TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#963: Ten two secret art (First Part)

The time, returns to the present. 时间,回到现在。 In cherry arboretum, everywhere fly. 樱树园中,漫天飞花。 Cao Qin transports/fortunes the overwhelming real strength, wants to cut the powerful enemy. 曹钦运起浩然真力,欲斩强敌。 But in Eunuch Cao mind powerful enemy, without doubt was Feng Bujue. 曹公公心目中的这个“强敌”,无疑就是封不觉了。 Although Cao Qin...... or is close to individual invincible existence in this Wuxia world on this star ; But since many years, he has always been wary of a person- that person is Broken Sword Tea Hut Hut Master Feng. 虽然曹钦在这个武侠世界……或者说在这个星球上都已经是接近个体无敌的存在;但多年以来,他始终还是对一个人心存顾忌-那个人就是“破剑茶寮”的“封寮主”。 This person, as well as this person of back school...... really contains too many riddles. 此人,以及此人背后的门派……实在是包含着太多的谜团。 To people, ignorant, often means dauntlessly. 对于一般人来说,无知,往往意味着无畏。 However regarding Cao Qin such person, unknown...... is the absolute terrifying. 但是对于曹钦这样的人来说,未知……才是绝对的恐怖。 He can accept in this world to have the strong person, so long as he knows this person strongly actually some on the line...... 他可以接受这世上有比自己强的人,只要他知道这个人究竟有多强就行…… But he cannot of unknown origin endure one, martial arts to be unclear, an ideological more unclear man runs back and forth in confusion in world. 但他不能忍受一个来历不明、武功不明、思想更加不明的男人在世间乱晃。 Right, you as if to my 12 marvelous abilities very interested.” Cao Qin before making a move, opens the mouth to say suddenly, I might as well...... in killing your process, told while convenient you.” “对了,你似乎对我那‘十二种神功’很有兴趣。”曹钦在出手前,忽又开口道,“我不妨……就在杀你的过程中,顺便跟你说说。” „......” Mouth artillery ability, Feng Bujue, but is in the upper hand steadily, „...... you must in the process that was massacred by me told while convenient me, ok ~ “哦……”论嘴炮能力,封不觉可是稳占上风,“……你要在被我杀掉的过程中顺便跟我说说是吧,行啊~” He used very natural tone to trade a meaning the Cao Qin words, taunted...... 他用十分自然的语气就把曹钦的话换了个意思,嘲讽了回去…… Hehe......” Eunuch Cao chuckle, meets saying that first, is assigns/life the Chen profound merit and merit without interest, the principles of these two sets of martial arts I should explain to you......” “呵呵……”曹公公轻笑一声,接道,“首先,是‘命辰玄功’和‘无息功’,这两套武功的原理我应该都已经跟你解释过了……” Then, he double palms has then rubbed the water ball shape one group of Inner Strength to push out. 说罢,他便将双掌之间已然揉成水球状的一团内力推了出去。 It seems like...... this move with single-handed to push gently, but the flying speed of that Inner Strength ball is faster than the shell, shouted-” has flown the Jue Bro front. 看起来……这招只是用单手轻轻一推,但那内力球的飞行速度却比炮弹还快,“呼-”一声就已飞到了觉哥的面前。 Fortunately, the Feng Bujue's response and traveling speed can deal with this long-distance attack, he opens promptly The Art Of The Soul Connects With The Body- changes Avoided it. 还好,封不觉的反应和移动速度还是可以应付这次远程攻击的,他及时地开启【灵识聚身术-改】将其避开了。 However...... grazes, but the Inner Strength ball will not vanish, it after is flying high-speed more than 100 meters distances...... runs upon a cherry tree finally. 不过……飞掠而过的内力球可不会就此消失,它在高速飞出来一百多米的距离后……终于撞上一棵樱树。 Cao Qin this wave of manifest invisible Inner Strength, rumbled the mist powder to be the same a 78 meters high big tree unexpectedly, vanished in a puff of smoke...... 曹钦这波外放的无形内力,竟是将一棵七八米高的大树轰成了瀣粉一般,灰飞烟灭…… I went to...... the spirit pill( «Quiet roaming Baishu» one style) this am......” on the Feng Bujue mouth had not said that then at heart could not bear complain. “我去……灵丸(《幽游白书》中的一种招式)啊这是……”封不觉嘴上没说,心里则是忍不住吐了个槽。 „The assigning/life Chen profound merit of this place has practiced for more than 50 years, the merit without interest also has practiced ninth heavily, the Inner Strength aspect......” Cao Qin shrugs slightly, „...... is the inexhaustible and inexhaustible boundary.” “本座的命辰玄功已练了五十余年,无息功亦是早已练到了第九重,内力方面……”曹钦微微耸肩,“……已然是取之不尽、用之不竭的境界。” How cannot use up...... to send the move of fortune merit unable to avoid.” Feng Bujue does not understand martial arts obviously, but was pointed out very much sharply weakness of opposite party, „...... you also wasn't a fermentation moment can send out like the attack a moment ago?” “用不完又怎样……发招时运功还是免不了的。”封不觉明明不懂武功,但还是很犀利地指出了对方的一个弱点,“像刚才那样的攻击……你还不是得酝酿个片刻才能发出么?” Hehe...... said right.” Cao Qin smiled, has the peerless internal strength, but not exquisite external work receives and dispatches, that is careless and wasteful use of nature's products......” “呵呵……说得对。”曹钦又笑了,“身怀绝世内功,但无精妙的外功去收发,那便是暴殄天物……” When the voice falls, a real strength has congealed in the Cao Qin finger/refers. 话音落时,一股真力已凝于曹钦指上。 But sees his orchid fingers to turn, one revolution and a ball...... then to have in the vigor to send on the potential immediately together! 但见他那兰花指一翻、一转、一弹……登时便有一道内劲应势而发! When this energy in such as breeze to hand general and light thin affable, but then accelerates in...... it in an instant fiercely, changes to the strength of thunder. 这道能量在离手之时如微风一般、轻细舒缓,但在刹那间……它便剧烈加速,化作雷霆之力。 WTF!” This, Feng Bujue cannot dodge, although he used one type to twist, the movement of limit to react, but outside his left arm was hacked bulk flesh by that Dow Jones Index vigor. 卧槽!”这一回,封不觉可是闪不开了,虽然他用一种非常扭曲、极限的动作做出了反应,但他的左臂外侧还是被那道指劲剐去了一大块血肉。 This time, called ‚the female will of the people.” The sound that some Cao Qin that mothers are mad resounds immediately, I do not know that who this martial arts is creates, does not know that this name creates its person to take ; However after having practiced, I then thought that...... this name gets up appropriately.” “这一门功夫,叫‘女人心’。”曹钦那有些娘气的声音随即响起,“我不知道这门武功是谁创的,也不知道这个名字是不是创它的人所取;不过练过以后,我便觉得……这名字起得恰如其分。” He is saying, while both hands gearing, two fingers are uneven, meets, but linked three places to select the number Dow Jones Index vigor to Jue Bro. 他一边说着,一边双手连动,二指齐出,接而连三地对觉哥点出了数道指劲。 Female will of the people the luck method is quite complex, when True Qi has not acted, has experienced in the meridians changed several times.” On Cao Qin non-stop, on the mouth also non-stop, „after making a move, does not have the shadow invisible, flickers three changes...... makes one ascertain airtight.” “‘女人心’的运气法门极为复杂,真气未出手时,就已在经络中经历数次变化。”曹钦手上不停,嘴上也不停,“出手后亦是无影无形,一瞬三变……让人捉摸不透。” Attack gap...... the speed slightly is fortunately fast......” another side, Feng Bujue is also is listening to opposite party's narration, while organizes to dodge and ponder the countermeasure. “攻击间隔还好……不过速度略快啊……”另一边,封不觉也是一边听着对方的叙述,一边腾挪躲闪、思考对策。 Has the speed that first struck as the reference, the Zero Time Error Calculus error then reduced, therefore after Cao Qin, these finger/refers of vigor that sends out, Feng Bujue can evade....... Hid is still very strenuous. 有了那第一击的速度作为参照,零时差演算的误差便降低了,所以曹钦之后发出的那些指劲,封不觉都可以堪堪避过。只是……躲起来仍然十分吃力。 Oh? followed quickly.” After the Cao Qin even/including has more than 20 fingers, meets saying that snort/hum...... dies of exhaustion you like this while still alive, pouring is not good. However...... this approach rather somewhat was senseless...... my nine martial arts not to display after all.” 哦?那么快就跟上了吗。”曹钦连出二十余指后,接道,“哼……就这样把你活活累死,倒也不是不行。不过……这种做法未免有些无趣了……毕竟我还有九种武功没有施展呢。” The say/way ended this, Cao Qin then stopped acting, after stopping slightly for two seconds, he said again: ‚The female will of the people might is astonishing, moreover sends Inner Strength that a move of institute needs to be extremely few ; Even Jiang Hu rising star, so long as realized this set of time...... also to have the opportunity to defeat compared with they many able hands.” At this point, his thread of conversation revolution, is a pity...... just as I said that this time is extremely complex, request to aptitude high...... besides me, only then Lin Yan this and other unrivalled rare talents can realize.” 道完这句,曹钦便停止了施为,稍稍停了两秒后,他再道:“‘女人心’威力惊人,而且发招所需的内力极少;即使是江湖新秀,只要练成了这套功夫……亦有机会战胜比他们强很多的硬手。”说到此处,他话锋一转,“可惜……正如我所说,这门功夫太过复杂,对资质的要求过高了……除了我以外,也只有林颜这等旷世奇才得以练成。” When he spoke these words, Feng Bujue had taken out stop the bleeding bandage from Traveling Bag ( because will lose several Item in the near future, Jue Bro Traveling Bag were many some spaces, therefore he also went to store goods that brought to relieve negative condition), stops bleeding to own arm fast. 在他讲这段话的时候,封不觉已从行囊里取出了一条止血绷带(因为近期先后失去了几件物品,觉哥行囊就多了些空间,所以他也去带了一些解除负面状态的商店货),快速给自己的胳膊止了血。 „...... This time, is actually...... the Cao Qin words is still then continuing just the opposite, even the aptitude very stupid person, can still easily learn.” “不过……接下来这门功夫,却是恰恰相反……”曹钦的话还在继续,“即便是资质十分愚鲁之人,也可以轻易习得。” Saying, his form such as the arrow projects suddenly generally, the flying high light booklet, flashes swiftly, has appeared side Feng Bujue's unexpectedly. 说着,他的身影忽如箭一般射出,凌空轻折,倏忽一闪,竟已出现在了封不觉的侧面。 In any case fist.” Cao Qin said the fourth secret art name, and fought with the fists to the Feng Bujue's torso. “横竖拳。”曹钦道出了第四门绝学的名字,并一拳打向了封不觉的躯干。 He has not illuminated to hit , because he thought that the drivehead opposite party might avoid, but hit the words of torso...... is very difficult to evade opens. 他没有照头打,是因为他觉得打头对方很可能会避开,而打躯干的话……就很难避得开了。 However, Feng Bujue avoided. 然,封不觉还是避开了。 He as if has been preparing to dodge this to strike, but the movement that he dodges nearly is also perfect...... 他仿佛早已在准备着闪避这一击,而他闪避的动作也近乎完美…… But sees his supine body tail-dive, plunders across the sky, departed several feet light, just now joins a backward somersault to stand firm. 但见他仰体倒冲,横空一掠,轻飘飘地飞出了数丈,方才接上一个后空翻站定。 hey hey...... in any case fist in any case fist......” Feng Bujue standing firm figure then empty focuses saying that „your qing gong always not necessarily is part of Fist Arts?” 喂喂……横竖拳就横竖拳嘛……”封不觉立稳身形后便虚着眼说道,“你那轻功总不见得是拳法的一部分吧?” Hehe...... good eye.” Cao Qin said with a smile, „the law of bullying body I used a moment ago, was in four likely marvelous abilities Vermillon Bird roaming.” “呵呵……好眼力。”曹钦笑道,“我刚才施展的欺身之法,乃是四象神功中的‘朱雀游’。” „...... That.” Feng Bujue is probing asking, „is ‚the Black Tortoise vigor is martial arts?” “哦……那个啊。”封不觉试探着问道,“就是和‘玄武劲’同属一门的武学么?” However.” Cao Qin should say, four marvelous abilities, altogether have Azure Dragon to reciteand white tiger likelycounter and ‚the Vermillon Bird roaming and ‚the Black Tortoise vigor four merit laws ; It may be said that attacks and transfers, line, to defend...... four to have both.” He, „, because I carry to be called day certainly step that the qing gong reveres ‚’, displays ‚the Vermillon Bird roaming to come, is twice the result with half the effort.” “然也。”曹钦应道,“四象神功,共有‘青龙吟’、‘白虎逆’、‘朱雀游’、‘玄武劲’四种功法;可谓攻、转、行、守……四者兼备。”他顿了顿,“因我身负被称为轻功之尊的‘天绝步’,发挥起‘朱雀游’来,更是事半功倍。” Un......” Feng Bujue did not mind collects some information through the language, hears here, he also said, good...... we to say a moment ago that again in any case fist.” “嗯……”封不觉是不介意通过语言多收集一些情报的,听到这儿,他又道,“好……咱再来说说刚才那‘横竖拳’吧。”
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