TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#967: Sentiment

When the martial arts world people who when Yuan Qi and that help/gang control one's breathing touch to the cherry arboretum, immediately saw such a...... 袁圻和那帮调息完毕的武林人士一路摸到樱树园中时,当即看到了这样的一幕…… But sees, is long three scanning people and seven scanning corpses odd person, is driving off a woman who is riding the tiger. 但见,一个长得三分像人、七分像尸的“怪人”,正在追打一个骑着老虎的女人。 But that tiger, very is also the rare and beautiful flowers...... it grew two ultra long, searches the big length tooth outside exit|to speak, its build and coat color are their entire life only see. 而那头老虎,也是十分奇葩……它长了两颗超长的、探出口外的大长牙,其体型和毛色都是他们生平仅见。 Naturally, and stone bird must blame in giant eagle that” in being overwhelmed canyon rides with this woman compared with, this tiger is very normal...... this group of Jiang Hu expert today had seen strange matter that subverts their general knowledge and three views innumerably, basically has no setting that they could not accept at this moment...... 当然了,和这个女人在断魂峡中所骑的“巨型老鹰”和“石鸟怪”相比,这老虎已经算是挺正常的了……这帮江湖高手们今天已经见了无数颠覆他们常识和三观的怪事,此刻基本上已经没什么他们接受不了的设定了…… Alliance Lord! You look!” Quick, some people discovered another two forms in garden. 盟主!你看!”很快,就有人发现了园中的另外两道身影。 The two...... naturally are Feng Bujue and Cao Qin. 那两人……自然就是封不觉曹钦 Alliance Lord, we want......”, when a leader prepares to inquire whether when Yuan Qi must come up the help. 盟主,我们要不要……”当一位掌门准备询问袁圻是否要上去帮忙时。 Alliance Lord Yuan has not waited for him saying that the words beckons with the hand saying: Not......” 袁盟主还没等他把话说完就摆手道:“不……” His response, although is somewhat brutal, but everyone also understood that...... the level error were too after all many, even if they got up, likely still brings death in vain, will become the Feng Bujue's burden. 他的回应,虽说有些无情,但大家也都理解……毕竟水准差太多了,就算他们上了,很可能也是白白送死,甚至会成为封不觉的累赘。 Who knows, after Yuan Qi this saying also has, half a word content: „...... I, a person in the past, you stayed here.” 谁知,袁圻这话还有后半句内容:“……我,一个人过去,你们留在这里。” Such remarks, the people cast the vision that respects to it all. 此言一出,众人无不向其投去敬仰的目光。 In the crowd is one creates a clamor, people started saying that some such as Alliance Lord righteousness thin Yuntian and Alliance Lord is the present age hero my such and some this whole life has not really admired anyone, but takes today and so on lines...... 紧接着,人群中便是一阵鼓噪,人们纷纷开始说些诸如“盟主义薄云天”、“盟主真乃当世英雄”“我某某某这辈子没佩服过谁,但今天服了”之类的台词…… Yuan Qi does not have to care, he waited slightly for several seconds, meets saying: everyone...... Cao Qin high of martial arts, is hard to estimate, although we have not seen him to act, but from his apprentice Yama method...... he without doubt already not in mortal boundary.” He, „, but that Hut Master Feng time...... un...... everyone also looked at the swordsmanship of his madame...... saying that was the deity method is not overrated.” 袁圻也没有太在意,他只是略微等了几秒,又接道:“诸位……曹钦的武功之高,难以揣度,虽然我们还没见过他出手,但从他徒弟‘阎王’的手段来看……他无疑已不在凡人境界。”他顿了顿,“而那位封寮主的功夫嘛……嗯……大家也都看过他那位夫人的剑法了……说是神仙手段也不为过。” Speaking of here, he stopped, leaves the time that the people ponder. 说到这儿,他停顿了一下,算是留给众人一些思考的时间。 This two people of martial arts is I and other boundaries of being able not hold a candle, even Yuan...... does not have to intervene to their victories and defeats self-confidently.” Yuan Qi meets saying that „, but...... today I, if did not go to this pond turbid water...... Hut Master Feng to lose by some chance finally, that Cao Qin then can definitely cope with us, when the time comes...... we similarly were the dead ends.” He more said that look more dignified, oh...... in brief, today we whether to live is leaving buries the heart valley...... also to look at the divine intervention.” “此二人的武功皆是我等望尘莫及之境,即使是袁某……也没有自信能干预到他们的胜负。”袁圻接道,“但……今日我若不去趟这塘浑水……万一封寮主最后输了,那曹钦接下来必然会来对付我们,到时候……我们同样是死路一条。”他越说、神色越凝重,“唉……总之,今日我们能否活着离开葬心谷……恐怕还得看天意了。” The word finishes, before he settles down looks, silent moment. 言毕,他驻足前望,沉默了片刻。 Afterward, he resembled is under decided any significant determination, the look changed...... flushed. 随后,他似是下定了什么重大的决心般,眼神一变……冲了出去。 ............ ………… On the other hand, before 15 minutes,...... 另一方面,十五分钟前…… Eunuch Cao, making you wait for a long time!” When Feng Bujue returns to the Cao Qin front, first notifies him. 曹公公,让你久等了!”封不觉回到曹钦面前时,先跟他打了声招呼。 Might as well, I watched good play actually. When Cao Qin answering, but also looked at Blood Corpse God and blood of wild rose distant place excessively, said that...... that girls and her companions, as if have with the techniques of various your Broken Sword Tea Hut same arts of making oneself invisible.” His look changes, „are actually you...... who?” “无妨,我倒是看了场好戏。”曹钦回话时,还偏过头看了看远处的血尸神和血蔷薇,“说起来……那位姑娘和她的同伴们,似乎也有着与你们破剑茶寮一样的各种奇门之术。”他的眼神微变,“你们……究竟是什么人呢?” I, if told you, we all came from beyond day, or...... was ‚the projection of Another World.” Feng Bujue probes is returning said, you didn't fight me?” “我若告诉你,我们皆来自‘天外’,或者说……是‘另一个世界的投影’。”封不觉试探着回道,“你是不是就不跟我打了呢?” Oh? Cao Qin hears word, narrows the eye, ponders. 哦?曹钦闻言,眯缝起眼睛,沉思起来。 From the NPC angle, his level without doubt is very high, its intensity proper is the unique data . Moreover the star that he is at similarly also in the middle of main universe. 以NPC的角度而言,他的层次无疑是很高的,其强度妥妥儿的属于唯一性数据,而且他所在的这个星球同样也在主宇宙当中。 However, by the world background that the role is, he is only ancient of a life in Confucianism world. 但是,以角色所在的世界背景而言,他只是一个生活在儒教世界的古人。 Because the natural sciences level and knowledge of the world are limited, Cao Qin very difficult cognition to being similar in dimension concept. 由于所处世界的自然科学水平和知识都有限,曹钦很难认知到类似于“维度”的概念。 In the leaning technical side world, even some educational level not high NPC can still know the information in this aspect ; But in these leaning myth and in magic class world, then there is existence that top god this type nearly all knows. 在偏科技侧的世界里,即使是一些受教育程度不高的NPC也能得知这方面的信息;而在那些偏神话、魔法类的世界里,则有“高位神”这种近乎全知的存在。 As for the world that Cao Qin is, quite had bad luck...... here NPC, if wants by own sensation to dimension existence, that also only then by becoming a lay priest and achieving Buddhahood this kind of method. 至于曹钦所在的这个世界,就比较倒霉了……这里的NPC若想靠自己感知到“维度”的存在,那也只有靠“入道”、“成佛”这类手段了。 This world is also not that type cultivates true virtue very convenient place...... here to have no cultivating true virtue school to exist , brings grandfather's magic weapon wait/etc...... not to have like what merit law and compounded drug totally. 偏偏这个世界还不是那种修真起来非常方便的地方……这儿可没有什么修真者门派存在,像什么功法、丹药、自带老爷爷的法宝等等……一概没有。 To cultivate true virtue here, or practices martial art and either cultivates the Zen...... 在这儿想要修真,要么习武、要么修禅…… The former, must practice the unusual boundary, touches to only then cultivating true virtue threshold ; But the latter, more difficult...... said compared with the former a moment ago, here not special cultivating true virtue merit law or compounded drug, therefore...... the person of practicing before entering most basic building base period, has not increased the life the method. Only if you are that perception astonishing and natural living buddha exist......, otherwise, must by meditating to sit to having the strength of Buddha say/way...... 180 years of life span has not handled absolutely. 前者,须练到超凡境界,方可摸到修真的门槛;而后者,比前者更加困难……刚才就说了,这里没有专门的修真功法或丹药,所以……修行之人在进入最基本的筑基期之前,是没有增加寿元的手段的。除非你是那种悟性惊人、天生活佛般的存在……否则,要靠坐禅坐到身怀佛道之力……没有个百八十年寿命绝对搞不定。 In summary, although Eunuch Cao is very strong, but Feng Bujue said beyond day projection theory, to him was still something new, moreover something new that was very difficult to believe...... 综上所述,虽然曹公公很强,但封不觉所说的“天外投影论”,对他来说仍是个新鲜事,而且是很难相信的新鲜事…… Hehe...... ha haha Ha.....” Thinks about one minute, Cao Qin laughs, this view...... is really is very difficult to be convincing, but......, if you said is real, until now all puzzled my doubts...... then to have a reasonable explanation.” “呵呵……哈哈哈哈……”想了大约一分钟,曹钦大笑起来,“这说法……确是很难让人信服,但……假如你说的是真的,迄今为止所有困扰我的疑惑……便都有了一个合理的解答。” Worthily is Eunuch Cao, depending on this vision, you most people stronger on many compared with the world.” Feng Bujue once were did not believe the person of ghosts and gods, he can understand that Cao Qin this time mood- when met Woody with him probably for the first time almost. “不愧是曹公公,凭这份眼界,你就比世上绝大多数人要强上许多。”封不觉自己曾经也是个不信鬼神之人,他可以理解曹钦此时的心情-大概就和他第一次遇见伍迪时差不多。 Dark Green Spirit Town is also of good, the summit purple banning......” Cao Qin not to respond to the praise of Jue Bro, but then said, „...... also has...... your these people one time every is sudden and melts the light to vanish today finally ; Several years later bye, is the merit law and technique law that the appearance does not change...... to add on you to use again, has these strange hidden weapons...... all not the thing of present age.” He more spoke the language fast to be quicker, this is the mentality already the indication that clears off, „......, good Broken Sword Tea Hut, I to understand your secret finally...... ha haha Ha.....” 苍灵镇也好、紫禁之巅也罢……”曹钦没有回应觉哥的夸奖,而是接着说道,“……还有今天……你们这些人每一次都是突然出现、最后又化光消失;时隔多年再见,亦是容颜不改……再加上你们所用的功法、术法、还有那些奇异的暗器……全都不似当世之物。”他越说语速越快,这是思路已然理清的征兆,“……哼,好一个破剑茶寮,我终于明白了你的秘密……哈哈哈哈……” Cao Qin, got over an emotion finally...... 曹钦,总算是释怀了…… The preamble has said that people like him, can accept others compared with him, he is afraid...... is only unknown. 前文说过,他这样的人,可以接受别人比他强,他害怕的……只是未知。 Seemed like...... me to clarify with you.” Feng Bujue saw opposite party's response, returns said, such words......” he turned the head to look at the distant place Lin Yan corpse, perhaps...... the matter will not arrive now this step.” “看起来……我应该更早就跟你讲明的。”封不觉见了对方的反应,回道,“那样的话……”他转头看了看远处林颜的尸体,“……事情或许也不会走到现在这一步。” „Are you very probably puzzled in the Lin Yan death?” Cao Qin deeply looked at Jue Bro one, meets to say. “你好像很纠结于林颜的死?”曹钦深深看了觉哥一眼,接道。 To be honest, I do not want to kill her.” Feng Bujue should say, she is a poor man, she has not made the any mistake.” His look ice, wrong person...... is you.” “说实话,我不想杀她。”封不觉应道,“她是个可怜人,她并没有做错什么。”他的眼神一凌,“错的人……是你。” Un......” Cao Qin nods, you said right, I am not her benefactor, but was the personal enemy...... destroyed the personal enemies of her more than 40 years of lives.” “嗯……”曹钦点点头,“你说得对,我不是她的恩人,而是仇人……毁了她四十余年人生的仇人。” But, to complete your ideal...... this degree of sacrifice, you will not care.” The Feng Bujue sinking sound meets to say. “但是,为了完成你的‘理想’……这种程度的牺牲,你是不会在乎的。”封不觉沉声接道。 Ha!” Cao Qin smiled, this time...... smiles bitterly unexpectedly, how you know that I don't care?” “哈!”曹钦又笑了,这次……竟是苦笑,“你怎么知道我不在乎?” „Do you care?” The Feng Bujue facial expression changes, doubts to say. “难道你在乎?”封不觉神情微变,疑道。 I indeed did not care.” Cao Qin returns said that at least when the design kills her mother, I have nothing hesitant.” “我原本的确是不在乎的。”曹钦回道,“至少在设计杀死她母亲的时候,我并没有任何犹豫。” Afterward...... did your idea change?” Feng Bujue also said. “后来……你的想法变了?”封不觉又道。 Yes.” Cao Qin said. “是的。”曹钦道。 Why?” Feng Bujue said. “为什么?”封不觉道。 Naturally because of sentiment.” Cao Qin said. “自然是因为情。”曹钦道。 „Will people like you...... also feel emotion?” Feng Bujue said. “你这样的人……还会有情?”封不觉道。 I am also a person.” Cao Qin said, „the will of the people are the meat is long, again how aloof person, will feel emotion.” “我也是人。”曹钦道,“人心都是肉长的,再怎么超然之人,也会有情。” „...... I think that you had discarded your heart.” Feng Bujue sneers to say. “呵……我以为你早已丢掉了自己的心。”封不觉冷笑道。 Un......” Cao Qin sighed disappointed, indeed, I have killed many people, including the good person, to have the unprincipled person, but more...... is the innocent person, namely so-called sacrificial victim ; My Cao is in the government and people 60 years, has done the wicked matter many, wicked...... has exceeded anybody's imagination. In in my position...... , if not cast behind the conscience, perhaps has gone crazy or committed suicide.” “嗯……”曹钦怅然叹道,“的确,我杀过很多人,其中有好人、也有坏人,而更多的……是无辜的人,即所谓的牺牲品;我曹某人身在朝野六十余载,做过的恶事之多、之恶……早已超出了任何人的想象。身在我的位置上……若是不把良知抛诸脑后,恐怕早就发疯或是自尽了。” Word to here, his thread of conversation revolution: At first, I also think that...... brutal, have had no interest. But Lin Yan, changed my view.” He stops for one second, meets saying that Lin Yan is I raises...... her cleverly to be since childhood sensible and extremely bright single-handedly, and regards me wholeheartedly like the father ; She knows nothing about...... I am she biggest personal enemy, the misfortune of her family member...... has the direct relation with me, even is I facilitates single-handedly.” 言至此处,他话锋一转:“起初,我也以为……自己早已无情、无心。但林颜,改变了我的看法。”他停顿一秒,接道,“林颜是我一手带大……她从小就乖巧懂事、冰雪聪明,并真心实意地视我如父;她浑然不知……我才是她最大的仇人,她家人的不幸……都跟我有直接的联系、甚至是我一手促成的。” Therefore you had the compunction gradually.” Feng Bujue looks straight ahead the eyes of opposite party, he can feel that...... Cao Qin is not acting in a play, moreover does not need to perform in this play. “于是你渐渐产生了内疚。”封不觉直视对方的双眼,他可以感觉到……曹钦并不是在演戏,而且也没必要演这种戏。 Right, I should the guilty person, rather than you......” Cao Qin shake the head: „When until you kill, Lin Yan has not blamed me, I am that raise the benefactor and adoptive father in her heart her forever.” He got hold of the fist, „, even if I do not have the kinship to her, at least still has the sentiment of compunction.” “没错,我才是应该内疚的人,而不是你……”曹钦摇了摇头:“直到被你杀死时,林颜也没有怪过我,我在她心中永远是那个将她养育成人的恩人、义父。”他握紧了拳头,“即使我对她没有亲情,至少也有内疚之情。” Hehe......” hears here, Feng Bujue actually smiled, Eunuch Cao, it seems like you...... also no more than so.” “呵呵……”听到这儿,封不觉却是笑了,“曹公公,看来你……也不过如此嘛。” What did you say?” Cao Qin hears word, looks the unusual look ; A feeling of unease...... ascends in his heart rapidly. “你说什么?”曹钦闻言,面露异色;一种不安的感觉……在其心中急速升腾。 Is it possible that you really think that...... Lin Yan does not know mother's death and you are concerned?” Feng Bujue returns instantly said. “莫非你真的以为……林颜不知道母亲的死和你有关吗?”封不觉即刻回道。 That flickers, the look suddenly drastic change on Cao Qin face. 那一瞬,曹钦脸上的神色骤然剧变。 Understood?” Feng Bujue also knows that the opposite party is a smart person, a point passes, you said that she extremely bright, how possibly to cross for forty years not to detect the past truth?” “明白了是吗?”封不觉也知道对方是聪明人,一点就通,“你都说了她‘冰雪聪明’了,怎么可能过了四十几年还没察觉到当年的真相呢?” That...... she why......” the Cao Qin speech unexpectedly is becomes afraid to say a word. “那……她为什么……”曹钦说话竟是变得吞吞吐吐。 Because...... she also feels emotion.” Feng Bujue hits to block the way, she made the choice between the hatred and benevolence, therefore...... she chooses to hate me, hates person who she will never see, will not likely have met forever. She all hatred changed to my body, she can live like this is more relaxed, she can...... continue to regard as the benefactor and father you.” His tone is not spirited, each character long jab Cao Qin soul that but said that actually she lives very painfully, imagines you are more painful than...... until today......” “因为……她也有情。”封不觉打断道,“她在仇恨和恩情之间做出了选择,所以……她选择去恨我,恨一个她从未见过、也很可能永不会相见的人。她把所有的仇恨都转移到了我的身上,这样她就能活得更轻松一些,她就能……继续将你视为恩人、父亲。”他的语气不算激昂,但所说的每一个字都直击曹钦的灵魂,“其实她活得很痛苦,比你想象中更痛苦……直到今天……” Today......” Cao Qin stared in a big way the eye, his body has started to shiver. “今天……”曹钦瞪大了眼睛,他的身体已经开始颤抖。 No matter your is the master has the discovery, but I discovered......” Feng Bujue said that „when previously with I fought, although Lin Yan displays very excitedly, but...... her actually not full power. Regardless of this is also good,...... I to realize stemming from the subconscious intentionally is- compared with killing me, she is willing to be killed by me.” “不管你这个做师父的有没有发现,但我是发现了的……”封不觉道,“先前和我交手时,虽然林颜表现得很激动,但是……她其实并没有出全力。无论这是出于潜意识也好、故意为之也罢……我能体会到的就是-比起杀死我,她更愿意被我杀死。” Lin Yan...... she......” at this moment, Cao Qin also turned the head to look to the Lin Yan corpse, she......” 林颜……她……”这一刻,曹钦也转头看向了林颜的尸体,“她……” Oh...... I died, whom can she also hate?” Feng Bujue said with a sigh. “唉……我死了,她还能去恨谁呢?”封不觉叹息道。 Cao Qin sobbed, he lowers the head, twittering said: Really is a silly child......” 曹钦哽咽了,他低下了头,呢喃道:“真是个傻孩子……” He is unable to suppress oneself mood finally again, his eye socket was moist. 他终于无法再抑制自己的情绪,他的眼眶湿润了。 For dozens years, on the face of Cao Qin is always indifferent, or is smiling, he had forgotten in this heart grieved seethes outward, but is unable the self-made feeling. 数十年来,曹钦的脸上从来都是淡然的、或者是微笑着的,他早已忘记了这种心中的酸楚向外翻腾而无法自制的感觉。 Even if in that moment that Lin Yan died, he also displayed the short shock and anger ; He almost suppresses the eruption of mood immediately, and exhibited manner as always. 纵然在林颜死去的那一刻,他也只是表现出了短暂的震惊和愤怒;他几乎是立刻就抑制住了情绪的爆发,并摆出了一如既往的神态。 But at this moment, Cao Qin actually nearly lost control. 可此时此刻,曹钦却近乎失控了。 Hut Master Feng...... was sorry, after Cao rude......” another was silent, Cao Qin wiped the face, put in order the look, meets to say. 封寮主……抱歉,曹某失态了……”又一阵沉默后,曹钦抹了把脸,整了整神色,接道。 Might as well, way things should be.” Feng Bujue said. “无妨,人之常情。”封不觉道。 „Do you still remember...... my 12 secret art?” The next second, Cao Qin transformed the topic suddenly. “你还记得……我那十二门绝学吗?”下一秒,曹钦忽然转变了话题。 What's wrong?” Feng Bujue said, Eunuch Cao also does want to grant instruction?” “怎么?”封不觉道,“曹公公还想赐教?” „...... I am not that meaning......” Cao Qin moderate many, became looks like an old person and an elder, but in his look, showed a light feeling of weariness, I think...... and you discussed a transaction.” “不……我不是那个意思……”曹钦的语气温和了不少,变得更像一个老人、一个长辈了,而他的眼神中,也透出了一份淡淡的倦意,“我只是想……和你谈一笔交易。” ............ ………… The time returns to the present, the Yuan Qi qing gong to send suddenly, puts on the forest, in an instant had rushed to Cao Qin and Feng Bujue's body bank. 时间回到现在,袁圻轻功骤发,穿林而过,转眼间已冲到了曹钦封不觉的身畔。 But Feng and Cao...... seemed just decide that something, and are waiting for anything. 而那封曹二人……好似刚刚商定好了一些事,并在等待着什么。 Hut Master Feng! Yuan helped your helping hand!” When Yuan Qi is close to their 56 meters, is roaring, while pulled out the arrange/cloth sword of waist. 封寮主!袁某来助你一臂之力了!”袁圻接近到他们身旁五六米时,便一边吼着,一边抽出了腰间的布剑。 Who knows...... 谁知…… Just right that Alliance Lord Yuan, you come.” Feng Bujue turns the head saying that we are waiting for you.” 袁盟主,你来的正好。”封不觉转头道,“我们正在等你呢。” Wha...... what?” Yuan Qi hears word stares, the figure also stagnates. “什……什么?”袁圻闻言一愣,身形也是一滞。 In the heart of Alliance Lord Yuan ponders to say instantly secretly- no way? Did these two ghost gods form an alliance? Is this must destroy the world?” 袁盟主的心中即刻暗忖道-“不会吧?难道这两个煞神结盟了?这是要毁灭世界吗?” Feng Bujue raised an issue: Alliance Lord Yuan, are you interested in...... working as the martial arts world to be supreme?” 紧接着,封不觉就抛出了一个问题:“袁盟主,你有没有兴趣……当武林至尊?” He asked that the tone of this issue was similar to saying „you are interested in going out to take a walk with me is the same. 他问这个问题的语气类似于在说“你有没有兴趣跟我出去散个步”一样。 Ha?” Yuan Qi responded obviously does not come. “哈?”袁圻显然是反应不过来了。 Some words, we hit to discuss that......” Feng Bujue has not waited for the opposite party to give the reply, then said that „, so long as you obey my arrangement, today, you can still , when your martial arts world Alliance Lord, and...... you can also learn several are as good assign/life the Chen profound merit martial arts. Helps the Jiang Hu big shot as for that you bring, how is taught you to explain that to them by me...... tricks to arrive and not have the future trouble certainly certainly.” “有的话,咱们就打个商量……”封不觉也没等对方给出回答,就接着道,“只要你听从我的安排,今日过后,你仍然可以当你的武林盟主,并且……你还能学到数门不逊于命辰玄功的武学。至于你带来的那帮江湖大佬们,由我来教你怎么跟他们解释……保管忽悠到位、绝无后患。” This......” Yuan Qi hears here, is the heart movement. “这……”袁圻听到这里,已然是心动了。 Naturally, if you do not want to listen to my arrangement......” After a breath, on Feng Bujue that lazy face exchanged an evil smile instantaneously, meets saying that that I...... play with you with Eunuch Cao jointly together intensely.” “当然了,如果你不想听我的安排……也可以。”一息过后,封不觉那慵懒的脸上瞬间换上了一个邪恶的笑容,接道,“那我就和曹公公联手……跟你们一起激烈地玩耍。”
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