gold essence.” “天哪,巴掌大的一块金精。” I have not misread, that token manufactures with gold essence, is completely pure gold essence.” “我沒有看错吧,那块令牌是用金精制作的,完全是纯粹的金精。” Compares calling out in alarm in crowd, Imperial Sky is seeing the token in an instant, makes noise panic-strickenly. 相比于人群中的惊呼,御空在看到令牌的刹那间,更是惊骇出声。 gold essence is one pinnacle material between world, is the rare thing, is one unsurpassed expository material. 金精算是天下间的一种极致物质,是不可多得的东西,也是一种无上的炼器材料。 In the Zi Chen hand palm of the hand big firm gold stone, middle contains gold essence, normally, may be called great treasure in great treasure, but lost gold essence, the value greatly reduces, but can also control with Spirit Sense, obviously gold essence has not vanished completely. 紫宸手中巴掌大的金刚石,当中就蕴含着金精,正常情况下,堪称重宝中的重宝,但是失去了金精,价值就大大降低,但是还能用灵念操控,显然金精并沒有全部消失。 Can call it great treasure. 能称之为重宝 But the token in Su Long hand, is actually casts by gold essence completely, its value is unable to estimate, is refining artifact(s) Sacred Class, entire Southern Region, the collections of all influences take completely, may not collect such big gold essence. 苏龙手中的令牌,却是完全由金精铸就,其价值根本无法估量,更是炼器圣品,整个南部地域,所有势力的珍藏全部拿出來,都不一定能凑出这么大一块金精 However so refining artifact(s) Sacred Class, made a useless token unexpectedly, this makes numerous Imperial Sky blush with shame, three Sovereign level, is deeply grieved, this simply is the oppressive taxation gifts of heaven. 但是如此炼器圣品,竟然制成了一个无用的令牌,这让一众御空汗颜,就连三位宗主级,也是悲痛欲绝,这简直就是暴敛天物。 Also in this moment, the Su Long status is also vivid, the person outside Southern Region, he is outsider, is not the person of local. 也就在这一刻,苏龙的身份也是呼之欲出,南部地域外的人,他是一个外來者,并不是本土之人。 As for the Su Mengyao uncle who before said that from the start no one believed that Su Family must have such a person, has not become side Great Influence. 至于之前说的苏梦瑶的叔叔,压根就沒人信,苏家要有这样一个人,不早就成为一方大势力了。 Buzz.” “嗡。” The token appears in the hand, does not need to stimulate to movement, releases radiant golden light, later, on the Su Long face brings to smile pale, token throwing. 令牌出现在手中,不需要催动,就释放出璀璨的金光,之后,苏龙脸上带着淡笑,把令牌给抛了出去。 Resources serious deficiency, it will not recognize.” Su Long smiles as before pale, if carefully looked, can see his forehead, presented some sweat stains. “资源严重匮乏,不会连它都不认得了吧。”苏龙依旧淡笑,如果仔细看,就能看到他的眉心,出现了一些汗渍。 Obviously his heart, is not tranquil like the surface. 显然他的心,并不像表面那么平静。 Token flying, golden light is shining, is against the wind long, in an instant, changes into two meters, probably a shield was common, keeps off in the Su Long front. 令牌飞空,金光灿灿,迎风便长,刹那之间,就化为两米大小,像是一个盾牌一般,挡在了苏龙前方。 Punctures Potian arched sword light to fall, cuts to extinguish Heaven and Earth blade light to fall, the so fearful attack, the trivial token is not naturally able to resist, but very strange matter happened, sword light with blade light, when arriving at token front, was looks like displays decided the body technique general, simultaneous/uniform static, stopped sky over the token. 破天穹的剑光落下,斩灭天地刀光落下,如此可怕的攻击,区区令牌自然无法抵挡,但是很诡异的事情发生了,剑光刀光,在到达令牌面前时,便是像施展了定身术一般,齐齐静止,停在了令牌上空。 „The Sky Martial Alliance Sky Martial token, you unexpectedly are Sky Martial Artist.” 天武联盟天武令牌,你竟然是一位天武者。” The indifferent and icy cold sound resounds from Cang Family, middle has the thick accident/surprise and shock. 冷漠而冰凉的声音从苍家响起,当中带着浓浓的意外与震惊。 Sky Martial Alliance, Sky Martial Artist.” 天武联盟,天武者。” Meanwhile, Li Family ice-cold sound, is no longer calm. 与此同时,黎家冰冷的声音,也不再淡定。 It seems like you really recognize it.” Su Long corners of the mouth smiles to be in full bloom pale, the sweat stain of forehead, does not know when has vanished does not see. “看來你们果然认得它。”苏龙嘴角的淡笑盛开,额头的汗渍,不知何时已经消失不见。 Sky Martial Alliance, Sky Martial Artist.” 天武联盟,天武者。” Everyone after hearing this sound, stares, obviously is perplexed. 所有人在听到这声音之后,都是一愣,显然不明所以。 Meanwhile, some people found, above the token, has the handwriting. 与此同时,也有人发现,令牌之上,拥有字迹。 That is an ancient handwriting, can identify vaguely, the Sky Martial Alliance inscription, as for the other aspect is anything, no one can see. 那是一种古老的字迹,依稀可以辨认出,天武联盟的字样,至于另外一面是什么,沒有人能看到。 Sky Martial Alliance, Sky Martial Artist.” 天武联盟,天武者。” In the discussion, the Wu Ruoshan complexion disastrous incident, again is wan, the expression is becomes very with amazement, stared in a big way the eye, called out in alarm said: You are 100 years ago, carried off that Sky Martial Artist, you are Su Long.” 就在议论声中,吴若山的脸色惨变,再无血色,表情更是变得十分骇然,瞪大了眼睛,惊呼道:“你是一百年前,被带走的那个天武者,你是苏龙。” 100 years ago, Southern Region presented an event of extremely stir, triggering the vibration of Seven Great Cities Three Great Sects, Southern Region to present Sky Martial Artist, innate quality was remarkable, carried over Southern Region. 一百年前,南部地域出现了一件极为轰动的事件,引发七大城三大派的震动,南部地域出现了一位天武者,资质卓越,被带出了南部地域 At that time this matter caused very big stir, Sky Martial Artist, Sky Martial Alliance, Sky Martial Continent, the phrase that these had nothing to do with linked, is a fearful super influence. 当时这件事引起了很大轰动,天武者,天武联盟,天武大陆,这些毫不相干的字眼联系在一起,将会是一个可怕的超级势力。 This influence, passes through Sky Martial Continent. 这个势力,贯穿天武大陆 Compared with Sky Martial Alliance, solemn Cangli City, Cang and Li two, one hair on nine cow do not calculate, disparity of both sides, like keeping aloof Ninth Heavenly Layer to the tenth Eight Layers hell. 天武联盟比起來,堂堂的苍黎城,苍黎两家,连九牛上的一毛都不算,双方的差距,就像高高在上的九重天对第十八层地狱。 Is you, originally is you.” “是你,原來是你。” You are actually living.” “你竟然活着回來了。” Cang and Li two expert, shocks extremely, the past matter, they naturally know, because this matter extremely caused a stir. 苍黎两家的强者,也是极为震撼,当年的事情,他们自然知道,因为这件事太过轰动了。 Finally has the person, must go out of Southern Region, went to outside wanderer, moreover person who there is Sky Martial Alliance received and instructed, the future achievement will be limitless. 终于有人,要走出南部地域,去外面闯荡了,而且有天武联盟的人來接引,日后的成就不可限量。 With calling out in alarm of Wu Ruoshan, another two Sovereign level, remembered this matter. 随着吴若山的惊呼,另外两位宗主级,也是想起了此事。 In the past many influences want to flatter the Sky Martial Alliance person, but the person's shadow had not actually even seen, only saw young Old Man Su. 当年有不少势力都想去巴结天武联盟的人,但是却连人影都沒有见到,只见到了年轻的苏老头。 Hundred years ago to the present, has crossed for more than 100 years, the people have forgotten that Sky Martial Artist. 百年前到现在,已经过了一百多年,众人早已忘记了那个天武者 Because the Sky Martial Alliance person said is very clear, must conduct a dangerous inspection, if cannot pass, will die . Moreover the mortality rate is very high. 因为天武联盟的人说的很清楚,要进行一场危险的考核,如果通不过,将会死去,而且死亡率很高。 Su Long had not come , this matter people forgot gradually, hundred years, Old Man Su became Imperial Sky, the Spirit Martial Sect destruction. 苏龙一直都沒有现身,渐渐的,这件事众人都忘了,百年了,苏老头都成为了御空,灵武宗都覆灭了。 No one has thought, at this time, Su Long appeared. 谁也沒有想到,在这个时候,苏龙出现了。 Over hundred -year-old Su Long, seems like actually the probably less than 30-year-old young people, suddenly no one remembers, is very normal. 超过百岁的苏龙,看起來却像是不足30岁的年轻人,一时间沒有人想起,也很是正常。 Is he.” “是他。” Wang Zhenwei expression moves, obviously also hears to have the matter about Su Long. 王震威神色一动,显然也听到有关于苏龙的事情。 Sky Martial Artist, Sky Martial, a moment ago what he meant was that Zi Chen was also Sky Martial Artist.” Suddenly, Wang Zhenwei expression changes, unbelievable is looking around Zi Chen. 天武者,天武,刚才他的意思是,紫宸也是一位天武者。”忽然,王震威神色一变,难以置信的望着旁边的紫宸 Also, he sees in the meantime, all around more than several hundred pairs, several thousand both eyes light, have fallen on Zi Chen. 也就在此时,他才看到,四周已经不下数百双,数千双目光,落在紫宸身上。 Su Long said continually twice Sky Martial, no one understands that is what meaning, at this moment sound in secret resounds, saying Su Long was Sky Martial Artist, the people felt relaxed, this resounded, Su Long had also said Zi Chen was Sky Martial. 苏龙一连说了两次天武,都沒有人明白是什么意思,此刻暗中的声音响起,说苏龙是一位天武者,众人才释然,这才响起,苏龙也说过紫宸天武 On the Wu Ruoshan face, does not have the blood-color, Sky Martial token, who dares to move, under who dares the killer. 吴若山脸上,已经沒有了血色,天武令牌一出,谁敢动弹,谁敢下杀手。 You have not died unexpectedly, but also living.” He muttered, on the face full was desperate. “你竟然沒死,还活着。”他喃喃自语,脸上满是绝望。 I have not certainly died, but you actually could not live.” Su Long coldly said. “我当然沒死,但是你却活不成了。”苏龙冷道 Here is Cangli City, you cannot kill him.” The indifferent sound resounds again, this belongs to Cang Family expert in secret. “这里是苍黎城,你不能杀他。”冷漠的声音再次响起,这是属于暗中的苍家强者 Li Family expert has not opened the mouth, but depressed also represents the similar meaning obviously. 黎家强者沒有开口,但沉闷显然也代表同样的意思。 He must die without doubt, as for them, can forgive their life.” Su Long swept Wu Ruoshan, then looks to another two Sovereign level. “他必死无疑,至于他们,可以饶他们一命。”苏龙扫了一眼吴若山,然后又望向另外两位宗主级 „It is not good, Wu Ruoshan cannot die.” Sound in secret repeats again. “不行,吴若山不能死。”暗中的声音再次重复。 He must die without doubt.” “他必死无疑。” What's wrong, you did not fear that I cut to kill you at the scene, then destroys the corpse and leave no trace.” The sound threat said in secret. “怎么,你不怕我当场斩杀你,然后毁尸灭迹。”暗中声音威胁道。 If I died, Cangli City will vanish in three days.” Su Long indifferent opens the mouth. “如果我死了,苍黎城将会在三日内消失。”苏龙淡然开口。 …… ,,,,,,,,,。 ps: Cannot think through, final on several th, others result rise suddenly, the book friend of my actually general difficult Daoist, is subscribes as before the end of the month. ps:想不通,最后几日,人家的成绩都是暴涨,我的却依旧一般难道人家的书友,都是月底才订阅的。 That looks at the Thunder Martial friend, has not subscribed, asks to subscribe. 那有沒有看雷武的朋友,还沒有订阅,求下订阅。 Everyone is cruel enough to look at I laborious one month of trying hard, by others short two days counter- ultra . 难道大家忍心看我辛辛苦苦一个月的努力,被人家短短两天反超吗,,,。 Sought the subscription, the friends, sought the help, sought the support, seeking the subscription to support . 求订阅,朋友们,求帮助,求支援,求订阅支援,,。
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