TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#973: Gambling (First Part)

Late, at exactly 9 : 00, starts...... also to have three hours from the competition. 晚,九点整,距离比赛开始……还有三小时。 S City, before some residential district gate . S市,某住宅区门前。 Senior Officer, all accesses of community have blocked, the outer wall peripheral street also sends people to stare.” A leading police officer arrives by the car(riage) that Bao Qing took, reported this situation. 长官,小区的所有出入口现已封锁,外墙周边的街道也都派了人盯好了。”一名带队的警官来到了包青所乘坐的车旁,汇报了这一情况。 Good, all stands by, when I order.” Bao Qing nods to the opposite party, Namiage raised hand on intercom. “好的,全体待命,等我命令。”包青冲对方点点头,并扬了扬手上的对讲机。 That police officer complied with one, then returned to own post. 那名警官应了一声,便回到了自己的岗位上。 Then after......” two seconds, Bao Qing has then turned the head, to back seat on Human Dao, „...... next, what you have to plan?” “那么……”两秒后,包青便转过头去,对着车后座上的人道,“……下一步,你有什么打算?” At this time, Feng Bujue, Wang Tanzhi and The Altar Of A Nightmare three people sat on the back seat of that Huiteng car(riage) abreast in row ; What Bao Qing sits is the copilot seat, but on the driving seat that...... is the Bao Qing colleague, is nine branch detectives. 此时,封不觉王叹之梦惊禅三人并排坐在了那辆辉腾车的后座上;包青坐的是副驾驶席,而驾驶席上那位……是包青的同事,也是九科的探员。 „.” Feng Bujue only returned to a character. “等。”封不觉只回了一个字。 What?” Sir Bao had not asked, Xiao Tan first doubts to say. “等什么啊?”包大人还没问,小叹就先疑道。 Waits for telephones.” Feng Bujue is saying, patted own coat pocket with the hand. “等电话。”封不觉说着,用手拍了拍自己的上衣口袋。 In his pocket attire...... Zheng Xian that cell phone. 他那个口袋里装的……正是郑宪的那部手机。 Your meaning is......” Bao Qing meets to say looking pensive, „...... that engineer will telephone to Zheng Xian again?” “你的意思是……”包青若有所思地接道,“……那个‘策划者’会再打电话给郑宪?” Is uncertain.” Feng Bujue returns said that „, therefore I prepare wait/etc to look.” “不一定。”封不觉回道,“所以我准备等等看。” Oh...... Brother Feng.” Brother Meditation this little while was a little anxious, this really...... is the goal of opposite party kept Daring Devil from hurrying to the competition before the midnight...... to consume under time center them to cherish?” 呃…封兄。”禅哥这会儿可是有点急了,“这样真的好吗……对方的目的本来就是让鬼骁在午夜前无法赶去比赛啊……耗时间岂不是正中他们下怀?” Ha!” Jue Bro hollow laugh, Brother Meditation, you made a mistake probably something......” “哈!”觉哥干笑一声,“禅哥,你好像搞错了一些事啊……” The Altar Of A Nightmare hears word, looks to doubt the color: What did I make a mistake?” 梦惊禅闻言,面露疑色道:“我搞错什么了?” Indeed, the goal of opposite party is to let Daring Devil is unable to hurry to the competition......” Feng Bujue to return said that „, but...... must serve this purpose, the method are many, you said consumes time is only one.” “的确,对方的目的是让鬼骁无法赶去比赛……”封不觉回道,“但是……要达到这个目的,方法是很多的,你所说的‘耗时间’只是其中的一种而已。” The words to here, the The Altar Of A Nightmare complexion changed, his response is also quite quick, after Jue Bro indicated...... understands the gravity of matter immediately. 话到此处,梦惊禅的脸色就变了,他的反应也是颇快,经觉哥一点拨……立刻明白了事情的严重性。 It seems like you have thought after......” Feng Bujue sees the expression change of Brother Meditation, meets saying that right, wants to keep Daring Devil from participating...... the means to be many are ; Does not use kidnapping such troublesome...... finds the person to break his several bones directly, or knocks his slight cerebral concussion anything...... reaches one's goal instantly.” “看来你已经想到了……”封不觉看到禅哥的表情变化后,接道,“没错,想让鬼骁无法参赛……办法多得是;根本不用‘绑架’这么麻烦的……直接找人打断他几根骨头,或者敲他个轻微脑震荡什么的……一步到位。” Why haven't they done that?” Bao Qing asked at this time. “那他们为什么没有这么做呢?”包青这时问道。 „...... They have certainly their reasons......” Feng Bujue to sneer saying that summarizes...... in the crime process to appear according to me with the general logic has the deviant behavior of deviation, approximately five situations- its one, disrupts the investigation, intentionally ; Second, sever the crime motive ; Third, to follow some special tradition( e.g. thief line has an old tradition is to at scene to draw a lump of excrement to walk again) ; Fourth, sprout up the fantasy ; Fifth, stupid.” “呵……他们当然有他们的理由咯……”封不觉冷笑道,“据我个人总结……犯罪过程中出现与一般逻辑有偏差的异常行为,大致有五种情况-其一,扰乱调查、故意为之;其二,为犯罪动机服务;其三,为了遵循某种特殊的传统(例如小偷这行有个老传统是要在作案现场拉坨屎再走);其四,突发奇想;其五,蠢。” Jue Bro summarizes, stopped for two seconds, meets saying: Takes present case for instance, I thought that is the second situation......” 觉哥总结完,停顿了两秒,接道:“以眼前的案子为例,我觉得是第二种情况……” For chief instigator does the motive serve?” Xiao Tan meets to say. “为了‘主谋’的动机而服务吗?”小叹接道。 Right.” Feng Bujue affirmed. “对。”封不觉表示肯定。 Mentioned this......” Brother Meditation to meet saying that I have also considered......, if Daring Devil is unable to participate, that direct beneficiary was our opponents Deities ; Looking at it like this, is the chief instigator the Deities Studio person?” “说起这个……”禅哥接道,“我也有考虑过……如果鬼骁无法参赛,那直接受益者就是我们的对手‘诸神’了;这样看来,主谋难道是诸神工作室的人?” Not necessarily......” the Feng Bujue squint looks at Brother Meditation saying that Deities is always very well-mannered Studio, should this your professional probably not understand compared with me?” “不见得吧……”封不觉斜眼看着禅哥道,“诸神向来是个挺规矩的工作室,这点你们业内人士理应比我要了解不是吗?” Is actually......, but...... Brother Meditation discussed except for them, also who can make a profit?” “是倒是……但除了他们……”禅哥念道,“还有谁能从中获利呢?” „......” Feng Bujue said with a smile, „did you still in think toward these matter outwardly at? Thinks the illegal deal.” “呵……”封不觉笑道,“你怎么还在往那些明面的事上想呢?想想非法的勾当呗。” This......” in the The Altar Of A Nightmare mind flashed through anything. “这……”梦惊禅的脑海中闪过了什么。 Oh! I knew!” Is Xiao Tan this little while also high sound said, outside plate mouth?” 哦!我知道了!”小叹这会儿也高声道,“是场外的盘口?” Guessed right...... Feng Bujue to spread out both hands to say finally, this was the most reasonable motive.” “总算是猜对了……”封不觉摊开双手道,“这才是最合理的动机。” Un......” Bao Qing is following close on his mentality, meets saying: Like this explained, then logical......” he thinks while said that by attention and influence of today's this competition, the plate mouth that outside contends definitely has, and incessantly ; But at present this kidnapping chief instigator, has bet to Deities in some plate mouth without doubt...... must win......” “嗯……”包青紧跟着他的思路,接道:“这样解释,便顺理成章了……”他边想边道,“以今天这场比赛的关注度和影响力而言,场外赌赛的盘口肯定有,且不止一个;而眼前这个绑架事件的‘主谋’,无疑已在某个盘口给诸神下了大注……非赢不可……” That chief instigator from the beginning had not planned that gambling, he was went to winning......” Feng Bujue continued, said that „, since had decided must by the victory and defeat about outside method competing, he all will naturally press money in the odds high Deities that side......” he feels the chin to discuss, „, therefore, he looked for that engineer, directed today's good play.” “想必那个‘主谋’从一开始就没打算去‘赌’,他是去‘赢’的……”封不觉又接过话头,言道,“既然早已决定了要靠场外手段左右比赛的胜负,那他自然会把钱全都压在赔率较高的诸神那边……”他摸着下巴念道,“于是,他找上了那位‘策划者’,导演了今天的这场好戏。” That engineer is really a very wise person......” Bao Qing hesitates saying that he planned one time kidnapping, rather than attack ; If the attack...... belongs to the violent crime, the police will investigate as fast as possible. Kidnapping on different......, so long as they do not telephone to want the ransom money, even if the family member reports, this at best is still only the population missing case......, moreover missing will be a young fellow and time less than quite a while, will not have caused anything to attach great importance to generally.” “那名‘策划者’确是个很高明的人……”包青沉吟道,“他策划了一次‘绑架’,而不是‘袭击’;假如是袭击的话……就属于暴力犯罪,警方会尽速调查。绑架就不同了……只要他们不打电话要赎金,即使家属报了案,这充其量也只是个人口失踪案……而且失踪的是个大小伙子、时间还不到半天,一般不会引起什么重视。” Moreover......” Feng Bujue also said at this time, chief instigator motive can also be covered very well.” He used the finger to select selected oneself forehead, what if today's was the attack, that afterward the titles of major media definitely were- well-known electricity campaign was attacked at the essential sports event on the same day ; But present condition......, if all defer to that engineer the plan is walking, the tomorrow's media will write well-known electricity campaign to miss the essential sports event for no reason, the litigant argued oneself were encountering illegal detention......” to say at that time, he looks at The Altar Of A Nightmare saying that you do realize, where the difference?” “另外……”封不觉此时又道,“主谋的‘动机’也能很好地被掩盖起来。”他用手指点了点自己的额头,“要是今天发生的是袭击事件,那事后各大媒体的标题肯定是-‘知名电竞选手于关键赛事当天遭袭’;但现在的状况呢……如果一切都按照那名‘策划者’的计划在走,明天的媒体就会写‘知名电竞选手无故缺阵关键赛事,当事人辩称自己当时正遭到非法拘禁’……”说罢,他看着梦惊禅道,“你体会一下,区别在哪儿?” „The former is on board some nail nail people at the malicious control competition.” Brother Meditation thinks for several seconds, should say, „the latter...... did not talk clearly.” “前者是板儿上钉钉地有人在恶意操控比赛。”禅哥思索数秒,应道,“后者嘛……就说不清楚了。” In summary......” Feng Bujue meets saying that recombination engineer incites Zheng Xian to delay the action of investigation to infer...... at least the present stage, their plans should before the competition starts, restricts the Daring Devil personal freedom.” He, „...... we, if processes improper, or will give to compel anxiously...... perhaps the opposite party them the action......” “综上所述……”封不觉接道,“再结合‘策划者’授意郑宪拖延调查的举动来推断……至少现阶段而言,他们的计划应该还是‘在比赛开始前,限制鬼骁的人身自由’。”他顿了顿,“不过……我们要是处理不当,或是把他们给逼急了……没准对方就会将行动升级……” You said processing will not work as should not refer to......” Xiao Tan thinking of anything probably, his taking advantage of opportunity will look outside the glass. “你说的‘处理不当’该不会是指……”小叹好像已想到了什么,他顺势将视线投向了车窗外。 Alerts the enemy.” Feng Bujue summarized the answer with four characters. “打草惊蛇。”封不觉用四个字概括了答案。 You said action is......” Brother Meditation also asks. “那你说的‘行动升级’又是……”禅哥又问道。 This is not obvious......” Jue Bro empty to focus saying that wanting engineer a telephone, that three performer who kidnaps Daring Devil can come on a staggering blow to Daring Devil immediately, you said that is they quick or we are quick?” “这不明摆着么……”觉哥虚着眼道,“只要‘策划者’一个电话,那三个绑架鬼骁的执行者立刻就可以给鬼骁来上一闷棍,你说是他们快还是我们快?” „...... The Altar Of A Nightmare knit the brows to say after your such saying, this person of we let us not rescue......” the Brother Meditation three views is quite obviously positive, competition was small, life is big...... passes the playing time they the same as release people in any case, we waited...... to take the hostage safety here for most first.” “经你这么一说……”梦惊禅皱眉道,“这人咱们还是别救了吧……”禅哥的三观显然还是比较正的,“比赛是小、性命是大啊……反正过了比赛时间他们一样会放人的,咱还是在这儿等着……以人质安全为最优先吧。” Yes......” Xiao Tan should also with saying, by some chance in flushing in the process alarmed the opposite party, comes a fight in which both sides perish......” “是啊……”小叹也应和道,“万一在冲进去的过程中惊动了对方,来个鱼死网破……” Snort...... you were really naive......” at this moment, Feng Bujue cold snort/hum, interrupted the words of two, when Zheng Xian was taken into the interrogation chamber, we alerting the enemy, this matter does not have the escape route......” “哼……你们真是太天真了……”这一刻,封不觉冷哼一声,打断那两人的话,“早在郑宪被带进审讯室的时候,我们就已经‘打草惊蛇’了,这事儿早就没有退路了……” What?” Bao Qing listened to this saying to stare immediately. “什么?”包青听了这话当即一愣。 „Did Zheng Xian find the opportunity to disclose secret information?” Xiao Tan and Brother Meditation are also the similar responses. “难道郑宪找机会通风报信了?”小叹禅哥也是差不多的反应。 Feng Bujue looked at their one eyes respectively, the sinking sound said: „...... You forgot...... previously, Zheng Xian is meeting to the telephone of engineer, later carries out Quest passively. Then...... before that how engineer knows the investigation progress? How he knows where you have reported and to report and also had the police to establish the matter of special case team?” 封不觉分别看了他们仨一眼,沉声道:“呵……你们是不是忘了……此前,郑宪是‘接’到策划者的电话,随后才被动地执行任务的。那么……在那之前,‘策划者’又是如何知道调查进度的呢?他是怎么知道你们已经报案、到哪儿报案、还有警方已经成立了专案组的事情的?” Such remarks, in the car(riage) the people all are the facial expression change. 此言一出,车内众人皆是神情一变。 -- 呜-呜- Exactly at this moment, a vibration sound of cell phone...... resounds in the silent and stunned atmosphere. 恰在此刻,一阵手机的震动声……在沉默和愕然的氛围中响起。 Feng Bujue takes up the Zheng Xian cell phone( to take out from exhibit bag), looked at the calling number, then met conveniently: You hit finally, I am about is not impatient.” 封不觉拿起郑宪的手机(已被从证物袋中取出),看了眼主叫号码,便顺手接了起来:“你终于打来了啊,我都快等得不耐烦了。” Actually I can not make this phone call greatly, but......” telephone that transmits one obviously after processing, hoarse voice, where I very curious...... are you sacred?” “其实我大可以不打这个电话,只是……”电话那头传来一个明显经过处理的、沙哑的嗓音,“我很好奇……你到底是何方神圣?” „It is not at all sacredly, the insanity is similar.” Feng Bujue returns with a smile said. “神圣不敢当,疯魔差不多。”封不觉笑着回道。 „......” That sound also smiled, good, Mr Feng......” he threw an issue, evidently, were you plan and me play one game?” “呵……”那声音也笑了,“好吧,疯先生……”他紧接着就抛来了一个问题,“看样子,你是打算和我玩一局?” However.” Feng Bujue should say. “然也。”封不觉应道。 „......” The opposite party sneers, this aspect, you really felt own do some play?” “呵……”对方冷笑,“这种局面,你真觉得自己有的玩儿?” Naturally has.” Jue Bro returns said, feared you do not dare to play.” “当然有。”觉哥回道,“就怕你不敢玩儿。” Hehe...... ha haha Ha.....” The engineer heard after the word, smiles unexpectedly again and again crazily, „after you very interesting......” he restrain the happy expression, meets saying that „, but interesting does not represent has the skill.” “呵呵呵……哈哈哈哈……”那策划者闻言后竟是连连痴笑,“你很有趣……”他收敛笑意后,接道,“但有趣不代表就有本事。” You are also very interesting.” Feng Bujue should say with the sluggish tone, „when I have started to expect your disastrous defeat responded.” “你也很有趣。”封不觉用懒散的语气应道,“我已经开始期待你惨败时的反应了。” Such remarks, telephone that suddenly silent...... 此言一出,电话那头忽然无声…… After three seconds, that hoarse sound opens the mouth again: I give you 15 minutes, ‚’ looks for the accurate location of goal, sends to my number with the message.” His a half second, after 15 minutes, this number will become invalid, at the appointed time......, if I have not received the message, or you sent in the wrong answer, we have nothing to discuss.” 三秒后,那个沙哑的声音再度开口:“我给你十五分钟时间,把‘目标的确切所在地’找出来,用短信发到我这个号码上。”他微顿半秒,“十五分钟后,这个号码会作废,届时……若我还没有收到短信,或者你发来了错误的答案,那我们也就没什么好谈的了。” „......” Feng Bujue chuckle, meets saying that „after your Fearless I found the target, leads the person to burst in directly...... before you also issue any instruction without enough time uses round of tear gas hold to be occupied by the audience?” “呵……”封不觉轻笑一声,接道,“你就不怕我找到目标以后直接率人破门而入……在你还来不及下达任何指示前就用一发催泪瓦斯hold住全场?” You can try.” The engineers said that this, hung up the telephone...... “你可以试试。”策划者说完这句,就挂断了电话……
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