TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#965: In fog plan

The gunshot first ten seconds, the Red Cherry team members just learned of the team leader Xu Huaishang dying in battle news through the team column. 枪响前十秒,红樱的队员们刚好通过团队栏得知了队长絮怀殇的阵亡消息。 Although in their hearts has the vacillation, but this has not affected their displays. 她们的心中虽有动摇,但这并没有影响她们的发挥。 On the contrary...... this strengthened them to strike to kill Feng Bujue, draw a determination of city...... 相反……这更加坚定了她们击杀封不觉、借此扳回一城的决心…… But...... bullet hit Feng Bujue's after the gunshot at that moment, the Red Cherry three people makes the follow-up response or immediately. 而在枪响之后……或者说,子弹命中封不觉的那一刻,红樱的三人就立刻做出了后续的反应。 Tie Haitang The matter that must handle is very simple- fills in the ball, to continue marksmanship. 铁海棠】要做的事情很简单-重新填弹、继续射击 Facing Jue Bro such opponent, is flogs a corpse is not overrated ; After all he is Feng Bujue...... before it changes into the white light vanishes, anything may happen. 面对觉哥这样的对手,就是鞭尸也不为过;毕竟他是封不觉……在其化为白光消失以前,什么事都有可能发生。 Hyacinth The matter that must handle is also very simple- keeps side Tie Haitang, holds the post of the work of observation. 风信子】要做的事情也很简单-留在铁海棠身边,担任观察手的工作。 Considering the terrain of this cherry arboretum is quite complex, moreover in the enemy team has not known that the assassin of trace...... matches shield is also logical to the ringer. 考虑到这樱树园的地形颇为复杂,而且敌方队中还有一个不知所踪的刺客……给枪手配个掩护者也是顺理成章的。 As for Blood wild rose Quest...... some slightly dangers. In order to achieve absolutely safe, she decides to go forward to give Feng Bujue to make up blade personally. 至于【血蔷薇】的任务……就稍有些危险了。为了做到万无一失,她决定亲自上前去给封不觉“补刀”。 As a result of Summon Great eagle With Fossil pterodactyl The skill still in the cooling period, at this moment, blood wild rose Summon had/left the lifeform of another quite suitable terrain- saber-toothed cat, Rides in the tiger conducts the back to speed away to go. 由于召唤【巨鹰】和【化石翼龙】的技能都还在冷却阶段,此刻,血蔷薇召唤出了另一种比较适合地形的生物-【剑齿虎】,骑在虎背上疾驰而去。 Without a doubt, their sneak attacks, pursue raid...... can be said as the efficiency being extremely high and leaving no ground. 毫无疑问,她们的偷袭、追袭……都可说是效率极高、不留余地的。 Regardless how to see, Feng Bujue already the boundary of falling a narrow escape. 无论怎么看,封不觉都已陷九死一生之境。 However, victory and defeat...... actually often in the edge reversal of this limit. 然,胜负……却往往会在这种极限的边缘逆转。 Kicks...... 蹴蹴蹴蹴…… Suddenly, sound of footsteps in broken bits transmits from Tie Haitang and Hyacinth flank. 突然,一阵细碎的脚步声自铁海棠风信子的侧方传来。 heard the sound, Tie Haitang cannot help but stagnates slightly, but she has not then looked at that side, but then load and aiming ; Because she trusts oneself teammate very much, therefore she believes firmly that...... really must have what situation, Hyacinth will certainly process voluntarily, or issues the instruction to her. 闻声,铁海棠不由得微微一滞,但是她并没有回头去看那边,而是接着装弹和瞄准;因为她很信任自己的队友,所以她确信……真要有什么情况,风信子一定会自行处理、或者对她下达指示的。 But Hyacinth...... naturally looked following the sound. 风信子……自然是循声去看了。 She has turned the head, saw unexpectedly a dobermann is running towards oneself to throw. 她转过头去,竟是看到了一条杜宾犬正快跑着朝自己这边扑来。 Same flickers, one type ominous, the feeling of difference sprouts in his heart towering. 同一瞬,一种不祥的、异样的感觉突兀地在其心中萌发。 This dog...... is the Wang Tanzhi Summon thing......” takes the professional player, the pre-game information preparatory work will not fall, Hyacinth then realized the source of that dog rapidly, but...... resembles Picture fork fork cursed you This skill, the Red Cherry analysis team may be unable to look, therefore...... „the difference in heart regarding that Hyacinth its conclusion for own intuition. “这狗……是枉叹之召唤物吧……”作为职业玩家,赛前的情报准备工作是不会落下的,风信子迅速便意识到了那条狗的出处,但……像【画个叉叉诅咒你】这种技能,红樱的分析团队可看不出来,所以……对于那份“心中的异样”,风信子将其归结为了自己的直觉。 Why this is wants......” in the Hyacinth brain the train of thought to flash continually, Wang Tanzhi the Summoning Skill should only be able to cause some ordinary Canidae animals to serve as the cannon fodder, cannot pose what substantive threat.” To turn over to think, she put out a submachine gun, aimed at that in the fast racing to come dobermann, why, but I will be troubled that is it possible that...... is......” “这是想干什么……”风信子脑中思绪连闪,“枉叹之的这个召唤技能应该只能弄出一些普通的犬科动物来充当炮灰罢了,根本构不成什么实质性的威胁。”想归想,她还是拿出了一把冲锋枪,对准了那条正在快速奔来的杜宾犬,“但我为什么会感到不安呢……莫非是……” Read and here, Hyacinth touched off the trigger, in the muzzle fell in torrents, but the ordinary ammunition then sweeping fell that dog to the ground. 念及此处,风信子扣动了扳机,枪口中倾泻而出的普通弹药便将那条狗给扫倒在地。 The next second, Hyacinth turned the head suddenly, opened a Investigation skill Staring of owl, With one type unique line of sight wave took a fast look around 360 degrees toward the surroundings( Tie Haitang was maintaining aiming posture of kneeing down at this time, will not block the line of sight of teammate). 下一秒,风信子猛然转头,开启了一个侦查技能【猫头鹰的凝视】,用一种独特的“视线波”朝周围扫视了三百六十度(铁海棠这时保持着单膝跪地的瞄准姿势,不会阻挡队友的视线)。 But, her anything had not discovered...... 可是,她什么都没发现…… Hides in behind of some tree?......” When Hyacinth raised the head looks at the day, the mutation steep lives! “躲在某棵树的后面吗?还是……”正当风信子抬头看天之时,异变陡生! Bang- 嘭- Although before two seconds, is transformed into by that Summon that the submachine gun kills for the white light, the place that but it falls to the ground actually resounded an explosive suddenly. 虽然两秒前被冲锋枪击毙的那个召唤物化为了白光,但它倒地的地方却忽地响起了一声爆响。 Then, then one group of thick white fog dust explode, following wind...... toward the Red Cherry two people of floating cages. 接着,便有一团浓厚的白色雾尘爆开,顺着风……朝红樱的二人飘笼了过来。 Bad!” The response of Hyacinth is not slow, she understands quickly the clever trick that the opposite party plays, he makes the dog hold in the mouth the smoke shell, runs over...... the Summon lifeform dead from the winning side place, the string of mouth will move, then the smoke shell will explode......” “糟了!”风信子的反应不慢,她很快就明白了对方耍的诡计,“他让狗叼着烟雾弹,从上风处跑过来……召唤生物一死,嘴里的弦就会动,然后烟雾弹就会爆开……” Bang- 砰- However, has not fluttered in that smog to before, the Tie Haitang second spear/gun, has sent out...... 不过,在那烟雾尚未飘至以前,铁海棠的第二枪,也已发出…… Place that they are, with Feng Bujue's from is about 50 meters, far...... is unable to find the attack in the trees again the slit, near...... may be discovered by the opposite party again. 她们所在的地方,与封不觉的距离大约是五十米,再远……就无法在树木中找到攻击的缝隙,再近……就有可能被对方发现。 Compared with the first spear/gun, the assurance of this second spear/gun should be bigger, because Feng Bujue after at this moment is hit , the ORZ condition. 和第一枪相比,这第二枪的把握应该更大了,因为此刻的封不觉是中枪后ORZ的状态。 Properly speaking, his was hit the person of torso by the special corrosion ball, without was killed violently at the scene belongs rarely, wants to avoid the second spear/gun by this physical condition, simply was fantasy story...... 按理说,他一个被特种腐蚀弹打中躯干的人,没有当场毙命已经属于难得了,以这种身体状况还想避开第二枪,简直就是天方夜谭…… But, Feng Bujue actually achieved...... him used a sea lion to head the ball the movement, to kick same place...... this small one kicking, let the second round of bullet obstinately before his abdomen touched and went, without hit...... 可是,封不觉却是做到了……他用一个海狮顶球般的动作、原地扑腾了一下……这小小一“扑腾”,愣是让第二发子弹从其腹前擦过,没有命中…… ............ ………… At the same time, in Order Team One Conference room. 同一时刻,秩序一队会议室中。 hey hey...... is this good?” Drunk and Lying Down Feeling looks at live broadcast screen make complaints to say. 喂喂……这都行啊?”醉卧怅然望着直播屏幕吐槽道。 Gaps between two spears/guns are less than six seconds, how he accomplishes......” Wisdom of Death also revealed the color of doubts. “两枪之间的间隔不到六秒,他是怎么办到的……”悟死参玄也露出了疑惑之色。 Even if I, depend on day to listen to react in this distance, and successfully avoid the probability of bullet still less than 60%, moreover...... Feng Bujue was also hit a moment ago.” Sashimi pulls a long face to discuss. “即使是我,靠着‘天听’在这种距离上做出反应、并成功躲开子弹的几率也不到60%,而且……疯不觉刚才还中枪了呢。”生鱼片绷着脸念道。 Hehe......” the The Altar Of A Nightmare attitude and they are not quite same, he is smoking, is drinking, looked with a smile to another end of board, this not being able to understand situation, directly asked Daring Devil not to.” “呵呵……”梦惊禅的态度和他们不太一样,他抽着烟,喝着酒,笑着看向了会议桌的另一端,“这种看不懂的情况,直接问鬼骁不就得了。” At this time, Heaven Swallowing Daring Devil also changes the haughty stance in Scenario, a face is looking at the screen earnestly. 此时,吞天鬼骁也是一改剧本中的狂傲姿态,一脸认真地望着屏幕。 After hearing the Brother Meditation words, a Daring Devil slightly thinking, then opens the mouth to say: He can avoid that spear/gun, for three reasons.” He stretches out three fingers, meets saying that its one, after Tie Haitang hears the Summon thing the sound of footsteps, the movement on hand hesitated slightly for about 0.8 seconds, although this time not long......, but from the actual situation, was really had the influence on the marksmanship result.” He puts down a finger, said, its two, Feng Bujue after the first spear/gun, is being on the verge of death condition, but he then made oneself injury disappear with some method in the 1.4-1.6 seconds after being hit, was similar his body to return to files to several seconds ago conditions.” 听到禅哥的话后,鬼骁略一思索,便开口应道:“他能躲开那一枪,主要原因有三。”他伸出三根手指,接道,“其一,铁海棠听到召唤物的脚步声后,手上的动作稍稍迟疑了零点八秒左右,虽然这个时间不长……但从实际情况来看,确是对射击的结果产生了影响。”他放下一根手指,又道,“其二,封不觉在中了第一枪后,本来已经是濒死状态了,但他在中枪后的1.4-1.6秒间便用某种方法使自己的伤势消失了,就仿佛他的身体‘回档’到了数秒之前的状态。” At this point, the Drunken Dreams four people of facial expressions had the subtle change, but they have not broken Daring Devil, but was he continued. 说到这里,醉生梦死四人的神情都发生了微妙的改变,不过他们并没有打断鬼骁,而是等他继续说下去。 Its three......” Daring Devil put down a finger, sets upright the last finger/refers saying that after the first spear/gun, Feng Bujue had known according to the feeling of body inevitably firearms, position, distance wait/etc information that the injection angle, speed and might bullet, the type and marksmanship of ammunition uses ; Has these data made Zero Time Error Calculus foundation, in addition his body has recovered...... has wanted to make that circumvention movement to come is not difficult.” “其三……”鬼骁又放下了一根手指,竖着最后一指言道,“在中了第一枪后,封不觉必然已根据身体的感觉得知了子弹的射入角度、速度、威力,还有弹药的类型、射击者所用的枪械、所处位置、距离等等信息;有了这些数据作‘零时差演算’的基础,再加上他的身体已经复原了……想做出那种规避动作来也不难。” Listened to this, the Daring Devil three teammates to reveal the dignified color. 听完这段,鬼骁的三名队友都显露出了凝重之色。 Only then The Altar Of A Nightmare is maintaining the consistent expression, and sighed: Oh...... something, really do not go into seriously quite well......” 只有梦惊禅保持着一贯的表情,并叹了口气道:“唉……有些事,果然还是不去深究比较好啊……” ............ ………… The line of sight returns to compete...... 视线回到比赛中…… Un...... the close call......” Feng Bujue kicked, then taking advantage of opportunity spin body. “嗯……好险……”封不觉扑腾完了,便顺势旋身而起。 Evaded the bullet, did not represent him to be out of danger. 躲过了子弹,并不代表他就脱险了。 In fact, the danger was also far from ending......, because rode the saber-toothed cat blood wild rose to rush to the Jue Bro side at this time, wanted to kill his unprepared. 事实上,危险还远远没有结束……因为骑着剑齿虎的血蔷薇此时已经冲到了觉哥的身旁,欲杀他一个立足未稳。 - 嗷- But in a twinkling, hears a tiger's roar, saber-toothed cat blood-stained mouth, then exhales together the yellow air wave. 说时迟,那时快,但闻一声虎啸,剑齿虎血口一张,便呼出一道黄色气浪。 This wave of range attacks quickly, wide and fierce...... Feng Bujue exactly is the posture of midair horizontal body, evades not to be possible to evade, has the curling up body to shoulder hardly. 这波范围攻击来得快、宽、猛……封不觉又恰是半空横身之姿,避无可避,只得蜷身硬扛。 Then, his is just damaged several tenths by Health that REWRITE rewrote. 如此一来,他那刚被REWRITE改写回来的生存值又被损去了几成。 Moreover, Feng Bujue also because of the push of air wave cannot help but after departs, still sank into a horizontal body to float the spatial adverse attitude...... 而且,封不觉还因气浪的推送不由自主地朝后飞出,仍陷于一种横体浮空的不利姿态…… Un...... two of that side already changed......”, although falls into the dangerous situation, but the Jue Bro innermost feelings are pondering calmly and sanely, his five senses steadily is also collecting information all around, „...... had to see that a moment ago probably the dog and smog...... that think was Xiao Tan played what trick, making them have to make to deal.” He the attention will transfer to nearby Cao Qin, as for Eunuch Cao...... this old court eunuch also is really a gentleman......” “嗯……那边的两个已经转移了……”虽是身陷险境,但觉哥的内心还是冷静、理智地思考着,他的五感也在不断收集着周遭的信息,“……刚才好像有看到狗和烟雾……那想必是小叹玩了什么花招,让她们不得不做出应对。”他又将注意力移到了一旁的曹钦身上,“至于曹公公……这老太监还真是个绅士啊……” Indeed, Cao Qin when seeing Jue Bro chest front wound, then had ceased the action. 的确,曹钦在看到觉哥胸前的伤口时,便已停止了行动。 From him previously described that the Yuan Qi words are not difficult to see...... at least in military this aspect, Cao Qin do not like to bullying very much much few. 从他此前形容袁圻的话也不难看出……至少在“论武”这方面,曹钦是很不喜欢以多欺少的。 Therefore, this little while he decides to watch changes quietly, first has a look at the situation to do to haggle over again. 所以,这会儿他决定静观其变,先看看情况再作计较。 In brief...... in a short time, I should only need to deal with blood wild rose one person then.” After Feng Bujue looks all around about, finally will focus on compelling to kill on own opponent. Raises while convenient...... his ponders, actually altogether also spent for about 0.3 seconds. “总之……短时间内,我应该只需要对付血蔷薇一人即可。”封不觉环顾左右之后,终于将注意力放到了正在逼杀自己的对手身上。顺带一提……他那番左思右想,其实总共也就花了零点三秒左右。 Blood wild rose? I have visited you in the post that the forum posts.” After analyzing the condition, the Feng Bujue's combat then started. “血蔷薇是吧?我看过你在论坛发的帖子。”分析完了状况后,封不觉的作战便开始了。 Everyone knows that...... Jue Bro fights, what wrangled anything with the opponent cannot avoid, because the language was also one of his weapon. 大家都知道……觉哥打架,和对手扯皮什么的是免不了的,因为语言也是他的武器之一。 Oh? blood wild rose waves the arms about to shoot five toward Jue Bro at the same time Electrical network grenade, Asked at the same time, what's the big deal?” 哦?”血蔷薇一边甩手朝觉哥掷出五颗【电网手雷】,一边反问道,“那又如何?” „...... You have the idea...... Feng Bujue to say with a smile very much, with un un- I- studies- does- vegetable/dish yeah-......” “呵……你很有想法……”封不觉笑道,“跟嗯嗯-我哦哦-学诶诶-做哦哦-菜哎哎-吧啊啊啊……” He before saying that half a word words, flickered The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body- changes, The body was treading foot Moon Steps in the midair later horizontally fiercely, flushed horizontally...... 他在说前半句话的时候,瞬开了【灵识聚身术-改】,随后就横着身子在半空猛踏了一脚月步,横冲了出去…… Therefore, to him said , when half a word words, he then ran upon a splitting open electrical network grenade, and by a spider web electrical network cover in the continual electricity several seconds. 于是,到他说后半句话时,他便撞上了一枚绽开的电网手雷,并且被一个蛛网型的电网罩在身上连续电了几秒。 Encountered the electric shock of that degree also to go all out the trash words saying that obviously unexpectedly......” blood wild rose saw this scene, had several points to admire. “明明遭到了那种程度的电击居然还拼了命把垃圾话说完吗……”血蔷薇见此情景,不禁心生几分敬佩。 Naturally, she was also insufficient saying that because of Jue Bro purely the will of trash words had the respect. 当然了,她也不至于单纯因觉哥说垃圾话的毅力而产生敬佩之情。 Feng Bujue makes the opposite party feel the place that truly admires is......, when he facing surrounding of electrical network grenade, only understood clearly the situation in the flash, and implemented the most correct countermeasure decisively- gives up something minor to save something major. 封不觉真正让对方感到佩服的地方是……当他面对电网手雷的包围时,仅在一瞬之间就洞悉了形势,并果断地实施了最正确的对策-弃卒保车。 A moment ago...... Feng Bujue under losing form condition by five opening electrical network grenade surrounding, in this case, if indecisive, were swayed by personal gains and losses...... inevitably is five electrical network entire results. 刚才……封不觉在失去体势的状态下被五枚张开的电网手雷包围,这种情况下,若是犹豫不决、患得患失……必然是五张电网全中的结局。 But Jue Bro...... actually made a straight line to sprint without hesitation, takes putting on an electrical network...... lets the body as the price, in has almost not made the large movement under the premise to run out of the surrounding network at the maximum speed. 觉哥……却是毫不犹豫地做了一次直线冲刺,以披上一张电网为代价……让身体在几乎没有做出大幅动作的前提下以最快的速度冲出了包围网。 „After then did not drink good......” for two seconds, Feng Bujue finally stood firm the figure, to cast off that matter electric power in the distance opponent about ten meters distance already electrical network completely, and filled one bottle of greatly bottled Health supplements to oneself. “这下是不喝不行了啊……”两秒后,封不觉总算是在距离对手十米左右的距离上立稳了身形、摘掉了身上那层电力已尽的电网,并给自己灌下了一瓶大瓶装的生存值补充剂 Pit-a-pat pit-a-pat- 突突突突- His mouth has not scratched cleanly, the blood wild rose has pulled out Perfect Level( growth Equipment) firearms weapon to him, as soon as passes the strafe, hits him roll and flees. 他嘴还没擦干净呢,血蔷薇已掏出了一把完美级(成长型装备)的枪械武器对着他一通扫射,打得他连滚带窜。 „It is not easy to do......” Feng Bujue escapes was discussing at heart, enchanted poker killed insanely is really uses...... data display this fellow to have that Summon thing early ‚’, when card in hand, I, if attacked most likely to contribute a life rashly......” he to find time to shoot a look at Cao Qin, oh...... Eunuch Cao, if the face, besieged me with her thick-skinnedly together, I can borrow hysterical/frenzyto overturn on the contrary ‚, what a pity this fellow was the appearance that really does not want to begin......” “不好办啊……”封不觉边逃边在心里念道,“疯魔扑克的‘疯杀’果然是用早了啊……数据显示这家伙有‘那个召唤物’当底牌,我要是贸然攻过去八成得捐一条命……”他又抽空瞥了眼曹钦,“唉……曹公公要是脸皮厚一点,跟她一起围攻我,那我反倒可以借用‘狂乱’来翻盘了,可惜这家伙是真不想动手的样子……” After thinking deeply about one, Feng Bujue sets firm resolve: Did not have the means...... to ask that fellow to come out to help.” 思索一番后,封不觉下定决心:“没办法了……还是叫那家伙出来帮忙吧。” ............ ………… The words weight head, first did not say that Jue Bro the matter that Blood Corpse God said. 话分两头,先不说觉哥血尸神叫出来的事儿。 And said another side of the cherry arboretum...... 且说樱树园另一边…… Before one minute, after Tie Haitang fires the second spear/gun, Hyacinth hinted her to get up changed. 一分钟前,铁海棠开完第二枪后,风信子就示意她该起来转移了。 That smog dog the appearance...... showed that Wang Tanzhi in, he likely hides in the tree trunk or the crown of some tree. 那条“烟雾狗”的出现……表明王叹之就在附近,他很可能就躲在某棵树的树干后或树冠里。 Hypericum and information, although by two pairs one, but lets their two Fighting Proficiency only then the C person met the approaching enemy meaning that an assassin...... this little made in the smog. 海棠和风信虽是以二对一,但让她们两个格斗专精只有C的人在烟雾中迎击一个刺客……这就有点作死的意味了。 Therefore, two people after leaving the initial marksmanship place, then bypasses the smog, toward winning side place( since dog locates from winning side, Summon also there fast line goes mostly). 因此,两人在离开最初的射击地点后,便绕过烟雾,朝着上风处(既然狗是从上风处来的,召唤者多半也在那里)快速行去。 But...... in process that in the hypericum and information run, suddenly! 但……就在海棠和风信奔跑的过程中,突然! - 啪- A gunshot, transmits from two people of dead ahead dozens meters beyond. 一声枪响,自二人正前方数十米外传来。 Takes marksmanship and mechanics listens to...... that as main Specialization Tie Haitang immediately is not the sound of gunfire of modernized firearms, but is the sound of Flintlock. 射击器械为主要专精铁海棠立刻就听出……那不是现代化枪械的枪声,而是燧发枪的声音。 Felt strange after......” three seconds, the hypericum facial expression changes, turns the head to the team rules of friendship, this spear/gun...... seems like toward the space starts......” “奇怪了……”三秒后,海棠神情一变,转头对队友道,“这一枪……好像是朝着天上开的……” Right, is on upwards.” “对,就是朝天上开的。” Hyacinth has not said that another sound then responded to the hypericum. 风信子还没接话,另一个声音便回应了海棠。 That flickers, the Li Ruoyu figure appeared in their front ten meters away places suddenly. 那一瞬,黎若雨的身形骤然出现在了她们前方十米远的地方。 How you...... how can......” the Hyacinth with amazement startled say/way. “你怎么……怎么会……”风信子骇然惊道。 How to appear here?” Another sound continued her, line from tree's shadows, but that saying person...... Flowers Between, „...... you looked in any case when video recording can also know, now tells you also to might as well.” “怎么会出现在这里?”另一个声音接过了她的话头,从树影间行来,而那个接话的人……正是花间,“呵……反正你们看录像时也能知道,现在告诉你们也无妨。” They spoke, Xiao Tan also the direction that resounded from the sound of gunfire appeared, but in his hand...... is taking one also in belching smoke, black Flintlock. 她们说话间,小叹也从枪声响起的方向出现了,而他的手上……正拿着一把还在冒烟的、黑色的燧发枪。
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