TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#956: Picks flowers raises one's wine cup completely cups

Before daybreak , the darkest time, buried the light fog in heart valley continually also gloomy several points. 黎明前最黑暗的时刻,连葬心谷中的光雾也暗淡了几分。 After night of battle, countless people had been buried in the valley forever. 经过了一夜的厮杀,无数人已永远葬身在了谷内。 However...... Du Ying, has not died. 不过……杜赢,还没有死。 He escaped from being overwhelmed canyon, arrived before the front door that buries the heart mountain village. 他从断魂峡一路逃了回来,来到了葬心山庄的大门前。 But, waits for here his...... actually is also a scene of rivers of blood. 可是,在这里等待他的……却也是一幅血流成河的景象。 At this moment, buries the front door of heart mountain village to open wide, from the threshold to the front door, arrives in the garden in mountain village again, as long as is the eyesight institute and place...... can see the corpse. 此刻,葬心山庄的大门是敞开着的,从门槛外到大门内,再到山庄的庭院中,但凡是目力所及之处……都能看见尸体。 These corpse overwhelming majorities are the fully-armed royal government officers, some people are the servant appearance or the wear flying fish clothing/taking. But must say most garish...... perhaps a few old women's bodies. 那些尸体绝大多数都是全副武装的朝廷官兵、也有些人是仆役打扮或穿着飞鱼服的。但要说其中最扎眼的……恐怕还是少数几具老妪的尸体了。 Du Ying is very clear, serves Yama these old women, each is expert. They accompany the Yama many years, the people of received direction in all valleys are more than ; Is martial arts is worst , can compete with on Jiang Hu the leader of first-class big faction. 杜赢很清楚,侍奉阎王的这些老妇人,每一个都是高手。她们陪伴阎王多年,受到的指点比所有的谷中人都要多;就是其中武功最差的,也能敌得过江湖上一流大派的掌门。 However, is such a group of people, now was these officers dies here unexpectedly together...... 然而,就是这样一帮人,如今竟是和那些官兵们一同死在了这里…… What's the matter?” The Du Ying three views had been renovated in the beforehand several hours repeatedly several times, takes to his shock to compare with Yuan Qi and Red Cherry team as well as Feng Bujue, he but actually seemed somewhat light to at present this response. “怎么回事?”杜赢的三观已经在之前的几个小时内被反复刷新了数次,与袁圻红樱全队以及封不觉带给他的震惊比起来,他对眼前这一幕的反应倒显得有些平淡了。 Oh? here also live......” suddenly, an supple sound spread to the ear of Du Ying. 哦?这儿还有一个活的吗……”忽然,一个阴柔的声音传入了杜赢的耳中。 Du Ying hears word instantly, only thought the whole body blood was cool, place that because that sound resounds place its behind inch. 杜赢闻言的刹那,只觉得浑身的血都凉了,因为那声音响起的地方就在其背后寸许之地。 Who!” Du Ying turns around suddenly, potential like frightened person. “谁!”杜赢猛然转身,势如惊弓之鸟。 He then saw Cao Qin. 紧接着,他便看到了曹钦 Oh~ is Du Ying.” Eunuch Cao looks that his face said that you escaped from being overwhelmed canyon.” 哦~杜赢啊。”曹公公看着他的脸道,“你从断魂峡逃回来了是吗。” Who you...... are you?” Du Ying cannot help but retroceding, why he does not know, oneself will the instinct be afraid unexpectedly, these people are you kill?” “你……你是谁?”杜赢不由自主地后退着,他也不知道为什么,自己竟会本能地感到恐惧,“这些人都是你杀的吗?” This, Cao Qin.” Cao Qin at the back of both hands, returns indifferently said, these people...... some are I kill, some are not.” “本座,曹钦。”曹钦背着双手,淡然回道,“这些人嘛……有些是我杀的,有些不是。” What did this...... here exactly have?” Du Ying asked afraid to say a word, in the meantime, he has urged true essence secretly, to guard the opposite party to make anything to his disadvantageous action. “这……这里到底发生了什么?”杜赢吞吞吐吐地问道,同时,他已暗催真元,以防对方会做出什么对他不利的举动。 To the person who must die immediately, does he really need to know so many?” The Cao Qin cold cold joint said. “对一个马上就要死的人来说,他真的有必要知道那么多吗?”曹钦冷冷接道。 Even if must die......” Du Ying to control the breath with every effort, the sinking sound returns said, can die clearly well...... always.” “即使要死……”杜赢尽力控制住呼吸,沉声回道,“能死得明白些……总是好的。” Un......” Cao Qin hears word, nods, reasonable.” He, I read you also to calculate one generation of masters, moreover an age, has satisfied your final desire.” “嗯……”曹钦闻言,点点头,“有道理。”他顿了一下,“我念你也算一代宗师,而且已经一把年纪了,就满足你这个最后的愿望吧。” Du Ying listened to this saying, not accordingly, but waited for the opposite party to say silently. 杜赢听了这话,并没有应声,只是默默地等着对方说下去。 Cao Qin thinks several seconds, then meet saying: Chang Wei, killed Zhu Zhizha ; Then, seven big expert of royal government, killed Chang Wei ; Then, I and Yama then kill that seven big expert, but they dispersed in the mountain village, and called common soldier. Therefore, I and Yama, and maidservants in this mountain village, had troubles, killed off these people entirely.” 曹钦想了几秒,便接道:“常威,杀了朱知楂;然后,朝廷的七大高手,又杀了常威;接着,我和阎王便去杀那七大高手,但他们散到了山庄之中,并唤来了门外的兵士。于是,我、阎王、以及这山庄中的侍女们,费了一番周折,把这些人统统杀光了。” You......” Du Ying, although listened to the process of matter, but has not understood that in the reason, therefore on his face still happened simultaneously surprisedly, „are actually you who?” “你……”杜赢虽然听了整件事的经过,但并没有明白个中因由,所以他的脸上仍是惊疑交加,“你究竟是什么人?” He is similar to my father and my master.” “他便如同我父、我师。” Replied that the person of this issue, unexpectedly is Yama...... 回答这个问题的人,竟然是阎王…… At this time, her form also appeared in the garden before this, but her attire, unexpectedly with Cao Qin exactly the same...... a simple and elegant long gown, bound her enchanting figure ; In her waist border, but also hung a wine pot. 此时,她的身影也出现在了这门前的庭院中,而她的装束,居然和曹钦一模一样……一袭素雅的长袍,裹住了她那妖娆的身段;在她的腰际,还悬了一个酒壶。 What?” Du Ying does not believe simply own ear, he thinks that Yama cultivation base is the present age unparalleled, but, he actually listens to Yama to say such words today personally. “什么?”杜赢简直不相信自己的耳朵,他以为阎王修为已是当世无双,但没想到,今日他却听阎王亲口说出了这样的话来。 Then...... you were die now understand?” Cao Qin then opens the mouth to ask. “那么……你现在算是死得明白了吗?”紧接着,曹钦便开口问道。 I......” Du Ying cannot answer the Cao Qin issue, because he only said a character with enough time, his head left own neck...... to arrive in the hand of Yama. “我……”杜赢并没能回答曹钦的问题,因为他只来得及说出一个字,其头颅就离开了自己的脖子……来到了阎王的手上。 That is one slender, like the white jade hand, is a fatal hand...... this hand, perhaps in any weapon compared with this world must come fatally. 那是一只纤细的、如白玉般的手,也是一只致命的手……这只手,或许比这世上的任何一种兵器都要来得致命。 Four girls, you also looked there for a long time, why not to come out to speak?” After two seconds, Cao Qin turns around suddenly, was saying one to the corner of garden. “四位姑娘,你们也在那儿看了许久了,何不出来说话呢?”两秒后,曹钦忽地转身,对着庭院的角落道了一声。 There, was empty. But after Cao Qin spoke these words, an optical barrier then vanishes suddenly, revealed the Red Cherry four people of forms. 那里,本是空无一物的。但在曹钦说完这句话后,一层光学屏障便骤然消失,显露出了红樱四人的身影。 Since by two discoveries, I had might also as well spoken frankly......” this time, Xu Huaishang has not made the blood wild rose negotiate, but is said directly, first...... you are even we must kill?” “既然已被二位发现,那我也不妨直言了……”这次,絮怀殇并没有让血蔷薇去交涉,而是自己直接言道,“首先……你们是不是连我们都要杀?” That must look at several attitudes.” Yama is saying, raise hand hinted a corpse everywhere, you looked at...... my maidservant to die, actually does not know that...... four girls were interested in serving me?” “那就要看几位的态度了。”阎王说着,抬手示意了一下遍地的尸体,“你们瞧……我的侍女全都死了,却不知……四位姑娘有兴趣来侍奉我吗?” If the negative answer is equivalent dies, perhaps we are unable to reject.” Xu Huaishang returns said. “如果否定的答复相当于死,那我们恐怕无法拒绝。”絮怀殇回道。 Why hehe...... do you show like that the disgruntled facial expression?” Yama smiled, that smile is beautiful intoxicated, you should rejoice be, in fact...... you are really are much more incomparable.” She lays out the sleeves, past these years, my maidservants, although does not need to worry about food or clothing, but they cannot on any true auspicious day ; But from now on different...... starting today, I am the martial arts world am supreme, you after I have the valley together, then has to enjoy not the glory, splendor, riches and honor.” “呵呵……你又何必露出那般不悦的神情呢?”阎王笑了,那笑容美得令人心醉,“你们应该高兴才是,事实上……你们真是无比得幸运。”她摆了摆衣袖,“过去那些年,我的侍女们虽也是衣食无忧,但她们并没能过上什么真正的好日子;但从今往后就不同了……自今日起,我就是武林至尊,你们随我一同出谷后,便有享不尽的荣华富贵。” Spoke the words in her, when Xu Huaishang has not responded, suddenly! 就在她把话说完,絮怀殇还没回应之际,突然! Military? Forest? To? Reveres?” “武?林?至?尊?” Sound that an inexpensive strength full, resounds through the skies, air-splitting however...... 一个贱力十足、响彻云霄的声音,破空而来…… That sound repeated these four characters one word at a time, and took the obvious question and taunt tone. 那个声音一字一顿地将这四个字重复了一遍,并且带上了明显的疑问及嘲讽语气。 ...... Has the ability without a doubt( the Fraud Pocket watch amplifying effect), and has the person who the interest does this matter, in entire Scenario only has one. 毫无疑问……有能力(欺诈怀表的扩音效果)、且有兴趣干出这种事的人,整个剧本里只有一个。 Snort...... then may be interesting.” The Cao Qin eyes closed chuckle, commented one in a low voice. “哼……这下可有趣了。”曹钦闭目轻笑,低声评论了一句。 The next second, the Feng Bujue's form then appears above courtyard wall that in mountain village that stood tall and erect. Although...... front door beyond several meters, moreover is opening. 下一秒,封不觉的身影便出现在了山庄那高耸的院墙之上。虽然……大门就在数米之外、而且还是开着的。 This Sir in this! Who dares saying that the martial arts world is supreme?” After he comes, came a naked taunt, solemn not the attitude that anybody pays attention. “本大爷在此!谁敢自称武林至尊?”他现身之后,又来了一句赤裸裸的嘲讽,俨然一副没把任何人放在眼里的态度。 At this time, Yuan Qi and Hell Front team, as well as military Lin Qun hao have also passed through the village outside mountain village, before arriving at the front door of mountain village . 此时,袁圻地狱前线队、以及武林群豪们也都已穿过了山庄外的村子,来到了山庄的大门前。 Hears the opinion of Jue Bro, the Alliance Lord Yuan look becomes quite awkward ; Properly speaking...... was martial arts world Alliance Lord, Yuan Qi is some most qualifications says the person of those words, but how this words...... he possibly could say. However he cannot bring to light spoke Jue Bro blustering, after all this boy stands oneself, moreover martial arts is immeasurably deep, at this time had the conflict with him is not very Akechi. 听到觉哥的言论,袁盟主的神色变得颇为尴尬;按理说……身为武林盟主,袁圻才是最有资格说那句话的人,但这种话……他又怎么可能说得出口。然而他又不能挑明了讲觉哥“口出狂言”,毕竟这小子是站在自己这边的,而且武功深不可测,这种时候跟他起冲突是很不明智的。 Therefore, Yuan Qi also can only pretend not to hear, rapidly changed topic: Yama! Do not have your Spring and Autumn Period big dream!” He shouted loudly, various today's group of heroes get together in this, will not make you give the technique of immortal toward......” 于是,袁圻也只能假装没有听见,迅速地转移话题:“阎王!别做你的春秋大梦了!”他高声喝道,“今日各路英雄齐聚于此,绝不会让你把长生之术交给朝……” When royal government these two characters to his mouth, he happen to saw at present full Yuan the officers body, after this makes him obstinately swallowing back, half a word words. 当“朝廷”这两个字到他的嘴边时,他正好看到了眼前满院的官兵尸体,这让他愣是把后半句话给咽了回去。 Said that how to say?” Yama visits him, as well as he heads of that help/gang various factions, in the eye flashed through the obvious hatred behind, you want to say that I and royal government collude, then makes me give you technique of immortal?” “说啊,怎么不说了?”阎王看着他,以及他身后那各帮各派的头头脑脑,眼中闪过了明显的恨意,“你想说我和朝廷勾结,然后让我把长生之术交给你?” Snort......” a Yuan Qi big sleeve swayed, cold snort/hum, „, even if you have not colluded with the royal government, these years you occlude the evil person on Jiang Hu are still the fact, degenerate like you......” “哼……”袁圻大袖一摆,冷哼一声,“就算你并未与朝廷勾结,这些年来你包藏江湖上的恶徒也是事实,像你这样的败类……” You shut up to me!” This flickers, Yama called out makes noise, broke the Yuan Qi words. “你给我闭嘴!”这一瞬,阎王暴喝出声,打断了袁圻的话语。 In a twinkling, the flood naive strength, carries killing intent and sound wave spreads...... 霎时间,滔天真力,携着杀意与音浪扩散而出…… Four people of Red Cherry team are also unlucky, because to near, they were rumbled bewilderedly by this sound wave attack 20% Health. 红樱队的四人也是倒霉,由于离得较近,她们莫名其妙就被这声波攻击轰掉了20%生存值 Four people of Hell Front team leave slightly, but cannot escape by luck this AOE to attack, simultaneously fell about 15% volumes of blood. 地狱前线队的四人离得稍远,不过也没能幸免这次AOE攻击,齐齐掉了15%左右的血量。 Naturally , compared with military Lin Qun hao, the players are lucky......, because their force systems are not established in Inner Strength in this foundation, therefore this move has not caused the damage of sum total to them ; They eat...... is only sound wave the injury of this part, but in fact...... another part establishes in Inner Strength resonating the injury in foundation is most awfully. 当然了,和武林群豪们比起来,玩家们都算是幸运的……因为他们的力量体系并不是建立在“内力”这一基础上的,所以这一招并没有对他们造成全额的伤害;他们吃到的……只是“声波”这部分的伤害而已,而实际上……另一部分建立在“内力共振”基础上的伤害才是最要命的。 after the sound, besides eight players, Cao Qin and Yuan Qi, others on the scene this was all drunk to shake the mouth to spit the blood by Yama, looked in abundance with amazement but actually. 喝声过后,除了八名玩家、曹钦袁圻之外,在场的其他人全都被阎王这一喝震得口吐鲜血,纷纷面露骇然地倒了下去。 These people, or become famous for a long time Jiang Hu famous elder, the palm of prestigious family big faction teaches the person of high skill, young and promising martial arts world rare talent. 这些人,或是成名已久的江湖名宿,或是名门大派的掌教高人,还有年轻有为的武林奇才。 However, in the middle of these people, no one can catch this move. 然,这些人当中,无一人能接得住这一招。 Although no one died at the scene, internal injury that but this move of institute creates, just like makes them unable to stand. 虽然没有人当场身亡,但这一招所造成的内伤,俨然是让他们站不起来了。 This drinks...... the seemingly simple and crude, contains the principle of incomparably profound martial arts actually. Regardless the player, the sole view this world person of practicing martial art...... , to defend this move, must achieve two thing- its one, has over 20 years, Inner Strength of general level martial arts heart law ; Second, send the instantaneous induction and judgment that incurs in the opposite party the style mystery, and makes a barrier with oneself Inner Strength in the body immediately, covers own main internal organs. 这一喝……看似简单粗暴,实则蕴含着无比精深的武学之理。撇开玩家不谈,单论这个世界中的习武之人……要想防住这招,就必须得做到两件事-其一,具备二十年以上的、一般水准武学心法的内力;其二,在对方发招的瞬间感应并判断出招式的奥秘,并立刻用自身内力在身体内部制造一个屏障,覆盖住自己的主要脏腑。 Only then achieves these two points, can complete the defense that incurs, otherwise...... 只有做到这两点,才能完成对此招的防御,否则…… In the martial arts world that „after......” Yama looks at these fall to the ground, immediately to start sitting in meditation luck the person, sneers to make noise, what ‚does hero...... also match to call the hero on you?” Saying, her was transferring to the line of sight Yuan Qi, actually your board game piece...... can also be called is a character.” “呵……”阎王看着那些倒地后立刻开始打坐运气的武林中人,冷笑出声,“什么‘英雄’……就你们也配叫英雄?”说着,她又将视线移到了袁圻身上,“倒是你这枚棋子……还称得上是个人物。” Yes,...... I also am quite accidental/surprised.” Cao Qin meets to say. “是啊,对此……我也相当意外。”曹钦接道。 You were saying that what...... who is a board game piece?” The Yuan Qi forehead has the cold sweat to fall, martial arts cultivation base that Yama that attack manifested a moment ago has made him nearly desperate, if not for the side also has Broken Sword Tea Hut four people of same belief are standing, he must surrender most likely. “你们在说什么……谁是棋子?”袁圻的额头已有冷汗滑落,阎王刚才那次攻击所体现出的武功修为已让他近乎绝望,若不是身边还有“破剑茶寮”的四位同道站着,他十有八九就要投降了。 Being able to understand?” Cao Qin smiles to him, said five characters, then, suddenly changed oneself voice, changed to nearly hoarse condition the throat, that I said like this...... you did understand?” “听不懂是吧?”曹钦冲他笑了笑,说了五个字,然后,突然改变了自己的嗓音,将嗓子改成了一种近乎沙哑的状态,“那我这样说……你是不是就懂了呢?” You!” In a flash, the Yuan Qi spirit...... was then compelled the brink of collapse. “你!”一瞬之间,袁圻的精神……便被逼到了崩溃的边缘。 Because he knows that sound, that is the voice that he is unable to forget forever. 因为他识得那个声音,那是个一个他永远都无法忘记的嗓音。 You...... you are......” the body and voice of Yuan Qi are shivering freely. “你……你是……”袁圻的身体和语音都在不住地颤抖着。 Right, I am that telling fortunes blind person.” Cao Qin at the back of both hands, looks at Yuan Qi to say tranquilly, „, but you...... are I more than 20 years ago, buries a board game piece in Jiang Hu.” “对,我就是那个算命的瞎子。”曹钦背着双手,平静地看着袁圻说道,“而你……是我于二十多年前,埋在江湖中的一枚棋子。” Not...... impossible......” the Yuan Qi facial expression with astonishment said, your I meet by chance...... I , if not ask you to tell fortunes, you are impossible to discover that my within the body has the life Chen profound merit!” “不……不可能的……”袁圻神情惊愕地言道,“你我只是偶遇……我若不来找你算命,你也不可能发现我体内有命辰玄功!” Right, your I truly meet by chance.” Cao Qin returns said that „, but you must understand......, no matter has that time meets by chance, finally is the same.” His a half second, besides assigns/life the Chen profound merit, its one then dominates the martial arts world secret art, I at least also know 12 types ; And ten types...... I can take to teach others momentarily. In other words......, so long as I think, propping up martial arts world Alliance Lord is very easy. I need...... is only one understood person who treasures the opportunity, with about ten years times.” “对,你我确实是偶遇。”曹钦回道,“但你要明白……不管有没有那次偶遇,结果都是一样的。”他微顿半秒,“除了‘命辰玄功’之外,‘得其一即可称霸武林’的绝学,我至少还知道十二种;其中有十种……我随时都可以拿出来教给别人。也就是说……只要我想,扶植一个武林盟主是很容易的。我所需要的……只是一个懂得珍惜机会的人,和十年左右的光阴罢了。” Hears here, the Yuan Qi psychological defense line is defeated and dispersed thoroughly, he had realized that...... at present cultivation base and planning of this person, is not the boundary that the mortal can hope to attain ; Does not need to try him also to know, regardless of oneself make anything...... to be unproductive before this person. 听到这里,袁圻的心理防线彻底溃散,他已经意识到……眼前这个人的修为、算计,都已不是凡人可以企及的境界了;不用试他也知道,自己无论做什么……在这个人面前都是徒劳的。 This that Eunuch Cao, you sang which was, can explain to us?” At this time, Feng Bujue opened the mouth, his tone actually slightly has not changed. 曹公公,你们唱的这是哪一出,能不能跟我们解释解释呢?”这时,封不觉又开口了,他的语气倒是丝毫未变。 Hehe...... Hut Master Feng, said, this matter and your Broken Sword Tea Hut have the relations.” Cao Qin returns said. “呵呵……封寮主,说起来,这事儿和你们破剑茶寮也有关系啊。”曹钦回道。 Oh? the Feng Bujue's response arrives quickly inconceivable, is it possible that...... with past ‚did Dark Green Spirit discuss sword related?” 哦?封不觉的反应快到不可思议,“莫非……和当年的‘苍灵论剑’有关?” „.” Cao Qin returns said, looks like Hut Master Feng still to remember, that is good......” he to raise one, hinted toward Yama, makes me come to present to everyone officially...... this Yama, was the past Blue Sky Sword Lin Chang orphan...... Lin Yan.” “正是。”曹钦回道,“看来封寮主还记得,那就好……”他扬起一手,朝阎王示意了一下,“让我来正式给各位引见一下……这位‘阎王’,乃是当年碧空剑林常的遗孤……林颜。” Oh~ only listened to these words, Feng Bujue to infer many matters. 哦~”只听这一句话,封不觉就推理到了许多事。 However I......” Cao Qin looked askance to look at Lin Yan one, was her adoptive father.” “而我……”曹钦侧目看了林颜一眼,“是她的义父。” His two introductions just said, Lin Yan then moves to the lotus steps lightly, turned around to Feng Bujue, raised the head saying: Hut Master Feng, Lin Yan...... greeting on first meeting your given name.” 他的两句介绍刚说完,林颜便轻移莲步,转身正对向了封不觉,抬头言道:“封寮主,林颜……久仰您的大名了。” Yama these words...... may frighten heavily the people, from Yuan Qi, to the Red Cherry team member and to military Lin Qun hao, to outside audience...... all with one type looked again the deity general look looked to Feng Bujue. 阎王的这句话……可把众人吓得不轻,从袁圻、到红樱队员、到武林群豪、再到场外观众……全都用一种看神仙一般的眼神看向了封不觉 More than 40 years...... I have a dream want to see you......” then, on the face of Lin Yan, showed a strange smile, in that smile has the subtle feelings that several points excited, several points remnant somewhat are unable to put things clearly severely and, you are unable to imagine me to kill your many times in the dream...... because to your hatred, created today's me.” “40多年来……我做梦都想见到你……”接着,林颜的脸上,露出了一种诡异的笑容,那笑容中带着几分兴奋、几分残厉、还有几分说不清道不明的微妙情愫,“你无法想象我在梦里杀了你多少次……正因为对你的那份恨意,才造就了今天的我。” Then, she then loosens the wine pot of waist...... to lean the upper body, raises the pot to stretch out the neck, the red lips open, curl up the first unrestrained drinking. 说罢,她便解下腰间的酒壶……倒倾上身,提壶引颈,朱唇一启,蜷首豪饮。 She so drinks absorbed, unconventional...... vertical is these fine wine overflows from its, winds through in the mind that her powder neck, submerges her to fluctuate...... she also to care about nothing following the chin. 她饮得如此忘我、忘形……纵是那些玉液琼浆从其口中溢出,顺着下巴流过她的粉颈、没入她起伏的胸襟中……她也是毫不在乎。 This solitary one valley, last period of autumn, under fog, before the flower . 孤谷,残秋,雾下,花前。 But sees, that outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman drinks to heart's content next entire pot liquor water, immediately turns the waist lightly, is straight the body, is overwhelmed with emotion to swing the mortal form the coquettish look with one pair to stare toward Feng Bujue: Today, I recompense to be willing...... her to throw finally fine conveniently the wine pot in hand, spreads out the double palm, the anger splits true essence, „...... killed you, revenges for the father!” 但见,那位绝色美人痛饮下一整壶酒水,随即轻扭腰肢,直起身子,用一双销魂荡魄的媚眼朝封不觉一瞪:“今日,我终于要得偿所愿……”她把手中的酒壶随手扔出,摊开双掌,怒绽真元,“……杀了你,为父报仇!”
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