TM :: Volume #3

#279: Su Mengyao uncle

You are the Chu Family person.” “你是楚家人吧。” The voice of white clothing men's falls, making Chu Family expert in heart tremble with fear. 白衣男子的话音落下,让楚家强者心中惊颤。 Before the opposite party said the similar words, to whom said who died, answering was not, did not answer is not. 之前对方说了同样的话,冲谁说谁死,答也不是,不答也不是。 The cold sweat appears from the forehead, Chu Family expert in heart fears. 冷汗从额头出现,楚家强者心中惧怕。 Chu Family dignity, inviolable.” The white clothing man said with a smile lightly. 楚家尊严,不容侵犯是吗。”白衣男子淡淡笑道。 „It is not.” Chu Family expert shakes the head, exhibits a ratio to cry also to want the ugly smile. “不不是。”楚家强者摇头,摆出一个比哭还要难看的笑容。 He is Imperial Sky, is powerful, but the strength is stronger, more treasures the life, he does not want dead, at least does not want to be slaughtered lethal, no value of dying. 他是御空,实力强大,但是实力越强,就越珍惜生命,他不想死,最起码不想被这么屠戮致死,死的毫无价值。 Regarding Zi Chen the matter, how you to see.” The white clothing man makes noise the inquiry, under does not have the killer. “对于紫宸的这件事,你怎么看。”白衣男子出声询问,沒有下杀手。 His he.” Chu Family expert, scratched the cold sweat, the brain was revolving rapidly, said: They damn, their strength is bad, damn, as for the gratitude and grudges of young people, makes the young people solution good, Zi Chen has shown Wushuang/peerless battle strength, is rare talent monstrous talent | Evildoer.” “他他。”楚家强者,擦了擦冷汗,脑子在飞速运转,道:“他们该死,他们实力不济,该死,至于年轻人的恩怨,还是让年轻人解决较好,紫宸已经展现出无双战力,是一个不可多得的天才妖孽。” Then, Chu Family expert seems like the prostration general, felt that the whole body the strength vanished, depression. 说完,楚家强者像是虚脱一般,感觉浑身的力道都消失了,精神萎靡。 Good, you have the opinion very much, today lets off you.” The white clothing man smiles. “不错,你很有见解,今日就放过你。”白衣男子笑了笑。 Thanks to thank.” Chu Family expert reveals a ratio to cry also the ugly smile, although he is living, but the expert dignity completely loses. “谢谢谢。”楚家强者露出一个比哭还难看的笑容,他虽然活着,但是强者尊严尽失。 When this with faced Zi Chen that ice-cold a moment ago, is completely widely divergent. 这跟刚才面对紫宸时的那种冰冷,完全是大相径庭。 All around everyone looked to his vision changes. 四周所有人望向他的目光都变了。 Before to Zi Chen, the opposite party was indifferent, rampant, probably a Iceman, threatened that the Chu Family dignity was inviolable, but now to getting up the white clothing man, actually traded a countenance, just like a villain. 之前对上紫宸时,对方冷漠,嚣张,像是一个冰人,扬言楚家尊严不容侵犯,但现在对上白衣男子,却是换了一副嘴脸,活脱脱一个小人。 This is also a bullying the weak and fearing the strong lord, what Chu Family dignity is inviolable, mediocre.” “这也是一个欺软怕硬的主,什么楚家尊严不容侵犯,也不过如此。” Saw weakly rampant aggressive, saw strongly withdraws, just like the turtle, is really a villain.” “见了弱的就嚣张霸气,见了强的就龟缩起來,跟乌龟一样,真是一个小人。” In the crowd resounded the sound of low voice discussion, obviously many people are discontented, felt that the white clothing man should kill Chu Family expert. 人群中响起了小声议论的声音,显然还有许多人不满,感觉白衣男子应该杀了楚家强者 Villain who like this fails to keep one's word, indeed is damn, moreover before was very shameless, making one be disgusted. 这样言而无信的小人,的确是该死,而且之前很无耻,让人心生反感。 The white clothing man turned head, looks to Zi Chen, during this period, he has not gone to look at three Sovereign level one, now you understood.” 白衣男子扭头,望向了紫宸,在这期间,他沒有去看三位宗主级一眼,“现在你明白了吗。” The white clothing man looks at Zi Chen, in the eye actually has wipes elder's affection to the younger generation. 白衣男子望着紫宸,眼中竟然有着一抹长辈对晚辈的慈爱。 Zi Chen natural talent, although is not very high, but is very intelligent, a few words of white clothing man, he naturally understands, nods, Zi Chen said: Many thanks the senior life-saving efforts, as well as raises the graciousness of point.” 紫宸的天资,虽然不是很高,但却很聪明,白衣男子的一句话,他自然明白,点点头,紫宸道:“多谢前辈救命之恩,以及提点之恩。” Has not killed Chu Family expert , because the white clothing man must make Zi Chen understand a truth, all commitments, cannot compare the strength. 沒杀楚家强者,是因为白衣男子要让紫宸明白一个道理,所有的承诺,都比不上实力。 The hope, do not pin on illusory others, the destiny must grasp forever in own hand. 不要把希望,寄托在虚无缥缈的别人身上,命运永远要掌握在自己手中。 Simultaneously Zi Chen guessed correctly indistinctly, the white clothing man must tell him, this time attended the congress, bets own life, is a wrong decision, might as well enters remote mountains and ancient forests, alone cultivation, although like this difficult, but the life has the guarantee.” 同时紫宸隐约猜到,白衣男子还要告诉他,“这次來参加大会,赌上自己的性命,就是一个错误的决定,还不如进入深山老林,独自修炼,这样虽然艰辛,但生命有保证。” Your I am predestined friends, does not need to ask my senior, Southern Region to present Sky Martial with great difficulty again, cannot die, you later called my uncle.” The white clothing man said. “你我有缘,不用叫我前辈,南部地域好不容易再次出现一个天武,不能这么夭折了,你以后就叫我叔叔吧。”白衣男子道。 Uncle.” Zi Chen is looking at this strong in a complete mess, but the age seems like, only greatly young white clothing men. “叔叔。”紫宸望着这个强的一塌糊涂,但是年纪看起來,仅比自己大几岁的白衣男子。 So expert, makes Zi Chen call the uncle to him unexpectedly. 如此强者,竟然让紫宸给他叫叔叔。 Good, according to the rank, according to the relations, according to the age, which is the same you to call me an uncle.” The white clothing man said with a smile, this time was the smile, the corners of the mouth no longer has to tease and ridicule. “不错,按辈分,按关系,按年龄,哪一样你都得叫我一声叔叔。”白衣男子笑道,这一次是微笑,嘴角不再有戏谑与讥讽。 Some Zi Chen doubts. 紫宸还是有些疑惑。 How oneself were many a uncle, moreover according to the rank calculates, what rank, anything relates, as for age, actually Ok, Zi Chen has read the old book, many old freak, cultivation to certain Realm, will feel rejuvenated. 自己怎么就多了一个叔叔,而且还按照辈分來算,什么辈分,什么关系,至于年龄,倒是可以,紫宸看过古籍,有许多老怪,修炼到一定境界,都会返老还童。 This main and that's the end. 想必这位主就是了。 Zi Chen.” 紫宸。” In the meantime, the together/one path pleasantly surprised and familiar sound resounds, resounds from the crowd. 就在此时,一道惊喜又熟悉的声音响起,从人群中响起。 Doubts Zi Chen, is frowning, gets down turning head of consciousness, then saw the together/one path beautiful figure. 疑惑的紫宸,正皱着眉头,下意识的扭头,然后看到了一道倩影。 The fine appearance, probably fine vulture jade carves, cherry small mouth slightly, as if in shouting Zi Chen, a pair gently such as the big eye of water, is looking at Zi Chen, in the eye full is joyful and excited. 精致的容颜,像是精雕玉琢,樱桃小嘴微张,似乎在呼喊紫宸,一双温柔如水的大眼睛,也是望着紫宸,眼中满是欣喜与激动。 This is a beautiful woman, when appearing, captured many attention, woman on the scene has many, but can compare favorably with the opposite party, perhaps cannot be over five people. 这是一个美人,在出现之际,就吸引了不少目光,在场的女子有不少,但能跟对方媲美的,恐怕超不过五人。 Mengyao, how you came.” 梦瑶,你怎么來了。” Sees the person, Zi Chen is very accidental/surprised, is Su Mengyao, the ruins leaves unexpectedly, Zi Chen has not seen her again, moreover she should in Misty Sect, how appear here. 看到來人,紫宸很意外,竟然是苏梦瑶,废墟一别,紫宸就再也沒有见过她,而且她应该在飘渺宗的,怎么会出现在这里。 In the meantime, Su Mengyao around the body presents say/way golden light, the whole person is towed by golden light, flies high, sends out the hazy color, toward Zi Chen. 就在此时,苏梦瑶周身出现道道金光,整个人被金光拖着,凌空而起,散发迷蒙色彩,向着紫宸而來。 You are the Misty Sect person.” Zi Chen guessed. “你是飘渺宗的人。”紫宸猜测。 „It is not, she is my uncle.” Su Mengyao goes forward, is holding the hand of Zi Chen. “不是,她是我叔叔。”苏梦瑶上前,拉着紫宸的手。 Uncle.” Zi Chen is startled, when Su Mengyao has had the uncle, Supreme Elder also only has a son, is the Su Mengyao father. “叔叔。”紫宸一怔,苏梦瑶何时有过叔叔,太上长老也只有一个儿子,就是苏梦瑶的父亲。 This matter is a long story, waits another day to explain to you again slowly, now the young couple, can first get down the waiting, I must handle something.” Saying with a smile of white clothing man affection. “此事说來话长,等他日再跟你慢慢解释,现在你们小两口,可以先下去等待,我要处理一些事情。”白衣男子慈爱的笑道。 A young couple, making Zi Chen very awkward, the face of Su Mengyao was red, then drew Zi Chen to walk. 一句小两口,让紫宸很是尴尬,苏梦瑶的脸更是红了,然后拉着紫宸就走。 Elder sister, she is Su Mengyao, you biggest competitor.” In the crowd, Wang Xian'Er saw Su Mengyao, the opposite party had with her equally matched appearance, at this moment with Zi Chen hand in hand, making her be disgruntled. “姐,她就是苏梦瑶,你最大的竞争对手。”人群中,王仙儿看到了苏梦瑶,对方拥有跟她不相上下的容貌,此刻跟紫宸手拉手,让她心生不满。 Wang Shan already when Su Mengyao appears, having said about Su Mengyao all. 王山已经在苏梦瑶出现之时,就把有关于苏梦瑶的一切都说了。 Elder sister, her innate quality is unclear, but actually obtained the inheritance, in the future will also be monstrous talent | Evildoer, moreover entered Misty Sect, Zi Chen can rise, could not be inseparable from her Grandfather, two people related very well, it is said already the heart of alternate growth admire, moreover there is a rumor, Martial Sect chased down Zi Chen, was her Grandfather gave him great treasure.” “姐,她的资质不详,但是却获得了传承,日后也是一个妖孽,而且又进了飘渺宗,紫宸能够崛起,跟她的爷爷脱不了干系,两人关系很好,据说早已互生爱慕之心,而且有传言,武宗之所以追杀紫宸,是她爷爷把一件重宝给了他。” Because hated Zi Chen before, therefore Wang Shan must obtain Zi Chen all, had inquired specially the Su Mengyao matter, this moment opens the mouth comes, did not stammer, moreover said was quite detailed. 因为之前痛恨紫宸,所以王山要得到紫宸的一切,特意打听过苏梦瑶的事情,此刻张口就來,一点也不磕巴,而且说的极为详细。 Snort, what alternate growth admire.” Wang Xian'Er is digging the small mouth, is somewhat discontented. “哼,什么互生爱慕。”王仙儿撅着小嘴,有些不满。 Right, is not the alternate growth admire, I spoke incorrectly, is anything is not, but the elder sister, she is you biggest competitor , nothing to be afraid, the natural talent is not high, without obtaining any inheritance, so long as you are inferior Su Mengyao, you are when the time comes big, they are young, must listen your.” Wang Shan said. “对对,不是互生爱慕,我说错了,是是什么也不是,不过姐,她可是你最大的竞争对手,还有一个,不足为惧,天资不高,沒有获得任何传承,你只要把苏梦瑶比下去,到时候你就是大的,她们都是小的,都得听你的。”王山说道。 Bah, who said that must marry him, he wants to result in beautiful, he wants to marry me, I have not married.” Wang Xian'Er spat one lightly, the elegant face is red immediately, charming, performed to reveal the youngest daughter condition. “呸,谁说要嫁给他了,他想得美,他想要娶我,我还不嫁呢。”王仙儿轻啐一口,俏脸立刻红了,娇羞不已,尽显小女儿之态。 Elder sister, you looked that your face was red, added that does not want to marry Zi Chen.” Wang Shan laughs, but the feeling back sends suddenly coolly, just turned head is saw that an ice cold eye is staring at itself. “姐,你看你脸都红了,还说不想嫁给紫宸。”王山嘻嘻一笑,但忽然感觉背脊发凉,刚一扭头便是看到一双冰寒的眼睛盯着自己。 To on Wang Qiong ice-cold look, Wang Shan hurries to shut up, the casting down one's eyes nose view heart, no longer spoke. 对上王穹的冰冷眼神,王山赶紧闭嘴,眼观鼻鼻观心,不再说话。 But Wang Qiong, stared Wang Xian'Er one ruthlessly, but actually to this from little willful younger sister, no idea. 王穹,也是狠狠的瞪了王仙儿一眼,但是却对这个从小任性的妹妹,沒有任何办法。 As for Wang Shi, has not paid attention to this matter from the start. 至于王石,压根就沒有关注此事。 Also does not dare to manage, because fears to take a beating. 也不敢管,因为怕挨揍。 Although Wang Xian'Er is young, but is actually solid monstrous talent | Evildoer, the natural talent is higher than Wang Qiong, they have fought in the family, Wang Shi does not beat. 王仙儿虽然年纪小,但却是一个实实在在的妖孽,天资比王穹都高,在家族两人交过手,王石不敌。 In the meantime, Su Mengyao is drawing Zi Chen, from in the air falls, with Wang Zhenwei and the others in the same place, during this period, Qin Family expert puts out medicinal pill, to Zi Chen take. 就在此时,苏梦瑶拉着紫宸,从空中落下,跟王震威等人在一起,在这期间,秦家强者拿出一枚丹药,给紫宸服下 medicinal pill sends out the rich delicate fragrance, after Qin Family expert puts out, changes the complexion that to see from several Imperial Sky, is not every. 丹药散发浓郁清香,在秦家强者拿出之后,从几位御空微变的脸色就可以看出,不是凡品。 After Zi Chen take, is felt that the injury is restoring, he knows that is rare medicinal pill, rushes to express gratitude. 紫宸服下之后,便是感觉伤势在恢复,他知道是一颗不可多得的丹药,赶忙道谢。 You're welcome, is only ordinary medicinal pill nothing more.” Qin Family expert smiles. “不用客气,只是一颗普通丹药而已。”秦家强者笑了笑。 In this moment, no one dares to keep off Zi Chen, no one shows shameless side again, as if everyone turned into the good person, person who turned into had the loyalty. 在这一刻,沒有人敢挡紫宸,也沒有人再展现无耻的一面,仿佛所有人都变成了好人,变成了有义气的人。 Heaven Killing Pavilion old man, on that dead face, there are wiped to relax. 就连天杀阁的老者,那张死人脸上,也有了一抹缓和。 The reason does not have him , because that is strong and aggressive, dares to speak the last words the Cangli City white clothing man. 原因无他,就是因为那个强势又霸气,敢叫板苍黎城的白衣男子。 In the midair, the fearful aura is surging, brutal killing intent fills the air, four Sovereign level expert confront, as if possibly erupts a war at any time. 半空中,可怕的气息在涌动,一股无情杀意弥漫,四位宗主级强者对峙,似乎随时可能爆发一场大战。 You are the Misty Sect person.” Wu Ruoshan opens the mouth to ask, in the eye the cold light overflows, he despised the Misty Sect person, his first illustrious name was destroyed by Misty / Piao Miao loose practitioner completely. “你是飘渺宗的人。”吴若山开口问道,眼中冷光四溢,他恨透了飘渺宗的人,他的一世英名全部被飘渺散人毁了。 „It is not.” The white clothing man shakes the head, the corners of the mouth had the smile of ridicule again, he from the appearance, is calm calm, around the body passes is sending the endless mysterious air . Moreover the strength is very strong, making one ascertain airtight. “不是。”白衣男子摇摇头,嘴角再次有了讥讽的笑容,他从出现,便是镇定从容,周身透发着无尽的神秘色彩,而且实力很强,让人捉摸不透。 Who you are, why must go bad our important matter, cuts my family expert, if today cannot say a reason why to come, you stay behind.” Li Family expert drinks coldly. “那你是谁,为何要坏我们大事,斩我家族强者,今日如果说不出个所以然來,你就留下吧。”黎家强者冷喝。 Good, here is Cangli City, present age also no one dares to act unruly here.” Cang Family expert is also cold sound said. “不错,这里是苍黎城,当世还沒有人敢在这里撒野。”苍家强者也是冷声说道。 You too looked at yourselves high, Sky Martial Continent was very big, to must far exceed your imagination, only Cangli City, hehe, was very big.” The white clothing man ridicules, then said: You said that I went bad your important matter, is the old fogy who your three are soon buried, acts to a junior, matter that is not concerned about face shameless, is the important matter.” “你们太高看自己了,天武大陆很大,大到要远远超出你们的想象,区区一个苍黎城,呵呵,很大吗。”白衣男子讥笑,转而道:“你说我坏了你们的大事,难道是你们三个快要入土的老家伙,对一个小辈出手,这么无耻又不要脸的事情,还是大事。” The white clothing man ridiculed, the spoken language was very impolite. 白衣男子讥讽道,言语很不客气。 Courts death.” “找死。” In the eye the cold light twinkle, Wu Ruoshan one step treads, the around the body energy surges, said that the ray of light magnificent appears from referring, then one presses toward, Giant Seal appears, lends the Annihilation aura to fall. 眼中寒光闪烁,吴若山一步踏出,周身能量涌动,道道光华从指间出现,然后向着下方一按,一个巨大掌印出现,散发着破灭气息落下。 The unceasing shame of white clothing man, he has been driven beyond the limits of forbearance. 白衣男子的不断羞辱,他已经忍无可忍。 Young, is so extremely arrogant, today I thought that you have the life, dies.” Cang Family expert acts, makes Cang Family Battle Skill, entire Cangli City is vibrating, probably the earthquake is common, the fearful aura fills the air. “年纪轻轻,就这般狂妄,今日我看你是有命來,沒命走。”苍家强者出手,打出苍家战技,整个苍黎城都在抖动,像是地震一般,可怕的气息弥漫。 The infinite pressure, covers Cangli City. 无穷压力,笼罩苍黎城 Bang.” “轰。” Everywhere is the flame, the red light is shining, the temperature is very high, Void was burnt jet black large cave/hole, probably fire dragon of tumbling, inundates the Heavenly Fire flame to fall. 漫天都是火焰,红光灿灿,温度很高,虚空都被燃烧出一个个漆黑大洞,像是一条翻滚的火龙,漫天火焰落下。 Li Family Sovereign level also acted. 黎家宗主级也出手了。 …… ,,,,,,,,,。 ps: Without accident/surprise, this was yesterday's before dawn (3 - 5 am) . ps:如果沒有意外的话,这是昨天的第五更,。
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