TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#970: Kidnapping

On November 15, 11 : 00 am. 十一月15日,上午11点。 S City, in some building of residence, a 17-year-old youngster, was gradually regaining consciousness from the stupor. S市,某居民楼中,一位17岁的少年,正从昏迷中逐渐缓醒了过来。 After spending several seconds adapted to the light in room, he saw clearly the present scenery. 花了数秒钟适应了房间里的灯光后,他看清了眼前的景物。 First heaves in sight, is three person's shadows...... 首先映入眼帘的,便是三道人影…… That is three wears on the dark-colored jacket, jeans and face also to wear the man of ski mask, at this moment, they are encircling by a table smoke to play cards. 那是三个身着深色夹克、牛仔裤、脸上还戴着滑雪面罩的男人,此刻,他们正围在一张桌子旁边抽烟打牌。 Sees the youngster to wake up, three people shot a look at one toward his there very much at will, not too big response. 见少年醒来,三人都只是很随意地朝他那里瞥了一眼,并没有太大的反应。 But that youngster...... actually falls into immediately flurriedly. 而那名少年……却是立刻陷入了慌乱中。 Because he realized immediately...... were tying their hands behind the back on a chair, is not only both hands, the waist and both feet also tied up firmly in the condition on the chair, almost being moves cannot move, moreover...... his mouth was also sealed up by the adhesive tape, could not speak. 因为他当即就意识到……自己正被反绑在一张椅子上,不仅是双手,就连腰部和双脚也被牢牢绑在了椅子上、几乎是动都不能动的状态,另外……他的嘴也被胶带封住,说不出话来。 I where? How do I am come to here?” In youngster heart startled say/way, who are these people? Kidnapping?” “我在哪儿?我是怎么到这里来的?”少年心中惊道,“这些人是谁?绑架吗?” Quick, along with a dizziness, the fragmentary recollection fragment flashes through from its mind...... 很快,伴随着一阵头晕,零星的回忆片段从其脑海中闪过…… Right! In that restroom!” “对了!在那个厕所里!” The name of this youngster, was Ma Junxiao. A year ago, he is a learn/study general, likes playing the game, plain-looking, height to seize the anxious ordinary high-school student. But now, he is a professional player of star level, moreover is industry in one of the largest Studio peak players, ID is- Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil. 这个少年的名字,叫马骏骁。一年前,他还是个学习一般、爱打游戏、相貌平平、身高捉急的普通高中生。但如今,他已是一名明星级的职业玩家,而且是业内第一大工作室的最顶尖玩家之一,ID为-【吞天鬼骁】。 In the near future, the reason that because competes, Daring Devil every day on night shift. Naturally, said that is going to work, actually whole time in the game cabin is sleeping. 近期,由于比赛的原因,鬼骁每天都在上“夜班”。当然了,说是“上班”,其实大部分时间都在游戏舱里睡觉。 During the daytime, he can not need to treat in the company, so long as maintains every day for three hours( realistic time, non-sleep mode) the above online time, works at home. 白天,他可以不用待在公司,只要保持每天三小时(现实时间,非睡眠模式)以上的在线时间,在家工作也可以。 But in the evening...... he must arrive at order punch- in about 10 : 00, makes some to prepare before the game, then lies down in the equipment of company to compete. 但晚上……他还是得在十点左右到秩序本部打卡,做一些赛前准备,然后躺到公司的设备里去比赛。 7 : 00 am, Daring Devil and is usually same...... leaves the company building, bought a breakfast on the road, takes the subway to go home. 今晨七点,鬼骁和平时一样……离开公司大楼,在路上买了点早饭,乘坐地铁回家。 Although seven point about early rush hours . Moreover the S City subway can press out the juice is also well-known, but Daring Devil not at this point going to work, but is getting off work, line and crowded that he rides just right opposite, in an average compartment probably also on 78 people. 虽然七点左右还是早高峰时段,而且S市的地铁能把人榨成汁也是众所周知的,但鬼骁并不是在这个点“上班”,而是“下班”,他乘坐的线路和拥挤的那条正好相反,平均一个车厢里大概也就七八个人。 Therefore, today he also boards has the spatial place to sit. 因此,今天他也是一上车就有空座可以坐。 However...... rode two stations, Daring Devil felt suddenly was ill. Possibly was the breakfast that today buys unclean...... a violent abdominal pain does not have the indication to raid. 然而……才乘了两站,鬼骁就忽然感到了身体不适。可能是今天买到的早饭不干净……一阵猛烈的腹痛毫无征兆地袭来了。 Is good is not long because of over -carriage time of subway, moreover does not output has the restroom, therefore, he hurries to run out of the compartment in the next stand, directly soars public toilet in the underground station to go. 好在地铁的过站时间不长,而且不出站就有厕所,于是,他赶紧在下一站冲出车厢,直奔地铁站内的公厕而去。 This goes...... is nearly two hours. 这一去……就是近两个小时。 After two hours, two legs became tender, nearly prostration Daring Devil compartmented to walk from the restroom. 两小时后,两腿发软、近乎虚脱的鬼骁才从厕所隔间里走了出来。 Actually finally that 20 minutes...... his diarrhea symptom has alleviated basically, otherwise he possibly called to call the ambulance. But...... he spent for 20 minutes to massage the both legs, made the leg that the hemp fell restore the ability of standing. 其实最后那二十分钟……他的腹泻症状已基本缓解,否则他可能就打电话叫救护车了。只不过……他又花了二十分钟来按摩双腿,才让麻掉的腿恢复了站立的能力。 After coming out, washing the hands pond before who Daring Devil arrives at the public toilet, long implored the one breath, washed washing the hands, lowered the head to wash the face. 出来以后,鬼骁来到公厕的洗手池前,长吁一口气,洗了洗手,又低头去洗脸。 But this lowered the head...... he to pass out. 但这一低头……他就失去了知觉。 Final that remembers that he could not think, but he not silly...... from the present condition, oneself or were knocked down and either covered the mouth and nose from behind with the anesthetic. 最后的那段记忆他怎么也想不起来了,但他也不傻……从眼前的状况来看,自己要么就是被人从后面打晕、要么就是被人用麻药捂住了口鼻。 Neck and neck have not felt sore, after is a little dizzy......” calms down slightly, Daring Devil starts to ponder, most likely by aether anything making dizzy......” his line of sight swept that three people, these three...... looked at the build obviously is the adults, must carry away by force easily me.” “脖子和颈部都没觉得疼,就是头有点晕……”稍稍定下神来之后,鬼骁开始思考,“八成是被乙醚什么的给弄晕的……”他的视线又扫到了那三人身上,“这三个……看体型明显都是成年人,要把我架走轻而易举。” Read and here, he looked at the surroundings. 念及此处,他又看了看周围。 At this moment his place, seems like a bare shell. In the empty room almost does not have the furniture, but near the window has actually hung the massive window curtains ; The wall surface and ceiling simple floor brush white Qi, under foot are the mattesses. 此刻他所处的地方,似乎是一间毛坯房。空荡荡的房间里几乎没有家具,但是窗边却已挂好了厚实的窗帘;墙面和天花板简单地刷了层白漆、脚下则是混凝土地面。 The furniture that the eyesight institute and place, can see only has simple folding tables and several chairs, and daylight lamp of ceiling corner. That lamp is shining at this time the condition, showed in this house at least to have the electricity. According to the inference of Daring Devil...... the water should have, otherwise these cannot, when outside kidnaps the hostage also to run up to goes to the public toilet? 目力所及之处,能看到的家具就只有一张简易的折叠桌子、几张靠背椅、以及天花板角落的日光灯。那盏灯此时是亮着的状态,说明这房子里至少是有电的。根据鬼骁的推理……水应该也有,要不然这几位总不能在劫持人质的时候还跑到外面去上公共厕所吧? „After is not wonderful...... these people see me to wake up, after unexpectedly calm as before......” looks around one, the Daring Devil heart said, will develop...... will have this response that according to the movie is not the desperado is the career criminals, or the two...... his cold sweat brushes to brave moreover, said that...... they will kidnap me to do? I am not the young girl, tribulations the color to be unlikely......” “不妙啊……这些人见我醒来后,居然淡定如故……”四下张望一番后,鬼骁心道,“按照电影里演的……会有这种反应的不是亡命之徒就是职业罪犯、或者二者兼之……”他的冷汗刷一下就冒出来了,“说起来……他们绑架我是想干嘛?我又不是妙龄少女,劫色不太可能吧……” Indeed not too possible......, because, opposite party if really wants tribulation the color, he likely was not naturally awakes, but woke up by other situation. 的确不太可能……因为,对方真要想劫色的话,他很可能就不是“自然醒”了,而是以别的形势醒来。 „The seizing property words...... are not right......” Daring Devil then to say, my parents are the ordinary salariats, although my own present yearly salary is good, but does not have to let the situation that to that type others make a move to kidnap many......” “劫财的话……也不对啊……”鬼骁接着想道,“我爸妈都是普通工薪阶层,虽说我自己现在的年薪还不错,但也没多到那种要让人家出手绑架的地步吧……” Right, trades ransom money the deduction...... is unreasonable. 没错,“换赎金”的推论……也不合理。 From the difficulty, the child abduction obviously kidnapping his high-school student must be easier than ; But from the income, really must kidnap the Sir...... at least also to select in a family/home is quite rich, for example Jin Fugui that type...... 从难度上来讲,绑架儿童显然比绑架他这个高中生要容易多了;而从收益上来讲,真要绑架大人……至少也该挑个家里比较有钱的,比如金富贵那种…… Regardless how to think, kidnapping Daring Devil is a difficulty is big, income low work ; Obviously,...... has the goal to these three people who Daring Devil acts. 无论怎么想,绑架鬼骁都是个难度大、收益低的活儿;很显然,对鬼骁出手的这三个人……另有目的。 „After wait/etc...... is it possible that......” several seconds, a quite credible thought flashed through the Daring Devil mind, is related with my early morning competition?” “等等……莫非……”数秒后,一个比较靠谱的念头闪过了鬼骁的脑海,“难道和我凌晨的比赛有关?” He thought on the idea finally. 他终于想到了点子上。 But...... vertical knows this, ability that he has not been out of danger. 但……纵是知道了这点,他也没有脱险的能力。 At this time, from 16 days zero point competition,...... 12 hours, 53 minutes. 此时,距离十六日零点的比赛,还有……十二小时,五十三分钟。 ............ ………… At the same time, Order Studio, this office building. 同一时刻,秩序工作室,本部办公楼。 „The user who „ un...... cannot make a connection with......” The Altar Of A Nightmare to listen to the cell phone to be transmitting that you dials unable to put through ”, on the face appears the color of doubt. “嗯……还是打不通吗……”梦惊禅听着手机中传来的那句“您拨打的用户无法接通”,脸上现出狐疑之色。 Brother Meditation does not like bringing back to the person of family/home the work, therefore, he same has not left the company with one team of others in the morning, but after is switches over non-sleep mode, to complete today's online requirements, prepared to get off work. 禅哥是个不喜欢把工作带回家的人,所以,他并没有和一队的其他人一样在早晨离开公司,而是切换到非睡眠模式、完成了今天的上线要求后才准备下班。 This troubled......” this for the fifth time is The Altar Of A Nightmare in 40 minutes telephone that dialed Daring Devil, but could not make a connection. “这就麻烦了啊……”这已经是梦惊禅在40分钟内第五次拨打鬼骁的电话了,可就是打不通。 Last night when mentioned also skillfully, Daring Devil came to the company, forgets to bring the key of storage, therefore borrowed the Brother Meditation storage to use, finally when this morning this boy went home forgot to put the onstage the key, gave to carry off muddleheaded...... 说来也巧,昨晚鬼骁来公司时,忘记带自己储物柜的钥匙了,于是就借了禅哥的储物柜用,结果今天早上这小子回家时又忘了把钥匙放前台,稀里糊涂地就给带走了…… Brother Meditation...... the car(riage) key, the main house gate key, wallet wait/etc trivial Item all places in the coat, but the coat placed in the storage...... 禅哥呢……车钥匙、家门钥匙、钱包等等琐碎物品全都放在外套里,而外套则放在了储物柜里…… Naturally, in the company definitely has the backup key of storage, but because involves personal privacy and other issues, applied for this gadget administrative flow to be troublesome( had also had optional period, but had the events of several burglary and infringement personal privacy , after afterward changed strictly), could spend the half-day time. 当然了,公司里肯定有储物柜的备份钥匙,但由于牵涉到个人隐私等问题,申请这玩意儿的行政流程非常麻烦(曾经也有过很随意的时期,但后来发生了几件盗窃和侵犯个人隐私的事件后就改严了),可能要花半天的时间。 This little while...... side Brother Meditation does not have except for section cell phone anything, he naturally must make the Daring Devil phone call...... is asking with this boy. 这会儿……禅哥身边除了部手机啥都没有,他自然要打鬼骁的电话……拿这小子是问。 But...... cannot make a connection. 但……就是打不通。 Un......, or asks the team leader, this boy family's telephone was many......” Brother Meditation has not thought toward the bad aspect at this time, what he first thought was the opposite party can throw what signal not good place the cell phone, or is losing. “嗯……要不就问问组长,这小子家里的电话是多少……”禅哥这时还没往糟糕的方面想,他首先想到的是对方会不会把手机扔到了什么信号不好的地方、或者是遗失了。 ............ ………… In the afternoon, 4.4 19. 下午,四点四十九分。 From 16 days zero point competition,...... seven hours, 11 minutes. 距离十六日零点的比赛,还有……七小时,十一分钟。 -- 呜-呜- After hearing the vibration sound, is glancing over Feng Bujue of homepage to sweep phone screen on the table, saw a strange number. 听到震动声后,正在浏览网页的封不觉扫了眼桌上的手机屏幕,看到了一个陌生的号码。 Is some sales promotion or the cheating......” Jue Bro is talking over, took up the cell phone to meet. “又是某种推销或者诈骗么……”觉哥念叨着,拿起手机接了起来。 Although he thought that this very possible to harass the telephone, but he will meet. Basically...... Feng Bujue answered this type of telephone, only listened to the opposite party to say for five seconds, knows that the general nature, he will hang up later not silently, and joined the shield list this/should number. 虽然他觉得这很可能是骚扰电话,但他还是会接的。基本上来说……封不觉接听这种电话,只听对方讲五秒钟,就知道大概的性质了,随后他就会一言不发地挂断,并把该号码加入屏蔽列表。 Hello, which?” After Jue Bro picks up the phone, access road/simply said. “你好,哪位?”觉哥拿起电话后便道。 „Is Oh...... hello/you good, Feng Bujue?” Opposite of the telephone broadcast a seemingly familiar sound. 呃……你好,是封不觉吗?”电话对面传来了一个似曾相识的声音。 Jue Bro swiftly searched the origin of this sound in the brain: Pulls out drinks to burn?” 觉哥迅速在脑中搜索出了这个声音的来源:“抽喝烫?” hey hey......, even if you do not know that my name, can still be I play Nickname......” Brother Meditation is not angry, a little egg hurts, what ghost pulls out drinks to burn is?” 喂喂……就算你不知道我的名字,也可以叫我游戏昵称的吧……”禅哥倒没有生气,就是有点蛋疼,“抽喝烫是什么鬼?” How did you inquire my number?” Feng Bujue has not met make complaints of opposite party, but raises the issue that compared to be interested in directly. “你是怎么打听到我的号码的?”封不觉没接对方的吐槽,而是直接抛出了一个自己比较感兴趣的问题。 I in the police station, am the police tell me now.” Reply of The Altar Of A Nightmare quite accidental/surprised. “我现在在公安局,是警察告诉我的。”梦惊禅的回答颇为令人意外。 „......” Feng Bujue spoke thoughtlessly to comply with one, met saying that ** was grasped wanted me to come to insurance you?” “哦……”封不觉随口应了一声,接道,“**被抓了要我来保你啊?” Big brother...... I really must call you a big brother......” The Altar Of A Nightmare saying that how you draw that conclusion?” “大哥啊……我真的要叫你一声大哥了……”梦惊禅道,“你是怎么得出那种结论的啊?” „Very simple, since you pull out drink hot that character, gives me one type to visit the feeling of low-end love affair place frequently.” Feng Bujue returns with the lazy tone said, then you also said oneself call me in the police station, that were most likely a back catches up with the campaign against pornography? Your this situation...... the notice family member, basically does not have the means of livelihood ; After calling the unit leader to get the person, or lets the friend came to insurance...... not to mention you , unable to raise the head before the person, the news must disclose sooner or later ; Therefore, you thought of me.” “很简单啊,从你抽喝烫的那个范儿来讲,就给我一种经常光顾低端风月场所的感觉。”封不觉用慵懒的语气回道,“然后你又说自己在公安局给我打电话,那八成就是点儿背赶上扫黄了呗?你这种情况呢……通知家属,基本上没活路;叫单位领导来领人、或是让朋友来保呢……且不说你以后在人前抬不起头来,消息迟早还是要走漏的;于是,你想到了我。” Heard here silent, The Altar Of A Nightmare of telephone that head enough 30 seconds. 听到此处,电话那头的梦惊禅沉默了足足三十秒。 Brother Feng...... inference, but you were too serious...... Brother Meditation to suppress for quite a while to my prejudice, suppressed such a. 封兄……推理还可以,但你对我的偏见太严重了……”禅哥憋了半天,憋出了这么一句。 Good, you said, what matter?” Feng Bujue said. “好吧,那你说说,到底什么事儿?”封不觉道。 Un...... is such......” The Altar Of A Nightmare said, Daring Devil he...... seemed like kidnapped.” “嗯……是这样的……”梦惊禅道,“鬼骁他……似乎是被人绑架了。” Ha?” Feng Bujue hears word, gawked for one second, warning?” “哈?”封不觉闻言,愣了一秒,“报警了吗?” At noon on report.” The Altar Of A Nightmare said, starts to think is the missing event, in addition he is a young fellow, the police does not calculate that attaches great importance to very much......, but you also know, we have the important competition tonight......, therefore, our commercial management walked relations, before pushed pushing the progress of investigation...... one hour, the public security already the monitoring that takes from the accent......” “中午就报了。”梦惊禅道,“开始以为是失踪事件,再加上他是一大小伙子,警方也并不算很重视……但你也知道,我们今晚可是有重要比赛的……于是,咱公司领导走了点关系,‘推了推’调查的进度……一小时前,公安已经从调取的监控中……” Stops ~ thanks!” Feng Bujue broke the opposite party, you replied that I reported to the police, was OK...... was needless to say so many with me.” “打住~谢谢!”封不觉打断了对方,“你就回答我一声‘报警了’,就可以了……不用跟我说那么多。” Brother Feng......” Brother Meditation meets saying that I call you...... want to ask you to help.” 封兄……”禅哥接道,“我打电话给你……就是想请你帮忙啊。” Asks me to help?” Feng Bujue sneers, „...... can I help?” He said one is really the shameless words, „, although my Great Writer also has the famous detective ability......, but this case was obviously acted by the police quite appropriately.” He, you felt relieved ~ words that the public security police in our country is earnest are very fierce, the Investigation ability and execution are......” “找我帮忙?”封不觉冷笑,“呵……我能帮什么忙?”他紧接着就说出了一句甚为无耻的话,“虽然我这个大文豪也具备着名侦探的能力……但这种案子明显由警方出面比较合适吧。”他顿了顿,“你放心~我国的公安干警‘认真起来的话’是很厉害的,侦查能力和执行力都是……” Brother Feng.” At this time, The Altar Of A Nightmare lowered the sound suddenly, said to Jue Bro with very serious tone, I am not do not feel relieved their abilities......, but here had the matter.” 封兄。”这时,梦惊禅忽然压低了声音,用很严肃的语气对觉哥说,“我不是不放心他们的能力……但是这里头有事儿。” What Oh? Feng Bujue caught from the tone of opposite party keenly, how did this words say?” 哦?封不觉敏锐地从对方的语气中捕捉到了什么,“此话怎讲?” Telephone said that doesn't facilitate...... you to come police station one?” The Altar Of A Nightmare returns said. “电话里说不方便……你能来公安局一趟吗?”梦惊禅回道。 Un......” Feng Bujue considered several seconds, can......” not wait for the opposite party to respond, he then asked that gave me the address.” “嗯……”封不觉考虑了几秒,“可以……”还没等对方回应,他就接着问道,“把地址给我。” ............ ………… After 30 minutes, a silver Porsche stopped in the entrance of some S City public security subbureau. 三十分钟后,一辆银色的保时捷停在了S市某公安分局的门口。 On the vehicle two men, one is Feng Bujue and one is Wang Tanzhi. 车上下来两名男子,一个是封不觉、一个是王叹之 Because of beforehand with telephone communication, therefore The Altar Of A Nightmare is waiting for them in out of the door of reception hall at this time. 因为事先就用电话联系过,所以梦惊禅此时就在接待大厅的门外等着他们。 I said that...... two, comes the police station, opens Porsche anything......” three people just fired off greeting, Brother Meditation on make complaints this matter. “我说……二位,来趟派出所,开保时捷什么的……”三人刚打完招呼,禅哥吐槽了这个事情。 You were needless saying that I understood, we were always such low-key.” Feng Bujue should say calm. “你不用说了,我懂,我们一向就是这么低调的。”封不觉淡定地应道。 In some sense, he said right...... and compared with Xiao Tan family's other car(riage)s, this color or the price were very low-key...... 某种意义上来说,他说得没错……和小叹家里的其他车相比,这辆无论是颜色还是价格都很低调了…… Hehe...... good...... good......” Brother Meditation is the sincerity does not know how this saying should meet, said on the changed topic simply, right, the time was limited, we first said the matter......” “呵呵……好……好吧……”禅哥是真心不知道这话该怎么接,干脆就转移话题道,“对了,时间有限,咱还是先说正事儿……” Said that this, he mysterious drew the one side Jue Bro and Xiao Tan, stood in outdoor one in no one's corner. 说完这句,他就神秘兮兮地把觉哥小叹拉到了一旁,站在室外的一个没什么人的角落里。 This saying...... I only spoke...... The Altar Of A Nightmare to you obviously am also a smart person, he knows, the content that at this moment he must mention, cannot pass to the Daring Devil family member, or in the ear of any policeman, actually I also believed the police very much, but...... before I called you, I heard here deputy director to telephone...... he with others in the restroom speaking of here, looked around toward the surroundings discretely, and lowered the voice, in restroom the sound comparison was stuffy, the speaking voice in cell phone I can hear......” his slightly. A half second, stares at two people eyes saying that I do not know who the person of telephone that head is, but...... I hear clearly, he instructed that deputy director tried to delay the investigation...... to add at least after needs to tow to 2 : 00 am .” “这话……我只跟你们讲……”梦惊禅显然也是个聪明人,他知道,此刻他要讲出的内容,是决不能传到鬼骁家属、或者任何一名警察的耳朵里的,“其实我本来也是很相信警方的,但……就在我给你打电话之前,我无意间在厕所里听到了这里的副局长在跟别人通电话……”他说到这儿,又谨慎地朝周围张望了一下,并压低了嗓门儿,“厕所里声音比较闷,手机里的说话声我都能听见……”他微顿半秒,盯着两人的眼睛道,“我不知道电话那头的人是谁,但是……我清清楚楚地听到,他指示那个副局长设法拖延调查……还说至少要拖到凌晨 2 点以后。”
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