TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#968: Regretting

The hypericum and information cannot survive in the pursuit of Ruoyu and Flowers Between are too long, although they used various methods to retreat fighting in the circuitous process, moreover emitted the second batch of machinery murder bees to delay, but advantage of Ruoyu in individual strength was very obvious. 海棠和风信并没能在若雨花间的追击中存活太久,虽然她们在迂回过程中使用了各种手段来且战且退,而且也放出了第二批机械杀人蜂来拖延,但若雨在个人实力上的优势还是十分明显的。 Even Ruoyu at this moment has not opened Soul Intent, still suppressed these two Hand-to-Hand combat ability Level C players depending on her body technique sufficiently ; Let alone...... her side also has the Flowers Between assistance, in both sides have First Aid Healing to assist the player, and under population equal premise, to put it bluntly is looks at the strength of another main action personnel strongly. 即便此刻的若雨没有开启魂意,凭她的体术也足以压制住这两名格斗能力C级的玩家了;更何况……她身旁还有花间协助,在双方都有医疗辅助玩家、且人数均等的前提下,说白了就是看另一名主战人员的实力有多坚挺。 Clearly, in this type of terrain and this distance, the Shooting Specialization player itself/Ben is the disadvantage ; Met Ruoyu such opponent , can only take as bad luck...... 很明显,在这种地形、这个距离上,射击专精的玩家本就是劣势;遇上了若雨这样的对手,也只能自认倒霉…… Therefore, about ten minutes of escaping of kills, after attack and defense and dogfight, Tie Haitang With Hyacinth The death news then spread to the ear of teammate. 于是,在将近十分钟的逃杀、攻防和缠斗过后,【铁海棠】和【风信子】的死讯便传入了队友的耳中。 But at this time Blood wild rose, Had also been forced into the hopeless situation by Blood Corpse God...... 而此时的【血蔷薇】,已然也被血尸神逼入了绝境…… Even if current Blood Corpse God is not the most flourishing condition, but in a small area starts Frightened Beam To him is very relaxed. 纵然目前的血尸神不是全盛状态,但在小范围内发动【恐惧投射】对他来说还是很轻松的。 Under pressure that Terror Value increases, the display of blood wild rose obviously came under the influence. Confronts Blood Corpse God this body technique incomparably also to have the BOSS Level Summon lifeform of high-speed reproductive property powerful, once lost calmly, was almost impossible to draw the aspect again. 惊吓值攀升的压力下,血蔷薇的发挥明显受到了影响。对阵血尸神这种体术强大无比还有高速再生能力的BOSS级召唤生物,一旦失去了冷静,几乎就不可能再扳回局面了。 What has one misfortune after another was...... Wang Tanzhi also rushes to Blood Corpse God to lead a cheer quickly, as the matter stands, last ray of hope of blood wild rose survival- supported to the duration conclusion of Blood Corpse God, announced that was shattered. 更为雪上加霜的是……王叹之也很快赶到了血尸神这边助阵,这样一来,血蔷薇存活的最后一线希望-“支撑到血尸神的持续时间结束”,也就宣告破灭了。 This semifinal projected on this share, the victory and defeat...... basic has understood. 这场半决赛打到了这个份儿上,胜负……基本已经明了。 ............ ………… In the morning, the gentle ray across the mist, has pink rosy-colored clouds at dawn in the cherry arboretum center point. 清晨,柔和的光线穿过雾气,在樱树园中点起一片粉色的朝霞。 At this moment, in that falls above the cherry everywhere, lying, the ice-cold corpse...... restored the body temperature unexpectedly gradually. 这一刻,在那遍地落樱之上,一具横陈的、冰冷的尸体……竟是渐渐恢复了体温。 Her chest, restarts fluctuating. 她的胸口,重新开始起伏。 Her face, appeared gradually the ruddy color. 她的脸庞,也渐渐浮现了红润之色。 Her appearance, flesh and build...... also returned to the young girl condition. 她的容貌、肌肤和体形……也都回到了少女般的状态。 Soon, Lin Yan opened the eye. 不多时,林颜睁开了眼睛。 But the first person who she sees...... unexpectedly is Feng Bujue. 而她看见的第一个人……居然是封不觉 You......” Lin Yan has not displayed very excitedly, this little while she is a little ignorant, this is...... the dream......” “你……”林颜并未表现得很激动,这会儿她还有点儿懵,“这是……梦吗……” „It is not.” Feng Bujue was sitting cross-legged to sit in her side at this time, stares the dead fish eye saying that „, if your some can only in the dream to me say that must say, or can only probably do to the matter that I do in the dream, I urge you to cancel this thought immediately.” “不是。”封不觉这时正盘腿坐在她的身旁,瞪着死鱼眼道,“如果你有一些只能在梦里对我说的话要说,或是只能在梦里对我做的事要做,我劝你立刻打消这个念头。” His these words, made Lin Yan sober all of a sudden much. 他这句话,一下子就让林颜清醒了不少。 I......” Lin Yan supported the body to sit, „haven't I...... died?” “我……”林颜支撑着身子坐了起来,“我……没有死吗?” Died.” Feng Bujue returns said, approximately died the times of three tea.” “死了。”封不觉回道,“大约死了三盏茶的工夫吧。” I......” Lin Yan also want to ask anything, when having words on the tip of the tongue, her line of sight happen to swept Cao Qin of not far away. “那我……”林颜本来还想问些什么,但话到嘴边时,她的视线正好扫到了不远处的曹钦 At this time, Eunuch Cao is depending to sit under a cherry tree. Does not know why...... his black hair the total has bleached, his skin also becomes withered, and covers entirely the wrinkle. 此时,曹公公正靠坐在一棵樱树下。不知为何……他那一头黑发已全数变白,他的皮肤也变得干瘪且布满皱纹。 However...... Lin Yan recognized him, even if were instantaneously old dozens -year-old, she recognized this old person is her adoptive father. 但是……林颜一眼就认出了他,纵然是瞬间老了几十岁,她还是认得这个老人就是她的义父。 Adoptive father!” Lin Yan shouted one tenderly, set out quickly good the past, she held old person's arm, asked kindly, adoptive father, how was your?” “义父!”林颜娇呼一声,快步起身行了过去,她抓住老人的手臂,关切地问道,“义父,您这是怎么了?” Hehe...... the adoptive father was all right......” on the face of Cao Qin to show the gratified smile, he deeply looked at Lin Yan one, I...... was only tired...... this/should rest.” “呵呵……义父没事……”曹钦的脸上露出了欣慰的笑容,他深深看了林颜一眼,“我……只是累了……该休息了。” This......” the eye socket of Lin Yan was instantaneously moist, her sad angry happened simultaneously turns head, stares to Feng Bujue, was surnamed Feng what made to you?” “这……”林颜的眼眶瞬间就湿润了,她悲怒交加地回头,瞪向了封不觉,“是不是姓封的对您做了什么?” „Does hey hey...... blame me?” Feng Bujue is saying, stood, patted dust. 喂喂……又怪我咯?”封不觉说着,也站了起来,拍了拍身上的灰尘。 „...... Yan'er you did not misunderstand......” the Cao Qin speaking voice seemed worn out, but he raised the voice to say strongly, „, if not for Hut Master Feng acted, you are unable to bring back to life.” “不……颜儿你误会了……”曹钦的说话声显得有气无力,不过他还是竭力提高了嗓门儿言道,“若不是封寮主出手,你也无法起死回生。” This......” Lin Yan looks at Cao Qin puzzled, „...... this what's the matter?” “这到底……”林颜不解地看着曹钦,“……这到底是怎么回事?” Briefly......” Feng Bujue sees the Cao Qin speech difficulty, then takes the lead to snatch saying that your adoptive father left cultivation base, is coordinating my special heart law, making you resurrect.” “简单地说呢……”封不觉曹钦说话困难,便率先抢道,“你义父舍去了一身修为,配合着我的特殊心法,让你复活了。” Actually, this matter detailed point said that also not complex...... 其实,这个事儿详细点说,也并不复杂…… First, to the extremely high study when Cao Qin becomes a lay priest to understand oneself- Fruit secret art( One in Eunuch Cao two secret that cannot be passed, another is sunflower precious book) the skill all passed to Feng Bujue's. 首先,曹钦把自己入道时所悟出的至高绝学-【道果诀】(曹公公两门不传之秘中的一门,另一门是葵花宝典)的功力全部传到了封不觉的身上。 Then, Jue Bro drew support from this NPC to burn through the instantaneous output that the data intensity had...... the one breath to improve the REWRITE effectiveness. 然后,觉哥就借助着这股NPC燃尽自身数据强度所产生的瞬间输出……一口气提升了REWRITE的效能。 In receiving some time, the REWRITE effect may be makes some goal return to the condition of files before several seconds incessantly, the matter that this ability can achieve in fact is very many...... 在接下里的一段时间内,REWRITE的效果可就不止是“让某一目标回档到几秒前的状态了”,这项能力能做到的事情实际上是非常多的…… In several seconds, Feng Bujue completed in the brains of a series of operation to simulate on by Zero Time Error Calculus, later he then through the way of rewriting and vectoring information Rod of Asclepius Grants own Immortal strength( I.e. resurrects a time ability) changed to Lin Yan on, and made the slight adjustment to the effect. 数秒内,封不觉就以零时差演算完成了一系列操作的脑内模拟,随后他便通过改写和引导数据的方式将【阿斯克勒庇俄斯之杖】赐予自己的【不朽之力】(即复活一次的能力)转移到了林颜身上,并且对效果做出了细微的调整。 ...... Performs one that just now that brought back to life thereupon. 于是乎……就上演了方才那起死回生的一幕。 Naturally, Feng Bujue to Lin Yan used simply the view, has the reason: First , because word like REWRITE, Lin Yan, even if listened not to understand the meaning ; The two...... naturally are because will divulge the information this move of Name lecture in the competition. 当然了,封不觉林颜用了“简单”的说法,也是有原因的:其一,是因为像REWRITE这样的词儿,林颜就算听了也不明白意思;其二……自然是因为在比赛中把这招的名称讲出来会泄露情报。 Adoptive father...... is this real?” Lin Yan looked to Cao Qin. “义父……这是真的吗?”林颜看向了曹钦 Yan'er......” Cao Qin has not answered this issue, because he does not have the ample force to say a character again. 颜儿……”曹钦没有回答这个问题,因为他已没有余力再多说一个字了。 At this moment, on the face of this peerless person of high skill, full is the oil completely lamp dry color, he keeps the final strength, the words that but wants to speak oneself said...... 此刻,这位绝世高人的脸上,已满是油尽灯枯之色,他留着最后的力气,只是想把自己要说的话说完…… Adoptive father...... my Cao Qin...... is unfair to you.” The breath of Cao Qin is loud. “义父……不……我曹钦……对不起你。”曹钦的呼吸粗重起来。 Adoptive father...... you...... this is what meaning......” Lin Yan is very intelligent, she had guessed correctly anything faintly, but she is not willing to expose. “义父……您……这是何意……”林颜很聪明,她已隐隐猜到了什么,但她不愿去揭破。 You should not hate Feng Bujue, the person who you should hate...... is I......” Cao Qin said, was I killed you......” “你不应该去恨封不觉,你应该恨的人……是我……”曹钦道,“是我害死了你的……” No! Adoptive father!” Lin Yan broke him categorically, you let alone...... you first sat, when I transport/fortune the merit to cure to you......” “不!义父!”林颜斩钉截铁地打断了他,“你别说了……您先坐好,待我运功给你疗……” „...... The silly child......” the Cao Qin forced smile makes noise, should say, „my pulse condition...... does seem like can also receive the gear-driven?” “呵……傻孩子……”曹钦苦笑出声,应道,“我这脉象……像是还能受得住传功吗?” Lin Yan hears word, facial expression sudden change. 林颜闻言,神情突变。 Becoming desperate and no use...... 变得绝望、无助…… If not for the mood and train of thought had very big fluctuation, Lin Yan when holding the arm of Cao Qin should discover...... body of Eunuch Cao, now like the high tower that possibly gives way momentarily, in the building all beam columns and walls had pulled out to or incomplete, even if breeze from outside world, may make him fall down thoroughly...... 若不是情绪和思绪都有了很大的波动,林颜在抓住曹钦的胳膊时就应该发现了……曹公公的身体,现在就像一幢随时都可能垮掉的危楼,楼中所有的梁柱、墙壁都已被抽离或是残缺,哪怕是来自外界的一股微风,都有可能让他彻底倾塌…… Ha............” the Lin Yan look is lax, the big mouth breath, she does utmost to want by oneself to be been calmer, finds out means...... “哈啊……哈啊……”林颜眼神涣散,大口呼吸,她竭尽全力想让自己冷静一些,想出一个办法…… Hut Master Feng!” She is very indeed intelligent, therefore quick thought of an only feasible way. 封寮主!”她的确很聪明,所以很快就想到了唯一一种可行的方法。 Before Lin Yan rushes to the Feng Bujue body suddenly, kneels down layer on layer/heavily, said hoarsely: Asked you to save my adoptive father!” 林颜猛然冲到封不觉身前,重重地跪下,声嘶力竭地说道:“求你救救我的义父!” This......” Feng Bujue only reported a character with enough time. “这……”封不觉只来得及回上一个字。 Lin Yan has knocked to begin on the ground: Asked you! Asked you......, so long as you saved my adoptive father, my anything is willing to do! I give you, when the cow makes the horse...... I to give you......” 林颜就已在地上磕起了头:“求求你!求求你……只要你救我义父,我什么都愿意做!我给你当牛做马……我给你……” Got up......” Jue Bro with support her single-handed, prevented her further act of self-injury, and heaved a deep sigh saying that your adoptive father saved you, to not visit you gave the person, when the cow made the horse.” “起来吧……”觉哥用单手扶住了她,阻止了她进一步的自残行为,并摇头叹息道,“你义父把你救活,不是为了看你给人当牛做马的。” You do not save him...... I not to get up!” Lin Yan is kneeling, but was supported the shoulder by Feng Bujue, had no way to kowtow again. “你不救他……我就不起来!”林颜还是跪着,只是被封不觉架住肩膀,没法儿再磕头了。 I am not do not want to rescue, but is helpless.” Feng Bujue also said. “我不是不想救,而是无能为力。”封不觉又道。 „...... You cannot revive...... Lin Yan the deceased people do not seem to accept the fact, she sobs the entreaty to say lightly, asked you...... Hut Master Feng...... to ask......” “不……你连死人都能救活……”林颜似乎不愿接受事实,她轻泣着哀求道,“求你了……封寮主……求……” Sufficed!” Feng Bujue calls out, obstinately the Lin Yan weeping sound to frightening. “够了!”封不觉一声暴喝,愣是把林颜的哭声给吓止了。 Your adoptive father left cultivation base, to leave lived forever and also left his ideal...... to only let you a heavy labor chapter...... Jue Bro in this world fierce said to Lin Yan, „...... this was the redemption way that he himself chose, you must help him are.” “你义父舍去了一身修为、舍去了长生不老、还舍去了他的理想……就只为让你在这世上重活一回……”觉哥厉声对林颜说道,“……这是他自己选择的救赎方式,你应当成全他才是。” Lin Yan was said dumbfounded by him, turns head suddenly, kneels to crawl side Cao Qin. 林颜被他说得哑口无言,恍然间回过头去,跪着爬到了曹钦身边。 Adoptive father...... I......” Lin Yan sobbed is wanting to say anything, but the countless words were also indescribable. “义父……我……”林颜哽咽着想要说些什么,但千言万语又难以言表。 I understand that......” Cao Qin said that I understand......” he shakes the head, was a pity that...... I understood late.” He stopped for several seconds, meets to say strenuously, Yan'er, you listened to me to say......” he raised the tone secretly, prepared to confess that final a few words, „ adoptive father did all kinds of evil his entire life, first half of life was ambitious, was a oneself selfish desire murder are innumerable ; The latter half of one's life confessed the ginseng/partake broken bustling place, tracking down the highest good principle of righteousness......, but was the murder were still innumerable. In the final analysis, I found the different excuses to my actions. “我明白……”曹钦道,“我都明白……”他摇了摇头,“可惜……我明白得太晚了。”他停顿了几秒,吃力地接道,“颜儿,你听我说……”他暗暗提了口气,准备交代最后的一段话了,“义父一生作恶多端,前半生野心勃勃,为一己私欲杀人无数;后半生自认参破红尘,追寻至理大义……但仍是杀人无数。说到底,我只是给自己的所作所为找了不同的借口而已。 Hut Master Feng said right, regardless of this world whether will turn into the appearance in my ideal...... people like me is the manner does not accommodate. 封寮主说得没错,无论这世间是否会变成我理想中的样子……我这种人都是为人所不容的。 People like me...... are not worth forgiving, is not worth feeling grateful. 我这样的人……不值得你去原谅,更不值得你去感恩。 Today, can with oneself this life, receive in exchange your life...... the adoptive father dead with no regrets. ” 今日,能用自己这一条命,换回你的性命……义父死而无憾。” Adoptive father......” Lin Yan is weeping in a soft voice, she does not dare to break Cao Qin, because she feared after the opposite party was broken, could not speak again. “义父……”林颜轻声啜泣着,她不敢打断曹钦,因为她怕对方被打断后就再也说不出话了。 Yan'er......” Cao Qin then said, adoptive father knows, you instinct good...... you are actually not willing to hate anybody, but to work as me board game piece, to turn into me wants that who you turn into, you force to hate Feng Bujue, forcing oneself to become Yama.” When he spoke this saying, on the face is wan, from now henceforth,...... you can not live like this well, goes on living for oneself......” 颜儿……”曹钦接着道,“义父知道,你天性善良……其实你不愿去恨任何人,但为了当好我的‘棋子’,为了变成我想让你变成的那种人,你逼迫着自己去恨封不觉,逼迫自己成了‘阎王’。”他说这话时,脸上已是毫无血色,“从今以后,你再也不要这样了……你要好好活下去,为自己活下去……” After all is one generation of masters, vertical under this being on the verge of death, he can quite speak entire words completely: I and Hut Master Feng...... have arranged. Starting today, Yama had died, living...... only has Lin Yan ; Regardless of Jiang Hu and royal government, some people will not closely examine your news again. You can leave this mountain valley, outside goes to...... to think......” 毕竟是一代宗师,纵是在这濒死境地下,他还是能较为完整地说完一整段的话:“我和封寮主……都已经安排好了。自今日起,‘阎王’就已经死了,活着的……只有林颜;无论江湖、朝廷,都不会有人再来追问你的消息。你可以离开这座山谷,去外面……过自己想过的……” Cao Qin...... cannot speak eventually completely the words that wants to speak. 曹钦……终究是没能把想说的话全部说完。 The life forever is this, anything does not have everything is ready, anybody not absolutely safe, each of us arrives at this world in the flurry in varying degrees, we also in unexpected instantaneous departure. 人生永远是这样,任何事都不存在“万事俱备”,任何人都不会“万无一失”,我们每个人都在不同程度的慌乱中来到这个世界,我们也都会在一个自己意想不到的瞬间离开。 If the regret is a beautiful, that also only has the innermost feelings powerful talent to understand truly appreciates. 如果遗憾是一种美,那也唯有内心强大的人才真正懂得去欣赏。 ............ ………… The last period of autumn, the setting sun declines. 残秋,夕阳斜下。 For dozens years, buried the fog in heart valley...... to diverge for the first time. 数十年来,葬心谷里的雾……第一次散去了。 Yesterday, many people arrived here, most of them kept on this lands forever. 昨天,有许多人来到了这里,其中绝大多数都永远留在了这片土地上。 But some people lived are leaving. 但还是有一些人活着离开了。 Feng Bujue and his teammates left...... them to change to the white light to disappear, has not greeted with anybody. 封不觉和他的队友们离开了……他们化作白光消失,未曾和任何人打过招呼。 When military Lin Qun hao of Yuan Qi and survival also leave...... Alliance Lord Yuan walked, but also carried off the Cao Qin injunction, as well as merit without interest and four likely marvelous abilities and moved mountain iron the hand the secrets, it may be said that returned home with a full load. 袁圻和幸存的武林群豪们也离开了……袁盟主走时,还带走了曹钦的嘱咐、以及“无息功”、“四象神功”和“搬山铁手”的秘笈,可谓满载而归。 Afterward, martial arts world Alliance Lord this title, accompanied Yuan Qi many years. 后来,“武林盟主”这个头衔,又陪伴了袁圻很多年。 Who has to think, mediocre person who this also accomplished nothing at age 30, became on Jiang Hu unexpectedly an immortal legend ; After on that day, he incessantly is nominal Alliance Lord, is unmatched in the world and being worthy of the reputation the martial arts world was supreme. 谁有能想到,这个30岁前还一事无成的平庸之人,竟是成了江湖上一段不朽的传奇;那天以后,他不止是名义上的盟主,更是“天下无敌”、“名副其实”的武林至尊。 Under commanding of Yuan Qi, the entire martial arts world stabilizes is prosperous and uneventful. 袁圻的统领下,整个武林可谓安定繁荣、风平浪静。 Ironically......, when Yuan Qi hundred years later, to compete for the Alliance Lord throne and Yuan Qi stays behind „the martial arts heritage, in the martial arts world erupted a dispute without parallel in history, finally...... the royal government makes use the involvement, obtains without labor fisherman's profit. 讽刺的是……待袁圻百年之后,为了争夺盟主的宝座和袁圻留下的“武学遗产”,武林中爆发了一次空前绝后的纷争,最终……朝廷趁势介入,坐收渔翁之利。 From now on, this world, did not have Jiang Hu again. 自此,这个世界,就再也没有江湖了。 ............ ………… Life insurance how much? Passes such as toward the frost. When again, magnificent no longer is not positive. 人寿几何?逝如朝霜。时无重至,华不再阳。 Dozens years later, a similar last period of autumn. 数十年后,一个同样的残秋。 A female, is pulling a camel, arrived buried in the heart mountain village. 一名女子,牵着一头骆驼,来到了葬心山庄中。 The vicissitudes, the prosperous mountain village, the disciple keeps the dilapidated building initially now. 沧海桑田,当初繁盛的山庄,如今徒留断垣残壁。 strange Ying but who that fall blossoms, actually blooms in every year on time. 但那秋日开花的奇樱,却还是在每年按时绽放。 In the morning, that female arrived under a cherry tree. 清晨,那名女子来到了一棵樱树下。 She is looking at the present cherry tree, stood and waited for a long time for several seconds, immediately took from the department of waist loosened pot liquor, thought one shallowly, taking advantage of several points of tipsy feeling, recited- 她望着眼前的樱树,伫立了数秒,随即从腰间的系带上解下了一壶酒,浅酌一口,借着几分酒意,吟道- „ The world wind and cloud has our generation, “天下风云出我辈, Enters the Jiang Hu years to urge. 一入江湖岁月催。 The sovereigns attempt the hegemony to chat, 皇图霸业谈笑中, The life one is drunk extremely...... ” 不胜人生一场醉……” Recited to here, her light Shu Yu referred, dangled that wine pot, no matter what that liquor water dripped under the tree. 吟至此处,她轻舒玉指,将那酒壶垂下,任那酒水淌到了树下。 „...... Raises the sword cross to ride to wield the ghost rain, “……提剑跨骑挥鬼雨, The skeleton such as mountain Niaojing flies. 尸骨如山鸟惊飞。 Worldly affairs such as moist person like water, 尘事如潮人如水, Only sighed Jiang Hu several people to return...... ” 只叹江湖几人回……” The liquor has drained off, the poem has not recited. 酒已流干了,诗却还未吟完。 Her sound is very interesting to listen, but the tone actually shows exhaustedly, her appearance is very young, but in the look is completely the vicissitudes. 她的声音还是很动听,但语气却透出疲惫,她的样貌还是很年轻,但眼神中已尽是沧桑。 „...... The turning over to alone heart is tired, “……归者茕茕心已倦, The young person elderly lives Luo Wei. 红颜白首生罗帷。 don't asked the bustling place 3000 matters, 莫问红尘三千事, Picks flowers raises one's wine cup completely cups. ” 拈花把酒尽余杯。” She draws out the powder neck supinely, final several drops of liquor entrances in pot, just now turns around but actually...... 她仰起粉颈,将壶中的最后的几滴酒倒入口中,方才转过身去…… At this time, wisp of cool breeze blows exactly, blew her long hair. 此时,恰有一缕清风吹来,吹起了她的长发。 That is a white hair. 那是一头白发。 If the snow is equally white. 如雪一样白。 But under white hair that scatters with the wind, is actually the appearance of young girl. 而在随风飘散的白发下,却是少女的容颜。 Every year today, she will return to here. 每年的今天,她都会回到这里。 Perhaps, she comes to see a old friend, 11 recollections. 或许,她只是来看一位故人,拾一段回忆。 Also perhaps, she is anticipating...... a reunion and a meet. 又或许,她是期待着……一次重逢、一次相遇。
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