TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#972: Intimidation

Late, 7:06. 晚,七点零六分。 Zheng Xian had sat for nearly 30 minutes in the interrogation chamber. 郑宪已在审讯室里坐了近三十分钟。 6 : 30 just passed time, he still in survey team that side assuming personal command, hints the police officers to want steadily one steady...... for the safety of hostage, do not act rashly. 六点半刚过的时候,他还在调查组那边“坐镇”,示意警员们要“稳一稳”……“为了人质的安全,不要轻举妄动”。 Without thinking of...... in a flash time, he had been locked in the interrogation chamber, moreover was requested to hand over the cell phone. 没想到……一晃眼的工夫,他就已经被锁在了审讯室里,而且被要求交出了手机。 Although also no one gives on him at this moment the handcuffs, but Zheng Xian has flustered to at heart not good...... 虽然此刻还没人给他上铐,但郑宪的心里已是慌到不行…… Ka- 咔哒- In Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng indulges in flights of fancy, some people opened the door. 就在郑副局长胡思乱想之际,有人把门打开了。 The person of coming in has three, lead is Zheng Xian immediate superior, Bureau Chief Zhu of this sub-bureau. But Bureau Chief Zhu follows behind, is two young people...... one of them seems like the look to correct and put on appropriate, appearance and makings give people incompatible one type with the age, does not get angry from the feeling of prestige ; But another person...... many descriptions do not have the significance, we can summarize are three characters- Feng Bujue. 进来的人有三个,领头是的郑宪的顶头上司,这间分局的朱局长。而朱局长身后跟着的,是两名年轻人……其中一人看上去相貌端正、穿着得体、长相和气质都给人一种与年龄不符的、不怒自威的感觉;而另一人……过多的形容也没有意义,我们可以概括为三个字-“封不觉”。 Chief Zhu...... this what's the matter?” Zheng Xian first stood from the chair, looks at the chief saying that what in this has to misunderstand?” 朱局……这怎么回事?”郑宪第一时间就从椅子上站了起来,看着局长道,“这里面是不是有什么误会?” Bureau Chief Zhu visits him unemotionally, silent two seconds, returns said: These two...... are Senior Officer of upper-level department.” He, they had several issues to ask that you...... you said actually and that's the end.” 朱局长面无表情地看着他,沉默了两秒,回道:“这两位……都是上级部门的长官。”他顿了顿,“他们有几个问题要问你……你照实说就是了。” Then, Bureau Chief Zhu looked to Bao Qing: Senior Officer, I first went out.” 说罢,朱局长又看向了包青:“长官,那我就先出去了。” Un.” Bao Qing nods neither arrogant nor servile, you were laborious.” “嗯。”包青不卑不亢地点点头,“你辛苦了。” Eh? Chief Zhu...... this...... this is......” Zheng Xian also wants to stop by calling out the chief, may to square head not return to walk, took the gate conveniently. 诶?朱局……这……这是……”郑宪还想叫住局长,可对方头也不回地走了出去,顺手还带上了门。 Ok ~ Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng, this matter you ask anyone to be useless.” Feng Bujue goes forward several steps, arrived at the table, please sit down, we sat down to say.” “行啦~郑副局长,这事儿你找谁都没用。”封不觉上前几步,来到了桌边,“请坐吧,咱们坐下说。” Zheng Xian hears word, quite had the hostility vision to size up with one type Feng Bujue up and down, immediately left from the nose all at once, leaned the body to sit. 郑宪闻言,用一种颇有敌意的目光将封不觉上下打量了一番,随即从鼻子里出了一股气,侧着身子坐了下来。 In this sub-bureau altogether has four interrogation chambers mostly the same except for minor differences, the pattern...... 这间分局里共有四间审讯室,格局大同小异…… About 20 square meters spaces, center put a table. Close to that one side table of entrance near, puts two seats, sits for the interrogators ; Relative, near another side table only then a chair, for sat by the interrogator. 二十平米左右的空间,正中放一张桌子。靠近门口的那一侧桌边,放有两张座椅,是供审讯人员坐的;相对的,另一侧的桌边就只有一张椅子,供被审问者坐。 All furniture were fixed on the floor, is unable to move ; Only matched on near a that one side desktop, the table corner of seat, but also installed several to be used for the small metal ring of fixed shackle link. 所有桌椅都是被固定在地板上的,无法搬动;只配了一个座椅的那一侧桌面上、桌角边,还装了数个可以用来固定铐链的小金属环。 The high place in interrogation chamber installed two incandescent tubes, on the table also suspended a desk lamp, the desk lamp naturally placed close to that half table of entrance on ; Moreover...... in the two opposite angles of ceiling, but also pressed a movable monitor respectively. 审讯室的高处装了两根白炽灯管,桌上还摆了一个台灯,台灯自然是放在靠近门口的那半张桌子上;另外……天花板的两个对角上,还各按了一个可动的监控探头。 After Zheng Xian sits well, Bao Qing arrived familiar and easy under a monitor...... captured the plug. 郑宪坐定以后,包青轻车熟路地走到了其中一个监控探头下……拔掉了插头。 Then, he strolled moved toward opposite of room another probe head...... 接着,他又闲庭信步地走向了房间对面的另一个探头…… But Feng Bujue, but sits down opposite of Zheng Xian silently, the faint smile is staring at the face of Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng, that expression seems is the chef looks at a good food, how is pondering over should conduct the ingredients...... 封不觉,只是默不作声地在郑宪对面坐下,似笑非笑地盯着郑副局长的脸,那表情好似是厨子看着一块上好的食材,正在琢磨着该如何进行料理…… You...... your what is this?” Zheng Xian stared at the back to feel cold by Jue Bro, he made the calm gesture to ask a question strongly. “你……你们这是什么意思?”郑宪觉哥盯得后脊梁发冷,他竭力做出冷静的姿态问出了一个问题。 Feng Bujue disregarded his issue, in turn asked: This afternoon 4 about o'clock, you answered a telephone in the restroom.” 封不觉无视了他的问题,反过来问道:“今天下午四点30左右,你在厕所里接了一个电话。” These words have not said, the cold sweat has flowed from the temple of Zheng Xian. 这句话还没说完,冷汗已从郑宪的鬓角流了下来。 Who telephone that is? Asks you to do?” Feng Bujue asked. “电话那头是谁?找你干什么?”封不觉问道。 I do not know that you are saying anything.” Even if a little feels weak at heart, Zheng Xian does intentionally calm returning to say. “我不知道你在说什么。”纵然心里有点发虚,郑宪还是故作镇定的回道。 „...... Does not know that......” Feng Bujue is saying, put out a transparent exhibit bag from the bosom, in the bag attire the cell phone of Zheng Xian, Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng, you are also the police, you should know that...... you deleted the telephone conversation record in cell phone even, we have many methods to check your telephone conversation.” “呵……不知道是吧……”封不觉说着,从怀里拿出了一个透明的证物袋,袋子里装的正是郑宪的手机,“郑副局长,你也是做警察的,你应该知道……就算你删除了手机里的通话记录,我们还是有很多种方法可以查到你那次通话的。” Zheng Xian has not spoken, but avoided the line of sight of Jue Bro. 郑宪没有说话,只是避开了觉哥的视线。 Snort......” Feng Bujue sees that cold snort/hum, meets saying that I...... can also guess correctly probably your idea...... you believe that if we have checked anything, even the telephonograph to have...... did not need to ask your words again. Since our present buying offers ask you, that expressed that...... we have not had what substantive information, most is blustering.” “哼……”封不觉见状,冷哼一声,接道,“我呢……大概也能猜到你的想法……你认为,如果我们已经查到了什么、甚至连电话录音都有了……也就不需要再来问你话了。既然我们现在来盘问你,那就表示……我们并没有掌握到什么实质性的信息,最多就是在虚张声势而已。” Zheng Xian is silent. 郑宪还是沉默。 „......” Feng Bujue looks at opposite party's response, said with a smile lightly, right, we indeed reached the impass. The person who because calls you are discrete, what he uses is the disposable cell phone card, and made two transfers and disturbances with the technological means to this communication......, therefore, besides the telephone conversation record, anything has not stayed behind...... is unable to trace and not record.” “呵……”封不觉看着对方的反应,轻笑道,“没错,我们的确是陷入了僵局。因为给你打电话的人非常谨慎,他本身用的是一次性手机卡,并用技术手段对这次通讯做出了二次转接和干扰……因此,除了通话记录以外,什么都没留下……既无法追踪、也没有录音。” Hears here, the corners of the mouth of Zheng Xian appeared not the smile that is easy to detect. 听到这里,郑宪的嘴角浮现了一丝不易察觉的微笑。 Two...... Senior Officer.” Zheng Xian answered at this time finally, Jue Bro on a few words, were reassured to him, I have truly received a bewildered call this afternoon, but the person of telephone that head is selling thing, I was perfunctory several to hang up....... I not am quite really clear as for the situation that you said.” “二位……长官。”郑宪这时终于回话了,觉哥的上一句话,给他吃了颗定心丸,“我今天下午确实接到过一个莫名其妙的电话,但电话那头的人只是在推销东西而已,我敷衍了几句就挂断了。至于你们说的情况……我真的不太清楚。” „......” Jue Bro nods, heard me saying that what...... could not find out to come, you from do not know that’ turning was not quite clear?” “哦……”觉哥点点头,“听到我说……查不出什么来,你就从‘不知道’变成‘不太清楚’了是吧?” Zheng Xian has not responded to this issue, he himself has examined many suspects, when this/should answering, when this/should silent...... he understands compared with anyone. 郑宪没有回应这个问题,他自己就审过不少嫌疑人,什么时候该回话,什么时候该沉默……他比谁都明白。 However......” next second, a Feng Bujue thread of conversation revolution, „the discretion of telephone that person, or...... specialized, proved exactly the person who you call is not the common character.” “然而……”下一秒,封不觉话锋一转,“电话那头那个人的这份谨慎,或者说……专业,恰恰证明了给你打电话的人不是一般人物。” Zheng Xian hears word sneers, because the Jue Bro words could not prove anything. 郑宪闻言冷笑,因为觉哥的话根本证明不了任何事。 Right, has not consulted......” Zheng Xian not to meet the words of opposite party, but asked that two Senior Officer your surnames? Which department in takes a higher position?” “对了,还没请教……”郑宪没接对方的话,而是自顾自地问道,“二位长官贵姓啊?在哪个部门高就?” „Can you manage?” Stood Bao Qing by table coldly complied with one. “你管得着吗?”站在桌旁的包青冷冷应了一句。 Hehe...... I also ask.” Zheng Xian is saying, but also quite put out one packet of smoke from the coat pocket rampantly, since holds in the mouth one, prepares to give itself to select on. “呵呵……我也就是问问。”郑宪说着,还颇为嚣张地从上衣口袋里拿出了一包烟,叼起一根,准备给自己点上。 Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng, I discovered that you seemed like one type blind optimistic...... stopped for several seconds after own situation, Feng Bujue then said, you felt, how can't we you? You thought that...... the worst result is also digs up to hide( usually described wicked government official was given up office) settles?” 郑副局长,我发现你对自己的处境似乎有一种盲目的乐观啊……”停顿了数秒后,封不觉接着道,“你是不是觉得,我们不能把你怎么样?或者你觉得……最坏的结果也不过就是‘扒皮子’(通常形容恶吏被卸职)了事?” This Senior Officer...... fu-” in the Zheng Xian point the smoke, pulled out one, „the question that you asked I have confessed that I answered the sale call...... also to calculate that what unpardonably wicked big crime committed?” “这位长官……呋-”郑宪点上烟,抽了一口,“你们问的问题我已经交代了,难道我接个推销电话……也算犯了什么十恶不赦的大罪了吗?” You must with us discuss that the crime issue......” Bao Qing is saying, put out a cell phone from own pocket, looks at the screen say/way, Zheng Xian, how many are your yearly salary?” “你要跟我们讨论犯罪的问题是吗……”包青说着,从自己口袋里拿出了一部手机,看着屏幕道,“郑宪,你的年薪是多少?” This......” Zheng Xian looks up to the opposite party, had not answered that immediately...... he in considering this issue does have what trap. “这个……”郑宪抬头看向对方,没有立即回话……他在考虑这个问题里有没有什么陷阱。 No matter how many......” Bao Qing has not waited for him to reply, but after pressed several keys, an account transfer contact surface demonstration network bank in the Zheng Xian front, „...... thinks is less than this number by far?” “不管是多少……”包青也没等他回答,而是摁了几个键后,将一个网上银行的转账界面展示在了郑宪的面前,“……想必是远远少于这个数字的吧?” The line of sight and screen contact that flickers, Zheng Xian facial expression changing suddenly. 视线与屏幕接触的那一瞬,郑宪神情陡变。 You......” Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng stood from the chair, how...... you will have my......” “你……”郑副局长从椅子上站了起来,“……你怎么会有我的……” Your what?” Feng Bujue broke him, what relations does this account have with you? I should ask like this......” Jue Bro a half second, meets saying that these by your wife ~ younger brother ~ name ~ handbag company ~ in account ~ what relations the huge amount of cash...... and do you have?” “你的什么?”封不觉打断了他,“这个账户跟你有什么关系吗?或者我该这样问……”觉哥微顿半秒,接道,“这些以你老婆的~弟弟的~名义所开的~皮包公司的~账户里的~巨额现金……和你有什么关系吗?” He said one every time „” character, enhanced one point of tone, read looks like recites without seeming to pause for breath. 他每说一个“的”字,就提高了一分语气,念得像贯口似的。 I...... I......” Zheng Xian finds it difficult to bring up a matter. “我……我……”郑宪有口难言。 Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng, I said that you blind optimistic...... you also think otherwise.” Feng Bujue said, you think who we are?” His is not an issue, has not planned to say the explicit answer, we will not be that type will make on you person in court......” his face gloomy incomparable, we will be that type...... will let you person who will evaporate from Earth......” 郑副局长,我说你盲目乐观……你还不以为然。”封不觉道,“你以为我们是谁?”他这个并不是问题,也没打算说出明确答案,“我们可不是那种会让你上法庭的人……”他的脸变得阴沉无比,“我们是那种……会让你从地球上蒸发的人……” Here, but Police Department!” Also does not know that is because angry or wants to embolden to oneself, Zheng Xian roared immediately. “这里可是警局!”也不知是因为愤怒还是想给自己壮胆,郑宪当即吼了一声。 Bang- 嘭- The next second, on his face suffered a fist. 下一秒,他的脸上就挨了一拳。 Zheng Xian staggers to sit but actually, the facial expression is stunned. 紧接着,郑宪踉跄坐倒,神情愕然。 He ignorant half of the day, in feels a cool feeling, his instinct puts out a hand to touch, saw own nosebleed...... then tastes. 他懵了半天,直到人中处感到一丝凉意,他本能地伸手一摸,看到了自己的鼻血……这才回过味儿来。 You...... you dare to hit the person!” Zheng Xian covers the nose, the anger is referring to Feng Bujue shouting. “你……你敢打人!”郑宪捂着鼻子,怒指封不觉喝道。 Finishes barely the words, Feng Bujue stand: „?” He smiles, I that fist, mainly broadened the mentality to you a moment ago. Let you impossible this thought format by two unidentified person violence adding together be broken in Police Department me.” He, had this first step...... our exchange also to be able smoothly.” 话音未落,封不觉站了起来:“没想到吧?”他笑了笑,“我刚才那一拳呢,主要是给你拓宽一下思路。让你把‘我不可能在警局里被两个身份不明的人暴力相加’这个思维定式打破。”他顿了顿,“有了这第一步……我们的交流也能更加顺畅一点。” You...... you......” the Zheng Xian startled anger happen simultaneously, but he also really takes the opposite party to have no means. The words that must hit back...... his slightly some middle-aged people and two young people of putting on weight do the frame, that is really not action of the Akechi. “你……你……”郑宪惊怒交加,但他还真就拿对方没什么办法。要还手的话……他一个略微有些发福的中年人和两个青年人去干架,那着实不是什么明智之举。 Ok, the violent aspect can do, first gives you to demonstrate here.” Feng Bujue said that a while, if I the satisfactory feedback, I cannot gradually promote to the minor wound and severe wound, cripple, or...... you understand.” He spreads out both hands, „...... dies fearfully really? I felt criminal who not necessarily...... especially these and embezzlement touches on slightly, their Fearless dies......, because their crimes obtained have not been able to recover mostly ; We can notice that frequently some corrupt officials are greatly wicked when silver-haired end up in prison, but they give the loss that the states and people incur is not made up, their family members were still enjoying the illegal gains in the overseas, free and unrestrained......” “好了,暴力方面能做的,就先给你展示到这儿。”封不觉道,“一会儿如果我没有得到满意的反馈,我可以逐步升级到轻伤、重伤、致残、或者……你懂的。”他摊开双手,“不过……死真的可怕么?我觉得不见得……尤其那些和贪污沾边的罪犯,他们很多都不怕死……因为他们的犯罪所得多半都已无法追回;我们经常可以看到一些巨贪大恶在白发苍苍时锒铛入狱,但他们给国家和人民带来的损失并没有被弥补,他们的家人仍在海外享受着非法所得、逍遥自在……” During the Jue Bro speeches, arrived by Zheng Xian, by stands firm in the table reason, meets saying: Naturally, your also enough not on that rank, but the nature is similar......, but people like you true weakness of...... we are clear.” 觉哥说话间,来到了郑宪旁边,靠在桌缘上站定,接道:“当然了,你还够不上那个级别,但性质是差不多的……而你这种人真正的弱点……我们一清二楚。” The words to here, Bao Qing arrived at Zheng Xian another side, lifts the cell phone and opens the mouth saying: So long as I move to point, all deposits in this account will turn donate charitable.” He stops for two seconds, added that believed me......, once the operation were completed, you could not recover this sum of money forever.” 话至此处,包青走到了郑宪的另一侧,举着手机、开口道:“只要我动一下手指,这个账户里的所有存款就会变成慈善捐助。”他停顿两秒,补充道,“相信我……一旦操作完成,你永远也追不回这笔钱。” If you thought that the wealth is the things, that might also as well......” Feng Bujue also say, person...... must speak a sentiment, I can introduce that tonight your wife and ** knows face to face, eats meal to drink tea anything together.” “假如你觉得钱财乃身外之物,那也无妨……”封不觉又道,“人嘛……还是要讲点感情的,我今晚就可以介绍你的妻子和**当面认识一下,一起吃个饭喝个茶什么的。” „...... Right......” Bao Qing also said at this time: As far as we know, handles that wife's younger brother in company for you, probably very likes coming and going out the love affair place. Often goes to that place ~ unavoidably will run into the person who picks a quarrel stirs up trouble, you said that...... he in some fights by some chance is injured accidentally/surprisingly, made that dies without a heir...... that injust......” “哦……对了……”包青这时又道:“据我们所知,替你打理公司的那位小舅子,好像挺喜欢出入风月场所的。常去那种地方呢~难免会遇到一些寻衅滋事的人,你说……万一他在某场斗殴中‘意外受伤’,弄得断子绝孙……那得多冤啊……” Mentioned the relative...... I to think suddenly......” less than one second, Feng Bujue met saying that your son will prepare Americanism that extremely evil land to attend the diploma mill next year? If he suddenly, had the criminal record...... you to guess that for some reasons...... the passport can also manage?” “说起亲属……我突然想到……”一秒不到,封不觉又接道,“令公子明年就准备到美帝国主义那万恶的土地上去读野鸡大学了吧?要是他忽然由于某些原因,有了犯罪记录……你猜……护照还能办下来么?” This was not the issue of passport......” Bao Qing said with relaxed tone make complaints, „the words of that situation...... can be awarded the high school graduation diploma is a matter.” “这不是护照的问题了吧……”包青用轻松的口吻吐槽道,“那种情况的话……能不能拿到高中毕业文凭都是个事儿了啊。” This actually......, moreover he was also the adult......” Feng Bujue said that „after entering the prison, making others know that oneself had father who was the corruption police, that day............” “这倒是……而且他也是成年人了呢……”封不觉道,“进了监狱以后,让人家知道自己有个当贪腐警察的老爸,那日子……啧啧啧……” Their you sang me, tacit full, frightened on the Zheng Xian face azure purple, the nosebleed gives to frighten. 他俩你唱我和,默契十足,吓得郑宪脸上青一阵紫一阵,鼻血都给吓回去了。 I......” the smoke on Zheng Xian fell the ground, his hand is shivering freely, my anything confessed that...... sought two to spare and not punish too severely......” “我……”郑宪手上的烟掉到了地上,他的手在不住地颤抖,“我什么都交代……求二位高抬贵手……” ~ this was right.” Feng Bujue patted his shoulder, „your attitude, I am also insufficient to begin with you early.” His saying also only then he himself believed that „, so long as you solid confessed, the minor matter of bribe we uncovered and that's the end, wasn't in more than ten years fishes 8 million...... this also to call a matter?” “诶~这就对了嘛。”封不觉拍了拍他的肩膀,“你早这个态度,我也不至于跟你动手啊。”他这话也就只有他自己信了,“只要你老实交代,受贿的小事咱们揭过去就是了,不就是十几年里捞了八百万么……这也能叫个事儿?” Bao Qing stared Jue Bro one, that look was saying probably: You counterfeit nine branch detective tones are really actually big.” 包青瞪了觉哥一眼,那眼神好像在说:“你一个假冒的九科探员口气倒是真不小。” ............ ………… Late, 7.5 13. 晚,七点五十三分。 Feng Bujue and Bao Qing left the interrogation chamber, arrived at one specially for the lounge that in they prepare. 封不觉包青离开了审讯室,来到了一间专门为他们准备的休息室中。 Xiao Tan and Brother Meditation are also waiting for them in this lounge. 小叹禅哥也正在这间休息室里等着他们。 What kind of?” Xiao Tan sees them to come, asked impatiently. “怎么样了?”小叹一见他们进来,就迫不及待地问道。 „When un...... the matter is not simple......” Bao Qing to sit down discussed. “嗯……事情不简单啊……”包青坐下时念道。 What's wrong?” Brother Meditation meets saying that that Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng backstage is very strong?” “怎么?”禅哥接道,“那位郑副局长的后台很硬?” That...... Bao Qing knits the brows to say actually not, he is only a small role, but......” “那倒不是……”包青皱眉道,“他只是个小角色罢了,但……” „The words that must analogy, that person who Zheng Xian calls, sits the chess player before chessgame like one......” at this time, Jue Bro spoke, „, but Zheng Xian...... is only a private on checkerboard ; In the hand of that person, with the Zheng Xian same private, can use when necessary...... same, when necessary can also discard......” “要比喻的话,给郑宪打电话的那个人,就像一个坐在棋局前的棋手……”此时,觉哥说话了,“而郑宪……只是棋盘上的一个小卒;在那个人的手里,还有许多和郑宪一样的卒子,在必要的时候可以使用……同样的,在必要的时候也可以丢弃……” I went...... saying that kidnapped the Daring Devil person background is very big......” the Brother Meditation startled say/way. “我去……这么说绑架鬼骁的人来头很大啊……”禅哥惊道。 Hehe...... you guessed wrong.” Feng Bujue smiles, executor of kidnapping, as well as event chief instigator, similarly is only private......” word to here, in the Jue Bro smile, flashed through an excitement unexpectedly, „, but...... in this matter the person, he is also acting engineer role, was that I said a moment ago chess player......” he licked the lip, this person...... was very interesting.” “呵呵……你又猜错了。”封不觉笑了笑,“绑架的实施者、以及事件的‘主谋’,同样都只是‘卒子’而已……”言至此处,觉哥的笑容中,竟是闪过了一丝兴奋,“但是……这件事里还有一个人,他扮演着‘策划者’的角色,也就是我刚才所说的那名‘棋手’……”他舔了舔嘴唇,“这个人……很有意思。”
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