TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#957: Having no alternative

The charmingly angry exit|to speak, holds the strength air-splitting. 娇嗔出口,掌力破空。 Lin Yan puts forth...... is in Jiang Hu no one has seen the palm law, its palm wind such as the smoke like the rosy cloud, scatters the cage, making one be possible to evade nowhere. 林颜使出的……是一种江湖中无人见过的掌法,其掌风如烟如霞,飘散笼来,使人无处可避。 But, the attack that the average man could not evade, Feng Bujue can actually evade. 但,常人避不了的攻击,封不觉却可以避。 The way that he dodges is also very simple...... takes advantage of opportunity one toward the rear area but actually, coming a freely falling body...... to fall courtyard wall outside. 他躲闪的方式也简单得很……只是往后方顺势一倒,来了个自由落体……掉到了院墙的外面。 I go...... to put the front door not to walk, crawls to the wall on specially has the intention?” “我去……原来放着大门不走,特意爬到墙上是有用意的吗?” I also think that he is like Heavenly Steed Soaring Across The Skies, to arrive to play a graceful in the high place purely......” “我还以为他跟天马行空一样,纯粹是为了在高处登场耍个帅呢……” Actually...... is uncertain, perhaps his original intention to play graceful, this little while was only the random deal with changes...... happen to uses the terrain.” “其实……也不一定吧,也许他的本意只是为了耍帅而已,这会儿只是随机应变……正好用到了地形。” Who knows that...... you determined these aren't in his planning? He is Feng Bujue......” “谁知道呢……你确定这些不在他的算计之内吗?他可是疯不觉啊……” Yes...... that is Feng Bujue......” “是啊……那可是疯不觉啊……” The audience who are watching the live broadcast look like, Jue Bro obviously already some monster Demonization ; No one can guess him to think anything, no one can talk clearly his every action and every movement along with the nature but to plan early...... in some sense, Feng Bujue such player, simply is the nightmares of these job analysis teams. 在观看直播的观众们看来,觉哥显然已经有些妖魔化了;没人猜得透他在想什么,也没人说得清楚他的一举一动到底是随性而为还是早有算计……某种意义上来说,封不觉这样的玩家,简直就是那些职业分析团队的噩梦。 Eunuch Cao, this I may not be clear ~ after” several seconds, the Feng Bujue's sound resounds from the courtyard wall ; This time, he walked from the front door directly, walks while said that past years coped with Lin Chang, is it possible that did you also strive............ you to conceal this matter to Miss Lin?” 曹公公,这我可就不明白了~”数秒后,封不觉的声音又从院墙外响起;这一次,他直接从大门走了进来,边走边道,“当年对付林常,你可是也出力了啊……莫非……你向林姑娘隐瞒了这事儿吗?” „Do you feel?” Cao Qin asked with a smile. “你觉得呢?”曹钦笑着反问道。 Un...... you do not need to make...... Feng Bujue martial arts world expert that sits in meditation therapy to walk from that crowd probably calmly , to continue to talk with Cao Qin. “嗯……你好像没必要这么做啊……”封不觉若无其事地从那群正在打坐疗伤的武林高手中间走了过去,与曹钦继续交谈着。 Said right, does not need......” Cao Qin to meet saying that sees Lin Yan first day, I on past Dark Green Spirit Town all told her, actions that including the matter cause and effect, as well as her father. Remaining...... gives her own to judge.” “说得对,没必要……”曹钦接道,“见到林颜的第一天,我就把当年苍灵镇上发生的一切都告诉了她,包括整件事的前因后果、以及她父亲的所作所为。剩下的……就交给她自己判断。” This blamed......” Feng Bujue at this time the line the front of people, stood in the teammates and Yuan Qi side, „, since your what knows......” he looked to Lin Yan, asked that why didn't you look for Eunuch Cao to seek revenge while convenient?” “这就怪了……”封不觉这时行到了众人的前方,站在了队友们和袁圻的旁边,“既然你什么都知道了……”他看向林颜,问道,“为什么你不顺便找曹公公寻仇呢?” Adoptive father is carrying out oneself duty, moreover...... he has not acted to my father directly.” Lin Yan returns said that begins...... is your Broken Sword Tea Hut.” During the speeches, she will look at Yuan Qi, as well as expert of various help/gang various factions, „, but, has my father my entire family compels the dead end...... is this group so-called martial arts world correct path and heroic knight.” “义父只是在履行自己的职务,而且……他并没有对家父直接出手。”林颜回道,“动手的……是你们破剑茶寮。”说话间,她又将目光投向了袁圻、以及各帮各派的高手们,“而把我父亲、还有我全家逼上绝路的……就是这帮所谓的‘武林正道、英雄侠客’。” Said that this final eight word-time, the Lin Yan tone obviously took the meaning of satire and hatred. She to Feng Bujue's hate, is incomparably purely, but she hatreds to these people...... also has one point of intense despising. 说这最后八个字时,林颜的语气明显带上了讽刺和怨毒的意味。她对封不觉的“恨”,是无比纯粹的,但她对这些人的仇恨……还带有一分强烈的鄙视。 Ha! Ha haha Ha.....” After hearing the word, Feng Bujue slightly was for a half silent second, immediately...... laughs. “哈!哈哈哈哈……”闻言后,封不觉略微沉默了半秒,随即……大笑。 The familiar Jue Bro friends know, this laughter most likely are the logic ** forthcoming signal...... 熟悉觉哥的朋友都知道,这种笑声八成是逻辑**即将到来的信号…… Simply is the joke!” The Feng Bujue two fork waists, to the Lin Yan high sound said, according to your view, I have not been acting to your father directly ~ he spreads out both hands, your father was killed with the hidden weapon of ultra-long-range by my guest, closes my bird matter?” “简直是笑话!”封不觉两手叉腰,对着林颜高声道,“按照你这个说法,我也没有对你爹直接出手啊~”他摊开双手,“你爹是被我的一位寮客用超远程的暗器打死的,关我鸟事啊?” Your oneself said is your guest kills, how can not close your matter?” Lin Yan asked. “你自己都说了是你的寮客打死的,怎么能不关你的事?”林颜质问道。 Nonsense! She is she, I am I, you who who kills look who goes ~ Feng Bujue intersects both hands in the chest front, very show off should say, this truth is obvious...... for example, the royal government has several hundred thousand soldiers and horses, including soldier violated the law and commit crime, that is catches certainly him. Do you because of a private crime, take the Great General to condemn?” “废话!她是她,我是我,谁杀的你找谁去~”封不觉将双手交叉在胸前,十分嘚瑟地应道,“这道理明摆着嘛……就比方说,朝廷有几十万兵马,其中有一个小兵作奸犯科了,那当然是去抓他本人咯。难道你因为一个小卒犯罪,就去拿大将军问罪吗?” You......” Lin Yan want to refute, but she is unable to uncover what loophole to come in this saying for a while, therefore can only shout, „...... this at all is not a matter!” “你……”林颜想要反驳,但她一时又无法在这话里找出什么漏洞来,故而只能喝道,“……这根本不是一回事!” How did you say a different method actually?” Feng Bujue asked. “那你倒是说说怎么个不一样法儿?”封不觉问道。 This......” the face of Lin Yan suppresses red, more is urgently more cannot say a reason why to come, but, she can only meet saying that that you said that person who...... the past years killed my father?” “这……”林颜的脸憋得通红,越是急越是说不出个所以然来,无奈之下,她只能接道,“那你说……当年杀我爹的那个人呢?” Died.” Feng Bujue wants not to return said, seemed has waited for the opposite party to ask, forty years, the person had died.” “死了。”封不觉想都不想就回道,好似早已等着对方来问了,“都四十几年了,人早就死了。” Is impossible!” Lin Yan meets saying that you think I do not know your Broken Sword Tea Hut martial arts does have the effect of lasting youthfulness?” “不可能!”林颜接道,“你以为我不知道你们破剑茶寮的武功有青春永驻之功效?” Yes, has.” The Feng Bujue nod said that „, but I had not said that she is passes away? Can't others have an accident/surprise?” “是啊,有啊。”封不觉点头道,“但我也没说她是老死的吧?人家就不能有个意外啊?” Utter nonsense! Who can believe you!” The Lin Yan anger said. “一派胡言!谁会信你!”林颜怒道。 You believe it or not.” Feng Bujue is saying, looked to Cao Qin, Eunuch Cao, you can testify, in several guests of my belt/bring, can have initially that Xiao Ling miss?” “你爱信不信。”封不觉说着,又看向了曹钦,“曹公公,你可以作证,我这次带的几位寮客之中,可有当初那位小灵姑娘?” Un......” the Cao Qin attitude is consistent calm objective, indeed does not have.” “嗯……”曹钦的态度还是一贯的冷静客观,“的确没有。” You look, no.” Feng Bujue is tilting the head meets to say. “你瞧,没有吧。”封不觉歪着头接道。 She here, did not represent her dead!” Lin Yan also said. “她不在这儿,不代表她就死了!”林颜又道。 Ok ~ Feng Bujue shrugs, you must say that she is also living, I have nothing well...... you to have skill to look with you argued...... this boundless land and ends of the earth, right...... wanted me to give you whole piece portrait?” “行~”封不觉耸肩,“你非要说她还活着,那我也没什么好跟你争辩的了……这苍茫大地、天涯海角……你有本事自己去找吧,对了……要不要我给你整张画像啊?” Absurd!” Lin Yan is in an uncontrollable rage, „does your shameless one, what real man encountering a difficulty push toward a deceased person on the responsibility...... is?” “岂有此理!”林颜怒不可遏,“你这无耻之徒,遇事就把责任往一个死人身上推……算什么好汉?” Now what we say is the fact, did not speak my moral behavior.” Feng Bujue said, said again, I had not said is a real man ~ he said to Lin Yan with a smile, no one had said I am a real man ~ your oneself did not say that I was the shameless one?” He is this, others said one, he can say three immediately, moreover can say is well-founded, even if, but I am the shameless one, you must make clear a point...... your father are not I kill.” “咱们现在讲的是事实,不是讲我的人品。”封不觉道,“再说了,我也没说过自己是好汉啊~”他笑着对林颜说道,“没有人说过我是好汉啊~你自己不也说我是无耻之徒了吗?”他就是这样,人家说一句,他能立刻说出三句来,而且还能说得有理有据,“但就算我是无耻之徒,你也得搞清楚一点……你爹不是我杀的。” Hateful!” Lin Yan is one drinks tenderly, she really cannot stand off Jue Bro in the spoken language, „, whether or not you kill, I am you dead today!” “可恶!”林颜又是一声娇喝,在言语上她实在是敌不过觉哥,“不管是不是你杀的,我今天就是要你死!” When a person held to read thorough certain degree...... to with wrong, real and false...... actually no longer is to her important. 当一个人的执念深到了一定的程度……对与错、真实与虚假……对她来说其实已不再重要了。 More than 40 years of hates , more than 40 years of focus, that hope to revenge, followed Lin Yan for a lifetime. Now denies all these again, was equal to denying her entire life. 四十多年的恨,四十多年的执着,那份对复仇的渴望,伴随了林颜一辈子。如今再去否定这一切,就等于是否定了她的整个人生。 Therefore, she is unable to be convinced from the beginning...... 所以,她从一开始就是无法被说服的…… Feng Bujue, naturally also very clear this point, he said that these words...... actually also to disrupt the Lin Yan state of mind, making BOSS that this he is doomed to face cope well. 封不觉,自然也很清楚这一点,他说这些话……其实也只是为了扰乱林颜的心绪,让这个他注定要面对的BOSS变得更好对付一些而已。 Alliance Lord Yuan!” When the fight will open, Feng Bujue said loudly, must help my guests helping hand! Yama copes with by me!” 袁盟主!”战斗将启之际,封不觉大声言道,“务必助我的寮客们一臂之力!阎王由我来对付!” Then, Jue Bro then...... ran quickly. 说罢,觉哥便以迅雷不及掩耳之势……跑了。 His action throughout is like that unexpected, under this circumstance, he has not escaped toward the general spaces outside mountain village in unexpectedly, ran on the contrary to interior that buried the heart mountain village. 他的行动始终是那般出人意料,在这种情势下,他居然没有往山庄外的广大空间中逃跑,反倒是跑向了葬心山庄的内部。 Feng Bujue runs so decisively and so natural is...... does not return. 封不觉跑得是如此果断、如此潇洒……头都不回一下。 But Lin Yan...... also really pursued him. She like a moth that plunges the flame, even if knows that the opposite party is pursuing quoted from oneself, is duty-bound not to turn back. 林颜……还真就去追他了。她就像一只扑向火焰的飞蛾,纵然知道对方在引自己去追,也是义无反顾。 How after snort/hum...... to let you work......” for two seconds, Xu Huaishang first responded, she turns around immediately one vertical, the arrow step, wants to pursue that two people. “哼……岂会让你得逞……”两秒后,絮怀殇第一个反应了过来,她当即转身一纵、箭步而出,欲去追那二人。 However! 然! That flickers, the form electric light lightens together. 那一瞬,一道身影似电光般闪出。 Ice-cold, if has killing intent of essence to split open instantly, blocked the Xu Huaishang way. 一股冰冷的、如有实质的杀意即刻绽开,挡住了絮怀殇的去路。 Sorry.” The Ruoyu surface sinks the water, looks at Xu Huaishang body first several meters away saying that I cannot make you pass.” “抱歉。”若雨面沉似水,望着身前数米外的絮怀殇道,“我不能让你过去。” Xu Huaishang footsteps, stops there...... 絮怀殇的脚步,也就此停下…… Only must flicker, she will then know...... the present person is not circled successfully by oneself. 仅需一瞬,她便知晓……眼前的人是不会让自己成功绕过去的。 This is the I and Feng Bujue matter between.” Xu Huaishang visual Ruoyu, the sinking sound said. “这是我跟封不觉之间的事。”絮怀殇目视若雨,沉声言道。 I now, stand among you.” The reply of Ruoyu is quite subtle. “我现在,就站在你们之间。”若雨的回答颇为微妙。 He owes me a victory and defeat.” Xu Huaishang also said. “他欠我一场胜负。”絮怀殇又道。 I know that......” Ruoyu is saying, had put on the hand the sword hilt, „......, therefore I come to return for him.” “我知道……”若雨说着,已将手放到了剑柄上,“……所以我来替他还上。” Their exchanges are very brief, even makes others hear, but two litigant seemed to have reached some agreement...... 她们的交流很简短,甚至让旁人听得云里雾里,但两名当事人自己似乎已经达成了某种共识…… The next second, two heaven shaking aura explode to spin to split, forms the potential of confrontation. 下一秒,两股惊天气场爆旋着绽出,形成对峙之势。 Sword intent, cold and cold, sinks. 剑意,冷、冽、沉。 Blade intent, the ice, severe and fierce. 刀意,凌、厉、烈。 When people recover, around that two people more than ten meters scopes had been covered in aura , seems unable to enter this range including a fly and a fallen leaf. 当人们回过神来时,那二人周围十余米的范围都已被覆盖在了一股气场之中,仿佛连一只苍蝇、一片落叶都无法进入这个范围。 Scolding- 叱- After several breaths, the withered leaf that a piece drops swiftly, sifted this piece of sword to kill, it by the sound that invisible aura tore into shreds, opened this sword prologue definitely...... 数息过后,一片倏然落下的枯叶,飘入了这片刀剑杀阵,它被无形气场撕碎的声音,也拉开了这场刀剑之决的序幕…… ............ ………… On the other hand, buries the heart mountain village deep place. 另一方面,葬心山庄深处。 Feng Bujue runs is quite quick, perhaps many people had forgotten( I have not forgotten, really), Void Treading One of Special Effect is limit running speed increase is two times. 封不觉跑得可是相当快的,或许很多人已经忘记了(我没忘,真的),【踏虚】的特效之一就是“极限奔跑速度提升为两倍”。 Therefore, only spent for less than three minutes, he seven curved eight circled ran several kilometers distance, arrived at the deep place of mountain village. 所以,只花了三分钟不到,他就七弯八绕地跑了几公里距离,来到了山庄的深处。 Buries the area of heart mountain village is considerably large, is not Yama oneself...... her each maidservant also has own room dwelling, in addition many functional buildings or the boundary, for example the kitchen and reading room, refine the dwelling place and weaving workshop, even are the hot spring...... these all construct in the range of mountain village. 葬心山庄的占地面积是相当大的,不算阎王本人……她的每一名侍女也都有自己的屋宅,另外还有许多功能性的建筑或地界,比如厨房、书屋、炼丹房、织布作坊、甚至是温泉……这些全都建在山庄的范围内。 Except for this, garden and garden that in this mountain village also many sceneries vary( but does not have farmland and pasture, because buries heart valley agriculture and raising livestock work is occupied by person in village by these completes, they can regularly and slaughter the good fresh animal meat to send in mountain village crops), and design of each courtyard may be called the Grandmaster writing skill, original. 除此以外,这山庄中还有许多景色各异的庭院和花园(但没有农田和草场,因为葬心谷的农耕和畜牧工作都由那些住在村子里的人来完成,他们会定期把农作物和宰杀好的新鲜动物肉送入山庄),且每一处院落的设计都堪称大师手笔,匠心独具。 At present, Feng Bujue everywhere one visit, is an oriental cherry arboretum. 眼下,封不觉所到之处,便是一个樱花树园。 Un...... ran was so far, it should be almost done.” Finally, under that everywhere powdery white cherry pistil, Feng Bujue stopped fleeing. “嗯……跑这么远了,应该差不多了吧。”终于,在那漫天粉白的樱蕊之下,封不觉停止了奔逃。 Lin Yan also pursued the vicinity in several seconds, and leapt the Jue Bro front, confronted to congeal to stand with it. 林颜也在数秒间就追到了近处,并跃到了觉哥前方,与其对峙凝立。 What's wrong? What intention attracts here...... to have me?” Lin Yan deceitfully is also known as hearing to Feng Bujue's, therefore the opens the mouth then asked. “怎么?把我引来这里……有什么用意吗?”林颜封不觉的狡诈也是素有耳闻,故而张口便问道。 „......” Feng Bujue smiles, felt relieved, I have no plot. I will attract here you , because...... your martial arts, although is high, but does not understand the discretion like Eunuch Cao obviously, if I with you there dozen, will affect the surrounding person directly unavoidably.” “呵……”封不觉笑了笑,“放心,我没有什么阴谋。我会把你引来这儿,是因为……你武功虽高,但显然不像曹公公那样懂得分寸,要是我直接和你在那里打,难免会殃及周围的人。” Hut Master Feng...... also really thinks through a matter.” Lin Yan pursues, the previous anger also subsided much, at this moment she coldly satirizes saying that „, but you ship out justice and humanity now again the stance, whether some late?” 封寮主……还真是用心良苦啊。”林颜一路追来,先前的怒火也平息了不少,此刻她冷冷地讽道,“但你现在再装出大仁大义的姿态,是否有些晚了呢?” Ha! Here only then your my two people, I have anything to be good to install.” Feng Bujue spreads out both hands saying that installs to give your one person to look? What do I attempt?” “哈!这里只有你我二人,我有什么好装的。”封不觉摊开双手道,“装给你一个人看?我图什么?” Perhaps I because of your justice and humanity, but forgives your life?” Lin Yan meets to say. “也许我会因你的‘仁义’而饶你一命呢?”林颜接道。 „...... This saying do your oneself believe?” Feng Bujue asked with a smile. “呵……这话你自己信吗?”封不觉笑着问道。 „......” Lin Yan also smiled, sneers, good...... I not to believe.” “呵……”林颜也笑了,冷笑,“好吧……我不信。” Since I cannotconvince you with fact,’ moved you withjustice and humanity is a joke.” Feng Bujue looks suddenly with deep veneration, meets saying that I conceivable...... after your father dies, your family will encounter the quite pitiful accident. I am also very clear...... desperate and sad will draw out the darkness in person heart, but ironically...... that darkness that dwells in the innermost feelings, often can make one stronger.” “既然我没能用‘事实’说服你,用‘仁义’来感动你就更是个笑话了。”封不觉忽又面露肃然,接道,“我可以想象……在你的父亲死后,你的家庭会遭遇相当悲惨的变故。我也很清楚……绝望和悲伤会引出人心中的黑暗,而讽刺的是……那份栖息于内心的黑暗,往往能让人变得更强。” Jue Bro said when this specious two lines is extremely influential, he even can who these do not conform to its description to have one type Eh? I probably am such misconception. 觉哥说这种似是而非的中二台词时是极富感染力的,他甚至能让那些并不符合其描述的人产生一种“诶?我好像就是这样的啊”的错觉。 I do not know how you kill Feng Bujue, revenges for the father recognizes for the lifelong goal.” After stopping for two seconds, Feng Bujue then said that „, but I think...... after you recognized this point, you lived with ease many. The power that this thought becomes you to vent the way, goes on living, and powerful root.” He is looking at Lin Yan indifferently, looks in the eyes with it, until now, you are strong enough, mental also already enough mature, and has peerless martial arts...... such you, naturally also had other expectation.” He raises an arm, made please hand signal, was the time ‚’ these two characters cancels from your heart revenge...... killed me, you can launch the life the next stage.” “我不知道你是怎么把‘杀死封不觉,为父报仇’认定为人生目标的。”停顿两秒后,封不觉接着说道,“但我想……当你认定了这一点后,你活得轻松多了。这个念头成为了你发泄的途径、活下去的动力、以及强大的根源。”他淡然地望着林颜,与其四目相对,“时至今日,你已足够坚强、心智也已足够成熟,而且还身怀绝世武功……这样的你,自然也有了其他的憧憬。”他扬起一臂,做了个“请”的手势,“是时候把‘复仇’这两个字从你的心中抹去了……杀了我,你才能展开人生的下一阶段。” The words to here, the Lin Yan facial expression are the number change. 话至此处,林颜的神情已是数变。 After silent moment, she opened the mouth again: If you said that these were to let me have the vacillation...... you to succeed.” 沉默片刻后,她再度开口了:“如果你说这些是为了让我产生动摇……你成功了。” „......” Feng Bujue smiles not to speak. “呵……”封不觉笑而不语。 But......” Lin Yan is saying, look ice, „, even if you are right, I still have had no alternative!” “但……”林颜说着,眼神一凌,“就算你是对的,我也已经别无选择!” The word finishes, her figure moves, to break through sonic barrier rapidly, raids toward Feng Bujue! 言毕,她身形一动,以突破音障的急速,朝着封不觉直袭而来! Lin Yan since childhood then the Cao Qin true line, carrying the marvelous ability were innumerable, in addition her natural talent was also hundred years is rare, high of its martial arts cultivation base, perhaps was also only Cao Qin to leave its right. 林颜自幼便得曹钦真传,身负神功无数,再加上她本人的天资也是百年难得一遇,其武功修为之高,恐怕也只有曹钦能出其右了。 This time, she exhausts to attack full power, in the speed...... must be quicker than unexpectedly on three points Jue Bro! 这一次,她用尽全力攻来,速度上……竟是比觉哥还要快上了三分!
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