TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#969: Two games of victories and defeats

1 : 15 am, 1 st in the semifinal field, Hell Front To war Red Cherry The competition drew to a close like this. 凌晨 1 点15分,半决赛第一场,【地狱前线】对战【红樱】的比赛就这样落下了帷幕。 Finally, Hell Front hits the ending victory that a no one died in battle. 结果,地狱前线又打了一场无人阵亡的完胜。 Hence, Hell Front, This completely the team comprised of the amateur player, becomes the corps that first formally entered the finals list unexpectedly. 至此,【地狱前线】,这支完全由非职业玩家组成的队伍,竟是成了第一支正式进入决赛名单的战队。 Moreover in process that...... is promoted in them, but also was never attained by the enemy has struck to kill, only one time died in battle...... kills one another to create. 而且……在他们晋级的过程中,还从未被敌人拿到过击杀,唯一的一次阵亡……还是自相残杀造成的。 So the strength, has just like made them wins the championship big popular. 这般实力,俨然已让他们成为了夺冠的大热门。 ............ ………… Then, is three minutes of relaxation times. 接下来,是三分钟的休息时间。 This three minutes, referred to naturally is three minutes in the real world. 这“三分钟”,指的自然是现实世界中的三分钟。 In the game world, over the following 30 minutes is the relaxation times. 在游戏世界里,接下来的30分钟都是休息时间。 Even if under sleep mode, watches ten hours of competition continually, the audience should still feel weary, therefore, does not need anxiously on second. 即使是在睡眠模式下,连看十个多小时的比赛,观众们也是会感到疲劳的,因此,没必要急着就上第二场。 This time...... point insertion advertisement anything is the correct path. 这种时刻……插点广告什么的才是正道。 Moreover, Dream Corporation official host( this round of competition, because is time sharing conducts, therefore also has illustration, the audience who watches live broadcast can choose whether accepted illustration audio frequency) also to summarize a tactical situation of first competition while these days. 另外,梦公司官方的主持人(这轮比赛由于是分时进行,所以也是有解说的,观看直播的观众可以选择是否接受解说的音频)也趁着这段时间总结了一下第一场比赛的战况。 They said...... roughly is also some contents that faces the basic unit audience, nothing but is the strength strong and weak of two teams of members, is on site to display and have the strategic plan and so on belated action. 他们所说的……大致上也都是一些面向基层观众的内容,无非就是两队成员的实力强弱、临场发挥、还有战略部署之类的马后炮。 Naturally, they impossible to say what in-depth thing, really must say carefully, likely will particularly disclose the information of that two teams of people. 当然了,他们本来也不可能去说什么深层的东西,真要说得特别细致,很可能就会透露那两队人的情报了。 Chatted for about 15 minutes, the online program director felt similarly, later then to managing people sent out the signal. 就这么闲扯了十五分钟左右,在线导播觉得差不多了,随后便向主持人们发出了信号。 Therefore, managed the team to stop the related first topic, took advantage of opportunity to start in view of second- Community Confrontation Jiang Hu Pre-game forecast. 于是,主持团队就停止了有关第一场的话题,顺势开始了针对第二场-【废柴联盟】对阵【江湖】的赛前预测。 The confrontation of semifinal, are the anticipation is full, this is no exception...... 半决赛的对阵,场场都是看点十足的,这场也不例外…… First, Jiang Hu The itself/Ben is well-known Studio, may be called the lead goat in medium Studio. Their prestige, reputation and player individual strength wait/etc, is very outstanding ; Many professionals believe......, if their company sizes and orders or Deities are equally big, that two contend with now the situation will perhaps turn into the confrontation among three forces. 首先,【江湖】本就是个知名的工作室,堪称中型工作室中的领头羊。他们的信誉、口碑、玩家个体实力等等,都是非常优秀的;很多业内人士都相信……假如他们的公司规模和秩序或诸神一样大,那现在“两强相争”的形势没准就会变成“三足鼎立”了。 But in this competition, Jiang Hu The performance of this team is also remarkable. In team except for becoming famous for a long time sword smiles beyond combination, Fearless With Celestial Song's Stage This pair of sister and brother combine ; These two, the former transferred the professional player recently, but the latter is going against former stars team member Aura...... they used the score to prove in S2 oneself have to advance into a strength. 而在这场比赛中,【江湖】这支队伍的表现也是可圈可点。队中除了成名已久的“刀剑笑”组合外,还有【才不怕呢】和【步天歌】这对姐弟组合;这两位,前者最近才转成了职业玩家,而后者则顶着“前星辰队员”的光环……他们都在S2中用战绩证明了自己有着跻身一线的实力。 Again look Community Here. 再看【废柴联盟】这边。 Although this team does not have the Studio background, but their four major teams all are in his own name the professional player who goes on an expedition to play, moreover all before S1, and even is earlier on the recognized top player. 虽然这支队伍并没有工作室背景,但他们的四名主力队员全都是以个人名义征战游戏的职业玩家,而且全都是在S1、乃至更早以前就公认的顶尖玩家。 Alliance two characters, expressed the form and spirit of this team very well. “联盟”二字,很好地体现了这支队伍的形式和精神。 But their roads of being promoted, mediated Hell Front from some degree very similar...... most situations end the victory, has given the feeling of accomplishing a task with ease. 而他们的晋级之路,从某种程度上来说和地狱前线的十分相似……大部分情况下都是完胜,一直给人以游刃有余的感觉。 In summary, the confrontation of these two teams, who wins who loses, but also was really is very difficult to say...... 综上所述,这两支队伍的交锋,谁胜谁负,还真是很难说…… ............ ………… 1 : 19 am, the second semifinal officially launches. 凌晨 1 点19分,第二场半决赛正式展开。 Scenario that two teams of random arrive, is named „a motion labyrinth place. 两队随机到的剧本,是一个叫做“移动迷宫”的地方。 This labyrinth has the characteristics that unceasing changes, moreover...... in the labyrinth is flooding all kinds of powerful monsters. 这个迷宫有着不断变化的特性,而且……迷宫里充斥着各种各样的强力怪物。 Moreover, two NPC influences from different camp moves in the labyrinth, they obviously are also sufficiently about the war strong character. 另外,还有两股来自不同阵营的NPC势力在迷宫中活动,他们显然也是足以左右战局的重要角色。 Personnel...... Community The lineup is unshakeable, Wastewood, Honghu, Zhao Shadow King, Yet Weary Dreams Be responsible for dozen of competitions, Bi Laoshi Be responsible for dozen of soy sauce. 人员方面……【废柴联盟】的阵容是雷打不动的,【废柴叔】、【鸿鹄】、【曌影王】、【倦梦还】负责打比赛,【畀老湿】负责打酱油。 But Jiang Hu Here deploying troops and forming lines is actually somewhat unexpected, they sent out Bladeless Traveller Madness Shadow Sword Fearless Celestial Song's Stage Enters the war, lets arrange high( in team) in individual strength list, and is being team leader the duty Laughing at Heaven Worked as the substitution. 而【江湖】这边的排兵布阵却是有些出人意料,他们派出了【无刀客】【狂踪剑影】【才不怕呢】【步天歌】参战,却让在个人实力榜上排得最高(队内而言)、且担任着“队长”之职的【笑问苍天】当了替补。 This situation, the bystander does not look clearly, but the Jiang Hu high level knows that...... this is Laughing at Heaven My meaning. 这一情形,外人看不明白,但江湖的高层都知道……这是【笑问苍天】本人的意思。 In the preamble has mentioned, Jiang Hu is smiles Studio that these three people start an undertaking to establish together by sword, they are not just the online players, is the company operator in reality in. 前文中提到过,江湖是由“刀剑笑”这三人共同创业所建立的工作室,他们不单是线上的玩家,更是现实中的公司经营者。 With Jin Fugui Ice Emperor different, these three may no rich father come investment, they are standard starts from scratch...... under this premise, spends to ask person to give itself to manage the company, that obviously is not realistic. 金富贵的“冰帝”不同,这三位可没有什么有钱的老爸来“投资”,他们是标准的白手起家……在这种前提下,“花钱请人”来给自己管理公司,那显然是不现实的。 In the initial period that Studio establishes, they are three people are doing the work of 18 people, from CEO to the matter of cleaner, they did, this boiled slowly raises one's head...... 工作室建立的初期,他们可是三个人干着十八个人的活儿,从CEO到清洁工的事情,他们仨都干遍了,这才慢慢熬出了头…… Until now, the Jiang Hu business gets bigger and bigger, although they do not need to clean up, to buy the box lunch by themselves again, but they also realized that gradually...... the game and operates two giving dual attention days, was the time finished. 时至今日,江湖的生意越做越大,虽然他们已不需要再靠自己去打扫卫生、买盒饭了,但他们也都渐渐意识到……游戏和运营两头兼顾的日子,是时候结束了。 Do not look at Deities Shiva Also is volume of Boss Studio and player status is a man, but others status are chairman...... besides some major decisions, other most everyday concerns can give the subordinates to do. 别看诸神的【湿婆】也是集工作室老板和选手身份为一身的男人,但人家的身份是“董事长”……除了一些重大的决策以外,其他大部分的日常事务都是可以交给部下们去做的。 But the Jiang Hu situation is different, they...... are wanting to further expand the scale of company in a turning point now, they must make the resolution...... 江湖的情况不一样,他们现在正在一个转折点上……想要进一步扩大公司的规模,他们就得做出决断…… Therefore, Laughing at Heaven Made his choice. 于是,【笑问苍天】做出了他的选择。 His plan is...... first fading out , going into seclusion, then, puts in the focus the level that the company operates completely, strives for one year to make Jiang Hu also big Studio. When all are on the track, as player resurfacing, considers again...... 他的计划是……先“淡出”,后“隐退”,接着,就把工作重心全部放到公司运营的层面上,争取一年之内让江湖也成为一线的大工作室。等到一切都上了轨道,是不是再以选手身份“复出”,再作考虑…… Naturally, he also is very clear...... the electricity to compete this line, basically is few players resurfacing success ; The especially those have the project of request to the physical strength and instantaneous response, usually...... the player has wanted 25 years old, the overall condition will start to go down hill, at this time stopped the system training again some time, that condition most likely did not come back again. 当然了,他也很清楚……电竞这一行,基本是很少有选手“复出”成功的;尤其是那些对体力和瞬间反应有要求的项目,通常来说……选手只要过了二十五岁,整体状态就会开始走下坡路,这时再停止系统训练一段时间,那状态八成就再也回不来了。 Laughing at Heaven has also thought...... makes fans sigh with it washeds-out star, slides to sob for the condition of player, might as well in the condition is still permissible quits while ahead. 笑问苍天也想过……与其让粉丝们感叹廉颇老矣,为选手的状态下滑唏嘘不已,还不如就在状态尚可时急流勇退。 The competition of this S2, Laughing at Heaven did not think participate ; But he to hold rookie one and ensure they can walk far in the competition...... find the time, participated in some preliminary contests. 本次S2的比赛,笑问苍天本来是不想参加的;但他为了扶新人一把、确保他们能在比赛中走得更远……还是抽出时间,参与了一些预赛。 Now, the team has killed the semifinal, he then thought that the time has arrived. 如今,队伍已经杀到了半决赛,他便觉得时候已到。 Even if this won, still only remains a competition to hit, therefore Laughing at Heaven this simply not on. 就算这场赢了,也只剩一场比赛要打,所以笑问苍天这场干脆就不上了。 Wins also well, the defeat, this lets Fearless and Little Stage these two promising youth gains in some competition experiences much. Later...... possibly also has more situations, must deal by them. 胜也好,败也罢,这场就让不怕小步这两位后起之秀多积累一些大赛经验吧。以后……可能还有更多的场合,要靠他们去应对。 ............ ………… Before dawn 2 o'clock, after namely game time 13 -and-a-half hours, the result of 2 nd in the semifinal field is announced. 凌晨二点40,即游戏时间“十三个半小时”之后,半决赛第二场的结果揭晓。 This competition, by Community The victory comes to an end. 这场比赛,以【废柴联盟】的胜利而告终。 Although lasts first also wants longer , the process that but competes is actually not the rubber. 虽然耗时比第一场还要长一些,但比赛的过程却并不算胶着。 Planning of Honghu for Community borrowed quite advantageously potential, the Investigation abilities of Zhao Shadow King these Summon lifeform may also be called the non-solution. 鸿鹄的算计为废柴联盟借到了相当有利的“势”,曌影王那些召唤生物的侦查能力也堪称无解。 Therefore, after start since one hour, they always occupy the information and strategical initiative...... 因此,自开赛后一小时起,他们就始终占据着情报和战略上的主动权…… But Jiang Hu Members, then has been at a being tired out from the press condition. 而【江湖】的队员们,则一直处于一种疲于奔命的状态。 Properly speaking...... under this aspect, will have the personnel losses and even the group even the slightest misstep extinguishes, but Jiang Hu relied on the strong strength...... to support tenaciously for more than ten hours. 按理说……这种局面下,稍有不慎就会发生减员乃至团灭,但江湖还是凭借着坚强的实力……顽强地支撑了十几个小时。 But finally...... Community without putting forth bottom strength won. 可最终……废柴联盟还是在没有使出底力的情况下就获胜了。 Riddle same strength, riddle same limit, with Hell Front same...... another non- Studio background team, entered the finals. 谜一样的实力,谜一样的极限,和地狱前线一样……又一支非工作室背景的队伍,进入了决赛。 ............ ………… Three minutes of relaxation times. 还是三分钟的休息时间。 The advertising agents wait ** was hard to take...... 广告商们都等得**难耐了…… Managing people is also very busy, the players rested, they cannot rest( in competition process, some host actually many times can rest opportunistically, after all does not have content to be good to say every minute), the analysis illustration between fields cannot be short. 主持人们也是很忙,选手们歇了,他们可不能歇(在比赛进行的过程中,主持人倒是有很多时机可以见缝插针地休息,毕竟不是每一分钟都有内容好讲),场间的分析解说是不能少的。 Although Jiang Hu Lost, moreover loses miserably, but the hosts and audience to their appraisals are quite high, the rookie who in the Jiang Hu team that two just now show talent for the first time is also subject to awards. 虽然【江湖】输了,而且输得蛮惨的,但主持人以及观众们对他们的评价还是颇高,江湖队中那两位方才崭露头角的新人也是倍受褒奖。 The result of this competition also proved that sometimes...... loses miserably, was not equal to that loses ugly, perhaps in the strength has the disparity with the opponent, so long as achieves diligently well in own area of competence, even if lost can still win the respect. 这场比赛的结果也证明了,有时候……“输得惨”,不等于“输得难看”,也许实力上和对手有差距,但只要在自身能力范围内努力做到最好,就算输了也能赢得尊重。 As for Community That side, manages people also to offer the praise greatly, instructed by program director, they have started purposely and previously ended the match this team Hell Front Compared...... 至于【废柴联盟】那边,主持人们也是大献溢美之词,在导播的授意下,他们已经开始有意识地将这支队伍和此前完赛的【地狱前线】进行比较了…… ............ ………… Before dawn 2 0.4 14, the third semifinal starts. 凌晨二点四十四分,第三场半决赛开始。 Warring States VS Mountains & Rivers. 【战国】VS【山河】。 Before the game, is one-sided...... should maintain the objective neutrality attitude official hosts regarding the forecast of this competition on the two trees grown into one, showed an information in the spoken languages- Mountains & Rivers Perhaps was the danger. 赛前,对于这场比赛的预测可谓是一边倒……就连理应保持客观中立态度的官方主持们,都在言语间透出了一种信息-【山河】恐怕是危险了。 Indeed, Mountains & Rivers Also is very competent Studio, by Pikachu...... not...... by Autumn Windz Leadership, Wipe Tea Crisply Holds the post of Vice Captain the Mountains & Rivers one team, said that is in history is strongest is not overrated. 的确,【山河】也是个很有实力的工作室,由皮卡丘……哦不……由【秋风瑟】领衔,【抹茶酥】担任副队长的这支山河一队,说是“史上最强”也不为过。 But...... after looking at previous semi-finals, the Mountains & Rivers analysis team thinks that...... wants to defeat Warring States, The opportunity is very uncertain. 但……在看过了上一场复赛后,就连山河的分析团队都认为……想战胜【战国】,机会十分渺茫。 Regarding Warring States The individual strength analysis conclusion of team members makes people very not optimistic, receives these regarding the external Studio prejudice ingredient, objectively analyzed...... Warring States one team of strengths just like Deities and order that rank. 对于【战国】队员们的个体实力分析结论让人很不乐观,收起那些对于外来工作室的偏见成分,客观地分析一下……战国一队的实力俨然是诸神和秩序那个级别的。 Before entering semifinal, although their strengths also obtained affirmation in every way, but...... they were still underestimated for various reasons. 在杀入半决赛以前,虽然她们的实力也得到了多方的肯定,但由于种种原因……她们仍然是被低估了。 Until Warring States Stood before the threshold of finals, people as if lagged behind realized that under...... their teams leader cut to fall the former champion in one-to-one fight ; On their roads of being promoted the entire journey is to cut the gordian knot, broken by the strength ; Since competition, their team members have never been defeated in duel. 直到【战国】站在了决赛的门槛前,人们仿佛才后知后觉地意识到……她们的队长在一对一的交手中将上届冠军斩落马下;她们的晋级之路上全程都是快刀斩乱麻、以力破巧;比赛至今,她们的队员从未在单挑中落败过。 Warring States Studio the one team, reason that cannot in the preliminary contest rock row to first ten, not be because the strength is weak, pure because of them in strategy nearly being supercilious attitude. The mosts of the time, they did not consider taking advantage of potential the matter,...... they are going against the enemy team member and strengths of NPC two sides in many competitions therefore wins. 【战国】工作室的这支一队,之所以没能在预赛中排到前十位,并不是因为实力不够强,单纯只是因为她们在谋略方面近乎“目中无人”的态度。大部分时候,她们根本就不考虑借“势”的事情,故而在很多场比赛中……她们都是顶着敌队成员和NPC两方的战力去取胜的。 May reach the semi-finals stage, their attitudes gradually changed, although is only slightly, but they indeed have become discrete...... will at least not disregard the NPC strength again, or break in the obvious trap. 可到了复赛阶段,她们的作风就稍稍改变了,虽然只是“稍稍”,但她们的确已变得谨慎……至少不会再去无视NPC的力量、或者冲入明显的陷阱了。 To defeat this Warring States, Mountains & Rivers What need is a miracle...... 想要战胜这样的【战国】,【山河】需要的是一个奇迹…… ............ ………… Before dawn 2 0.5 12, the miracle has not appeared. 凌晨二点五十二分,奇迹并没有出现。 Lasted 80 minutes the competition ended. 一场历时“八十分钟”的比赛就此结束。 Autumn Windz made contribution, only after Scenario starts a half hour, he gained the support of NPC influence smoothly. Then, he used 100,000 volts............ I not to mean that he transferred 100,000 soldiers and horses( the Scenario influence, the Melee Weapon military equipment) encircled four people of enemy team. 秋风瑟尽力了,仅在剧本开始后半小时,他就顺利取得了NPC势力的鼎力支持。接着,他用了十万伏特……哦不……我是说他调动了十万兵马(剧本势力,冷兵器武装)去围剿敌队的四人。 Finally he discovered, everyone in Warring States team...... had richly cutting grass experience. 结果他发现,战国队中的每一个人……都有非常丰富的“割草”经验。 Everyone every minute of average cuts the enemy 320, three minutes can complete thousand people to cut, four people are 4000 people cut...... 每人每分钟平均斩敌三百二,三分钟就能完成千人斩,四个人就是四千人斩…… According to this speed, 100,000 armies also can only shoulder for one -and-a-half less than hours. 照这个速度,十万军队也就只能扛一个半小时不到。 Fortunately...... that 100,000 NPC are not the fools, after 78 minutes, when they discovered that the army loss has broken ten thousand, moreover when the enemy has not revealed the weary condition slightly...... decided to travel. 值得庆幸的是……那十万NPC也不是傻子,七八分钟后,当他们发现部队损失已经破万,而且敌人丝毫没有露出疲态时……就决定跑路了。 Otherwise...... the audience also really must have a liking for about one -and-a-half hours cuts grass unparalleled...... 要不然……观众们还真得看上近一个半小时的割草无双…… Thereupon, Mountains & Rivers borrows potential, this by the opposite party strength vanishing into thin air. 于是乎,山河借到的“势”,就这样生生被对方的“力”给化为乌有。 Saw this situation a time, Wipe Tea Crisply then uses wants, only to start card in hand that in the finals used- she used Level S Mechanic Specialization, put in order one reached as high as. 见此情形,抹茶酥便动用了本想在决赛中使用的、仅可发动一次的底牌-她用S级器械专精,整出了一部高达。 However, Warring States that four, tore down with the sword reached as high as...... 然而,战国那四位,用刀剑拆掉了高达…… Hence, this competition had lost the suspense. 至此,这场比赛就已失去了悬念。 ............ ………… Then, three competitions settle down, three finals teams have come out. 就这样,三场比赛尘埃落定,三支决赛队伍已然决出。 The remaining last showdowns, will decide a final finals quota. 剩下的最后一场对决,将决定最后的一个决赛名额。 But this competition to fighting both sides...... can also take on the heavy responsibility of next to last act sufficiently. 而这一场比赛的对战双方……也足以担得起压轴的重任。 Order VS Deities. 【秩序】VS【诸神】。 Struggle For Power to Summit these four characters, are to this victory and defeat best annotation. 巅峰争霸”这四个字,正是对这场胜负最好的诠释。 However...... when people when one's blood bubbles up to the brim, Dream Corporation actually threw basin cold water suddenly. 然而……就在人们的热血沸腾起来之时,梦公司却忽然泼上了一盆冷水。 Important notice: Fellow players please note, fellow players please note......, for does not affect the players in the normal life day, our department has consulted with two teams of members decided, the fourth semifinal- Deities VS order the competition, will postpone to tomorrow's 0 : 00 is held, today's competition stops.】 【重要通知:各位玩家请注意,各位玩家请注意……为了不影响玩家们在日间的正常生活,我部已与两队成员协商并决定,第四场半决赛-“诸神VS秩序”的比赛,将延期至明日零点进行,今天的比赛到此为止。】
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