TP :: Volume #10 巅峰争霸战 S2

#955: don't asked the bustling place 3000 matters

Yama has not responded to the issue of opposite party, was only silent two seconds, later the red lips opened lightly, in turn asked: „Is this young master, Zhu Zhizha?” 阎王没有回应对方的问题,只是沉默了两秒,随后朱唇轻启,反过来问道:“这位公子,可是朱知楂?” Dissolute!” Bao Qi hears this word, immediately goes forward to shout loudly, bold daughter! Dares to say your highness its?” “放肆!”鲍奇听得此言,当即上前高声喝道,“大胆民女!竟敢直呼殿下其名?” - 咻- It finishes barely the words, in the curtain has a sharp sound suddenly. 其话音未落,帷帐中忽起一声锐响。 That flickers, an invisible qi energy, raids Bao Qi to go accordingly. 那一瞬,一道无形气劲应声而出,直袭鲍奇而去。 The move that Yama puts forth...... seems like without the might, was only such as the light breeze strokes willow -like putting on the curtain ; But in a flash, this qi energy accelerates suddenly, concentrates the posture of thunder in the midair, irresistible. 阎王使出的这一招……看似毫无威力,仅是如轻风拂柳般“穿”过了帷帐而已;但转瞬之间,这道气劲又急剧加速,于半空中凝成雷霆之姿,势不可挡。 No one knows what she puts forth is what method, what style and what merit law...... 没有人知道她使出的是什么手段、什么招式、什么功法…… In fact, in eight big expert, only then two people incurred reacted promptly. 事实上,八大高手中,也只有两个人对此招及时做出了反应。 First...... is Bian Ji. 第一个……是卞吉 Bian Fu causes the internal strength extremely, he was almost the instinct induces this move of bad risk. Therefore, he quickly stimulates to movement the real strength, the single palm illness/quick raises, delimits together the vigorous palm shadow in the midair, wants to offend its front. 卞副使内功绝顶,他几乎是本能地感应到了此招的凶险。因此,他急忙催动真力,单掌疾扬,在半空划出一道雄浑掌影,欲撄其锋。 But second...... is Shangguan Si. 而第二个……是上官汜 Directs to cause as the brocade uniformed guard, he naturally cannot look on that was killed hand/subordinate. Different with Bian Ji, Sir Shangguan this external work aloof person, the knowledge incurs is mainly five senses that” depends, this point looks like with the player but actually very much. 身为锦衣卫指挥使,他自然也不能坐视手下被人干掉。和卞吉不同,上官大人这种外功超然之人,识招靠的主要是“五感”,这一点倒和玩家很像。 In a twinkling! But sees the Shangguan Si figure in a flash, latter sends first, held up an arm then to keep off before the body of Bao Qi. 说时迟,那时快!但见上官汜身形一晃,后发先至,举起一臂便挡在了鲍奇的身前。 The matter that however, then has, can only two characters describe with terrifying. 然,接下来发生的事情,只能用“恐怖”二字来形容。 Scolds- - bang! 叱-噗-嘭! After three abnormal noises...... 三声异响过后…… The Bian Ji palm shadow was put on a hole, vanishes into thin air. 卞吉的掌影被穿了个窟窿,烟消云散。 The arm of Shangguan Si was also put on a hole, bloody. 上官汜的胳膊也被穿了个窟窿,血流如注。 But Bao Qi...... the entire upper part made into beach meat sauce, he is repeatedly stuffy snort/hum has not sent out, had passed away. 鲍奇……整个上半身都被打成了一滩肉酱,他连声闷哼都没发出,就已一命呜呼。 Under those images and scenes, but also living seven big expert hearts of hearts without doubt are the same response- WTF!” 此情此景之下,还活着的七大高手内心深处无疑都是同一个反应-“卧槽!” As for does not pass Zhu Zhizha and Chang Wei of martial arts......, although they do not understand that these round encounters inside various ways, but the pitiful condition of corpse they look very clearly, therefore, they have been startled the complexion to be pallid, helpless. 至于不通武功的朱知楂常威……虽然他们不明白这一轮交锋里面的各种门道,但尸体的惨状他们还是看得很真切的,因此,他们也都已惊得脸色煞白,不知所措。 Good, two worthily are expert of Imperial Palace.” After two seconds, Yama that beautiful sound of talking resounds again, by the aptitude that Bian Fu causes, can cultivate/repair the energy of True Qi shape, is really not easy ; Outside family/home time of Sir Shangguan is also verve good, very rare......, if two walk Jiang Hu, can become the character who in the martial arts world ranks among the best inevitably.” “好,二位不愧是大内的高手。”两秒后,阎王那动听的语声再度响起,“以卞副使的资质,能修得真气化形之能,实属不易;上官大人的外家功夫也是刚猛不俗,十分难得……若二位去行走江湖,必然能成为武林中数一数二的人物。” When she spoke these words expressions to be very quiet, but is tranquil, more appears her fearfully...... 她说这些话时的语气很平静,而越是平静,就越显得她可怕…… Fearfully to suffocating. 可怕到让人窒息。 Now the world, can only have one to the people of these seven big expert constrictions...... that is Cao Qin. 当今天下,能给这七大高手如此压迫感的人只有一个……那就是曹钦 Senior......” crossed for five seconds, Shangguan Si stops with the law of finger-pressing stops on blood stream, while the sinking sound said, „...... in my subordinate spoken language many offended a moment ago, but also looks to be broad-minded!” “前辈……”又过了五秒,上官汜一边用点穴之法止住手上的血流,一边沉声言道,“……刚才我的手下言语上多有冒犯,还望海涵!” He indeed is a smart person, understands to size up the situation. To him, dies Bao Qi definitely to accept. If necessary, was makes him sell Zhu Zhizha he also to act accordingly...... 他的确是个聪明人,懂得审时度势。对他来说,死一个鲍奇完全可以接受。如果有需要,就是让他卖了朱知楂他也照办…… Un......” Yama hesitates, then said, „the present knows how should speak to me?” “嗯……”阎王沉吟一声,接着道,“现在知道该怎么跟我讲话了吗?” In...... below Bian Ji, pays a visit the senior.” Perhaps no one thinks, in this ordinary day seems somewhat Bian Fu of aloof to cause, meets unexpectedly second after Shangguan Si lowers the head. “在……在下卞吉,拜见前辈。”可能没人会想到,这位平日里看上去有几分高冷的卞副使,竟会是在上官汜之后第二个低头的。 However his action, set a very good example...... the remaining these people to see Sir Shangguan and attitude of Sir Bian, they also had nothing unable to have a long face. 不过他的举动,也做了个很好的榜样……剩下那些人看到上官大人和卞大人的态度,他们也就没什么拉不下脸了。 Therefore, Lu Yuan, Mao Jincai and Jiang Xu, Cao Guo, Yu Fei held the fist in the other hand to cup one hand in the other across the chest, notified the name to Yama respectfully. 于是,鲁元毛进财蒋许,曹果,俞飞先后抱拳拱手,毕恭毕敬地向阎王通报了姓名。 Then, often was the court physician...... 然后,就是常御医了…… Obsolete Chang Wei, pays a visit......” “老朽常威,拜见……” Mr. Chang...... does not need to call my senior.” Yama actually broke him when the Chang Wei speech, I may be unable to take on.” 常先生……就不必叫我前辈了。”没想到,阎王却偏偏在常威说话时打断了他,“我可担当不起。” Under this saying...... listens not to have nothing for the first time probably right, because often the age of court physician is this line of ten people( although only remains nine to be biggest now). But thinks carefully where probably also has not right...... 这话……乍听之下好像也没什么不对,因为常御医的年纪是这一行十人(虽然现在只剩九个了)里最大的。但仔细想想,好像又有哪里不对劲儿…… From that exchange, Yama was quite impolite to this group, in that ten people the age's second largest Bian Ji ( about 60 ) asked her senior her not to say anything. Properly speaking......, even if she wants to decline often the court physician to call the senior, still only needed to say before , half a word words were good, how behind that half a word could not take on to want is not quite normal. 从刚才的那番交流来看,阎王对这一行人是相当不客气的,那十人中年龄第二大的卞吉(近60岁)叫她前辈她也没说什么。按理说……就算她想拒绝常御医叫自己前辈,也只需要说前半句话就行了,后面那半句“担当不起”怎么想都不太正常。 Thereupon, after these words exit|to speak the moment, people simultaneously that tastes gradually shifted to often the court physician the face, looks the color of doubt. 于是乎,在这句话出口后的片刻,渐渐回过味儿来的众人齐齐将脸转向了常御医,面露狐疑之色。 Snort......, even if I cannot hide the truth from your eye, but why do you expose this matter?” The next second, Chang Wei senile seemed vanishing instantaneously, his slightly somewhat humpbacked body straightened up all of a sudden, the facial expression on face also seemed young over ten years old, tone that spoke, no longer likely old man, but disclosed a vigor of middle-age people. “哼……纵然我瞒不过你的眼睛,但你又何必将这种事点破呢?”下一秒,常威身上的老态仿佛在瞬间消失了,他那略有些驼背的身子一下子挺直了起来,脸上的气色也好似年轻了十多岁,就连说话的语气,也不再像个老者,而是透露出一种壮年人的精气神。 Sir Chang...... you......” stand in Chang Wei Zhu Zhizha are last recover, he is also to often change most surprised one person of court physician. 常大人……你……”站在常威身旁的朱知楂是最后一个回过神来的,他也是对常御医的变化最为惊讶的一人。 „...... Your highness, frankly......” Chang Wei to sneer was saying, obsolete many years ago, was not the court physician......” he is saying, carried both hands, came the standard peerless expert bearing. “呵……殿下,实不相瞒……”常威冷笑着说道,“老朽在多年前,并不是御医……”他说着,背起双手,来了个标准的绝世高手站姿。 Such remarks, nearby seven big expert all look changing suddenly. Especially that two of brocade uniformed guard and Dongchang...... to them, in the imperial family special-purpose court physicians mix such a character, moreover they not detected, this neglects duty absolutely greatly. 此言一出,旁边的七大高手全都神色陡变。尤其是锦衣卫和东厂的那两位……对他们来说,皇室专用的御医之中混有这样一个人物,而且他们都对此毫无察觉,这绝对是大大地失职。 You cannot find out his status are also normal.” At this time, Yama seemed looked through thoughts of these people, said in the room inner cooling cold joint, this person was 40 years ago Japan's first expert Chang Xingwei , he not only reached the pinnacle in the martial arts aspect, but also was skilled in the medical divination star chart, it can be said that versatile person.” She, „, but...... about 30 years ago, Chang Xingwei actually goes into hiding in Japanese Martial arts world suddenly. Some people said that he had died, some people said that he was goes to sea to ask to pass away. But in fact...... he is the disguise changes costume, mixed on the ship of Japanese pirate, arrived at the Central Plain.” “你们查不出他的身份也属正常。”此时,阎王好似是看破了那些人的心思似的,在屋内冷冷接道,“此人乃是四十年前的东瀛第一高手-常行屗,他非但在武学方面登峰造极,还精通医卜星象,可说是个全才。”她顿了顿,“但是……大约三十年前,常行屗却突然在东瀛武林中销声匿迹。有人说他已经死了,也有人说他是出海求仙去了。可实际上……他是乔装改扮,混在了倭寇的船上,来到了中原。” „......” Chang Wei hears word sneers, has not really thought that...... in the canyon of this desert edge, some people can about my matter so know that unexpectedly......” his big sleeve wields, asked unrestrained/no trace of politeness, actually does not know how...... you knew these?” “呵……”常威闻言冷笑,“真没想到……在这大漠边缘的深谷之中,竟也有人能对我的事情如此了解……”他大袖一挥,毫不客气地反问道,“却不知……你到底是如何知晓这些的呢?” Simple.” Yama returns said, naturally some people told me.” “简单。”阎王回道,“当然是有人告诉我的。” Who?” Chang Wei looks the stern countenance, goes to together the sharp vision toward curtain CIC. “谁?”常威面露厉色,朝帷帐中投去一道锐利的目光。 I ~ responded his, was another sound. “我~”回应他的,是另一个声音。 Supple, indifferent sound. 一个阴柔的、淡然的声音。 When this sound resounds instantly, presented everyone to change the look...... including Yama. 当这个声音响起的刹那,在场所有人都变了神色……包括阎王在内。 When the voice falls, the Cao Qin form has appeared between Zhu Zhizha and Chang Wei. 话音落时,曹钦的身影已经出现在了朱知楂常威之间。 No one noticed how he comes, seems him to stand there. 没人看到他是怎么来的,就好似他本来就站在那里。 Cao Qin......” the Chang Wei expression becomes very stern, his hand did not move several points toward the front piece place of chest voluntarily. 曹钦……”常威的表情变得很严峻,他的手也不自觉地往胸口的衣襟处挪了几分。 What's wrong? Do you want to put the smoke shell?” Cao Qin looked that does not look at his one eyes, said easely, „...... is not right, should call to endure technique, such called to appear fierce.” “怎么?你要放烟雾弹?”曹钦看都不看他一眼,悠然言道,“哦……不对,应该叫‘忍术’,那样叫显得厉害一些。” By his such saying, the hand of Chang Wei was then put down: You...... also know that endures technique?” 被他这么一说,常威的手便放下了:“你……还知道‘忍术’?” I knew may.” Cao Qin returns said, you entered the same day of imperial physician institute, I know that you were not an average person.” He said on and on, after that you were dormant for more than 20 years as court physician,...... I naturally has enough time to verify your origin in such long years.” “我知道得可多了。”曹钦回道,“你进入太医院的当天,我就知道你不是一般人。”他娓娓言道,“此后,你以御医的身份蛰伏了二十余年,在这么长的年月里……我自然有充分的时间去查明你的来历。” Snort! Blustered......” Chang Wei saying that „, if you really when I entered the imperial physician institute then knows that my status, why didn't reveal me?” “哼!虚张声势……”常威道,“假如你真的早在我入太医院时便知道我的身份,为何不来揭穿我?” Why do I want to reveal you?” Cao Qin wants not to ask. “我为什么要揭穿你?”曹钦想都不想就反问道。 Naturally is because......” Chang Wei wants to say anything, but had words on the tip of the tongue and stiffens. “当然是因为……”常威本想说些什么,但话到嘴边又僵住了。 Then, his facial expression becomes quite ugly. 接着,他的神情变得相当难看。 Understood?” Cao Qin returns said that „, since you can bear patiently for more than 20 years, I can accompany you to bear patiently for more than 20 years. When you reveal fox tail, when I take you.” He took up the wine pot with a smile, drinks one, „you give to seize in the first day that you ambush, is not anything punishes, because you have dying consciousness. Therefore, I do not make you die...... I calmly to think so you to install, look at you time passage waste of half a lifetime at a impossible successful matter, finally, when you think the important matter will become, making you know that all will be unproductive......” his each character just like the bone-chilling cold cold wind, will blow is rubbing the Chang Wei heart and soul, this...... deals with people like you, best way.” “明白了是吗?”曹钦回道,“既然你可以隐忍二十多年,我就可以陪着你隐忍二十多年。你什么时候露出狐狸尾巴,我就什么时候把你拿下。”他笑着拿起了酒壶,又喝上一口,“在你潜伏的第一天就把你给逮住,并不算什么惩罚,因为你早已有了‘死’的觉悟。所以,我不让你死……我就这么静静地看着你装,看你把半辈子的年华浪费在一件不可能成功的事上,最后,在你自以为大事将成的时候,让你知道一切皆是徒劳……”他的每一个字都犹如凛冽的寒风,刮蹭着常威的心魄,“这……才是对付你这种人,最好的办法。” Incessantly is Chang Wei, in side that several royal governments the person is also listening to this saying to feel being afraid. At this moment, they is really incomparably rejoiced that...... fortunately we and Eunuch Cao stand in the same front.” However, in their hearts also had a faint fear...... what handle I also to fall in his hand by some chance, what to do but hasn't he revealed...... that?” 不止是常威,就连旁边的那几位朝廷中人也都在听这话时感到了不寒而栗。此刻,他们内心真是无比庆幸……“还好咱和曹公公是站在同一战线上的。”但是,他们的心中又都有一丝隐隐的恐惧……“万一我也有什么把柄早就落在了他手上,只是他没有揭穿……那怎么办?” You...... you......”, on the other hand, litigant Chang Wei is furious, his Inner Strength cannot help but spread from within the body with its murderous aura together. “你……你……”另一方面,当事人常威则已是怒不可遏了,他的内力与其杀气一同从体内不由自主地蔓延了出来。 But Cao Qin remains unmoved radically, but stands before the Zhu Zhizha body then said: At age 40, you are the legend of Japanese Martial arts world. Just like many tyrant, after you obtain the strength that others are unable to attain, you think how to preserve it permanently, therefore...... you came to the Central Plain.” He, you were very intelligent, you know that my Ming Dynasty was bounteous, expert like clouds, even if you might be called invincible in Japan, but the Central Plain martial arts world not necessarily no one can win you. Therefore you hide the identity, an incarnation roaming the four corners of the world doctor of Chinese medicine, in the surface are all sea, practice medicine to provide relief for the family/home, is actually the inquiry is related ‚the technique of immortal the news.” 曹钦根本不为所动,只是站在朱知楂身前接着说道:“40岁时,你便已是东瀛武林的传奇了。和许多霸者一样,当你获得了别人无法企及的力量后,你想到的就是如何永久地保住它,于是……你来了中原。”他顿了顿,“你很聪明,你知道我大明地大物博、高手如云,就算你在东瀛堪称无敌,但中原武林未必没人能胜你。所以你隐藏身份,化身一名游方的郎中,表面上是四海为家、悬壶济世,实则是打探有关‘长生之术’的消息。” The words to here, Eunuch Cao looked at one toward Yama that side: But at that time, Yama the legend still did not exist, you look everywhere after Jiang Hu is fruitless, then thought of the imperial family......” his chuckle, „...... this idea firmly also right, if in this world will really have the technique of what immortal...... the emperors in that my Ming Dynasty empire definitely to spare nothing to capture him, even if cannot the earliest possible time obtain the material object, at least can still obtain the news. Therefore, after several years of going through many places, you with the excellent medical skill, made an exception to enter the imperial physician institute finally, hence...... you thought that your plan has succeeded half.” He spreads out both hands, shakes the head, „, this first-grade is nearly 30 years of time, now you were also the 70-year-old person, could not wait again. Is skillful is...... this emperor sends people to seek to bury the heart valley ‚the technique of immortal, assigned you to be the only accompanying court physician exactly. Hehe...... I think, when you hear this news, certainly is overjoyed?” 话至此处,曹公公阎王那边看了一眼:“但那个时候,‘阎王’的传说尚不存在,你在江湖上遍寻无果后,便想到了皇家……”他轻笑一声,“呵……这想法确也没错,若这世上真有什么长生之术……那我大明帝国的天子肯定会不惜一切代价将其夺得,就算不能第一时间得到实物,至少也能得到消息。于是,经过了几年的辗转,你终于凭着高超的医术,破格进入了太医院,至此……你觉得自己的计划已成功了一半。”他摊开双手,摇了摇头,“没想到,这一等就是近三十年的时光,如今你也是年近古稀之人了,再也等不起了。巧得是……这次皇帝派人来寻葬心谷的‘长生之术’,恰好指定了你来当唯一的随行御医。呵呵……我想,你听到这个消息时,一定是大喜过望吧?” Chang Wei hears here, watches intently Cao Qin to return said: Good...... your what to know, but what's the big deal?” Saying, him was taking out in eight hands from the bosom the sword, clamped in ten fingers, I have arrived now have buried in the heart valley, and has stood in the Yama front......, so long as I killed off you completely, then subdued that woman, the technique of immortal was still my.” 常威听到这儿,逼视着曹钦回道:“好……你什么都知道,但那又如何呢?”说着,他就从怀中取出了八支手里剑,夹在了十指之间,“我现在已经来到了葬心谷中,而且已经站在了阎王的面前……只要我把你们全部杀光,然后再制伏那个女人,长生之术依然是我的。” Haha Ha.....” Cao Qin looks at Chang Wei such, had a good laugh several, Chang Wei, you really have not straightened out...... your oneself to say what...... I know, you feel...... at this moment, you, as well as can everyone on the scene, live to stand this matter...... I to be able not to calculate here?” “哈哈哈……”曹钦看着常威那样子,仰天大笑了几声,“常威,你还真是不开窍啊……你自己都说了……我‘什么都知道’,那你觉得……此时此刻,你、以及在场的诸位,能‘活着站在这里’这件事……我会没有算到吗?” Cold, these words made everyone besides Yama realize the biting cold coldness. 冷,这句话让除了阎王以外的每一个人都体会到了彻骨的寒冷。 „The doctor in imperial physician institute really numerous, you think why the emperor will elect your such old codger follows we to climb mountains and cross rivers?” Cao Qin uses an answer obvious issue, made up a Chang Wei blade. “太医院的医官甚众,你以为皇帝为什么会选你这么个老不死的跟着我们来跋山涉水?”曹钦又用一个答案昭然若揭的问题,补了常威一刀。 „-” Things have gotten to this point, Chang Wei has also been speechless. “啊-”事已至此,常威也已无话可说。 After one second, he calls out one, acts suddenly. 一秒后,他暴喝一声,骤然出手。 The bee butterfly that in eight hands sword dances in the air, as if each one has own consciousness to be the same, bypasses Cao Qin...... to swarm to go to Zhu Zhizha. 八支手里剑似飞舞的蜂蝶,仿佛各自都有自己的意识一般,绕过曹钦……向朱知楂蜂拥而去。 Chang Wei is supercilious, considers oneself as unmatched in the world, Yama that acts has not made him feel that surprised( he shipped out with the Zhu Zhizha same response), surroundings that seven big expert he has not paid attention. However...... Chang Wei to Cao Qin somewhat dreaded, he knows perhaps just had no odds of success with this immeasurably deep monster directly, therefore...... he chooses to attack Zhu Zhizha, tries to make Cao Qin expose weaknesses. Once Eunuch Cao were killed by him, that others feared that linked with the guts that he hit does not have. 常威心高气傲,自视天下无敌,就连阎王那番施为也没让他感到惊讶(他只是装出了和朱知楂一样的反应),周围那七大高手他更是没放在眼里。但是……常威曹钦还是有几分忌惮的,他知道和这个深不可测的怪物刚正面恐怕没什么胜算,所以……他选择去攻击朱知楂,试图借此让曹钦露出破绽。一旦曹公公被他所杀,那其他人怕是连跟他打的胆量都没有了。 However what...... Chang Wei has not thought is...... 然而……常威万万没想到的是…… Cao Qin has not moved. 曹钦没有动。 Factory in this Dongchang Duke, stands in indifferently same place, does not return, whatever Zhu Zhizha died in the hand under the sword. 这位东厂的厂公,就这么漠然地站在原地,头也不回地任由朱知楂死在了手里剑下。 What!” Chang Wei shocked once again, because the opposite party slightest has not moved, has not naturally shown any flaw, his following offensive is unable to start. “什么!”常威又一次震惊了,由于对方分毫未动,自然也就没有露出任何的破绽,他后续的攻势也就无从下手。 What's wrong?” Cao Qin takes up wine pot superficial one, you take for granted thought that...... I stood between you and your highness speak to you, to protect him?” He is smiling shaking the head, oh...... also gets what one deserves you dead not entire corpse.” “怎么了?”曹钦拿起酒壶浅尝一口,“你是不是又想当然地觉得……我站到了你和殿下之间跟你说话,就是为了保护他?”他微笑着摇头,“唉……也活该你死无全尸啊。” That corpse character has not exported, seven different styles and in vigor...... already like rainstorm bang in conducting the back of Chang Wei. 那个“尸”字尚未出口,七种不同的招式和内劲……已如暴雨般轰在了常威的背上。
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