TM :: Volume #3

#280: Perfect energy

Three Sovereign level make a move, makes the fearful energy attack, the gorgeous and terrifying ray floods the horizon, broke Void, falls toward the white clothing man. 三位宗主级出手,打出可怕的能量攻击,绚丽而恐怖的光芒充斥天际,破碎了虚空,向着白衣男子落去。 The fearful energy ripples in the upper air, if not three people of desirably suppress energies, does not let affect below city, perhaps this strikes, is only the energy aura, will let the most city disintegration. 可怕的能量在高空荡漾,如果不是三人刻意压制能量,不让波及到下方的城市,恐怕这一击,光是能量气息,就会让大半个城市崩碎。 Even so, entire Cangli City is also shivering, around the square construction, had a crack in the tremor, collapsing, the mist and dust rises from all directions loudly. 但即便如此,整个苍黎城也在颤动,广场四周的建筑,更是在颤动中出现了道道裂缝,紧接着轰然坍塌,烟尘四起。 Snort.” “哼。” White clothing man cold snort, he flies high to stand, the eye pupil like the electricity, the corners of the mouth has disdaining, around the body to send out shining golden light as before, like Golden Armored War God that a gold casts. 白衣男子冷哼,他凌空而立,眼眸如电,嘴角依旧带着不屑,周身散发灿灿金光,像一个黄金铸就的金甲战神 Broken.” “破。” loudly shouted, his both hands hold up the day, makes one to hold up a day of potential, together/one path radiant golden light, dazzling eye-catching, appears from both hands, probably sharp blade, punctures the person both eyes stabbing pain, is unable to look straight ahead. 一声大喝,他双手擎天,做出一个擎天势,一道璀璨的金光,刺眼夺目,从双手上出现,像是一柄柄利刃,刺得人双目刺痛,无法直视。 Fearful aura appears, surging forward, this is the first time that the man aura that makes the belt/bring energy, probably the earth-shattering is ordinary, entire Cangli City is vibrating. 紧接着,一股可怕的气息出现,汹涌澎湃,这是男子第一次打出带能量的气息,像是天崩地裂一般,整个苍黎城都在抖动。 Bang.” Bang.” “砰。”“砰。” Around the square, 78 tall buildings are unable to bear the pressure that dissipates, explodes in abundance broken, the stone chip dances in the air, mist and dust everywhere. 广场四周,七八座高大建筑无法承受逸散出的压力,纷纷爆碎,石屑飞舞,烟尘漫天。 Fearful golden ray, but also without making, has such power and influence, frightening. 可怕的金色光芒,还沒有打出,就有如此威势,让人心惊。 Under holding up a day of potential, white clothing man both hands shake, dazzling golden light counter empties on, has one type sharply to the extreme aura, to attacks of three Sovereign level. 在擎天势之下,白衣男子双手一抖,刺眼的金光逆空而上,带着一种锐利到极点的气息,对上了三位宗主级的攻击。 Bang.” “轰。” A big quake, Xing Chen / star clashed probably, triggers fierce trembling of Cangli City, this time, the earth-shattering, many building collapsing, in the city most person falls down probably, many people, by this big quake stunning. 一声大震,像是星辰发生了碰撞,引发苍黎城的剧烈震颤,这一次,像是天崩地裂,许许多多的建筑物坍塌,城中大半的人一头栽倒,更是有不少人,被这声大震给震晕了过去。 This is only some energies of escape, has such power and influence, once the energy all dissipates, perhaps Cangli City must destroy. 这只是逸散的些许能量,就有如此威势,一旦能量全部逸散而出,苍黎城恐怕都要毁灭。 The energy collides, probably the smoke and fire is in full bloom, the blooming gorgeous ray, erupts the fearful aura, the space in silent shatter, disappears, white clothing man struck, blocked making a move of three Sovereign level. 能量碰撞,像是烟火盛开,绽放绚丽光芒,爆发可怕气息,空间在无声的破碎,泯灭,白衣男子的一击,挡住了三位宗主级的出手。 This is the pinnacle energy.” The Wu Ruoshan complexion drastic change, incomparably, saw the pinnacle energy with amazement unexpectedly once again. “这是极致能量。”吴若山脸色剧变,骇然无比,竟然又一次见到了极致能量。 Moreover is existence of Sovereign level. 而且是一位宗主级的存在。 The strength of opposite party, not many, but has the pinnacle energy, by an enemy three. 对方的实力,并不比自己强多少,但却有极致能量,以一敌三。 Extremely pinnacle energy.” Cang and Li two Sovereign level, the complexion also changes, once again saw the pinnacle energy, before three people of attacks, absolutely were the full forces, but was actually reduced and solved by the opposite party, present age also only has the pinnacle energy, can have such power and influence. “极极致能量。”苍黎两家的宗主级,脸色也是大变,又一次见到了极致能量,之前三人的攻击,绝对是全力,但却被对方化解,当世也唯有极致能量,才能有如此威势。 The pinnacle energy, is energy cultivation arrives at the apex, produced mutation, like the Zi Chen side Yin Thunder electricity and extremely Yang Thunder electricity. 极致能量,是一种能量修炼到达顶点,产生的异变,就像紫宸的极阴雷电与极阳雷电一样。 Moreover cultivates the pinnacle energy expert, almost can sweep away with rank, battle strength Wushuang/peerless. 而且修有极致能量的强者,几乎可以横扫同等级,战力无双 Has a look at Zi Chen to see. 看看紫宸就可以看出。 Who you are, coming to here to have what intent.” Li Family expert frowns tightly, Sovereign level that has the pinnacle energy, the origin nature is extraordinary. “你到底是谁,來这里有何意。”黎家强者紧皱眉头,一位拥有极致能量的宗主级,來历自然非凡。 Also possibly is not trivial rogue cultivator, because rogue cultivator will not train Sovereign level pinnacle expert, because of the consumption of pinnacle energy, is astronomical figures. 也更加不可能是区区散修,因为散修是不会培养出宗主级的极致强者,因为极致能量的消耗,是一个天文数字。 You can call me Su Long, as for my goal ; first, to teach your shameless ones, two are to cut to kill this old ghost.” The white clothing man sent out the name for the first time, the physique was great, probably the Heaven and Earth giant, in an instant, the eyes that the words fell were ice-cold, crazy killing intent appeared, sweeps to Wu Ruoshan. “你可以叫我苏龙,至于我的目的,一是教训你们这些无耻之徒,二就是斩杀这老鬼。”白衣男子第一次报出名字,身姿伟岸,像是天地巨人,在话语落下的刹那间,双眼便是冰冷起來,一股疯狂杀意出现,扫向吴若山 Kills me.” Wu Ruoshan is startled, confuses very much, he does not have the enmity with the opposite party without the injustice, why must kill people. “杀我。”吴若山一怔,很是迷惑,他跟对方无冤无仇,为何要杀人。 Then he is the feeling all over the body ice-cold, the hand and foot is numb, by a expert caring that has the pinnacle energy, this may want fearful many compared with the Misty / Piao Miao loose practitioner caring, also wants the dangerous many. 转而他便是感觉通体冰冷,手足麻木,被一位拥有极致能量的强者惦记上,这可比飘渺散人惦记上要可怕的多,也要危险的多。 Su Long.” Cang and Li two expert, the brow deep lock, has not listened to this family obviously. 苏龙。”苍黎两家的强者,眉头深锁,显然并沒有听过这个家族。 You have what enmity with me, must kill me unexpectedly.” The Wu Ruoshan complexion is ugly, is looking at front Su Long, in his eye dreaded completely. “你跟我有何仇怨,竟然要杀我。”吴若山脸色难看,望着前方的苏龙,他的眼中满是忌惮。 Vengefulness for father's murder, kills the brother to kill the enmity of sister-in-law.” “杀父之仇,杀兄杀嫂之仇。” The Su Long sound becomes colder, the voice just fell, he then moved, in the eye the murderous intention explodes flashes, the around the body golden light twinkle, then flushes away toward Wu Ruoshan. 苏龙的声音变得更冷,话音刚刚落下,他便是动了,眼中杀机爆闪,周身金光闪烁,便是向着吴若山冲去。 Nonsense.” Wu Ruoshan roared, flies high to make a palm. “胡说八道。”吴若山咆哮,凌空打出一掌。 Annihilation Palm, this is Annihilation Battle Skill, a fearful move, representative Annihilation, practices profound Realm , without the thing broken. 破灭掌,这是破灭战技当中,可怕的一招,代表破灭,练到高深境界,无物不破。 „.” “蓬。” Su Long around the body golden light sparkles, as a palm falls, golden light of big piece sways, fearful golden light is pasting, direct disintegration Palm Seal. 苏龙周身金光闪闪,随着一掌落下,大片的金光挥洒,可怕的金光在流转,直接崩碎了掌印 The Wu Ruoshan complexion big change, the instantaneous retreat, at the same time, to other two loudly shouted, you is also staring doing, he said intentionally, wants defeat in detail, I do not know him.” 吴若山脸色大变,瞬间后退,与此同时,冲着另外两人大喝,“你们还愣着干什么,他是故意这么说的,想要各个击破,我根本就不认识他。” Snort, Su Mengyao is my niece, Spirit Martial Sect Supreme Elder is my father, my elder brother with sister-in-law, twenty years ago, died in person of hand your Martial Sect.” Su Long said the whole story, in the eye killing intent is more abundant. “哼,苏梦瑶是我侄女,灵武宗太上长老是我父亲,我的兄长跟大嫂,二十几年前,死在了你们武宗之人手中。”苏龙道出了原委,眼中杀意更盛。 The around the body golden ray surges, once again charged into Wu Ruoshan. 周身金色光芒涌动,又一次冲向了吴若山 Martial Tyrant Under Heaven.” Wu Ruoshan loudly shouted, has expert of pinnacle energy to, the technique of general attacking killing, simply has not affected, at this moment directly uses killing strike. 武霸天下。”吴若山大喝,对上拥有极致能量的强者,一般的攻杀之术,根本沒有作用,此刻直接使用杀招 Only listens to a language to fall, the Wu Ruoshan imposing manner is changing, the look becomes cold severe, probably a Heaven and Earth giant is common, is overlooking Su Long, he lifts the palm, the point to Su Long, the dignity said: Death.” 只听一语落下,吴若山的气势在变,眼神变得更为冷厉,像是一个天地巨人一般,俯视着苏龙,他抬起手掌,点向苏龙,威严道:“死。” Probably cable/search life/command the judge is common, a fearful energy circulation, has the dreadful pressure, goes toward the Su Long rolling. 像是索命的判官一般,一股可怕的能量流转,带着滔天的威压,向着苏龙辗压而去。 Snort.” The Su Long corners of the mouth cast aside slightly, in the eye has to disdain, his around the body golden light flashes again, becomes more dazzling, moreover imposing manner climbing rising speed, Wu Ruoshan also wants to be quicker, in the eye the cold light twinkle, turns toward Wu Ruoshan to select one finger/refers similarly, golden light is radiant. “哼。”苏龙嘴角微微一撇,眼中有着不屑,他的周身金光再闪,变得更为刺眼,而且气势的攀涨速度,比吴若山的还要快很多,眼中冷光闪烁,同样向着吴若山点出一指,金光璀璨。 „.” “蓬。” The blood sways, a pitiful yell resounds, Wu Ruoshan extremely fast backs up, the right hand distorted, a blood hole appears in the palms, the Su Long domineering strikes, wounded him directly. 鲜血挥洒,一声惨叫响起,吴若山极速倒退,右手都变形了,一个血洞出现在掌间,苏龙的强势一击,直接击伤了他。 „.” “啊。” Wu Ruoshan has hair dishevelled, if the shape is crazy, on the body of Su Long, he felt the far ultra Misty / Piao Miao loose practitioner pressure . Moreover the opposite party killed the heart already, obviously does not want to let off itself, roared, he charged into Su Long again. 吴若山披头散发,状若疯狂,在苏龙的身上,他感觉到了远超飘渺散人的压力,而且对方杀心已起,显然不想放过自己,咆哮一声,他再次冲向了苏龙 „.” “蓬。” Big piece golden light sprinkles, probably sharp blade, fell on Wu Ruoshan, the latter figure was wasted again, the body presented many scars, but has not actually punctured the strategic point. 大片金光洒落,像是一柄柄利刃,落在了吴若山身上,后者身形再一次被打飞,身上出现不少伤痕,但却沒有刺到要害。 This is fatal strikes, but was actually given to dodge by him, but received the skin flesh wound. 这本是致命一击,但是却被他给闪避过去,只是受了皮外伤。 But this also made the world shock sufficiently, Sovereign level expert, unexpectedly such by suppress. 但这也足以让世人震惊了,一位宗主级强者,竟然这么被压制了。 Moreover performance of Su Long, but also is calm, obviously has not tried, both sides at all are not a rank. 而且苏龙的表现,还非常淡定,显然还沒有尽全力,双方根本不是一个级别。 This is the pinnacle energy, is known as invincibly with rank, battle strength Wushuang/peerless.” “这就是极致能量,同等级中号称无敌,战力无双。” Wang Zhenwei and the others, look at in the air Su Long, in the eye pupil the appearance is fluctuating, the bonus is your again talent, again monstrous talent | Evildoer, without the pinnacle energy, in rank in the middle, must as before by suppress. 王震威等人,望着空中的苏龙,眼眸中神采变幻,饶是你再天才,再妖孽,如果沒有极致能量,在同等级当中,依旧要被压制 The surrounded people, have fallen back on outside the square, watches from afar, sees the Wu Ruoshan hit repetitive retreat, they are also extremely shocking. 围观的众人,早已退到了广场之外,远远观看,看到吴若山被打的连连后退,他们也是极为震惊。 Then all portraits think anything is the same, the vision fell on Zi Chen in abundance. 转而所有人像是想到了什么一样,目光纷纷落在了紫宸身上。 On Zi Chen, has two pinnacle energies, moreover mutual capacitance, without exploding body, if he grows, how can. 紫宸身上,拥有两种极致能量,而且已经互容,沒有爆体,如果他成长起來,将会怎么样。 Absent-minded , the people as if superposed with the Su Long shadow Zi Chen, if Zi Chen undying, successful growth, then certain years later, is another Su Long, may be stronger than Su Long very much. 恍惚之中,众人似乎把紫宸苏龙的影子重合了起來,如果紫宸不死,成功的成长,那么若干年以后,就是另外一个苏龙,很有可能比苏龙还强。 But perhaps at that time, Zi Chen extinguished kills Wu Ruoshan this rank, but struck. 而那个时候,恐怕紫宸灭杀吴若山这种级别的,只是一击。 Potential. 潜力。 Sees Su Long, everyone saw the Zi Chen infinite potential, all Imperial Sky, the vision becomes earnest, wishes one could to go back the Zi Chen belt/bring now, cultivates quite, even if spends the huge price. 看到苏龙,所有人都看到了紫宸的无限潜力,所有的御空,目光都变得热切起來,恨不得现在就把紫宸带回去,好生栽培,哪怕花费巨大代价。 Uncle carried off since childhood, has not seen with my father several, Grandfather has also rarely mentioned.” As if thought of the family member, mewl of Su Mengyao in the Zi Chen bosom. “叔叔从小就被人带走,跟我父亲都沒有见过几面,爷爷也很少提起。”似乎想到了家人,苏梦瑶紫宸怀中低泣。 Uncle dozens years have not appeared, Grandfather thinks that he died, but fondly remembers occasionally, always said, initially did not ask him to leave is good.” “叔叔几十年都沒有出现,爷爷以为他死了,只是偶尔怀念,总是说,当初不让他走就好了。” Zi Chen is patting the back of Su Mengyao gently, comforts the opposite party. 紫宸轻轻拍着苏梦瑶的背,安慰对方。 .” “噗。” In the midair, the blood sways, Wu Ruoshan was repelled again, but Su Long, seems very calm, gradually however. 半空中,鲜血挥洒,吴若山再次被击退,而苏龙,显得很是淡定,缓步而來。 You.” Wu Ruoshan wanted to say anything, but has not said that the big mouth coughed up blood, expression was extremely distressed, with the beforehand rampant appearance, formed the fierce contrast. “你。”吴若山想要说什么,但是还沒有说出,就大口咳血,神色极其狼狈,跟之前嚣张的样子,形成剧烈反差。 Su Long flies high to come, the white clothing waves, around the body sends out golden light, you are not very rampant, is not enough shameless, now delivers you to start off.” 苏龙凌空而來,白衣舞动,周身散发金光,“你不是很嚣张吗,不是够无耻吗,现在送你上路。” His voice is tranquil, the look is very cold, killing intent is dense, the opens the mouth must cut to kill Sovereign level, the person brain that this powerful strength, shakes feels dizzy. 他声音平静,眼神却很冷,杀意森然,张口就要斩杀一位宗主级,这份强大实力,震的人脑子发晕。 Really however strong you are, a mountain also has mountain tall. 真是强中自有强中手,一山还有一山高。 Beforehand Sovereign level appears, the suppress Zi Chen air/Qi cannot breathe, the mouth cannot say, like the gods of keeping aloof, makes to assign a penalty to Zi Chen. 之前的宗主级出现,压制紫宸气不能喘,口不能言,像高高在上的神明,对紫宸做出判罚。 However now, the appearance of Su Long, to don't hit a person when he's down that Wu Ruoshan hits is the same, distressedly to the extreme. 但是现在,苏龙的出现,却是把吴若山打的跟落水狗一样,狼狈到了极点。 Su Long light lays out a palm forward, actually drove everywhere golden light, terrifying Palm Seal appears, brings dense killing intent. 苏龙轻飘飘的向前拍出一掌,却带动了漫天金光,一个恐怖掌印出现,带着森然杀意 Stop.” “住手。” In this moment, Cang and Li two expert responded, went forward, makes the attack of destruction. 在这一刻,苍黎两家的强者才反应过來,纷纷上前,打出毁灭的攻击。 „.” “蓬。” A big quake, three people also fly upside down, in the eye is with amazement one piece. 一声大震,三人同时倒飞,眼中已经是骇然一片。 Really is the pinnacle energy, is known as battle strength Wushuang/peerless, by an enemy three, is so relaxed. 果然是极致能量,号称战力无双,以一敌三,都这么轻松。 Here is Cangli City, you dare to act unruly here.” Li Family expert drinks coldly. “这里是苍黎城,你敢在这里撒野。”黎家强者冷喝。 Kills people in Cangli City, you are challenging the Cang Family dignity.” Cang Family expert also refuses to admit being inferior. “在苍黎城杀人,你这是在挑战苍家的威严。”苍家强者也不甘示弱。 This is the entrance, if Wu Ruoshan were cut, is not naturally able to give a Martial Sect confession. 这是自家门口,如果吴若山被斩,自然无法给武宗一个交代。 Your faces, had lost a moment ago, do not have the face, acts to my brother's daughter's husband, I have not asked you to do accounts, you first acted actually.” Su Long is very strong, in pupil cold light twinkle, „, since you bring death, I deliver you three people to start off.” “你们的脸,刚才都已经丢了,早已沒有了脸面,对我侄女婿出手,我还沒找你们算账,你们倒是先出手了。”苏龙很强势,眸子中冷光闪烁,“罢了,既然你们送死,那我就送你们三人上路。”
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