TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#964: Ten two secret art (Last Part)

Can......” Cao Qin is saying, while is the arrow step bullies near, said before , how...... do you first join several fists?” “可以……”曹钦一边说着,一边又是箭步欺近,“不过说之前……你先接上几拳如何?” Feng Bujue hears word, but also really no longer dodges, but offered a sacrifice to South Star Flying Dragon Fist Accepts a job offer. 封不觉闻言,还真就不再闪避,而是祭出了【南斗飞龙拳】来应招。 That flickers, two people drink with one voice lightly, knocks out the fist to incur ; Turbulent Battle Qi, in eruption. 那一瞬,两人齐声轻喝,同出拳招;汹涌斗气,于焉爆发。 This round of attack, is Feng Bujue and Cao Qin near body extremity/limb meets for the first time. 这一轮对攻,乃是封不觉曹钦首次近身肢接。 But sees, two people fist front clash, splits open everywhere fist shadow. 但见,两人拳锋相击,绽开漫天拳影。 Their four hands from the sky erupt the machine gun hedge explosive rapidly, this just like not human some fighting speed. 他们的四只手在空中爆发出机关枪对冲般的急速爆响,这俨然已不是人类该有的打斗速度。 Actually good...... this is not and South Star Flying Dragon Fist is similar......” to the process of fist, Feng Bujue has evaluated the might that an opposite party that fist incurred in the heart. “其实还行啊……这不是和南斗飞龙拳差不多吗……”对拳的过程中,封不觉已在心中评估了一下对方那拳招的威力。 Right, in the initial several seconds, the situation indeed is this...... 没错,在最初的几秒,情况的确是这样的…… However, after several breaths, the strength of Feng Bujue skill already completely, but the fist of Cao Qin was still the male potential did not reduce. 然,数息过后,封不觉技能之力已尽,但曹钦的拳头仍是雄势不减。 By this time, where Jue Bro then realized that secret art certainly...... 到这时,觉哥便意识到那绝学绝在哪里了…… Good...... to calculate that you suppress!” This is the second time that Jue Bro commented Eunuch Cao with these three characters, obviously cultivation base of this old court eunuch truly is fully praiseworthy. “好……算你狠!”这已是觉哥第二次用这三个字评论曹公公了,足可见这老太监的修为确实令人钦佩。 The voice falls, the figure moves. 话音落,身形动。 Saw that opposite fist glow heavy pressed, Feng Bujue completely has not jumped when South Star Flying Dragon Fist odd/surplus potential flashes, the under foot trod then lightened several feet. 眼瞅着对面的拳芒沉沉压了过来,封不觉南斗飞龙拳余势未尽之时腾身一闪,脚下一踏便闪出了数丈。 This set of fist...... Cao Qin sees the opposite party to retreat in any case, without pursuing meaning, but started the explanation with his consistent indifferent tone, „...... is foundation martial arts of western region Zen, after their side Zen disciple pay respects to join master gate, first set of martial arts that studies is this Fist Arts.” “这套横竖拳……”曹钦见对方退去,也没有追进的意思,只是用他一贯的淡然口吻开始了说明,“……乃是西域禅宗的根基武学,他们那边的禅宗弟子拜入师门后所学的第一套武学便是这种拳法。” Hou ~ Feng Bujue selects the eyebrow, that their school is quite strong, in the gate thinks that is expert such as the excrement?” “嚯~”封不觉一挑眉毛,“那他们这个门派相当强啊,门内想必是高手如屎吧?” Oh......” Vertical is the Cao Qin disposition is excellent, hears this word also to be able help with one, should say that expert like cloud is right......” 呃……”纵是曹钦心性过人,听到这种词儿也忍不住要跟一句,“应该说‘高手如云’才对吧……” „Does the cloud of space have the excrement of ground how?” Feng Bujue almost withstood/top one to go back without hesitation. “天上的云有地上的屎多么?”封不觉几乎不假思索地顶了一句回去。 The Cao Qin complexion stiffens, the corners of the mouth pulled out slightly two, was silent for two seconds, decides no longer discusses on this issue and Hut Master Feng: In brief...... in any case the fist is the time that can learn easily, but...... this does not mean that everyone relies on its unique martial arts world.” 曹钦的脸色僵住,嘴角微微抽了两下,然后沉默了两秒,决定不再就这个问题和封寮主讨论下去:“总之……横竖拳是一门很容易就能学到的功夫,但是……这并不意味着每个人都凭借它独步武林。” I know that......” Feng Bujue actually understands from the beginning the meaning of opposite party, is only intentionally make complaints, thinks that...... this martial arts is easy to learn at first but hard to master, is more difficult to practice to behind, most people have not practiced Eunuch your level...... to return to the western paradise.” “我知道……”封不觉其实从一开始就明白对方的意思,只是故意吐槽而已,“想必……这种武功易学难精,越到后面就越难练,以至于大部分人远未练到公公您这种层次……就早已归西了。” „...... Hut Master Feng is really the rapier-like wit.” Cao Qin said with a smile, right, the heart law of fist time was very in any case shallow, vertical was the aptitude dull-witted, the person of no martial arts foundation...... may also learn. But cultivation this martial arts, is there is no shortcut to walk, regardless of the aptitude height of follower...... wants to strive, can only depend on one attendance character. But this advancement of martial arts is very slow, does not come a minute/share of boundary like other peerless marvelous abilities by level...... in any case the fist from beginning to end only then the single layer boundary, practices for a long time, the fist is quicker and is fiercer, forever will be without limits.” “呵……封寮主果然是才思敏捷。”曹钦笑道,“没错,横竖拳这门功夫的心法很粗浅,纵是资质愚钝、毫无武学基础之人……亦可学会。但修炼这门武功,却是没有任何捷径可走的,无论修炼者的资质高低……想要精进,就只能靠一个‘勤’字。可偏偏这武功的进境还十分缓慢,也不像其他绝世神功那样以‘层’来分境界……横竖拳从头到尾只有一重境界,练得越久,拳就越快、越猛,永无止境。” But the life span of person is limited, moreover...... the will of the people impetuous......” Feng Bujue meets saying that compared with training hard 30-40 years can play the might peerless martial arts, they are willing to spend time on practices five to ten years to make them the second-class expert time.” He shrugs to smile, „...... also no wonder this was martial arts of gate Zen......” “但人的寿命是有限的,而且……人心浮躁……”封不觉接道,“比起苦练个30-40年才能发挥出威力的绝世武功,他们更愿意把时间花在一些练个五到十年就能让他们成为二流高手的功夫。”他耸肩笑了笑,“呵……也难怪这是门禅宗的武学了……” Oh......” Cao Qin sighed is meeting saying that Hut Master Feng says extremely...... the present in Zen, few individuals can keep cool to practice this.” He shakes the head, many good times...... to decline and be lost like this.” “唉……”曹钦叹息着接道,“封寮主所言极是啊……如今就是在禅宗里,也没几个人能耐住性子练这个了。”他摇了摇头,“很多好功夫啊……都是这样没落和失传的。” Then, the Cao Qin under foot, the form passes lightly suddenly. 说罢,曹钦脚下轻点,身影忽逝。 Unexpectedly can vanish from my line of sight?” Among the electric light flint, in the Feng Bujue heart doubts saying that what positive result?” “居然能从我的视线中消失?”电光火石间,封不觉心中疑道,“什么名堂?” Read undecidedly, held the wind already. 一念未定,掌风已至。 Feng Bujue induces to the fluctuation of air current, then, sees Cao Qin to pinch the palm to raid suddenly swiftly near. 封不觉感应到气流的波动,猛然回头,倏见曹钦已挟掌袭近。 Thinks to be cloudy I?” Jue Bro is staring Cao Qin, with asking back the tone drank this. His that manner seems saying...... always only then my Yin others, do not have others to come to be cloudy certainly my story. “想阴我?”觉哥瞪着曹钦,用反问的语气喝出了这一声。他那神态仿佛在说……从来就只有我阴别人,绝没有别人来阴我这种故事。 Scolding- 叱- Facing vigorously, but to the enemy, Feng Bujue fast pulled out the kitchen knife with a quicker hand, brandishes a sword to welcome. 面对疾冲而至的敌人,封不觉用更快的手速掏出了菜刀,挥刀而迎。 Ping! 乒! The next second, among two people resounds a gold/metal to call. 下一秒,两人之间响起一声金鸣。 After the form makes a mistake, shiny black thing flew the sky, and assumed the parabolic striation to fall the distant place. 身影相错后,一个黑黝黝的东西飞上了天空,并呈抛物线状落到了远处。 You felt certainly, I uses bare-handed does not put together your weaponry......” to raiding Jue Bro rear Cao Qin, turns away from Feng Bujue, to close one's eyes and say self-confidently, „, but my moves mountain iron the hand, is actually one can break completely the world weaponry bare-handed time ; When iron merit accomplishment, delivers energy both hands hard such as profound iron, sinking such as Mount Tai......, let alone was a kitchen knife, even if you take a hundred jin (0.5 kg) big iron hammer, same will be shaken lets go to fly.” “你一定觉得,我用徒手是拼不过你的兵刃的……”冲袭到觉哥后方的曹钦,背对着封不觉、闭着眼睛、自信言道,“但我这‘搬山铁手’,却是一门可以破尽天下兵刃的徒手功夫;铁手功大成者,发功时双手硬如玄铁,沉如泰山……别说是一把菜刀了,就算你拿着一把百斤重的大铁锤,一样会被震得脱手而飞。” Hehe......” another side, Feng Bujue also turns away from the opponent, smiles Yin sadly, you said......” he held up still the kitchen knife on oneself right hand slowly, „...... is this kitchen knife?” “呵呵……”另一边,封不觉也是背对对手,阴恻恻地一笑,“你说的……”他缓缓举起了仍在自己右手上的菜刀,“……是这把菜刀吗?” What!” Cao Qin was startled, projects on the present, his first time startled. “什么!”曹钦惊了,打到现在,他第一次惊了。 After staring for two seconds, he lowers the head looked...... discovered own right hand has disappeared. 愣了两秒后,他低头一看……才发现自己的右手已经不见了。 At this time, he lagged behind realized shadow that...... flew a moment ago, was not weapon of opposite party, but was own hand...... 这时,他才后知后觉地意识到……刚才飞出去的黑影,并不是对方的武器,而是自己的手…… How possibly!” Cao Qin hurried to select the two acupuncture points of oneself right shoulder with the left hand, stopped the blood stream, and turning around startled say/way. “怎么可能!”曹钦赶紧用左手点了自己右肩的两个穴道,止住了血流,并转身惊道。 This unexpected result, makes he that closed one's eyes a moment ago self-confidently the action appear without doubt very ashamed...... 这出乎意料的结果,无疑让他刚才那“自信闭眼”的举动显得十分羞耻…… Eunuch, you should not think that...... my Feng Bujue ~ weapon that uses, is only an ordinary kitchen knife?” Feng Bujue raised Must Break The Blade, Saying with a smile, „...... I might as well told you to be good. Is hard thing, in my the blade in front is frail.” 公公,你该不会以为……我封不觉~用的兵器,只是把普通的菜刀吧?”封不觉扬了扬【必须破防之刃】,笑道,“呵……我不妨告诉你好了。越是坚硬的东西,在我这把刀面前就越是脆弱。” The body of Cao Qin shivered slightly two, then, on his face restored the tranquil look: Un...... was my general idea/careless.” 曹钦的身体微微颤抖了两下,接着,他的脸上又恢复了平静的神色:“嗯……是我大意了。” During the speeches, he urges true essence secretly, transported another secret art. 说话间,他暗催真元,运起了另一门绝学 „...... This is also a good opportunity.” Cao Qin held up his bloody right wrist, happen to can make you look that ‚when lives fills a vacancy remnantly the distinguished merit......” his words told only half, then has to be similar to the living creature granulation from his wrist/skill department head, on these granulations also secretes one red plastic unceasingly, these thing increase at the extremely quick speed spreads out the forming, evolving the marrow, blood vessel and muscle...... finally are the skin...... “不过……这也是个好机会。”曹钦举起了他那血淋淋的右腕,“正好可以让你看一门‘生残补缺’的奇功……”他的话说到一半时,便有许多如同活物般的肉芽从其手腕处长了出来,那些肉芽上还不断分泌出一种红色胶质物,这些东西以极快的速度增衍成形,演变成了骨髓、血管、肌肉……最终是皮肤…… Soon, hand of Cao Qin already again long, that new student/life right hand skin color is white and tender like the baby, with wrist/skill below some obviously different. 不多时,曹钦的手已重新“长”了出来,那新生的右手肤色如婴儿般白嫩,和手腕以下的部分明显不同。 Eunuch......” sees this Feng Bujue, first responded that did not ask what his Name of this martial arts is, but asked that „, since you showed such a martial arts, I have to ask...... you were really Eunuch?” 公公……”看到这一幕的封不觉,第一反应不是问他这门武功的名称是啥,而是问道,“既然你展现了这样一门武功,那我就不得不问了……你真的还是个公公吗?” Heard this saying, Cao Qin smiles: Hut Master Feng pays attention with emphasis also is really quite unusual......” his look changes, „...... told you also to might as well......” he, I...... had then castrated since childhood, but realized this Rama heart law, was the matter at age 60. Lives fills a vacancy remnantly also has the time limit, separated for many years and bodies to adapt to the change, vertical was the marvelous ability is also helpless.” 听到这话,曹钦笑了:“封寮主所关注的重点还真是颇为奇特呢……”他神色微变,“不过……告诉你也无妨……”他顿了顿,“我呢……自幼便已净身,而练成这‘罗摩心法’,则是60岁之后的事了。生残补缺也是有时限的,隔了多年、身体已经适应了变化,纵是神功也无能为力了。” Good...... Eunuch you must restrain grief......” Feng Bujue are the sympathy looked at opposite party one eyes unexpectedly. “好吧……公公您要节哀啊……”封不觉竟是同情地看了对方一眼。 Having nothing sorrow, this is the life.” Cao Qin is actually face It does not matter returns said that I, if really has that heart, sought the vegetable/dish household( the palace lady of clear(ly) not to have child, selected court eunuch respectively is companion, saying to food, vegetable/dish of household saying) was, these years asked my female is also not infrequent on own initiative......, but the sentiment of men and women, looked like in me are really superficial. don't said that is the flesh and blood kinship, is the friendship of sworn brother, compares that to come to be long-time and reliable.” “没什么可哀的,这都是命。”曹钦却是一脸无所谓地回道,“我若真有那个心,寻个菜户(明之宫人无子者,各择内监为侣,谓之对食,亦谓之菜户)便是了,这些年来主动找上我的女子也不在少数……但男女之情,于我看来实在是太肤浅。莫说是骨肉亲情,便是金兰之谊,亦比那来得长久和牢固。” Un...... base sentiment...... your good this......” Feng Bujue to squint Cao Qin to meet to say. “嗯……‘基情’吗……原来你好这口……”封不觉斜视着曹钦接道。 Ok, pulled far.” Cao Qin has not understood Jue Bro to say anything, but meets saying that we chatted martial arts......” “行了,扯远了。”曹钦没听懂觉哥说了什么,只是接道,“咱们还是来聊武学吧……” The words just said, he moved. 话刚说完,他又动了。 The day step treads certainly, figure suddenly hidden, suddenly presently...... 天绝步踏起,身形忽隐、忽现…… That qing gong quickly peak, as wonderful as summit. 那轻功快至极峰、妙到巅毫。 Suddenly, Cao Qin killed the Jue Bro body bank once again. 眨眼间,曹钦又一次杀到了觉哥身畔。 Moved mountain iron the hand a moment ago, was a previous dynasty grave robber creates. This person of entire life has three secret art, is moves mountain iron the hand and to shrink bone merit respectively andturtle breath law, depending on these three types of techniques, he enters the grave to rob the treasure then such as to take something out of the pocket. ” When Cao Qin spoke this saying, is true essence transports/fortunes again, instantly, 78 purple light beads appear in its whole body suddenly impressively, link gyrocompass body. “刚才的搬山铁手,乃是前朝的一名盗墓贼所创。此人生平有三门绝学,分别是‘搬山铁手’、‘缩骨功’和“龟息法”,凭这三样技艺,他入墓盗宝便如探囊取物。”曹钦说这话时,已是真元再运,霎时,忽有七八颗紫色的光珠在其周身赫然浮现,环旋盘身。 However that Rama heart law, after it is reported that is Rama crosses a river, faces the wall for 19 years Mt. Jiuhua later creates, the merit becomes in the breath exquisite unparalleled, renewable good fortune.” Eunuch Cao hits to turn over to hit and say turns over to speak...... the making a move wind and thunder and being relentless, the tone of speech is well organized, accomplishes a task with ease. “而那罗摩心法,据传是罗摩渡江后于九华山面壁十九年后所创,功成者内息精妙无双,可再生造化。”曹公公打归打、讲归讲……出手风雷、毫不留情,说话的语气则是四平八稳、游刃有余。 But Feng Bujue, actually appeared a little distressed, he can only move aside and resist constantly. Content that however...... the opposite party said that he remembered exactly, moreover is analyzing the ponder and immediately. 封不觉这边,倒是显得有点狼狈了,他只能一味地躲闪和招架。不过……对方所说的内容,他可是一字不差地记住了,而且还在即时进行着思考和分析。 „The purple shining marvelous ability that I cause now...... is 15 years ago is created by me.” Cao Qin controls the light bead, to coordinate own Fist Arts to form the crowded surrounding offensive, is compressing the Feng Bujue's activity space in the attack unceasingly, forced into the hopeless situation the latter gradually, at present I exercise purple shining has hole the boundary, such as you see...... can make True Qi solid, concentrate in the midair, assists me to attack or defend as one pleases.” “至于我现在所使的紫耀神功……是十五年前由我自己创的。”曹钦操控着光珠、配合自己的拳法形成密集的包围攻势,在攻击中不断压缩着封不觉的活动空间,渐渐将后者逼入了绝境,“目前我所练就的‘紫耀出窍’之境,如你所见……可以让真气化实、凝于半空,随心所欲地协助我去攻击或防守。” Feng Bujue hears here, took out a water gun from Traveling Bag rapidly, that is Star cooling artillery( blames)】...... Immediately to close Eunuch Cao marksmanship. 封不觉听到这里,迅速从行囊里取出了一把水枪,也就是【恒星冷却炮(才怪)】……随即就对着近在咫尺的曹公公射击了。 Cao Qin after experiencing crossbow, has asked for advice kitchen knife, does not dare to pull rank to the strange gadget that Feng Bujue takes...... 曹钦在见识过“弹弓”、领教过“菜刀”之后,对封不觉拿出来的古怪玩意儿可是丝毫不敢托大…… That water gun, Eunuch Cao hurries to control the purple light bead to strengthen the suppression, oneself is a big sleeve swayed, ships „the Black Tortoise vigor( Cao Qin when movement to use this move, but release will affect own speed), provides against contingencies. 那玩具水枪一出,曹公公就赶紧操控着紫色光珠加强压制,自己则是大袖一摆,运上“玄武劲”(曹钦可以在移动中使用这招,不过释放时会影响自己的速度),以防万一。 BIU-BIU-BIU- BIU-BIU-BIU- What the result...... that muzzle spouts is only the water, this makes Cao Qin feel quite inexplicable. 结果……那枪口喷出的只是水而已,这让曹钦感到颇为莫名。 What's wrong?” He flung the sleeves, pursuit while asked that Hut Master Feng must use the poisonous water and so on method?” “怎么?”他甩了甩衣袖,一边追击一边问道,“封寮主难道要用毒水之类的手段么?” How is?” Feng Bujue has not answered his issue, but answered the issue with the issue, probed more information by this. “是又如何呢?”封不觉没有回答他的问题,而是用问题去回答问题,以此试探更多的情报。 If so, I do not need to keep off actually again.” Cao Qin said, took advantage of opportunity stopped the defense, many years ago I once must first sovereign reward one millennium harsmar, realized poisonous standard strongest martial arts poisonous cocoon body. Present I......, not only hundred do not invade poisonously, and can accept returns to the Yuan poisonously ; In the hidden weapon on your hand spurts, if is really the poisonous water, that directly toward me on.” “若真是如此,那我倒是不必再挡了。”曹钦说罢,顺势就停止了防守,“多年前我曾得先皇赏赐一只千年雪蛤,借此练成了‘毒典’中最强的武学‘毒茧躯’。如今的我……非但百毒不侵,且可以纳毒回元;你手上的暗器里喷的若真是毒水,那就直接朝我身上来吧。” This......” Feng Bujue discussed pretentiously, fortunately shouted...... me to use was not poisonous......” “这样啊……”封不觉装模作样地念道,“呼……还好我用的不是毒呢……” Oh? Cao Qin doubts saying that what that is?” 哦?曹钦疑道,“那是什么?” Is only one type can make you slow down points thing.” Feng Bujue returns said. “只是一种可以让你‘变慢一点’的东西。”封不觉回道。 Un......” Cao Qin hesitated immediately, because of this moment, he had felt that oneself slowed down, „...... Hut Master Feng, your method...... takes seriously every to make me broaden the outlook.” “嗯……”曹钦顿时沉吟了一声,因为这一刻,他已经感觉到自己变慢了,“呵……封寮主,你的手段……当真每一回都能让我大开眼界。” Overpraised.” Jue Bro spread out several points of the aid of the Item effect with the opposite party temporarily, once again reduced and solved the crisis that is close to the defeat, and compared with the Eunuch Cao ability, what were my acrobatics obscene skillful considered as?” He uses the left hand to hold the water gun attack, the kitchen knife of right hand is used to defend these purple light balls, said...... me, if has not miscalculated, at present Eunuch you have demonstrated to me assigned/life the Chen profound merit, the merit and female will of the people without interest, the fists, four marvelous abilities and day steps, to move mountain iron the hand, the Rama heart law and purple shining marvelous ability in any case likely certainly, and poisonous cocoon body these ten peerless martial arts?” “过奖了。”觉哥借助物品效果暂时与对方拉开了几分距离,又一次化解了濒败的危机,“和曹公公的能耐相比,我那些奇技淫巧又算得了什么呢?”他用左手持水枪攻击,右手的菜刀则用来防守那些紫色光球,“说起来……我要是没算错的话,目前公公你已经向我展示了命辰玄功、无息功、女人心、横竖拳、四象神功、天绝步、搬山铁手、罗摩心法、紫耀神功、和毒茧躯这十门绝世武学了吧?” Memory is good.” Cao Qin gave an affirmative response. “记性不错。”曹钦给了一个肯定的回应。 That also two are......” Feng Bujue meets to say. “那还有两门是……”封不觉接道。 Remaining two......” the Cao Qin facial expression changes, all was ‚the merit of not passing on.” “剩下的两门……”曹钦神情微变,“皆是‘不传之功’了。” Oh? Feng Bujue have a relish asked that that was......” 哦?封不觉饶有兴致地问道,“那是……” Bang- 砰- A spear/gun cry, broke the Jue Bro words. 一声枪鸣,打断了觉哥的话语。 Focuses on fought and pondered that on Feng Bujue, cannot notice to have three enemies to arrive at behind his side...... 将注意力集中在战斗和思考上的封不觉,并没能注意到已有三名敌人来到了他的侧后方…… Therefore, he was hit. 所以,他中枪了。 That is the bullet of sniper's rifle, moreover is the special ammunition. Even the Feng Bujue's defensive power is very high, 13 / 20 unkind Battle Armor The Special Effect help, this spear/gun...... also makes him and probably injure. 那是狙击枪的子弹,而且是特种弹药。即使封不觉的防御力很高,还有【13/20的刻薄战甲】的特效帮忙,这一枪……也让他非常、非常得伤。 Unfortunately lucky is, because Tie Haitang Shooting Specialization has not practiced fully, therefore this spear/gun has not hit the head...... , if explodes the head, that anything was needless saying that died after all. 不幸中的万幸是,由于铁海棠射击专精没练满,所以这一枪并没有打中头部……假如是爆头的话,那什么都不用说了,总归是个死。 Naturally, dying is also acceptable ; Because shortly after Scenario starts, before namely enters buries the heart valley, Flowers Between to Feng Bujue has released Rod of Asclepius Special Effect immortal strength,...... Jue Bro actually also has a life i.e . 当然了,“死”也是可以接受的;因为早在剧本开始后不久,即进入葬心谷之前,花间就已经对封不觉释放了【阿斯克勒庇俄斯之杖】的特效“不朽之力”,也就是说……觉哥其实还有一条命。 Back is hit...... the lungs to be damaged...... the corrosive special shell...... the bullet not to pass through the exsomatize...... the internal hemorrhage...... the internal organs to destroy...... the injury rapid deterioration continually...... Health 15%...... 13%...... 10%......” in that less than a half second of time, information flash through from the Feng Bujue mind rapidly, is unable to breathe...... loses blood...... for four seconds Death...... Health supplements...... in two seconds to drink quickly...... continues to lose blood...... no cure wound method...... the Cao Qin trend unable to judge...... the ringer follow-up attack......” “背后中枪……肺部受损……腐蚀性特种弹……子弹未贯穿离体……内出血……内脏持续破坏……伤势急速恶化……生存值15%……13%……10%……”在那半秒不到的时间里,一段段信息从封不觉脑海中飞速闪过,“无法呼吸……失血过快……四秒内死亡……生存值补充剂……两秒内饮用……继续失血……无治愈伤口手段……曹钦动向无法判断……枪手后续攻击……” The information content that the phenomenon, inference, conclusion and strategy...... the Feng Bujue's mind processes in a short time has even exceeded the Derivative tactical control analysis program. 现象、推理、结论、策略……封不觉的头脑在短时间内处理的信息量甚至已超越了衍生者的战术制御分析程序。 Chooses one, gives up struggling, the use resurrects the later enemy team member and Cao Qin surprised takes the favorable position......” quickly, he obtained two plans, chooses two...... REWRITE!” “选择一,放弃挣扎,利用复活之后敌队成员和曹钦的惊讶抢占先机……”很快,他就得出了两套方案,“选择二……REWRITE!”
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