TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#958: Buries the heart

The Feng Bujue's speed is very astonishing, takes a broad view at entire Thriller Paradise, can with its coordinated and even exceeds his player perhaps not over ten in the speed. 封不觉的速度是很惊人的,放眼整个惊悚乐园,能在速度上与其对等乃至超越他的玩家恐怕不超过十个。 But in NPC, can be this speed...... also is really many. 但在NPC之中,能达到这种速度的……还真是不少。 Lin Yan, is one of them. 林颜,就是其中之一。 The hidden weapon and qing gong itself/Ben are martial arts that very suitable female to cultivate, attainments of Lin Yan in these two times can also be imagined. 暗器和轻功本就是很适合女子去修炼的武功,林颜在这两门功夫上的造诣也可想而知。 Naturally, hidden weapon, she has thrown down many years......, because cannot use. 当然了,暗器方面,她已经丢下很多年了……因为根本用不到。 Early at age 20, she can the vegetation grit and so on thing shoots the hidden weapon might ; But at age 30, she, so long as flies high to snap fingers, can take the person life. 早在20岁时,她就能将草木沙石之类的东西掷出暗器般的威力;而到了30岁时,她只要凌空弹指,便可取人性命。 Moreover, external work style that she uses , is the excellent martial arts way...... in this regard, she and Yuan Qi, but huge difference. 而且,她所用的外功招式,也皆是上乘武学的路数……在这一点上,她和袁圻可是天壤之别。 Strikes to kill Song Wuqi to give an example by Alliance Lord Yuan: At that time Yuan Qi separated to empty that palm of tree, is actually very ordinary pushing palm time, but its Inner Strength was vigorous, therefore had such might. 袁盟主击杀宋无奇来举例:当时袁圻隔空断树的那一掌,其实就是很普通的推掌功夫,只不过其内力雄浑无比,故而才有那样的威力。 But when Lin Yan kills Bao Qi style that uses, is actually extremely complex mysterious ; Inner Strength that a that ball gently, needs lowers to can ignore, when it makes a move the might to be the same on such as the breeze. But...... crossed merely instantaneously, that breeze on transformation for tyrannical crazy mist, created injury compared with the Alliance Lord Yuan palm wind. 林颜杀死鲍奇时所用的招式,却是极为复杂玄奥的;那轻轻的一弹,所需的内力低到可以忽略不计,其出手时的威力就如微风一般。但……仅仅过了瞬间,那股“微风”就转化为了暴虐的狂岚,造成的伤害比起袁盟主的掌风更甚。 This...... is the excellent martial arts fierce place. 这……就是上乘武学的厉害之处。 Although the Yuan Qi assigning/life Chen profound merit is also excellent martial arts, but he has studied marvelous ability also only then this, on him other martial arts...... particularly outside the family/home time...... overwhelming majorities are the merit law of some assorted hooligan and rotten avenue. Is good is rich because of the fight experience of Alliance Lord Yuan, brain not stupid...... these years, he has blended to turn into one set of own fight way these bullshit martial arts, the might but actually also good. 虽然袁圻的命辰玄功也是上乘武学,但他学过的“神功”也就只有这一门而已了,他身上的其他武功……尤其是外家功夫……绝大多数都是些杂七杂八的野路子和烂大街的功法。好在袁盟主的战斗经验丰富、脑子也不笨……这些年来,他已经把这些坑爹的武功融汇起来变成了一套属于自己的战斗路数,威力倒也不俗。 But Lin Yan different...... from six years old, Cao Qin taught her martial arts theories as well as various peerless merit laws personally. Therefore, the internal strength and external work, the heart law and style...... Lin Yan learns at first, is wisest and most perfect martial arts. 林颜就不同了……从六岁起,曹钦就亲自教导她武学理论以及各种绝世功法。因此,无论是内功、外功,心法、招式……林颜最初学到的,就全都是最高明、最完美的武学 On qing gong that for example she uses now- free and unfettered zun, when displaying the least bit trace, are not many makes an effort, not only light and lively rapid quick, and can give the opponent makes being and out the misconception. 就比如她现在所用的轻功-“逍遥踆”,施展时不着半点痕迹、不多花一丝的力气,不但轻灵迅快,且能给对手制造“忽隐忽现”的错觉。 Facing this quickly to pinnacle, bringing flashes before the surprise attack of effect, Feng Bujue could not avoid...... 面对这等快到极致,又自带闪现效果的突袭,封不觉自是避不开了…… Jue Bro is also decisive, he promptly started had hidden in the coat pocket Immovable as a Mountain, To shoulder this to strike with the effect of precious pearl. 觉哥也是果断,他当机立断地发动了早已藏在外衣口袋里的【不动如山】,欲用宝珠的效果来扛下这一击。 However...... 然…… Lin Yan, understood clearly the rhythm of precious pearl unexpectedly! 林颜,竟是洞悉了宝珠的律动! In that electric light flint instantly, the Lin Yan wrist/skill turns, the jade refers to a ball, emitted an exploratory qi energy toward Feng Bujue. 在那电光火石的刹那,林颜手腕一翻,玉指一弹,朝封不觉放出了一道试探性的气劲。 After a half second, that qi energy ran upon mountain Yingxing the defense wall. 半秒后,那道气劲就撞上了山影形的防御壁。 Lin Yan sees that cold snort/hum, his right leg 1.1 stagnate immediately, stopped the entering potential of body, and drew back several feet temporarily. 林颜见状,冷哼一声,其右腿立刻一点一滞,止住了身体的进势,并暂退了数丈。 ...... precious pearl that in five seconds resists all external attacks thereupon the effect consumed in vain. 于是乎……宝珠那“五秒内抵挡一切外来攻击”的效果就这么白白消耗掉了。 Un...... really fierce......” in the Feng Bujue heart discussed that pre- enemy situation, after does not expose weaknesses...... that...... for five seconds, what to do I should......” “嗯……果然厉害……”封不觉心中念道,“预敌先机,不露破绽……那么……五秒后我该怎么办呢……” This indeed is a very serious concern...... in duel, enchanted poker hysterical/frenzy Special Effect is useless, this move when coming under two strength above attacks can interlock to rebound the injury ; Therefore...... Immovable as a Mountain Is Jue Bro only hard defense method. 这的确是一个非常严重的问题……在单挑中,疯魔扑克的“狂乱”特效是无用的,这招只有在受到两股力量以上的攻击时才能把伤害交错反弹出去;所以……【不动如山】就是觉哥唯一的“硬防御”手段了。 But now, this method had been consumed...... following, if Feng Bujue comes under the attack that is unable to dodge again, he must refute with the pure defensive power. 但如今,这个手段已被消耗……接下来,封不觉若是再受到无法躲闪的攻击,那他就得用纯粹的防御力来硬顶。 Is quicker than him in view of the Lin Yan speed, is unable to dodge the situation will perhaps appear repeatedly. But by the NPC unremitting attack of this rank, the consequence is also obvious...... 有鉴于林颜的速度比他要快,“无法躲闪”的情况恐怕会频频出现。而被这种级别的NPC不断攻击到,后果也是不言自明…… Good...... looked like also only has means.” Also was less than five seconds, Feng Bujue drew the conclusion. “好吧……看来也只有一个办法了。”还不到五秒,封不觉就得出了结论。 The attack, is the best defense. 进攻,是最好的防守。 Feng Bujue does not want to reveal before the finals Chuck Norris razor blade, But he does not want to be killed here. Therefore...... before the force field of precious pearl of mountain vanishes, he is then determined...... to call Enchanted poker, Started one time( the cooling time in free exploration pattern in each Scenario is 24 hours) can only use- killed insanely. 封不觉不想在决赛前就显露【查克.诺里斯的剃须刀】,但他也不想在这里被杀。所以……在山之宝珠的力场消失之前,他便下定了决心……唤出【疯魔扑克】,发动了在每个剧本(自由探索模式中的冷却时间为二十四小时)中只能使用一次的-“疯杀”。 In a twinkling, black poker insect group turbulently, if the sea tide plunged Lin Yan. 霎时间,黑色的扑克似虫群般汹涌而出,若海潮般扑向了林颜 Sorcery......”, Lin Yan after seeing Jue Bro this trump card, has not given up unexpectedly, „...... even sorcery, my still Fearless !” “妖法吗……”没想到,林颜在见到了觉哥这一杀手锏后,竟还是没有放弃,“……就算是妖法,我也不怕!” Then, her throwing out the chest straight back, both eyes shut. Is located full Ti True Qi by the dantian, simultaneously one holds up toward the body both sides the double palm. 说罢,她挺胸直背,双目微闭。由丹田处饱提一口真气,同时将双掌朝身体两侧一擎。 That flickers, Lin Yan manifest True Qi sent out resounding unexpectedly, just like crane cry expansive sky. 那一瞬,林颜外放真气竟是发出了鸣响,宛如鹤唳长空。 Among breaths, but sees two dark green different glow to leave from its palm middle reaches, circles nimble and resourceful, his body protects, in a circle melted in the massive True Qi guard/shield. 一息之间,但见两道墨绿色的异芒自其掌中游出,盘旋灵动,将其身体护在了一个圆融厚实真气护罩之中。 Clicks the tongue to scold- 叱叱叱叱叱- The black enchanted poker rainstorm charged into Lin Yan, but by that Qi Barrier, was been all difficult to be near its. 黑色的疯魔扑克似暴雨般冲向了林颜,但尽数被那气罩所化,难近其身。 „...... Very good.” In the time that this attack and defense refused to compromise, the Cao Qin sound actually fights beyond the circle to make a sound. “呵……很好。”就在这攻防僵持的时刻,曹钦的声音却是自战圈外响了起来。 When does not know, he has followed here, arrived at the understanding of say that............ did not arrive in the observing position. 不知何时,他已跟到了此处,来到了解说……哦不……是来到了观战的位置上。 This ‚the Black Tortoise vigor...... has the seven success strength of place, wants against under this technique law to have more than enough to spare.” The Cao Qin review lets in the Lin Yan heart certain. “这‘玄武劲’……已有本座的七成功力,要防下这术法绰绰有余啊。”曹钦的点评让林颜心中一定。 Eunuch Cao......” Feng Bujue can also find time to speak with him actually, „...... in your mouth Black Tortoise vigor, is that 12 may dominate martial arts of martial arts world one?” 曹公公……”封不觉倒是还能抽空跟他说话,“……你口中的‘玄武劲’,也是那‘十二门可称霸武林的武功’之一吧?” Not also ~ not also ~ Cao Qin returns said that this Black Tortoise vigor is four likely marvelous abilities one of the four heart secret arts, strict do not calculate a martial arts, but is 1/4 martial arts.” “非也~非也~”曹钦回道,“这玄武劲乃是‘四象神功’的四种心诀之一,严格来说不算一门武功,而是四分之一门武功。” Cuts...... calculates that you suppress.” Feng Bujue spat one, immediately also said, „words saying...... Eunuch you did rush to here to come? To help Miss Lin helping hand?” “切……算你狠。”封不觉啐了一声,随即又道,“话说……公公你怎么也跑到这儿来了?想要助林姑娘一臂之力么?” No, I no one help.” Cao Qin returns indifferently said, I can come am because...... that side fight is no doubt attractive, but I your victory and defeat to my disciple and Hut Master Feng am more interested.” “不,我谁也不帮。”曹钦淡然回道,“我会过来是因为……那边的战斗固然好看,但我还是对自己的弟子和封寮主你的胜负更有兴趣。” Even if your apprentice were killed by me, you still do want to stand by?” The Feng Bujue facial expression is cold gradually, looks askance to ask. “即使你的徒弟被我杀死,你也要袖手旁观吗?”封不觉神情渐冷,侧目问道。 Snort......” Cao Qin cold snort/hum, „, if Lin Yan really died here, that also can only explain that...... she was mediocre.” “哼……”曹钦冷哼一声,“如果林颜真的死在了这里,那也只能说明……她不过如此。” This is you arranges the martial arts world that dozens years of plan...... she is one is hand-held to be supreme!” Feng Bujue also said with the tone reminder with deep veneration. “这可是你布置了数十年的计划……她可是一手扶起的‘武林至尊’!”封不觉又用肃然的语气提醒道。 Cao Qin actually shakes the head, the sinking sound returns said: Hut Master Feng, you think that what the martial arts world supreme is?...... That do not begin with the words that others one to one must help simply. Called several hundred people to come the strong momentum...... to have what difference like Yuan Qi with the local ruffian?” His a half second, meets saying that furthermore...... the war of today, is not only Lin Yan the war of revenge, is she becomes the martial arts world supreme final test......, even if I find out the palm reading to help, Lin Yan will not comply.” 曹钦却是摇了摇头,沉声回道:“封寮主,你以为武林至尊是什么?和别人一对一还要帮忙的话……那干脆就别动手了。像袁圻那样叫上几百号人来壮声势……跟地痞流氓有何区别?”他微顿半秒,接道,“再者……今日之战,既是林颜的复仇之战,也是她成为武林至尊的最终考验……就算我想出手相助,林颜自己也不会答应。” Good!” At this time, was surrounded Lin Yan in black energy vortex also to meet saying that Feng Bujue, you also really think can kill me?” “不错!”此时,被包围在黑色能量漩涡中的林颜也接道,“封不觉,你还真以为能杀得了我吗?” „After you...... have not made clear the condition probably......” two seconds, Feng Bujue shakes the head to discuss, Eunuch Cao, I the words speaking of this, you hadn't understood?” “你们……好像都没搞清楚状况啊……”两秒后,封不觉摇头念道,“曹公公,我都把话说到这份儿上了,你也没听懂吗?” Such remarks, the Cao Qin facial expression changes, he realized suddenly, what Feng Bujue that two words were not probing a moment ago, but is expressing- I have been able to kill her, you regarding this really aloof? 此言一出,曹钦神情一变,他忽然意识到,封不觉刚才那两句话并不是在试探什么,而是在表达-我已经可以杀死她了,你对此真的无动于衷吗? Not......”, but, Cao Qin does not believe that Lin Yan is he cultivates single-handedly, how to so easily be defeated, „...... this is impossible, you are blustering!” “不……”但,曹钦还是不信,林颜是他一手栽培的,岂会如此轻易落败,“……这不可能,你在虚张声势!” I am also consider again and again......” during speeches, Feng Bujue has taken out from Traveling Bag YiDa, And just entered cooling Immovable as a Mountain, Built in the skin pocket of that crossbow, set firm resolve......” “我也是再三斟酌……”说话间,封不觉已从行囊中取出了【燚龘】,并且把刚刚进入冷却的【不动如山】,搭到了那弹弓的皮兜中,“才下定决心的……” Crossbow?” Cao Qin sees that looks the doubt, although he does not believe that the opposite party can kill Lin Yan with this thing, but in his heart was still the instinct felt disturbed. “弹弓?”曹钦见状,面露狐疑,虽然他不相信对方能用这种东西杀死林颜,但他心中仍是本能地感到了不安。 Made me......” Feng Bujue then aim at the target quickly, when the enchanted poker on his hand when he built the bow has dissipated, at this moment, the black glow cleared...... the Lin Yan direct exposure before the YiDa fore or front sight, „...... delivered you to walk this last regulation.” “就让我……”封不觉很快便瞄准了目标,他手上的疯魔扑克在他搭弓时已然消散,这一刻,黑芒散尽……林颜直接暴露在了燚龘的准星前,“……送你走完这最后一程吧。” ............ ………… Fall. 秋。 Last period of autumn. 残秋。 Before more than 40 years, a similar last period of autumn. 四十年多前,一个同样的残秋。 Night. 夜。 Endless night. 长夜。 Dark Green Spirit after the sword five years, a cold and dreary endless night. 苍灵论剑后五年,一个凄冷的长夜。 That night, Autumn Wind such as the scissors, the cloud layer is sincere. 那夜,秋风如剪,云层厚重。 The person's shadow that one group holds the sword, intruded in residents while the night. 一伙持着刀剑的人影,趁夜闯入了一间民宅中。 That is a ruined hut, in the room only has a woman, and a five -year-old little girl. 那是一间破败的小屋,屋里只有一个妇人、和一个五岁的小女孩。 That woman, is the Lin Chang wife. Five years ago, she has this title to be expelled Ye Residence...... 那个妇人,是林常的妻子。五年前,她正是带着这个头衔被赶出了叶府…… She has not told anybody, at that time oneself cherished the Lin Chang posthumous child. 她并没有告诉任何人,当时自己怀了林常的遗腹子。 Because she feared, she feared to say,...... will bring a huger misfortune to this child. 因为她怕,她怕说出去以后……会给这孩子带来更加巨大的不幸。 Her itself/Ben is a person of cruel fate, just like Lin Chang, her parents perishes early, except for the husband, she does not have other family member in this world again. 她本就是一个苦命的人,和林常一样,她的父母早亡,除了丈夫,她在这世上再无别的亲人。 Lin Chang waits her to be very good, even after the heart demon controls, attitude of Lin Chang to the wife is still as always. 林常待她很好,即使是在被心魔控制以后,林常对妻子的态度也是一如既往。 Perhaps...... this ordinary woman, is the Lin Chang mind final harbor. 或许……这个平凡的女人,才是林常心灵最后的港湾。 But to her, the husband is her entirety, she is only living for him, is willing to pay all for him. 而对她来说,丈夫就是她的全部,她只为他活着,愿为他付出所有。 But day...... Lin Chang left the home, actually cannot come back again. 但有一天……林常离开了家,却再也没能回来。 She crazily, when is actually husband's the hatred of death news and world. 她痴痴地等,等到的却是丈夫的死讯和世人的仇恨。 She is not in Jiang Hu the person, does not have the maternal home to return, if not for the child in abdomen, she has altogether gone to the Yellow Springs with the husband. 她本不是江湖中人,也没有娘家可回,若不是为了腹中的孩子,她早已随丈夫共赴黄泉。 But for the child, she decides to go on living. 但为了孩子,她决定活下去。 She must go on living...... 她必须活下去…… When was expelled Ye Residence, some servants in Ye Residence looked at her to feel sorry, gave her some disintegration silver coins. 被赶出叶府时,叶府的一些下人看她可怜,给了她一些散碎银两。 She wandered about destitute a remote small town, concealed identity, settled with these money, depended on sews and washes clothes...... ekes out a living to get by. 她流落到了一个偏远的小镇,隐姓埋名,用那些银子安顿下来,靠着给人缝补、洗衣……勉强糊口度日。 She has a child who does not have the father, indifferent, was despised...... year after year...... 她带着一个没有父亲的孩子,遭人冷眼、受人鄙夷……年复一年…… But she endured. 但她都忍下来了。 Looks that small Lin Yan healthily grows up, she thought that these painstakingly are not anything. 看着小林颜健康地长大,她觉得这些苦都不算什么。 What a pity, five years later, even this day also already to the end. 可惜,五年后,连这种日子也已到头了。 Finally, in the martial arts world some people eavesdropped on „the Lin Chang widow news. 终于,武林中有人探听到了“林常遗孀”的消息。 They in the name of revenging, the night breaks into the residents, wants to force this woman to hand over „the Lin Chang that peerless martial arts secrets. 他们以报仇为名,夜闯民宅,想逼迫这个女人交出“林常那绝世武学的秘笈”。 But, Lin Chang simply has not left behind what secrets...... 但,林常根本没有留下什么秘笈…… Woman anything cannot hand over, but these people do not believe...... 妇人什么都交不出来,但那些人不信…… They beat her, to suffer her, does not have the result. 他们殴打她、折磨她,却毫无结果。 This lets their violent anger, therefore, they grasped that child who weeps bitterly in side, steel knife on her immature neck. 这让他们更加暴怒,于是,他们抓起了那个在旁痛哭的孩子,把钢刀架在了她那稚嫩的脖子上。 The women asked them to let off this child hoarsely, cut and bruised she, had knelt on the ground...... kowtows desperately the entreaty. 妇人声嘶力竭地求他们放过这个孩子,本已遍体鳞伤的她,跪在地上……拼命地磕头哀求。 But she has not actually caused their half a point pities...... 但她却没有引起他们半分的怜悯…… Finally, she knocked to break, to pour in the pool of blood, no longer moved. 终于,她磕破了头、倒在了血泊中,不再动弹。 These people also believed finally, here truly could not find any secrets of peerless martial arts. 那些人也终于相信了,在这里确实找不到什么绝世武功的秘笈。 When they prepare that child also stamps out the source of trouble, together the person's shadow flashed, only spent for one second...... to finish the lives of these people. 正当他们准备将那孩子也斩草除根之际,一道人影闪了进来,只花了一秒钟……就结束了这些人的性命。 ............ ………… Under cherry tree, blood incarnadine the front piece of beautiful woman. 樱树下,鲜血染红了美人的衣襟。 „......” Lin Yan smiled, when she lowers the head to see when own chest front blood hole, she showed the sad touching smile. “呵……”林颜笑了,当她低头看到自己胸前的血洞时,她露出了凄美的笑容。 In the instance that she drops down, Feng Bujue goes forward to embrace her. 在她倒下的瞬间,封不觉上前揽住了她。 He knows, she also had the words to say. 他知道,她还有话要说。 What kind of I...... the father...... is...... is............ the person......” she is looking at Feng Bujue, asked a strange question. “我……爹……是……是个……怎样的……人……”她望着封不觉,问了一个奇怪的问题。 He is a hero, is the martial arts world is supreme.” Feng Bujue returns said. “他是个英雄,是武林至尊。”封不觉回道。 Too...... good......” the corners of the mouth of Lin Yan were bleeding, but in her eye reveals is actually gratified, mother...... deceives me......” “太……太好了……”林颜的嘴角在淌血,但她的眼中流露出的却是欣慰,“娘亲……没有……骗我……” While speaking these words, the hair of Lin Yan becomes white rapidly, her young girl appearance is also senile in the by visible speed. 在说这几句话的同时,林颜的头发迅速变白,她那少女般的容貌也在以肉眼可见的速度衰老着。 Seals...... Bujue......” her sound also very quickly changes old, actually...... I...... do not think that...... works as...... the martial arts world...... supremely......” speech is also off and on, I...... only think...... and my parents...... in together......” “封……不觉……”她的声音也很快变得苍老,“其实……我……不想……当……武林……至尊……”说话也已断断续续,“我……只想……和我的爹娘……在一起……” She enunciated is getting more and more difficult, the pronunciation of some words are ambiguous: I...... will notice in childhood sometimes...... a mother person............ cries...... I to think secretly secretly......, if my father still in...... on...... to put out a big blood on good............” her, Feng Bujue can feel shivering of her body earnestly. 她吐字越来越艰难,有些词的发音已含混不清:“我小时候……有时会看到……娘亲一个人……偷偷地……偷偷地哭……我就想……如果我爹还在……就……就好……呜……”她又吐出了一大口鲜血,封不觉可以切实感受到她身体的颤抖。 I hated you......” Lin Yan to burst into tears, the tears slid fully that are the cheeks of wrinkle, she at this moment seemed like unexpectedly more senile than the physical age, also hated that class so-called...... the martial arts world correct path...... was you...... harms...... to kill my parents...... wū wū...... to be possible I............ I unable to report the enmity......” “我恨你……”林颜流泪了,眼泪滑过了那满是皱纹的脸颊,此刻的她看上去竟比实际年龄还要衰老,“也恨那班所谓的……武林正道……是你们……害……害死我的爹娘……呜呜……可我……呜……我报不了仇……” Feng Bujue is looking at her, is listening to her complaining tearfully, had nothing to say in reply unexpectedly. 封不觉望着她,听着她的哭诉,竟是无言以对。 Until finally, him also can only sigh reluctantly: You were tired, rested...... awoke, can reunite with the family member.” 直到最后,他也只能无奈地叹息:“你累了,睡吧……睡醒了,就可以和家人团聚了。” Really...... real?” Lin Yan somewhat seems to be unconscious, after hearing these words, on the face that her is on the verge of death exudes an anticipation unexpectedly. “真……真的吗?”林颜似乎已有些神志不清了,在听到这句话后,她那濒死的脸上竟是泛起了一丝期待。 Really, I guaranteed.” Feng Bujue returns said. “真的,我保证。”封不觉回道。 That...... was really...... too...... good......” Lin Yan unable to speak these words, his eyes then lost the focus. “那……真是……太……好……”林颜没能说完这句话,其双眼便失去了焦点。 Feng Bujue long time, closed in the bosom silent this old person's eyes. 封不觉沉默良久,才合上了怀中这位老人的双眼。 He her corpse keep flat on the ground, making her die in this oriental cherry numerous falling the place of burying heart. 他将她的尸身平放在了地上,让她长眠在了这片樱花纷落的葬心之地。
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