TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#962: The sword decides (Last Part)

Static posthumous name scene, depressing atmosphere. 静谥的场面,压抑的氛围。 The mist and dust diverges...... 烟尘散去…… In the pit of ground, stood up slowly a person's shadow. 地面的凹坑里,缓缓站起了一道人影。 In the dense light shadow, that person's shadow as if has melted with the environment of surroundings for a body. 氤氲的光影中,那人影仿佛已与周围的环境融为了一体。 She is peaceful, cold. 她是安静的,冷然的。 Her body shows cold and gloomy and faintness of thorough marrow, brings threatening murderous aura. 她的身上透出一种深入骨髓的森冷和淡漠,却又带着一种逼人的杀气 At this time, Ruoyu outward appearance before falling down compared to have certain change. Besides white bones mask that on the face are many, her neck...... also presented one unexpectedly such as the table tennis ball sizes, two to putting on cavity. In addition, her eyes turned into the black bottom white Tong condition, the length of hair also delayed the waist border. 此时,若雨的外观与坠地前相比产生了一定的变化。除了脸上多出的白骨面具之外,她的颈部……居然还出现了一个如乒乓球大小的、两头对穿的空洞。此外,她的双眼都变成了黑底白瞳的状态,头发的长度也延展到了腰际。 Name: The cheek of broken surface 名称:破面之颊】 Type: Defensive Equipment 【类型:防具 Quality: Perfect 【品质:完美】 Defensive power: Medium 【防御力:中等】 Attribute: Does not have 【属性:无】 Special Effect: The duration of negative control effect reduces 70% 特效:负面控制效果的持续时间减少70%】 Equipment condition: Fighting Proficiency A, has bound 装备条件:格斗专精A,已绑定】 Note: In this/should mask includes some Hōgyoku strengths, after the release, may allow wearing to enter empty temporarily condition. But this/should strength only may release one time, after it was consumed, the quality and Special Effect of mask will reduce permanently.】 【备注:该面具中含有部分崩玉的力量,释放后可让佩戴者暂时进入“虚化”状态。但该力量仅可释放一次,当其被消耗后,面具的品质和特效都将永久降低。】 This Equipment, Ruoyu was very early started, but she did not have display head Equipment and clothing in Scenario, had not used empty ability, therefore, could not see on externally her had this Equipment. 这件装备,若雨很早就入手了,只是她在剧本中一直没有“显示头部装备和服装”,也一直没有使用过“虚化”的能力,故而从外观上来看,是看不出她身上有这件装备的。 Reason that she before had not gone with this obviously, the reason also- after using, this/should Item effect will weaken, likely perfect level Equipment fell from one to ordinary and even ruined level directly. 她以前之所以一直没去用这个,理由也是显而易见-用了以后,该物品的效果就会变弱,很可能就从一件“完美”级装备直接降到“普通”乃至“破败”级去了。 But......, just like Ruoyu said that if with, used on the body of Xu Huaishang here...... that also value. 但……正如若雨所说的,若是用在这里、用在絮怀殇的身上……那也值了。 „The time that soul is near will draw near.” Under the mask, the Ruoyu voice becomes weird and heavy/thick, seems two range unsteady people with the sound. “魂临的时间快到了吧。”面具之下,若雨的嗓音变得怪诞而厚重,好似两个音域一高一低的人正在和声。 As soon as she stands, turns the head to look to Xu Huaishang, said these words. 她一站起来,就转头看向絮怀殇,说出了这句话。 Xu Huaishang also understands, subtext of opposite party saying to be- if you also want to win, best while the soul before the conclusion began. 絮怀殇也明白,对方这话的潜台词就是-你若还想赢,最好就趁着魂临结束以前动手。 Not only has not died...... wound also to heal...... Xu Huaishang to observe Ruoyu several seconds completely, discussed in a soft voice, cuts...... also is really hard to deal with......” “非但没有死……身上的伤口还全部愈合了吗……”絮怀殇观察了若雨数秒,轻声念道,“切……还真是难缠啊……” Finishes barely the words, Xu Huaishang has a type. 话音未落,絮怀殇又出一式。 Day tyrant...... to seal/confer Shenzhan!” “天霸……封神斩!” , Xu Huaishang only with flickered bullies nearly before the body of Ruoyu ; The movement moves fast light and lively, the sharp knife spin cuts like the vortex, but crazy volume blade air/Qi is the chain saw tears arcs the chopped wave. 喝罢,絮怀殇仅用一瞬就欺近到了若雨的身前;其身法轻灵飘忽,快刀旋砍如漩,狂卷而出的刀气似是链锯般撕扯出一道道弧形的斩波。 Sword. Empty mark.” “剑.虚痕。” When welcomes incurs, the body of Ruoyu moves has not moved, she took advantage of opportunity to lift the left hand, by the Prime Water Divine Sword stroke a piece of fierce sword light. 迎招之际,若雨的身体动都没动,她只是顺势抬起了左手,以原水神剑划出了一片狂烈的剑光。 Magicflow Sword In swordsmanship, actually not this move sword. Empty mark, this type is Ruoyu causes extemporaneously. Although got off the subject from the style detail was inferior that Mark of the Wind sword technique came vicious, but its sword intent is actually receiving the Magicflow Sword wild characteristics, complemented each other with the latter. 魔流剑】剑法中,其实并没有这招“剑.虚痕”,此式是若雨即兴使出来的。虽然从招式的细节上来说远不如风之痕剑术来得老辣,但其剑意却是秉承着魔流剑的狂野特性,与后者相得益彰。 Clicks the tongue- 叱叱叱叱- With several rapid abnormal noises, the Battle Qi on blade and sword rubs and collides in the air once again. 伴随着几声急促的异响,刀与剑上的斗气又一次在空气中摩擦、碰撞。 But this time...... the balance of power had been broken. 但这一次……力量的平衡已经被打破。 Unexpectedly...... defended?” After incurring, in Xu Huaishang heart amazed, at this moment what because the opposite party uses is only single-handed, but she uses Day tyrant to seal/confer Shenzhan Actually is the style that the strength of both hands can stimulate to movement. “居然……防住了?”对招后,絮怀殇心中惊诧不已,因为对方此刻用的只是单手而已,而她所用的【天霸封神斩】却是双手之力才能催动的招式。 Under this premise, even is even, Xu Huaishang still calculates without doubt fell leeward...... 在这种前提下,即使是平手,絮怀殇无疑也算落了下风…… Was sorry that...... I underestimated the empty might probably.” This flickers, Ruoyu met one unexpectedly lightly, seems like......, no matter your soul near were not, does not have the significance.” “抱歉……我好像低估了虚化的威力。”这一瞬,若雨竟是淡淡地接了一句,“看起来……不管你的魂临还在不在,都已没有意义了。” Xu Huaishang hears word, without response, but has one move again secret sword. Dim blade, To advance the posture of cuhap, started personal slanting to cut toward Ruoyu. 絮怀殇闻言,没有回应,只是再出一招【秘剑.胧刀】,以突进居合之姿,朝若雨发动了一次贴身的斜斩。 Unexpectedly...... 不料…… pang- 乓- Her blade, cut the rib region of Ruoyu earnestly, but has not actually made the wound...... 她的刀,切实地砍中了若雨的肋部,但却没有制造出伤口…… Under this condition, the intensity of skin surface will become such as the steel to be the same, but soft and tensity actually and ordinary skin is consistent.” Ruoyu has not even looked down the blade of opposite party, but looks at the face of Xu Huaishang saying that I think, even has such defense capability, will receive the long jab injured, when...... a moment ago with you to incurring I realized......, because the promotion of empty to foundation body technique will be very big, your strength and speed no longer threated me. Therefore I concluded, even if were cut still to might as well by you directly.” “这种状态下,皮肤表面的强度会变得如钢铁一般,但软度和张力却又和普通的皮肤一致。”若雨甚至没有低头去看对方的刀,只是望着絮怀殇的脸道,“我本来以为,即使拥有这样的防御能力,受到直击还是会受伤的,但是……刚才和你对招时我才意识到……由于虚化对基础体术的提升很大,你的力量和速度都已不再对我构成威胁了。所以我断定,就算直接被你砍到也无妨。” Absurd!” Xu Huaishang started to be irritable, the opening time limit of in Ruoyu by the blade, the soul being been near...... also happen to. “岂有此理!”絮怀殇开始急躁了,因为在若雨受刀之时,魂临的开启时限……也正好到了。 Cherry. The moon/month breaks!” The next second, she then put forth once killing move that Brave invincible cuts in two at the waist. “樱.月断!”下一秒,她便使出了曾经将勇者无敌腰斩的杀招 This move...... is not the soul is near, but is Xu Huaishang own skill ; Compared with the use soul near technique, she uses the skill to come to be obviously more skilled. 这招……并非魂临所予,而是絮怀殇自己的技能;比起使用魂临中的技法,她用起自身技能来显然会更加熟练。 - cluck- 噗-咕咕- This blade, carried over a skeleton ripped abnormal noise...... blade edge successfully ripped open Ruoyu sheet steel, in its abdomen left behind one horizontally opening. 这一刀,带出了一阵骨骼被扯裂的异响……刀锋成功撕开了若雨的“钢皮”,在其腹部留下了一道横着的豁口。 But...... 可是…… Overspeed regeneration, is one after of empty basic capabilities.” When Ruoyu said these words superficially, her wound has healed at the visible speed...... “超速再生,也是虚化后的基本能力之一。”当若雨轻描淡写地说出这句话时,她那伤口已经以肉眼可见的速度愈合了…… Moreover, I can, and even the mouth section release now with the hand empty dodge, and does not require any setup time.” After a half second, Ruoyu also said, is only...... such a showdown, finished with an energy impact, seems somewhat regrettable.” “另外,我现在可以用手、乃至嘴部去释放虚闪,且不需要任何的准备时间。”微顿半秒后,若雨又道,“只是……这样的一场对决,用一次能量冲击来结束,似乎有些遗憾。” Snort......” at this time, Xu Huaishang draws back several feet slightly, revealed one type reluctantly, the bitter and astringent smile, head and can't internal organs regenerate?” “哼……”此时,絮怀殇稍退数丈,露出了一种无奈的、苦涩的笑容,“头颅和内脏总不能再生吧?” Right, with...... beheaded me compared with that move of stronger attack a moment ago, you won.” Ruoyu returns said. “对,用比刚才那招更强的攻击……将我斩首,你就赢了。”若雨回道。 Then...... this?” Xu Huaishang asked listens to the somewhat inexplicable issue in others. “那么……就这样了吗?”絮怀殇问了个在旁人听来有些莫名的问题。 However, Ruoyu understood. 不过,若雨听懂了。 Un, this.” She returns said. “嗯,就这样吧。”她回道。 The word finishes, two people exchanged a look. 言毕,二人交换了一下眼神。 Then, the Xu Huaishang then deep breath twice, was divided the show/unfolds the double blade to the body by, exhibits such as flying swallow spread the wings stance. 接着,絮怀殇便深呼吸了两次,将双刀分展到身体两侧,摆出了一个如飞燕展翅般的架势。 Ruoyu is a double sword point, is sideways to stand, stepped forward slightly forward half step. 若雨则是双剑一分,侧身而立,微微向前跨出了半步。 Breath, probably invisible signal. 呼吸,像是无形的信号。 When one time, twice...... to the third expiration, they moved. 一次,两次……至第三次呼气时,她们动了。 The double blade, changes Shatter flying cotton wool. 双刀,化作【落花飞絮】。 The double sword, executes Remnant wind sword shadow. 双剑,施出【残风剑影】。 Ding- 叮- This fight projects on the present, blade and sword...... first time sent out so clearly the sound of clash, clear place. 这场战斗打到现在,刀和剑……还是第一次发出了这般清脆的、清晰地的相击之声。 After two seconds, two person's shadows make a mistake and fall to the ground...... each other back body to stand. 两秒后,两道人影相错、落地……彼此背身而立。 At this moment, all rays vanish, all sounds are quiet, all movements stop. 这一刻,所有光芒都消失,所有的声音都沉寂,所有的动作都停顿。 Blade and sword kills not to exist, that dreadful murderous aura has not existed. 刀与剑的杀阵不复存在,那滔天的杀气也已不复存在。 After a breath, a person dropped down. 一息过后,一人倒下了。 The same second, the daybreak sunlight opened out the light fog in sky, sprinkled on the shoulder of victor...... 同一秒,破晓的阳光拨开了天空中的光雾,洒在了胜利者的肩上……
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