TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#966: Rubber

In the buried treasure space of black beard, Wang Tanzhi lost two Superior Grade weapon. However, he also successfully carried over in three buried treasures from there treasure. 在黑胡子的宝藏空间中,王叹之失去了两把精良级武器。不过,他也成功地从那里带出了三件宝藏中的“宝物”来。 First, is Defensive Equipment, 【The shadow of death knell ; Second, are an demon leads, 【The soul of wolf- speed ; But its three...... are the Flintlock that at this moment in his hand takes...... 其一,是一件防具,【丧钟之影】;其二,是一件魔导器,【狼之魂-速度】;而其三……就是此刻他手中所拿的这把燧发枪…… Name: Summon of captain 名称:船长的召唤 Type: weapon 【类型:武器 Quality: Perfect 【品质:完美】 Attack Power: Medium 攻击力:中等】 Attribute: Fire 【属性:火】 Special Effect one: Every ten minutes, endogenous becomes a round of black iron projectile in the bore of gun automatically( this/should effect when the holder enters the Scenario world becomes effective, when the projectile number of in Scenario having achieves three, this/should Special Effect stops ; When the projectile number is smaller than three, Special Effect restores)】 特效一:每十分钟,自动于枪膛内生成一发黑铁弹丸(该效果自持有者进入剧本世界时起生效,当剧本中存在的弹丸数量达到三颗时,该特效停止;当弹丸数量小于三颗时,特效恢复)】 Special Effect two: Fires into the air, the role initiates Summon to all has black iron projectile( the cooling time ten hours, when starts must consume a round of black iron projectile ; When this Special Effect starts, the player side must exist reasonably, the safe foothold may for be stood by Summon ; Can reject the Summon request by Summon)】 特效二:朝天开枪,对所有持有“黑铁弹丸”的角色发起召唤(冷却时间十小时,发动时须消耗一发黑铁弹丸;此特效发动时,玩家身边需存在合理的、安全的落脚点可供被召唤者站立;被召唤者可以拒绝召唤请求)】 Equipment condition: General Proficiency A or Shooting Specialization B 装备条件:通用专精A或射击专精B】 Note: This once helped the captain's the spear/gun reversal situation repeatedly in the negotiations, sometimes was also used to test the loyalty of crew by him ; Some day, he drinks is dead drunk, for a while emerged then to carve one line of characters on the spear's/gun's body- everyone ~ came!】 【备注:这把枪曾多次帮助船长在谈判中逆转局势,有时也被他用来测试船员们的忠诚度;某天,他喝得酩酊大醉,一时兴起便在枪身上刻下了一行字-所有人~都过来!】 Moreover, this Derivation thing of spear/gun, same also brings Item to explain: 另外,这把枪的衍生物,一样也自带物品说明: Name: Black iron projectile 名称:黑铁弹丸】 Type: Consumables 【类型:消耗品】 Quality: Excellent 【品质:精良】 Function: Acts as the ammunition or special beacon 【功能:充当弹药或特殊信标】 Note: It is not able to act as the beacon as the ammunition launched black iron projectile again, the projectile will vanish as the beacon had been used.】 【备注:作为弹药被发射的黑铁弹丸无法再充当信标,作为信标被使用过的弹丸将消失。】 In summary, this Summon of captain, Was Ruoyu and Flowers Between can appear in the reason of this place without doubt promptly. 综上所述,这把【船长的召唤】,无疑就是若雨花间能及时出现在此地的原因了。 After Scenario starts, in a half hour, Xiao Tan had given Ruoyu and Flowers Between two black iron projectiles respectively, as for third...... naturally is that round that he hit a moment ago upwards. 剧本开始后半小时内,小叹就已经把两颗黑铁弹丸分别交给了若雨花间,至于第三颗……自然就是他刚才朝天打出去的那一发。 Some time ago, when Ruoyu also with Xu Huaishang fought, in side observes Flowers Between that to have an idea...... 不久前,当若雨还在和絮怀殇打斗时,在旁观战的花间已心生一计…… Xiao Tan missing, is actually a strategic induction in a planned way. 小叹的“失踪”,其实就是一次有计划的战略诱导。 But blood wild rose their responses, with the expectation of Flowers Between same...... 而血蔷薇他们三人的反应,也和花间的预料相同…… Previously the level of that sword showdown truly was too high...... embarrassed saying that I have not meddled the leeway of assistance completely.” Flowers Between looks at the present hypericum and information, tells, „, therefore...... I gave up the thought of meddling simply ; I choose believe unconditionally...... Sister Yu can win.” Words that she, like this thought that I can concentrate the energy to ponder other things, for example......” “此前那场刀剑对决的水准确实是太高了……说来惭愧,我完全没有插手协助的余地。”花间看着眼前的海棠和风信,娓娓道来,“所以……我干脆放弃了插手的念头;我选择无条件地相信……雨姐能赢。”她顿了顿,“这样想的话,我就能集中精神去思考一些其他的事情了,比方说……” You make the assassin disappear in our lines of sight intentionally, exerts pressure on...... Hyacinth to hear here to us, had guessed correctly something faintly. “你们故意让刺客消失在我们的视线中,借此对我们施压……”风信子听到这里,已然隐隐猜到了一些事情。 Good.” Flowers Between returns said, actually Xiao Tan had not walked away at that time, he ran up to that crowd of martial arts world expert behind to squat at the maximum speed got down......, but in any event, so long as can enter your field of vision blind spot on the line.” She smiles is meeting saying that „, once you produced ‚the enemy side already takes an action the idea, you definitely could not stay put.” “不错。”花间回道,“其实小叹当时并没有走远,他只是以最快的速度跑到了那群武林高手的后面蹲了下来……但无论如何,只要能进入你们的视野盲点就行。”她微笑着接道,“一旦你们产生了‘敌方已经有所行动’的想法,你们肯定就待不住了。” Saying, Flowers Between is stretching out three fingers: The action that according to my estimation, you possibly take be only three types...... its one, breaks in the sword to kill at risk of life, assistance team leader. In that case, this without doubt is the bad plan......” her a half second, its two, bypass kills, to/clashes toward me, disregards Yuan Qi and military Lin Qun hao, strikes to kill me full power. But this...... is the middling plan.” 说着,花间伸出三根手指:“据我推断,你们可能做出的行动只有三种……其一,拼死冲入刀剑杀阵中,协助队长。在那种情况下,这无疑是下策……”她微顿半秒,“其二,绕过杀阵,朝我冲过来,无视袁圻和武林群豪,全力来击杀我。而这……是中策。” What result...... you elect is the best plan.” At this time, Xiao Tan continued, said, your simple tone left the front courtyard, tried to discover and kill Jue Bro.” He spreads out both hands, is a pity...... this best plan, same also during our forecasts.” “结果……你们选的是上策。”这时,小叹接过了话头,言道,“你们干脆调头离开了前院,试图去找出并杀死觉哥。”他摊开双手,“可惜……这上策,一样也在我们的预测之中。” Feeding...... is I forecast.” Flowers Between complains to Xiao Tan, immediately was also saying to the Red Cherry two people, in brief...... our assassins, but is good at tracing very much ; Your three walk, he was fast with. I give the strategy that he arranges am- first do not come, when continuously the enemy side attacks Feng Bujue's instantaneous, then launches surprise attack, because of...... that time, must be you guards against the most lax time.” “喂……是‘我’的预测好吧。”花间小叹吐了个槽,随即又对着红樱的二人说道,“总之呢……咱们的这位刺客,可是很擅长追踪的;你们三个一走,他就快速跟了上去。我给他安排的策略是-‘先不要现身,一直等到敌方攻击封不觉的瞬间,再发动突袭’,因为……那个时机,应当是你们防备最松懈的时候。” When she speaking of here, nearby Xiao Tan heaves a deep sigh saying: Oh...... who knows, even when ambushes Jue Bro, your three have not shown any flaw. Saw that Jue Bro must be hit, I had not found the opportunity of sneak attack, desperate, I found out put the idea of smoke shell with the dog. Helpless...... before the smog becomes effective, you had fired two spears/guns.” 她说到这儿时,一旁的小叹摇头叹息道:“唉……谁知道,即使是在狙击觉哥的时候,你们三个也没露出任何破绽。眼瞅着觉哥就要中枪了,我也没找到偷袭的机会,情急之下,我才想出了用狗去放烟雾弹的主意。无奈啊……在烟雾生效前,你们已经开了两枪。” „The later matter you can also guess correctly probably.” Ruoyu coldly at this time said, Xiao Tan with some method our instantaneous Summon, presented in...... your front.” “之后的事情你们大概也能猜到了。”若雨此时冷冷言道,“小叹用‘某种手段’把我们瞬间召唤了过来,出现在了……你们的面前。” The Hell Front three people talked, is saying, before while line the body of Red Cherry two, shoulder to shoulder however vertical. 地狱前线的三人你一言、我一语,一边说着,一边行到了红樱那两人的身前,并肩而立。 Although a little unwilling......” Tie Haitang this little while also knows in the heart game is as good as lost, meaning that but she has not given up resisting certainly, „, but...... we seemed like from the present situation is suspended one.” “虽然有点不甘心……”铁海棠这会儿也心知大势已去,但她绝没有放弃抵抗的意思,“但从眼前的局势来看……我们好像是被摆了一道啊。” Un...... plans very much splendidly......” Hyacinth also to meet saying that „, even if the winner of that duel is our teams leader, you can still depend on that type Summon the method of teammate, in partial and we form the power balance in population. In other words......, when we chose so-called ‚when best plan, can only form the power balance with you at most......” “嗯……算计得很出色……”风信子也接道,“就算那场决斗的胜者是我们的队长,你们也能靠着那种‘召唤’队友的手段,在局部和我们形成人数上的均势。也就是说……当我们选择了所谓的‘上策’时,至多就只能和你们形成均势了……” „, You also left too overestimate me......” Flowers Between to say with a smile, I was not Feng Bujue...... I do not calculate these many thinner thing ; Facing that type sudden, unexpected variable, my quick-witted perhaps might as well Xiao Tan.” She should say confidently, gives the devil his due, if Sister Yu lost, I really do not know perhaps what to do should, not necessarily take advantage of opportunity Instant kill by your teams leader......” “呵,你们也别太高估我了……”花间笑道,“我可不是封不觉……我算不到那些更多更细的东西;面对那种突发的、意料之外的变数,我的急智或许还不如小叹。”她坦然应道,“平心而论,假如雨姐输了,我是真不知道该怎么办的,也许会被你们队长顺势秒杀也不一定……” Yes, you are very strong,...... has actually disrupted our plans like various actions.” Xiao Tan said that „when Jue Bro fierce...... and BOSS fights encounters the sneak attack is not killed, that present situation was really difficult to say.” “是啊,你们已经很强了,像刚才的各种行动……其实已经打乱我们的计划了。”小叹道,“要不是觉哥厉害……和BOSS对打时遭到偷袭都没被打死,那现在的局势还真难说。” Snort...... many thanks praise.” Tie Haitang sneers, this flickers, she slightly is excessive, caused a color toward the teammate, „, but...... we may not admit defeat......” “哼……多谢夸奖。”铁海棠冷笑一声,这一瞬,她还微微偏过头,朝队友使了一个颜色,“但……我们可还没认输呢……” Hyacinth understands, searched into waist side Traveling Bag the hand quietly: Yes...... that similar winner appraised the lines of defeated...... you to use too early!” 风信子心领神会,悄然将手探入了腰侧的行囊:“是啊……那种类似胜者去评价败者的台词……你们用得太早了吧!” When the voice falls, the Hyacinth sprout/slender white hand raises, faced forward to sprinkle a piece of strange metal fragment fiercely. 话音落时,风信子柔荑一扬,猛地朝前洒出了一片诡异的金属碎片。 If we had known is not easy!” Flowers Between is also prepared early, wields the law stick, then executes one move. “早知道没那么容易了!”花间也是早有准备,一挥法杖,便施出一招。 Name: The wall of sea tide 名称:海潮之壁】 Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, Permanent 技能卡属性:主动技能,永久掌握 Skill Category: First Aid Healing 技能类别:医疗 Effect: Makes one to continue three seconds of defense fields of force( cooling time ten minutes, user may according to size and intensity that own will adjustment wall bonds, but will consume will also increase with adjustment)】 【效果:制造一个持续三秒的防御力场(冷却时间十分钟,使用者可按照自身意志调整壁障的尺寸与强度,但消耗也会随着调整而增加)】 Consumption: At least 30 Spirit Power 【消耗:至少30点灵力值 Learning Prerequisite: First Aid Healing Specialization B 学习条件:医疗专精B】 Note: By was exiled to the magic arts that higher elf variation in ocean deep place researches and develops, may rely on the strength of god of sea to resist all visible and invisible injuries 【备注:由一些被流放至大洋深处的高等精灵变异者所研发出的法术,施法者可借助海洋之神的力量抵御一切有形与无形的伤害】 At that moment, the blue energy wall appears along with sound of the sea tide suddenly, kept off these metal fragments all. 那一刻,青蓝色的能量壁伴随着一阵海潮之声骤然浮现,将那些金属碎片尽数挡了下来。 But, this wave of attack had not ended...... 但,这波攻击并未就此结束…… After two seconds, these metal fragments develop the distortion, turned into the metal insect and taking the form of honeybee of thumb size to be the same. 两秒后,那些金属碎片纷纷滋长变形,变成了拇指大小的金属昆虫、形似蜜蜂一般。 As a result of the duration of wall of sea tide, only then three seconds, three seconds...... the wall of these half energy half liquid will bond from now on vanished, therefore...... these bubbles the metal honeybee of water then shook off the control, flew. 由于海潮之壁的持续时间只有三秒,三秒过后……这半能量半液体的壁障就消失了,于是……那些泡了水的金属蜜蜂便纷纷挣脱了控制,飞了起来。 I come!” Looks the metal honeybee that these are deflecting to throw, Xiao Tan volunteers, has no more to do with on. “我来!”望着那些飞散着扑来的金属蜜蜂,小叹自告奋勇,拔腿就上。 Ruoyu and Flowers Between hear of his such saying, then one flashed toward the both sides without hesitation, go round the colony to flush away toward two Red Cherry team members of turn tail. 若雨花间听他这么一说,便毫不犹豫地朝两侧一闪,绕开蜂群朝着已然转身逃跑的两名红樱队员冲去。 Buzz humming sound- 嗡嗡嗡- Frequency very rapidness that these honeybee wings vibrate, the sent out sound and true honeybee are also very similar, but...... their lethality may compared with the real honeybee ; If the people stinging on by this honeybee, were not the wound swell even...... 那些蜜蜂翅膀震动的频率非常之快,发出的声音与真正的蜜蜂也十分相似,不过……它们的杀伤力可比真蜜蜂强多了;人若是被这种蜜蜂“蜇”上一下,可不是伤口肿起来就算了的…… In this crowd of metal bee rear front needles not only poisonous, but after also they use the poisonous needle to cut the skin of person, will also try to sneak in the wound...... then like drilling the machine goes all out toward the torso to go forward...... the manufacture further destruction. 这群金属蜂尾部的锋针里不但有毒,而且它们用毒针划破人的皮肤后,还会设法钻进伤口中……然后像钻地机一样拼了命地往躯干内部前进……制造进一步的破坏。 Proposes...... this type while convenient Machinery murder bee It is not, is not systematic reward that in the Scenario world falls, but is Tie Haitang depending on thing that Level A Mechanic Specialization develops. Although the production cost is quite high( some raw materials to need to go to the specific Scenario world to seek), is unable the quantity manufactures, but in this competition, Hyacinth and Tie Haitang various body belts ( 25 ) such item, to deal at present such condition. 顺带一提……这种【机械杀人蜂】不是剧本世界里掉落的、也不是系统的奖励品,而是铁海棠A级器械专精开发出来的东西。虽然制造成本颇高(部分原材料需要去特定的剧本世界寻找),也无法大量生产,但在这场比赛中,风信子铁海棠的身上还是各带了一把(约25只)这样的道具,以应付眼前这样的状况。 Flying is not quick......” “飞得也不算快嘛……” In the flash of electric light flint, welcomed the bee, but Wang Tanzhi, in the heart was actually calm, calm. 在电光火石的一霎那,迎蜂而起的王叹之,心中却是冷静的、沉着的。 „The words of careful observation...... this is not every is deferring to certain action rule to make the movement......” “仔细观察的话……这不是每一只都在按照一定的行动规律做着动作嘛……” At this moment, in the eye of Xiao Tan, these mechanical honeybees so flies is slow, he was looking that probably the movie fragment of some slow motion is the same. 此刻,在小叹的眼中,那些机械蜜蜂飞得是如此缓慢,他就好像在看某种慢镜头的电影片段一样。 Moreover, at the volumes of these insects, does not need to destroy with the sword of concealing a sword in the sleeve specially sharp, wields directly cuts also......” “而且,以这些虫子的体积来说,也无需特意用袖剑的剑尖去破坏,直接‘挥砍’也可以吧……” He had not detected that...... actually in this moment, he has been using Soul Intent Strength. 他自己都还没有察觉到……其实在这一刻,他已经在使用【魂意】的力量了。 - 咻咻咻咻咻咻- Altaïr's Touch Comes out of the sheath, splits sword magnificent one piece, cuts broken wind sound/rumor several wisps. 阿泰尔之触】出鞘,绽出剑华一片,斩破风声数缕。 Jumps to jump and break in Xiao Tan of colony, only used for three seconds, used one set of extremely accurate movement, very efficiently striking to kill the periphery 24 honeybees. 纵身跃起、冲入蜂群的小叹,只用了三秒钟,就用一套极为精准的动作、十分高效地将周围的二十四只蜜蜂给击杀了。 -” he breathes a sigh of relief, has not thought that......” during speeches, after his did not return to the hand towards oneself neck, flung. “呼-”他舒了口气,“没想到……”说话间,他头也不回地将手朝自己颈后一甩。 - 呲啪- A final mechanical bee, was stabbed by the sword of concealing a sword in the sleeve accordingly sharp, explodes instantaneously. 最后的一只机械蜂,应声被袖剑的剑尖刺中,瞬间爆开。 „...... Is so relaxed later, Xiao Tan says the words that in the mouth talked over...... “……这么轻松啊”随后,小叹才把口中念叨的话说完了…… ............ ………… On the other hand, one side of Feng Bujue. 另一方面,封不觉一侧。 „...... Came.” Melts the light, but a Blood Corpse God face did not say patiently, does not reach an agreement...... as of late...... to be all right do not call me to come out?” “啊……又来了。”化光而出的血尸神一脸不耐烦地言道,“不是说好了……最近这段时间……没事不要叫我出来的吗?” Listens to his saying...... in some time point that as if in we do not know, he and Feng Bujue reached an agreement something. 听他这话……似乎在我们不知道的某个时间点上,他和封不觉又商量好了一些事情。 Naturally, as an author, I can roughly disclose the situation. 当然了,身为作者,我是可以大致把情况透露一下的。 In rabbit rabbit on-board bitter experience „the god of eternal life the experience, and process...... to Blood Corpse God had certain impact with Jue Bro contacted six whole Mirror Demon together. 在兔兔星上遭遇“永生之神”的经历,以及和觉哥一同接触“六阖镜魔”的过程……都对血尸神产生了一定的影响。 After arriving at the Thriller Paradise world, he has experienced many powerful existence, under the stimulation of these lives...... this descendants shouted variation evolution instinct many years later awakens once again. 在来到惊悚乐园的世界后,他已见识到了许多非常强大的存在,在这些生灵的刺激下……这个“胤呼异种”的“进化本能”在多年以后又一次觉醒了。 In the near future, he is preparing to break through some type of bottleneck probably, says selects popularly...... looks like martial arts world expert closing up. Therefore, he greets with Feng Bujue specially, making the latter unless it is absolutely essential do not disturb themselves. But Jue Bro, naturally also transmitted this matter to the teammates......, if not so, a moment ago in the front courtyard, Flowers Between and Xiao Tan has called to help Blood Corpse God, in that case...... Red Cherry extinguished on the group at that time directly. 近期,他好像正准备突破某种瓶颈,说得通俗点……就像是武林高手的“闭关”。因此,他特意跟封不觉打了招呼,让后者不到万不得已不要来打扰自己。而觉哥,自然也把这件事传达给了队友们……若非如此,刚才在前院时,花间小叹早就把血尸神叫出来帮忙了,那样一来……红樱当时直接就团灭了。 Yes, reached an agreement.” Feng Bujue returns with the sluggish tone said that „, therefore you should understand that...... the present is has matter.” “是啊,说好了的。”封不觉则是用懒散的语气回道,“所以你就该明白……现在是‘有事’的。” Cutting......” Blood Corpse God is a face disgruntled look, good......” he to sweep blood wild rose one ten meters away, has probably no interest in her ; Then, he looked to the flank Cao Qin dozens meters away, Oh? that can eat probably.” “切……”血尸神还是一脸不悦的神色,“好吧……”他扫了十米外的血蔷薇一眼,好像对她没什么兴趣;接着,他又看向了侧方几十米外的曹钦,“哦?那个好像可以吃啊。” Experienced so many Scenario, Blood Corpse God also understood without doubt how to distinguish the player and NPC ; Summarizes after an angle of view of glutton is...... the former dies will change into the white light, but the latter can turn into the good meal. 经历了那么多剧本,血尸神无疑也懂得了如何分辨玩家和NPC;以一个吃货的视角来总结就是……前者死后会化为白光,而后者则可以变成美味佳肴。 That that can eat...... I cope.” Feng Bujue proposed unexpectedly must fight with Cao Qin, your that move( he frightened Beam has not stated clearly) to be to him nothing affects, by your present condition...... also really not necessarily is his opponent.” “能吃的那个……还是我来对付吧。”封不觉竟是主动提出了要和曹钦交手,“你的‘那招’(他没有把恐惧投射明说出来)对他应该是没什么作用的,以你现在的状况……还真未必是他的对手。” Snort......” Blood Corpse God wants to return to one you also to know that my present physical condition was unsatisfactory, but also asked me to come out?” But he considered, without saying, was only cold snort/hum one, met saying that line ~ I coped with this rode the tiger was good.” “哼……”血尸神本想回一句“你也知道我现在身体状况不佳了,还叫我出来?”但他考虑了一下,还是没说出口,只是冷哼了一声,接道,“行~那我就对付这个骑老虎的好了。” When he finishes barely the words, Feng Bujue is the figure flashes, charged into Cao Qin, to also shouted: Eunuch Cao! Let you wait for a long time!” 他话音未落之际,封不觉已是身形一闪,冲向了曹钦,边冲还边喝道:“曹公公!让你久等了!” „To run......” blood wild rose to see the opposite party to clash horizontally, the tone wants to pursue. “想跑吗……”血蔷薇见对方横冲而出,调头就想追过去。 However...... 然…… Blood Corpse God that big figure, lightened suddenly...... keeps off in her front. 血尸神那高大的身形,骤然闪出……挡在了她的前方。 Miss.” Blood Corpse God blocked a beautiful woman, but his line of sight has not actually fallen on the body of beautiful woman, crotch but who looks at the opposite party, your tiger...... seems like very delicious appearance......” “姑娘。”血尸神拦住了一位美女,但他的视线却没有落在美女的身上,而是看着对方的胯下,“你的这只老虎……看上去很好吃的样子……”
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