TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#971: Officials

The time backs up slightly, making us first review, before The Altar Of A Nightmare contacts Feng Bujue had anything...... 时间稍稍倒退,让我们先来回顾一下,在梦惊禅联络封不觉以前发生了什么…… When Brother Meditation telephones in the Daring Devil family/home, is about 11:20, the Daring Devil mother happen to at home ; both sides exchanged the later discovery, Daring Devil left the company from 7 : 00 am, but to has not gone home at this moment, has not telephoned to the family/home. 禅哥打电话到鬼骁家里时,大约是十一点20,鬼骁的母亲正好在家;双方交流之后发现,鬼骁自上午 7 点就离开了公司,但到此刻还没回家,也没有给家里打过电话。 If this in other day, they possibly does not want is too many. 这要是在别的日子里,他们可能也不会想太多。 Daring Devil after all was also the 17-year-old person, said again was the boy, generally speaking toward not kidnapping that aspect thinks. His family member also guessed that perhaps...... this boy lost the cell phone, oneself ran to report. 鬼骁毕竟也是17岁的人了,再说又是男孩子,一般来说不会往绑架那方面想。就连他家里人也猜测……这小子没准是弄丢了手机,自己跑去报案了。 However, on this day, is not an ordinary day......, but is a day of crucial competition. 但是,这天,并不是一个普通的日子……而是一场关键性比赛的日子。 The Altar Of A Nightmare...... can feel faintly incorrect some from this matter. 梦惊禅……是能够从这个事情里隐隐感觉到一些不对的。 Everyone pulls out from Brother Meditation that drinks the hot mental disposition, as well as that do not visit me now this, how I before was also” pet phrase can also see, this was youth who had the social story...... 大家从禅哥那抽喝烫的秉性、以及那句“别看我现在这样,我以前也是如何如何”的口头禅也能看出,这是位有社会阅历的青年…… For safety's sake, he looked for the Order Studio high level especially, reported this matter...... 为了保险起见,他特地去找了秩序工作室高层,汇报了此事…… Star Player, the speech is also a little weight/quantity, said again...... his suspicion is really reasonable. 明星玩家嘛,说话也是有点分量的,再说……他的怀疑确实有道理。 The leadership of order also soon realized the gravity of situation, this anxious atmosphere also ferments with the advancement of time gradually...... 秩序的领导层也很快意识到了情况的严重性,这种不安的氛围也随着时间的推进逐步发酵…… Up to 2 : 00 pm, Daring Devil was still at the losing contact condition. At this time, his family member naturally also discovered that the situation had different, moreover became worries compared with anyone all of a sudden. 至下午 2 点,鬼骁仍处于失联状态。此时,他家里人自然也发现情况有异了,而且一下子就变得比谁都着急。 Therefore, they reported. 于是,他们报案了。 Brother Meditation is not only the Daring Devil colleague, is final several has had one of the contact people with him, their personal friendship are also good. 禅哥既是鬼骁的同事,又是最后几个和他有过接触的人之一,他俩的私交也算不错。 Therefore, The Altar Of A Nightmare arrives at the police station on own initiative, wants to assist to investigate. 因此,梦惊禅主动来到公安局,想要协助调查。 What a pity, the progress is far from imagining comes smoothly...... 可惜,事情的进展远没有想象中来得顺利…… Did not mean that...... you went to the police station to report the case, one will dress ranks the police forces to throw to your case in immediately evidence collection Investigation, solves a case in several hours with great speed. 并不是说……你去公安局里报了个案,就会有一整队警力立刻扑到你的案子上取证侦查、在几个小时内火速破案的。 Only will then have this treatment related to robbing and the murder case serious rough stuff. 只有涉及到严重暴力行为的抢劫、杀人案件才会有这待遇。 But common invading wealth class case( particularly amount not too big), this type of missing case( non- child and male, are missing, that a day does not arrive) two said. 而一般的侵财类案件(尤其是金额不算太大的),还有这种失踪案(非儿童、男性、失踪一天都不到的),那就两说了。 Knows that every year...... some daily how many small-scale invading wealth class cases do happen? Some victims have not even gone to report, because they also know, even if reports, thing could not look most likely. 知道每年……不……每天有多少小型的侵财类案件发生吗?有些受害者甚至都没去报案,因为他们也知道即使去报了案,东西十有八九也找不回来了。 But every year missing population...... said that...... our country walks the big living person who throws every year, the cell phone that possibly and loses are equally many. 而每年的失踪人口呢……这么说吧……我国每年走丢的大活人,可能和弄丢的手机一样多。 ...... This kind of case, the reporting time base itself/Ben is to make a record to register in brief, then...... 简而言之……这类案件,报案时基本就是做个笔录登记一下,然后……等。 How long waited, this perhaps...... 等多久,这就没准儿了…… Naturally, the Investigation work will launch normally, is the manpower are not many, the efficiency is not high. What? You want to let them, for your matter forms the special case team, sending two teams of people to you to look in turn the video recording, does walk the field personnel and analysis case? Ok...... you knew that the chief was OK probably, really bad manager also...... 当然,侦查工作还是会正常展开的,就是人手不多,效率也不算高。什么?你想让他们为了你这事儿成立个专案组,派两队人轮流给你看录像、走外勤、分析案情?可以啊……你认识局长大概就可以了,实在不济所长也可以…… The preamble has mentioned, the Ma Junxiao parents are the salariats, said again in plain words- flat head common people. Does not have any right to speak, no privilege. But he is not what great person, you must say that he is the words of public figure...... Star Player this title, withstood/top the day in the public security department eye and 23 actors is a scale. 前文提到过,马骏骁的双亲都是工薪阶层,说得再通俗点-平头老百姓。没有什么话语权,更没有什么特权。而他本人也不不算什么大人物,你非要说他是公众人物的话……“明星玩家”这种头衔,在公安部门眼里顶了天了和二三线演员属于一个档次。 In summary, the progress of investigation quite makes one seize anxiously, reported the case also to arrange 20 minutes of team ; The police officer who lines up to be responsible for receiving only has one person, when the Daring Devil parents and Brother Meditation confessed the situation, almost quick 3 : 30, the police then prepare the accent to take the street in a business area monitoring near order office building. 综上所述,调查的进度相当让人捉急,报个案还排了二十分钟的队;排完队负责接待的警员只有一人,等鬼骁的双亲和禅哥先后把情况交代完,差不多都快三点半了,警方这才准备去调取秩序办公楼附近的街面监控。 Sees with own eyes so, Brother Meditation did not have the means that we also walked the relations......, therefore, he related the executive, above did not have two words, wasn't walks the relations? Relax, the relations...... we have. Comes out to mix, on arrives at great merchant rich Jia, under to arrive at the local ruffian, can mix the industry to be top, must have the personal connection inevitably...... is also so-called relations. The significance of Daring Devil to competition is obvious, this has directly involved the Studio interests, even if regards as one type him asset, the use relations are still worth. 眼见如此,禅哥也没办法了,咱也走走关系呗……于是,他又联系了公司高层,上头也没二话,不就是走关系么?放心,关系……咱有。出来混,上到巨商富贾、下到地痞流氓,能混到业界顶尖的,必然得有人脉……也就是所谓的“关系”。鬼骁对比赛的意义不言自明,这已直接涉及到了工作室的利益,就算把他视为一种“资产”,动用关系也是值得的。 Finally, The Altar Of A Nightmare fires off the telephone less than ten minutes, the special case team...... walks. 结果,梦惊禅打完电话十分钟不到,专案组……走起。 Nowadays, so long as on you have the person, anything is easy to do. Short-handed? Let work overtime in the police officer who home rests, why are 24 hours starting within call are? Serves the people. 这年头,只要你上头有人,什么事都好办。人手不足是吧?让在家休息的警员来加班啊,二十四小时开机随叫随到是为什么?为人民服务啊。 After four points, investigates the process to progress rapidly, there the bureau sent 78 people to sit looks at the monitoring, before being missing , the route was found out rapidly ; The field personnel disperse five police vehicles, along the Daring Devil getting off work route committal proceedings eyewitness. 四点过后,调查过程飞速进展,局里派了七八个人坐那儿看监控,失踪前路线迅速被查出;外勤又散出去五辆警车,沿鬼骁的下班路线一路侦讯目击证人。 Employs two methods to achieve one goal, the police selected the missing approximate time quickly, and locked white vans and three suspects, has basically been possible to confirm that is together the kidnapping. 双管齐下,警方很快就圈定了失踪的大致时间,并锁定了一辆白色面包车和三名嫌疑人,基本已可确认是一起绑架事件。 However...... relaxes when Brother Meditation slightly, the matter that wants to hide in the restroom compartmented lira bubble excrement, to smoke...... makes him be afraid to happen. 然而……就在禅哥稍稍松了口气,想躲进厕所隔间里拉泡屎、抽根烟时……一件让他不寒而栗的事发生了。 This matter, mentioning also is really on skillful adds skillfully...... 这个事儿,说来也真是巧上加巧…… Brother Meditation is a person who likes squatting the management, but that restroom internal installation that he goes to is sits then, therefore this fellow did not have the social ethics heart to squat very much in the toilet edge. 禅哥是一个喜欢蹲着办事的人,而他去的那个厕所内装的都是坐便,于是这家伙就很没有公德心地蹲到了马桶边缘上。 His front leg just squatted safely, a preparation smoke, the back leg hears compartmented outside has the sound, some probably people entered the restroom. 他前脚刚蹲稳当、准备点烟,后脚就听到隔间外有声音,好像是有人走进了厕所。 When this person walks, takes the cell phone to talk over the telephone, he lowered the voice saying: How to hit now? I...... the speech in the bureau am not facilitating......” him said that while walks, then wants not to give to lock from inside the gate of restroom. 这人走进来时,就已经拿着手机在进行通话了,他压低了嗓门儿说道:“怎么现在打来?我正在局里呢……说话不方便……”他一边说,一边走进来,然后想都不想就把厕所的门从里面给锁上了。 After locking the gate, he was sideways several steps, peeped at from the bottom one by one each compartmented in had the person in...... 锁好门后,他又侧身走了几步,逐一从底部窥视了各个隔间里有没有人在…… Possibly is the reason of having a guilty conscience, this person instinct takes the cell phone with one, another protects by the mouth covers the sound, this causes him to leap does not intend to transfer the compartmented door knob...... non- crank, cannot open the compartmented door...... unable to open the compartmented door, therefore he will look from under...... 可能是做贼心虚的缘故,这个人本能地用一手拿着手机,另一手护在嘴旁边遮挡声音,这就导致他腾不出手去转隔间的门把手……不转把手,就开不了隔间的门……开不了隔间的门,所以他才会从底下看…… But Brother Meditation...... squats in the toilet, cannot see his foot from outside. 禅哥……是蹲在马桶上的,从外面看不到他的脚。 Under the mistake arising out of chance circumstances, The Altar Of A Nightmare started to intercept smoothly...... 阴差阳错之下,梦惊禅就这么顺利地开始窃听了…… Good...... neighbor no one, you said after......” that man inspects, stood washing the hands pond beside, enhanced several points the speaking voice slightly. “好了……附近没人了,你说吧……”那个男人检查完以后,就站到了洗手池旁,将说话声略微提高了几分。 The Altar Of A Nightmare listened to this fellow at first that two words, but also thinks that this man received the small three calls. 梦惊禅听了这家伙最初那两句话,还以为这男人是接到了小三的电话。 However after...... listened for 30 seconds, Brother Meditation was startled. 但是……听了三十秒后,禅哥就惊了。 Stands the man outside compartmented is surnamed Zheng, is the deputy director of this sub-bureau, but...... in the telephone is inciting him to delay the investigation the unidentified character who he calls. 站在隔间外的男人姓郑,是这个分局的副局长,而给他打电话的不明人物……正在电话里授意他去拖延调查。 But judged from the Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng tone, he did not receive others to bribe to have the handle...... he to be in others hands in brief prepares to act accordingly. 而从郑副局长的语气来判断,他不是收过人家贿赂就是有把柄在人家手上……总之他应该是准备照办了。 Delays in any case investigates this matter, the difficulty of implementing is not big, implements the later risk...... is not big. Because this behavior in is very afterward difficult to limit...... you said that what is the dragging? The dragging it can be said that is also discrete, caused to delay the time excessively discretely, can call the dragging? What even if really caused not good consequence finally, what evidence you also had to say this type dragging was intentional? 反正拖延调查这个事情,实施起来的难度并不大,实施之后的风险……也不大。因为这种行为在事后是很难界定的……你说什么叫拖延?拖延也可以说是谨慎,过分谨慎导致延误了时间,能叫拖延吗?就算最后真导致了什么不好的后果,你又有什么证据说这种“拖延”是故意的呢? About after two minutes, the Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng telephone fired off. 大约两分钟后,郑副局长的电话打完了。 But compartmented in Brother Meditation...... partly takes off/escapes the pants and two feet to step on the toilet edge, partly squats, to take the smoke and one to take Lighter...... to maintain this posture and atmosphere not to dare to have one. 而隔间里的禅哥呢……半脱着裤子、两脚踩在马桶边缘上、半蹲、一手拿着烟、一手拿着打火机……保持这种姿势、大气都不敢出一声。 Let alone was the addiction for tobacco, the excrement addiction suppressed to him...... 别说是烟瘾了,屎瘾都给他憋回去了…… After Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng hangs up the telephone, washed starting before the washing the hands stage while convenient, looks in a mirror, then he has turned around...... 郑副局长挂断电话后,顺便在洗手台前洗了下手,照了照镜子,然后他转过身…… Un......” possibly is many years of experience that is engaged in the criminal investigation work, possibly is the oversuspicious natural disposition, he thinks suddenly must go to open and confirm one compartmented gate again...... “嗯……”可能是出于多年从事刑侦工作的经验,也可能是多疑的本性,他忽然想到要去把隔间的门全都打开、再确认一遍…… Ka- 咔哒- Quick, he opened Brother Meditation next door that compartmented door, swept one toward inside. 很快,他就打开了禅哥隔壁那个隔间的门,朝里面扫了一眼。 No one...... 没人…… Then, his sound of footsteps, before arrived in front of the Brother Meditation compartmented shutter,...... 接着,他的脚步声,就来到了禅哥面前的隔间门板前…… That flickers, the heart of The Altar Of A Nightmare hung to the throat, the means that he can think of were only...... disguise oneself were a mute, tricks to say temporarily again...... 那一瞬,梦惊禅的心都吊到嗓子眼儿了,他唯一能想到的办法是……假装自己是个聋哑人、暂时忽悠过去再说…… pang pang pang- 乓乓乓- Opened this second gate during the Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng preparation, the front door of restroom is actually sounded. 就在郑副局长准备打开这第二间门的当口,厕所的大门却是被人敲响了。 Hey! who in inside! Opened the door Ah! outside to broadcast a voice of man, who closed/pass the restroom gate? Opens the door quickly Ah! 喂!谁在里面!开门啊!”外面传来了一个男人的声音,“谁把厕所门关了啊?快开门啊! Listens to his tone, it seems like it is very anxious...... 听他的口气,看来是很急…… Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng heard the sound, curls the lip, moved toward that side quickly, opened the door of restroom. 郑副局长闻声,撇了撇嘴,快步走向了那边,打开了厕所的门。 Makes way that person that......” comes is not police, does not know the present deputy director. This big brother shoved open Zheng Fu unrestrained/no trace of politeness, rushed to first compartmented to go, when he closed/pass the compartmented gate the mouth was also foul-mouthed, public toilet also locked a door! Holds your Sir!” “让开让开……”进来的那人不是警察,也不认识眼前的副局长。这位大哥毫不客气地推开了郑副,奔着第一个隔间就去了,他关起隔间的门时嘴里还骂骂咧咧的,“公共厕所还锁门!操你大爷的!” Then, compartmented in resounded the heavenly thunder hot sound, and fills smell that makes the life might as well die. 接着,隔间里就响起了天雷地火般的响动,并弥漫出一股让人生不如死的气味。 „- After” several seconds, that my dear friend shouted one comfortably. “啊-”数秒后,那位仁兄舒爽地呼了一声。 His ** completely, Deputy Bureau Chief Zheng has not covered the nose to flee from this restroom by far...... 他的**未尽,郑副局长已经掩着鼻子远远逃离了这间厕所…… But The Altar Of A Nightmare, in this three anxious elder brother under the help...... escapes thrillingly. 梦惊禅,也在这位“三急哥”的帮助下……惊险地逃过了一劫。 ............ ………… The time returns to the present, Police Department to wait for the hall. 时间回到现在,警局等候大厅。 They arrive from Feng Bujue, had crossed for nearly 40 minutes. In this period, The Altar Of A Nightmare first told with them the situation that his previous experience and knew, brought Jue Bro and Xiao Tan later goes to greet with the Daring Devil parents, said that they were young bold friend. 封不觉他们到来,已过了近四十分钟。期间,梦惊禅先是跟他们讲述了他此前的经历和所知的情况,随后又带觉哥小叹去跟鬼骁的双亲打了声招呼,介绍说他们俩是“小骁的朋友”。 Then, Feng Bujue then made several phone calls alone...... 接着,封不觉便独自去打了几个电话…… Up to afternoon 6 o'clock, a black Huiteng car(riage) stopped in the Police Department entrance, walked a person from the copilot seat. 至下午六点20,一辆黑色的辉腾车又停在了警局门口,从副驾驶席上走下来一个人。 This man a black suit, the look is straight, looks serious. 这个男人着一身黑色西装,相貌端正,神情严肃。 When he passes through Xiao Tan that silver Porsche side, looked askance to look at one, immediately continued. 当他走过小叹那辆银色保时捷旁边时,侧目看了一眼,随即才继续前行。 Soon, he walked into waited for the hall, the line of sight sweeps, with Jue Bro they to eye. 不多时,他就走入了等候大厅,视线一扫,就和觉哥他们对上了眼。 Yo, Sir Bao, come.” Feng Bujue goes forward with a smile, notifies this nine branch secret detective. “哟,包大人,来啦。”封不觉笑着上前,跟这位九科的秘密探员打了声招呼。 I said that......” Bao Qing is impolite with him, returns directly said that entrance Porsche is Xiao Tan?” “我说……”包青也不跟他客气,直接就回道,“门口的保时捷是小叹的吧?” Yes.” Nearby Xiao Tan returns instantly said. “是啊。”一旁的小叹即刻回道。 You stop in that place, do you who must be pasted the traffic ticket know?” Originally what Bao Qing is puzzled is this matter. “你停在那个地方,要被贴罚单的你知道吧?”原来包青纠结的是这个事儿。 Oh...... is Jue Bro makes me stop specially there......” Xiao Tan returns said. 呃……是觉哥特意让我停那儿的……”小叹回道。 Relax, Old Bao.” Feng Bujue said with a smile, was the car(riage) of trench, previous stopped toward the law enforcement agency gate, more was no one dares to paste the strip.” “放心吧,老包。”封不觉笑道,“越是壕的车,往执法机构门前一停,越是没人敢贴条。” Although you and law-enforcing departments the relations of quite have been intense, but you stand in others office buildings such black families really......” Bao Qing empty focus on make complaints saying. “虽然你和执法部门的关系一直比较紧张,但你站在人家的办公楼里这样黑人家真的好吗……”包青虚着眼吐槽道。 Hehe...... that we have free time to do the social experiment, whom having a look at to paste.” Feng Bujue shrugs saying that whom I told you...... to dare to paste, who was the social pillar of the state.” “呵呵……那咱有空就去做个社会实验,看看谁会去贴好了。”封不觉耸肩道,“我告诉你……谁敢贴,谁是社会栋梁。” Good all various professions......” Bao Qing did not talk nonsense with him, beckoned with the hand saying that first handled the matter.” “行行行……”包青不跟他扯淡,摆手道,“先办正事儿吧。” Made a long story short, after several people chatted several briefly, Feng Bujue introduced that Bao Qing and Brother Meditation knew, then, Bao Qing showed own document to a police officer...... 长话短说,几人简短地聊了几句后,封不觉就介绍包青禅哥认识了一下,接着,包青向一位警员出示了自己的证件…… After five minutes, their four sat in the chief office...... 五分钟后,他们四个就坐在局长办公室里了…… After entering the room, Bao Qing was only and that chief greets, and showed a document again, then...... handed over a cell phone. 进屋后,包青只是和那位局长打了声招呼、并再度出示了一下证件,然后……递上了一部手机。 After the chief received the cell phone, entered the room in next door. 局长接过手机后,就走进了隔壁的房间。 Matter develops this little while, The Altar Of A Nightmare has basically fallen into the condition that the brain short-circuited, he looked that Feng Bujue their look calm does not get up again. 事情发展到这会儿,梦惊禅基本已经陷入了脑筋短路的状态,他看封不觉他们的眼神再也淡定不起来了。 This...... Brother Bao.” Brother Meditation asked curiously, does not know where you did take a higher position?” “这位……包兄。”禅哥好奇地问道,“不知您在哪儿高就啊?” Official.” Bao Qing only replied three characters. “公务员。”包青只回答了三个字。 Oh......” Said regarding this is equivalent the answer without said that Brother Meditation naturally also wants to closely examine, specifically refers to......” 呃……”对于这个说了相当于没说的答案,禅哥自然还想追问,“具体是指……” Official.” Bao Qing was with smile on the face, looks to The Altar Of A Nightmare, and repeated these three characters with emphasis. “公务员。”包青面带微笑,看向了梦惊禅,并加重语气将这三个字重复了一遍。 By the intelligence of Brother Meditation, hears here, understands that...... did not need to ask again. 禅哥的聪明,听到这儿,也就明白……不用再问了。 Said that who...... telephone that is?” Feng Bujue also turned the head to look that asked at this time to Bao Qing. “说起来……电话那头是谁啊?”封不觉这时也转头看向包青问道。 Telephone that head, is people who have the right to decide a lot.” Bao Qing returns said that „, but that has the right to decide the person who a lot, just and your my acquaintance before ten minutes ‚’ has chatted.” “电话那头,是一个有权决定很多事情的人。”包青回道,“而那个有权决定很多事情的人,在十分钟前刚刚和一位‘你我的熟人’聊过天。” „......” Feng Bujue said that „, therefore he comes and this chief now chatted......” “哦……”封不觉道,“所以他现在就来和这位局长聊了……” It seems like they have chatted.” When Bao Qing meets this saying, the chief happen to pushed the door to come back from the next room. “看来他们已经聊完了。”包青接这话时,局长正好从隔壁房间推门回来了。 Senior Officer.” The chief serious arrives in front of Bao Qing, what following...... do you have to arrange?” 长官。”局长一脸严肃地走到包青面前,“接下来……您有什么安排?” Bao Qing had not answered, curls upwards one leg on the other, to sit down exhausted Feng Bujue on sofa in side to snatch saying: Packs to pass to here computer so far all survey data entirely, makes surnamed Zheng while convenient in the interrogation chamber awaited orders......” he to say fast, but also made up one, „, right, do not forget to confiscate his cell phone immediately.” 包青还没回话,在旁翘着二郎腿、瘫坐在沙发上的封不觉就抢道:“把目前为止的所有调查资料统统打包传到这边的电脑上来,顺便让姓郑的去审讯室里待命……”他快速说完,还补了一句,“哦,对了,别忘了要在第一时间没收他的手机。” hey hey...... was too rampant......” sees this scene, The Altar Of A Nightmare looks with astonishment to look to Jue Bro, in the heart make complaints said. 喂喂……太嚣张了吧……”见此情景,梦惊禅面露惊愕地看向了觉哥,心中吐槽道。 But that chief too had not loudly responded, after listening, silently and looked at Bao Qing. 但那位局长却没有太大反应,听完后只是默不作声地又看了看包青 Oh......” Sir Bao sighed, to the chief first unfamiliar road, deferred to the office that he said......” “唉……”包大人叹了口气,对局长先生道,“就按照他说的办吧……”
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