TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#959: Mission

You as if...... felt the compunction.” Looks Feng Bujue that is setting out slowly, Cao Qin said indifferently. “你似乎……感到了内疚。”望着缓缓起身的封不觉,曹钦淡然说道。 No, I am unworthy for her.” After Feng Bujue stands firm, cast a cold vision toward Cao Qin, as a board game piece, her life was extremely heavy and sorrowful.” “不,我只是替她不值。”封不觉站定后,朝曹钦投去了一道冷然的目光,“作为一枚棋子,她的一生都太过沉重和悲哀了。” Board game piece............” Cao Qin said these characters slowly, immediately looks the smile, Hut Master Feng...... in this world seems like nothing can hide the truth from your eye.” “棋子……吗……”曹钦缓慢地道出了这几个字,随即面露微笑,“封寮主……这世上似乎没有什么事能瞒得过你的眼睛呢。” Now, Lin Yan has died, can you always tell me the long and short of the story?” Feng Bujue then said. “现在,林颜都已经死了,你总可以告诉我事情的来龙去脉了吧?”封不觉接着道。 Can be able......” Cao Qin saying that „, but...... really has that necessity?” “可以是可以……”曹钦道,“但……真有那种必要吗?” „The Eunuch Cao divine strategy and layout are profound, if not look to be able to understand that your person said...... Feng Bujue to say these, a pearl before swine?” 曹公公神机妙算、布局深远,若不找个能理解你的人把这些说出来……”封不觉应道,“岂不是明珠暗投么?” „...... Good.” Cao Qin smiles. “呵……好吧。”曹钦笑了笑。 He stops for several seconds, reorganizes one after the train of thought that meets to say on and on: This matter...... must mention by the sword from Dark Green Spirit that year.” 他停顿数秒,将思绪整理一番后,娓娓接道:“这事儿……还得从苍灵论剑那年说起。” to seal/confer, listens in reverent attention.” Feng Bujue meets to say. “封某,洗耳恭听。”封不觉接道。 Cao Qin nods , to continue saying: In the past, a dynasty discussed the sword, the world was startled changes. Before Lin Chang and brocade uniformed guard, directs to make Qian Zhen collude with the incident, without doubt also spread to first in the ear of emperor. First the emperor thinks, this matter should take warning, cannot despise......, if the certain influences of Jiang Hu influence and Imperial Court make conspiracy in secret, they will quickly become one who beyond control strength, even threats the imperial authority.” His a half second, meets saying that „, therefore...... soon, long-term, the serious mission, fell on my shoulder.” 曹钦点点头,继续说道:“当年,一朝论剑,天下惊变。林常与锦衣卫前指挥使钱聍勾结一事,无疑也传入了先帝的耳中。先帝以为,此事应引以为戒、不可轻视……如果江湖势力和朝中的某些势力暗中结党,那他们很快就会成为一股谁也无法控制的力量,甚至对皇权构成威胁。”他微顿半秒,接道,“于是……在不久之后,一个长远的、沉重的使命,落到了我的肩上。” so that's how it is......” Feng Bujue asked that started from that time......” 原来如此……”封不觉问道,“从那时就开始了啊……” Cao Qin not on his words, but then narrated: To realize this mission, I need two board game pieces, its one...... is a martial arts excels by far the world, person who and always follows to me ; The two...... are one ambitious, plucky, and understood person who seizes the opportunity.” 曹钦没有应他的话,而是接着叙述道:“为了实现这个使命,我需要两枚棋子,其一……是一个武功冠绝天下、且对我言听计从的人;其二……是一个有野心、有毅力、且懂得把握机会的人。” Also is Lin Yan, with Yuan Qi.” Feng Bujue meets to say. “也就是林颜,和袁圻。”封不觉接道。 „......” Cao Qin smiles but not answer, said that trains the first person, requires the time, is good because of being the time that I most do not lack. Since does not lack the time, that then must determine was the candidate.” He, Lin Yan...... is a perfect candidate.” “呵……”曹钦笑而不答,自顾自地说了下去,“培养第一个人,是需要时间的,好在我最不缺的就是时间。既然不缺时间,那接下来要确定的就是人选了。”他顿了顿,“林颜……就是个完美的人选。” Controls such a little girl is quite easy?” Feng Bujue coldly said. “控制那样的一个小女孩比较容易是吗?”封不觉冷冷言道。 You have not thought that easily, but...... I was indeed successful.” Cao Qin quite happily returned to one. “也并没有你想得那么容易,不过……我的确是成功了。”曹钦颇为得意地回了一句。 Then, Eunuch Cao then loosens the waist is hanging the wine pot, after thinking one, shallowly said: „After Lin Chang dies, his harbored the widow of his posthumous child to be expelled Ye Residence. I sent the scouts in Dongchang to stare at her several years in the hidden place, wants to look that can inquire the Lin Chang martial arts secrets from her. The result...... I had not found ‚the universe not to have big law, but...... my scout actually discovered accidentally/surprisingly, the Lin Chang daughter unexpectedly is the root bone outstanding peerless rare talent.” 然后,曹公公便解下腰间悬着的酒壶,浅酌一口后再道:“林常死后,他那怀有其遗腹子的遗孀就被赶出了叶府。我派东厂的探子在暗处盯了她几年,想看能不能从她身上打探出林常的武功秘笈。结果……我并没有找到‘太虚无相大法’,但是……我的探子却意外地发现,林常的女儿竟是个根骨卓绝的绝世奇才。” When speaking of here, Cao Qin also looked at a Lin Yan corpse subconsciously: „ I waited for five years, felt the time similar......, therefore sent people to spread a news, said that the Lin Chang widow had the peerless secrets that the husband is leaving behind to hide in a small town. 说到这儿时,曹钦还下意识地看了一眼林颜的尸体:“我等了五年,觉得时候差不多了……于是就派人放出一条消息,说林常的遗孀带着丈夫留下的绝世秘笈藏身到了一个小镇上。 Really, does not have/leave half a month, then some were hearing the Jiang Hu evildoers of fishy smell were tempted. 果然,不出半月,便有一些闻着腥味儿的江湖匪类被诱来了。 That night, I am dormant in the darkness, when continuously they persecute to death the Lin Yan mother while still alive, later intended to rescue that young girl. 那夜,我蛰伏在黑暗中,一直等到他们将林颜的母亲活活逼死,随后再出手救下了那个丫头 From now, I then became her adoptive father. ” 从此以后,我便成了她的义父。” Then did you take advantage of opportunity me give to sell?” Feng Bujue interrupts. “然后你就顺势把我给卖了?”封不觉插了句嘴。 Hehe...... Hut Master Feng, you must understand.” Cao Qin said, person must grow, is inevitably dynamic. Mother's death is truly big to her stimulation, but that group of murderers had been solved by me ; I have to think...... will put several people to leave intentionally, making them the Lin Yan future revenge target. But said that truth...... that class of goods, is unqualified. With the Lin Yan aptitude, before ten years old , can kill off them revenges.” “呵呵……封寮主,你得理解。”曹钦道,“人要成长,必然得有动力。母亲的死对她的刺激确实很大,但那帮凶手已经被我就地解决了;我也不是没想过……故意放几个人离开,让他们成为林颜未来的复仇目标。但说句实话……那班货色,根本不够资格。以林颜的资质,十岁以前就能将他们杀光报仇了。” Therefore...... my kills father personal enemy, became the best choice.” Feng Bujue meets to say. “所以……我这个‘杀父仇人’,就成了最佳的选择。”封不觉接道。 Her present martial arts you also saw.” Cao Qin extends one, hinted a that side corpse, Hut Master Feng, you should think that is honored...... without you , there would be no today's Lin Yan.” “她如今的武功你也看到了。”曹钦伸出一手,示意了一下那边的尸体,“封寮主,你应该觉得荣幸……没有你,就没有今天的林颜。” You then said your mission.” Feng Bujue has not turned the head to look at Lin Yan one, is only visual Cao Qin, is exchanging with it with not too friendly tone. “你还是接着说你那使命吧。”封不觉始终没有转头去看林颜一眼,只是目视曹钦,用不太友善的语气与其交流着。 Subsequent more than ten years, Lin Yan martial arts ten thousand li in a day. Her perception is extremely high, since six years old assign/life the Chen profound merit to build the base on by, my true line innumerable...... to at age 18, in the martial arts world few have been able with the character who she is on par with.” Cao Qin meets saying that „, but, she is very the most important thing is obedient...... with the hatred relative, she saviorand instructing kind teacher was full of the sense of gratitude to my ‚. So long as is Quest that I make her carry out, she will complete without hesitation.” “此后的十多年,林颜的武功可谓一日千里。她的悟性极高,六岁起就以命辰玄功筑基,又得我真传无数……至18岁时,武林中已经没有几个能够与她比肩的人物了。”曹钦接道,“而最重要的是,她还很听话……与仇恨相对的,她对我这个‘救命恩人’、‘授业恩师’可是充满了感激之情。只要是我让她执行的任务,她都会毫不犹豫地完成。” I, if has not guessed that wrong...... Yama, was born at that time?” Feng Bujue asked. “我要是没猜错的话……‘阎王’,就是在那时诞生的吧?”封不觉问道。 „.” Cao Qin returns said, buries existence of heart valley, as well as Yama that immortality the legend...... is part of plan.” He drank a liquor, and looked at Jue Bro with a strange look, you should be able to understand, the merit laws of these lasting youthfulness, are actually not military, but was say/way. I...... am over 50-year-old entered the dao by the military, Lin Yan was occupied my light...... to let her maintain young and appearance shows by was not old, I will pass on her part of profound say/way skills every year, and instructed that her each Month(s) could not meet with all burying heart valley residents, making them make a testimony.” “正是。”曹钦回道,“葬心谷的存在,以及‘阎王’那‘长生不老’的传说……都是计划的一部分。”他又喝了口酒,并用一种怪异的眼神看了看觉哥,“你应该能明白,那些青春永驻的功法,其实已不是‘武’,而是‘道’了。我呢……是年过五旬才以武入道的,林颜算是占了我的光……为了让她保持年轻、以‘不老’的容颜示人,我每年都会传她一部分玄道功力,并且指示她每个月都跟所有的葬心谷居民见上一面,让他们做个见证。” But is...... and true immortal like this is different?” Feng Bujue meets to say. “但这样做……和真正的长生是不同的吧?”封不觉接道。 Is naturally different.” Cao Qin said, you did not see a moment ago......, once the skill diverges, her body doubled and re-doubled senile.” “自然是不同的。”曹钦道,“你刚才不也看到了吗……一旦功力散去,她的身体就会成倍地衰老。” To put it bluntly...... you are overdrawing her life span ahead of time.” Feng Bujue said. “说白了……你在提前透支她的寿命。”封不觉道。 I am also very helpless...... said after all the heart and martial arts are different, is not her the person of age can easily practice successfully.” Cao Qin raises hand, to let her appearance is not old, this was the only means.” “我也很无奈啊……毕竟道心和武学不同,不是她那个年纪的人可以轻易修成的。”曹钦扬了扬手,“为了让她容颜不老,这是唯一的办法了。” That...... afterward?” Feng Bujue does not want to listen to this again, he also asked a question. “那……后来呢?”封不觉不想再听这个,他又问了个问题。 Cao Qin is also then said very much calmly: 21 years ago, buries heart valley here matter basically to stabilize. I feel the time to be mature, then starts to seek for the second board game piece.” He looked up eye cherry tree, resembling recalls what past events, „ that year, exactly was hold even first year, after first emperor passed away, the crown prince...... is also today's emperor just ascended the throne. That is years of murder, Imperial Court reign of terror, the innumerable heads fall to the ground...... 曹钦也是很平静地接着说道:“二十一年前,葬心谷这边的事情基本已安定下来。我觉得时机成熟,便开始寻找第二枚棋子。”他抬头望了眼身边的樱树,似是回忆起了什么往事,“那一年,恰是盛平元年,先帝驾崩后,太子……也就是当今的皇上刚刚登基。那正是一段杀人的年月,朝中一片腥风血雨,无数人头落地…… That year had ten Month(s) time, I am settling the charge toward people of one crowd of standing wrong teams exhaustively, delivered on their family the execution grounds. 那年中有十个月的时间,我都在绞尽脑汁地往一群站错队的人身上安罪名,送他们全家上刑场。 Until the December, I had some free times, the incarnation is a telling fortunes blind person, goes to Jiang Hu to walk...... ” 直到腊月,我才有了些许空闲,化身为一个算命的瞎子,去江湖上走一走……” At that time, you selected Yuan Qi.” Feng Bujue meets to say. “就是在那时,你选中了袁圻。”封不觉接道。 „......” Cao Qin said, „could also be said as Yuan Qi looking for me.” He drinks liquor, said again, and his meet, is really the coincidence. At first I thought that he does not meet my requirement very much, because he somewhat is really mediocre, the age is also big ; But afterward I discovered...... because of so, he is optiman- a person more realized that clearly oneself mediocre, he more understands the opportunity the value. Furthermore...... Yuan Qi has half set to assign/life the Chen profound merit in the hand, but also omitted me troublesome many. Has saying that...... this is the chance.” “呵……”曹钦道,“也可以说是袁圻自己找上了我。”他又饮一口酒,再道,“与他的相遇,确是巧合。起初我觉得他不是很符合我的要求,因为他实在有些平庸,年纪也已不小了;但后来我发现……正因如此,他才是最佳人选-一个人越是清楚地认识到自己的平庸,他就越是懂得机遇的可贵。再者……袁圻本身就有半套命辰玄功在手,还省去了我诸多麻烦。不得不说……这就是机缘。” Hence...... two board game pieces laid down.” Feng Bujue said. “至此……两枚棋子就都埋下了。”封不觉道。 However.” Cao Qin said with a smile, again in the future I must do...... waited, waits for the time to arrive.” “然也。”曹钦笑道,“再往后我要做的……就是等待,等待着时机到来。” However the emperor...... designated the time for you.” Feng Bujue meets to say. “而皇帝……为你选定了时机。”封不觉接道。 What had you known probably?” Cao Qin said. “你好像已经知道了什么?”曹钦道。 I know from the beginning, the back of this matter, is the emperor is being the promoter.” Jue Bro returns said, I do think...... him critically ill simply not?” “我从一开始就知道,这件事的背后,是皇帝在做推手。”觉哥回道,“我想……他根本没有病危吧?” Haha Ha.....” Cao Qin laughs, fierce.” “哈哈哈……”曹钦大笑,“厉害。” Also nothing fierce, very simple inference.” Feng Bujue said that „, if the emperor really must look for anything ‚the technique of immortal, directly asked that your got younger Dongchang Factory for the benefit of is, why to look for anything Yama......” he, other, listening to you to explain a moment ago, I basically can determine...... the Yama matter, first emperor to your mission, the present emperor also all knows. Thus it can be seen, this time so-calledseeks technique Quest, actually has the goal...... ” “也没什么厉害的,很浅显的推理而已。”封不觉道,“假如皇帝真要找什么‘长生之术’,直接问你这个越活越年轻的东厂厂公便是了,何必去找什么‘阎王’……”他顿了顿,“另外,听了你刚才的说明,我基本可以确定……阎王的事情,还有先帝给你的使命,现在的皇帝也是全都知道的。由此可见,这次所谓的“寻术”任务,其实另有目的……” Chatted with Hut Master Feng is relaxed ~ the Cao Qin nod said, you said right...... this journey, was actually one time clean Quest.” When he speaking of here, the facial expression slightly became serious, „ in current Saint old, under knee only young child, and has not set up the crown prince officially. But King of Jin Zhu Zhizha...... the time passage is just right, is also quite high in the folk moral prestige, although he himself has not had the thought that anything oversteps one's authority, but Imperial Court want to push his one...... and may be not infrequent taking advantage of this high-rank person. “和封寮主聊天就是轻松啊~”曹钦点头道,“你说得没错……这次的旅程,实则是一次‘清洗’任务。”他说到这儿时,神情略微变得严肃了一些,“当今圣上年事已高,膝下仅有一幼子,且并未正式立太子。而晋王朱知楂……年华正好,在民间德望也颇高,虽然他自己是没动什么僭越的念头,但朝中想推他一把……并借此上位的人可不在少数。 These civil officials are actually easy to do, I have 100 methods to kill them ; But the brocade uniformed guard, the military governor's headquarters and imperial guard, are these people in my Dongchang...... are not even easy to process. ” 那些文官倒是好办,我有一百种方法可以弄死他们;但锦衣卫、大都督府、禁军、甚至是我东厂之中的那些人……就不是那么好处理的了。” At this moment, should these people die?” Feng Bujue also saw in the mountain village these corpses, therefore guessed correctly 12. “此刻,这些人应该都已经死了吧?”封不觉也是看到了山庄中那些尸体的,故而猜到了一二。 Hehe...... that is natural.” Cao Qin said, this time buries the tour of heart valley, I gave to collect...... to be able several of most this/should killing time one to solve, was free from worry very much.” “呵呵……那是当然。”曹钦道,“这次葬心谷之行,我把最该杀的几个都给凑出来了……能一次解决,很是省心。” That first does the emperor give your mission?” Feng Bujue also asked. “那先帝给你的那项使命呢?”封不觉又问道。 That......” the Cao Qin look changes, I take ‚the technique of immortal as the bait, directing Yuan Qi to lead many martial arts world people to get together in this, originally wants to make in the valley that they and Lin Yan train the person hit mutually wounded...... to take advantage of opportunity first-class expert of Central Plain martial arts world exterminates one time completely.” He stops for two seconds, said again, later, I only need let most three years of Lin Yan to the martial arts world in establish a sect......, her then unify Jiang Hu.” “那个嘛……”曹钦神色微变,“我以‘长生之术’为饵,引袁圻率领诸多武林人士齐聚于此,本来是想让他们和林颜所训练的谷中人打个两败俱伤……顺势将中原武林的一流高手一次性剿灭殆尽的。”他停顿两秒,再道,“随后,我只需让林颜到武林中开宗立派……最多三年,她便可一统江湖。” Then...... Jiang Hu, became you to hold the thing.” Feng Bujue meets to say. “如此一来……江湖,也就成了你掌中之物了。”封不觉接道。 „...... It is not in the palm of emperor the thing.” Cao Qin said, „...... I, am only a working person.” “不……是皇帝的掌中之物。”曹钦道,“……我,只是个做事的人而已。” Said as you like......” Feng Bujue said that „, but...... present Lin Yan has died.” “随你说吧……”封不觉道,“但是……现在林颜已经死了。” Yes, she died.” Cao Qin said. “是啊,她死了。”曹钦道。 Who makes this martial arts world to be supreme?” Feng Bujue said. “那谁来做这个武林至尊呢?”封不觉道。 Hehe...... no one, in any case you are good.” Cao Qin said with a smile. “呵呵……谁都可以,反正你不行。”曹钦笑道。 Why?” Feng Bujue asked something already known. “为什么?”封不觉明知故问。 Because you are a beyond control person.” Cao Qin said, I...... am also afraid people like you.” “因为你是一个无法控制的人。”曹钦道,“就连我……也害怕你这种人。” Therefore......” Feng Bujue hinted the opposite party to say. “所以……”封不觉示意对方说下去。 Therefore......” Cao Qin drank the last liquor in pot, you best die here.” “所以……”曹钦饮完了壶中的最后一口酒,“你最好就死在这里吧。” I also think that we are the friends.” Feng Bujue said. “我还以为咱们是朋友。”封不觉道。 We indeed have the friendship, if possible...... I do not want to kill you.” Cao Qin said that „, but for my ideal, I must kill you.” “咱们的确有交情,可能的话……我也不想杀你。”曹钦道,“但为了我的理想,我必须杀了你。” Ideal?” Feng Bujue exhibited the dead fish eye, „your becoming a lay priest person, but also is working oneself to death for the royal government conscientiously, this my not make complaints......” his hollow laugh two, „, but...... did you say you unexpectedly ambitious?” “理想?”封不觉摆出了死鱼眼,“你一个入道之人,还在兢兢业业地为朝廷卖命,这我就不吐槽了……”他干笑两声,“但是……你居然说你有理想?” Yes, Cao Qin is certainly ambitious. 是的,曹钦当然有理想。 If the preamble said, he is an aloof person. 如前文所说,他是个超然之人。 Academic honor benefits of rank and salary and glory, splendor, riches and honor, to him already It does not matter. 功名利禄、荣华富贵,对他来说已经无所谓了。 martial arts of unmatched in the world, he also has. 天下无敌的武功,他也已经有了。 The outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman...... this does not raise. 绝色美女……这茬儿不提也罢。 In brief, these thing that in the earthliness most people pursue, to him is not the pursue. 总之,俗世中大多数人所追求的那些东西,对他来说已不是什么追求。 However, Cao Qin ambitious. 然,曹钦还是有理想的。 thing that he considers, is individual ideal, rather is one type idea. 他所考虑的东西,与其说是个人的“理想”,倒不如说是一种“理念”。 Confucian in the article chaotic law, the hero violates a prohibition by the military.” The Cao Qin sound suddenly becomes resounding, the look also becomes very swift and fierce, „ hall of the word...... can cease the factional strife. unify Jiang Hu, can let in the world no longer has so-called Jiang Hu. “儒以文乱法,侠以武犯禁。”曹钦的声音忽然变得高亢,眼神也变得十分凌厉,“一言之堂……才能杜绝党争。一统江湖,才能让世上不再有所谓的‘江湖’。 The murder is easy, executing the heart is difficult ; Buries the heart valley, buried incessantly is the person, is the heart. 杀人容易,诛心难;葬心谷,葬的不止是人,更是心。 I said...... my some are the time, even if flower 50 years and 100 years, I will also complete all these again. 我说了……我有的是时间,哪怕再花五十年、一百年,我也会完成这一切。 When my successful that day, my Ming Dynasty landscape can throughout the ages and peaceful country and safe people. ” 当我成功的那一天,我大明江山便可千秋万载、国泰民安。” Good ~ ~ said very well.” Feng Bujue both hands insert the bag, is tilting the head said that „, but really to that time, your oneself...... didn't become the heresy that under this system must eliminate?” “好~啊~说得很好嘛。”封不觉双手插袋,歪着头言道,“但真到了那个时候,你自己……不就成了这套制度下必须清除的异端了吗?” This...... did not need you to worry about......” Cao Qin saying that discarded the wine pot on hand, in the breath will split. “这……就不用你操心了……”曹钦说着,丢掉了手上的酒壶,将内息一绽。 That flickers, the surrounding oriental cherry comes down like the snow, everywhere light fog resembles the vortex spin to open. 那一瞬,周围的樱花如雪般崩落,漫天光雾则似漩涡般旋开。 The dawn of daybreak, sprinkles from the sky at this moment...... 破晓时分的曙光,也恰在这时自天空中洒落…… Since many years, this is Cao Qin transports/fortunes the merit with the earnest attitude for the first time. Because he knows that...... at present this opponent, being worth him doing like this. 多年以来,这是曹钦首次以认真的态度去运功。因为他知道……眼前这个对手,值得他这样去做。 Hut Master Feng, is polite.” In the chaotic shatter, Cao Qin single palm turns raises, your I a war, the life and death by the day, have no complain and regret today!” 封寮主,无须客气。”纷乱的落花中,曹钦单掌一翻一扬,“你我今日一战,生死由天,无怨无悔!”
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