TM :: Volume #3

#278: Urgently presses the lightning

The mysterious white clothing man, is powerful, a direction died Imperial Sky, Imperial Sky that is likely to attack Sovereign level. 神秘的白衣男子,实力强大,一指点死了一位御空,还是一位有望冲击宗主级御空 Meanwhile he also makes widely known aggressively, a appearance, scolded several Great Influence is not concerned about face. 同时他也张扬霸气,一出现,就骂几大势力不要脸。 At this moment he flies high to stand, the expression is indifferent, the corners of the mouth bring to wipe the ridicule forever, does not pay attention to Cangli City. 此刻他凌空而立,表情淡然,嘴角永远带着一抹讥笑,更是不把苍黎城放在眼里。 Everyone is dumbfounded, this is the true domineering is aggressive. 所有人傻眼,这才是真正的强势霸气。 Aggressive, this is aggressive.” In the crowd, can hear from time to time sighs low voice like this lowly. “霸气啊,这才是霸气。”人群中,时而能够听到这样的小声低叹。 Before several Great Influence, is very rampant, repeatedly reneges on a promise, serious oath no matter also uses, is rampant and shameless, at this moment finally presents a fierce person, points at their noses to scold. 大势力之前很嚣张,屡次反悔,就连毒誓也不管用,嚣张又无耻,此刻终于出现一个猛人,指着他们鼻子骂。 Damn.” Li Family Sovereign level expert is angry, as Sovereign level exists, he to strong utmost, here is the entrance, at this moment was shamed unexpectedly, family potential Imperial Sky was cut to kill, this hits the face simply. “该死。”黎家宗主级强者大怒,身为宗主级存在,他是至强至大的,这里又是自家门口,此刻竟然被人羞辱,家族有潜力的御空又被斩杀,这简直就是打脸。 Bang.” “轰。” His forward one step, around the body red light twinkle, above palm red energy gathering, rumbled, the flame of probably flaming combustion, formed an energy great hand, pressed toward under. 他向前一步,周身红光闪烁,手掌之上红色的能量汇聚,轰了下來,像是熊熊燃烧的火焰,形成一个能量巨手,向着下方压來。 The terrifying aura is rippling, this is the attack of Sovereign level expert, the domineering and fearfulness, the space cannot withstand, was destroyed. 恐怖的气息在荡漾,这是宗主级强者的攻击,强势而可怕,空间都承受不住,被生生打碎。 Trivial Palm Seal nothing more.” The white clothing man smiles pale, he stands is freezing, around the body sends out light golden light, lifts the hand toward in the air to hit, the golden energy from the sky congeals, similarly changes into Palm Seal, counter empties on. “区区掌印而已。”白衣男子淡笑,他站在原地不动,周身散发淡淡金光,抬手向着空中打去,金色的能量在空中凝结,同样化为一个掌印,逆空而上。 Bang.” “砰。” Red Palm Seal has not fallen, directly counter spatial, but on golden Palm Seal cranked up the smashing, the fiery-red energy scatters in all directions, just like the flame of flaming combustion, the space presents giant black hole, these flame swallowing. 红色的掌印并沒有落下,直接被逆空而上的金色掌印拍成了粉碎,火红色的能量四散,犹如熊熊燃烧的火焰,空间出现一个巨大的黑洞,把这些火焰给吞噬。 The white clothing man complexion is invariable, the corners of the mouth have to smile the ridicule as before pale, but Li Family expert complexion, then changes, in the eye had dignifiedly. 白衣男子脸色不变,嘴角依旧有淡笑有讥讽,而黎家强者的脸色,则是一变,眼中有了凝重。 Under strikes, he has not profited, instead is also under. 一击之下,他并沒有占到便宜,反而还处于下方。 This is your strengths.” The white clothing men's chuckle, ridiculed: Strength is not strong, but also is so shameless, repeatedly haggles over with a junior, does not want the face, your waste also dare to say Great Influence.” “这就是你们的实力。”白衣男子轻笑,讥讽道:“实力不强,还这般无耻,屡次跟一个小辈计较,更是连脸都不要了,你们这种人渣还敢自称大势力。” All around quiet piece, no one dares to open the mouth, Li Family sovereign has not profited, obviously the opposite party strength is very strong. 四周静悄悄一片,沒有人敢开口,黎家宗主都沒有占到便宜,显然对方实力很强。 As for Imperial Sky of several respected families, was frightens a few words not to dare saying that the ground bloody corpse, was the fate of talking too much. 至于几大家族的御空,更是吓得一句话都不敢说,地上血淋淋的尸体,就是多嘴的下场。 Ten thousand years ago Limitless Sect, are aggressive, smiles arrogant Southern Region, is overlord that deserves.” The voice of white clothing man becomes cold for the first time, indifferent also brings disappointedly, „, but the present, Limitless Sect did not have, had/left your barbarians, but also says Great Influence, really does not know the immensity of heaven and earth, is ignorant and shameless, presents a talent with great difficulty, must suppress unexpectedly jointly, does not want the face, face of your Great Influence, but also is less than a talent.” “万年前的无极宗,何等霸气,笑傲南部地域,是当之无愧的霸主。”白衣男子的声音第一次变冷,冷漠中又带着失望,“但现在呢,无极宗沒了,出了你们这些蛮夷,还自称大势力,真是不知天高地厚,无知又无耻,好不容易出现一位天才,竟然要联手打压,更是连脸面都不要了,难道你们大势力的脸,还不及一位天才。” White clothing man is somewhat excited, probably is teaching the grandson general, the sound spreads over entire Cangli City. 白衣男子的情绪有些激动,像是在教训自家孙子一般,声音传遍整个苍黎城 Imperial Sky does not dare to reply, but he actually does not plan to let off these Imperial Sky, you are the Cang Family person.” 御空不敢答话,但是他却不打算放过这些御空,“你是苍家的人吧。” The white clothing man looked to Cang Family Imperial Sky. 白衣男子望向了苍家御空 The Cang Family Imperial Sky complexion changes, but at this moment, the least have several ten thousand eyes is gazing at itself, he naturally cannot recognize instigated, said indifferently: Good, I am dark green.” 苍家御空脸色一变,但在此刻,最少有数万双眼睛注视着自己,他自然不能认怂,冷漠道:“不错,我乃苍。” Sufficed, so long as is the Cang Family person is good, before your shamelessness me, had seen, is very good, had arrived at the extreme, gave to sell your Old Ancestor face, you were not concerned about face also even, the face of your Old Ancestor did not want.” The white clothing man corners of the mouth, had the ridicule again. “够了,只要是苍家人就好,你的无耻我之前已经看到,很不错,已经到达了极点,把你们老祖的脸面都给卖了,你不要脸也就算了,连你们老祖的脸都不要了。”白衣男子嘴角,再次有了讥讽。 Cang Family Imperial Sky felt not wonderful, extremely dreads is looking at the opposite party, in the meantime, he saw the opposite party to select one finger/refers. 苍家御空感觉到不妙,极为忌惮的望着对方,就在此时,他看到对方点出了一指。 The golden energy appears again, probably together/one path lightning, but does not have the energy aura to surge, probably together/one path ordinary golden light is the same. 金色的能量再次出现,像是一道闪电,但却沒有能量气息涌动,像是一道普通的金光一样。 Cang Family Imperial Sky look changes, may be such golden light before, cut Li Family expert, strikes to be killed violently. 苍家御空色变,之前可就是这样的金光,斩了黎家强者,一击毙命。 His around the body ray flashes, prepares to retrocede, evaded that this strikes. 周身光芒闪动,准备后退,避过这一击。 Stop.” “住手。” In the meantime, loudly shouted resounds, Cang Family Sovereign level acts, he has calculated that under the white clothing man wants the killer, at this moment waves to make strikes. 就在此时,一声大喝响起,苍家宗主级出手,他早已算到白衣男子要下杀手,此刻挥手打出一击。 Among the graces, is makes the destruction to strike, the space therefore disintegration, aura of destruction spreads toward golden light. 举手投足之间,便是打出毁灭一击,空间都因此崩碎,毁灭的气息向着金光蔓延。 .” “噗。” golden lightning, only then a finger/refers of width, together/one path golden finger sword, does not have the energy to past probably, but actually passed through this together/one path terrifying attack, has not received any prevents, flies to Cang Family Imperial Sky forehead, the instantaneous light sound sends out, a blood splash blooms in the forehead. 金色闪电,只有一指宽,像是一道金色指剑,并沒有能量流转,但是却穿过了这一道恐怖攻击,沒有受到任何阻挡,飞向了苍家御空的眉心处,瞬间一声轻响发出,一朵血花在眉心绽放。 The Cang Family Imperial Sky expression brings with amazement, plants to fall to the tread, the forehead was pierced by the golden lightning. 苍家御空表情带着骇然,向着地面栽落,眉心被金色闪电洞穿。 Another Imperial Sky body dies. 又一位御空身死。 All around is silent, the gasping for breath sound also fell lowly, Cang and Li two died two Imperial Sky, in two Sovereign level eyes is torching, thick killing intent is filling the air, atmosphere very oppressive in air. 四周寂静无声,就连喘气声也降到了最低,苍黎两家死了两位御空,两位宗主级眼中都在喷火,一股浓浓的杀意在弥漫,空气中的气氛很是压抑 No one dares to touch the mildew head at this moment, many people even turned very quiet. 沒有人敢在此刻触霉头,有不少人甚至都屏住了呼吸。 Cang Family, Li Family, who then can be. 苍家,黎家,接下來会是谁呢。 Martial Sect or Chu Family. 武宗还是楚家 Everyone stared in a big way the eye, in heart actually filled with the anticipation, before the shamelessness of four respected families, making them have a vivid memory, in heart was quite uncomfortable, at this moment saw that two Imperial Sky were cut, in heart was quite happy. 所有人都瞪大了眼睛,心中却充满了期待,之前四大家族的无耻,让他们记忆犹新,心中极为不爽,此刻看到两位御空被斩,心中极为舒畅。 Was too aggressive.” In the Zi Chen eye none twinkle, this is the strength, had the strength, had all. “太霸气了。”紫宸眼中精光闪烁,这就是力量,有了力量,才有了一切。 Before these hateful countenance, in the face of the powerful strength, anything do not calculate. 之前那些可恶嘴脸,在强大的力量面前,什么都不算。 If oneself have strength so, who dares to go back on word before oneself. 如果自己有这般实力,谁敢在自己面前食言。 Bang.” Bang.” “轰。”“轰。” In the sky erupts the big sound, two Sovereign level existed got angry finally, in his eye torched, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform made strikes. 天空中爆发出大响,两位宗主级存在终于怒了,他眼中喷火,齐齐打出一击。 The fearful energy is pasting, Void starts the large surface area to explode broken, the energies of two destructions, go toward the white clothing man rolling. 可怕的能量在流转,虚空开始大面积爆碎,两道毁灭的能量,向着白衣男子辗压而去。 You go too far.” “你欺人太甚。” Sovereign level expert is angry, the expression is fierce, in own entrance, is working as their surface murder, this is scarlet ~ bare hitting the face , compared with the opposite party, these matters that Zi Chen does, at all is not anything. 宗主级强者大怒,表情狰狞,在自家门口,当着他们的面杀人,这才是赤~裸裸的打脸,跟对方比起來,紫宸做的那些事,根本不算什么。 Moreover died very talented Imperial Sky, making them love dearly, one hit the pain them, hit to get angry, did not hesitate to collaborate. 而且死了很有天赋的御空,让他们心疼,一下就把他们打痛了,打怒了,不惜联手。 Facing the attacks of two Imperial Sky, the white clothing man complexion is invariable, the corners of the mouth have pale smiling as before, refers to together/one path golden light departing, falls on Zi Chen, the latter felt that the pressure reduces greatly , he lifts the hand to make two palms. 面对两位御空的攻击,白衣男子脸色不变,嘴角依旧有着淡笑,指间一道金光飞出,落在紫宸身上,后者感觉压力大减,紧接着,他抬手打出两掌。 Void sends out the vibration, two golden Palm Seal soar, cannot feel the energy circulation as before, but has the fearful prestige energy. 虚空发出震动,两个金色掌印腾空而起,依旧感觉不到能量流转,但却有可怕的威能。 „.” „.” “蓬。”“蓬。” golden Palm Seal counter empties on, destroyed two fearful energies instantaneously, aura of destruction was rippling, finally entered in the middle of the space crack. 金色掌印逆空而上,瞬间打碎了两道可怕能量,毁灭的气息在荡漾,最后进入空间裂缝当中。 Everyone is dumbfounded, experienced the great strength of white clothing man again. 所有人傻眼,再次见识到了白衣男子的强大。 This time, by an enemy two, has not been repulsed. 这一次,以一敌二,又沒有败退。 Two Sovereign level exist, face look changes very ugly, but fights simply, they are felt that hard to deal with white clothing man, vision neat falling on Wu Ruoshan, is planned obviously three people collaborate, because of this white clothing man, was really oddly. 两位宗主级存在,脸色变得非常难看,只是简单交手,他们便是感觉到了白衣男子的难缠,目光齐刷刷的落在了吴若山身上,显然是打算三人联手,因为这个白衣男子,实在是太古怪了。 Mysterious in passes is sending oddly, before was obscure, but a appearance, was so domineering. 神秘之中透发着古怪,之前默默无闻,但一出现,却这般强势。 You are the person of Martial Sect.” After striking shakes draws back two attacks, the white clothing man then the vision falls on Martial Sect Imperial Sky. “你是武宗之人吧。”一击震退两道攻击之后,白衣男子便是把目光落在了武宗御空身上。 Must kill people.” “又要杀人。” This is kills people the beforehand rhythm.” “这是杀人之前的节奏。” Everyone filled with the anticipation, Great Influence must finally for the beforehand shamelessness, but paid the heavy price, on everyone mouth did not say, in heart was quite happy, naturally also included Zi Chen. 所有人充满了期待,大势力终于要为之前的无耻,而付出惨重代价了,所有人嘴上不说,心中却极为舒畅,当然也包括紫宸 Martial Sect Imperial Sky is startled, the complexion is ugly, this moment reply is not, did not reply that is not. 武宗御空一怔,脸色非常难看,此刻回答不是,不回答也不是。 When the hesitation, the white clothing man opens the mouth, even the courage frightened not to have, you were not only shameless are not concerned about face, was a from head to tail despicable villain, pressed a Martial Sect several thousand years of prestige, but can also renege on a promise, people like you lived in the world, was to the insult of Southern Region, ten thousand years ago insult of Limitless Sect.” 就在犹豫之时,白衣男子开口,“连胆子吓沒了,你不仅无耻不要脸,还是一个彻头彻尾的卑鄙小人,压上了武宗几千年的声誉,还能反悔,你这样的人活在世上,是对南部地域的侮辱,也是对万年前无极宗的侮辱。” The white clothing man , has seen the tail obviously from the beginning, saw several Great Influence shameless acts. 白衣男子,显然一直都在,从头看到了尾,也看到了几大势力的无耻行径。 The words fall, he selects one finger/refers again, the golden energy changes into the lightning to appear, the lightning that probably urgently presses is ordinary, grazes toward Martial Sect expert. 话落,他再次点出一指,金色的能量化为闪电出现,像是催命的闪电一般,向着武宗强者飞掠。 Courts death.” “找死。” Wu Ruoshan moved in this moment, the rhythm of murder, he has grasped, a palm lays out, aura of destruction surges, Annihilation Palm appears. 吴若山在这一刻动了,杀人的节奏,他已经掌握,一掌拍出,毁灭的气息涌动,破灭掌出现。 Meanwhile, another two old men also moved. 与此同时,另外两位老者也动了。 Two people represent Cang and Li two, made the fearful attack. 两人代表苍黎两家,打出了可怕攻击。 Heaven and Earth was destroyed again, the people have not been able to plan, a lot of years of not disintegration Void, today why shatter again and again. 天地再一次被毁灭,众人已经无法算计,千百年不曾崩碎的虚空,今日为何三番五次的破碎。 Three fearful attacks, drop from the clouds, falls toward the golden lightning, the place visited, has the big piece by the disintegration space, the might is peerless , then broke the golden lightning. 三道可怕攻击,从天而降,向着金色闪电落去,所过之处,更是带着大片被崩碎的空间,威力绝伦,蓬的一声,便是震碎了金色闪电。 Haha, mediocre.” “哈哈,不过如此。” Wu Ruoshan laughs, the man displays has been very domineering, making him dread extremely, does not dare easily to act, but this moment three people strike jointly, after destroying this oddly golden lightning, their self-confidence bursting. 吴若山大笑,男子表现的一直很强势,让他极为忌惮,不敢轻易出手,但是此刻三人联手一击,打碎这古怪金色闪电之后,他们自信心爆棚。 Dares to act unruly in Cangli City, we will make you pay the price.” “敢在苍黎城撒野,我们会让你付出代价的。” Insulted Great Influence, insulted Cang and Li two, henceforth Southern Region, without your place of taking shelter.” “侮辱大势力,侮辱苍黎两家,从此南部地域,将沒有你的容身之地。” Two Sovereign level are also very domineering, in the eye the cold light twinkle, killing intent fills the air, two people think familiarized the strength of opposite party, has the confidence to retain the opposite party. 两位宗主级也很强势,眼中冷光闪烁,杀意弥漫,二人自以为摸透了对方的实力,有信心留住对方。 bo.” “啵。” But the next quarter, a light sound appearance, the Martial Sect expert forehead, does not know that were when many a blood hole, the blood flowed out, the opposite party look of amazement was lax, then planted. 但下一刻,一声轻响出现,武宗强者的眉心,不知何时多了一个血洞,鲜血流出,对方骇然的眼神涣散,然后一头栽了下去。 This.” “这。” Everyone was scared, saw obviously the golden lightning was crushed, vanishes does not see, but the blood hole of Imperial Sky forehead, when also appears. 所有人都傻眼了,明明看到金色闪电被击碎,消失不见,但御空眉心的血洞,又是何时出现的。 This is very strange one, Sovereign level expert had not detected. 这是很诡异的一幕,就连宗主级强者也沒有发觉。 Zi Chen has been looking at the white clothing man, does not understand that the opposite party is the enemy is a friend, really must guarantee him, had a liking for his extreme Cultivation Technique, in the meantime, he also saw, the golden lightning that the man makes, one after the other, two, several people actually extinguished together/one path fully. 紫宸一直都在看白衣男子,不明白对方是敌是友,是真要保他,还是也看上了他的极端功法,同时,他也看到,男子打出的金色闪电,一先一后,足有两道,几人却只是灭了一道 Moreover together/one path, why several people had not found, this also makes Zi Chen confuse very much. 但是另外一道,几人为何沒有发现,这也让紫宸很迷惑。 You.” “你。” Three people no longer calm, in the eye killing intent explodes flashes, but the white clothing man, does not pay attention to them, but looked to Chu Family Imperial Sky. 三人不再淡定,眼中杀意爆闪,但是白衣男子,根本不理会他们,而是望向了楚家御空 You are the Chu Family person.” “你是楚家人吧。” …… ,,,,,,,,,,,,,。 ps: This is Chapter 4, but also misses one chapter, it is estimated that the code will come out to tomorrow, felt relieved that also calculates today. ps:这是第四章,还差一章,估计码出來就到明天了,放心也算今天的。
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