TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#960: The sword decides (First Part)

The time, backs up little. 时光,倒退几许。 And looks to bury the heart mountain village entrance...... 且看葬心山庄入口…… At that time, the weather is not bright. 彼时,天色未明。 In institute, murderous aura full reprimand. 院中,杀气满斥。 Under dusk dark light fog, two certainly leisurely forms, silently zhi. 昏晦的光雾下,两道绝逸身影,默然相峙。 Li Ruoyu, Xu Huaishang. 黎若雨,絮怀殇 This is the first time that two people fought officially. 这是两人第一次正式交手。 Who...... is not willing to lose to the opposite party. 谁……也不愿输给对方。 To be honest, I do not want to fight with you.” After confronting for dozens seconds, Xu Huaishang takes the lead to open the mouth, „, because you are possibly stronger than Feng Bujue.” “说实话,我不想和你打。”对峙了数十秒后,絮怀殇率先开口,“因为你可能比封不觉更强。” These words, do not show weakness stemming from the tactic, is not the word of misleading, but is Xu Huaishang explodes not without reason. 这句话,并非是出于战术而示弱,也绝非是误导之言,而是絮怀殇有感而发。 And you too.” The response of Ruoyu is very brief, the tone is also very tranquil. “彼此彼此。”若雨的回应很简短,语气也很平静。 They expressed attaching great importance to the opponent, but has not received own killing intent. 她们都表达了对对手的重视,但都没有收起自己的杀意 Moreover...... their both hands, always presses on own weaponry. 而且……她们的双手,也始终摁在自己的兵刃上。 Since when has to fight......” Xu Huaishang spoke this saying, Battle Qi of whole body once again suddenly strengthens, that I must win.” “可既然不得不战……”絮怀殇说这话时,周身的斗气又一次急剧增强,“那我就要赢。” Understands......” Ruoyu should say, you do plan to use that from the beginning ‚’?” “明白了……”若雨应道,“你打算一开始就用‘那个’是吗?” hears word, Xu Huaishang is startled slightly, but she quickly restored the calm color: Yes!” 闻言,絮怀殇微微一怔,不过她很快恢复了冷静之色:“是!” Good.” Ruoyu said that the left hand raised immediately, offers a sacrifice to her Spiritual Energy Armament - Prime Water Divine Sword, That we directly enter that rank fight.” “好。”若雨道了一声,随即左手微扬,祭出了她的灵能武器-【原水神剑】,“那我们就直接进入‘那个级别’的战斗吧。” They said that others are not necessarily able to understand, but that actually also has no relations......, because people can look that” quickly must make anything to them. 她们所说的,旁人未必能听懂,但那其实也没什么关系……因为人们很快就能“看”到她们要做什么了。 Also is one short silent...... 又是一阵短暂的沉默…… About after ten seconds, suddenly! 大约十秒后,忽然! Scolding- 叱- Battle Qi crack, was announcing some strength of Xu Huaishang within the body finally broke the boundary. 一声斗气爆鸣,宣告着絮怀殇体内的某种力量终于突破了界限。 This...... is her Soul Intent- Soul is near. 这……是她的魂意-【魂临】。 In S1 that „the war of butterfly, Xu Huaishang once used special Item Eight Jing red clouds pill Has obtained this ability. But at that time, this was she cannot completely the strength of control and display. 在S1那场“蝶之战”中,絮怀殇曾用特殊物品【八靖霞丸】获得过这种能力。但在当时,这还是一种她不能完全驾驭及发挥的力量。 However, after that competition, her fight instinct has remembered and conducted the part faintly Soul is near Shadow. 不过,在那次比赛过后,她的战斗本能已隐隐记住并承袭了部分【魂临】的影子。 Finally, when arriving at Max Level, this ability took her Soul Intent to awaken...... 终于,在到达满级时,这种能力作为她的魂意而觉醒了…… Soul Intent version Soul is near The effect, there are two. First: In the instance of launch, restores the complete survival, Stamina and Spirit Power. Second: In the following five minutes, can use „the Other World sword move willfully, and when uses these styles will not consume Stamina. 魂意版【魂临】的效果,共有两个。其一:在发动的瞬间,恢复全部的生存、体能灵力值。其二:在接下来的五分钟内,可以任意使用“异界剑豪们的招数”,且使用这些招式时不会消耗体能值 When compared with the Item edition, the Soul Intent version removes started the blood and body, spirit all for is infinite the invincible effect, changes to sent to incur does not consume physical strength setting ; Accordingly, erased the soul after finishing made various player values become 1% side effects. Naturally, a change one time is...... in each Scenario can only open( cooling time of this kind of skill in free exploration pattern is 24 hours soul was near generally). 物品版本相比,魂意版去掉了“发动时血、体、灵皆为正无穷”的无敌效果,改为了“发招不耗体力”的设定;相应的,也删掉了魂临结束后让玩家各数值都变为1%的副作用。当然了,还有一个变化就是……每个剧本中只能开启一次(一般这类技能在自由探索模式中的冷却时间都是二十四小时)魂临。 Other aspects...... also had no many to say. This move of might, when Xu Huaishang fights with Jue Bro for the first time has had development. 其他方面……也就没什么好多说的了。这招的威力,在絮怀殇第一次与觉哥交手时已有过展现。 Sees here, perhaps some people will feel strange, since this move also brings full condition reply the going against heaven's will effect, why doesn't Xu Huaishang wait for and Li Ruoyu dogfight last some time opens again? 看到此处,或许有人会奇怪,既然这招还自带“满状态回复”的逆天效果,为什么絮怀殇不等和黎若雨缠斗上一段时间再开启呢? The answer is very simple...... her intuition to tell itself, if in does not enter at first Soul is near The opportunity that the condition, possibly she opens will not have to be defeated. 答案很简单……她的直觉告诉自己,如果不在最初就进入【魂临】状态,可能她连开启的机会都没有就会落败。 But on the other hand...... 而另一方面…… Ruoyu, the stage of also at this war just starting, opened Soul Intent Limiting efficiency. 若雨,也是在此战刚开始的阶段,就开启了魂意【极限效率】。 Moreover, this was also she uses martial arts that learned from Mark of the Wind there in the fight for the first time. 而且,这也是她首次在战斗中用到了从风之痕那里学到的武学 Mark of the Wind, Magicflow Sword. 风之痕,魔流剑 Two swordsmanship, one is calm, one is wild. 两种剑法,一者冷静快意,一者狂野疯狂。 Mark of the Wind oneself can melt clone to use these two sword technique, but Li Ruoyu is not good. 风之痕本人是可以化出分身来使用这两种剑术的,但黎若雨不行。 However, Ruoyu has other method...... 不过,若雨有别的方法…… After Peerless Martial Fight Competition obtains the direction of Mark of the Wind, Ruoyu the principle of studying will achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, unifies itself Bright Jade Power Sevenfold Special Effect conducted many trainings, finally successfully grasped...... put forth two swordsmanship with the left and right hands and two types of swords respectively simultaneously the techniques. 无双武斗会中得到风之痕的指点后,若雨将所学之理融会贯通,结合自身【明玉功】第七重的特效进行了许多训练,最终成功掌握了分别用左右手、两种剑……同时使出两种剑法的技艺。 Here raises while convenient, Ruoyu now Bright Jade Power Has reached the eighth heavy boundary, concrete effect as follows...... 此处顺带一提,若雨如今的【明玉功】已臻第八重境界,具体效果如下…… Name: Bright Jade Power( eighth)】 名称:明玉功(第八层)】 Skill Card Attribute: Special skill, Permanent, ability along with cultivation promotion 技能卡属性:特殊技能,永久掌握,能力随修炼提升】 Skill Category:???】 技能类别:???】 Effect one: The marvelous ability opens initially, in the breath sinks to congeal( The Stamina consumption rate reduces, may move to compare in lack of oxygen condition for a long time) 【效果一:神功初启,内息沉凝】(体能值消耗率降低,在无氧状态下亦可活动较长时间) Effect two: Drives away Ren Du, is reborn( Foundation body technique ability small promotion) 【效果二:气走任督,脱胎换骨】(基础体术能力小幅提升) Effect three: If the heart the pure and clear as ice, the sky collapses not startled( When receives spirit is negative impact resistant enhancement) 【效果三:心若冰清,天塌不惊】(受到精神系负面影响时抗性提高) Effect four: Rising Wind Treading Wave, steps shadow( Active Skill, making player make theoretically enforceable limit evasion a time) 【效果四:凌风踏浪,移步成影】(主动技,让玩家做出一次理论上可实施的极限闪避动作) Effect five: Wears away the rock with water, lifts a heavy weight as if light( Physical injury ability promotes 1.5 times) 【效果五:以柔克刚,举重若轻】(物理伤害能力提升1.5倍) Effect six: Moves to the flower to meet the jade, fairy don't enemy( Active Skill, rebounds initiative injury skill half of Attack Power to releaser, releaser limits player) 【效果六:移花接玉,神鬼莫敌】(主动技,将一个主动伤害技能一半的攻击力反弹给释放者,释放者限玩家) Effect seven: Has one's wish, boundary in every way possible( Controls itself perfectly, causes slight adjustment where body can make to take the post of can realize theoretically) 【效果七:随心所欲,入微之境】(完美控制自身,使身体可以做出任何在理论上能够实现的细微调整) Effect eight: The skill is unceasing, profound vigor ice( May attach Ice Attribute in random attacks skill) 【效果八:功力不绝,玄劲似冰】(可在任意攻击技能上附加冰属性) Learning Prerequisite: The female player, Level over 35, Fighting Proficiency A, opens Spirit Art Specialization 学习条件:女性玩家,等级35以上,格斗专精A,开启灵术专精 Note: Moves to flowered palace peerless martial arts, in family/home authentic certainly center law. Marvelous ability accomplishment, the skill is unceasing, profound vigor ice, lasting youthfulness, unmatched in the world.】 【备注:移花宫绝世武学,内家正宗绝顶心法。神功大成者,功力不绝,玄劲似冰,青春永驻,天下无敌。】 The content in parenthesis, is not showing of skill bringing, but is Ruoyu through attempted and tried to find out that repeatedly comprehends one by one. 括号中的内容,并非是技能自带的说明,而是若雨通过反复尝试和摸索逐一领会到的。 Actually Bright Jade Power Skill explanation only then front part, in this point...... and Xiao Tan World Reversal Divine Art Similar, the light looked that the writing...... does not know has anything to affect. 其实【明玉功】本身的技能说明就只有前面的部分,这一点上……和小叹的【天地逆转神诀】类似,光看文字……根本不知道有什么作用。 Then, here came the key point to say Bright Jade Power seventh Special Effect again Has one's wish, boundary in every way possible...... 那么,这里再来重点说说明玉功第七层的特效【随心所欲,入微之境】…… So-called controls itself perfectly, at first sight does not seem like what specially difficult matter ; Because the body is own thing, can control is natural. 所谓的“完美控制自身”,乍看之下好像不算什么特别困难的事;因为身体本来就是自己的东西,能控制是理所当然的。 However, in fact is not such...... 然而,实际上并非如此…… Indeed, each of us is the master of body, but the human body is is not so actually easy to control. 的确,我们每个人都是自己身体的主人,但是人体其实并不是那么容易操控的。 For example...... 举例而言…… Good, I know, read here, many people will definitely think of some dreadful things, therefore I first stated that person who I was one have the moral integrity, will not write these. 好吧,我知道,读到这里,肯定有很多人会想到一些猥琐的事情,所以我先声明一下,我是一个有节操的人,不会写那些的。 Then continues...... for example...... 那么继续……举例而言…… A quite classical example is- person cannot in instantaneous opening eyes of sneezing. 一个比较经典的例子就是-人不能在打喷嚏的瞬间睁眼。 Is...... the right hand wrist/skill and right foot ankle area assumes the clockwise and anti-clockwise rotation respectively ; The tongue spins in the mouth clockwise, but the head spins anti-clockwise ; And left hand making a circle circle and right hand picture block...... 还有就是……右手手腕和右脚脚踝分别呈顺时针和逆时针转动;舌头在嘴里顺时针打转,而头部逆时针打转;以及左手画圆圈、右手画方块…… Similar example are many, some barriers originate from the physiological limit of nervous system, but also some are because the same region of cerebral cortex is very difficult to carry out two Quest at the same time. 类似的例子很多,有些障碍都来源于神经系统的生理限制,还有些是由于大脑皮层的同一区域很难在同一时间执行两种任务 These are also only the issues that the average person can realize directly. Moreover...... also some exceeded the example of general knowledge, related body control, for example control ear and control hair, even is control bone and control organ and control blood wait/etc. 这些还都只是一般人可以直接体会到的问题。另外……还有些本就超越常识的、有关身体操控的例子,比如“操控耳朵”、“操控头发”、甚至是“操控骨头”、“操控器官”、“操控血液”等等。 Said so many nothing but a meaning...... controls own body, is actually very difficult. 说了那么多无非一个意思……控制自己的身体,其实很难。 Then puts in the example, since left hand making a circle and right hand picture side were so difficult, that left hand with one set of swordsmanship and right hand with another set of swordsmanship the difficulty can be imagined. 那么放到实例中,既然“左手画圆、右手画方”都这么难了,那“左手用一套剑法、右手用另一套剑法”的难度可想而知。 Even Bright Jade Power Promotes to seventh Ruoyu, spends for a long time realized this about to wrestle very much mutually the ability. 即使是把【明玉功】提升到第七层的若雨,也花了很久才练成了这“左右互搏”的本领。 In summary, these two...... have to reach the pinnacle, the outstanding exquisite military, moreover...... they had reached the agreement, discards all probes, starts the contest of most peak directly! 综上所述,这两位……都有着登峰造极、超卓精绝之武,而且……她们已达成了共识,舍弃所有的试探,直接展开最巅峰的较量! ............ ………… Daybreak , the light fog will be thick gradually. 破晓将至,光雾渐浓。 Under the light, fighting intent is vast, the double sword meets the double blade. 光下,战意灏灏,双剑会双刀。 More spoken languages, all, had not expounded in confrontation Battle Qi. 没有更多的言语,一切,都已在交锋的斗气中阐明。 Two people weaponry have not connected with, the aura of blade and sword then expands once again, almost covered a radius 50 meters range. 两人的兵刃尚未交接,刀与剑的气场便又一次扩大,几乎将半径五十米的范围都笼罩了进来。 The surrounding player, has NPC, all can feel this , if there is strength of essence, they were driven back more than ten zhang (3.33 m), far away from this boundary of withering. 周围的玩家、还有NPC们,全都能感受到这股如有实质的力量,他们纷纷被逼退了十余丈,远离这肃杀之境。 Finally, when Battle Qi of both sides rises to a critical point, in the same instance, two people...... moves. 终于,在双方的斗气都升到一个临界点时,在同一个瞬间,两人……动了。 Quickly, inconceivable rapidness, rapidness eyes cannot take it all. 快,不可思议的快,目不暇接的快。 The sword acts that checks, two figure almost vanished in the line of sight of people simultaneously. 刀剑出手的那一刹,两道身形几乎同时消失在了人们的视线中。 The Red Cherry three team members cannot see their movements. 红樱的三名队员看不到她们的动作。 Yuan Qi and military Lin Qun hao on the scene cannot see their movements. 袁圻和在场的武林群豪们也看不见她们的动作。 Flowers Between cannot see their movements...... 花间更是看不到她们的动作…… In everyone on the scene, only has Wang Tanzhi one...... to open Hawkeye field of vision Under the premise, can keep up with their fighting rhythms. 在场的所有人之中,只有王叹之一个……在开启【鹰眼视界】的前提下,可以跟得上她们的打斗节奏。 Humming sound humming sound buzz- 嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡- In a fuzzy and disorderly fierce combat, spread crowded, strange buzz the whining noise, does not have the sound that half-sound metal collision adds. 在一片模糊、凌乱的刀光剑影之中,传出的只有密集的、古怪的嗡鸣声,却没有半声金铁交加的响动。 Only then Xiao Tan understands that...... that is because two people weaponry were too strong, as strong arrives as the energy of weapon surface mutually reprimands, is unable to touch. 只有小叹明白……那是因为两人的兵刃都太强了,强到兵器表面的能量互相抵斥,以至于无法相触。 Ruoyu Xuanyuan sword For visible Saint sword, its Spiritual Energy Armament Prime Water Divine Sword Is the invisible different sword. These two weapon have not specifically aimed at Special Effect or the attribute of player, however their Attack Power enough have gone against heaven's will. Although has not grown completely Prime Water Divine Sword Compared to the Xuanyuan sword to want the inferior several points in the intensity, but cannot be destroyed by it characteristics, is still as good any almighty troops. 若雨的【轩辕剑】为有形之圣剑,其灵能武器原水神剑】则为无形之异剑。这两把武器都没有专门针对玩家的特效或属性,但是它们的攻击力已足够逆天。虽然尚未完全成长完毕的【原水神剑】在强度上比起轩辕剑来要逊色几分,但凭借其“不可被摧毁”的特性,依然是不逊于任何神兵的。 But the Xu Huaishang double blade, similarly is Spiritual Energy Armament , moreover Spiritual Energy Armament that has grown...... 絮怀殇的双刀,同样是灵能武器,而且是已经成长完毕的灵能武器…… left blade: 左刀: Name: Shatter 名称:落花】 Type: Spiritual Energy Armament 【类型:灵能武器 Quality: Legend 【品质:传说】 Attack Power: Extremely strong 攻击力:极强】 Attribute: Does not have 【属性:无】 Special Effect one: The flower blooms( when attack hit creates 300% killing)】 特效一:花开(攻击命中时造成300%杀伤)】 Special Effect two: The flower thanked( when standard kept off was successful offsets 60% injuries)】 特效二:花谢(格挡成功时抵销60%伤害)】 Special Effect three: Shatter flying cotton wool( certainly type, double blade about incurring puts forth only then, cooling time four hours)】 特效三:落花飞絮(绝式,双刀合招方可使出,冷却时间四小时)】 Note: The lost to view horizon person locates.】 【备注:杳杳天涯人甚处。】 Right blade: 右刀: Name: Flying cotton wool 名称:飞絮】 Type: Spiritual Energy Armament 【类型:灵能武器 Quality: Legend 【品质:传说】 Attack Power: Extremely strong 攻击力:极强】 Attribute: Does not have 【属性:无】 Special Effect one: The wind flies( attacks hit , after each time raises 100% attack speeds, this effect continues for ten seconds, may superimpose three times high)】 特效一:风飞(每次攻击命中后提升100%攻击速度,此效果持续十秒,最高可叠加三次)】 Special Effect two: The cotton wool falls( standard keeps off after each time is successful, raises 50% traveling speed, this effect continues for six seconds, may superimpose four times high)】 特效二:絮落(每次格挡成功后提升50%移动速度,此效果持续六秒,最高可叠加四次)】 Special Effect three: Shatter flying cotton wool( certainly type, double blade about incurring puts forth only then, cooling time four hours)】 特效三:落花飞絮(绝式,双刀合招方可使出,冷却时间四小时)】 Note: Smiles the world now ancient worry.】 【备注:一笑人间今古愁。】 These two weapon Special Effect were quite astonishing, resists the player or the monster......, so long as is the close combat fights, can play the extremely terrifying might. 这两把武器特效就比较惊人了,无论是对抗玩家还是怪物……只要是近战打斗,都能发挥出极其恐怖的威力。 If Ruoyu does not have opening limiting efficiency, is also hard to deal with firmly. 若雨要是没有开启“极限效率”,确也是难以应付。 However, Ruoyu has the limiting efficiency, Xu Huaishang also has the soul to be near...... 不过,若雨有极限效率,絮怀殇也有魂临…… After a round of 30-second extreme speed attack and defense, two people discover...... so far, fights well-matched. 在一轮长达30秒的极速攻防过后,两人发现……目前为止,战得旗鼓相当。 Possibly in first ten seconds are Ruoyu have the advantage, but work as Flying cotton wool After two effects superimpose gradually, Xu Huaishang then saved the aspect. 可能前十秒里是若雨更有优势,但当【飞絮】的两个效果渐渐叠加上来以后,絮怀殇便挽回了局面。 But, this...... cannot decide the victory and defeat. 但,这样……还是不能分出胜负的。 Ruoyu knows Soul is near Existence, therefore she when seeing the Xu Huaishang round incurs will ask that you do plan to use that from the beginning ‚’?” 若雨是知道【魂临】的存在的,所以她在看到絮怀殇发招时才会问一句“你打算一开始就用‘那个’是吗?” But Xu Huaishang does not know Limiting efficiency The concrete information, in her team may not have the character who that type can see through the enemy data to exist after all, therefore...... she does not know how long Ruoyu " limitcondition can maintain, not to know also has anything to change. 絮怀殇并不知道【极限效率】的具体情报,毕竟她的队伍里可没有那种可以看穿敌方数据的人物存在,所以……她并不知道若雨的这种“极限”状态能保持多久、也不知道其中还有什么变化。 In this case, can only open five minutes of Soul Intent Xu Huaishang to hit without doubt is more positive...... 在这种情况下,只能开启五分钟魂意絮怀殇无疑会打得更加积极一些…… Therefore, conducted...... Xu Huaishang first to change in the fight at the 31st second. 于是,在战斗进行到第31秒时……絮怀殇首先变招了。 Rotates bent/tune dance. Day!” “回转曲舞.天!” Xu Huaishang is actually one very likes a report style person, in fact, Studio also has to them in this aspect...... in view of this behavior that stipulates can increase the fashionable value, Studio to encourage the players in the fight...... to report on the report. 絮怀殇其实是一个挺喜欢报招式名的人,事实上,工作室在这方面对她们也是有规定的……有鉴于这种行为能够提升时髦值,工作室鼓励玩家们在战斗中……能报就报。 Naturally, this matter different people have different views. Some people reported style to appear wild and cool and aloof evil charm......, but also some people reported appear ashamed even are dreadful. 当然了,这种事见仁见智。有些人报招式名就显得狂霸酷拽、高冷邪魅……但还有些人报出来就显得羞耻甚至猥琐了。 Must say where that standard...... seven points looks at the face, three points look at the makings...... 要说那标准在哪儿呢……七分看脸,三分看气质吧…… In brief, in fruitless situation of convention to incurring, Goddess Xu here took the lead to change. 总之,在常规对招无果的局势下,絮女神这边率先求变了。 Saw this scene, how Ruoyu saying that also expressed...... 见此情景,若雨怎么说也都表示表示…… Magicflow Sword......” Ruoyu explained with the action, reported style anything's me also to be able, „...... sword. Sobbing rain.” 魔流剑……”若雨用行动说明了,报招式名什么的我也会,“……剑.泣雨。” Even if in making this type two things, she can still show aloof character, is really not easy. 即使是在做这种中二的事情,她也能透出一种高冷范儿,实属不易。 Mark of the Wind......” . Moreover the two sets of swordsmanship of her left and right hands, what left is two different styles, „...... customs handed down from past generation changed/easy mark.” 风之痕……”而且她左右手的两套剑法,出的还是两种不同的招式,“……流风易痕。” When two people of voices fall, the style was also complicated in one. 二人话音落时,招式也交缠在了一起。 That second, Battle Qi of collision, exudes such as the electricity walked thunder Benban flip-flop the sound unexpectedly. 那一秒,碰撞的斗气,竟是发出了如电走雷奔般的噼啪之声。 The energy of interweaving, splits the gorgeous flowing light. 交织的能量,亦是绽出绚丽的流光。 After a breath, but sees...... 一息过后,但见…… Two person's shadows make a mistake, leaves...... fight hence, two people figure stagnated for the first time. 两道人影相错,相离……战斗至此,两人的身形还是首次停滞了下来。
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