TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#961: The sword decides (Middle Part)

The blood, falls gently with the wind. 血,随风飘落。 The Ruoyu wound is not deep, wound in left hand. 若雨的伤口不深,伤在左手。 The Xu Huaishang wound is not deep, wound in left rib. 絮怀殇的伤口也不深,伤在左肋。 Just now that engages in hand-to-hand combat flickers, former's two sets of swords incur to cover two entirely different Sword Qi turbulent currents, the latter puts forth a long weapon type the spin day circle to cut with the double blade. 方才那短兵相接的一瞬,前者的两套剑招掩出两股迥然不同的剑气激流,后者则是以双刀使出一记长柄武器式的旋天圆斩。 The former shape sends at will, the latter borrows intent to melt the shape, both sides' use to the weapon and understanding of the martial skill has reached the boundary, is equally matched. 前者形随意发,后者借意化形,双方对兵器的使用以及对武技的理解都已臻极境,难分伯仲。 However, style and weapon shape difference, had the subtle influence on the result of this round of confrontation. 然,招式和兵器形状的差异,还是对这轮交锋的结果产生了微妙的影响。 In this world does not have the defensive stance of no flaw, does not have the invincible attacking mode, does not have the strength completely same two people. 这世上没有毫无破绽的防守架势,也没有攻无不克的攻击模式,更没有实力完全一样的两个人。 The article does not have first, the military does not have second. 文无第一,武无第二。 both sides that so long as fight are the person, can certainly punish the victory and defeat slightly. 只要战斗的双方是人,就一定能在细微处分出胜负。 If must say that who that move is profits just now, that should be...... Xu Huaishang. 如果非要说适才那一招是谁占了便宜,那应该是……絮怀殇 Although she is the torso is injured, but this ache is not anything, the wound depth does not affect the response of muscle. 虽然她是躯干受伤,但这点疼痛并不算什么,伤口的深度也不至于影响到肌肉的反应。 But the Ruoyu wound...... was quite troublesome, the stabbing pain on the left wrist transmitting, will wield weapon to have the influence on her directly, moreover...... the wound will put forth the Ultra-high Speed sword type with her unceasingly, but the notch starts. 若雨的伤……就比较麻烦了,左腕上传来的刺痛,会直接对她挥动武器产生影响,而且……伤口会随着她不断使出超高速的剑式而豁开。 It seems like your luck is not good.” After spelling incurs in confrontation, Xu Huaishang is looking at the hand of Ruoyu, said. “看来你的运气不好。”拼招后的对峙中,絮怀殇望着若雨的手,如是说道。 No, this is not the luck issue.” Ruoyu returns tranquilly said, is my swordsmanship also insufficient crucial moment.” “不,这不是运气的问题。”若雨平静地回道,“是我的剑法还不够火候。” In any event...... I will not therefore show mercy.” Xu Huaishang also said. “无论如何……我可不会因此手下留情的。”絮怀殇又道。 I know.” Ruoyu should say, such best......” “我知道。”若雨应道,“那样最好……” Silent, arrives again, a mountain rain wants the atmosphere, ascends among two people faintly...... 沉默,再次降临,一种山雨欲来气氛,在两人之间隐隐升腾…… ............ ………… At the same time, in that two Heroine sword kills beyond, various group of troops are also paying close attention to the change of war, prepares to act according to circumstances at any time. 同一时刻,在那两位女侠的刀剑杀阵之外,各路人马也是密切关注着战局的变化,随时准备见机行事。 This...... do we want to help?” Tie Haitang Shooting Specialization is good, at this moment she should be inserts begins, but she first asked an opinion of hemorrhaging wild rose. “这……我们要帮忙吗?”铁海棠射击专精还不错,此刻她应该是插得上手的,不过她还是先问了一下血蔷薇的意见。 „Do you have confidence the hit target when their dogfight?” The blood wild rose has not given the answer directly, but asked a question in turn. “你有把握在她们缠斗时命中目标吗?”血蔷薇没有直接给出答复,而是反过来问了个问题。 „......” Tie Haitang smiles bitterly, that is how possible, when they attack fast, I am remnant the shadow unable to notice that......” she used the look to hint toward Ruoyu that side, my meaning is...... like the present, when opposite party be at static condition, whether we could consider to meddle?” “呵……”铁海棠苦笑一声,“那怎么可能呢,她们快速对攻时,我连残影都看不到……”她用眼神朝若雨那边示意了一下,“我的意思是……像现在这样,当对方处于静止状态时,我们是不是可以考虑插手?” Actually that has no difference.” The blood wild rose sinking sound meets saying that does not believe...... you to fire a spear/gun to try to her now.” “其实那并没有什么区别。”血蔷薇沉声接道,“不信……你现在对她开一枪试试。” Her words slightly a little mysterious flavor, but Tie Haitang is the action quickly in the type of ponder, therefore she decided to try to say again. 她的话稍稍有点故弄玄虚的味道,但铁海棠属于行动快于思考的类型,所以她决定试了再说。 Bang- 砰- The gunshot, a bullet of round of rifle has the chest cavity suddenly, charged into Ruoyu that stands in the distant place. 枪响,一发步枪的子弹猛然出膛,冲向了在远处站立的若雨 That second, the line of sight of Ruoyu still stays on the body of Xu Huaishang, her figure seems the mark silk not to move. 那一秒,若雨的视线依然停留在絮怀殇的身上,她的身形好似也纹丝未动。 However, the bullet has not actually hit she, but scrapes past with it. 然,子弹却没有命中她,而是与其擦身而过。 Eh? saw this scene, Tie Haitang gawked, „did I hit leaning? Is impossible......” 诶?”见此情景,铁海棠愣了一下,“我打偏了?不可能啊……” This is indeed impossible, in this distance, hits a motionless goal, she will not let slip. 这的确不可能,在这个距离上,打一个不动的目标,她是不会失手的。 Was not you hits leaning, was she avoids......” blood wild rose to meet saying that „...... just as you said that she quickly was just remnant the shadow unable to see to us, therefore created one type she simply had not moved ’ the misconception in the vision to us ‚.” “不是你打偏了,是她避开了……”血蔷薇接道,“只不过……正如你所说,她快到咱们连残影都看不到,故而在视觉上对我们造成了一种‘她根本没动’的错觉。” Feeding...... this was also too exaggerating.” Tie Haitang returns with the half believing and half doubting tone said. “喂……这也太夸张了吧。”铁海棠用将信将疑的语气回道。 In fact...... then normal.” The blood wild rose returns said, „the speed bright swayed of opposite party...... the speeds and their fighting rhythms of bullet compared there is instead slow. Only if you can meddle in the process of their dogfight accurately, in the guarantee does not injure accidentally in the situation of own person to make the attack......, otherwise, similar marksmanship is all unproductive.” “事实上……这才正常。”血蔷薇回道,“对方的速度明摆在那里……子弹的速度和她们刚才的打斗节奏相比反而是慢了。除非你能在她们缠斗的过程中准确地插手、在保证不误伤自己的人的情况下做出攻击……否则,类似的射击全都是徒劳的。” Hehe...... that also not necessarily......” at this time, nearby Hyacinth hollow laugh two, meet to say suddenly, „after that spear/gun fired , when......” spoke this saying, her vision has put aside from the war, looks to elsewhere, that Wang Tanzhi little brother...... disappears suddenly.” “呵呵……那倒也未必……”此时,一旁的风信子忽地干笑两声,接道,“刚才的那一枪打响后……”说这话时,她的目光已从战局中移开,望向了别处,“那位【枉叹之小哥……就突然不见了。” What?” The blood wild rose and Tie Haitang hears Yanjie are startled. “什么?”血蔷薇和铁海棠闻言皆是一惊。 Two people anxious hasty turns the head to look, discovered impressively, stood with Yuan Qi and other NPC in...... this little while with one side two Hell Front team members is only left over On Stone Between Flowers A person. 两人急忙忙转头望去,赫然发现,原本与袁圻等NPC站在同一侧的两名地狱前线队员……这会儿只剩下了【石上花间】一人。 When he is......” blood wild rose also wants to closely examine one. “他是什么时候……”血蔷薇还想追问一句。 I have not seen......” Hyacinth not to wait for her to ask that meets saying that I looked at opposite one before the gunshot, he also in ; When gunshot, I and you same looked to Like the Rain ; But after the gunshot,...... I looked at past tense again, the form of boy has then disappeared.” “我没看见……”风信子还没等她问完就接道,“我在枪响前看了对面一眼,他还在;枪响时,我和你们一样看向了似雨;而枪响后……我再看过去时,那小子的身影便已消失了。” As the First Aid Healing Specialization player in team, Hyacinth always takes on the support and auxiliary role, therefore she will pay attention to blind spot that some teammates do not pay attention to frequently. At present, she discovered promptly will probably bring the huge threat the matter...... 作为队伍中的医疗专精玩家,风信子始终担当着支援和辅助的角色,因此她经常会去关注一些队友们不太留意的盲点。眼下,她就及时发现了一件可能会带来巨大威胁的事…… Cut...... the general idea/careless.” Tie Haitang did not discuss quickly, „the assassin who lets the opposite party disappeared in the field of vision......” “切……大意了。”铁海棠不快地念道,“偏偏让对方的刺客消失在了视野中……” Things have gotten to this point, we must make the corresponding countermeasure to be good.” The blood wild rose is saying, slightly pressed delicate eyebrows and train of thought gearing ; After the moment, she opens the mouth to say again, „, since we are unable to make the effective support to team leader that side fight temporarily, might as well does other......” his a half second, meets saying that I have two ideas...... its one, we leave this place simply, pursues raids Feng Bujue ; Second, are missing this...... to bypass while the present using Wang Tanzhi in turn fast fights the circle, is trying before that helps NPC respond striking to massacre Flowers Between.” “事已至此,我们也得做出相应的对策才行。”血蔷薇说着,微蹙秀眉、思绪连动;片刻后,她再度开口道,“既然我们暂时无法对队长那边的战斗做出有效支援,不妨就干点儿别的……”他微顿半秒,接道,“我有两个想法……其一,我们干脆离开此地,去追袭封不觉;其二,反过来利用枉叹之失踪这点……趁现在快速绕过战圈,试着在那帮NPC反应过来之前把花间给击杀掉。” „After un......” slightly one hesitates, Hyacinth meets saying that I thought the second set of alternative scheme good...... our three to trigger the fight in side, no matter result, at least can make Like the Rain divert attention to a certain extent.” “嗯……”略一犹豫后,风信子接道,“我觉得第二套方案比较好……我们三个在旁边引发战斗,不管成功与否,至少能在一定程度上让似雨分心。” „......” Tie Haitang smiles, how I thought that...... our three pursue Feng Bujue, is easier to make her divert attention......” this kind of person of action person...... the intuition also is really exceptionally. “呵……”铁海棠笑了笑,“我怎么觉得……我们三个去追击疯不觉,才更容易让她分心呢……”她这类行动派的人……直觉还真是异常得准。 Un...... actually I also thought the pursuit is quite good.” The blood wild rose thinks, „, even if that helps the NPC strength be ordinary, but that Alliance Lord Yuan without doubt is existence of BOSS Level, moreover before Feng Bujue just before leaving, urged him to help specially. We kill now...... no doubt are to the Like the Rain manufacture pressure, there is to strike to kill the Flowers Between opportunity, but must pay certain price most likely. As the matter stands...... our teams leader same will also divert attention.” “嗯……其实我也觉得追击比较好。”血蔷薇想了想,“就算那帮NPC的实力一般,但那个袁盟主无疑是BOSS级的存在,而且疯不觉临走前还特意叮嘱过他要帮忙。我们现在杀过去……固然是会给似雨制造压力,也有击杀花间的机会,但十有八九是要付出一定代价的。这样一来……咱们队长一样也会分心。” That uses the first plan.” After Hyacinth listened to this analysis, no opinion, matter cannot be delayed, is treating same place for a long time is more disadvantageous...... do not forget the opposite party also to have not to know where Wang Tanzhi.” “那就用第一套方案吧。”风信子听了这番分析后,也没什么意见,“事不宜迟,在原地待越久就越不利……别忘了对方还有个不知在何处的枉叹之呢。” So after deciding, three people have turned around fast...... on the alert toward the mountain village deep place line. 如此商定之后,三人就戒备地转过身……快速朝山庄深处行去了。 But witnessed this Flowers Between, revealed one unexpectedly not the smile that is easy to detect, and talked to oneself in a soft voice: Un...... really fell into trap......” 而目睹了这一幕的花间,竟是露出了一丝不易察觉的微笑,并轻声自语道:“嗯……果然中计了啊……” ............ ………… Bang- 轰- About after two minutes of confrontation, Battle Qi explodes to thundering, attracted the attention of people again. 大约两分钟的对峙后,一声斗气爆冲的轰鸣,再次吸引了众人的注意。 Saw only...... the sword to kill Ruoyu and Xu Huaishang in each one promoted several points the imposing manner. 只见……刀剑杀阵中的若雨絮怀殇各自又将气势提升了几分。 Hence, the fight was in a more suffocating stage...... 至此,战斗进入了一个更令人窒息的阶段…… Moon/Month hidden.” “月隐。” Style famous exit|to speak that flickers, the Xu Huaishang whole body splits the blue ice glow, the figure water, silent sank to the ground. 招式名出口的那一瞬,絮怀殇浑身绽出蓝色的冰芒,身形化水,无声地沉入了地面。 After a half second, then the blue energies of light like the wave from Ruoyu the atomization, carried over the Xu Huaishang form behind. 半秒后,便有一道蓝色的光能如水波般自若雨身后泼散而出,带出了絮怀殇的身影。 Obviously...... this Moon/Month hidden Is one flickers the body to walk a technique. In „the Other World sword style, besides various attack styles that is started by Melee Weapon, naturally also contained many other high-end martial skills, but this...... one of them. 很显然……这【月隐】是一个瞬身走位技。在“异界剑豪们的招式”中,除了各种由冷兵器发动的攻击型招式外,自然也包含了很多其他的高端武技,而这……正是其中之一。 Must by the skill effect, this move be possible compared with Seven Kill Shadow step Is superior ; Seven Kill that skill appears after teleport in the enemy fixedly behind, but Moon/Month hidden Actually can adjust the distance according to the wish of releaser, appears in enemy any point ; Moreover, Moon/Month hidden Appearance stage, but also blue light Special Effect of supplementary wave-shaped hinders the field of vision of enemy. 要论技能效果,这招可比七杀的【暗影步】还要优越;七杀那个技能在瞬移后是固定出现于敌人身后的,但【月隐】却可以根据释放者的意愿来调整距离,出现在敌人周围的任何一点上;另外,【月隐】的现身阶段,还附带波浪状的蓝光特效来阻碍敌人的视野。 Naturally, Moon/Month hidden The shortcoming is also very obvious. On the effective speed of skill, without doubt Shadow step Quicker frontline, because the former that „the water sinks prerequisite Special Effect wasted the little time ; Moreover this Special Effect looks very obviously, so long as after the opponent has looked at one time, will guard, next time will see your whole body to send out the blue light to know that you must do. 当然了,【月隐】的缺点也很明显。论技能的生效速度,无疑还是【暗影步】更快一线,因为前者那“化水沉地”的前置特效浪费了一点点时间;而且这个特效看着非常明显,只要对手看过一次之后,就会有所防备,下次一见你全身发出蓝光就知道你要干嘛了。 However, this type about sentences in advance the supposition, significance in this fight not big...... 不过,这种关于“预判”的假设,在这场战斗中的意义不大…… No matter there are to look at this move, Ruoyu makes to deal with enough time. 不管有没有看过这招,若雨都是来得及对此做出应对的。 Red blade class/flow. Bans the hand. The rain rolls the crack to kill!” “绯刀流.禁手.雨滚裂杀阵!” Wind. Keeps the mark.” “风过.留痕。” Close two people, killing intent with fighting the technique collides suddenly. 近在咫尺的两人,杀意与斗技骤然碰撞。 The blade light shivers, resembles to seize the soul the fierce dance. 刀光颤动,似夺魂的烈舞。 Sword Qi walks fast, if the elegy of broken wind. 剑气疾走,若破风的悲歌。 In the sword confrontation, Battle Qi burst out, two people were still moving along with the potential, seek for the crevice of opportunity and breakthrough that changes. 刀剑交锋中、斗气迸发间,二人仍在随势而动,寻找变招的机会和突破的空隙。 Their movements all are light and lively rapid quick, when walks randomly just like fairy maiden surging waves and Feihong wonderful dance, but makes a move actually to resemble the wind and thunder ignition, to shake the person palpitation. 她们的身法皆是轻灵迅快,游走时宛如仙子凌波、飞鸿妙舞,但出手却又似风雷点火、震人心悸。 Military Lin Qun hao on the scene have never seen such showdown, a stature looks dumbfoundedly, exclaims. Even some people felt dozens years of martial arts that oneself practice became the joke, moved the thought of withdrawing from Jiang Hu...... 在场的武林群豪们可是从未见过这样的对决,个个儿看得目瞪口呆、惊叹不已。甚至有些人感觉自己练的几十年武功都成了笑话,动了退出江湖的念头…… Shadow seam!” In a twinkling, another round cuts continually after incurring, Xu Huaishang throws Shatter, Also gives the trick. “影缝!”说时迟,那时快,又一轮连斩对招后,絮怀殇抛起【落花】,又出奇招。 Actually sees that sharp knife to fly to the midair, entered in a minimum space crevice suddenly, after a half second, the similar crevice appeared in the Ruoyu side rear high place, but Shatter Evades not to have from that in the angle that may evade spun. 却见那快刀飞向半空,忽地进入了一个极小的空间裂隙中,半秒后,同样的裂隙又出现在了若雨的侧后方的高处,而【落花】就从那个避无可避的角度上自行旋飞了过来。 Sword. The demon class/flow......” Ruoyu as before, the left hand raises Prime Water Divine Sword calmly, executes Magicflow Sword sword, to that sharp knife ; Meanwhile, his right hand moves again, arrogant howling strong winds!” “剑.魔流……”若雨冷静如故,左手将原水神剑扬起,施出魔流剑剑式,对上那袭来的快刀;同时,其右手再动,“傲啸狂风!” These two moves welcomed, only remains should be driven back several points in Xu Huaishang of hand, but has not thought...... 这两招一迎,仅剩单刀在手的絮怀殇应是会被逼退几分的,但没想到…… At this moment, Xu Huaishang also throws to fly the blade of right hand unexpectedly, and wields both hands illness/quick forwards, the jade refers to slightly: Abstains from the fierce palm, the malaria breaks!” 就在此刻,絮怀殇竟是把右手的刀也抛飞而起,并将双手疾挥向前,玉指微张:“戒烈掌,瘴气断!” Ruoyu is really has not thought, will habitually use Xu Huaishang of double blade...... to abandon the blade with holding in this time unexpectedly. 若雨确是没有想到,惯用双刀的絮怀殇……居然会在这种时刻弃刀用掌。 Not is only abandons the blade to use to hold, moreover...... she is studying Ruoyu unexpectedly, respectively discharged two different skills with the left hand and right hand. 非但是弃刀用掌,而且……她竟学着若雨,分别用左手和右手施放了两个不同的技能。 Good!” In this may be called in the position of limit, Ruoyu cannot help but called the sound to be good for the opposite party. Under her ice-cold semblance...... frantic, the militant natural disposition had been stimulated. “好!”在这堪称极限的境地中,若雨却是不由自主地为对方叫了声好。她那冰冷的外表之下……一丝狂热的、好战的本性已被激发了出来。 Scolds ying- 叱嘤- After a different cry, by Malaria breaks Might, Xu Huaishang that supple, if the slender white hands of boneless...... firmly held the Xuanyuan sword unexpectedly. 一声异鸣过后,凭借【瘴气断】的威力,絮怀殇那柔若无骨的纤纤玉手……竟是牢牢抓住了轩辕剑。 But her another...... already toward Ruoyu, when the chest pats. 而她的另一手……已朝着若雨当胸拍去。 In this time, the wound of Ruoyu left hand also the notch under the pressure of unceasing accumulation opens exactly finally, the electric current stabbing pain keeps her from changing the sword potential before the body promptly defends. 恰在此时,若雨左手的伤口也终于在不断积累的压力下豁开,电流般的刺痛让她无法及时扭转剑势到身前防御。 Therefore...... abstains from fierce palm The palm strength rumbled solid in her chest. 于是……【戒烈掌】的掌力结结实实地轰在了她的胸口。 In a twinkling, the Ruoyu only sleep/felt has a dizzy spell, in the chest the vitality completely to stagnate. 霎时间,若雨只觉头晕目眩、胸中气血全然凝滞。 Cannot raise air/Qi, naturally cannot make an effort...... the Xu Huaishang next move, linked logically...... 提不上气,自然也就使不上力……絮怀殇的下一招,也就顺理成章地连了上来…… Benevolent king...... explodes to kill!” Xu Huaishang believes, this should be the last move that put forth. “仁王……爆阵杀!”絮怀殇认为,这应该是自己使出的最后一招了。 Is observing people who in side, as well as watch the live broadcast, thinks that this should be decides the victory and defeat a move. 正在旁边观战、以及观看直播的人们,也都认为这应该是决定胜负的一招了。 But Ruoyu...... does not think. 若雨……不这么想。 „To remain......, when Ruoyu that the finals use again was captured by Xu Huaishang in the air, she who takes the one breath slightly, muttered discussed that „......, but used on you, value.” “本想留到决赛再用的……”当若雨絮怀殇抓取到空中时,稍稍提上一口气的她,喃喃念道,“……但用在你身上,也值了。” Xu Huaishang does not know what the opposite party wants with is anything, when she hears the word, in the heart had felt intense anxious...... 絮怀殇不知道对方要“用”的是什么,但她闻言之际,心中已感到了强烈的不安…… Soul is near The time is limited, moreover does not remain many, Xu Huaishang changes to assault unceasingly , after to avoid fighting is towed to five minutes . But now Ruoyu says such a few words, that situation may on less optimistic...... Ruoyu not be Feng Bujue that type especially the type that likes blustering, since she had said this saying, that really has the card in hand not to use inevitably. 【魂临】的时间是有限的,而且已经不剩多少了,絮怀殇不断变招抢攻,也是为了避免战斗被拖到五分钟之后。但如今若雨说出了这么一句话来,那情况可就不容乐观了……若雨可不是封不觉那种特喜欢虚张声势的类型,既然她已说了这话,那必然就是真有底牌未用。 However, vertical is in the heart anxious, the Xu Huaishang style has also sent to half...... to cross again for less than two seconds, Ruoyu will be pressed the ground, to withstand this move of complete injury by it. A moment ago Abstains from fierce palm Has wiped out Ruoyu more than 50% Health, under she is impossible to withstand again Benevolent king explodes to kill The injury does not die. 不过,纵是心中不安,絮怀殇的招式也已发到一半……再过两秒不到,若雨就会被其摁到地上、承受这一招的全部伤害。刚才的【戒烈掌】已经打掉了若雨一半以上的生存值,她不可能再承受下【仁王爆阵杀】的伤害而不死。 In any event...... Xu Huaishang have no reason to stop the skill. 无论如何……絮怀殇都没有理由将技能停止。 However, in that two seconds. 然,就在那两秒之间。 Giggle- gu giggle- 咯咯-咕咯咯- Strange, the sound from the skull of Ruoyu sent like the skeleton friction developed. 一阵诡异的、如同骨骼摩擦滋长般的声音从若雨的头骨中发了出来。 Meanwhile, one type white, resembles the gypsum shape on the skin of material to seep out from Ruoyu face, covered her most head rapidly...... and solidifies an appearance ominously severe, and attaches the mask of wing-shape pattern. 同时,一种白色的、似石膏状的物质从若雨脸上的皮肤中渗出,迅速覆盖了她的大半个头颅……并凝固成了一张面目凶厉、且附有翼状花纹的面具。 Bang- 砰- In this mutation happened, the attack of Xu Huaishang became effective. 就在这异变发生之时,絮怀殇的攻击生效了。 Golden light bright benevolent king phantom presently, rumbled for the first time a giant pit in the ground...... 金光熠熠的仁王虚影乍现,在地面轰出了一个巨大的凹坑…… Under the reacting force of skill, after Xu Huaishang, supine, somersault, left exploded a center, Shatter With Flying cotton wool Also flew back to her hand at this time. 在技能的反作用力下,絮怀殇后仰、空翻,离开了爆阵的中心,【落花】和【飞絮】也在这时飞回了她的手中。 Seemed like...... her to win. 看起来……她应该是赢了。 But, her eyes...... with a brilliant vision, were still staring at the front that not loose mist and dust. 但,她的双眼……仍是用一种灼灼的目光,盯着前方那未散的烟尘。
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